TurMlay. January 3, 10?'. TUG DAILY NEWS PAGE THIlEE a- -n George Leek," Auctioneer. (f Cut Flowfirw, ))ulh. Cily" Mar. Local and Personal HayDcrs, Undertakers. I'hone krt. - tf J TARTTk New Year 351. if I,. VaK; of 'Sen 11 1 a U rffffuler-j i 1 1 at the I'riiico llupert Jlolet. fcj I'm a Taxi. lOioni 07. If Tile's January Suit of eom-ilcl right, n lloiitf? I'uhiinlilitt tot two Slock Taking Hah ' iM full n. ijiice)inuT. iMidtii4i u Wrki. If. swing. iJarrlo'ji Furniture Hiw. Don't ovcrlo.'Jd your mind with endless . If. W. IHI of 1'rliief lleorac In ;Lsunch "Oh Oaby." Olu 548. details. Use reglnlferciJ at lint I'rince Jtuprrl T. II. (inililaii of Ocean 1'allM ( Mr. llarvuy, "Sjiirella" eor-i(ierre. llsW. in reghlercti al lite I'rince Huner; A Diary . if I-:. C. Koliii jiiwI Harry Hrliolry Holrl. . l.anh rnr'Vijplvry IhimU.. TIhi of Chicago ale rtfllm'l at Hie Wnlfli Ttli' wimlim- fur .MiUyitM.nl. If I'rhirt? Itnierl 'llutrl. ' lecia haruain at Jalinai7 Tw fk Sale. ' f For the Office One Day to Page Mure inil fur your motley al The tirxj rii in Slcllne Ilw.. Coughs are K. 2, 7? 'x $1.35 No. 385, 7 x 4J. . .$1.50 Hit; Cily Market. . tf I.lij.. Kiime (JmwiiiK was won Uy Vixil mir tii itiu-e ami stei Nature's danger ' W. I:. WillutiiM with lickrl 2tt:jH. our jirire hcfitrc htiyinr i Ne-wheri'. sienal Nature's N7. 1J87, 8 x 5J. . . .$2.10 No.. 374, DJ x 8. . t r wrf .-44.00 I'lirnilut?, Hftpekrry and (Utv-prfs Itarrii" J'until lire St ore. way of tcllinc you that in throat or breathing In I'ocket Diaries wo have them in sizes, at TlteV' .Iniwury iym. if. . At Tile'n I Mr) wn'lii January tr tubes there Is something wrong something needing Sale- lUunkelx. ilirri. riaiiiml-ll attention. Perhaps the delicate membranes rulings and nctstoBuit the It. S. Mrtliv,k i f YannnJwr. -i ami pi iiil". hi cnt jiricen. tf The 'wimiiiifr numher in llnl-er' have been chilled and are inflamed and sore. most exacting. rcaliiri'ij at f tie I'rinre lluiti t'rie hrawiiiic in I)t. inner Disease germs may have lodged there and may be II..1.1. air. ami Mr. W. C. Urehanl :il vu Sli. If Hit- jitizc setting up irritation, which if not checked will EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE rduriuil Jit llle rilv yenlei'jiy in iml elniini'il hy January 15. the bring on acute bronchitis, asthma, or even worse l.nyal OraiiK l.ltr Whi( nflcriUHiii mi. Hie I'l-inceiH Mary. alternative wiuniii? nuiiili.-r i-108. evils! So never ignore a cough. I'l'iui anil Da nc v, Thnrwhiy, lun-tiary Peps kill coughs because they remove the A. MfhntU anivfij in the 5 ut 8:30 in .Melronle causes. As soon as a Pep is dissolved in the mouth, eMaMvs.Jjd Hall. t city, mi Hominy uuiil ft..in O.W.V.A. liencral Meefiiix il' powerful, but pleasant, medicinal vapors are Smilherx nmJ in rvilerci ;il ln he helil nil WeilneiMlay.' January liberated. These healing fumes bathe the lining l.u.'frl. rhnlr. i; !-, H'lTiiiiC". I'rliifip lluitr.-i llniel. t Ml .III. Ahli-HlliMlNJnlliriille. membranes of the throat and breathing tubes, kill .ad i drvr mid chif Kelljr ami Silvir!iUe.i will jjive an disease germs, allay irritation and soothe the V M It in It u II wit. it .iMieii,-r foniers ut htiritHfii I'lio-i at f ariMmiil of heir jliwnrijhii. All inflamed parts- , "I Hie f'rinw'' Mar- yetlenluy Tile' January Salt. . If havin-z reUimivi frum u i" NiuIIim ier'iiiiila lo (he tiinlli-flpal Peps enable you to end coughs and colds in I rift In I lie ViMilh. rlec:,i'll Will tie iJiji!UfiV Nature's way, by breathing in the medicine the i i ihviiwmIh liaVt i made f same way as the disease germs causing the trouble fur i In- fnklti? Of a i to I Iter Indian Jack Miller a arrenleil hy were breathed in! Isn't this wiser treatment than Stiiri,. wh Kalsomining li.llfiii ! ' Irofii. Alert Hay In H,'ieiiHina li.ttijflnx th hiiliilayit ha in Van.Iteen i:iii(tlahle Lilian on Sunday af. the swallowing of mixtures" into your stomach i SI an Icy J'ark. YitlKM'U."?. leriiiHin for havinr uneale.l li- which is not ailing ? l-ouver. pSneiMe.l Ii.miic nil ind . Hie Prince Jtirjii-rl (UUIIMI riw tUOl ill Ili IKMieHnjlin. IIV l-Hllie For coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, sore 1 H Cliailie li;irrq, the Hair, iniirniiiK. up bfro?; Sliemliary MayiKliitli throat, night cough and all troubles of -throat ili-en-ee. .Mure I waving ntul MltlUii'lll the Mtlre rt.ilM Ihia and chest, try Peps. Best for children because Paperhanging -.ili Ireiiluieiil. S. i:imo lltitrl. Weallierln-ad. whn MicnJ n torn ill p ami tin ram m' ail-joumed pleasant to take and free from opiates, etc All lt in G. I'Iiimk. ' iir,in 5 It. If. ltii t:iiriiiiB ImliiJayx in Van-einjver, until January 10. it dealers, sue a box. First class work at reliiriieil t i l'k m The liar- "l.nuUf" has armed The Ureal War VHeran" hiiml terduy imiriiiiig train lo riniiiie Reasonable Rates wit'i a full rarifti "f Wtll-'iialiin itian-lie.l I In- liencral llifpila' tier learbiiuf duliin. L. O. LARSEN com! fur Albert Wrllnf. yeerJ:iy nfleriHMiii ami il .veil i-y. I.hi. Tin irU l iiiw It H I!'It UtttilWe. yollllit in .if for an h-iur or mi in the in.iitu-lim; I Corner Fifth and McBrlde Iter Inn If. v If Mr. ami Mr. V. li. Jliinthle. iiiilrh In I lie ih-lixht "f !n Phone Oreen 610 Box 446 f..ri!ierl .if h, ciiy l.ul mm-re-iiliim itatifnin and "laff wlm were un-ahh Qiaric Harrison. if M in .Meri.nle. ai . i.tiv.T. In jo-l mil fur New Year wm aiiiiina 4 he Canadian wfio fell ft.i ti a ti:i: "f lill iaal rlieer. The murlcy ami rcci'iilly ri-ii if I'Tii J Hi tin oWrttl Th'ir-ilHV :uiil lir.i. h. yarin He tliouhtfii!nrti nf the hand n die Mn'ral Slur in London. :i f it 1- 1 1 In I ne tififitiiver Iteil- iH'lily iirerial"il hy all al tin-liuittilal. Mr. Il.ii riin i n "w ("fiJiii in rrxl Hn-ilii! n nd in nnw tr-; Cakes Iced to Order. Kii'IhikI. are.-? n fa'nra!ilv. ' FULLER'S SPECIALS 20 per cent,All Wool disccunt on 25 At, l he Canadian Nation;! It'iil-way r.l.KAHI.Mi t'fT SAI.K hy office In Vaiuvwvr mi Kri-il.iy Vuclioji on yihi"ilay iii-sl, l't lliver SiuiiI. .'.-.r.. Mackinaw Coats Individual Mine Pitt, Pumpkin Plea, Etc. (iiiii-j M. lleiiiKtvi'Mrili .iit.f-li. Jan:;r i at - J" t'-". at -ttir Nnur. all kind-. i!M Specialists In Birthday and Wadding Cakes K. Ili Wr fust,' liri'sfiid'tl itcii.r It.'..int.. Iiaj'jllti Uty!;. Frr-th in m ml C"ffee. .' Ih . l . .PER CENT 25 per cent off PER CENT. OUR PASTRY IS UNEXCELLED Willi a f ic.tlil etiff We are Jii.iiii i if I'verylhiiifr Hash- Lohmer. jut tin. : All Raincoats "The Home of Domestic Bread" link- n I fir rif nf I heir 'cirl-II hy ane'iimr l!nril. h-(l. ehair, Mr-. Maim Marmul.idu. 8ji; re f.ii- Slianzlinl. li'i-r Ihev 'illlKi'. ellinu callllleli- Irei-'Tf. Frr.ili Heat. ier tin. 5uc. Have received reduced prices on "ART CLOTHES" THE LACASSE BAKERY lint Iit-eii Iranvferrinj. II..lit efi r.hi-lcrftrhl. itc'ien iil'ii'ilf. I'rriirh Muliriuift. tin. 7 if to measure "li SalurJav fur the Ori-nt flic ilc. cl. AitV'-u,. W"h.n In iii-li.- Gleaned Cur ran I f. er lh. 'Jot Phone 190 717 Third Avenue P. O. Box 413 Caiui-liait llililMiul"r. .Mr. IIciim- ..f s '"ii Hf!i Jilare Miepi in Annum'. Ham. l:- lb. :i;i.- STEVE KING - - - - THIRD H ART AVENUE BLOCK W-'I'irr I- ell klfWII here. (hi rah-. lliili-.H-f HI A f.... I Naval Oraniru". II dozen !.(. PHONE 15 PETER BLACK, Sole Agent for the Following Collieries ' MAIN OFFICE, CENTRAL HOTEL The Prince Rupert Coa I EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1022 ANNOUNCES THE FOLLOWING SWEEPING in n The Famous remo inareeriessLoai IN BULK, CARLOADS F....h. ..'ii- Hutik'-r- . $3.50 per ton Ladysmith Wellington IN BULK. LESS THAN CARLOADS l -.i.h. nijr Hunkers- $9.00 per ton ' N BULK, OARLOADS IN SACKS . I .n.14. our I hick $12.25 per ton l".o.h. mil JJuiiker. ,$0.75 per ton IN BULK, LESS THAN CARLOADS IN BULK (FURNACE),-CARLOADS K.n.h. out l... k $12.75 per ton K.n.h. our Hunkers. $7.00 per ton IN SACKS, DOUBLE SCREENED IN BULK FURNACE),,LF.SS THAN CARLOADS ' I'.o.h. our llunkor .$7.50 per ton I'.n.h. our Ihtck , $13.75 per ton ....- The outstanding-features of the Pembina Peerless are! Intense heat, no gas, Thrs7eductlon"oirthe epIendld'Ladysmllh-Weltlngton Coal will be cordially soot or clinker. Especially'suitable for rargss. , Wrleomed by the public. We raw have on our dock over 700 tons of this coal. THE YELL0WHEAD STEAM COAL IN BULK, CARLOADS K.o.h. nivr lltnikri-! .$9.25 per ton IN BULK, LESS THAN,CARLOADS J'.o.h, I'tn- lliiukt'i-.s .$9.75 per ton THIS COAL IS PARTICULARLY RECOMMENDED FOR STEAM HEATING PLANTS IMPORTANT Pleaso nolo that all prices quoted are f.o.b. our Dock or Bunkers. Our patrons can arrango their own deliveries, or If preferred we will arrango the deliveries for them on the most advantageous terms. n