vav. two THE DAIT.Y NEWS ThurMar. Febnia- The Daily News FREE AT- LAST OF FINE BANQUET Priixr.M niii'KUT - immsn T.oi.minrA PnltlNlieil Kvery Afternoon, e.xrepl Sunday, liy TIip "News KIDNEYTROUBLE AT -METHODIST Printing ami l'uldijliinp Company, Third Avemie Fire Salvage Sale II. I'. PUI.l.n.N, M-magsng KilHor. "Fruil-a-tivcs" Brought Her CHURCH HELD SUBSCRIPTION RATES:' Health and Strength Cily Delivery, ly mail or carrier, per month . . .$1.10 pr!mlnary to Organlxlng ol 15th Hy mall In bmH- rtf the ItrflfiilyKmpire" ami the Hniled SUlea, KirmtHrMi" St., Moirtiit Men's Society -Speeches,,. February 1st to in-advance, per .year. . . Sfl.iMl "For 3 yer, I u!ff rel eoostanUy Musical Numbers and To,all olher ronnlnev hi advance, Ir year $7.V1 from Kidney Ikumse mad Liter TkU. Other Attractions. My-health miKentUvtiwI nothinf TELEPHONE 03 Id the nay of oftliuiry mtsWine did About I50 tiersons alteudei' me any pol. he sdpidiit lianaiiel which wa Standard and Trnnrpnl T)ipTay .dverliiiiR $1.10 per inch per iiucrloin Tlien ttartrd to "Ftuit-a-tivet" tt!I on last pveuins in ih Popular TranMonl Ailvrrlhiug on Kronl Pajre 2:X0 per Inch aad the rttrci uaa rrurLaUo. All MplhMlil CIiiii-pIi l.v !lie M. n -wn liral Header, per insertion 25 per lino the pain, llpadatlies, lialiinttion 'Soi'iety. The real was ClaMHeiI Advert isinjrv.per inrrlinn So rterwnrd nad OoottaUaii rrr crirel ah,I (roidd hv the men Wtio did Legal Nnlirp.-. e.u-h insertion I Tie.per njrafe lin once more I tias well. :lie serving as well ns Ihe clean. Member of Audit Bureau of'Circulations. All who aufl'rr from uh troabtet iut up afprwarl. The ladi MUSIC should UVe "Kmil-a-tivn" to vliorn utially falls Hip task XlaJam HOttMIDAS FOISV if tonViiiK .irmiiseiiienls f-tr Mich DAILY EDITION jart Tliuixlay, KenT?. Iti2. tOc a boi,C rvr$CiO, trial kiieS&c an affair, were wholly rtH!ev'd At dealers or sent i)stlid by n litis occasion. Ktcellent Public Opinion of Fruits Urea limited, Ouawa. ,.-M-itr mu "iiie Koi-ii-al nina- World Moves Slowly. liers -jimile Hie fiM!l iiml from 5c to 25c per .copy 1 nllt( opinion Ihiniiglioul I Iir worhrinove slowly. Soinc-linies loyal.If. i wave of cnHiUouipasp over a rriuntry, rippling- lly Mir-(nrv SUITCASES Hr. W. T. Kergin was in Hie iiml frivitiK thelrfeo Hi;t I lli people Have clKiuffPtl, hill iteneath eli.iir mnl there writ severnl it all Ihe still deep vvojer of human nature which remains much TRUNKS tons!. I Itefu. N.iliinial l-isli u it was hefoi-e.. Surface wave- have lillle.wfrert. Iay, Ihe lo Hip day wn Violins, Guitars, Mandolins, Gramaphones I'etjpte wprfHuping much from Hit Vohiug(oii rim ference. CLUB BAGS proosd by W. 11. Williams .Hid Little has hrt-o oIifAitiet except the -recognition ttf Ihe principle rtjtMiidd lt by V.. A. Wakefield. ' thai wri-. -ouielhitig lo he avoided. 'llesoluUnns and regulations Large Stock on hand. It..Hi- yave ililere-liliK anil lel. rnxeriiig war nmt J-e of little ue, ior'nhy nation lhal would Price very low. iil ad.lree.s. The loal tl and Records at Salvage Prices toilayjilinige Hie worM-inlo war would sun'ljr-commit Hie smaller Canaila was pru)Mipd hyW-- ,:-I'erry crime of using submarines or poison gas Hor nu thing t'le that J. MAGUIRE ami resMindel lo liy I1. would the Mi II. l.ifiyry and lr. Williajii Saxar likel'hring war a speedy,end. Kext th Prince Rupert Hotel The nations well as the,.individual .iuhaliitants are slill of I'orl Simpson. "The .Men pretty much savajrev at heart. Tlip're is a chahge'.iu process, luiu was Iliasiii.xirnposPtt W. Sherman Mrs. )l. responding. II. All Music and Musical Instruments one generation will imi makoniiat rnangtv 'i iie average man tnday is far heller than Hie Average man we rcniL-ahonln renlury " Must be Sold Regardless of'Cost Tbe Man in the Moon An iulerrMiu? and auming ago, -and Hie average man a century hence will lie heller than he is today. I'nlil that average- is murh higher Ihaii-il is .we.feaii not SAYS:- Hem on the program was Ihe lory lellinv by Hie l.idies, Mrs. expect anything like perfect gorernnieTTl among Ihe nation. Sliteltilale, Mi os lludsjtri and Mis- TIIIJ Tatlier may In dull Inil I-.. M. Iirle laVing pari in il. Unity of Mankind Prince Music Must Be Recognized. lie sore -oii rion'i .iilitpt Hie Iiislruuienlat immlWs wpre rpn- Rupert Store, name of "Slooniy." terel by II. Anhrey 1'ryce, A. J. To civilize ones pari of the world and leave Ihesoiher part Jo Iinraslrr and l.e- Cordon and take care of itself is fulile. Kv'e'ry nation of the eaflljiiiiM heconie Post Office Opposite .HALF -Hip world is eraity. Of sttlos were fninp by II. II. llisrins. civilized heroic wei in.xiiPct on earlli, -Pnr-.lh. haritariaii peace eiHirse f .U' not the half to A. inapfwrion and P. In'bb. lo overrun the rel of lluvorld is no new thing, hut it is one of which I hrtonff, Ihoiish inoon-stnipk Men's Society. the nightmares whicJmviJl haunt the next. geperalion unless wise and Juny have -rup TIip bamiuel was in Hip form tatc?man?hiji prevail. One of the aims of lite world sUtesman I.rtilar Piprrssioiis t. indicare of a itreliminary lo Ihp organ today should'!."', not to build one or two.nations at the up expense the condition Hiosp if who are izing of-a men's aoejply uhirh is ficalion or rejeclmn. of the .other, hut to level up:the lower. inpntaily unbalanced. 1 l ju iiiiiuietientl in Hie near Jealous of Power, Those-who have' not been, beyond Ihe roulines of (Canada and future. In view of Ihe fact thai 'Hie House lias always been QUALITY CLEANLINESS Hie United Stales, and perhaps Ureal Hrilain, jm not iiiidrrtainl II nil those, who .are menA there is so. lillle recreation. f.r jealous of its iiower opi- Ihe the problem .which presents ilself in attempting to rafe the ally unialancpl are era y, thpn many nen in Hip cily bplwpen tariff ami revenue hills- -Hip 'It's Better wdisn Baa ad by electricity' Asiatic iiaiioM'ioiiUpiatlis overrent-elf-goyerirmg roniniiini-ties. all Ihe worldi Is"f'emy.'- the ayes of 10 and M it s being tariff hpina a iiipIIumI of raising The coolies oTlhe Kasl have the intelligence of the animal '" , (trojHived to bring inbi ieing a rpveniie. To say -lhal the Toothsome Wholesome rather than of the-man. Tliey are ignorant, and when Ihey learn I OXr.K befvre quoted-1 he ay-uig tmii.seetariau soeiety with de-partrneiiN Prpsidenl can rntp a tluiy 5l f forii us it is Ihe vj'ces (hey jiek up, leaving the. virtues for Hit or a wip nian-ty his 1fe: for .literary, tlehatinx ppr cpnl, as lr. Harding pro. niow educated. Oenioersiey can not be a success until these A!! the world's t quart ppt anl physieal eulture work along poses, would grpajjy 'H'l'l lt Hie Delicious foolies have -cJiaiigedMnto educated beings, capable of thinking hoe --and ni ail-l sortiptiuipa the lines of the iY. M. C. A. Neit iHtwer f Hie exceutive over rev ntl acline iu -eurduiu itvvith ihiViliclaJexofilh.eUiigJier, eniuUous lliiuk.,Jliee'JV r.-..s tilde, bit qnarci.WtMlnPsday a meetinjr will be enue mailers and corresponding .Mis'jdris.Io ijfjailo rtot u.-li.11l''l(iiirhTlhetef.ohes- aifil vet I....'-IMP, called of all" Hi.we inlrresle.l ly detract from the liigresln ft was to-thencry-Wowfy-'thatfthe "big mission nf'twa ihousand Iwilh n view lo settinc pvnress a I authority. 1 BREAD years ago w:nt; and Ihe movement was upward. ' THIS is the sort of weather inns of opinion on the plan. The l! such cirrumslanrp mat makes you clad you have organization will I... .i.winiii ttiere in arnlp Interest iu Ihe Wonderful Influence no automobile''. lo crank or for those men who do nol rare uuestfnu of whether a rpally cf Great Men. 1 1 rive. to be i-r lively identified with flexible tariff measure win b The wonderful influence of gredt men on tlie rest of the any church. The tvonmodioim f.asei for misons enneeled is Hie matt economical of all food and nl Ihe jit ' community has been shown throughout history. -Colonel Pursier W1IV so to Hie 'rnnvies whPn quarter of the Methodist I'Jmrrli with Hip relations belweeu Hi cintanis nil the hei.ib givina prtpeHies whti h a e ' old ff Ihe-wonderfid inJhieoce oi lh Washington conference of inrre are so many man andwdl t used a ihe meeling president and l.onjrres in ad lo our -well bring Higiu won. ArMinr isaifour ami herrelary Hughes. The miillilude woman Irappilfps in real lifer place. dflioti to Hie reawtns rPa!ttm t THEREFORE EAT MORE BREAD arerlike sheep without shepherd uiitij some superniau comes Ihe use witleb, Ihe preMoeul Order I.teiin. hread from your ' ; alojg nixl sways them, leds and iulluein-es Ihem for belter or TIIK Vaneoiiypr polWe niais-irale iniarlu make .if tariff wlneli for. worse. fi'uetl 'the' tobaeronists of FLEXIBLE TARIFF he could raise tir .lower. If Ih CarlWo tells us that in the old days the neople chose as' their lhal eilj- en dollars each far flPXilde lorlff law 'is enaeled Week End Dainties ii .ujr. uir ucai limn "i kepfdnfir piiiiclittoarils on the lliere is no doubt Ihe eteenlivP mm;,. tm hip toiiiiines nre. oilfi iei CREAM PUFFS CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS CUP CAKES by their best nieu or ktngs. Notable examples of thai have been liremises. (luess the- Klks are AT WASHINGTON will niako use of il lo a large BUTTERHORNS JELLY ROLLS LAYER CAKES seen ixi Hritaii and iu other eouulries. Alaily people wheu they liaMe. They Iiave punc-h b.ill extent in making trade ami 'irlff COFFEE BUNS CRAM BUNS sing'f;od .Save the King" think of Lloyd Ueorge. mi Ihe prPmises. bargains with other countries HOT MEAT PIES FRESH DAILY WASIIIXfiTOX. leh, . Mly He will be given a weapon whii-ii Need or Care-in ; 'AMO.M! Ihe Ihintfs lhal won"t i.anaoian fress). Interest eon- he can use with great force lo You want the best We have It Selecting -Officers. Icrel ! -twiywhei-e -n -vlalipd iinnes lo be keen here in Ihe drive oilier roiintriP in'o mik Dances and Parties Catered (or If it is desirable to choose the best men for rulers, il is also aiiln on a froufy morning. luestiim whether I'rpoident ing auch bargains. d'csirafrflo-ninke ood selections in all minor group Ibal have llanling will shcci-pi in ffdling Trust Congress. lo do vyinrvgoveninieitlof the omnlo. It is true of Hie inavor leRltlallon for the "flexible lar- TIip It m It tariff niPii t iuin Electric Window Bakeries and hiim l ilj vtclrrily ii iu the selection-of ofllcers'for miiioc Ten Years Ago irr which he has reoomnip.dei gresiT are now itrlPlly Irymi, I. groups. Tyijight lhere4s to hcJield the annual meeling of the in Prince Kupert- In his mpsaKPs and ivlilei lie is firnl -ways lo lake Hie I Hi il local Liberal Association, iind it is very iniMirUnl lhal gm! tlemanding of the Itttder. ttf.llie flexible tariff idea. Tli.-r "Where QuaNty and Cleanliness Rule" officers with high aims should be chosen-fftr it. Ho it is with the In Hip recent conferences opiHtnilinii lo a flexible' la- ilf is ojiirers ..)i .iliet- ...-feies and irrouov that have anvtliiii"-In .bi February 2, 1912. which the f, ,S. president lias not so much due to a le ir lb. VALUE 'Phone 8C7 SERVICE dliwtiv with the govehoen! of the munli-v or Hie fonjiing of The city council has decided lo had with the republican Ipadcrs the president would lower di.Ct do Ihe work of excavation on Hip of ihe Senate he has tirjted the below what' they want a 'tia i 1. 1 , . .!., Itipe linp between, fthawallans Lake enaclnieni of anch levlnlalion n prliudfile I bey would ruiln ami ,crowjis inn reservoir liriwin enable luni lo raise or ,nv- irusj flongn'ss as n jtennaneni Ihe day lahur fdan. L. W. Pat-jnorp, er tariff duties In meel e'jniiKlilu; pi-opitsilion lo inainlaiii ht: Canadian National Railways J. Ii.;iillshury, J. I". Mc-Itap. conditions. In railing or lower diilios Jhau to Irusl Hit- exec u-llve-authority, W. J. Aldpr arid M. J. Ilobih insr dulW. he would he iruidod from oun adutiii. Irornprispil a ilclcKallon appearinir by Ihe reenmmendalioiH of Ihp 1st ration lo another, to llo stt hefre Uip council last niirh't with Tariff ftomuiimdon, Ulioo duly ti Tin: ch mt or rvunv Prince finiKVirn the demand lhal the work he done It is constantly Ui keep iu touch Rupert jhy day lahor. eonipelillvtt stalion with Ihe Workings of sclindu'eu MtltUCT. I work and contract system. and with eorulilions whirli a titi. i . : feel trade and indualry herf and i'u. Aivmtir, risintnr I'arker William. M.I..A., ta(eii abroad. At Ieas1,.hp wmtd havi1 smium Shipyards TJIh KllfP "V0I.LY MY A1I I HMfillT 2 fin Ihe I.esiftalnrp Hwil .ex.Mavor Hie ndvaniaffe of. Ihe in forma. r lion and rcoomiiiviulalioim . -l. of j.Manson was iiopch'Kfcly repudiatei Do you realise the risk you run hy the people of prince Hupert in ihe tariff couirnisiiiou, which, in rtii.-Arva.orr, riiintnr Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock riding crowded train or street llm fact that J. II. Ilildilrh, "htn Hip United Ktale. tins so far TMK eala-l HIP "HOLLY MAY" AXD rimilllT Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern candidate" proved a rather perfuneiory TAkr! sOTIt L Uitil the' Mar.litll i,t tiu. makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. :'A in Ihe reent ruunfri. car without a Peps tt!et in your month? naitiirsity intinrt ir prut.ti.cnnnulili mill Every sneeze, 'every cough, fills the air you breathe pal election, received o few voles. piece of governmental machin qsy t l.i nr n'rlnrk i t-orttirir,In th izr,UIMumitif ii in M rnihii.Itta Electric and Acetylene Welding. with countless diseass-germs that immediately make lor ery. .iiirllmi st llw Vsrcl. of Vamviurrr hlttii Under the unrfaee In CongreNs, Vara LnniiiM sl I a T 7 tlcnrats stm-i ut The any weak spot in your throat and chest. Be wise, always temperature, today is 05 Vioroutfr. It. ;.. lite slim "Hniiv uv carry Peps, and occasionally let one trf these gernvkilling tthove and picnic partlca are en. thPrp is intt-nse oppt:tion lo imniuaiit to Inr rirdcr hrrrlu nr llti Jii.ltir Our plant is equipped In handle all kinds of tablets dissolve in your mouth to ward oif the infection, Joying Hie.mselveti in varioua see. Hip fleiibte tariff propttsillon in IooUiiL siitiiiraii- iu sou tiaien inc yslti Then you will not be "lull t-( co!4 ' on the morrow, with the ponibility lion of 'Hip waterfront and which the prp; advocalea. Tit psriicuisrs w ins sltin 'll.iiiv.Mr- MARINE AND ol inlluen,.pleuriiy or pneumonia aupervenin;. harbor. II is, in fact not a new plan. Iu are at iiilliiwn: Jun a bnatht in Ibt that cause inlectlout throat and rmrisi nuiiitxr: isss7S. you germi lua( past year it lias been advo. miitier. I4 aim! I'urt of h-iMr K COMMERCIAL WORK Ilmcfit, o rauit brtathi la the eje, you aootbing-f erraicidal Pep medi I, iviv. f-nin-fJ Muprn. u. t. cine to rout out the germs belore they can cause serious trouble. Free Irom WIDOWS AND CHILDREN catd In one fonu or another. l'nMntnn. wrrw. karmlul drugs. Peps arc the safest and best remedy lor sudden colds II has at way met with objeo. ll(H-f-)i-r: .IJ lusnlnal hrirwrKtwcr. PHONES 43 AND 3M and chills, trippe, sort throat, laryngitis, niht-couth, hoarseness, WIX.MPKn, Feb. 5. Aboiil linns from high 'tariff men in l-titctli Hmiu: A3 rift,! aU:u tt imOM.Jrri .-n-utlu. whceilness, bronchitis and chest weakness In bid and young. Iwith! o ri-H imilis. 550-widows ami more than 2,oon OtngrcHj. The V. H.-cnsliliition TiMtiuaei OriMi, 1 1.It: hrs-tMoi-cd, 7.1. Of all ChtmUttt J DtmUtt. Iht M$ C. Oumi, Toronto. dependent children wer' eared says thai all lawn for raising Dm-l.ld.liistwDt mr any liiil imi rwrM.uin' for under the Manitoba Molh- revenue shall originate in .the I'rrnHiuiliio In Hi- Hi tald tlnii may If LIMITED. UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF ?pr Allowance la MiUlisxl fnn Ih Marsball at Ins nnirrs id B.C., s act durlntr I lie Uoiie of Ileproi-Ji lives. In IAILIN0I fiscal year ending Xov. 30, 2, iirlual practice, uci lawa-originate Maim in Ti7in aay t.r Jaimary, A.Il. rr Vsntsutar, rslllor It 8nsri Dir, Oi-f-an f IU, Tn.tday, P-W- according (o (he annual rcoort in the Way and Means JIOSIJIT SMITH. rr rct eirneson, Ovr. itum ani AlKP Aiai. emtday .'""u t isiiins at otrsiuc ana aui iisruar en Mums Jtu. . rD. ir. :V'Vt.ib Of A. I'erev I'airPf. neerplarv At committee of Hie House of Hep-, Tb sdilrcas for hollriuir rl er fur nirt tli M.innir Muitu' I, tslimi si fvnirivius, Kiiarn M I4A Ny txilMuia fb. 1 w" It . jib Mniherit' A I Iowa oca com. rPMentalivp wblch (-ghmili ila ,..- nmrr. ,i .irr, SinCBf 4 tit o S.smJ Mnd Am JACK ARNSttY, tnl rrlats Hupsrt. 0 est Itoirnrs miction. , plans to tha Houhb for IU rail-, binlili,c tMlMint, Vattroui.r 10