PAGE TWO THE DAILY STWa F 'dr .' ji 1 ," A Reputation EXPECTS BIG . LOYAL ORANGE LODGE SUCCESSFUL EVENING PLAYER S for unvarying Quality is the FISH CATCHES Greatest Mark of Distinction. Th flf! wfci.i rim and lane of ln auin. and lha Many Vessels Have Gone North ";"' J-' rs NAVY CUT ,u-iwr ami 1! lJtJVV. I And Should Corn In With hM in I lit MetHl tun 11 ' "SALADA Halibut 'nisrftl. The fBHW was a H-1 lead arwiftit aho! M e.ma4"i CIGARETTES BUSINESS DISCUSSED '"Hair ntewsit. Whi.l wa. pinged nniil IM .vai TEA Jamse Let Gives Intereitlna TalMfM. is whirh earhtora t on Industry and Its Problems has given Matchless Quality for 31 years. ! Mr.. V. Iti-M the So Delicious! Just Trr It, That th present autumn de. flet awtoe. while Mr. Itveria of fish are likely in h took thA ennd pHae. larse and that the etrhinff of ';n, he winajee nf The Daily News hlnStif in (be autumn a men. the tnWm p.nre. and W. Ija In tH fiilure nf the haliW F. tiamnrw enrrted T In I'HINUK RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ennd jime. lj in rtn.try wr the chief point Published Brtry Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince ;nd.hy J saves in an addre M Urn nf the eard Idaylnr MfafyM Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue. hfor th Rotary Clnh at it refrehnenU e rved After whiefc djHkrinsi II. F. PULLEX. Manuring Editor. ionchovn lrday. am. Jie,i iim- .tPatSH mi .Mr. iee .ail (rial tie was ArthitrV Mrtra isnlU tie Krnueht mb in a not II flshta? rl hne. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: town of annul ten thousand in City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month 1 1.00" habitants 'n the Iht of I ho The ewmniytee pxpW'tt tar By mail to all part of the British Empire and the United States, Xorth sa awl that hi fnlhe- in nr.IjtlPa m lae evenflMt rnwinHK. Mr, in advance, per year .16-0$ was a. fish etossr. IVr. were lien. lk. Mr Hwwe. Mr. To all otter countries, in advance per year S7.M eiehtjr or ninety fih enrins es. itreee. and Me. H. Smtlh. tabiishsat in the town. One of rntlemn'a nnmiit: Aln. TELEPHONE 88 the Nrl job was as an areotint. Mi-Ha. li'nean M'mro. i rank iant in a steam Iran tin jr estab .tdr. i:. Ijpnmhi A. Mat- transient Display Advertising .tl.tO per inch per insert lishment, lister he went with a kenti. Transient Advertising on Front Page.. .1250 per inebJ Scotch enre enneern lhace and at leai Meaiers. per insertion , . .?& per line other,centre. Classified Advertising, per insertion. .......... 2e per went It s in ttl I that Mr. Le first LABOR COMMITTEE Legal Notice, each insertion 6c per agate lii ieme to ' Uadin? in Van. MET LAST NIGHT Contract Rates on Application. eouver where he first wat into a All advertising should he in The Daily News Office on day preceding mmher yard and later spent two publication. All advertising received subject to approval, years in lh ft. htt.toes The nmnitaiion mmmitle member ef Audit Bureau of Circulations. ijufn CharloU Island. He rame of the lahnr wmm-m mel tat nisht in the Ksrhaiiff abiek. her and wnrkd with Mafia DAILY EDITION Jgin Friday, i so. ?. Ilrotbr and fnr the past sevee Il wa deehbsd In .ohdrvide the eily into ehrht .tilrirl. in hieh year had ana Rarer nf the a Iknm in ha ranva. will he Have You Registered Attin Fisherie at this port. "Superb Quality' matte hy I he dirTrrenl mrmkm Least For Civic Campaign? Developed fnf lh commit le for in miriHM The fih hu.kiM. Mr. aH, Acfd of JO- 2(W Today i the da to register o that vimi ma be entitled the ohi! and until reeently nf eing lhal all elicihte r.i.i vote at the chic election tbi winter. Anyone'no the regibrel W ieaot 4eehfMNi indu.lry in lit.lnl are m ih rivi .tr't GunJTm SO- OOt owner of pniperiy fHt go to the Oily Hall nnd register or he or1 Pw-hi.torie man had Mlbtie meetinc will h held: . lOO'tt.75 he will not be alMfd to vole at ih iri ..jiffW hefore he b.l,rlii. th nevl ' Thniday 'v-niii in th -- - - TW 4aiwwnT HVI f II trtk. 1 A I -m reentered hornr lh ...H ik. ' w-on wa erma lrnenter'. Hall hn ! . " in the North. Sea. tihh wa nar . 1 neh. will tf mad av wn' 'tieulartjr united U iwofiaEation oi f in ftmminnl rkr to iii.-i Mo. l-eofde pot off the matter of registration. They think lh hetntt hall- wrth an aver. lahnr movement ni erlan ' Ihero if pleni, of feme. aiw4 then they wake up aa NiMember it,laB ,UH nt fthm. phae. f (Miliilr. a wa' afterAluly refelimting Hallow E'en U, find that three . real'T lmk ""B"r W" ullin m th dilurial f 'It.- In the Letter Box j tnii-? rivie rmI4gn under way atwTthey are wUIhmK r Hrht to -,,tbl TU btlm wa. IMHy nf vc.lrrdav.' lal. vote. !affeele4 hy th ani Itw wav ! ar hiuX lakn lo n. Purity Hour In unite of all the effort of the ewnswUee and individual. T.. w"- X "trm Iil lh .vmpatht and .iipi-.rl of CORRECTS IMPRESSION there are alway a lot of pe.pje who do not take the trouble u, ' alU Thi Iki-n lhr labor oinanifalioiia lhal regi.ler. There are a!o a lot Of people who find that Uw.v mnN" lk fo" n "n the arr liol alTilial'l Willi ilUr of Editor. I tail? N-w. woiiia nue w nave me right,but it i Uciifed thet. Your ut Ho ilral lalMir bmIis. In oriW lo eonvrl a w.'iin may be Ihe one thai will bring.good gvcrMmenj U the rily Another advantage the North thooiihl lhal ba lvl.tii.t fr..m Our modern mills which are do not neglect the opportunity today. !a ha i Ibat' tler are 6o,. -I my an.wrr. ,iit,ii at 'M ALASKA JUNEAU IS equipped with m.m peonte livinjr aroond i! iar nf lh Sli..l Mnl. up-to-the-minute machinery British Changes and the are all flh eatiHK . GOOD PRODUCNG M!E-r 2S?? use the best selected hard wheat procurable. Take Place Rapidly. It is impossible to belter FLOUR than Mien Uovd (ieorge Producing Area lrmarks r Ihe A)Mny of il.,. buy a wa defeated there giving op office. He did not hung armiiid far wa.a week HO delay lWore in Mr. L-e wnl n to ay that b-n ent J I' O.I. ;o. If th ir-i plastron, and :.'eklajr. .lo PURITY. Sold by all urocers rate of . prodortH.n not main, aimlr la tlu i. i UHiow of hmi mitea th bamiing hi resignation to the King. Almost the monieat bet .qua re wale nrfae Lain.! ihmuiih the rmaindr of Employed on ihe work, nearu mai ine an.ervairve. of the earth w a fili nor in a bad deeded agam.t him before and era r"- It knmn lhi ar. th Alaska Juneau wiljfw of thn. h.. Were . THE BRACKMAN-KER calling Parliament and laying his iKLtlion Ufif thAm fh', was as min MILLING CO., LTD. this yar apiroviniatly ?..lgd and left f iii.-ir ... f MimHhing he would have been .mil lii.iifiMi ix i.. . ! eontuwntal shlf. Fih lived .wm to the King, told him he no (soger ptte.ed the roMfideHce oft "l ""4 tB- Jtw WV" ton nf or, surftas.ina .will. P.O. Hoi 74 S Princ Rupart. B.C. Phona 3SO Pariiament ami rw '' The th ls year'. mltKtNn ever A. M JKIIKis that he wished t resign. The King art ho Mi v , evriencl by the accepted the !l',,,t Uat wn tU r"t lia.linean reigna4iAfi ami j't a promptly eallrsi upon another man to take hi jilaee. That i represeolative elsliilti4HMll,,',,', fMH" rr"n ,B f"r Ala.ka. Comi.any. aeeonlins to p. n govenimeRl an carried ol at hedquarter in ronneecfen with the "lm alUnetlir of about J.. lU-a.lley. nnrt Manairer of th.- mother of pariiamentK. jw Th loo f.ihon. mark company. Th Alaska Junao i was the limit on the ouiil of prmoel in S(demlier an averape New Premier Is lh area wbieh wa lonv and nar. of 7.150 Ions daily and a total foi WEEK-END Said To Be Popular. ltow. 11 was about the .ani as the month nf 1.000 tons and th- Special Values Premier Kooar Uw is said In It nornilar II u . .... "'" hlnir area of the North a. prent ral of pri-lu. l...i SPECIALS by birth, a bltieuo.e. IhiI fr The MNithern bank hail lin sliehtly in ev-. nf that, said Mr twenty yer he has hren interested for ill British politic ami has 11 a.fxiwerfill iiifloefice lhce e.-pecialb fishetl out and at the .(.awning ltradly. Friday and Saturday prevHMK to and during the war. When he resigned the reason, which wa fnun now lo $0 BOXES MclNTOSH RED irauersiiip in ine mm. of immfn under Ihe IJovvl limtrife r the eml of the year, the halibut Hard Timet Dance Tonight. APPLES, gime. it was thought he had retired permanently fnm i f',n', ' 'rKo uantities on LAND ACT. Jim.iilr p;i k while hrv uir aiiu.snme 01 ins mrmer poliiieai enemies began to deliver1 wi. -i jur no tic a oe IMTIUmON TO aeetv to Men's Leather Work Boots S lbs. foe XSe. Ihe funeral oration, but be is Itark lo nmv lhal h. brouaht here in larit tSASt LAND. 12 Pair Pee hoi S1.S0. Only Mil.I . .. ... ' la Frtar u-v -Ivle w .Id hull I i Rapert I and tMitrirt Mmr4. and lliis . .. . ....... . iriMai a man a iney saiti ne wa. jquanlitien year nmr v lar .t I tXitrlrt. Cotit . -!.. Diar B.r t. im m. .i..ns i .ti.i .fioe tor h .i .l w-i-iir hixr 1$ ti II. BNEAKFAST COCOA, There is a curious sitnation i i r,rr rrt Kointr norm l mux rna Prmre mum-m. developing in Rritain today. n. Iin UMaeduiely rsil "l O.T.r. Hi brtan Reg. 5.00. To .1 in hoik. Ihe eleetom that is to take place in the near future will depend or to iisii, mi iii UttC 111 tl aieaia U B.xtird crwk . auna lo a great extent what the future of the rountrv will 1, openHas he toiikel for a Ux?2?Sr $3.50 2 lbs. fee 3S. think lalMir wiM come iulii power, but judging at . dUUnce and H Hi j lf'r fur a.i ..frerauMMja orrapailua la fsrawr.!. ibe laiMuit Inl pair PURE STRAINED HONEY irom a ipnie ex parte point of view, we should prmhey that 1 "itfeoH wer airre.i iMi miwM uad: owsMnt Parked in i th. pail-lar Hniiiir Uw will win the election. wa almost a crime to catch Ki hs'r oi.l I forthcoming The only thine ! mener of . 4. 75. Spaclal $1.45. lhal Mn l.oul hin k.u.1.1 l.... . t t .1 i , ,IB II.II OUI IDZ III snawninif ea I '..irxi a t. tlwMr. la a inuflt ao Mi Big Overalls n ii ifi miHir mill iihtu loere. - - :tmi mm ... s l .. ... ... . : n. I -Z- ."." i.t.r mm m TERRACE uiiuer Moyu neorge ami mere seem bo likelihood such 'i""11"" L""'""" airna to low iur aurv. TURNIPS, ....lo........... -so... iv- i.- -..;-n r - . .J!l . . altakan up by th Fisheries A.o ' '' diracim. sbwr . In a heaw pi .Li Ileiniii. .Inutile ewu Ihriuighout. Ihe finest grown. r, .a,,, aurr nil ill inner tilings Minor ler soark lo ouiat diranlr aoaik al ttm Hizes leader have said about the former premier. -iation and by Ihe Fisheries (koiu tsnt ot twaawK.owai. larnra la s ae-lurlr .11 to It in... k r Line . Rrg. S.' . To dear M 8 lbs. for 26c. dlrK-ll. i ut puii, nmmrfrm Mission and it was eiperted 4 aieal, njautniar t mn mot or less. New Comoany To close season .would t arranicd. BERT n ot SI'TLIK.ApplK-inl. $1.25 pair Use Dog Fish. I1w fish wvre vr poor whn niM st.i. tsth mi, Meat Dept. Another Minipnaj U being organized to utilize dog Fish in spawning. On one shipment he m enoasTt. addition to the one al Tw-ks InleL The lale.t i to operate at had sent to Xw York the shrink, TM sueaiac coLUnaia court or aarriSM Stanf ield's Ribbed Underwear Skidegate Inlet if it Ket going. A Victoria lawyer nnd an expert aire had been as much a. 20 lbs Mtoer r iha admialilrati-ia Art Specials manufacturer h.-i lh i-ompany in huml nnd il is ipiile possible pounds to the txix. la Dm sua Mutrr of tna lUU ot I'IT PHI Heavy weight. ib.i.l.le breit.ted. Kix. :tt In t?. Rg. l,u Tli halibut was twc V"4 '"siiaii. tierrie4. latesui. 13.00. Jo i:iear ut I'oultry. i-leaned a niore will be herd f it s..n f the companv locales ot Skid-gale years , Ink' Hi.- 1 tt mi ...l.l.Honal industry lo ihe ninny likely ni.i hernre it tiepnn to breeil an: ,. r.-Mrs. Ykr. it 111a o.J dressd to order to be e.'nbl he l i Queen Charlotte, Island ui Ihe near fiilure. propagation was atimr. Th fish-!74M.mItV3 uU Vmic a tMaTrn? $2.25 suit K'rtom and T-brnte w. . iim powr was Increasing and un.' 'Z.uT,: per lb 30c protectiie steps were taken a r rjirl u, fyrni.h ssim. prater Hound Weak, per lb. 2Sc lipid decline in thn halibut on the 'Jt'Kt, sSTstT'i'll'STi S!f Ladies' llainburirr Weak, per id 1S t.ank wouiil tie liotiml to follow ,iis HMebixi i ( nsjulr la Tweed Suits IM.IIoasL pr th. . 12 c The fi.lierie. had sutf reil froiin"- rinn a Only, lli.x I. k'. lui lined, roll Roiling f, per lb. . 10a collnr. Immiik a sideline instead of beins .im official n. I'nuui,ArttniaiMrstor with plush hi three h .,. irex. lirown und VEAL LAMB Dllel nut Rpg PORK, llk ut utU4r. toiiiiniird by nepara!e rov. (l4r If tO.oii. KXTRA SI'KCIM. t.. l.leiir v nuiient ij.-pai(merit. Tliey ...?' Fresh Fish, COUGHS AND COLDS ... Ive a n,.r cha L." "w2!LiXr " ,"'T,,H $21.50 Salt Fish, tore tnnK. w ' "' lk AiHalalalriltaa Arl; dose of Dalsmaaad T1AL3AMEA. ahbough pewarful l th Maiur .,f ihe HUM ll Oinf rt Smoksd Fish, 4fw and celdt disappear com. to actlaa. U frt from all huav .I,-. 1.., Hianatfej.. it. iiiri I -.ft!.. . Ial,unlrr f lljt Fresh Ceaba. platalf. lialaaosca loosrna the phlegm tul druft. Children lake tl wlllincl Ma..ti TunlH-r fU.. who ha. 8 Thasa Special In Our Windows. and cftars lh lung and laoochtat becauae il tsilta good. .. l7X5ir?'V??f TiiT HUIiJ 10 Only, Sldeg Premium lieeil 1 !,, the (Jlell taiarlotl 1 '4 llm I Mai- ..f Om.r, tuba. fUUcf guaraaitader nsoary ref undL ll,u-. B,.kiiig arrangements ''tSi fJSTSl Bsoon at pee lb. 35c. BUY A DOTTLE TO-DAY. Universal Trading for the ..,,, ,,f nlr, mmher ir t?lZk Co ORMKS LIMITED will .it thai iMiim. reiurtHM mi f" f,flS,?MW ,u4 ' 'r Ihe la,.,, ., i:,Mul...e ye.rday you.& '5 Rupert Table Supply Co. Pioneer Drufguti Prince Rupert The Rtiall Storei '""na. Phona 370. inornn,, ai-a left on ti l'c M,m I Phones 211-212. tieoiae for Vancouver hut night.I offw-iai mimumihi l)il lUt ink dai vf ofcar. ifft,