I ir. February 2, 1022. - ' THE DAltt NEWS PAGE1 FIVE lllll!IHlllllllllllHllllHllllllll!l!g WOULD COMETO AID FARMERS WHO LOST CROPS LAST SEASON MACDONALD'S t WINNIt'lv... Ji- 2. An Tularin of Vreplna- farmer -wlm are urfhhle Iri meet xrwill nnv nen! jvny of interi.,. bah on Ihe Inml, who lherwie Cut Brier will fare foreclosure frmri irwrl In every home 2am-Bulc proves a priceless possession. irajie r.nmparilex, Oeortre Kilmer. It is aValuable herbal balm and superior to old-style fatty Independent iJibor member for ointments. Swiftly and auxely ZanvBuk banishes pain, expels poison and disease,, and crews new healthy skin. ffl MORE TOBACCO FOR JHE MONEY IDaupliin.prexrfil mif")!!will introduce nf Ihe lee nl i-l.l Ihe Wherever there is a cut. bjrn or scald, a patch of eczema, ringworm or salt rheum, vr a case of poisoned sores or lure u resolution in. Ml iii j;nv piles, ftmBuk's rich herbal essences speedily soothe and n ... Packages 15 j WWHWMwM eminent relief. heal You cannot afford to be without Zam-Buk. Mr. patrner xaio ne ti iti favor of creating a fund nf af 1r-ytHf'iUlnrat4 Ankl. Mr. ' ZisKit H ru4 tikt Mill tfl 4iwln mmt or- mm aaW atlAMMaitea. Zmm buk kciwig leal ,noo,nou In be 4niini- . 9mwm tun vff tMK MM LlMtt 9tn4 mm bt I MkW mmd ta teivd by a board lo be. appointed ivr f md (rnttMVi, yrrW twmtit tbm lc lumt In CAITn. Ur, E, hU9m. A Mt4rf 2aV fe.k mk4 pm i. k4tnttk. HvatWrt M., ,Trnt, um -"WI4 by Hi' frtfmutfil fr Ho pur- rtfl, f inttt irMiuii fctua Wt Hkmt Akitkt .k4a t k41r fpp4 rfc icbrf t. tt mm all jwiih kin. mt tbm hd an fac tkmab ibe mc nf jiilvnnifip xnialT mho's (it tbatMV at4 jer4 my tg piet3f? aMaf csa4o4iaf Aflr dvt mi kritai la iirw m aiUl mm4 tm 1 want tm a ( mn4 f8rfnrn In order In nave Ibcm Sx-Cllat, mm.lm Pit . Mr.W D, w awv-Hah Tkia tomA imm k-ann from foreclosure. The money pmimm mad m kck ttUH. Alter a mnk fit" Mmf V t HtciV n t 4imm m cW f mm4 Zam-Buk imtarnt mmm mu4 carl- Y lyj !ald Mr. Calmer, could .tie art. , tmp kara tfc raiinta kt4 mmt tm tpW-aittf arat 4rt 4emr tr !- Tk Irtt IttLt. ik mmltnt jvaiiced tin a xociind iimrljjase. mt mh Iii mm tkclHhfc krrrtarwa. m4 vtecl 4 Ttf PrM af Bl. Mrs. M rr u mimMiIwi en l:nnl be made repayable frum BLV it J' t i;im4 trrtaTfi W!f Zm k m ti4 im rrk St. Unm, SU9.TkcapM Sf Wrraipvg. ck:M mt tfTj vrae m tnnir." hti "Artat a mmj wa.aing. af an kuftt :lli In Hire yeiirx. Action nf krc 4rra mmm ! aW mut kmc rrt-Btt iutt CM-Sr. Mm cmmu. 1 k M- iatraav. "A km aMta I lii h declared, would nature, M Siih, int. Mnc St. Mctral. wtiifg mm trltW.air danckiMn-la gcx tc Mm save thousand of farmer in A 1m wftM twyxxvM mmtlmdif ftm9-mttum Zm hak Tkii aaitkly tuUkwd ik tkrkkwi pmm. Umtm gmrni-Buk 4im a tit lata'of pmmm Attkavfk 1 k.4 depart .wi 4 CW Mt I lie province Inday whoe finan-rial f n tk r tm ksf 7mmuntii. .rr wfatrv mmd katmmtBUmn mu4 fcaJ4 lh $mr vmrftttlf" condition ind, bul win i. lierniitx' nf Hie exlranrdin- arr roT)di!inn ..itUioid. were 7am -Bttk National Fish is Hie mdli.lo- and ll.e uirUif,er,.r, (Ila,,u (, nwJ Canada's Djay lli.ipx lfiicl mt directly. Mcr anmiint nf ninney, and rnnld Sal chants, doctor, lawyer, den- nd tinrrnw frmir any iirjvate Fittingly Observed at Bauquet crally i.lx nml)i-rrm all n Hie purtmu efUx.cnx of Uiwr?en-I n?eney. uihMMia inLLl Inm t la lm w. will mmM na a tm Sunai Of Canadian Fish Association Iticmiie Canada fri.iii nl i Ik-larpro usiricx.wan iule.r- TORONTO TRIES TO exicd in i he industry fr il wax! I IremendmiK xnurce yf fond CURE DEPRESSION, OCTOR YOUNG I tn.iiln'n eijrlilli animal I -h Day wn flltiinfly uierr1 ami ;.Uppi. Hie country derived a BRING PROSPERITY Phone 99 P. O. Box 743 ii .'i'iI ul the grwil IKli liiiirtif-nii put on at Hie SL ItCKi" He (inrjn portion of 11 . revenue from fi nufii. Two int-lrii" tjv' ai1drer liy V. K. provided.il himI mufti employment ' w TORONTO, J eli. The rure URGES PARENTS: JAMES HUNTER .o't Fif-il lnrk. M.l., mi apprniiriale iiiiiiciiI firnrant. for deprenrinn J prnnperity. The GENERAL BLaCKSMITHING AND CAR BODY -irrnd nf jirdtirt nf Mir ra frinn wliatr o rlam. Filierie Fishery Protection. road In prperity tirn tlir"U?li Declares Many Children Are Phy BUILDER jimlcHinn wa an iro.nperalinn. Tu hrins at.nul trjri'. nlliiiciatir mid re,r,eplalii iMiili1y it rilizenx iuiMirtnn qnelinn. The lialitmt that needed rn-ojieral inn five sically Unfit and Should Agant roe Traffic, Day-Elder and fluggles Truck. iillair a ninfIre Mntniii, Major Harry HnflMier unn fndutr' n- oow' faelnfr a Irti-1iir hundred represent alie tiuineii Be Cared for. Terms can be: arranged fnr purchasers. man. ami at tlio head tnlde n)nii)riil' lilrn were rnodhlnn ax did Hie luiffaln men at Ihe Kin? Kdward llne We iMiid millioiix in Itiilnh lefre First Avenue and Cow Bay ihey were made extinct h M l1.. Jnlm Hytiliuvn. Janie ,. le. J. W. Niein. idecided n Hie or?anizalinn of Columbia on iilneaiion. hul when Prince mine ear- ns. A few year Rupert, B. C. Hie Tnmntn J'uhlirllv llureall. we mine In eintoitie nuV children V I.. W illiuin. till -..II Ihe U'ei Otat nf Vaumo-er arn 'Ilie of Hil luireaif' i nne.lhird. of Hiein purpn.e and find Ihal i.jh. Iwn Hie fnr.-efHj n4.rek i u ! V. )L V. lulaiul wa a trreal lialilml In adverlixe Tornotii and In make are iiilTeriiijr frnm varioux de u ;!.'" - aiiKHiir ihnte itvwni jnllKv, r aroond hut it wa al.n I.eei.miiiK il known Hie world nver: in pro. fi-ctx, I axk you wlo-lher it fx pnndi Miiinn 4,nnralen. lion 11. "My milij.Tl i a lanre and filii nut. Tixlay the elmnneri R . I.ridne. V. V. lu-: mipnrlatil ne." ald Mr. Wtlt- bad In pn a dUtapee of a Hkhi-fand node rgani.rd' effort ; In en. buinexx In pay Ihix nion-)! tn Nanaimo-Welh'ngtonf fl AT eourase Hie iiielnietit of capi. brins up one.lhinl of the popu-J i...it I: Wnrt, T. II. iuni. "Alllmualr II nilcM rein mile uiiiitiwet In jre he lal; to nlake .Ihe1 city attractive lation which will heenme derive- W . J, Valiee, rimiim a nillier rniniiiniipLare ihe in halihitl. We diouM paue and VXilLi A a i-e-iidentt.il centre. Live xii that they, thniiiph their' .AT REDUCED PRICES n ml, II. V. V.dWin,, ,V. tlrli u jdare a I'rine lliiftert. realife Ihe srent oel which we sr. i,,r, liail y. 'Melmnald. ftnwierr. II noiitd le eti.llnsl in pow f..eM'd and Me that il 1'n I hi :icmiiiid!liiiieiil nf MiIk phyxical' talMir, will ne--r le able LASTS LONGER MORE HEAT BETTER SERVICE 3 1 nan. ii. i.. i.an.irj. ro'i-lsilnn and, u IVtinyMin aid wn protecled for future ven ideal, and inlp it-ed with the. Vix. lo repay the amount tiieir I'dura-(ion AVatch vour monthly lull and you piut aflrnil W Mk i: V. r.vill, II. I'hill. when wrilllip nf llw flnvker, all eration. The fili were rml inn lliMn of IOI n jrrcater ttti&jtirf Toronto itn 'fnii.ilif Kefnre ha cnt" Thix piery from NANAIMO-WELLINGTON Is the Cheapest and Best. 4i J II Mi MuJImi. . llrt.V-it-.s rrealinn rnnld tie ulinwn if it pul there for Ihe henefil of llii-!,,, Dr. II. K. Youn?. errrlary of the ?MI , f 5 O0O ,PaP for I'rnvinrUI Hoard of Health ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. II ll.ikm riiillirf;. were iiiiderohxni. In II lliire are '"" Hi ree were pledged, irmk Ii M..n. r. :. A. tivaeH. riiflle.ii pnntiriHilieii nf In-auly yearx, x.x-akin;; at llie Jlxiiuiuull Child injt a total of IB.too." wlijeh will Phones 116 and 5C4 Itmii K. I,. I'arker. O. .UnJ iitlniefiniic Thin 'annual r .elieve that irnioediale. llypiene iViunril, xuinmed up the form Hie nurletiM or a fund t KvWfcr Haljili llur r. Ur. V. l-"h lay ha tii e nlde a (ep lioiild taken In tiriiiK xjM'aker'x content ion that jireven- fnr the Ihe kr-ti . i:. MilU. Ji ilwr, a day In function in indtwiair the aKir"a rl.ie mwiii fnr halihul le ned pnrpfiM-f of Ihiii of dUeaxe and ph.Vxical de- . Kr-f. Ilaro' V"rst1ii. lsiple in liit.nie familiar vrrlli l0 thai Ihey will iml 1m fierioil- ! urea il rclx in children wax belter Hum ' . V. . .i WaiibIi. f. ii. li-h inalilie. I ili rnllliile le.1 In liapwflr," (Wlarnt the cure. f' ; Vncer. Cnl. K. P. lie nf lli innl wlneMilw and lrnker. I'rince ltmcrl rnjoyed a lrale;i Ir. Yniiiif wax 'formerly minis- DENTISTRY air ii i.. Hliwri. J. I'". iiulrilinu die but in Canada Oas Engines. pnitimi ax the lcrminu' nf a ter nf etlucatinn in Hie Mt ltride i l. MeHae, K. A.. ll Wif fUIMl nf fi-li I- eulen To have the lel lyjie of cit Jrailwa)' whichvled rich! to Ihe adminUl ration und member nf Don't neglect your teeth. Oue decayed or missing tooth MllMll TlillfU-oll. V. 1.. fer .-f) jHMIIllia Ml lll"i. iieiiM imirasriiiir tu Hie hiduiry lii Ii liankx. It wax up in all the f?ixlaUirr for Allin. lowers your vitality. . rjHuiwrl.ni. It. I'u.-ftily lii i due In pat aiintlier necex- l develop Ihe port and one of is a vvDll.kunwn fact Hint H l llller, 4a. k iiTittiiian"e fir many pen. wa ily. liul In linprtrtanl have thee there Ihe mxt imxrtant jiecesiliex prevention in far lieller 'than DR: BAYNE . nf liuliy. Uv. Ir. It. pie nf Hie riuiulry- lite reuioved oiul he proMr roridition. II wax the irraViiij: a xeparate cure, lr. niiriK went on. lu. W. IliifclK-. A. fi..m I tie lake and wealmard and wa wild a view In inakins het- flh dixlrirt out of Prince Hu-jierL da Ihe oniintry ix faced w1lh ilx Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgcrson Block - Phone 109 Ihe il.hi. . M. MatiMi, liuiiMii-lalinn nf freii flll to er c.odi1i..i for Ihe xalmon Tlio people nf south pensile afflicted liy physical dc Oflic Hour: Morninsrs, 9-12: Afternoons, i;30-5:30; had waxtwl llieir hcrila.-e Ii -ilui Mrltae, II. lliein a diffleljllj'. Till Jnple finhlns iiiduiry that the llnard hut, feclx, and I want to el you that KveninKs. 7-9, V . Sandioini, ii. A. Unt- fie.utffd Hie fleli lale and if Trade and Ihe eitien were whaleer the cauxe, wax no as xonn ax you have physical defeneration orralr or Ihe north. We xlll Tii.iina XlrMeekill. J. imi lliey s feli. prviinjr fnr the ue of paxn- you will also have and had our heritage -lepi I U Hurl. II. A. Ilitaril. Thi-fiempte on Hie .rnat Imi' trinex wilt'HIl mix in fiflilfiK- moral and mental delinquency. 1 xhould he. taken to liave the I Muid.wm, jBPk Vniatilew, J. fll llielr die' In arrnrdaiirii Thee Ihinsx were worh con- diviiletl iitkc you to adopt measures and FAULTY MATERIALS district mi that we would 'Htm Yaneniiver . Kinjr. Willi Hie leiiir- Hiey have ae.j oidrrnt itn Tnr with proper con- means -in prevent Hiexe dixeaxex ililricl have a xeparale nf ir DISCOLOR THE LINEN bein' Inlreritixl Ihe chil- EDSON COAL iilinltv I lie iialiimi lialik cnuld own. A xlmuld iirolei-i our. from by ' I' lae-. II, l.iji.eH, V. nit in Dial Hie children are mil lie rextnrked and the hexl xnrt .elvex and lei Ihe xnuth take dri-n of the roinlpK peiieration. If K'tjsrt.t, r. liniHuKer, tieiri' irhen the taJe fnr flIi. Ttiey nf fi-hrrni'-ii could he M'cure.t.Icare or iUelf or we iniht set )u ilon l lake moioc action in thix Canadian Steam Laundry Congratulated COMPANY Vi:r, ,. .VnrriH And M. O. liniild lie (riven all Hie fih they Ilie type or men who were en. million reApcct il ix criminal n.-vlivl 4in Upon Knowledge in fi xame ax tln- Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th SL want fnr it in Hie iii'ii wlmla. jRini'd in Ihe de.-p ea fixhin? out were iii today. vmir pari." of Laundry Supplies. I ti Ihey cnnlii !. II ii Prlnoe the hexl Polntiiis out Iliat ilne-Uiinl ot 'iorutlon Stumbling Block. mime Hltr or llupert wax Mr. Slork declared- Ilial Hie Discolored linen ix a source. 1 ill"HK Hid lluil d.ig nnlinnn i a tnnre in Hie wnrfcl and one of which we llniMi whu bad xiiushl admission Hi. Inusl In Hie commercial end of the fiihin? of much ajrjOviyauce in may people May.,r lliM-lieMer nryiH'il lerfiyHly lialaneii fl limn ran could Ixiaxt. They were xtninjl, induilry hail heeti highly deyeU In Ihe army had been rejected be. who send Uieir washing out Best Coal " i -ii'.Ho. He a1d Uial il In fiiund In fle-h. finre lhee fenrlexx and insenioux, the pe oped hut not xo iho xcienlific cause of their physical untllnexx Mi be laundered. 11,1 h;i len yrallfyiliSr In liaiiiiueU liaxr tinen (rKanfe I that mae- nation. They end. There- should ho h -p-arate lr. Youiik declared Hiat ynutiK llilx discoloration ix Ihe re-wiIlv,or " I'' m. . liuiH-n lit aneh nr lha Himld itviret Huil ladim Khnuli would never jru to defeat them. lioininion Mirlfotin of men and women today are aeUin: faulty inalerialx or at Invllrd fur it i they who are xele for were imliued with ""liari FiMiei-ien AMietaliiin, lie lliey fi-herex. loo tillexleepA are irregular -in liielliods. Happily, our patrons " IK.mI ,.r tnalnly renjntiilile fr riiinjr courns. jjorvt' and ulrenglh: Now time of llieir lifaltb habits, and draining Tnide and Hie liily wax a proivxx do not cnnijilain of Ihix serious "m' l fn ..,. hwU a ureal the inenn nf Hie. hmnen. They Quickest Routa and ttp-ln.ilatr fiihinjt rnelho.li Iheic vitality by exresxiv livinir icrec4 in laundry xervice. Lowest Prices ''"' enitld t uiven reiieipen mi there the anitnlion ip cnn.iii--e Hie nation's "'I f iillill i.l..,ttliiir Hie Speaking nf xhould (u allowed. Oux mat Work'.lo 1 lie im ui wins repiy in our f' -. inlni..l H...I .. .. wnuM he limrr effet'l In Hie ef. Alaxkn lo have the flxherj-reyulalioiix fiihillff xhould 1m' allowed xo heallb slu.tild benitl with the care looujry rcsard.ins Ibix mmlilion 1:ti'Ti.. There lilld ImWII fnrtn.tii impiilnrUe I lie enlifitf nf ehantred thai that the fixliermen would he af. of the bAily, lr. Youiik xaid. He may, indicate the reason our pa-Ironx Order Now Phone 58 I" "nr. innde in- hi in- finh. M"ie wiiiild Hiu lie dime American lmalx would not he fonled the Opportunity f ein- ii iV--"! Ihitt, . bll.IreO nr pre-srhaol have no cnmplainN on 'U"IA , .l,p 3v! fw xari a.)d than we ran dn at Hieee luui- ikerulitted to dincharue their un xhiMibi be rarefuiiy xuper- Hila score. ' iniiii w.-uld deni-nd tarely- llieln." MitrliCK here, Mr. William xuid Ihejp jiVelihiMKl. lxed; and xuspexted ttiat pnw. "'Dl-ar Sir: ' '" 1 I n Wti.it iiirt lie dmie in 1 ue way Important Induttry, ulial if ucJi urtlrirJul repula-; Musical Numbtra peclivn inolhers xlmubl obtain W are rt'rerring your Idler Nltfit Phones J. 0: Sten. 3T1 I" " ''tint: rruiimiiirlaliun. Mr. WilliaiiH went on In show tiotix ax were demanded were put Tlie uiuxical program con health Advice friHii Ihe Provincial of January I2lli di reel to W Longwill, Blue 270 'f-P'rialiiM( bad been Ihti Mini fihing wan a itally important inlo effect il would force Anier. iej of a duel. "I.arlmard Health Department. Dr, ishupp, Mellon Inxliliile, Day Phon. S, itinlilinu Jilnrk iti the iiiml IndiHry In I'riare llu. icuii lionlx iuln r.aiuollau reaix- Wttlch," hy A. Clapperlnn und llcv. II. T. ArchlmbT. oiFaniiinc I'illsriurjf, and you will hear STEEN5L0NGWILL '" H'O rmt that fio million tterl. All Hie jteiple here were Iry or aomeihinK lo Dial effect .1. K. Oavey; a xolo "HolJiii? xecrelury of Ihe Ixlaud Couurll of from him. '''UtlfU iiii.r,. I.n i.1... l... i mure or le"" litiiur off il and lieratixc it wax rxxcniial that the OVr Ihe Sea," encored with "At (social llypicne, quoted xtatixticx Your loller show (hat you! Shet Metl Work. '"iKl, the port In lt2l llian ninny wrre livinir off il ei-lux-ively. flsfl IfOl the ipiiikexl roule lo Home on Ijiiid and Sea," by K. o xhow Ilial-Ii per cent, of Hit (horoushly appreciate Ihe im Agent for MeClary Kurncan y' IW.i fcUOW,.d vl,at -iul.l In llu- 1I year Sl.00.. its market and Hial wax Ihrouh' K. IMliliibeli, and a xdo "Skiju poiiilalin of Canada wax sulTer-Inir portance nl a knowl'edlfe or . flilllK aim""-ii I iiiiiinjinriaunn wa I toil pouiuU of freiih haliloil and Hiix port, lie had no douhl thai l-'r," hy A. Glapporlon. Av. with venereal disease. Jle xaid Ihe xuppliex used in Jauoder- Sanitary Heating and Engineer. tovhIi.,1. i jnnvnr ilrou' u 7.000,0(10 pound- of freh oaU whalener liappencil, (ho fixu Vaiiiihan Daviex win Hit aceom. that venereal dixeae xhould be iuy. "'I'lilihnn liejween lUe fiUIHK ini.ii. al l"lal of a 1.000,000 would foiillniie to Tbke the i)llirk. paniil. draped oul iato llie open where You are In lie uonralulalel 6tb Street and.Frax.r.Strt ; nr indny Ji.in llu-, pound of frefch flali, t had ex( and looxl eay roule und Mayor Itochexter I hanked the It could lie fought with the siiiu on lht racl, lusrause Hmto I PrincKuprt - - B.C. r und ial nt , Ja lieep Nlllpei IIH'OUKll IIII poll. aallalion w-mild only rexiilt in, KatjierinV ori behalf of Ihe mm. liphl of education. no finale item connected with Ihix ..uanlily of flxli wimld take hiuher price lieinK' al-i for! nillleex fnr llieir attendance und Hip laundering prot-csx that 'ly. T,day bundtedH nf KIOQ wim lo hamiie ir an avrr. Canadian fixti and Ihe I'nited Ihe affair oloxed with Ibe niv-lutf liax any nrealer Imporlance CHARTERS D ACCOUNTANTS ... iiKe of 3"ti rum per day. Willi Hlatex would have to pay. of three checrx for Die com. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Jlioii IhN. ' In racl, Ihero are AUMTOMS " 'iy; then, II.,. rjilium runfe mhJi an iwiMtrlant faclor of Fred Stork, mlllee and the nijrnlnir of llie Na. many who think Ihal it is Ihe RORIE & SMALL " '"nHirui'liiiii inoaa limue Irnffltf Hi IH'ople xhould fool J-'red Work, roi.pindiiiir lo Jhe U-liAl Anlhenj. Thursday. February 2. most important xuhject for Ho '"-tare,! r1ti,- pride on n day proud or llm wonderful a-xvl. loaxl, riiptrralulated the rout, The COHHilltlcex iii rliarKe con. IliBh 1:35 a.m., J.2 feel. luundryowuer to uuderxland. Rs!dtnl rartaar uttKii i wmit Mini. nf. On deep iea fij-hiliK louiU plying- mlllee urH Ihe clief on llm ex. rixled of J. Ii. favey and Jaiuex 10:37 iuii i;.i feil. Your sincerely, COROS RORIC, CJt. "SniBUf " "hut.n two III and out of I'lince Itu-im'iI ceiieut menu winrii nan peen I.. I.i', or the Canadian" I'ixber-mrn'ii l,ov10;U a,rn.j 7.C feci.. LAUNDHYOWNlCltK' NATION. Clly Auilitor rir mora liapert lm ''n"r,, ru,,'l f""'n 2000 rueii wen employed Ihe provided. II wax in iixclf a Axhoclatloii; H. W,5NicVer. 2:18 p.m., C. feel. Al. ASSOCIATION. Autftorli'il Truta la tuiiiriiptcjr urn, MroUir projl(.,u.tJ f,,n,r. year' around. ami. ine puranm......1.I.... li'VcJalitin of whal could W done pon and John IfyWiavn, Hoard Triday. I'rbruaiy 3. vYour linen ix wntlhy or the AuaNlaf lamtleanaae,rarlnarakl UtuMatlaaa Aaala wmiwiiu in lite .rJly employed, with Ihe prnduet of the xea. or TYadn r'ihrles Coiiimillee,! Illali a:5 a.m., 8,v frrl. beel ll-ealRM'lll, .MAY WJi MttlVti rinaaclal Raort, tl. Alfnila onotlicr ?00 men. Til" iiallifiintt wax met iu Ihn and Aid. John liyldiavn nnd Aid. 17:27 p.iu., I0. fed. YOU? ' reri .uliaiaf, Prlaaa Raaart of r V ' ,n I islierle Tin. fUheiinPU and Ihe pnrh- Kroatexi flxh port of the I'ai'lfio W. II. .Monltfonvry, Civic I'ith.1 Low 1 1 :30 ,a.m., 7.0" feet. CANADIAN KTILVM LAUNDHY Pkaaa Mr Bai -adaM Wfl , u. rt wr directly alrvtl i I L- pay tribute to Ui fUlifcrlr. etiej Comtnlttca. 1 S3J8 p.W., 7.0 fuel. Phone 8. (advi.)