PAOE TWO - ; T7IB DATLT fflTvVe " . A nans' The Daily News COMPENSATION ACT FULLY DISCUSSED prince rupeiit - tmrnsn Columbia Puhlhhed Every Afternoon, except Sunday, Ihe Prince Trades and Labor Council Passed ltnpert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. a Revolution at Regular lijlP II. F. PULI.F.N. Managing Editor. Monthly meeting Lal Night. SUBSCRIPTION RATKBi The Workmen' )nmenalim City Delivery, liy mail or rarrier, per mimlh. ...... , $1.00 Aet wa B"fVe mil dieiil.n mail to alt of Hie HritiJh Umpire ami the United stales, liy pari-, frm 'erjr anal" at I he rn"l m advance, per year fti.00 inn f I he Trades and l.alM.r To all other Hiritries. in advance year .......$7.60 Oniinei! lat niht, luteal ease 111 TELEPHONE 88 were elted in fAvor of attd K I I anleot Display Advertising l.40 per Inrh pef Insertion afrain it ami ahnnal report I Transient Adirrtisinfr on Front Page tl.St) per inch were fFviewril. The MlnwHiv Local Headers, per insertion tTtc per line resolution was pasted: , Classified Advertising, per insertion ?c pr wnnl "Thai the . Prince Rupert . Legal N'otiees. earh insertion 15c per agate lint Trade -and Labor Council views Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. with rvxrrrt the fact that Itie4 Vrkmn's OmnperiMIMh IWar. DAILY EDITION m Wednesday. Auk. 9. !:. lati lhrHh Prince Rupert reernlly wtthowt thing Hie worker here all opportunity of hear- "It Feel Good imr them, further, ttiai H ills-, To Be Here." approve of the decisions arriv i ne kipper or one or the lug passenger iais which run al in the itant atwi iiavtn into Prune Mnpert last week stood on the irtdre of his vessel rases am sugarests l hat eirnris after having landed al the wharf and told of the smoky and dry-hot he.wade to have the ease re- Vuiiddton of the cities ami country to the south and said ipiitr SnVrnfffM: thai a staftdinir e.m- ; iliiicliti i iii Ih . i..ijiili... iiniiiihi.i i HiiUneouly: "It feel good to le in Prince Hnert where the tHHtrfte aHnhteit t veii. " air i freh and riNd awl the sun continues to shine hrirhlly." atr.. Ipok after ami pceeni i "" i The statement i 4tiil me of hundreds of similar one thai have raes uAter IM WorkMen's lorn. PRINCE GEORGE 71 .aBBBBBBBBHaV tieen made liy rerent visitors to the city. While the rouutry on penalton An ami the .Mathers' The Man in the Moon III "fl nil ide of this place is tierishiua with forest fires and suffering Ioods, Ael." , in almost unprecedented heat, here an e.jtial.le and agreealde 'tfiV 'ciwnvitlee apHHled eon. Hea-inaltl I'r ! Vieioria. I 9AY9h. Fresh fs Mf !. J. J. has arrive tu Pi im-e Jec In climatic rondilitm prevails. Prince Itupert, we may Peiieve. &s ieorae Oasey. a ' .k of (he in KitHs and T. n.s McKay. relieve imi I he I tank of M.tuleal THKIIK one must ileaanl place Canada (hi summer from a is B Hdc in Hi,. ;iMl.u - wcstheritaiidpoiML More visitor have heroine enlliMsed with The Rank ease refetre.1 In taff. of men wh;-fc taken al the fl i tlie plSce this evr than ever before and w are firing to receive baiD Mi l.i bankruptcy. wnrfcNtan eniilojped the I H. L. Illaek, .f the lawmil FLAT einz ay some gwM advertising as a result. There will he' more weather - -- iUtnUMmn Fish and dd !lora(re I firoi of etter A HI ark. t rr WF; Rupert lMters than' ktloeker now. once heard nf a man who tltt. Thr Mavln ease is at wa a lMtoie mli.r in to-n bilio- Mfa slack, k..ol.l the this week. The Web. B.C. Hit Hard By Anrov. the amtlieant suffertis city roHnl hi ion 1 1 lakihg in Inmi frfim hernia. The Ihwnl found sler .V I Hack mill i equipped Heat And Fire. f a bstdiing giaaa. In tbi Ittat awMher ka.1 heeft the remll with a sneeial long ramaae ami Brandf Speaking generally from an agricultural standpoint the province be tlosibled H un. FISH of an aeeidoal al wiark ami ae-cordinrly it cut Insig fir ilisnenaitNi Iha. of ilriith Columbia ieem to be suffering from the heat wilhheW eofneiialion. ber. A cartflttd of this luaiWer more than any other province in the Dominion this year. Crf WHAT ha beeoeae of the ..hi order for the ronslniriion i on Preitenl ?. It. MaeiiaMild wa reprt from the pcairies and the Bal are excellent and timely fashioned girt wwn used to park in the ebair ami there w a of I he new Prebvterian church rainfalls and fiue weather spell have jut worked in to advantage. ber mm in her enr? 4 fair attendant here. available from the While the crop in Uii province are not a complete failure. 4 - now the have been hurt by heat and fires and Are not tip to the average. the garilea) parly al the hnnte MOjT elnr are profe. local retail stores. In other province report are of the favorable reverse. The TRADES AND LABOR of Mrs. C. Ik Ikantel last f lanttiaare espeillv wio-i raue for the unprecedented heat In H.O. this year is giving cause ueHUy aftertHsiHi ni site. aM the letesrraph wtre are rw n for speculation and scieutifir reasons for it will ot interel COUNCIL PLANNING and Ike tat reMHel i ,.u a prove eful. Th affair w'as umler ealMHi. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. fhen they are fmihetimitig. FOR CELEBRATION 'the aosnice of Ike Women' IHopHa AuvlMarv ami the mim PRINCE RUPERT MAItY had a radloplione. Bank Reports On realited for I he cHy lmHtal was Prairie Crops. Parker Williams to B Invited to n1 radiophoneil al nigbt. substantial. Abmst Ne btMrrd As the harvest approaches, the assuranre of an excellent crop Olve Labor Day Speech-Committee iMxipie attended aasofur wnMn IhjI the lb inn tfcaV throughout the- West i gradually becoming etablished, says a Reports Hon. W. H. Molberwett. fesle.wl Utile Mar? Mnrd ItoaJ Hank rjMirt. About the middle of June some anxiety wa Progress minisiet af arrasHMsee; T. ft. Were ef1leo imtMdlle. o- mioiictl li- a prolongol periiMof dry weather. On the 2Snl The Tral- and l-altor Council MrllrMe, memfker of parMsHieM IF a hen didn't advertise it Canadian National Railways of the month, Jiowrver. a wiod'lorm of hurricane proportions ai?- Ijihor Day celebration com. fr 'jirl4WW; II. f. Perry. M.I..A ware by aeekltng we'd never roniiHiuieii ny nravy rain ami uau ai soma points, iifoke over mills reftoried progress at last ani Mayor JoieaseHi. lea wa know when nr where to look f..r Manitola and part of SAkatchewan. In the districts affected. night's meeilHg, There will he the mKired by Mr, perry ami Mr. Ihe Prince the had caused considerable damage o winter rye and wheat usual pnrain of sjiort ami Home. egjf. Rupert which was in the ehol blade. The heavy rainfall which acconi races. An additional feature the TIIK iHno in ADVKIlllSl. panied the slorm cfivereil practically all of Manitoba, funiMiiiiK committee is endeavorlttg In put Considerable Hriitrovefitent I DRYDOCK ample moisture, and considerable being made to Die rt.T. p. rad permitting recovery at point on i a lhr Day sfieeeh by SWJI.VD huiol ear are not wnere injur)- rrom nan or drought ha ncrnrred. Virtually the Parker William. Hie f oritur io. beil between Prmee .nfnrge ami a goed a they are painted ontire province of ha red this rain, and, although eialisl leader and ireei mem. (iuilfarnl aiid grent iptantilie of Ho4SHe. AND it was heavy al many point, the moisture was insufficient in cer ber of the Workmen' Cntiietu gra an being taken from lite tain localities in the central and wet-cenlral districts. The rain atlon Hoard. Mr. William has pil at ChHako. All M.I on .HitFiri'Y FIIISI i bad taste SHIPYARD fall came at an opportune time when rmps were beginning to beii invited o te present fr thirty mile f the rwadbed to on a in over a restaurant. stirrer seriously, ami the situation was relieved, except in the dis I he day. Im baHasieil. . tricts mentioned in Saskatchewan. 'Itie IUt Day eetebcallon A IIAItllF.fl need not necemar. Operating (1, T. F. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry deVk The close of June brought beneficial rains Over most of the committee ertti of H. D. Mae. Mrs. Hroeo, of C.'.MWgo, ily be a barbarian. Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blaaksrnlths( TsUsn province of Alberta, although in the eastern central districts, tni donald. AM. It. A. Mcls-I. J. J. daugliler nf Mr. ami Mr. F. J. mskers. Founders, Woodworkers, Kla. precipitation rame too late to prevent some damage In the wheat lillli. Ilesiriie Sell. J. O. An. CI-atioA. t here w a visit. Mr crop. Practically the whole province experienced two heavy ilersfvn. A. It. Iiove, Janie lllaek. Hroce is an antHial viiUr t WIL SCHEDULE Electric and Acetylene Welding. rains in July which did much to improve the situation in all areas. I.. Dewlitirl, J. Curl I. Harvey her parenU ami has manyj The southern districts seem assured of a more than average yield, l easer, i:. A. Dolan. X. Anthony friends in I'rinee fleorge. foe Uio last. i, i Mir plant is equipped to hand la all kinds of ami u eumlilions continue to be as fatorable as J hey have been. fleorye It. Casey. Arthur llrook. - Mondays. Wednesday ai, record harvest should be realized. On (he whole, all indications bank. II. Iv Walker. Thnma The iseome mill i niHftlHg unlays al A: IS p.'n Marine and Commercial Work point to a crop slightly better than the average, with, however. I "',''' nd T .. .McKay. regnlarty and As daily cut are FH0NC8 43 AND 35 only limited yield in n few districts. The pro per L in general, MrnrJ,"r' being made. I,nfilr me(l MHng the line stale that lire market is encouraging, ion uie nay rrop na not lieen satisfactory. The Monday. Wednesdays and Frl-il:iy heavy hay-producing district of the north all report an uidif fer Ten Years Ago for lumber i improving and at Trie p.m. enl crop. The fodder situation ha, however, been considerably In Pi'nee Huprt lirospert for several have not heeti as gand imirovei .y the rain. year past. Foe Vanoeuter and South. . ' Within a day or so rleariov X HAZELTON Pwndays luentay jj.p in,,i Lumber & Lath if Hi,, liranhy Hay townsiie will ThnrsiUya p. m commence. A town is In tie a, jtalilished adjacent lo the stnH. Jack Miller has arrived from HalunUy Aug. V. IS. IV. 3 and mi p. in ancf Supreme" Brand ' tcr. , There are already too et. I'rtoee Huitert tu-pulling lake charge From Vancouver and South, Shiplap-Boards iple sellled there. ef the Work nf in Ihe waler supply for New Haielion. .Sunday p.m. 4 . Wednesdays . 10:30 a. m. Dimension I he deep sea passenger tug I J. T. Frederick son. Friday n m. "Dreadful" arrived in port ye represen. Thoroughly Air Dried and stored UnW (: Saturday to 30 a.m. talive of the Vletor X.llay Corporation, FRESH FRESH lenlay nflerniton willi a of Coffee parly ha re4tinm lUisi af. Aug. t, 7, it. IH. ti and XD. ROASTED ROASTED Canadian Xolhern Hallway otfia. ials on tniard who will fnves dler having inallM new appar Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding atus Hi the llateltnil llopital. Foe Anyoi and Alice Arm. ligale deep.sea flsherte and Wednesdays . The Coffee That Tastes as Good as It Smells. idher devebipmnts In the dis. v p.m. and Finish nev. J. Sunday p in llfwtll. of Haielion. Heard In the Hornet Irict. The parly include A. D , From' Anyoa and Alice Arm. Toide" preachnl al ou Sunday "My, that coffee smells od," was father's first Mi'ltae. of Vancouver: IU. Dar. and llev, Mr. VbuHg preaclie Tuesdays . , n. SPRUCE LATH lilon. of Howe Toronto; ilenrge remark when he cams down to breakfast. It was here. Iliursday. p.m. true a perfectly delicious aroma filled the room. f Mmuenpoli; P.. J. Palmer, of Manufactured In Frlnco Rupert and selling at Lowest Frlss "That's real coffee I" he eiclalmed, as he tasted Victoria: T. J. Ilumbird. of Hpo. Mh Moore, siiperihletolent of Foe F-ort Simpson. Arrandale, Mill kanc; j. M. McMillan. Van i)t his first cup. "Why, It's the best coffee I aver Ihe llaielii.n llnspllal. left last Bay. Wales Island drank. What kind Is ItT" cnuver,coiiver: and I'eler V. Wallacie,F. Hleventi,nf Van nf week to spend holiday In Vancouver. Sundays 10 p.m. PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. "SUPREME Coffee." mother replied. From Ft. Simpson, Arrandsls, Mill Chicago. Bay, Wales Island Seal Oofs, Frlnco Rupert Tslephene J1 Ground.Koailad and Packed at th Warahousei of Tlie Prince flliperl HydroKle Prf. and Mj. Itiee were Tueday a. m STEWART & MOBLEY, LTD. trie Co. ronllnuing negotiation visitor ai the Hospital with Dr. Willi the city with a view uud Mr. II. WrlnrJi last w.-ek. Itowart, Maple Bay and Swamp Coffee Importer and Roaetere PRINCE RUPERT. to obtaining a power and light Prof. Dooep i defiB o llegiua Point. THEO COLLART, LTD. - !SI& fkdlege and FOIL-Saturday. franchise. wh a, former leju-li-er f Dr. Wi iocli. P-P. ti. stores From Stohks Foil Rknt. Spacious and up-tolate D X I'r Our froieti herring bait Is conceded by flahsrtnen SUITCASES Mi and Mr. J. J. Harrelt. of Kundaya .. in. for rent, 2nd Avenue, near Post Office, $tU-w LJ-V1 1 t0 be tIB flneil procuraLle kt buy Pstitlo Coast Alliany. rtre., .fe flslUng here and $S0.0Q a month. Port and It Is "Fishy.' Pries, 130 psr ton. TRUNKS with i: W. D.iwloii, Mr. Itar. Queen Charlotte Islands. IPF 1lle bttt wa7 u( incuri"s' food qustily trip Is cell liiolher. FDIl Phone Blue Westholme Thestre Blosk F. 0. to have plenty of our bard froteu left. Prloe. CLUB BAGS Ausitsl Aand IU. 4 per ton, He feral local peiiple have gnne FH0M Outfit 0,1 r "'"-"Ju'l'P"! store can supply Ashing gsr, Large Stock on hand. up for fliyht on lUII byd. AiiKUst 17 and 31. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C.!MiteD fj.hernien's clothing, groceries and provisions roplane. .iiHii(f lliMil hate been , SAILINGS and hardware. Prices very low. Mi. and Mrs. & W. Dawum, Skagwayl Alaska and Yukon. F6e Vancouver, m ean Kails and Haitil Hay, Tuesday 8 P"" NEW ENGLAND FISH J. F. MAGUIRE Mi. J. i: );. eoly, Mrs. A. lesv. FOIl For Vancouver, Ai-rt Hay and Port Hardy, fttturday p.m. M Company i-ell. Mi iimlilurd, Ml Aua- 4. 7, 1 1, IH, ?U and 2H. for Anyos, AIm Ann. Port Mimpsoii and Wale IMsnd. u KeUhlksn, Alaska fersnek Nsit tk Prince Hupert HoUl Jessie Wan ii Albei t Mer-n and, F HUM , nudiilKht c i s'aMfl t ime. Auv V. 12. 10, . and SO Foe Naas Rlvsr Cinnerlei'rrldsy s.m, '2