, Ss PAGE FOUR Roofin COAL TAR ROOFING NAILS ROOFING CEMENT RUBBER ROOFING Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Supplies ROOFING BRUSHES In rolls containing 108 square feet, complete with nails & cement Extra Special One Chesterfield Suite—Consisting of three pieces covered all over in Mohair, reversible cushions, Regular price Extra Special Nt 327 Third Avenue " MacKenzie’s Furniture $160.00 Fioor Lamp—With parchment shade, regular price § 12.50 One Walnut End Table—Regular price $ 3.50 The Above Chesterfield Suite, Lamp and Table s SEE OUR WINDOW 135.00 Phone 775 _ antennal, |port of Prince Rupert for t |in production of Canadian h jin the low prices which prevailed for fish almost throughout the sea- son. This condition made it impos- sible to operate the gasoline-driven vessels at a profit. The only boats that had a chance to make it pay ithis year were those equipped with the more economical diese} engines and even some of these lost money. |The net result of the low price si- tuation Was that such of the hali- but vessels as could do so deserted {the halibut fishery for other lines of endeavor while many other boats tied up for varying periods during ithe season. The 1932 season was ‘undoubtedly the worst on record so far as the Canadian fleet was “Rupert Brand” SMOKED The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous concerned financially. Happily en- ough, fatalities were at a minimum | during the season although early ‘in the season two or three of the Canadian fishing vessels came to grief by burning and other causes. Weather conditions on the banks, taking it as‘a whole, were about | average. ' Following iis a table showing the number of trips made, the amount of fish landed and the avérage fare per trip for each of the boats of the jj Canadian fleet during the 1932 sea- son | No.of Total Ave. | Trips Catch Trip : Atli : 10 109.000 10-900) *he third greatest number of trips a ‘Alken 4 33,500 8.375 —1% for a total of 189,000 pounds | Alice May 4 10.900 2725), The Takla Capt Chris Parkvold | Aleve 7 31.400 4,491 ae the greatest average poundage Albert K 7 32.300 4.614) Per trip this year—36,500 pounds.| Borgund ‘8 | been published by the Biolovica! Board of Canad contains inter- | anot! esting and instructive articles by three membet of the scientific { of the Prince Rupert Fisheries | anc Experimental Station. D. B. Finn | Rupe t director of the local station, writes on the subject of “Advances in | while on Knowledge of Freezing,” Otto c./5! Young on “The Dehydration of Fish | in Cold Storage,” and P. A, Sunder- | wate! land on “Analysis of Pacific Coast | cleared |Porpoise Oil } soon saiiisiiiee |board took The next few days should see the! ee ‘v.00 000. THE BIG LAUGH OF THE SEASON “ONCE IN A LIFETIME” With Jack Oakie, Sidney Fox, Aline MacMahon, Russel} A Satire on Hollywood—The Funniest Ye Novelty—“Transatlantic Mystery” Saturd ay, Novenher 5 = Friday & Saturd TWO SHOWS ~ 7 414 ” Feature Starts at 7:39 My. ADMISSION — ,,",'H SATURDAY MATINER ry Feature Stats 2: ga I Louise Fazenda, Zasu Pitis Lop ton t—From the F Stage Play toy Pe a) MONDAY and TUESDAY—“MISLEADING Lapy» 088 0810 0 0 Ra AR a A age | a The right anti-acid offsets the harm otherva | ron TRoustt® ; il aaeaeeeten eee bareliindienmeainditiemeeamamenamemee nT rr | final f American halibut spending the following the house, they we fishing season on day and brought i: of the larger | the boat. Buil ef none too 9 feet two inch market conditions| R. Shrubsall wa would have been going |ing to unfavorab ase tions, the H. an and R, Sinks year to the career of Ruper well halibut boat late | ywhers, struck trip with the oon after in deep The H, and R ‘Y Striking bu + e + + t t + ind party on! ® George, B.C * + + ¢ life-boat and # cD done by excessive -eating, drinking, and consta smoking, anything causing an acid cor We “sunk” fromm such indulgences, PI Milk Magriesia will always straighten yo \ joy aa comfort to hearty eaters, constant smokers. Gett genuine; substitutes don’t act the same ALSO IN TABLET FORM: Phillips’ M Magne Tablets are now on sale at drug st wen Each tiny tablet is the equivalent « as po of genuine Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia. During the There was insu called here , 1925, the H. and I mm to their |feet in dept the hope of with a gasoline t one trip in the! **+*@eeesneeet ? and R., Mary The Daily New n be put chased at Post Office Ne ind, 38 Granville St., Vé er Karl Anderson, Prine of Prince Lucy Island, R. W. Riley, ‘I’ e, BC Jeneral Store Smithers Drus ers, B.C. smith and those or where, afte: eeeseceererert \ Hotel Arrivals “TILLIE THE TOILER” Central IF ITS ALL RigHy — Seo YEAH Xt MAC - "You . For. you ‘ A. Nilsen, city; E. Wick, Bella | en Mek tee Pe ALL RIGuT RBALLY Cue TO: Coola; I. Reistad, Vancouver DROP A Pee — Cure THE OFFICE FOOT . ar PF PERS 7 ao Prt ta's OUT My ith G = eae tenes eae Ra Hotel Central Ltd. | Sines Meade err] espaol LES th ease e w s, | Ste rie 47 Ph Covenient to business district, ONE. Truce 7 ' Pepa ‘\ homelike, beautiful harbor OPEN” -4 ’. a MP views. | , — Ol ae Mi 4 Rates reasonable. Spacious —S Cece ht Mt ‘ sample rooms. / — Yl et “= FIRST, CLASS, CAFE | is il ee Wea Open at All Hours é‘ 7s fe O) aue. sitt ? Special monthly rate for gs NS j Rooms * and “Medis’ Mes Oe i \\\ \\ \ oe Hotel Central Lid. || = “NY 5 First Avenue & Seventh Street. || \* "ae S = : An Emphatic Signal es en _ ; an ~— AND BESIDES . NOBODy (8 Gonna VELL ME w “YO PUT oa” THE “TEAM —By Westover. CONTINUED [ //-/ . 4 S ee a \ of Vi \= Pree ri ] | A f OX%~ETONE