PACE SIX THfi DAILY NEWS TumiW, .Lummy 3, 1022. ij i-i,j.!i.' ,..u J xar PEOPLE REGARDING LETTERS NOW G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public FOR PUBLICATION WESTHOLME THEATRE FIRE INSURANCE is n hobby of our. Wo take keen pleasure LIVE LONGER In making -sura Uiat all policies aro so written lliat they cover A letter lo the editor dcalini: your property exactly as you intend. IT you culmst your tiro Willi the municipal election has Tonlcht, Tuesday insurance to. careless, inexperienced or ignorant, agents, you Modern Living Conditions Add to been received at the Dally New limy Hud, when you come to'collcct your tire toss, that your Vitality and Height. office. 'Ihe letter Is duly signal policies aro so worded Hint tho insurance company Is not 1ml Ihe name is a strange iim liable and so Will not pay the loss. Why take chances? ilial Ihc human span has ami appear in no tireelorles or CHARLES iK-en li'iiglhciiod in America hy voters usla thai are available in H. G. HELCERSON, LTD. proLiaoiy nvc years ' during the Ihe office. It might airaln be Insurance Rentals Roal Estate Itriur piMlod sltiee l00 dors nol Headaches Gone pointed out that no teller., an at rcceiveil in life Nevis nfflei. fur first sisht jicoin' credible, but the slnlrinrnt has hc high what publication unless the signature 1AY Perhaps you can Imagine .1 and .identity of the wrJIer arc LAND REGISTRY ACT. aulhoiily uf a eoiiiiniltee or the tiuj means to one who had suffered riii! o r,a 7. ii Appiiciiiuii no. tuci. AtucMcnn clear. II is not Ihilnvcrins council, terribly with headaches for ten ! 1 Ak'li MHIi:i: Hint anllrallun In-" been appointed hy herniary. Hoover, ever, for the naine o appear In Lunch i aiailo In rrBlUi'r Hubert n. f;rcw, of I'mir and years. prim. All (lint Is oecesVarv is in is in line with Special other .recent iiiici-n. it. i... miner eiani lax saic oems Read it in (hit latter. that the correct of the niu llie. i;ullertor fir III1 Cltv of I'rtiu-n developments, about name' the N'nv Hhjh'iI, brarlnir flair the 8lli (lav of says York writer be tit the "hand 66 of the mcmniT. is 17. of all ami sliirular that Times. The decreases' in infant Mrs. Ten A. Smith, Country i'i'i-aiii ,mrel r Irnrl nf limit and premise editor ami thai llie ma I or run- Nineteen Uilale. I.vtnr. and lirluir In the Cllv nf mnrlnlily is (lie leudliif; ractor, Harbor Cross Roads, N. S., 1'rlnre tiiiert. more tmrtlrularly known for forms to the rules of the pupcr. I many or most of (lie children writes: an I ilnrrllietl a, l.nta ililrtr-iiiiv (31) anil 40c tlillli-twn Wink tliirly-rtirlil (3SI who are savrd h ive lives of the nihl l,il IUi-hl ln lit) lu lueiily-heveii "I fuel llitl If anyone fan recom- 'J. It'itd IikIii'IH', ItkM'k rorly-lwo US1, normal length. Another fnclor irtij Df. Qia" ntcdicinei I ffrlainty WIRELESS REPORT WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4 all III hi t Moll rlKlit U). Man 3. if importance is the reduction can. I mflcrrd lor le jrfan Horn j Ynii art' rritiilrufl In i'iiUImsI the claim of I llw tax inn liiiFijf within 3.". l.iys r ruin Hi " of preveiilahl.! siekitess hy mrre Kearlachti, an-1 allhouth I moV 8 an.d P!ivllis '(fUtf flf lllfl eerVll'M tlf lilt lliltllf fulllrh lo'eaiis nil Vinilf of aaclle; powoVri lliet a.m. Soup 'iliay lie errrrffl hy peroorial service or of saiiiliillnn uod medical jl relieyeJ at the lim, I became ItlI.l. IIAItltOlt Overcast. Olif'rlail i, nml your atScntliui l ralliil in Spaghetti Vegetable jsci'tlmi an r llie Lain! lieiilfy Ar; wh"! care, twelve years aso Profess- very antl ruo-Jow-n, anil eery miiiIIiimsI wind .stfina; barometer. 1 Cold Slaw ;Oierefri,n:F,iit,iiniiM, aui ... .it.. ,,, tug eitraiis nr levins I'iMier fouiuj that at thini teemed ,tn trouble me, I have ?l:0l: lempcr-'tur, .'18; Choice of :-api in ihTiHll "f a meat or rrrtilli'ate of any ai;ii .liine the numher of utrn eighteen boiet of Dr. Ckaie't light swell; tl p.m., spoke slerimer 'lis imncli'ti- lifinir lllml liefine Me ivKMtra- Ihe seriously III iiveraifej 3.000,- Nrrre FonJ and il Iim tnmir. an ei Boiled, Salmon and Cream UfMi a ,nwiirr or Hie jr!iii eiiittli'ii uuler llrcly new of 1 fell ilial Congi sail Main. I'.'ll mlli-s off Mack Sennett ,'aurii tax ale. all ii-ns mi mtvpiI with "00, cent, of the perion iw, Comedy, pep cases I Ciipc lalli'iy, iiihuuitd; I Sauce a. nulla1, . . and Uiiise iluliiilns tlirourli I cou!9 nol have lived wttltout il. I Braised Beef and Dumplings hi' nniler I liiiu. ami all ,itm,ih cluiiniiiir beiiiif piTeiilahle. Seerelary :1a nl l.avt one headache now for in., spoke Princess IJna, off l'lne Boiled and Mashed Potatoes any imrrirlneral liitiret In lte.lrtinii'111.Hh land by and virtue all ot ierun anv Hoover's cfniimitlec fimls that every hundred I u?d to l.ave, and my Isliilnl. oorthliotiml; I ::tn a. in. "Don't Bin the Creamed Carrots 'iaiiiilnjr any Interest In Oh- Mud by ilerent llie number lots uleeudy been rts- nfrvea are ermj aaj ttrnnj, I jiKt spnj.c Admiral Wnlsnn, 1,1 mites me Stork" wiiiise title Is not rra-tstrrril muter llie weighed 107 pounds when I began to . Tapioca Pudding :liruvlslun nf tliM Art. ..MiaU lm for ever Iqceil i,20P,Q.Ot ... si iu I It of Krlchikao, soiithhoutid. elui'd and debarred from etiliiy ii any Vitality Increasing. uiint Dr. Uiaiea INcrvt I oo1. and and Admission, 15c 3oc ri'ilm to-or In i-rsjirel of the land i aolil now I weigh 111. Knowini what lln't ii:.l TltHK I'MIXT- llninint. fur irvs. and llm llealMrar shall KerNixr Tin'. I'oiiiiiiitlee ro ounejudes trealmenl lias done for I canncl southeast siiIk; hammeler, 'J.-8'.'; ,the Mrim eiitliled under sni-li tux sale HIJI "llii. 11011011.11 vil'.ilfK- t.H til. recommeaJ il me,othtra." Tomorrow, Jack Pickford, "Just Out of Collejo" owner oMhc Unit o nuld for taxe.i." loo highly lo Icmnrrulur. Ooj.Ji-a rouuh. ft ... Good Eats Cafe I And whereat aiiiilleminii h.n Ikh.m nimli i.riniiiii" " Hot r-tf. 11 id . 11 1 " 1 DI(i:Y INLAND Overcast, Ifer a Ipillllrnl.. or ln,l.rrall THlu I,. I - Dr. Chane's Nerve Food. 50c I llie aliiive-menlliiiied lands. In the name of pofll'd hy niliell COIlli!llp!rary a box, all dealers, or Edmanson. fresh sotilhrnsl wind; hapunejer, .i.j.-ii. .r. irn, anil wnereas on ineail- i.M,lniif.. In I'll U i Ill's lli.1l linve ' llin tltlf. If .hluilH flial i.l,... 1,. .h,. ! HI' 11'. f ITS Bates 6c Co., Limited, Toronto. .".:'0; lemjieralure. ;irl; light I nth day or Oi-toher. 1910 (the .date on kept physical records over a run. swell. - - whlMi tin- ald lend.' werf nM fur ovrrdne ':. JTiai were the ansexned owner sidenihle period, as Viissar. liar Noon f Under Netv Management. I Oieiiiif.iirther Inl.e or- utherwlso Imtiee Ilial as at flip Hated same below;lime vard ami ale, have: arrived al Ilial Ihe rape is physically advancing" liri.l. H.MlMOn - Dvereasl; ' 1 Mieh shall aniilleall'in elTert retrMratlon and Issue In a turiianee lienllicale of of Ihe same conclusion. It is. not Here A come up stroii;.' southeast wind; barometer, DEMERS C A I r Indefeaslhie T'tle to Ihe nald land! in Ihe merely lluit nthlelie perform, against a dogma of the biolog. 2t.rt2: eiitMntijre, 30: sea' Strand nod name execute of Hubert the O.tinnier Crew iisitpus proceeding yon. take to .nces nre'constanllv beiiered: ist.. In "The Direction of Human rough; 11:15 spoke Princess establish your claim, ir any. to the aaltl that inlsrhl he pcconnleil for by Involution," Professor lulwin l-lna, in .Mi thank Sound, Great Slaushte I.iikL-. Ui or such prevent propnerd anion otKmy purl Ihe rapid enlarseiiicnl in the Uranl Coukliu, of l'rineelon, iiorlhhooiid. Oaied it the l.jnd ItcKlslry fifflre. I'rlnre field of competition. Anthropo "1'or least ion cen THKiV Cafe linnerl. H. c... this joth day of October, says; n DK.MI I'DI.NT- llrtinins metric charts hmv Ilial the av turies there has heeu no notable soulhcusl gale; hai'io'iielcr. .'. .8 2: to make room for new stock II. F. lacI EOD. Ileitl.trar of Title. vera ye hei?hl, weinlit am progress liillie evolution fir llie lernjievHlore, .'15; sea rollgli. NOW OPEN To :..WM.reslste X. KK.VXAI'OII.-ed owner;Prince AIlTIU llmierl,Il II.C. slrenath of Ihe incoming freshmen hiiiuau body." . Skeletons found DIiillY ISLAND - Itamiiig. MIT':hki.i Prince Huprri. n. :.. rerts-!e are sleadily increasintf. This in the caves, nf Cro Magon imli- iresli s.Mli lle.isl Wlliu; liaj nloeliM . EXTRAORDINARY VALUES! All White Help IUYS,vd and Ksii..assessed ram II. owned;o. grew.I HA.NCIS Prince gain i. doubtless ilue to a rising sv.iv MihI in Ihe old stone age, 21': Id; temperature,, ail: light Unpen, B. C, inortirairee. standard of living, to a widely some -'5,000 years ago.' al leasl j swell. disseminated, kiitvle(l3ej Of cook-injf, one race had a stature and brain! in COATS, SUITS, DKESSES, HATS diel and 'sanitation, vlo llii the i-aiKieily equal lo that of Phone 66 P. O. Box 743 modern addicticn to fresh air lending raceb-of loday, ttnd the and all Ladies' wearing hpparel "Be of Goad Cheer" ' and exercise. Tiled?' is Indeed irlJ products fouml with Ihe 'sUel- I Everything in thostoni reduced. JAMES HUNTER jsome warranf foe tin1 child who", tons are of such-excellence thai Eat this The Place to during Call and aricr carefully surveyinjr it par, anlltrojiologisls vi.ll the O'o-1 sec our prices. GENERAL BLACKSMITH! G AND CR BODY nfs. remarked '.thai If'od'wits "jialcolithie (ireeks." i Festive Season BUILDER ilis IiHi.diwtrk volution, il is now believed, j Ko Physlcl Advance. takes placo nol hy a slow and. 3rd Ave. Phono 27 Agent for Traffic, Day-Elder and Ruggles Trucks BOSTON Ualhcr surprising, llterrfort;. leaily tiriM-css, lull hr stnldeii' Terms can be ainrmed for purchasers. s (be f 0 111 11 1 i 1 1 1;Vj-s ithlumenl Ilial niulaliulis," and such clntiiges1 ''(here is no reason lo believe brief -period lit: First Avenue and Cow Bey are limiled lo it Prince Rupert, B. C. Ihe life' of u rare. The human DA I'T Our froien herring ball Is conceded by tlalierto.en type is apiiareiitly fixed: even ifj GRILL Orl'i ie iinet, procurable- at any l'aciflo Coast WE EXTEND TO Ihe eugenics ciVuld have' their l'orl and it is "1'isliy." I'ricc, $30 per ton. ONE AND ALL way I here is lilllp llkelihoo.l Hint Third Avenue IP 'I he best way of insuring a good quality trip Is they would produce a new-and to liavu plcnly of our hard froicu Ice. I'rice, higher lyne of of maii. Al this time you want t pur lou. ! COAL! COAL! Sip (Cmtt-pltttintts II is slill possihle. however, toj good food. Olirfir ",r "''''-'"'mlpped stoic can supply tUbing gear, rinse llie masses ol men inwaru; WE HAVE IT fislit'iiiion's clothing, groceries and provisions llie highest types or the present; a ii(l hardware. nod to safeguard one ami all J Turkey, Knglish l'luni I'ud-diiig, fi om many of the natural shocks j Mot Minco l'ie and NEW ENGLAND FISH Company Edson Coal that flesh is heir too. The true! every seasonable dish. Ketchikan, Alaska Branch Company of tl liiccll'in of evolutionary forces Phone 58 according lo Professor (..mklin OPEN DAY AND NIGHT is not so much in the human or- Phone 467 Ve are in a position' to give IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, by the ganisin as in its environment -; THEO COLLART, LTD. - PUBLIC NOTARY ton or catibad, uf our famous EDSON COAL., which is known the institutions and Ihe ethics of to' be tbtt best value of any coal on the market. May the Year civilized life.. l'Oll SAl.K- Six.ioom house with bath. flUOU, half cash; BEST COAL AT LOWEST PRICES Ninlli Avciiuu and Mcllndo .Street. ORDIZR NOW PHONE 58 NIGHT WATCH M. T. LEE Office - Prince Rupert Feed Co. bring Happiness' Rentals Real Estate General Insurance and Prosperity to Appropriate Services Held In An Phone Elue 69 Weslholme Theatre Block P. O. Box 66 Cprner Second Avenue and Seventh Street Prince' Rupert and glican Chuih Saturday Ladies' & Gentlemen's ran Its Citizens. l.lghL TAILOR (? A Watch Nighl service was. Rupert Table Supply Co. held 'In Ihe Anglican l'luirch on Fit Guaranteed Phones 211-212 New Year's Dve, commencing ul ANNUAL STOCK H.S. WALLACE CO., LUTED 1 1 :.'((), Ajiiiroiiriale New Year Third Avenue, opposite P. O, .labour's SALE hymns were sung and u seasoii- Phone Red 138 REDUCING ililc. serinon was preacneit ny For next your Canon Hit. Al midnight the hell c pecials, This Week Shoe Repair Job was prayer.rung announcing silent CHARTERED AUDITORS ACCOUNTANTS AND AND CONTINUES STARTS TILL SATURDAY,TODAY JANUARY 14, 1922 To our rnwloiiiris and ciluilis nf lttiiftl tlu extraordinary try WEATHER REPORT RORIE & SMALL sale is uniioon 1. Thix nale is oudoohlcilly an "auli-mall order liuii-i'" sale and will -liniiilale the idea of huing LADIES' J. C. EMERTON Raaldanl Partner at lion. . December 1921. OEORQE RORIC, O.A. Champion Shoe Repair Shop Maximum Icpipcralurc, 5H de Because this Is the first and last sale that will tske place this City Auiliior for Prlnre (iu,ert Kmad Block, Third Avenue grees, December 7. Auiiiorlid Trustee in liinkrupiey coming year. No such bargains have been ofTered before and .Minimum temperature, I i de-rees, Auditing Partnarahlp Accounts there never will. We are offering this opportunity now because UITS "Repairs while you wait" Dec. 25, Invaallgatlona Llaulditlona our stock Is a little more than we should cars to have Mean, tempera) ure 35 degrees. Financial Raporta. ate. Atslenmanta and are willing to sacrifice It rather than to carry It through. fadaral Building, Prlnca Ruptrt Therefore. everything must at greatly reduced prices. It it i it fall, 8.05 fitches. Phone 317 Bai S4S go FEW EXAMPLES OF THE BARGAINS OF OUR YARD IUR ONLY LEFT TO CLEAR. Are you an average figure? GOODS DEPARTMENT CARD OF THANKS. Style and Quality In Each, One and All Below Cost. Mrs. Oeorgi! II. rielig and family In thene colli days boy the While llahy 1'lannel al. yard 70o ONE BOTANY SERGE with fur trimming i.:,d braiding. wish to acliliowlede wilh Popular and Reliable White nml Htt-ipeil Viyella Flannel at. per yard $1.60 Itcgutar, 58.50 for S32.B0 sincere thanks Ijic kind expressions Sheetiny on inches wide. Ileg. (I.S.V lo clear at, per yard 75o of your sympathy in their Hheetlnir 80 inches wfdet. Ileg. HI.OU, lo clear, per yard 60c CNE NAVY GABERDINE, electric seal' collar, baud. late bereavement. L ithleaehed colton, reg.' 30c a yard, to clear 6 yards for 1T00 White collon. reg. 3M a yard. In clear 5 ya'rds for 1.00 sotiit'ly embroidered, Ilegular $7 1.50 for. ........ . 41.50 J Miss Kelleher has returned Mllow Tubing, in in.. 12 In.. II in., reutilar 75c and 80e. ONE NAVY SERGE, possum collar and culTs ami from Vancouver iand Is registered clear-al per yard. 600 lavishly emluoiilereil, Ilegular 87.50 for 49.50 al tho I'rkire llupcrt Hotel. 20 per cent, dlseouul oil nil Dresn Moods, Coaling and Herges. t I Crepe ile lUiines ninj (leorgelles, inly width mid aiiy tijlor. ONE NAVY SERQE, iossum collar and cull's with braid. To clear, per yard S1.95 ingr trijiimintrs. ' Ilegular $78.00 fur...... ,i 44.50 At' last wo have Cadomin TOO LATE 1Q CLASSIFY Two Examoles of the 8hoe Department Bargains lumpy coal for healers, and MEN'S RUBBERS $1.50 LADIES' RUBBERS $1,15 ONE ONLY SALTS' PLUSH COAT with possum collar. furnaces, Cadomin carries W'A.NTKD -W'oiiian or girl for Every article In the store Is reduced, Our circulars show you Itegular IS5 fgr 75.00 higher heat units than any housework. Apply Mrs. liby. the details. If you have not got one ask or phone for one. oilier coal sold here. iourlh Store will be opened Wednesday Afternoon, January 4 THESE AND OTHER BARGAINS ON VIEW IN OUR WINDOWS downstairs, tltD Avenue Consumers Coal Co. Lid. Kat. J ' 2 lOc CIGAR JAB0UR BROS., LTD. Corner of Third and Fulton G. Q. MINNS, Manager J. Lorn l'OIt HUNT furnished bedroom MacLaren, Manager Phone 7 In private liotW. Sleain heat. t7nM UU im V Phone 645 Corner Third and Seventh Cloj in. l'hojio Ulack HHO, 3 aUnaaa) mt