X joining's Touring Cars MM 'Mtim TAXI For Taxi 660 Phono PRINCE RUPERT Best Service And Day and Night Service ,Beat Cars in the City V 9- j Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper -L 1 1 '. ..'U I VOL. MIL NO, I j I'MINCE IlLT'EHT. I), a, TI.ESDAY. JA.NTAlY , 22. lurd,' Cltltli 1737. (irttt ! 2S2. PHTCIC FIVE UKKTS - V Moslems of India would have Republic 8t M' 'tfs daileimMr '' Ghandi Says Declaration of ftPLLEYS .MANNED' DY WOMEN IN MOSCOW. Fred Stork will Urge Indian Republic is Backed Replacement of Yukon Up with Support of America System with Wireless a"i a a .h a 1 i In an uilervieAv today wjlli Tito Daily iv, I'red tilork, iri I'. w I u.i, Jan. .i. .v ranir ins oeou rrei'ivcii iroin YOUTH THROWS BOMB inenibvr-clccl for Skeena, in regard lo improved tclcgratdiic Ahilnlma (Huuidi announcing (lie ileiliirnlion ul Ihe Imliun rr-jmblic BAVARIAN jiervicc, dialed Unit fie was work, i.KinprehctiMivo Mdienie of am) formation' VILLAGE; i on a the or at! nrniy for defence iirK'. The lie improveiiienl whereby he hoped lo Miive Ihe problem of conirnu-mi'.-iliofi jlrillli I'oycntl N Ju to vxlcudcd lu include individual'. The III.III.I.N, Jan. J. A younsj with Uie iiorlhern point-, nnd tlie Yukon. .Ntr. t)tbrk ni'.'-its mMs (lint AiiioritV" pledge uf ii'irt ii llu Indian IlliHI Will WHS tuler HITl'itlll .staled Dial Ihe exiliiiff Yukon telegraph line in such a condition rrpublfy had decided the All-lmliu fjongre lu ded-ire Ihe threw a loinb in Mi market , llial ilf roniplele rebnildinj,' is uece.-'sar-, and Irijversing i.nch un rrpilbile; place til Dinki'lsbucbl, Havana,1 iiunciif distance llinnigli a wilderness, wnulii ciilail the exp'cti-Jtlure lliut "it X-w Year's eve. Fifty Loral Bjri'iil of Itif ImJin rrvoluliuuisU ..i Senator per-; of a very la rye uin ol money. Tin upket-p of Ihe present line OH were ;IIJOJ"I .MJIIH' or Hie.II mid a of Aiiioruin publicists and jurist ailU Xurrlj gruit't faUilly. is alo not nf'all pruporlion-i with the revenue derived from it. n l JtHMinlSfi' In lilt All-lndtn Ax I lie (iinerniiient of Canada now ouny the leterapli limy of 'oii:ris. pledgim? tin- upiorl of lie Canadian Nalimial llailway. Mr. Slock will pre.-o the (lovernmenl for ImlfV BAD DISORDERS IN Hie Lolled Slate r thr inereasiuy of tin lliby Nland' wireleK station and Ihe .iriirfaJBl i'K IRicrty. COINAGE OF NICKELS IRELAND NEW YEAR xlalili.-lilii of wireli.- (atloiH at Slewart. Vhilehor.ie, lawon, STARTS IN CANADA 3- I'k-'I'rtnc A.Ur Allin. Alice Arm-Hiid iieressary poinU now .nerved by the overland 0fMplpft iii"! witli a cardial irts Tli i; would not eo-t anything like tlie amount involved In put fiipf I be native OTTAWA, Jumiary 3. Several Killed and Wounded-Snlplng the old linn in, order and would ensure a service That vvijuhl Ik1 In here and iioW freely ihr.niil. all CuiomI.i l In have n in1 on Belfast Common. operation at all ttuieanJ would not m alTi-cled by .storriii and stre iMirt r the rily. There wan llvr-crnl ntrkttl ruin, Ihe uf wii-thir.t The prieei! line was built Iwenty.flve ye&rfiaa-o and t no nlgn ' uf Hie thn-ai.-ned boy- mliiMh: of ulik-ti will ln. MKI.KAST. Ju." 3. Several' itfilally inafiequate for the requirement.. .V perinanenl imprpxe-ni'-nt i ff'i rut I. (,'iil week. It wM approximate vvrv kiili-J, Iwu li'd of witjiil i.- hefuy .--ouphl for in the new arrangement. I hi- American anl ninny linn- w.-rv iuiurnl in! It w. nickel in m.'. Ui.nliT wlilcti iicclii'rcU. OVC DECLINE VALUE llii- N'w Ycffr. .. Tlinro liu Ih : STRIKE; VOTE iilOii h i Hip ri'iniii'Hi lien fii ROYAL WEDDING TO I lie ii;ii lw niutili'. 4KEiPLAQE,FES,J2S ' ARMED BANDITS HOLD The four conlucloetu, obrtkloc or llt jrcoorit, alf kccch IS POSTPONED mmm to blealOir asd well fed. deiplu Uie taiuls ia othw paru of Raiaia. I.OMy.V. Jan. 3.r.ie I UP DRUG STORE IN THE PLP datj of 'the wedding of rltlth Columbia Producllan for ARRIVES IN CITY I'rineefii "Mary, the only Street Railway Men In Vancouver 1921 Elghteon Par Ctnl Li CITY OF LOS ANGELES i Chorus Approval In Favor iJoiiSlite'r nf Kinir th'urf ; Will Decide on Action Today. Than 1920. 1 ii.-n. r. II. I'rttlullii. iniiii!(ir and Ooeen Miiry, to l.onl ins M.:i.i;s. Jan. J. TIip" 'f lainN ohil iiifiiibT if llu" Anglo-Irish Treaty; Still Lasrelle i llxed for .February ! YA.VCOI VKII, Jan. 3. - The VICHHilA. Jan. 3 -Tin- vntlli' lumliU. umu'il wiilr iiwi iff i ?i.lnluri' for I'rlnrr 'Itiifrf. 2H. i -liaiivre in Ihe rule of the ruad Af I In- niliirrtil ir"lm-i ifjln4 uoiio, li'-l.i wi llin-p '!-IlritH ; r-Mirli.-iJ tin- rily yilrnlay on thr , rrim loft to riyiit wa ushered llniiill.i iliii ins Hie ;-or iIih-..i - of lln- Owl hnu- Si..r.-, ipriHc Mary uinl tomorrow will South Parliament Divided :n Viiin-ii.iver and A'iel'iria on Il2l In i.lnf-.l nl .-'.: i.H IK. curl,, r of Sltlli Af;iiii iiml mii Mir Iruin for I'rini-f !Sunday mnruimr wilboiil a hilch. 'Ihi N (O.lHlM.Sao, r 18 ptM-r-nl Ii-'i.nh . flat iii.Kniir.-. "lii-y li.-i'i-a". riliMtinK Imti "ii Sun Ai a merlin', at iniiliii-ilit Sal-iid.iy. l'i. lioni la! .Hr. i,i in ;in :itiliiiii'liili' Willi a day nii,-tit. Mr. l'atttillo U on a Iil'ni.lN. Jan. 3. The member?, of -thr Iiail irranu, Ihe SECRET PACT Ihe siree Car Men's Willi. tl ilerllio- in MitiAt uf joUiH :inul i "H ili'i!iinil u i ui ili-j'ii i i iii.'iil ul trip ami i Southern Ii-i-Ii p.iilia'mcnl. reiis-emblesl this "rnoriiiiig- after aii; ' iiiiin decided lo postpone the iiiiicr iiialaU rtHjint I In- ttolil JmIIm. .ii-.. I'.lllKlllllll-' Willi lllx fCMIt It-11' adjotiriiineiit or twelve days; Yhc dii-cnjbii or the AiiKlo-lri.-h ' strike vole until today. If Ihe pnliii-Ui.n iiHTi-opJ in vulftf III Willi'' ll'M'' treaty hat. been resn'med nud it is belivvVtl (hot a vole will be j men decide lo strike u-'aijist Ihe ,M0 1" ia" iHiin-ilialioii l"ard award of ten "..M.7Sff " .BRITISH WARSHIP IS . euchrif by T'liiirsilaj". .' , ' ! pr rent deerease in waae.s and SUDDEN .RISE Siiirc Ihe auiioiiiiceiiieiil Thai llu Ireuly had been Mgned, 101 : iillyralioii in wurkin conditons, TIm' MUer out u I frll fmin MISSING IN CHANNEL France and Japan Say No Agree-. :i.s.U,yKij iii ll2o in i,r.ti,ir.;' niiblie bodies have iviseil resolnlions faVoring- il and yeslerdny ment on Far East Question, the wslk'iul will ' (ake place on In VS. UPlH'r fitil from 7.-HJi.HU'J live inure roiiuly toiliiciN added Iheir voire?- U Ihe. i horit- of Thursday ne.M. Wort Adrift With lo V.oor.V7M; U'lul rrwiii Vengeance .ipproval rgr r.itilies'liou. Tlie nnaiiiniity uf Hie fanners in their WASIIIXliTON. Jan. Tlie FourtRn Men In Storm. 92.810.115 lo I,75I.I0U uimJ lino li-iiiiimj for Ho aci'rptanei- ot Ihe 1- r. nch and Japane deleya I ions 'CANADA'S GREETING from 91 l,tS2.(iii, ur M5 iwr win in i no .rms i.'.iiueiener em-lihuljeally f:ill.illUtlUi. Jaiu 3. IIot.' Cost of Living Has Risen Stiffly irealy is a notable realure. IflTllMAAT PfllT frwin8,l70.t(i0 in IU2U I" .-r Tin-Kroups in Hail Kireann to-: Til I IHIrtii 1 T ULL deny Mo riimur that TO KKNG AND QUEEN !- In Last Few Weeks. U no frai-" if I In (tt-if a It ball liir 'ndlpul in t'2. Tin? ut- lo be ide ' the Ixx-o countries jad a secret llip Y'MIU'-.llli-". Hllll llu llil'f l day. however, seem as x Jilll f lillil.lltl. liial'-i iul ilripMi i luil sin- foinnl'ivil lll'.ltl.l.N, Jim. .1. Ai roidiu? to apart ns they xu-re hen ,a.d-,i Gave Eight Votes for Col. Peck ajrreemenl on Mir I'arifie (ui-.s Lord Pynr Sends Message and wllli.pre-i a i-i-rvv "f fmirlri'ii wlnn fifiir' polilUinil by a Uili-lieiiin, jounimeiil xvus derland fur the; ,nd Five for Fred Stork. io;i. Tlie repurl was published After Groat Levee Held In lir. Kuexyii'.ki, tin mini-iiiiiiii Chrislniai hiILlays. II is derlared; in I'liiled tslates Papers ui Sunday. la - M-ni a.lnfi in Ho xlorin In Ottawa. tiling wumh in Merlin fr here that the situation is largely: . DEATH OF WELL llu- l'Hil:-'i 'tiaoni'l. .,,, ,.,.,), 0f Kilitnuat poll; n fuioily or four wan 50'J iiuirki dviiiinaled by partisan spirit. ,(. rcn,i ft.,t(.-al eleriion lia.-j m OTTAWA. Jan. 3.- Oovernor KNOWN LOCAL MAN QUEBEC LIBERALS h Novenibi-r wiek (iuiinif-Miat i-.Mo 222 nioiilli for food.of Cardinal Logue. jjus( rearlied the rily. II slmws VETERANS' SMOKER lieneral Uyi's sent T message to healliiK Cardinal Lopuo, lu theA' "iaah jlhal tUloneJ Peck iTcetxed eight be K'iik and Ooeen expressing for A. H. Allison Dies at New Westminster WANT RESTORATION ' Ml Tor lioutiu?,I2H SI Tor clollles, Cathedral, asked Ihe, eonsreaatton votes and I'red Stork live. iidue-to SATURDAY NIGHT New Year greelins and the loy-illy llubliiiif. After Long Illness. and Mindrirs. In Oclob. pray llial "ft iniiJht pleae jnjr Uie bad of the taller lo 00 of the CanuiJiati people., OF ROYAL HONORS and IIH for niiniinum was 3H0. Aliniiihty (iod to save tlii'in from aceordiim ti ihe Iiberal -eoiuil. The Ijcal headquarters of the flerward.s a levee was held and A wln wa i- IvihI liy V. . r llu- wi-ekly AuUmI 3a9. ntul the misfortune of rejection of the 't he olllcul rcrount will he made (ireal War Veterans' Association thert was a 'Sreal crowd in at iiiiiii'UiioiUK Hint Seplember :Ml, treaty, it held forth ;ou .Saturday of this wtk by.lte-Ihe tendance. liarrlr J'li'il.i TOIUiXTO. Jan. :i. A spi-'ial in July a2l. showing how Anglo-lrUh as iwas in scene or a' very joiiy A. II. AU!o It ml (IIimJ ul Nw lo (In tib'bi- frniii Uui-biv -ny Mir rout uT livins lim .-deeply riitli only hope of peace and Iran- turnins Onicer ll. W: Cameron and eiiiortaiiinteiit on .Saturday ninlil, In Iheir reply In Lord Iiyns'r Vtiiiiiftrr. on .Sunday nfli-r u that I.HiituU of Unit pruiiir. in durini. Ihe lat fjw wk. Tin quilily for Ireland." iKIeetiou Clerk C. V. Kvilt. the iiccasioii beinsc a siiMikiny message. King (jeorxe and Oueen Ion? i 1 1 1! the ni'vl parliuiiiciil will maki a July minimum in lull wh !eoiicerl foe all inejnbers and re-i Alary conveyed Mieir thanks lu The Inle Mr. ..Mlinoii wu writ l,roiiK fiijlil f"r tin 'rrnlorHl ion llr. Kuezynnki rstiiiiaie tuai turned men aenerally.. The the people and said, they trusted known In the city hnxina ami ottirr iralheriinr' was a lars:e out and there would be continued pos-perfly of llu- kiiilillioH llu inlernal purchio-in power M.lcil on I'ourtli Avruui- for reul humor prevailed. for Canada and Uie people t'.anaillun-. rahulaled on royul lionori foe f Ihe murk, paper iiiiirlliiii. , Owlna to poor lii allh. the minimum wajje liani. i now A PUBLIC MEETING llefreshuienls and plenty of of the Dominion. wtiirli juTOnmllaliHl n chanr or eiiual lo .00 U mark. Index mukos xve.it' provided. rliiniilc, he ihiitIium'J h raiirli RUSSIA NEEDS trmire publlihrd by the "l-'runk-fuller .lotiuhy A'j!fter iir.siiled al PREMIER KING GOES il CliiviTiliilc ami If ft for Miat similar the piano aiul amonjf lh.e artists telliiiK u ZeiluiiK" will be held In the Point iilmul flidilrrii IihuiIIi'k iuo. lule. If Ihe figures of Mill U were Hob Jantes, Jack 1'lint, DENYER; BROTHER SICK The uVoeafi'd look mi udivr part OUTSIDE HELP laki'ii u lepreenlinK I ho market EMPRESS THEATRE ''oti'-'s by: lmi Campfiell, Alee in lucuLiiiilillo u'ffalr.. llu !- priee of food (inoludiiiK Uix-inli'M) O.Y Webster, Harry Hays; recitalii'iis OTTAWA. Jan. a. Preipler Iihii'iI tn Jlif local Imlui' of 1 1"' al Mo beclnninit of lal j by Jack Kelly, Jne liiimina:, Mackeuiiie King has j,"inie lu OiMfullow'M nilil wa no- arlir Decide All Russian Soviet I III- tlrt lllllllj li'llj uuu iii'ir t i iii,.,.,,. So year, Ihe figures for Denver to visit his brolher who MriliOiHil Churcli worker. 3rd 1922 Tel Sloan was Ihe hit of the Congress In Considering week or lioeoinber i' .7. Mom-pared Tuesday, January, is critically ill. He wan ahoul 50 yi'iirn oT a?i Conditions. with pre.Var rale.-., )Hs-iMil exeniiii! In eharacler skelches- Famine "'J l ii iv h ni by a vft ami piieen linve Inoreased inorr at 8:30 p.m., at xvliich The parly broke up about two lauiilil'fi. ll:ir n nd adjourned to Mie SI. RED CROSS AIDSIIOW. Jan. Tin. litruil than Milrly-lhiee-fold. ' ovrrKliuilownl rvrryllilntf Ti'Mile pilee, have fiii mil Andrew's festivities. The Annual Mecllng uf the v LEAGUE HOCKEY problem rUe in Mir All Itilislan Sovlrt of all proportion. The month iioh'X Col. S. P. McMordie, PANAMA QUAKE. Ited Cross Society will be n.iiijfii'M wliieli do-Hi lat nglil. rinuien ihow that hint held in the Court llousn on nilllloii Ihe market price of t'lXlih' wu WEDNESDAY, .JANUARY 4, Pacific Coast. Ilow lo frril Ho- Iwi-nly Ihi PANAMA. Jan. 3, n I'arth-quake, VuiK-ouvi-r, 5; Scullk', ; ul InrvlOrf- I" Viiljtn "! to wwl ID lime the peace rale, but D.SiO., lasliiiK some uiiuute!i. cm. at 3 p.m. Vuncouvrr. Dm iii'i'iN of llvi'."lork uml per. month it U 05 tlmea Jlu peace curred hero yesterday. Tlie city My reason of Ihu (nereused miutli Hit) peataulst lo le.eslub-LU rule. The last week in .November Mayoralty Candidate was shaken but no memhershlii Ihroutrh the j-omewhat . Western Canada. uK-i'illuie. Iltuo pievrnllnn uUo miw'ii iccoid iuriutlon. will speak un .Municipal AlHili s. All euudidates Rir Municipal damage, xxus done either Jn Pan. drive ust siimmyr, tbe meet, seriously for Ihe bunkliole in circulaliou election ipvilcd lu be juesenl and ill!. should be xvell attended. IMiiiontpn, i; Sukuloon, li ul (.-C'lieiul rollup-e. wu million honors lit the coniiuj, are u'uu or nl'ui; the canal. Th centre DiriniMiloii, iliKinisM-il. It wa aifiee.1 thai liireu!i.r from l,7t).J miilion xvili be glxvn iii opporluiiily to kpeuk. Seals reserved for ladles of Ihe''shock xas ubout sixty II. V. MacLKODi f?ecreliiry. . id IU0.UI3.0 iiiarkK Itefc'liia, 2; Culj-ury, I; ul Itf- help iiiunr eoiiie f''1"" ll'u"J ullJ i"Ues Jlstant. tiinrk. mainly from Ho hilled State-