w Tliurday. r, AGE FOUR THE DAILT NEWS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManuj VICTORY TMI.GRAClOOVOlOrOU MR.tMITH'i READ I'll bet Tr-.E POOP MAN.HP fMifor MR. NEt--lRt TMI ft ATTA U ALL DY V RAr WIFE fcEALL aROKEN UP-CO RlCHT SMITH NVM?l t?' I AWAV THE. POUE OVER AND CALUOti HIM- EC HOME.? COAL LL irtDO CnrvT CrieCR J W M -7X I I l.k II I 1 1 I I Tun U WIN nn. rave"- rvCHIM I For Furnaces, Fireplaces THKCt and Stove i J v Guaranteed to be free from III I y3m - u. rock and clinkers. Almost soolless and smoke. 1cm. Small moisture coolant. $13.00 per ton delivered In sacks. $12.00 per ton delivered In bulk. BTM "e-l I I I 1 I I U V - aV II . . VsetlJ PACIFIC CARTAGE t lT1 rCTV- fWCt. Limited Phone 93 CARNIVAL AT I CLOSE SCORING Sport Chat News Classified Ads. WINNIPEG IS HOCKEY LEAGUE Daily All wbri arr al nil interested m WOKD IN ADVANCE. No Ad vrtlmnt Takn for Uti than BOc 2 CENTS PER in Ibis sport rily shoitM lo out Metropole askcthall gauic NEXT MONDAY!-- nl mi tomorrow Seattle and Victoria Are Now Each WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. evening at Hit Agricultural Hall. One Point Ahead of for rent lo lodge nr (similar The program i to ! nn utlrar- Vancouver. ELKS WON FINAL IN iW XNTKU 4eneral erri,nt. Apply SLADi: STi:VKX. giactu. v , .organization. Bonsplet, Bowling, Toboggan and ,jw, nr ,niU.,.( alll ,,. xv1llIlrl.s Mrs. J. i:. .i l. inmli. Ilor-I Inner. Al It-nny Alb n r m. Ski Slides Are Some of f the champion-hip, in lli. Sailor SFA'ITI.IC Feb. . Victoria BILLIARD TOURNAMENT leu Street. 20 patiy's store, lu d OFFICE SPACE the Features. and Indies' l.easriic will likely add Seattle slrilUKb-d scoreless, WANDERERS LAST NIGHT Phone lllue 1 .1(1 38 by braird, suitable for FOR SALS 21. i .leleriiiilmi in It. Till FJk for two period asl niylit and professional man. for reol, CIVIC PRIDE BONDS amf Son of pinn.l.i - w ill jiajjle then staKjed on .a scoring bee I'Olt SAt.IV 32.fl. Ifi.ller. V.ft. fi. r'lSUKfl.MlLV! llKMI'MJlh! SU Andrew's Are Leading In Iivtehlne and blr.. - n and -IJie.JV.rm-cr wliicll left SeutHe the victor ill the H Vivian ensine for - beam, It.p. Agents supremacy fop -If Matches with Sons of England I open. XX'e do Jl. . win lake hrifTijf-hnly g;iine by -n .cre of three U one. and in Norwegian American Line -Hiry may lloal fully eiuipe WIXMPKn, Krb. . T.rnlrNl by COO to 428. pair work in all I .m Swedish American Line around Manilla". parliamrnt Cup for the year. The old nnd a a result lied with X'icloria in. beam, ft-h.p. Vivian eituine. faction Hliarailleed, landing of for the Icngiie IcadcrsliliV each The final the billiard "Cu-bag," in T. Scandinavian American huildinss Ibc first 'innip Win- rivalry, lhejl.jiilie' gnm' ealt. Apply SndL Pitceiit Ot.. New 3 a- Line. league will come lo n li-;nl team leing n point ahead of X'an-eouvcr. lotintameiii Ix-iweeu the Wan Cow Hay. Irr drnival will be bold during ' ' ' ' whrn lbi .Mrlnr.a-and'llir.Maiii1ffd '! 'j .' derers and lite Flks wits won by HAIRDMESSINa Oliver Typewriters Ibf M of Krbruary 6 In It in Fil-lirfgs. MOATS, Kngines and Marine i.rar- iiii'i. nirii i-fr Irani Jvi?! iiif-'bl'sVame resl.eil i hielly Ihe Utter leant yesterday afternoon. Under New Manna, r., ' Cary Safes conjunction wilb lti twinspiol and XVItarfnge for small win will liaxi Hit league rliam. on HJrt lojeino.rorpH .mil Jpe goal- Charlie Ilalayito defeating riKX iiAiiium shop ami iixtiis Im-i1 iHiwlin? association'! annual pion-bip and lb liM-on Vhiji. To keeping of lloliois was a feature. Joe SrolL Jr by a score of Jiwl IwMt. onrern KxeJiaHfle. if 228 Sixth Street FIRE INSURANCE lournanirnt. both of whirb , T altracl iitirs round off ihi ' pmpnim lhi lo 112. The I.Hal for the entire I'Olt SAI.K lio-caH in 0. M.KII.I1AY Ph mn niastl vrry year many Chrrler and Trlopbono CSiii tournament is Itiu, U'aiiJerer. LEAGUE HOCKEY o.lilb.n. Phone llAl US. 2; jrrlion of 1anada & Hanson from many will play tbr ojxnrr. 1 131: Hks, ma. ' MUSIC. Dybhavn stair. An and tbo norlhwrsltrn .AX'llh three tra me of the iT BOARD. Third Avenue ire wall, fix frrl liisli and half a Individual ("iritiK fn datr. in Western Canada League. In The Sons of Knvland v. the i p;.xxo sciumii Prince Rupert, B. C. mil Ion?, fstnnn1d wilb rvrr-j lnlrrinriliat l.ia?u-t-V MilHirll' Fdmonlon. f(; Saskatoon. 2. SL Andrew's Society loiirnameut TIIK new dining nxim at Ihe IIseieky Meihd A rnn Irrr. will rnroe Lalin?l C), lU: K. MackinUtsh (i: . 71: National League. played last evening the score inlander I now npen. Ibardj taken and jie i.. rink, olfifrpaii elHtr. lidx ' 31. Illylbe (SOC). 55: II. Hamilton. I: Toronto, 5. stands fiito to 128 in favor rf by Ihe week or month. Phone i ' U leaitmer i any iriany olbrr attraclion for Aslori !K:, ir; II.. Frirzell .: Ottawa, t: Montreal. 2. the) Scot. 137. tr. in"d i .i' Itlo" fill low or n of oufdoor wintrr 13; F. .Morrison (SOC. 10; K. Pacific Coast League. The games already played in; AND CHAS. P IIAI X A IHirl.. Th? carnival i a rom. Smith S(C;,.38; 1L W. Iavies Seattle, a: Vlil'uia, I. Ibis match resulted a follows:' BOARD ROOMS Hand IHoek. e..i hi S ' SILYERSIDES rnunily rfTort for Ihe pleaurrand and S. Ilaizett-Jones XI: T. J. Allen (SL AndrewJ, 200: IIOO.M and j leianl for two Udie,., Fllllon Ph..of II! 1 Ix-in-llt of llif puMir and not for Ilalwr-n !SfK:, 2.".;. l!. 3lil- fleflrse Hill (Sons of Knsland). or' genlletnei.. lteas4Htahle. BROS. the profit of jiuy individual or chell (C). 21: V. I . l.aCae BRITISH FOOTBALL S. I. 3lardonald. 2ffi; A. Sil- Pbooe Itlark 1 1 1. - 28i SYNOPSIS OF Second Street Iradr section. v Tlir money'for the vKC, -20; W. Hlylhe KC. . 10: WILL BE PLAYED AT versides, 5fl. tlnanrins of it ha been raised by V. F. Hoherge (KC It! It. 11. Iiavie, 2U0;."S. King, 121. ItOAItl" and room with privule the sale of Civic Pride ltond. ravidon (K) and T Moloney LOS ANGELES FEB. 4 The slandihzs of the clubs lo family fr UdyT Phone lllue LANDACTAMENDMLNTS Dealers in wbirb.rarry admission tirkeU and tKC;, 16; XV. 1 1. Smith ( K;. 15; dale follows: 391. 2Ri WALLPAPERS entitle the bolder to vote for the Y. C. Oliver (KC), II; A. Aslori PI. A v. LOS AMJKI.IX Feb. 2. Hie FOR RENT iKC), 13; 4i... lllythe (K. Mlslmasv t rarnival fliieen. Twenty-five ran Trail 8081 1155 fiHttball team of the Itrilih rtwr4 t ti I er! PAINTS lulatef are in I be ,running for 10; I.. Astori (KV). 'J; I. Ora-h'arn XX'andervrs IMI2W 1121 TO IIIUvT Large well fnriil.hed IIM ss ,r cruiser Ilaleiirb will meet the leant and H. jAIaedonaM fSfC"; w lueon, niinaled by as -many SI. Andrew's ;r.;i III8U 'and well heated Suitable evd Ursls oeilT . AflNDOW' GLASS room. of the Sous of St. fieorge Jiere on m; It. smith (,. K; O. 1J1H social rlubs. FJks ,8.VJ t l7 I XV. Saturday aflernMin of ti week. ftt three gentlemen. Apply asea nNiaWs lr aa-rnrunnn. 1 Charlton 5; FRAMED and UNFRAMED A feature of the snorting events C; Hi A. (SOC. O. XV. V. A. 71123 111(13 Mrs. . Smeeinn, Carllou Ite- aed vttirb is MMt tuwUM' it arranged include It- Cray (SOCi and J. II. Mitchell H. O. K. C855 already a lattranl. Phone 313. If mm lnu mt sot ssor ; PICTURES mile Canadian championship (C,f i; II. L. CjimpMl and O. WHIST LEAGUE acrasa tut adjareftt ,JWTTT. Sh'aw l. J. Farrell .KCj,' -MS re-WSrrs. ksrt mg4 WINSOR A NEWTON'S snorvshoe inaraibon and a 10-mile (K), i; BII1IARD STANDINGS UMiKIt new management. SI. ski race. Plans are also nearing I- l.oui JUom. J r. P. X'alpy, ART SUPPLIES Junior Jague O. Hlylhe (II Knfqhts of Columbus, Valhalla Hate $3fl xeaxsw completion for, the runing of a iiianngeress. er n, tears asd ssaka .at !)) r,2; J. Kelly TP, 17: 31. and Knights of Pythias Win-, Following i- lite lil of individual week and A!n furnished vwlM II prr mm. (arm ' 2fl-mile dog marathon from Sel up. cHlvOa "4 al SPECIALISTS In SIGN and averages so far this tea- n4 Last XX'. I.am- ners Evening. Iludenich (TT), 15; housekeeping rom. leftn reretvlu Crow" r- kirk. Alan. Hockey enthusiast season in the Trail Club Cup Whera pt -erstrtK Z, bie !lI), 36; XX. Cavelier (KKj, SHOW CARD WRITING T " Ma IKs a t aed b been and rsr. have not forgotten, as Si; l. Frizelt i'KKi. It: XX". Ker. In the AVIii-t laue Vaine billiard competition: FOH JtKNT Three muited taitunate eeveats na well an Ihe regular amateur! ffin I Tr . IK;C. Clapp iH:. 17: last nighl, I lie Knight of Columbus Games Tidal Ater. house near Pioneer Ittindry: Mw.nested al ttai'wedlat tfl-NMllh ' "m Phone 22 P. O. Box 120 leapue games scheduled, many1 A. Xlitrliell ;KK). 13; It. MHIr were successful over the Harbour 'T, . .. 7 I Kin too also rooming house on Fraser sraneaneef aiwt iransfat ' fixtures will be staged between 'KK,v 8; T. Fraser Il;. 7: F. Oddfellows, 5 lo I, the Valhalla Hlytloj fT; 7 I ma . 200 Street. Apply lirandtiew Hotel. Vera-4lrt nr to-mwit ir pm v j provincial, local and Saskalcbe-i Shakespeare i'V) 3 Ami 200 ' 58 UM anaaaa tmtTneita Kergin (Tr.-. ; K. 3lc.ean (K defeated the SI. Andrew's 0 to 3. and r ta sanom wan teams, with Ihe expectation , 4; X. Martin (TT . H. Jandi- ami the Knight of Pythias won Howu (AX'i 2 Inn !0(l pre that pla'yers from Ixjhilli, Minn W. Halagiio 9 393 197 'TO UF..NT Kuniibel toue-keepuig T ems sassa UI eje-- it Box 446 Phone Green 610 sen 'DM , inn ni , aiio i'. froti Ihe Son. of Kfigand. 5 to fK).. fHt.r. Tit la eanl and Cleveland, Ohio, will also fiurvirb (IH i: 4. MrAulty w STiikley, (XV) ... t.nr.3 195 suite, Aiply HO Olh a dm faar.. aed " cmpee. umerous speei statin? (KE , 1. , 'Hie standing lo dalx: Ii. Itrown (T .... 1358 9I Aeitiie l's or nimne lllue U.i liaoa, .a rr Mit arra.ni."'';mtm "X3 events are also scheduled. - P. XV. I.. Pis. Iiavi" 'SAi 77C. 191 217. If. ut ai tra-t t leers are wi iifaa. frraat Historically Correct- K. of C I i 2 u F. Stephens (XX' i tr.tr, 193 I'Olt HK.VT .Mislern house. 5 msr firPinmr rar-va: awnaar pwnii-i "'r-.,g MILES AN HOUR " A forty-fivr.minule. historical 114 Self K 772 193 iatirra land j" cat'Jaix -"' Valhalla ... II 'J 2 rooms ami bath. Ph.me ((! fsrva. iii-il aatssJ "(,, j, display, a reproduction of Ihe IN AN AUTOMOBILE K. of P. in 7 3 7 4. Ilrwn 'KA; .. 7CS ' 191 710. sod erasleece atamtary ealnlae4 lni.vrti:n J tnniblouo times of x7n. will ! OddfHbws :.. Tl 5 fi 5 II. MrF.voy (K- .. I5lti 190 rrantad land , ,. w pnrlk-ipaleil in each evening by MIS AHOKI.ICS,' Feb. .2. Art S. of C. .. II 5 6 5 Pillsbury 'I") .... 1332 19(1 TO l.iri' Aiarlitienl and ltotie acres,Uewrvaed may to cee,leased rt as n I? three hundred of the garrison is SI. Andrew's ..J'II . ,'7 i XX'augh (Ti 918 100 F. XV. Hart. If IIIU to aa atoalaad afle l K J Klein, automobile racer, prar- ' eentUI and In erovewaat ecs: is. Jlroops. It deals with an Indian the for S. of K II V' '7 I Judge f'l'i 131(1 188 Far traalar and ld.it tising at speelway here BOATS FOR HIRE atlack upon a convoy and the subsequent Klks Ill 2 8 2 Sooti (XV. 8 I i'JV 187 arras raeardlrc ""t the, X'ashin?ou's birtlidav na vastd hr ocvr tsrswii er rescue by'trooper summoned tional championship races. lie In a itostpoiieil ladies' same, Nelson (XX'; 8 iVJfi 187 COMINO OOXX'N Launch 'Nar-brthong"- " Wilt falr, or airradl"Isdurtr " Z liy roekejs. Kvery detail he St. Andrew's wn over the Iloberae til, 7 I3UU Unix land ocrt M mnd a tap at Mie rale of II I am not aklng you nay .to tturrlused. e-.dn down liaushlers of A to .t. Macdoiiald SA;.. 8 1121 181 wdl be historically correct mile. Kuslaud, for a job, I am offering you Sr.I oral har nwad"' !r,r,-l (to prairie schooners and costume 'Ilie slaixling: Allen (SA; 8 I W 181 r a service al reduced prices. l.lr rl.sllrf rnad n r' P. X'. I.. Pts. Ilemuiins (XV). r. 1 105 181 uodlikiial utM coitrorli "TJ jof men and women of that time. PhoiM! Illack 400. athrm. Ilehata ml eaa-hlf m L. O. LARSEN Thousand of colored lijMit will DO YOU SMOKE Valhalla i 8 I 8 Kinuboni (SA, i i tr;. 183 raaa.lira. la nol mad.eirrrdlnc toll " ) used for I lie illumination of the Ib.yal Purple !l 6 3 C 0. Halagno fKi.. 1(1911 18! WOULD NOT BE SO CRUEL. RC CMCTOaS' rutt CNANTS CT Pythian SisW 1 8 5 3 5 McMi.rdir cV) ..8 M5I 181 . .... .... ! -r'araea '' PAINTER carnival grounds and night will TOO MUCH Aljre Niw thai )ou have The eof Of iai - ' i V be as light and far more brilliant II. of Siif. ...r... II . I 7 Hill (S 8 l nr, 180 broken your engagement with iirtud aU persoaa Joli.li 11 than Ihe day. In sharp fntrat St. Andrew' In 3 7 3 Mcllmoyle KS .... 5 8'.lS 179 Tom, of rmirsc you'll t el 1110 hi i..- k.111.11. a kirn iba hair enr There ire nunjr uieo on bss heart ihJ llele-kahs II 2 7. 2 Molrlson (SA).,.7 1 2 It' 178 to Ihe blaze of light will be an ice U4re pnsiur lis nst diamond iniy. lM Oil adrc 4to Art ! fv-rvMi system shotting Ihe in Hooper (XV) .... 3 535 178 it would I nun for eo rear frwm 0 Kla Certainly igloo, manner w-rU.Ui resHlU. It cause ptlf'HaUMi, Hetty not; TORK'S which Kkinios live and their exceedingly In tlie lieirt, Irrernlarny of ll 11. nwiei BENEFIT DANCE Sllden (T) ' 0 i 11(13 177 Up a conslaiil ' reminder of the vrar aorr inr s primitive lisrhlinjr arrangements. llw Iwuds trl.t. lh eT' tiF, XX'akefjrld (K) 3 531 177 hapiness lie bad missed. .( I nw l""1", -'enrallva. SELL it l.rfich ind ! o riiie slsrfioeo Andrew (SA) .... allemle the 87? 171 No fees retailer ! K. uleep. i Forty couples due or payaUa 1 OcHMlrick .... 7 1209 TOVES. , 173 J'ollowing Ihe opening cere Tii riMinierart tlu (letnortllzinr Innu- benefit ilance given by the resei" """'-Taiaa etire no the heart and nere tls-re It no iKtnohoe () .... 3 517 178 SIS ara remitted lor tt;fr monies Ihe Onlral on Tuesday, February , a Women's Auxiliary of To.lor for raiurn ''. remedy to equal May Ull 7 1190 171 and toan paid ,,ued. due monster parade will be held Labor Council. One Hig I nion, in f MiLauewr Oreen fK) 1193 4. IH. on account Pr';' 170 lbrtMich the principal streels of HEART AND NCITEnLLS the Jlclnlyre Hall las evening - TiMsca sals xaca. laaea imi soldiers ore 'ipt''" Fred Stork's Hardware the city, which.will include lOftO Tbey nuke tlie heart Is'al Hum and All enjoyable lime was spent Wearmoitlh (Sj fi JOlu 170 sealed euler wilt to reeeiviil by tlie town lutrreet or ltr en lota bald T""IWU snowshoers wilh torches and eteady, reatore t'ine and vlr to its' of Arthur's W.I I. Smith (SA) 2 31(1 170 Mini.Irr or toisU al VktisHa is J lskr than filled Knee, or dasendeet- dam-iii to the strains 'ram Second Avknui tiertea. and renstvr all tlie erll result! Kim IS, -.-8 Mxtrj 1(57 ntsHi on tlie fnd iur of .Virrif. it, for dlrart or ledlraet, rerjiioad (lares, various other organiza Orchestra and refreshments were the iiurt'lisx of l.lrenw X 164. lo rut toiiosai to March It, I:1- PHONE B1ACK 114 raUKed ljr the !! eu. XX'arrior ((I; .... 7 1151 101 IOii.hiiu feel of Serure. dr. Itemloek or cao" tions and floats and a large body Mr. rrank Lutes, J I Terrier lllll Sl served al mldnighl. A. lllundeli r. XWsl (O; .... lli:i aiul .HiIim. frisu ail prra situated mi tls suB.rowcMASENS LANDS . 163 "I liad Js-n x.rlli Arm of Mime Inlet, funae I. Cos,I of the military. Brautfurd, Out. rllea: was on the door and Mr,. S. X'. Prorlalan made for al Saturday, February 1 1, has been Iruiitlrd ltu palplxtinn ot tM liearl for Cox was in .charge, Iwing assi.teil Tinker (H)-. 978 103 IH'lrlei.'Vbree t, jeart vjll to allowed for rroan a-ranta to -l,u',,Xi T lr a number tit yean, and by ell II would Fleming (! 315 158 removal of llmlier. Cron L..da. acau rli designated "American Iay." when uutber m a M, The doetur lld rue II by Mrs. Ororge II. tsey, Mr. XV. A Silvereide (g; 1227 153 turlber iwrlirnlara of Hi f lue Cores. purchaaara aha Zi I visitors from south of the time If I did ls4 Mrs. L. Peterson, ler. VirtoiU. II. '1:., or Mlrli i lorenter. pjrcnasr, uenimi many would Ujp do urn Kinie II. .Xlunlgomery, K. Mansell (S) .. 883 i7 I'rllies IliHvrl. H. C noltiuna of P'cn"':hV-ea. M. T. LEE line are escecled to altertd, fcpe eul out tobacco. When I would gel a ell 'Mrs. II. Strand, Mr Harold Smith taraat and tore u "f Parr (O) 1.18 1 38 whole of rle''! ST., uy heart would pouud. and I would bruit LAND ACT. era do not claim rial railway rales covering lines 'and Mrs. II. Hansen. due price JiV i.l. tmrctoaa ,.tr out lu I ierilralluii, and let ao weak I Morgan (U 27 1 137 Notice InUnllon ( Apply te laaae Land, to dietrlWed PrlMr,to"l,L m4 Ladies' & Gentlemen's from Port Arthur, Oiil west lo would have to tt nrtol drwu and quit uiy T. SiverldeIrt) 10(1 135 III KkeelM l.aiKl ilrlrl, HeeoetlluS' I'll. wtola ara Applkadone Kaskatrliewuir poiivls have beeu wurki iM In lb nlrht I would wake up In the open in at Junior League Thfifiipson 0) .. nr, 105 Irlrt r friure lmieil, M. aisl situate in by May 1. IX. kliull Inlet, HT0111I birbl fnsu rulraure on TAILOR uranted tiy itie railway associa. asl my heart would le sxtnr, I alinuld ay, billiard game last tiighl, S. huj:a t.a.CaaMj (O) mi ral side. CNAXINO 11. 1'" ll Act. about IfO beau a minuua. About three Harold Uraalns Takn nollre ibal Kdrar r.rawford, lion. W- f Uveslork Ifamillou "',.i,7rai Fit Guaranteed iar ao f rot a !( of Mllburo'a Heart fMable Leaf) beat KasHon (K 09 09 urrnpalloM S'rrer. iiiiriwl to aii'ly for davrlopewet sraaln dl.tllClt' ."T..iouar. and llial (SI. AlidrewV) by I5' t 13" iieriiilsi'loii ti leaae tlie following uerrlled ride (or and Serve rilla, louk them, found lamia: (siiniriirlur al a ll lauted In admlnlatralion under """J""u,!! Oive tlie preference when you tliey did tlie Job, I aui feUi Sue and have The remaining five game will be lla your cook lleen wild the aeeond lilatil from the enlrauree of AunaU iXaibria inili'f pariBiis Priority,r7 rof Third Avenue, opposite P. 0. (lined over f Jsiutlda la welrttl." the a eal aide of khuti Inter, tuenre t chain on rai.d i buy to Ihe merchant who advertises played lonlglil and season's you,.longr'' khiIIi. tlienee 0 rliam ea.l. tlwnrs ? lUhad canaia. 8"rl"0"'anie Phone Red 1tt In the daily and Prlee, toe i tsx at all dealera. or mailed schedule wit) I'" aiinnuuced In "With us? She' ,. rhalua north, thenrs fo rlialua went and form wlalioiia for rei'.- newspapers ... or parttallr ',,&, direct si reeelH of prlia br Tba T. Vii-burs aaallfc eiiiiialulnr 411 arre neire or lent, uiaut. ri buy advertised goods. Co. limited, Ttronto. ont. linorrow. u rum Ihe tart,M t lH-iaN IMHot.n MWt iH). Apphranl. for aattlars, camper or tialed Peceaitor 14, ivtl. W leu bead.