ht run fuitv news 'pABE'rm: l,it I 1,1 ." t llii linn fii nr- - -f VANCOUVER WON HOCKEY GAME Beats Seattle and fs Now But Half Point Behind In League Standing. NAVY CUT JHn. 3, The Vancouver M ill inair defeafed ly a score of five to nothing in Mi Pacific Coast Hockey fU-ture thus retiring second place in Hip tcagneniily half a gntne t.ehiiul the S&ttle leaders. Tho game ai a swift unc and both ImiJ'-s played, very brilliant hock- -y. The Vancouver defence digged tin- Seattle opposition ami Farmer"Edward Crsor. of Klnburo. OnL, freely and In a abort time the wounds were defeated all efforts of 1 lie visitor wrltee I Ivii driving three horaes on a dlae-barrow entirely healed. I believe Zam-Bak to be tbe In eore. McKay covered when of Ilie the harass broke, sad while fit. bert ointment obtainable. It ahould alwaya be i he entire ice Minting onp goal iut It, one horses kicked me again! the at hand ready tut emerrenclea." sharp edeea of the harrow. I utalned a nntr Mothers mid carrying the pork through ar.d (siurrs sl.ould bear tku in rniod. In tie JJnd in tins O br cut on my elbow and wrist, and I aa could nut Lome, tm tit lai i-round, at k lmJ, or in L vorlsKcp fnr two more score from hU Irave work to get the woundi them and dressed, dirt cot aniukoii Mil, and Zaro-BiA is tbe test "Em passes. Harris (wire and Parkes Into my arm became very painful. aid." It ofSO&lOO It -i. 35 till wbiek ai.tsrpik tbe rmm 20 looked for twice the other It aome time aa If 1 were going to rjuae infljmmalion Ifiirmj and blood-poison. Tke rick were scorer. hare aome very bad aorei. but I wa adrlted to Lcrbsl tam of wlidi Zam But is composed, footke try Zam-lluk. I did, and In a few dya my arm nam and qui lly fceal any injury. Zsm-Eul is alio a waimuch better- less palnfol.and the stiffness urt cure fnr e, cms, tiUm, abscesses, pile, MiJ-pwuos ELKS AT HOME IN Iris troubleaome. I continued using Zam-lluk and aU akin W,n. 50c. boi. all drueputi and itnm or putt Irte from CLUB ROOMS HELD ZanvBuk Co., Toronto, iut pnoc Kef use substitutes. MONDAY AFTERNOON rnpc tin rf. tin tt. mumt i The Klk' Lodge, yesterday the GREAT HOUSE-HOLD REMEDY r-j OKJA.- tinb Z,-RhI.l lot.Ce..Tarsal to nfl'-moon entertained some 160 members and friends at the home on Third Avenue, cards, songs and dancing beirfg Indulged in from 2 to 0 o'clock. Sport Chat Mrs. Jarvis MrLeod and Harry RUPERTpRAND Fletcher rendered song during-the . . . . The fir.f half nf the sehedule afternoon aud the combined Weslhiilme and Arthur's orchestra in the Trail Club .hiUI hilliaid furnished the music. Kippers Bloaters erie will write Ur an end thin The cnminillee in charge, comprised ai m week with the completion of ihe W. J. tlash, lten Self and Iniirnamenl- In-1 ween tlie ("treat W. K. rtininpson. War Veterajn. and (he St. Andrew" ehrduh'i) f-.r lal night, Srtperh 2ualifc BILL TATE GETS for S ile at md the Trail and anderer. e ALL RETAIL STORES dnwrt for tnnmrri.w. The laller FOUL DECISION Finest Workmanship Nmrnament hnutd prnve one of the tnot intrettng r the .er- OYER WILLIS Greatest Value The Most Tasty Breakfast Food ie fur in it the iwn leading inlheWorlcL trams of the eann rorne Obtainable PORTLAND, tire.. Jan. 3. Hill aether and tliey keen are on heavyweight. Tale, the Chicago winning. ktd are pretty afe won on a foul over Harry W illis ii the Trail, however, to nd Smoked up of New York in the. first round of Daily by in first position on the ronelus- a scheduled ten-round battle last Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. i.m Wanderer,f I he have rirst a hM tremendnua fr th the night.referee Willis bad struck requested Tate after liolh '.ud t and that one from to break the tighter a PRINCE RUPERT -an hardly be broken In ..trrwq a clinch. Doth men are negroes. JiOTICE. II ingle tournament. However. FISH ARRIVALS In Ouwn Charlotte Islands Land District, there should be ime good paini ruf-nrdlnr Dlntrlrt or skrena, B. C, and jul the ame and every little BENNY LEONARD Washington, Jo,GOO pojinds, It-land.sttuair C the West Omit or Moresby VICTORY hit in either direction help the TO MEET DUNDEE sold lo Hooth Fisheries Oinadian Tlkn iwittrft that Albert SrAtt !.k and team which gains it. John Wealoy Cumirli. oT Victoria. B. ;., Co. at 9.c and 4r. orrnpallon brckrra. Intrnd to apply ror COAL MILWAUKEE JAN. 12 s-nMskin to prosper! the rollov-ina- de-srribfd Why not buy now? f'rih and Mlflarti Inurnment Tordenskjojd, 50,000 ponnds, lands ror coal and petroleum are nirw in pmgrea at 3he Wks sold to the Canadian Fish and .mauivnclnr at a post plantrd about nw iair axle oeth and almvt one hair a mlli :ine and the draw fnr tle MILWAl'KKF. Jan. 3. Denny Cold Storage Oft. at 9Jc and 4c. ' east rmOi Uie rrlln an a small tiy on For Furnaces, Fireplaces rirl rnurut have alreailv been Leonard, whose scheduled contest filadstone. 2S.0O0 pound. sold inc Uimr-Mcretm( rtiatna isnna north.sine Uience nr canoe SS rhalm pas-'. and Stoves iiindc The rrihtiaKe draws wert with Pmki'y Mneheil fell through to Pacific Fisheries at lo.jc iL tnaaee sn rbalns south, tbence so Guaranteed to be free from chaans eatt to point or rommrnrement. anl ! Take advantage of our ii follows: F. (Hlhuly v. J. yesterday when the latter rejected and 4c. . rruitatnlnir GiO aras. teore or Irs. i rock and clinkers. :niib: eo. Frir.ell v. I lay llell: an attack of neuritis In his left Mary M. ClrristopheV, 13,000 lofty ALBERT WKSLET SCOTT C05SEI.L.LOCK and Applicant Almost sootless and smokeless. Special;; in r.. W.ieh v. W. W. Knight; P. shoulder, will meet Johnny Dun-ilee pounds, and P. Doreen. SOW Dated October .J.Ktt.W. ConnHI. ArtflL I soiein v. tt. waooeit; r.. . nono. here on .l;t'iuary 12. pounds, sold to Sinclair Fisheries Small moisture content. hoe. v. O. Anderson. V. V. I A at 10.2c and 4c. ISOTICE. $13.00 per ton delivered In Perfumes Oae v. irohejt. H. Arthur. Sr.. In Queen cturlott Uland Land District sacks. L0.D.E. NEW FIRST DIVISION SOCCER, t it.ronmiir I'Kire'i ur Keena. o. .., au French v. K. reen: I.. Astoria v F'A Mtuate on tne Wl Coast ot Moresby $12.00 per ton delivered In llenuiitft. J. Wick v. W. l-laim. B. C bulk. WiiliM-rofl. .1. N SineJmir v. P. K. Monday. Take DoUre ttut Arcblbald IMrorr Me- Chocolates in Shane. W. F ThnmiiMrti v. W. J. YEAR DANCE Dlarkburn. 1 ; Caryl iff, 3. TkrbHle, nr Vaneuuver, B. C, occupatioo IMriarrr, imeiMs apply Tor .miiMina Ivory ".uh. H. l.epiiir v. H. Morgan; Dolton. S; DldttL, 12. tto pcMprct U rollnwlnr deaeribed land HTur ruai and prtmleum: Cnmmeprtnr at a PGIFIG GARTAG E r.. MrlUnoyle, v. W. F. Ilnherge, Kvertun. 3: Surtderland. 0. tgmt planted al Uw s.W. cornrr or Timber holiday packages H. McEvoy v. !lav.n. C. II. Kl-kin Enjoyable and Successful Affair Manchester, Jf"UiHlders field, 1. lllrciv .a. SSSet', ttitDce voultl 89 rtuins. inrno ei main, norm au v. W. Itlylhe. H. Fraer v. Last Ninht In St. Andrew's Newcastle. 1: I,1verjl, 1. rliains. tbener Mil SS chain! to noint or Limited ' Hall. Manchesier.Ni. onwnrnrment. aod nonlamint aa ten. 1 1. Milne. Sheffield, 3; lira ur wi. Phone 93 ORMES LIMITED llilliurd First round H. Ahem BALD HABTJEn -MfliECllME, tin-enMeld v. W. K. WillUemfl; The annual New Year's dance of TRAIL CLUB SHIELD., J. P Connn.Appllrtnt A rent. I.. Aloria v. II. J. 0nk; J. X. the Imperial Order, Daughters of The following games vvi't be Ttttel! octntjer ?. Itt. The Pioneer Druggist The Rexull Store the under the" auspices Sinclair v. i. Mrllmoyle; II. n. Empire, played tomorrow night' in Ihc NOTICE. of Ouwn Mary Chapter, was held tournament between the Trail Jar Atnria H. Arthur, Sr.; v. la Qaeen Charlutta Islands Land District, K"fe . C. H. Elkins; M. M. Mo-Lai last irtlaht in tlio & Andrew's nud the Wanderers' Clojjs. arroraiutr District of Sut-ena, u. and Lumber Hall I to be of the aliuaie on the Wrt Coast ot Moresby hlaii . ;. Ihtlagiio; I". Orenn aim pVovcd one Col. S. P. "McMordie v. Ditty l-l.nil, H c. a tieo. most successful dunces yej held Harbour. 1!. H. Slioekley v. Oet. .Hnlger v. It. A I kin-; J. v. Take n'Ulie that John Wesley Connell Frliiell: II. Mirgan v. J. J. by this order. Waugh at the iaks" Home at H and Albrri Srotl Lock, ut Victoria, u. C. Some SSfl were present urrtipaliun brokers, mieud to aoply ror W. persons ami 9 n.m. reieotiveIy. Judge; lien Self v. It. Arthur; p.m. pemiusuw w pflvsieri tue luuowinr ae-acribed quite n number of the old time (). Nelson Hilly Hlylh; F. lands ror coal and petroleum: K. W. v. Hell; ti. Illylhe v. J. Iy CunimeBrinr at a post planted at the S.W. silk ThmMin v. J. 1. Magulw; n. member! of tlie Queen Mary Stephens v. JaVk Judge at the Miroi-r t 1 uuber Ucenae No. iSCOf. thelirv Shingles The floor Bnli so cnalna, thenre east ss chains, turning .fcitt. Chapter 8 uimI Frier W. F. Ilrowna; II. H. Wanderers' Club at p.m. tiaence siuni SS etialBS, thenre esl presented a very gay and aul-majed U chains to point or naunenrement, and i.nn v. K. A. ttnod: W. Ilalacno p.m. euuumiui I0 acres, more or less. nr v. W. F. Hnherpe; II. MnKvoy v. . appaaraBe". W. J. Hemming-t. J. Drown: J. jn,ii ntsui in-ti.L aixi A new shipment of Fir Ilefreshiiienls wern served at ALBEHT SCOTT LOCK, Applicants J. Sudan at SI. An-diew's W. Soott v. J. Cdib. J. w. conceit. Aarnu Dimension and Shingles midnislil, four sittings being ne-ce.ssary Club at 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. Dated oettdwr 7, 1(11. to opcoutinodale the has just arrived, bought The qiieslion of Avomen fool-hall 50TICE. CAILLE LIBERTY DRIVE MOTORS FOR ROWBOATS players wan among the niat-lern whole Tho WVslholme assembly. orchestra fur-nisbed In Oaeen Charlfttt Inlands Land ntslrMI. I. fl- .NOTICE.I.I.n.. , .n. tM.1.1 . at the market's diseustM'd recently In Kng-land. Berorataa Iiustrtrt or Skeena. B. c... and i. n ,ii!...( ririv nn o-i-niw in trouble von : simnle. rotiiparl. hv the I nothall Association tbe mui. tliuaie ttia Wwl Corns I or Moresby atluatB- on Hie West Cots r Moreoby Lowest Prices Inland, b. & Rnind. B. C. commilteo in charge consisted dependable- and sturdy (a real eutboar motor), the kind you Cntmnitler and the rolUtwinff The of Mr. J. II. McMullin. Tt notlcs that ner'nald llrbrl Take notice that John Wesley Connell Ask for quotations. tho reach or all $117.50 have always Wanted, nt a price within reolulion was passed unnnlm-nUNly: Woodland. Wrlrtit. or Vlrttiria. . C., occupaUuo pro-UiOtr. and '.Ibert Scott Lock, of Victoria. B. C f.o.b. I'rlncc lluperl: olt water lin ings 81i'7.50. Water-cooled "Oimjdaints having been Mrs. It. lllanee. 'Mrs. O. A. Intend! to apply dcwiibed for iwrinlMlon lad ror to oc-uttoD brokers. Intend to apply roi Mrs. S P.. MoMordie, Mrs. niwiwl Iho ruttflWIiir fx milsslun to pro pec I tbe rollowinr de- muniler no burned hands . IToprlli r out or wilier in starting made 'aa to fnoUtall being play -..i .1.4 iMttmloinn. iimmrnrlnl at a imxm ..-r 1 1 vwl taiuf rui. rni mnii ru.tmb.litn. efllncnl. felt Pattinson, Mrs. Hobert Parsons planlrd on I ha ilKirrliiw- ut r.anoa rast and riinuurnelga: al s post planted at the S.W. E. H. Shockley and depth adJtiatinK simple and ed by women the council ii irni an main, tneme west an mam, NO CRANKINQf SIMPLY THflOW AOIN8T COMPRESSION lo their strong and Mrs. H. T. Willell. the s.W. corner or Timber Llrate o. nirner er Timber 1-1 retire No. sacAP. thence impelled prs tlh-nra north SO rhatna. tlieni-e rt Messrs. Woodland, Dlance and tSP, thi:e siiuth 8 rhains. tltence east SO Planing Mills. opinion Uiat the gamo of rool-hnll U thalna, llienre th 0 -haln. thenre chains lo istnt or roinmenremenl, aud BURNS LAKE GARAGE Patlinson ware on be door. fal So rhama to point or conirarnrfoient, ruiivs)iilts S' arrea, more or less. Prince Rupert, B. O. is juite unsullahle ror fc-mab'M and routalnina 4e acre, moro r IM. nclcd j'ii:v tnLci ana McMordie Colonel S. P. B. C. Distributors and ought not to ho encouraged. KECINALD HERBERT WHIOltT.AppUeanl. ALBERT SCOTT LOCk. AppliraaM Agents Wanted BURNS LAKE, B. C. Oomplutnl have also as "master of ceremonies. 1. OOnnell, Aunt. Dated October T.I.Izt.W. Connell. Aaenl. Dancing was Indulged in until Paled OrtI)r T. 1(11. lieen made as to the conditions 3:30 a.m., when the singing of NOTICE. .NOTICE. of llie.e under which xoflie matches have- beo arranged and the National anllicm brouplit a In Qvtrn OMrlntt UUnds UmJ Dtftiirt. Is Ovecn Charlotte Islands Land District. very enjoyable and successful HWefuir Puirirt of skeena. b. c.f itt-i Uvrtnd litsirlrt or Skeena, B. C, aed TORK'S iitave.1. and the anoronriallon of .a ,a a Kan ItJawt aTVaalatt aTif U At'l situate on the West Coast or Moresby DENTISTRY the receipts to olher than charit evening to a close. i Tike?. noiirv ....loos ....wun wm'i Island.Take B.ooui-e C. that Septlmas Ward, super SELL, able objects. The Council are and Allwrt Scott Lock, or Victoria, B. C Inteodrut. and lu-berl Ward, barber, ot Advertise In thn Daily tfews. : . ... t..v-M . 1.1. ti. annlv tnr Vlctcns. U. C, inlend to apply tor per-lulfsion OTOVES. Hon't neglect your leelh. One decayed or mlssin? tooth further of Iho opiuhm that an Pertniasion lo prosper! the rolllur described to proepect the rollowuis; described landa for coal and petroleum t landa (or coal and petroleum: Comnienc-ins lowers your vitality. excessive proportion of the re-relpls Da aot safw Conimearlna at a post planted aboot one ai a' post planted on the short-line or are absorbed in cxpensen aoether Say with mile north or the southwest oatiier of canoe I'ass, about ona mil south and one PI I F R Iteaioi. Bleed Timber License No. I0P on Warelby mile vest or the S.W. rorne r ut Timber BAYNE and an Inadeiuale prrcentRge In at Wetrud. ... . . .. i,... iIumh. n.'.r I II Liriuts No. tsavf. llsnce south SO rhains. DR. oiiaritable objects. For ln riiaa. chains, thence east S3 rhaiut. tlu-nra thenre east SO rhsins, theses north SO Fred Stork's Hardware devoted to Kb BsM snrilaal oper. anulh Sll chains, thenra west SO rhslus t -hlii. thenre west SO i-halna to pom I or nooma 4, 5, 8, Helgerson niock Phone 109 these reasons the Council te-iueMl aa aasaaiaaa" atlon raQUlred. poini or couuiieiireinenl. and initaluinr It conuiMMK-i-iural, and cootainini. (it terra, Secowo AvaiNua Jess. mora ot OloUuant U1 rtlea u al oca acrea, mora or less. Dr. Cnase'l Odlce Hours: Mornings. 0-12; Afternoons. 1 :30-5:30; rlubs bflnriBing lo the .f.rd laauna bwiett. SOo. a boii aU JOH! WESLFY CONNELL and ROBEKT SEPTIMUS.WARD,WARD Applicants.and PHONE B! ACK 114 AlBrriT SCOTT LOCK. Applicants of Evenings. 7-9- As.-'inaii in t refuse the uce lOTOUlA. OaMDlatj. IW1 WWW - J. W i:nno.'ll. tyrnt. i. W. Cnnnrll, .(euL i heir grounds fr such matches." ppr Mitt ociui so. lump w i'r hwui. Dated Orlober ?. Km. palod October 1. n(l