be 17. 19"?. THE DAILY NEWS PAQR THRBf l or a eotnforlalilc ilor lati I'bonr 383. Hair rcnuonatilr. H. Our 1922 line is Local and Personal HaudnacfilM k V. Matwrll. If. a dandy. The finest ... ,. OUrt FAMOUS 8TOVF. COAL GUM. fen- Greeting we ever 1. U. UnCeitakera. Phone li. tf Is, if anything, brtlrr thla produced. year. Uonsumen Coal Co, Lid. Beautiful Hsynere, Undertakers. 'Phone I'Imhio 7. tf afc dainty designs-new 3SI. ,f Xlrrfln f KM-mlicra of IliflH m ideas,quality I H. I.eilli ef for Pmntly on Aorla( I,.. held in Cards llir train aai iiiulil Orderly llnofR -ln-day Ot-I. sentiments, and I a. al 8 p,m. every card splendid AIM-I KS. KhIiiik and routine-. i-i i. right. :ity Market, tf Ihr rMiri of thr ItullUinir value. rommiiiaion rr fin- limit win that are different rather IMnrtiNiKtoii left n IIk laid on Ui ImM for m wrrk nl ciaaM Orders, arc I t win U.i night rr fmnrr Lake thr rouneil hmIIhk lat night. promptly execut rr (ody's Transfer. lhMrv"' OMloUnerr Taliriadiir al Ihr ed, no delay, no middleman's profit. Drop in i.oei, pnonr I7H. night r H'ralhidlBM liMeHrht in "Woman in, or if not convenient, phone us and our 'lay. . tf Ma Plarr."k Hniel,4mR'ioii Oatnrdjr:ir-. n and Hot.I5r.' Best Cigar Value CTfi J. W representative will call. - rt. .-orwieit wa a nn. a. hiht "ii last tiiahl' train fir Iter (i.V.Vrt. annual jrrnrral in Canada !l at. iirctlnt Wflt lltbr plarr In thr You will find what you want in our offerings jiritrr' HlHI on Oelvltrr I'J ''I )"r old ilork toine! I al p.m. l(Bin-: KJrrtion GENERAL ClO COMPANY Limited CONTROLLED AND OPOJATtO f3Y IMPERIAL TOBACCO CO. Of CANADA LIMITEO repair all kind. Ueorfn Oiiit). f nnVer; aiidUorn rriMirl and Wai lunaker tf itarr lavawfMH maltere. 2tS . Haluani. of Cedarvale. ia re- iiHi. Mr Raw, thr formrr "1 "ma liirtiuiir the T. V. liat-k.-tl..i, .ri on iln e. in near rrll know aaarrhani ami fur rain lael niylil on a i'inl tiip jf'ilui. in lake ii permanent pr- trader itf iNaWea Lake. ba fumm -- lo Caltforwau, vrfwrr he aye lia o ltlHlllon. AIST LINES, says Paris, are - finda tmnrm aedlrm-iit In thr dl Mi- r.haili- evitwarl, i-hamrd mi)It w Mui-urriiair, ,.f Terrace. i Hnt ibM lN rr il in rfur normal. .in. f..i Montreal .on h-. tradln. lealtna a ali-i- from a ranot coming back to i i..i r.iixiiind on . in Cm I lay. wa tried .Ix-for.- Jutlfr Younir in the omiI Th rreMMrt f Ihr htilktinct tm- Court yrtrrday. and aeunittrd. - -irf lr rrtMl at tlw rowaril iiieert If "normal" is Full L. . Patnmre, f Palmori' A & your alock of 3-ply Cotton, iiia larl ntekl in thr City Hall wood Veneer Fnlliin. appeared for tin? dr-fene than demands, HERRING It now being car aavr ihr loftel mi of NiikMnz higher grace rled and W. KiMr'n- Uir by Albert & McCaffery, Ltd, for thai month a XI.AM.AO. there clever Crown. are Phone 116 or 664. tf . Kr. paid 1 19.10. Thr report I i ,.li,. i.-fi ii' train lae mm adopted. - Ihr iae nf J. C. McLrnaan. BAIT mati: mi u liohitay lri. to HI. Oiinmrnriaff tomorrow mzht. who i rlearped by I br provin. Gossard Caul Mm ii H.- will probably rial polb-r wit Ii an infraelioii ftMinl KcbiHta a i.nrrrt iwrtr of the liaiM.- Art in thai be ahol n-iiiih via Ainrriraii toad and will br at the Wr.lholHw I1tA K.'all I.-. al x anir from a alioat in lh-Vtrinily Irr. Thrrr will br a frnturr Corsets - of Mr.Virhtill Cr.-.-k. will Ton - pirturr nlr a Mil ibr ho- will IS i 1ft m I $30.00 At llif cot we tofore SUpendian Maaia- i. - V-' per r hiii. il i 1 1.,ji af larf at 7 o'il.wk. AdHiiio iimht m lb Cut Hail, an itftVr 55r. and He. Irnle MrMullin at - M Iln afternoon. designed especially for Finest on the Coast froni t: i. Mum.. ,.f air ixi fr that lot .) - simply sweep H.vk i. tW. ;.. Thr f-rort of Ihr pjljr rnjria) you r-il I h- oirr Ibr CI'll. teamrr Prmr- wa mailed. this defect out rrr uhmitled ! Ihr City roun figure - Mary l dur to arnp in port I Obtainable from ril lal nkabL at llirir mrular Fir Veneer, 3 ply, full height w.-ilj MireliHV In-Id in thr Cily lhi erniny frMN(tlw north ru of existence so far as Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. of Cottonwood rooma, and Veneer,4 feet Lath wide; alao and fundvrr Hall. alatrd would that b-IIU.IMHI rrtifirrI fert of in rtKjt"to a wtrrtrmt Ut lhi Arrordmit morn-in the eye of the beholder Platter. Call and aea my atsck. 7 hi- Irfl Juneau al A p.m. is concerned. PRINCE RUPERT (.nnrrlioM wilh r.-oair ork In E. H. Shockley, Cow Bay. Phone kt nujht and at miiniht wa llank road. laWalk ami othrr 3S3. tf fnriMtnd. The rsat-t liMr of I admuailiac ur typr i ink- -t l-r i.r.Mii-ti.rfi. , thr type 4 wnrk. Tin- rrfwMi vk thr man laHKirUnt (id. ti Scanty lH'li brUmt. Rm.rd it 4 her arrival i nl known. adopt rd. ll nn tiad. RBN-atbrr lalriaU'l pri.-d. lauadrr limatl-rMii. I'-l and I.O.M.A. Wliil 4. taal mtutevrr stwr Him Buy tw iii mitr to or evra I' in.I Ham-. M,troHilr Halt At Ihr router,! mreliwz hrld Ciuni Srbeda. violiniat. Andre I lor, .re OuMr4 ijmrli na put Ut nfftflMr runet ind mill tl li ii-U. ik-loi,,., IV at H .i Jiunirh, the faniouK fwrbian uw miw' tm mi it Toia ir r rtmtitn trh u rua urtrr Ml aJhi in list tlUr Hall a tnt ad wrtebt to (! Vol Iha prw- Sar brfi. -''-' Kvrrbi4- wrknimr baritone and Hwnialo Pnoo i port froaa the iHihilUV cuHml krh. ' l lllllr lirvd. .Vd4niHloi ion rarnaawmliHS that all the youthful Kurouean piamt Gossard trade marked Corsets GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY r.n .ml.. 213 dan- hall and other piare are Mlled al Ue Weathotmr to. $2.50 4. urd for dan-inir hr rvNHirel tw morrow- nivbl and for th re. as low in price as iii.'liiir ..f lalx.r Niainth-r Ihtr will mirrariiU wrrk. Tbrri' take li.f out a ir. ami that the !! will In- li.-i, i lh :ar he a feature pH-turr inly. laii- IS, PRINCE RUPERT AND PRINCE GEORGE. buiMina iaprr4r liM in-w H-ni) nan. uinl'-r tar au-iii'i in? at 7 o rlock. Adniiiion 5j- 1 11 i ! Hi !. ai it n HHdattat ttr 1 ri mm MIL. Ia and Kle a rerlifiraUi hi H. S. WALLACE LTD. ' .f vanoouvta, vtctoaiA, stamt. i . ! 'f tin- tratli - and iilr I'.oiiik'iI the narXy of lnciu2 Ibrrain. and 25r. CO., on antoi, MMiMtii, 11 row STIWAKT, tlorr, lonmhl mi H j. in. tfuUjtH't. mm adopted. Muni.'iMl dITaiip. l thr- rwuii."il NierllMK lo-lil t. PRINCE JOHN, At lite i-ouiu-il nteHtWK hl iiiald in tbr tUty Hall a re A Ill im ''Ulli luili.ltr I.UIMb. . Oct i, ft. t A liltfr radj fi.on K mad frw the lloanl port wna nlaht held in I be City Hall the DAILY PASSENGER SERVICE. I iiiatiiik . at thr f.xinril Buildiiia rmiHiiM retHii-neeuded f Work oil I tie iiaiion of Hie DSlCv IICIPT SVNOST. (40 J". f r I in... iik. Sif Mi. Wlaai-(ft, lint-linn lal niKhl. -niilainina' Ibal prrtMiion hr xiven Smith lland rn-k delivery. The drnl ii,. r..r ill tMnl. I oirrti iih1i tad tail SUM. f fin- fal Ibal nurfart walrr report auzpevlrd that II. M. Hal.- for the intallali.M of a 30 tral. from ibf Kiiik KtHvanl Kt-hM injilon, ronlrarior. iw nwlified! Face Agency For All Ocean Steamship Una. ItHi xaiwdinr uimi iHHlerneatli m flowing into thr ItaviHriit the that unlean br llM'K up to the Jonteel uavenirnl ouble the Kairn C 1 TUi.l OIIU, StS Tl - trlae nmmtl. "f ln Imhim. Tin 1 ma 1 or w Irrni of the I'oiitrarl' a rr. (iaraae on 1 1 aer alreeL ieo-Med i to ih- Krhtml Board and jrard the ifuaiiliiv of rork to lie a roH-i MnrHwnl Ur entered Creams It ..ti.I of Work fur altt'iition. into Willi the ally. The delivered each day lo lair rare - report Ma ainiU-t!. of the nl) reiiii-,-uieni tbal CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY j Ih' r.-io, i ,.f br I lilltH a. thv eoillrat'l ite eant-elUI. l'be i. .iioiiiii.',. tbal Hi.' Iind-r of Ihr report wa ixtopted. B.C Coast Servi ce s .ii .olmn iM-nciai Klrt'lrie U. Mr. and and thru Mi Heruuin MMIr ilauvhter lhm-hi. Cold and Combination i." niilyiua an oil dry.T la Ibr When you buy advrrtifting you Jran. will Iravi foe VnnvMuver nit. for !! in I In- i-li'drir UaUl buy CIIU'.UI.ATIH.Y and er that and othrr noutlo'i-w (aainln uei thr Reduced in price, 50c now jar. a Sailinijsfrom PrinceRupert I i. i'i -lull.oi, at a riwl of oil art It. tf li uir.-.n Mary knwtaiit. A a; M int f.o.h. d-lnialioii. For Katchlkan, Wrangall, Juneau and Skagway iii.i.i'i al tlir .mnril iiiwIiiik le'ialil i lo i- nsiulletl on They are also put up in a new style jar and will SepL 4, 15, 25; Oct, 2, 13 and 23. the t-oiiditioi of lhair ilaushtrr ANNOUNCEMENTS lu lil lu-l tuabt in I In- '.ny Hall. For Vancouver, Victoria and Sesttle a. ... who ha liern uilinf ftr eeral keep indefinitely as they arc air tight Sept. 9, 20. 29; Oct. 6, 17 and 27. A li'Mi-r rend at llir r.niii-i-il uioiiib. It i i.nihatila Mr. ami S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For fJutedale, Swanson Bay, iiiifliit U-l ii i m lt from A. Mr. Thoiiixm will rswide p-r-Manently Keep eloh i' .'n free IIik Hard-tiuieit Itau.-o Inhibition Cast Bella Bella, Ocean Falle, Namu, Alert Bay, Camp, II. MrPhri. hi -it 1 1 1 it lb,, al. in Hi. ineMtti. Halt. ORMES LIMITED ball River and Vancouver, Saturday at 1 p.m. every Ii-iiIioii of iln- ,'oiiiit-il t thr - - 3rd Ave. and 6th St. P.O. Box 1680 Line. I br Hiah s,'h ltd 8luttrnt Agency for all Sleemthlp Ini'I Miai a i-i-x I'ool wa Im-iiih are Pylbian Siater Haiaar in K. lull nifi'i-million from I nl in on l.olliuii.'rr 4rr-t. M briuyinv Iln- h C. Qnainlon. I'. Hall October M. Phones S2, 200 and 134 W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, oiiio-i-lloii ol mIii. Ii would i-i-oa M.A., lira 1 1 of OwlutSlbia lo 4. THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO REXALL STORES Corner of 4lh Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. In iroiirty. un. l hat I i. Primv ltiHrt. Ha 1 one of lloy Scout!. I.oral iK-iatiMi IimhIi'.I lo IiiiIhi. ;i .-.ili'i. l.-H Canada for'in -I orwUMfw. ori Annual Mi-elinn of meiubera aMd .IIii'i il.iu m.'k- mail,'. Tbr irinal. hiiiiioiou, sMlrirtie. I'olii-e friend in Court. City hall. LIMITED ii.nil.-I i- i, l .1 in iln- Hoard Two lr-iur.-. ii. lobar SI nml ?5. 8 al UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., Monday, th-tober W, pJN. f ..T-k- for i . I in KMtpre TliiMlra. fiUiir-t: SAILINGS "I'm and Mi-iia uf Knlih For Vancouver, Oi-ean Kall ami Swanoti Bay, Tuesday 0 I aimuaar. mikI "Uwnior ami Hnapital Annual Hallow rrn DENTISTRY! For Vancouver, Alert Hay and Port Hardy, Saturday p.m. UallniM HalL Audilonuin, luesday. Oc-totiar of a l'arfoaj'n I.if,.' For Anyoi, Aliee. Ann, Port Simpson and Wales leland, 8unJa 31. midnight. See This New I'rieea 5-. ---4.and "'thj. Modern X-RAY Service For Naaa Rlvar Cannarlea. Krldav a.m. MatbiMiiitt ilhurcb HaiMnr. I In- big o. iitl MSN of Ihr Chunli Parlors November first. i-ar in Caiholi. rljwtaa Like-idai-r DR. BAYNE WrdinnlMv an) Community Set TinrUy. Raiaar. Klks' ih-l..,..r 8 and 10. 'IliN rur Itoyal I'urplr Rooms 4, S, , Helgerson Block Phone 1M Flour it will be bi lil in tlk otd nunr-irr Hume. .Nowmber 8. oftlco Hours: Mornings. U-tJ: Afternoons, t;30.S;J0; Purity 6 Knives 6 Forks i. ,,f ihr Itiif if 'lalilw Supply. Evenings. 7.9. 6 Teaspoons 0 Tablespoons Church of Knicland lUmar. ilh Klrei. iiii.l r Ji -iiiiiirr. Cliurrll Hull. November 13. 1 Butter 1 Sugar ' Iln- ladirx in i' i i r jfe Mare lirfr 4. t' ii 1 1 1 1. i in Case inoiv optiniilii I iir iiu- i Ladies' Ha Our modern mills which are SI 4.60 uivbai'Kfd Willi ilia n umber and iaar.1'rei.byterian rruay. o. Ala ii DATT Our froxen herring bait is conceded by fishermen with machinery 'lliit in (In n lutrhl prodtir variely of lian.l nwida ereallon 1 to be the finest procurable at any I'aciflo Coast equipped up-lo-the-minute tnui. KiiuruntiM'd trood quality l,, M- M-rn m iln IHTrHl Iwh.IIi. lUpli-i tUiiiirii ll:uaHi- in Port and II is "Fishy." Prira, 130 per ton. use the best selected hard wheat procurable. witli tuiiili'n kini ul nioder- Ikaiaar opi-n- ilmsday 5 Cliureli Parlor lei einbrr 0. IpC The best way of Insuring a a-ood quality trip Is ulr iM-n-i'. and i-Iom". wild Hraud liruwinu io ntve plenty of nard (rojen than our ic, prea, U is better FLOUR impossible to buy a f lri'-. I liuri)ay iiIrIiI. tl per ton. PURITY. Sold by all Grocers John Bulger, t'.ouiil In .1,1 .f (uiatiiMtioiml EM0RR110IDS Outfits ur e"-lu,Pi,',l tu', c" upply nabiiitf tear, Tha JawalUr fume, ami ln iU)kj will br H mulh.r day wlia flshertnen's tlotlinu, groceries and provisions IHt sol euttar with ii In. -lay uii Tluir. and hardware, llt-hlnc Uidlu. ur rrolrudias THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. iIm afleriiooii- I'iuiui talkx til., or IU ii...rrn..i Ijl No ml. Iw. HiiO'i will lie lb in lb ! lit ttlglit. Join Uii.Tm.iit untr.l ou..itiu m t. ii.r-iu- r'i. "n; aad NEW ENGLAND FISH Company l, Uo 7-IIJ I'rlncai llurt. U.C. IMione UBO Hie crowd and ' tlt fun at lrli n.a iMtlnc h ". it.a a. all Katchlkan, Alaska Branch " TT" f" IBsw 1 1 t Uit Uical Cutb.iiu Diiiuur. ;ii L1BII Man..