1 fsalurd-r. February S5, IPCS - THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FTVTB 1 I f( ,-maSw on the square, told Jack there was. n (en plas'Si.bollle nf rurn IP" Waterfront Whiffs and it bottle of' English old. ale our for bis benefit any obi lime he fell like a lilllo "liihripanl. The Doings of the Mosquito Fleet Which It the Chief Source w-pJI.mnllo 'is-nlls' "well Ih.ii,' einls MACDONALD of Prince Rupert's Prosperity 41 The Fanny FH Caplain .litn Hells, left porl fill Wednesday Tim Admiral of Hie .Mnsn,iiilriWednPday from Capo Addingln ,for Ihe 'hijrh spols. The first fled reports thai fishing dutiiiir and iiu. r.,ii,.,..in,. ....i... t.. Cut Brier it... i , . " " u to deep son ishin? trip 'of the season. i'"" w,rK '' ""en streaky, ship s log book is inlerosling, Headaches Gone -in.- niii'Mi'i-ncing fii tnrgo pro. I'lie bnyx nre rather chillv n . ... ; . : porljons while others have boon Ihe weather up Xorlh han Ittrned The lliii?li':liler, Caplaiu l.ee, Perhaps you can imagine what poor. Srmtc bonis haw In Iff up wnler inlo ice. Ihe Can has1 which has completed a li-xht MORE TOBACCO FOR THE MONEY this means to one who had suffered dii Mio const for Ion ilny with. Jit! lakon observations on Ihe overhaul, cleareil from porl on terribly willi headaches for ten ml well iny a hook,dun In wiiu fun hnl for all I hi the jum is Thursday aflernooit for Ihe deep years. try weal hop. slill shining- and it doesn't seem sea fishtn? around". Ik C p' ,; Read alout it in this latter. Fish prices, have kept up well lo have hurl il any. I.oavinpr lo-nUhl. around the. Ifi cent mark until for Ibe fishirifr urotmtls. The Ipls, Caplaiu Mrs. Tena A. Smith, .Country cscnlay when I hoy suddenly C.lptain .lacoli'sen says bo will in porl earlv In Hnpen,the week arrived Harbor Cross Koads, N. S., uroppe,i in in cents, tor Ihosrj Iry and wreslle from I'alh'er Nop-Ittno tilh a fair slzpd cargo of hali-bill. 1lW writes! whit have boon forlunalo In make anolhi-r vtmul irlp like je )'( ! ti v we.-ilhep was experienced, "I frrl tint if anyone can recom- a haul of liulihttl Ihe fihing has lasl one. sy are now headed and Cap hopes fop boiler 5f n t .T i: i . - i . proved romunoraliw. soitlh by oasl." ItifflU U'i V-nW nrunincij tcnuiiuy luck nexl lime. nti. I lyrrrd for trn years from ,tvcre iiajafaaMa, and IJ.ouyli look 1 no ncrring arc roporlfd to The SI. K.loi, Captain Wilson, Canada's Best Buy - II kinds of IieaJache iowHrri llity li .xwiiimiiii noar llio Mtirfap' iti arriei in The Kouyjisii. jirrivr.l in port juil rrli'vrd m al die lime. I Lectin piplitlir ("ovo and f-nn-.i-qufnlly port on Thursday on Wednesday 'from Ihe halibut THE ECONOMY PACKAGE moi-ntnjr wilh (wo and a hair Ions try nrrvou, anu run-uown. ana every-il.inu Ilu- liorrins Ittinlors aro doin'r grounds, a .member .of llie. crew eeneJ lo trouble me, I have of (.-Hied herring; for Hie Cold ' laLrn r!(litetik bosn of Or. Qiaie'i (.'ood lni.-.inpfi.', and liait U plon Slorape, and will be leaving port received injuriVs lo his hand Nrne Food and rt liai male an entirely urn. for a repeal order. which iiecessilaleil iiospilal nv fenon of me. I fell thai . a Irealineni, and for ' Ibis 'reason I could not have lived without ii. I I hp Admlrally oTficp of llm Ihe calch wiis a lighl onei .In not have one heaJaclx now for I'loi'l llml fin- A new iiiilulry has sprung tip report-- n o( coit tvrrr l.unJreJ I uted lo have, and my 1 over night in the vicinity of Cow nrrvtf are good and strong. I jmi K.Hippiiriip proportions look plara May, litis lime II, is pi-.' keepin-r. The .VarbolhonjT, Caplain Freeman veined ItW pounds when 1 began lurin-j- Hip week on Wolff ls will be tiri.b fjroin;.' a freneral A fine specimen of a ground hoj? Skeonti Tor a boom nf logs, early uung Ur. Uiaies rxervr r ood, and and, ponMlderahlp damnpe boinrf is installed in a suitable build-in;-' overhaul in the near ftilure. in Ibe week. Dow I weigh 121. Knowing what thia done lo Hie ud juinmI.-i- ioii.e Ihe C.llllkinfr and painting- - will he QUALITY CLEANLINESS near the .Miu-IJp. pin In-atmr-nt hai done for me,.. canncl and lo (he personal effepts of done, while the engine will recommend it otlier." has been named liinky and has undergo The Tillictim nrrived in port loo liijlilv lo meiiilier-i of Hie Kleel who are' a thorough repair. 'It's Better when Baked by Electricity" 1 ery tame nature. Iniriiipf on Wednesday morning wilh n Dr.. Chay Nerve Food. 50c rdalionod -i (hat iioinl. A wire eerlain hours of Ihe morning good cargo of halibut, and clear, box, all dealer, Edmanson, less leoeived Hie, r-?5?- or was liy Admiral Tunky can be. seen slrollinfr Holt llanna has taken up oil for Ketchikan on Thursday. Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. of Ihe Fleet and the fire boat residence down at I he I around Ibe innin salon i.f Ihe iry Dock Mephlslojilieles was despalcheil Mug-Up, and on Ihe word "Die" 1 ion Ihe good ship i.oine, while The Princess Kna arrived from lo the scene lull did not Gold Piece within fire Xi-jlilin? distance, fret,nt will jusl keo over in a heap and Ihe casliug- of his new leeth Vancouver on Thursday iimniing $5 crumple ni, in fad il litis to be Is taking place. The old molars am! afler ilisdiargiug lumber for lie 'Tire owins to a warm ar?u-iiM'iil seen lo bo believed. gave Hob a deal of trouble and AlbeilA McCiirrefy Tor local con will be placed in our QUALITY MILK taking alioard place as, lo while consulting .lack Ogilvie on wltelhep Ihe powder hoilse sumption proceeded north. BREAD on FRIDAY or SATURDAY. was Ihe Milijre! inenlioned. Hie Further lo Ihe S. S. "Mirror" high worlli .iuvirif or not. liy the, slory In ltisl we'ek's issue. cos I of rlenlistry work. Upon You may be the lucky one. Ask your grocer lime the skipper had ponvinped The . Pactionn, Caplnin A. Afler (ho cabling aboiinl the examining- Ihe faulty members for Electric Bread. Note We will cleared for give lltal fire Swanson, Slewtirl on crew fiahlirt"; tlje as a :iv .v:k fir hiim-ii rou mhu. Mirror the good .ship relumed to of Hub's face .lack voluiiloered lo M:l'AUr.MI-..T r'OllKMT ltllAM:il,Or' I.A.MiS. ship II wlis their duty lo Iry and her home port of Plymouth, and extract the offending ones free, Thursday morning with passengers $6.00 in cash for the return of the gold piece stive ihe properly, the damapn after refilling; for three days gratis .yid for nothing. Hob and freight. .lT .llfi.N loll THE POSITION or a had lieen TJtere rompleled. was agreed (o Ibe suggest ion. and AVMSTA.AT KOItCST IIA.NOI.ll, proceeded lo Morocco wilh .lack no loss of life. The unlives of Captain Spencer, who was Toner aboard, t'pon nearing the tifler a deal of hunting around Obiect. the J sin rut hav(tnken the hush wrecked on Kinahan Island re-ccnlly, frtie xatiilrialMifM are 'or. Hi.' pnrim. Jo shores of Ibis port Ihe itiilives llio necessary wire rope was ..ir Jinwiil. vamnrlxa ami in piuliln and while I hoy claim thai il u 'has ilecided lo have a Electric Window Bakeries located nnd half hilch b. .';! In nualifj, for riiluro vai-arieli-s looked wilh suspicion upon Ihe a was t new and heller boat built to replace no ,.; In -.lair. Iti draughty sleejiin? In Ihe.' crafl ami would not permit any noally placed around Ihree op ' lUtii Aaatatant Inri'il Foreal luniri'rit Rangara.arr n(li. ih! I roe. Just now I hey oonnider it of (he s;tilors It land from the four or Hob's "old rrieml-i." Ibe Hlite -lay. The contract "Where Quality and Cleanliness Rule" t itr Hi, tiri fhihhi May lo SrptrinlHr will lie a heallh (rivim? sport Ihe While .lack and Hob' W-re considering has been lot- to Caplain . f'f I'aiHi ami lliin htIhI lit pinnace. Upon pinnace returning' yrar Kobrt, and' Ihe keel lias already ilfiijr.(l lnr4r .-ptinriible ii.v w oik on liu anuiri July and August, and any lo Ihe Mirror Hie Caplaiu whejlwr iti. (ie the 'rope VALUE Phone 67 SERVICE '"iimmi. Hirli a lrail. -lr. Ilcaiipolril-II been laid al Cow Hay. The dimensions one desirintr to book u tree for ! irimle e-arli yi-ar n Ioiik ll-Hrr xouglit the prided ion of Hie lo the door and .slam il,vop lo .'12' feel overall acrili-p U a-Ueii. I'rniiH.lloii lo IIM Ihe Mimmcr months should for one and only Morocco warship, place an" anchor -on Ibe did and are by ruiai. -ul i.latt. i..riiailn Jiy jnrru an4..iA.- 0 fool beam, nnd' will be filled ward their at lanui a iK-r,iioii inrern. Tlir ary application once In which was somelhing after the throw it over Ihe wharf, some. l IKr montll llift lli-at vi r anil a I III Ihe 1'rosiilont of Ihe Inland. wilh a 1 0-1 2 b. p. Palmer engine. in mill IIh i'rimil vi-ar anil airil Ilu. style of our government revenue i one drolled by tind inadverlenl-cutlcr. 11 is expected the new Ml sear TravoLliiiir ciriiiMii ari ai The warship .skipper in-liy caught a hefly bool in the . OA fT Our frozen herring bait is conceded by fl9hermen A mjhap occurred aboard Ihe boat will be -completed by Ihe Quallflcatlona for Cantfldatai. formed the. nallves I tal Ihe crew,rope with (be natural conse- DAI I to be the finest procurable at any Pacific Coast Scrub, C.-iplaiit 1). I'rince, iliinnar middle nf April. inilMlnlii- inual Im' tiilti Miiriji-la roil of the Mirror good Inuence lltal Hob's leelh fell nut. is $30 ton. lilt In IHIIMi lloluuiliU for al lia.l ihim lite week, which mljsht have been were sporls, Port and it "Fishy." Price, per fir or imhhi riiarai-ier. K'hhI iivulral eon-I'lon and upon bis O.K. Ihe natives I Hob says il was Ihe neatest and ilt-vp' The best way of insuring a good quality trip is ntiil liti ih,- rinrli-iii-r. allended wilh serious rons-inon-cos l-'lossie Flirl has left for Seal (he to land, .lack most painless piece of work he IVrfIL have of hard frozen ice. i to riipy .lioiilii Iwvr. iKHripiii' In nin llirlil-kt permitted crew which will plenty our Price, for the victim but for lite Cove on a holiday," io:..4a Hm aljlluy tn orirnnlzi uork he bad the lime of his -has ever, come across. M tlHIl.llr- loi-ll, nliil luto 'kOoXll'dK1 or presnce of mind of the prow ays probably extend "er Ihe week 51 per ton. llMfil A'l. life anion? Hie Moroccans who nur well-equipped store can supply fishing gear, Mr. Cook, KOereliyy lo-Mii skip- end. Oi-ff-Jfc I ho I'VaniliiHlloiK arr p.irlo' u i'lttrn, !rll; oral unit lir- iti'i.lirnriil lo li'nt tin tier, was reclinlrt,r hiii Hie main, lined him llko a king. After re- 'n,H Lillian M, Caplain Scotly fishermen's clothing, groceries and provisions i fiilalr .itillll'. iilontr 1 1 if ahovi llnoa. pairing Ihe shore cable lino in 'lipid, is being: refilled at Cow and hardware. - B la Irini r.i innln lii applicant n lo sail boom, durin? a n.iu?-iip in The following- boats are til rl'lii" "iliK-allon ami Ulnf"- ore ml)-! Morocco Ihe Mirror proceeded Hay. Considerable new trear hits terval, figuring- out some short. prose'hl in porl: Samson, Glide, vprillrutlon tin rtarnlninir Ixwiiil. rer iM, - Klvi'ti liy (o ri'liirni'il nolrttir hand noles, when a trust of wfml to Gibraltar and upon dropping been added lo the outfit, nnd Pelican, Xarbol hong-. Lillian M., NEW ENGLAND FISH Company llir- OH---. -M ipialllli'Mtioti. hep anchor Jack clambered from ; everything; will soon be in first . Ketchikan, Alaska Branch Lillian Laura Tht Eiamlnatlona. .swuns tl 0 boom oer the lee II.'itla, Vixen, F., ii '.iinlii.iii iii mil In- Im-M al ttio ward li'l" prepipllallnK the cnbe lho engine room lit Ihe bridge, 'class shape for a deep sea hike. I.., Peggy, l.ydia K., Iris, Kulh, ' ' ami mi Hut ilaten naini-il liclov.. Kai ll and In dirty forlorn, lay n complaint unr afull'l.i l -tioiilil apply to tin" Into Ihe sail chuck. The cry of Heaver Cove, Huby Mae, l.ojla il., i In I I'ol.'jili of 1U rtuuld fiu- appll- to his captain against (he ' r.no - nnil r roi liirix irmilriii ri'Kard- man overboard" brousltt llio The Department nf Fisheries Starslon, Napoleon Prune, west and you could write "daiu-lmlion" ernmenl was just gelling over, i Hi tHiiir of tlir t'tniiilnn linn ami tin- caplaiu on dock, who sup;jestel econd eiigintr, for violence patrol boat Honila, Caplaiu '.loo Tramp, Sadie, Hringgold, K. on that. a little debauch. ililr III wlitill II will Ih lirlil. Applli-a-. while lolling Ihe captain duly, 'i.ln -Im.ii lit. III c.nil 1'IIMi. Ill' lllll'll lyiiij? (he fallen one lo a buoy on llulrhings, returned lo porl, from Xielson, Heyeille, Alii, Iniprouise, Those were the "good old it nl iiuilr-ii o ttip liiflrnt rorc-tfr in and picking him up 011 I heir pe Hint he wished o be paraded a patrol of Ihe coasj on Tuesdsy Flora and -Margaret of Itichmond days" but I believe these are belter. TI1K Japanese men have voted I' iM foro ivauli Mm al n't luo 1U.V9 the of Hie Hock before aliiiiiHIion, I urn to port. Ilowcver, llm' first Caplaiu hi?ht. Hoach, Victor II and Kinntount. The average home is boiler, against letting Ihe women vole. Apply In Lii (if Gibraltar. The caplain of Ihe Can lilame Iheni. 'See what Uatri, irlrl riirritfr al male, after a lonslhy discusiion our people are heller fod you 9a 'IT Mairli II Vaur-oiivcr prevailed upon Cap o take the Mrror told Jack he could see Ihe J, J). I.ockwood, customs officer and belief clothed, Ihe ordinary has happened hero since, they ttiipr-il Mil Marrh I'lll If.trt I'l ltirn Kainlooi ItniKTI suhmerpTeil man aboard a?uin and Captain of the Hock on the Wednesday with Hradhtiry & Yelf, arrived I In the Letter Box j kerosene lamp of today would were given Ihe vole. Think of B rlnrc rirfirne Mari-h Mart'li-HI ti l'ririri I'rlni-i' lieoi llnirrl iri' Ibis pourse was ndoplpd, much lo morninp. in Ihe city on business on make Nero turn 'over. Ihe number of cigarettes they NoImui Willi this assurnnce Jack sal night ... board Ihe Honila. now use. Marrli Kit lite doliuhl or Mr. Cook. Cap lias Tuesday Same Kind of Kids. in ti Miii'.-li i Wllllnmri Ijikr uted Ihe skipper ami walked off. 1 ...nn. I.aki Mm. Ii .11) Willl.im l.ati now issued orders thai trespass-inn GOOD OLD DAYS. Ii. It. -AHK.. lite mainsail boom is On the morning in ineslion Ihe - Our boys and girl are just It you haven't yet seen the Jii-pnly MinlMrr r !.sinl. on of Ihe Mirror, wilh Mr. Ihe same kind of kids as those Caplain lit Sheik had better sliiPlly forbidden. The Starslon is. lied up al (lie IMilor Daily News-. you slay Godfrey the second engineer, and Government pier. .. of my day, only they seem In me homo. oi might want to slay The Secret Service nf the Fleel Ihe chief mate, look Jack ashore Deap Sir. 1 remember Ihe lo hnve it easier. They are not for both shows if you saw the and into ol'riee, Hie party lime when we used o have to one bil happier. They have jusl reports Hint I (inly Moore ha an The 'Wigwam, Caplain Claudo first, ; manicure the pasture n gel feed Ihe and taking seats behind a oohnlor same' joys sorpnws we slipped nut of port again, ami the Kelchuin, proceeded lo for the cow. e saved, Ihe rat had and ladies look our while Jack t'nd mil side. A .young Ihe pack of curds which the he mouth of the CHEMICALS slough at I LAUNDRIES AND lo make and cundle.s. We Admiral had confiscated from naval officer came in and slarlcd soap even holler lo lite limn lltnso IMnty, for his personal use, are in lo question .lack, but his ac siist'il Ihe ashes lo make Ihe lye of my youth while those of the I'lt'iVl.M.K miiKST-op itiiirisit iiiiv.m:ii.roi.l MiilA,. also missing1. It is feared that cent mailrt our hero suspicious, ECZEMA lo make the soap, both hard and older generation look youyger Tho telephone tinkled Ihe oilier I'KI'AIJTMri.M' W .AMIS. Uinly Is plying tils Iratle of pok who asked him if he were Ihe soft, livery farm was a com unit ooi mi iiirii. i ii u nii-ii mi- day, and a feminine voice said. 'a miv.vtkivs con Titr rnsiTio.N or er playing -nn I liov his It, seas, and Caplain of (he Hock of Gibrallar, ON FACE AND HANDS munily in llself.. We did tjol heltor preserved, so I cannot "I huve been reading your, adver-lising IOHKbT TIA.iur.ll all boats liave been instructed In lo which he replied "Xn." At thia manufacture Ihe oloh bill every agree willi Ihe -pessimists thai lulely, but don't the latin, for Five Years family made ils own clothes, Ibe is going lo (he dogs Object.... .... follow nickel trails wilh the lack got. sore, and grabbing his country dries ue chemicals in their any Tl..n n....i...... .1... .i.i...i.n shoes, etc. We made our own The only trouble is wo cant r can wished Ihe irnl boring good- washing?" .; iiuiiiir a vucuni-y ttml to ciinhlii i-nitill-".ill- hope of running him down again. in ntialirjvjrnr future varouflnn ami live nn oi'lllhu- niilsidc Jack r.rieina or sah rhpum. ti It la o oflen ; candy and candles. When we (tike tlte same bandy method of ' Yes, wit do use chemicals'; so To Ihe skipper capturing Diuly rci.c- in irr. . .... ..1,1 ...II I'-iellninc-'r""1' "latilfestJ Itself In little round could not get sugar we u-e gelling rid of Ihe prohibitionists does ., Foraat does your baker, nnd so ecry Rangara. Moore Ihe Fleet will give a " r . pirn,des which contain an euremflj Irrl-: I , - sweehiln I'svriml Ti U Itiiinri r loved llii' full ( 1 1 was am uni. ..'51. alary i ri.iMl imt month Iwenty-cenl bann.net al (ho Mug. aga nsl a rock in (ho sun. anil num. i iinHn urn. Bull luusr. ' , . . . ,. , today. limieYjfe when she mokes (hosV J lii-lil cxff.i.. This ,1a Ini-rr-axwl t" You see in I hose days (he pro delicious (tot biscuits you enjoy : rr iimnni llir- arr-oiiil yi-ar anu I'P. !lnit.i ! 11 J-'C f iiulcccnt hibillonisls confined llieir ef P.'ii.ififn nf (hi linftt liiiiicr fiiiL burnlnir. Itchlnir and Bmartlnr. n o on if ......... ..... so much. no.nin ti,o thiru' prnvlitfil i " ,- yi-ar v..I . . ..... . -.I.. ...t I 'fl.A nl.Mil....... .if la I Itnb ..no.. HU.rurl.ii-v Mitwifn i. .!... i..i w.a mr.i..i. Caplain T. House, (ho cham I'll a jktil , il! Hii 1 n i'K in imuj. i iiifiiii ur wucu 1110 imri is ; mi- ir u u 1 1 rii 1 1 1 t ikii i i n it- i' forts to each other so the rest We shall have more to say on ilS. '''lalm.il In llio pxaiiilimllon; nln T, am r.iiortiinllli- for promotion to pion crab fisherman of Ihe Mos-quilo (A ('...inln'r' nnnpfpp.-i ' nn.l nnon - " " I'mniiuy mini ruses accunnng nf us, got along. chemicals later: meanwhile; don't i uparaine rpnr-i is weicouit-a. aiauiy ''!'. '' llantrfi-a who fall lo ami. In our parents. I know because llOOMKS K, I'U:F.MA.. ? r focilir hlahrr irrail.'g In ihMr llrnt Fleel, left porl nn Tliur arrival he was admilled to (he Th. re u only on. way to get relief and you think this is an almost ideal 'n"!;"iaiioii limy havi on opporiiinlly in ilu d.iy morning' in r-wunpany with presence of Ibis high aulhorily. nn remedy like I was one of Ihpjii. treatment fop your llannel and QuallAcatlona ii iiiii-ni rnnirr-r for Candldataa.oxarimmiioin. his chief officer, H. (iranler, for t he Caplain of Ilia Hock, being a UROOCK BLOOD BITTER! Were Gentiles. woollen garment' I,.,-:';l"l""".'."' ''rly-llm rr(Knitxii or ire,Kiiliji'i'la tLUlilent not Hie crab fields, several large stickler for a square deal, had real Take of tin.It dltease Internally In 'aud Ihe blood It fc-ru and at drives tun When we wanted Inys, we The Man in the Moon J First Bath Use abundance of '.r L 1 Columbia ror al nni' jfr specimens liavinif been sig-hled Ihe officers f the Hock parade ul of , CyMem, made llieni, and sometimes we warm water 100 degs. Fahr.; add ana"'.'"'.''haiapli-r.will, w.hhu r..r.-i,.,n..ariUHl pliy.lrul rondltloil by incoming craft. Cup says lack lo the Court House, and or- A.ply It eilertially and II takes out the slole IJto material (o ntuke lliem SAYS: neutral soap solution to make a II. ii 1.lllH'""of if ranilllnr Willi Hip prar-L!L IJtere is no crab swimming In the lered (be cupluln, second en Itching-. Mlnftnif anil burntnr. and promotea wilh. We were genlllcs In a good suds; run 15. loiraliiK. tlniln'-r rriilalnir, ur-kn''.lL.'"", ln-althy lipalltur, 'orns. (iroti'i'llnni iiuaai'aa Pacific ocean which win put gineer and first mule of the Mr. J, Sain. t5 rrineeia Ave. Vancouver, Mnrmoii coinimiuity. The Mormons INSICGT.S destroy a great dal Second Bath Fill machine with i.T ti' '' "inanmii or-lh.i. work l-nroat ami Arti liiiiiilir an imhv Iiavn anylhlnif over mi hini. It is expected Mlrmr to nllend Ihe trial,. The H. C.. ril" "llvln sure red wanted lo prohibit us. find think what damage llio bum. water same temperature as first l.arii. '""'"'W.Uoiik' mi pmily wilticn. IJinl Ihe price of crabs voidicl wt lho trial went in with ertema on the race and bead for the These were Ihe days when tho bug does. bath (100 degs. Fahr,), run trtree in. i I'1?1- 'H'lv iloKlirni-il lo lint tin- lack's and Ihe second en (ant five yeara, I consulted teveral doctora. biintllls and when will take 11 Jump nn Cap's rein fuvor. were a power minutes. Extract In spinning basket ,1 ll"'n''i"U,.HMilo"in.o by apulli-aiiH at U in.' Rlneer was reprimanded. am lotions,itieu but various I derived inua no benefit or taives from ai,v ma i "", ''entiles patrolled Ihe slr'ls TIIIJIll'' are not 'many people five minutes and finish drying Ir.'i i'h.V ""''alion, liy nun the pxntuliilnir nuiPNa am boanl.iiio The F.I he .lune, Captain However, tho second engineer of ilirtii. I did not know what to do until In tmlrs, when a sawctl-off shot living' on first slreeb but slill at moderate temperature. No win.L ii... '"'r.v l""-'"ilualllli-aUiaia." reliifiied noldliia Hllchie, left nn Thursday for llm tlid not lieiir any malice toward a friend advised me to Iry Burdock- Blood gun preveiiletl oUP Deillg IU'o- fewer on easy sired. wringing, ro rubbing, no extremes, l l to-in .tiiM-j-g''ainlnaliotia will lake, plarn last shrimp fishing cxpedilinn of lack after the Irial was over but Billets, and after I bad used two botlks Ijhiblled, when Cowboys and In. of temperature, hence no broken ti' iilii ,m AU,vl1 f"'11.on .Mum,I "i" rnrthiT ifiin pur-anil Ihe season. On return lo port it pille Hit! conlrary, telling Jack eitrbl iirpMii hottlis lu pel I.tnrf-have not eveo.ign intr a blotch laiiu.on diaiis met in u friendly endeavor Till'. Hrltish Oovocnmont com. buttons op shrinking of you fff' Hutmi " ""' ni!"rin is the intention, to ,rem aim that ho admired his nerve, pnr. Die. I feel that J cannot pralae B. B. U. U prohibit each oHier, .when millei! has ,made u reeominenda. garments. W. II. MarlNM'S. ppvecd for Ihe tiallbui iisuing moled him from flrenian In deck too. blbly. I bope you will make full ute prairie schooner and bull team (Ion for ('he clipping of another This service Is at your disposal. nilll Pro Ire CoinmlsnlniH'r. grounds. Cap Hunks il limes ulueer. Jack and- Ihe officer,"' '"' recouuueodatioo for the benefit or and pack irafn brought ono of foiiy million dollars from ihe I nxpi-ct -a MitiRlo lulvfirllsf-'m less time In fill his craft will: tilled together for nnm . finie. i'hose no are aunerinr irom iota terrirte lho most wonderful migrulions of estimate Jhitt year following the CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY a i I 1 In pay u ns fnollsh lo halibut Mian il d"es In fill il wilh leen litonllis afler litis epiaoue, Ui B B pu, up w)y by The T. JflOiurn man ucross lho continent, when former recommendation In cut Phono x. (uijvt., 'P In isrnw as nlng fast friends. The secnntl Co., Limited. Toronio. Oot. your bible was all ths literature off about four hundred millions. fn frftm shrimps, ihr, 01 one mcat ofTift The I'elicnn arrive., m P"1-- " enuinoer, to prove that he wusjjinany different luanchcs of ullt- you would find in most of the It looks as if tho Hellish Gov- Advertise fn the Dally News,