THE DAILY NEWS' PAGE THRU ''' " W " APPLES. Ealing anl eooVlnir. I L I Local and Personal I'riiM rtalit. City Market. tf I or a eomfarlnlile etoed Tail, plume tt. Ilale reaonAlile. 8, ictures it. ij. undertakers I'hone 41. If llaiitlonoelilM h.l V. Mmwrll. If f Haynrrs, Undertakers. Phone Mm. J. A. 'IVniJ. who reeenlly F tEETEXV. 351. tf underwent an i'Tiil i.n at the 1 for Meneritl Hoapital, ha now r m I-mi i:.m' l.'-art-f'T. ItnKKiiat' covered nod l .iial,"iiig at ami .mhi. plume i;h, tnjrlit or her home. Presents y . tf Christmas - Vhlt lirive and lanre, under Full stock of 3-ply Cotton. the MUKpti f the Ladlea' Ami wood Veneer Is now being car. liary. W. Aririw' Society fur I F you want the only un derclothing made In Canada ried by Albert A McCaffery, Ltd., "Football Tslin." will tie lieM In thai is le-infotced at all wearing x tts line of IIm- nic rl UifU from these part ii Phone 116 or G64. tf tin' l'.lk' Hall, on Friday even " CEETEE" Pirltir of one nf he beauty apoU in or near Hie inn at H i.m. liai- Adriirwiion vneaf il. They are inexpensive, easy t roll and jMt Ihi- K.-m-ial iniTiniu of t! Site. I'.nTjrlnxly Wi-li'orne. 257 IF you want undriclothing vith a teal doted ri mniftttg lole, perhap you have awne iiich Unat Hr Veteran AwmmiI "0,ch'" uitiun-- .mii-. ii. Let us enlarge thtm. If nut, railed rir iai nlirfit SAXON INVADERS ' wet " CEETEE" w M Mime beauties. (...i.ii,, until mmt Their sday 'Vi'iunit. HAD RHEUMATISM I F you are susceptible to coldi or chilli Mre our panoramic tiow frui Woodworth - -Mi-. weal " CEETEE" Lake to I liiand, 5 by SO incites. l'rn c J.iT.', f Telawa, will that is knit to underclothing t.K. IF want the only an Hf front I he interior on tumult! Skeletons Just Dug up In Dover you '. 1 1 Hiii a II it will prurfi-y Hills of Men Who Went to fit the body- " CEETEE" lo s-uitl,. mi ike ol'-annr Prttwe Britain Before Romans weir THE lifiMlfl'. I F tou want the underclothing that will not shrink TRA0EMAHK AND THE l.H.MMl.N. Nov I. 'ii nkel wear "CEETEE" NAME Fir Veneer, 3 ply, full height of rooms, and 4 feet wide; also elona. "lie eofiiilele. tile wilier I F you want pure wool underclothing without the iiir.milie. were (muni 4n ttie Cottonwood Veneer, Lath and usual irritation i liHlk .if Wrotlmiii Hill liurliip Plaster. Call and see my stock wear CEETEE' III.' ri'Utiildltli? of the IHelnli to C H, Shockley, Cow Bay. Phone 383. tf hii-r roi. wtttrli l one f the IF you want underclothing superior to the best MinMi-y f TranMirf rtieiiie - Imported- for iiroviiHmt wurk for tlie HH- wear " CEETEE" i(hkiI imt- Iiraw- ettiplnyeii. TIhw nkeleioiM wpre , li't o !. r.hifTonier: without nbfiiilie.1 lu Sir Arthur KHlli. IF you want underclothing anr sewn ii.I pi M tiT.""'r: third the Treat uHftiortty oi ln l' i anl I.t!ii.- KiM !. "CEETEE" Hir ArttMtK m-M-te,! IImI Hie wear l-ll .'Hi tl!l- llti- )IH to a HERRING ,. ..ii i ;,, i:. . . ,,. uv. i f cinoplete ulrMrni m that f a I F you want underclothing of downy softness, and .triHialy beiHt man wlni tlnalli absolute comfort- Maa ifiie in rnenm:uiiii: wiine tin- wki-ka- -.hiiia rh.t jr. wear CEETEE' in I h ei of the iniiitHe 66 . .i.-.iii... '.! IM. ki-rmii an,! k-li-lin he ileeUre.l that m ra underclothing that doctors 1 wa nt the CEETEf - l illii!.mi. .if I'errare, i'IHMi' I r you BAIT it-1 wan the rune of i)hIIi. mi ii.'fioe iMniiii- Ham-ti nil-W.Hiillin recommend I ntil further etiilenr i forth. wear "CEETEE" tlii- iii tihiik mill a. .iiniili he eonjerlore,! I hut the THE PURE WOOL J ill: IIIIM-Hl IIIMlle IB ti 'Ml mi. in underclothing lie were tkoe of early Saiwi I F you want economical buying lit tir.lwy lo-n Itwj will m UNDERCLOTHING niviwler who eame before the wear $30:00 per Ton to-anl trale I'l'rrai-o Kt'uii)'.In-f urn Miii- II miiii. ami he IhoMzlit it likely THAT WILL NOT SHRINK Hint ill the eenvlhn a eurtier Finest the Coast ' f a ire-iarltiaii Saton rae. SOLE MAKERS ASK VOUBDCAtlRTOSHQWYOU on In iinfc'r dial I'l iiii-' H hi -1 vanl ntiaht have been hnMizht to ..'..ili- limy ha,. tin- liet lihl. HeeeMtly aioilber t,elelni iM- iir - wr M-c iii fiinnwtlon Obtainable from lltl til I'lli.lllliiii' i( lllr ,ro. ha been lirii-re.. it ml the OF GALT, CANADA H. loot. are il ill in a hut at Wrot-ham. ini'i- it'll iii -i'iiiu. Canhdian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. "ulti'ii i- liaiiiiu .titiiialit anil lueoiioii In of lht eae there or W' ar-al-. iio Will it!. II,I 111.' 1. an.Ml'rv mi. PRINCE RUPERT I 'hi- Mi.ii-i- ii-. - i. A. Hun- liiiiij reioihte for a ' ileatli. The ukull Sa I..... i .-!-!.till iilllnr. will tx lln- a liuli' ii If Hit an im-h wiile. it iiin : nil.lit Iii- atiieiuw. unit it 'i-iy inelal knife wa wtors heinj; tlftaili'il In lln- . fiitiinl I "' eral iHrt where ntarken-l i COUNTS ..iy .( a periaj nttl'-- ECONOMY .. t.i lln f...nulla liatHt Um taeke, for the America iiihi-kH. i i r . .1 ii.'i F d w,c a r PRIZES GI YEN.FOR 'l'liexe uien will ee to it Eat Good at the uiii that mackerel of the Inlii'-I .1 ..rili in i-itiiiii'il by MAfaTPCI rklCUVS. d only go.-a to th I nil.d CANDY SPECIALS nun ill .'f aiiaila rr- iiinvit.iLiu vniviiiAi States. t l.. h .li'Iiii. .if lum-. II full t.-'H'1 ! ili- in' re. Good Eats Cafe Better Packing and Qradlng In -III.I: mil. i i. .I ln!j.iltaT WHLST LEAGUE 36 Only, 1 lb. Boies Hit iiiiirk''! . ..i 1 1 i-iil.i''l ii.'- Sweden With Selling Cam-palgn. AT LESS THAN PRE-WAR PRICES. - II I lo . .1 iU.Hw ihi-iiu CHOCOLATES I.' Rojral Purple and Pythian Sisters Good Food. Good Cooking Good Service. PRINCESS llMiiilllllK , I U K' llllllllu- ..f Had Best of Play Last Private Boies. Phone 301. 60c Cach. ill I'll KM It IK . Svtetlen. i.. Sweden i. itukiiiE a determined Night JELLIES effort lo Kittiitiutute Hot RASPBERRY, APRICOT, LEMON and ORANGE, ii-i-i ea fiahins linlutry of I lie The ladie M-e tot, ..f V I-i a-lenrnl ' ' I 35c per lb. Give Dad U !( M-t. a it.) at the him Whiet l.-n. I'l.n.'il l.i-' tune to 111,-reai.e the national Hiifhl ill Ihe St. Iti'iii- .in:, B.&K. CRYSTALLISED BON-BONS i',iiuniitiiiii of fili thrtMiiihtHit tin- IMllnl n won li.'l' - .1- follow 50c per lb. the eountry. The late and local A New Watch and Ladle-, of lln lt..,,l l'ii i.. ; authorial-- areJeltiintr en-i-nuririuic fi-h-rtoen in the ur-4'ha-imr Irfiyal Oranyi ll.-m x ,,. m A--iK-iatiun Flour ORMES LIMITED of new ImkiIk ami fi li i. Pastry n mi n an- -lil! carry I'jlhian Siti'i- 7 ma lekle, and they are coii-trua'tioc llltf mil Mini 4i' ilil lli' litine Valhalla l.ailni P.O. Box 1GS0 uii lo date fihln? ,1 Awarnl 6th St. - - ln'.i whIi h ken fm few h S. Andiew iiiliiir ". IMirt. The iio eminent fither-ir QUALITY BETTER; COSTS NO MORE Phones 82, 200 and 134 ilnllai- IJioy iMtjrht hae an board i eiteadtlla; ll re- hautihter ami UtU- ! Kii;- ui-:.i-ilat- tliiH'ftiwtel nrrurate lait.1 t. Ask Your Grocer AH Sell They THCI0NECR DRUGGISTS TWO REXALL STORES eai. h work . n the hahilo of the liiti-ki-H'r whirh Uti-y wiKikJ-be fi-h and Ho- whereabout of the iHi'inl io -ull out of their larai't o-liiMil. a eiroipalen to Advert i-i' in tlie Imily i'W. B. & K. PASTRY FLOUR . ket Miniulate Hie joitilte deHiaixl for Kr $tU in' run -Imw ou fi-h a more iiotorlant tdrt of ANNOUNCEMENTS .i - I It'll,mil- thill w.ttrh but the daily fare ha heen ittau-liuiaiitj. THE BRACKMAMER MILLING CO., LTD. i' liV I 'u. r ., ., hiithi-r and rtain newtiuier P.O. Bos 74S Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 3BO i i - I hum will In- triad to Mellintii-I illiiireh an eitlliiiy ntiiHliuti to the h-liliHlatiiMi -iin jmi. of f1liernten iv the Cliurrli l'arlini. ociolter fiifl. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY uiitMieiiien. i'lie latter ai tuk- John Ituyal I'uipl.' Ihuaar. Klk- Bulger, ma tariff trofil the majority of tltxtie, .Not ember rt. I I. PRINCE RUPERT AND PRINCE GEORGE. The Jeweller wliti'li -U'Hild into the iHieketn if i In- fiherinen. it be IhwI i-.Ij. .1 I "ii HlllilHIIll f.n ii. !. I'ulll I,. tttiureh of Kuvhiml lliisaar. III. ' WANCOUVIB, VICTOaiA, tTTlf l..r n "iul ""'J' liy I hi- mi Id ie i n lower triee. H.S. WALLACE C0,LTD. Cliurcli Hall. Novi-iuher 15. S GIFTS THAT LAST roa'Anrox, WMMitu, ii p.m. ton STtwaaT, .l.rl, m. Best Fish Caught Vn niterentnitf fmttir of Ihi II. PRINCC JOHN. lleiieflt luiii.' I,.i . lie ale. .Ii iM' i Ute- revival hy the trov- uUi aii.l ..nil I......II luilnltr UUltiJ.. IMH4. IS. Oil U. tl. S pa. li.CM. anl fumil. Auililm lum. mni'ii! 1 1 i of a ruluii neirly one DAILY PASSENGER SERVICE. h u lull I'd v.'al old, of sriuili-Hi; Xi'trmlirr 16. - WEEK-END SPECIALS daiiy iicteT SUNDAY, s.oo rjn. rur rnace uearte. liUi""ii " in !- lo Hir in.ifkerel fl-hernien . .. mrnii i..lux! II m- r..i ll prnnu Kilters t'taa4a AM WW Slt LADIES i the W'l.i i:iml fur IU Ui l'renbyUriau l.attnV Aid 1M- Thursday, Friday and niarki'iel ritiliilil. norteil and xaar, Frhlay, Nov ;l. tf Steamship Lines. . Agency For All Ocean li.ii'keil for eximrt. Saturday C ', TWi Olflt.. StS TWre A.., Prl ari. " Ititiili.t r.hurt'h Ihuaar in Selling Si'ii ri-loTiueu lake pride Attention! Uliurtsh I'arlor Het'entbar tl. TRICOLLETE SILK. in Ihi'ir pinfi'ion they liuxe I am a n-ruiiit .i I mln l.'nti io-en tti'itiiihllnir oer the - - A iKipular Urev inalenul, ail im hua wiile, in Tan, Adair I'.itr-- Uiui.l I ll U K Navy, Maine, ltenuuUa, uiid Hmwii. tniiHiuial ri'tiiiii-iiienl4 and fwt-i that llii'ir uut'kerel Uh Special S25 RAILWAY lljiaur. I'.lk' Home lleteiHar K CANADIAN PACIFIC itin Hit- holder f fi.- ireni'it beeM, od uiid lilpet to Anier. per yard. Mi'il;tU niiU 1'iylit l)iilmna If it through iitiditleiiiett tu other BOYS' WORSTEO HEATHER HOSE. B.C. Coast Service! t n llai i .i i'--in . oiuiilrii'x. They Inlve rweived MAIL SCHEDULE Made in the popular turuloii sljli, OH ly iU, frum v.JKlrTieT . 1 My specialities Include Mar i'i'li.i'l that iiKtekerel of iuferittr $1.25 per pair. - cel Waving, Face Massage, i m mil'- lot- lii'i'ii tnijetl in willi October, 1922. LADIES' CASHMERE HOSE. SailinfTsfrom Prince Rupert Shampooing, Singeing, Hair Jllll'iM' llillllll'lll. From Vancouver Penman s make, sues 8H to to, in llfek or Greuiu. -or D- Dyeing, Scalp Treatment and ' In oiil.'i lo elintitMiU Uili Suiila . I', M. 05c per pair. and Kelohlkan, Wranpell. Juneau anagwar Violet Ray Treatment. ' i'.iii-i' of i ,iniliiiul. and hi m-mv .lii.'..U- 10:30 A.M. BOYS' SWEATER COATS. - For Noyember 2, 13, 24 December Seattle 4, 18. l'ouie- ami for Ki'll- heller iiuulily. iiij tlirm-t rridjy A. M. In lire. Tan. Maroon. Paddy. Xe Umyy iiuulily. Vancouver. Victoria and lli'ilii'n itnt truiufiu'iiuitaina liiiiuenl Willi the tlriliaj ell-iiiuialioii ftit unlay . tO.Sil A. M. rie at to Special $2.75. Norernber 6, 17. 28; December 8, 22. Bay, for lailn. SMitihfH made nf iiiidillemeiiV iifofiU. To Vancouver- CHILDREN'S COVERALL PLAY SUITS. . PRINCESS BEATRICE For Buledale,Alsrt Swanson Campbell up from tadu's' i ink ii comli- i'it-iin'i a' i i uoctattuu ha Sunday. Mail eluee II I'. M. Mitile in Khaki or Hltie. -u'.toped. Willi red on collar. East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Bay, lii i'ii fm iin il iiinl Ixiokeil liy lite lui'iiUyi. Mail flout ft I. M. el. Very Special, 05c per Suit. . River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Ant at your -ei v u-e any time ioveriiiii "I lln Otdheliburv Iliurdy-. Mail cltuteV It I' M. WHITE FLANNELETTE. Agency for all Steamship Lines. by uiioiiitini'iit I'ln Out. IliroNinei ii-.,ii mui Syilnw. the Saturday- . I. M. 27 im hrs wide k " 'itMr rti.tti 25c per yard. rull iiilm illation (mill SittiMliuli I ,hi-lll-l aeilel'iftl IM Vuu' To Anyos, Alice Arm MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. W. 0. ORCHARD, Oensral Agent, Chas. Le Clercq v.,i k. olof H. l.aittlH. unit ulher. edin .U I' M. Third Avenue and Fulton Street. Corner r4th Street and 3rd Avenue. Prlnoe Rupert, . 0. 320 Slith Street. Hi.. ..iiii nf iroerMllllll ill- From Anyoi, Alice Arm '1 ! . ! ii erft'lml, i i t ! u -.i - I' M i