The Daily News GLOBE DISCUSSES LEAGUE GETS pniNCR nttpERT - unman Columbia BRITISH LABOR AS Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince, POLITICAL FACTOR MANY LETTERS Thanksgiving Day SPECIAL BARGAINS Hiipert finily News, Limited, Third Avenue. MONDAY, NOV, 6TH, II. P. PUU.F.N, Managing. Rditor. Favorable View Taken of Possible International Court Troubled by Ik. ..hi sh. iiing '-.ulr this for Friday and Saturday Rise to Power of Group Patty Affairs of Individuals Reek Selling SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or currier, per month. . j $I.O(i Discussing Ihe Mainline nf In nl'Vl'Vi v 'n. I Bulkley Valley Beef By mail to nil part of In British F.mpire and Ihe United Stales. or in llrilain today (lie Toronto ofHce of the l.eavue .f Nalion MEN'S UNDERWEAn. in advance, I LOO (Thbe l it i r nii'iil ili pi ti.i- handlcn per year say': receive dally an enornum ii'rii. Hlanlo lil lim n Liiliel. heavy weight I il, To all other countries. in advance per year $ "The Hellish f.alwr paHy wilt million; lUi' F"T the past . tier tr letter from prelly well all doolile hn iii 'I. Sue. lo M. Ileg. .1 on TELEPHONE 88 ttne slrotiti "presentation in over Ihe world, and m Iheee con. three niMMth SPECIAL $2.25 8UIT. I He House of Common after the trihiilliiii the crank la well re. LIVE TURKEYS FOR netl oeneral election, anil posU feenled. The mall clerks are "transient Display Advertising. ... . f 1.40 per inch per Insertlm Idy will lie Ihe stronirest single busy ndividnal. for thetr fto THANKSGIVING MEN'S HEAVY SOCKS. Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.80 per Inch zronp. Mr. Anslen Chamberlain, duly or sorting nnd re HiwUnir. All wool, nhlo d, in lllue nnd livat InmIc- Local Reader, per insertion 25c per line In his -recent speeeli. Inllnialetl fiminlrles outside Hie league nro-duce We expeci a shipment nt Meg. 7.V pair. SPECIAL SOo PAIR. Classified Advertising, per insertion , 2c per word that if the l.abnr parly obtained ihe lamest number of or. Live Turkeys from th' Interior Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agale line majority he result would be respndents. Hie I niled Stales this wvek. BOYS' TWO PIECE SUITS WITH EXTRA PAIR OF PANTS Contract Rates on Anplicalion. levy cn capital. Ihe doom of In. is far In Hie lernL and Ihe cranks Qreen Stuff Arriving This Which mean, double we;ir. Made ol inie All advertising should be in The iMily News Office on dav preceding liuslrv. and repudiation of the na in America who 'feel called upon Week. Twcetls. in the llet noMlels Sue SM lo i publication. All advertising received subject to approval. tional rihl. to tell (he League, what it should t'jtlifornia Heal lettuce. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. Wall Street do are seemlnelv"without nnm-ler. VicUiria I5al i flower, large special $11.50 each. " favorable view hearla. much nmre DAfLY EDITION Thursday. X.iv. t. I9?t. of Hie tabor irljr i laken by one Germany and Russia iln I,arsre Celery, well Ladies fine silk hose. of Hie slnrr or The Wall Street Hnl Oerninrty anil Soviet tins. hlenehesl. Ileiiifoned heel and toe, color Hmwii. m Great Interett In Journal, which generally sides s4a also aid ueneroosiy in keepin.-Hie Hothouse Tomatne. Hln. k .unl t-.oii l Hiae Ntfc in 10 Reg. l Cucumber. with the capitalist. Mr. Arundel mall eievk occHpse.!. Afri Hothouse SPECIAL GSo PAIR. , Civic Affairs. , Cranberries for I lie Turkey Colter of that paier. wrillna from uiik and Asiatic a well a The figures published eterday in regard lo the number, reports I'.e heiail of one Hiiropean and American, find I Hotter. TURKISH TOWELS. of citizens wllio have registered with n rlcw lo voting at the of Ihe grewl railroad sys the most extraordinary excuse California Alwerlrt ffrnpea. heads. Mad' of xlr.i heavy collon wilh Sf4 stripe i t'ihfMge. large green i forthcoming civic election are mnt tems"a saylna- he lielieved If HJ for eontmiinlefliinH witsi the encouraging. They are in Spanish ontnn. hnjrt3 leel la-1 . .iIih-. Hise HI" X 4H", IV Anl I ' line with Ihe a nwller Ol inonilis neiore uie beat ue. showlnir Iheiw i n worlrf-; revival of interest everywhere in the government lock. WMintry has a !.! ilovernmeiiL wle iiHeoieptHn a to what oliner. SPECIAL 5 for $1.00. of Ihe country and in the desire lo make Ihe mot of our opportunities. nnd aibling: "I am not at air ur Hie laane i affl whaf it 1'arsnip. fjirrol and Tur. One of Ihe eenial of a democracy Is that all citizen it will not be a good Huns tor all up ! do. nips. CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' COATS. lake part in Ihe government. With lhne financially jnlerelei cnncerneil." Mr. Oil'er ey thai Tle Secretarial set a vast Onhlen llanlam Ont on Ihe matte of ;i fine nil imi I'laid Itni'k noaliiig I showing themelve nelive and wilh nil others inactive, (here i ot Ihe many lewiling Mploer amount of mail mailer thai in a mHiiiii-h ingle trealed sve, Willi lieO I' room for all kinN of ahne. e official ami plant manager Hiabl lo go lo the fnreurn office Fforista Orape Kntil. sleeves, lras nod iiiff. who bt expressed pinion none of different governments. d it Simkist Oranges l.emon. This year Ihe number of registration l nearly double that has opMised union r lias not receives also a (treater nun her of Apples, Ratlnar and choking. 5 lo H ve.irv SPECIAL $3.00 to $10.75. of lat and Dial in spile of Ihe decrease in population. A vear said II would le a nValter for re. stiirvrtms.apicalion and mi. al price ranging from 18 In IX ve o -. SPECIAL $18.50 to $21.50. ago there were, more people eligible In register than there' are grH ir thev were HAhed. The.e 11 ions i hat hiuHI to iro nwere to ;.av today, yet not half as many took ndvnntnge of their privilege. emplnyers do not want lo lenl Men and women hrinx lo the HuMianl S.uali and I'timp. nsaiu with Ihe unofsranireil work. l.ej te in. all lamruaiie-s of Ihe kllK. mn. Althowsh there i Hoe witrtd Iheir lir!-cne, 1,'o'tr Lowest Market Prices. People Get Profits criticism or Ihe eit-lnMjr "lay. read-aches, and Ihe aching void Universal Trading Co. Of Liquor Business. now praeltenlly universal in llril. in Iheir poclet hstoa. The Sec. While the amount Vf liquor consumed In RrilUh Columbia ih industry, hhi.1 eiindoyers.ap relarial is ale for the addres.c. Rupert Table Supply seems excessive, it must I remembered Ibat large miantllie are pear satlsHe! wilh Ihe re-til I ! of reliable doetnrs; hetjitol lo fn d Phones 211212. Phone 376 consumed by visitors. Never before in the hilory or the province its nieratln. Iiey are tinani lost hiishands, ami ateale to to ioH in ileelarinp that laltor unl settle dHtwic as well as other were there a many vl1lors lo Vancouver ami Vielorla a this en in Oreal - Hrilain Iwve cHne qoarrets. Ilie requests foi IuihI year and mol of those w ho came were monies! people w ho were to ta. oome a Ion if In a steady stream. in a poitinn lo spend for liquor or anything else. Broad Minded 'tire League has not evnn Keen Unertienl of king Fdward scloNd. The satisfactory feature of Ihe liquor huine ha been the 'In answer l tlie question. immune from ihe h.?iiilewenl nl II. H. rUmtrmtu of Ihe ( fact that the profit from the business "Why are Ihe lion and the laml lite eonfldeoce men. sexeral r'l.ud itnaiL. made I h pr.j remain with Ihe people. lali.'fi ami I'rniripal .1 Itrady lalHtr and capital, in at least American or this sjierie Iimmuk They are distributed partly lo Ihe municipalities and partly and I. Mi l" lluitler sMkc t.. i. f. go arrat ivart f Hritlli indnstry. lrie lo He the SetfrKariat to RED MOUNTAIN into general revenue, of the province towanl relieving the tax labte lo lie iIowti Insetlier " Mr, lielp theuyosit wilh their m-m it iy. payer or liquidating debt. (roubles. Otller say: Want In the first game of the winter Thi mine, now prixloi nig gold tmlliOTr is elierenl Bone Dry Hritish wwr a hak,eliill sea son ihe Tuier de. profit-niukiug scale, has ore reserves suffktei, Prohibitionists Object mas, with a fair average r in AmoitK Ihe noi.t frequent ep-ea fealed the ItapliU HrolherliooJ to insure milling operaluni for several yeai- f these: HmI the laene To Selling. lelliifence and a bish sense are last Ms lit by a sent of it U . lbo reaNt. and apart from the fact that furUtc make the world twine lhat il sixirtsiiiansbip. dry. i Prohibitionist object lo selling liquorijinder Ojny eircjini,-.slance lite learns were fallows; llru. development prueitises a val increase in Hrilish eapitatlsls. hn Ihe suppress ?.ryfro 3i 0. all andahe tidily Newslake the vietvV hat a cswlJipnfnnder whole, are able l see oth Mes Irwir awl ilf'fris,.,lffrt1l iii-(Mnl IheriitMNl Marv Mnstfey. A. ItsHitage, we are toctilted to regard llimudarv l ' w hich liquor i not ued a( all would J exlrejnely b?mieral In r a question, even Ihowgh U af h lffrer-at'1rV)F4i.oi.' thai i. i. Youna. I.ihi (tcs. Viialr Rarss. J. .MoemUen shnres nivftrablj at prtxutttnie pitd SchaelTer awd Jarv is Mrlnd. lions. Ihe country. The difficulty-i Dial, in Ihi province, nl nnv rale. recU tlomsehes. fio-ni the eaienda: that il adoul' Tlaer le liell. . l.aje. Mn Kxpert confirms us niiniiig opinion m Ihe desire for liquor is liiitish union leaders rir lift a universal lantiuase; anal Uiat that so strong it i impossible lo prohibit. Strict I. KtMie Mann an.t W lelief nod lite shares have demonstrated (he .1 Wider Iho.e conditions the bel kind of regulation hnuhl be most part, are uienor intellljrence it give. vote tn woHtett lit world I My I he. lerlMiig worth hy an alviice of 20 ier cent ami honor, many or them hohlin? over. sought and that come from stale ownership of distribution. The for the Vancouver Hhsck Kxrbange in (our we k hi Kit M.litknl office Thry Bei- sugceations are mostly V. JMelan, local Whether amendmenls In Ihe present system are necessary erally have wide eepnmi.ic knowt I lie cure of Ihe world's economic .... - isnsss oiiff.iiy aMtMter,irs September 26 - 49c bid; 50c asked or not we are scarcely in a position In uggel. All we feel j tdice. and they insist oil Ihe and financial ills, but sum r r. leave tnnhyhl by Ihe Prfn. 1hat the preent system Is far beller than Ihe old where there wa? sanctity of corttrort. resMiiiients want to hoT tkss eewa .Mary to nen4 a HMntlt Yesterday - 65c bid; 66c asked The Wall Street Journal eir league how universal peacw cii a'aloou on even- corner. Make (he law reasonable and inil ImlMay in sosilhern eoisl eltlejl. on respondent believes that tit e reslared throush the iii rwral enforcement WOLVERTON AND COMPANY i ailiea I elenwnt in lalior union in adoption or their itarticiila - Tits'. REFUSED TO VOTE BONOS Knicland is rapidly loinsr ground, ion, want In design a ne worhl Limited. Bootleggers Are rnd that the conservative ele flat, or imtke lh I-eaKiie all over I trad ford. Ia., has vwtd Mi inficr- V Hlock Exchange ;uiiv.uver Stealing Our Money. Ttl-nt. thai ileumwl the ie attain after Iheir fashion. against hondliiK Ike city for a 704 Dominion Bank Building. Hoollegger are thieve who are stealing our money. The se and treatment Miihle The labue is often a-led to munioipolly.owned elilrle liyht VANCOUVER, B.C. profiU of Ihe liquor business legally nnd morally belong lo the hut recoKiiite the riabts of Hi settle strikes and to isaeify divid. plant. A vijrorous campHivn wa feinptover and the public, is prow. ed families. waged. An impartial coiiiiiuilre people and anyone who lake that I away taking our money, just Intr strnncer. The latest euriou deiHand was secured a list of towns vs it h a a ranch as if they put their hand in the treasury and got uw from a romancer who wanted ma. popolalhin I'oiuoarahle to irad with Ihe Unit. They get away with it anyway. They have not M m terial lo write -an exeilinv ne frd and iiieHonnaire were J.Mked at it just that way or they would scarcely have thine it. ! The Man in the Mood f about the League; he wo refeired sent out T kills' for Ihe etler- THEQ COLLART, LTD. - - tSZ ienee of Mo wilh to Ihe Near Knsl section. (niniimlies This cannot be siiid of those who bought Iheir good from Ihe municiiAll-i.i.., plants Suty. FOR SALE. government! vendor and refold it. They were imply-charging eight a replies were ret-cixed and HUM exlra for Ihe retailing. Lot on Third Avenue, only $000.00. ThJ u c The advocate or government con I nil were at h time or I IIAVK been aked wtielher or In the Letter Box of eiperiHieiit these fifty-lhree Had proven admilled a financial Ihe buy for somebody. Ihe plebiscite strong in urging that oil get together nnd make not certain local sportsmen tail, failure. IJie new law a success uud see that il provision were lived iny lo pet game in the woods Phone Blue 69. Wssthelme Theatre Block. P.O. Bos up have been down hepiiir In shoot EXHIBITION OF SPUDS to. .Vow Mime or thoe same strong advocate have been Ihe Subscribe for the Daily News. flrt to condone hrenrhe or the law. sleer al the eltemporleil slautrtiler lioase lhi. week. The Kdilor laily News. - 1 .1 1 , 1 . In Victoria the and three nldermen major were committed I'leae find enclosed of answer lo this i "Y." a cony for1 trial on u charge of issuing a check for I00 without Ihe approval Ihe lirixe list and program r of the city council. Yet the same people who laid the l llli member or Hie custom (rowers' luifereoce in emi- information nre among those who have allowed thousand of dollars la IT. H is uudrstiMd, will ive iteclUm with the I'rovineial I'o of public money to get away through men who were selling up any tendency Inward deer or luU Fair lo belteld in s ami liquor illegally..uud thus robbing the vendor of hi profit. Wc Fori INVITATION LADIES u nm.e hunlimr which Ihey mivht Iroin Novemlter i7. lo !.. to have lo remember lhat the vendor is our servant and be has n have had. I bey have n fellow i. Will you kindly give a mui-h legal right lo all Ihe liquor business of Ihe province. Any business feellnu with the hunted. imlilicily a i.ossilile the vi-ry al- that gel away from him i a Jos lo the community. trnclive iirue list which ha IT i rimiored Hie banks are been arranged. alMMil lo Institute an "Open an II is iitamieil to make the Fair Mr. Ilenl has jul returned frnrn; n buxmH ' ! We now have on display on ah-' . '" aceoiuil week. One r Ihwii Ihe slarliiiu mdnl 'it a serjc, ,,f csrliisive range id Eczema Covered Arms sllKUesI n Miirct your Holes UMN)lintfs o be held throuiih1 l s. ... of This Healthy Child week." Ihe he I'rovinee formation in of connection a II.C. I'olalo Willi and Semi-Evening TIIK latest classle quotation I (i rowers' AssiH'ililloil. I'.nrh Evening Mrs. Alex. Marshall, SprucedaJe, Ont., writes "Wtirkers, or Ihe world unite; dislrlel i aked o send al least "litn my little toa w three you hate nothing to lose but one represent alive: to the fun moathi old he broke out in tores oa your eliane. fi. TICK, hit thtit and armi. We did all we I'olalo Ppecinlisl. Gowns could to heal thoie terrible tore, but AT this distance from llrilain aothing did him much good. Foully it Is illlllelilt lo understand just I ventured on a bos of Dr, Chaie's what all Ihe M is about, per. Ten Years Ago in i nam 31 tn It AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. Oistmcat and lepl oa using il. At haps ir they get rid or Law Ihey In Pi'nc Rupart Also an Eicluslve Line of Ladles' last we were rewarded by the will Insiitiile a new order. Suits. teady healing ol the sorei, and k cordially mvite yn , m-pect on. r ,k w.M. .i under any nbllgatmn t 1 ' finally he wai completely relitv. NOW thins- are gel ling a bit November 2, 1812. d ot them. (It U mw thref dull, what alum! considering Ml Filna Joy JeflYy, who year old. sad hai had no return the inomeiilous (ueiun or the ecuie, Hie highest llllinliei of BENT S LAD,ES' Readv-t-Wear STORE lUby MiluUL of the trouble lince." slale d Ihe weal heri' marks al Ihe High Si tiooi en-Iraiic - s - ejiiiniiialinn In Hie city W "The House of Better Values." DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT WI1KN Ihe elecliou s over last June, was presented wilh the II will he for some literary per. ft oter nor Henerul's medal al a 0e. Bank of Montreal.Thlrd Avenue, SO (t-nla but. all tlrslrrs ur IUlmuso, Hairs It I'o., U4, Turunlo. i.. wiile an article on The pleasant eerenmny which look Passing or Ueorg." plar-e yesterday aflwnoon In the