PAQt TWO "" TBI datct nirvvs laluvday. v nr s) The Daily News ENJOYABLE BEACH pan pniNCB HUPKHT - MUTISM COLUMBIA PARTY DIBGY ISLAND i Publiihed Every Afternoon, excepl Sunday, the Prince Mr. and Mr. Myhlll Jones Qa Bra' Itnpert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. Interesting Cvsnt For Mr. .. H. F. PULLKN. Managing Kditor. and Mrs, McNeill SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mr. and Mrs J. IT. McNeill ami To Holders of Five Year family, wlio will he leaviae Ih City Delivery, by mail ur carrier, per mould tl.Oo city omi fallowing- the ronipletwn by all part of the British Kmpire and the United State of tlie contract on the new ourt in advance, per year fO.OO liemse. were ititert.iined at a Canada's 5i cent To all other countries, in advance, er year 7.51 at Iliahy Island lnl e. ninv. per by Mr. an1 Mrs. Myhill June.. Th. TELEPHONE 01 larve party rneil to lry 11-and on the launch Oh Itahy and Bonds ejislent Display Advertising $1.40 per Inch per lnerlioi fltee1v after arrival upier was Victory Transient Advertising on Front Pa-e I2.S0 per inch er rt. Then fcdlnwwl, danetne Local fteadeM. per insertion 25c line per on the hnpital erandati and Classified Adertisinfr. per insertion 2p per won' later a Mwflre oh the hearh wtth Issued In 1917 and Maturing 1st Dccom!er,,1922. Legal nolle., earn insertion IBc per agate lirn the telliHB- of stortea ami the stewing Contract Rates on Application. of . At Ih close etieer All advertising should he in The Daily News Ofllce on day pre wipe given for Mr. and Mr. McNeill, ceding publication. All advertising received snhWt to approval the party reafliNg tine CONVERSION PROPOSALS 1 Member of Audit Bureau, of Circulation. this morning at ahil two o'clock. Tliose present were Mr. ami Mrs. DAILY EDITION to Saturday, August S$. I9JS McNeill ami family. Mr. and Mr. MINISTER OF FINANCE offers to holders Holders of the maturing bonds who with to avail J. O. Stephen. Mr. and vMm. Mhl-i-oIri THE these bonds who desire to continue their themselves of this conversion prt ege should take Seeing Humanity McOleod. Mr. and Mrs. Oor. investment in Dominion of Canada securities the their bon4s AS BANLY AS iOSS!BLE. HUT NOT LATER THAN SBPTSMIiER jfeh. to Branch a rf In The Raw. dan, Mr. ami Mr. Han Jthaur and privilege of exchanging the maturing bonds far new any Chartered Bank in Canada and receive in exchange Mr. ami Mr. Ojrtt Yei fafnily, . . . . a s 1. a a half - Newspapermen have bonds bearing 5J cent Interest, payable yearly, an omcw or iue uonus a great npixiriinity.or seeing humanity away and family. Mr. awl Mr-Wilson per receipt swnessarroi. Cbniaunni . y in the of either of the fottowmg classes: ah undcrtatring to deliver the rorresponsmg bond aPr raw we are constantly reminded, and it sets us thinking, and family. Hell. the new issue. something of which most of us are nut often guilty. have not MactlmMtd, Ma llitrg. Sarah i (a) Five year bonds, dated 1st November, time. Mrl.eod. Idnita Italian. I.itdaatc 1922. to mature 1st November. 1927. i letters of maturing ftyly rrglsteml bonds, interests' Nnrjh. MiNeitl. and HirIM payame ry cneque irotn uttawa. win receive their Vhal it meant' by humanity in the raw? We presume it Mephen. Mem. J. H. Neit"ii. (b) Ten year boadi. dated 1st November, Drtember 1 itefcst cheque as usual lioMers A means uncultured, without being covered with any of the veneer Alan Forv'h. Jwk Jutiit, Halih 1922. to mature 1st Novcreber, 1932. coujkxi band wW detach Mvid retain the last unmatured of civilization. And it is more than that. Someone says it's a Maedouald. i. flow. s.'M. N.-w coupon before sssrretMkrtng the bond itsetf for conversturh While the maturing bonds will carry interest to 1st few degrees worse than "half ttoileil." The newspaperman ee inn, Harry Hawkins. ,Ujd Vil-on, purposes. . 1 December 1922. the new bonds wtM commence to earn bonds be forwarded a good many of the'ore. the ugly things of life. Sometimes be Sam Jah.iur. SafK I 1 Thejsuvrendered wHJ by banksi IL.t'i M.rd..n. Ja'k ami interest from 1st November. 1922. OIVINO A UONUS to the Minrater of Finance at Ottawa, where they w-ilr becomes a sceptic and declare. that there is no good In the world Stephen- i...rlv anil NieHt'lw. 1 OF A FULL MONTH'S INTEREST TO THOSE be ex chanced lor bonds of the new issue, in fully and then he t-nme arro. some example of wonderful heroism AVAILING THEMSELVES OF THE CONVERSION registered, oc coupon regjileted or coupon bearer form or of oplendid self sacrifice that does his heart good, sweeps away BABIES i carry lag isturett pajnsbia !U May and 1st November the cobweb of unbelief in the destiny of the race and again he TWENTY-TWO PRIVILEGE. of each year of the dwratlen of the km,the Urat interest becomes an m'ptimist. ALREADY ENTERED This offer is made to holders of the maturing bands peiyment accnskig and payable 1st May, VU Donds of the new tsaoe wM be sent to the hanks for and is not open to other investors. The bonds to be dethmy heanistastcty after the receipt of the surrendered Not All Bad In Plans Being Made for Holding of issued under this proposal wHI be substantially of the bond. Those Without The Pale, Better Babies' Contest In Con-nectlon same character as those which arc maturing, except With Eihlbltion The bonds of the maturing issue which are not Many of those whom we ronider without the pole are In that the exemption from taxation does not apply to the converted under this prviu1 will be paid aeT in cash on Mime respects better people than thoe who take refuge within I'll to yrtrd:iy huhie had new Uuc. the 1st DeMbcf. 1912. the churches ir who parade in silk hats. The study of the men bn etrre, fi.r tlo IWdter Hal Contest which is to !e fmnlnr wImi live on the edge of civilization I -a most engrossing theme. W..S. FIELDING, f lht rear s I xh hilkm. t 4 Many of them are. wonderful characters. A lady once sid of a Thursday alone 1 1 enlri- w r.- Minister of Finance. man: "He is a splendid sinner." Most of us in (hi country, made. Dated at Ottawa. 8th August, 1922. judged by the standard of the Bast, nre sinners tail of the few The ho.iM lor the t xaminai Mn- only can it said, "he is a Mdendid sinner. i.f the hahi"s are now hemic rt. They will CMWHettre at lite There are many in this country whoe business it is to prey it Hospital a few day before on thoe who are less skilled or les wite. to the world than he. the Fair. One of I he atlern ons BABIES IN CANNERIES ill lied .in wild true ..r-kfi.ita. They are parasites: on socpty and jet maiiy of them are so lite- of the Fair Week will be et for and IIm eanimi uulrm. .... ... .. . .. . . . ' 'charactVi . i - 1 1 i. able aud have Mirnfine phaet toMtieir tlial we are inn ll m lio iiir. iti i.ri DISCUSSED BY A JAP " - Itouud to admire them. will he semMel ami announce, , I will slake my raoniatntn. Lumber Lath1 went of Jhe winner will be made ,, ... I Airh a it is that Ibere nci" & Will The Best followed hy the . ,-nttl'il of vancour worm runny man I im been a rhlld l..t In a M. II Writes Nipponese Letts r R- prire. r 'rt'ff lies -nt. norlherii cannery. And een if Bear Analysis. gardlnn Mallar. mi. what rs our iii an aerae of and When you come to analyze the method and motives of the I. W l.uee. Ihe head-ins tune IX In the lunall family Shiplap-Boards various people -around you it is curious how they Mark up. Try Ten Years Ago f -Kis I'nrorted" mention There i no suit able answer, to pick out the best man in the community and who dot you get in Pi'nc Hupart lb meitleni In wlurh lliank yoil! Dimension Try to pick the man that is leading the luct alt round life and I'.hairiwaii Imff of la- Kisberien "fernaswi Mr. iHjff IremMe 0nniii.i hi JaaartMe hat pertian a very malt Xip-' ThorotiKiily Air Irled and Stored L'bW Uik where do yon find yourself looking for him? Sometime it abjerta well to get the analytical humor for a few minutes and try to eize The engineer of the railway feahen la tidnnaries. He ay: inmhi Mrnaa he mitik. people up. Where do you find the best of them? Where are the held a very to'i'eful ilance in WilMam liuft M. I' ennirmaa en for a very la rsre anekrye 'alio. Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceil'ng, Siding liad Week' new hall at KiUiini. f Jhe Kik-jnii (miHiaiai. .11 and canned aeeordinirly. mo.t useful? Who are the men wffo are doing muil for the kalum during the week. Ihink iherf i iinsielhissa derid-eilly Hul. a Nou Mr. I . klidd aid community? fiaby in Ike way I be northern lhoiiiid year so. Sk-tilrh U I and Finish fles. T. P. Tliormnn. who for ranneriea are run. huid! I think, so loo. ' Do Not Be Led By Advertising Methods.Away some lime has been at Telegraph The faet thai JifsMinaite w. A inolase is alterlv iiiim. i SPRUCE LATH Creek in the Anglican mission nten work wilh aaaiea s4raisil ihly. axi'.-iti as mi.lakr. of! There are many people who play to the galleries all the lime, field, returned to Kna-land IhU on I heir uaaaa ta Mr. oaire, A ue4evc alui'Mi ' Manufactured In Prlnca Rupsrt and sailing at Losl Prim rananssj 1 hey miderlaiid the art of sen advertising and as a remit the loorninir after havinjt visited with and Iiutf l l.. a lot of iwilltffcl ead ealy; a Japan--e liaay community knows their good point. Happily alxi the community Hishop ami Mrs. F. II. Iiti VerneU leefi. i bruwn and siuall K-n a is often able to size .them up and see their hidden failings. The He pave an intereslins adlres on Naturally enosiiit). lit one color-Id Mid Snvash could N il Ihe PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. per. most self persistent advertiser is often the least esteemed person his wnri in Hie church last nivht. in I4ritili C4uiitUi hw aaa dlf fere nee. in me community. ihoniutfMy analyse lh alltsatian "Klrietly between .urelven Ssl Cos, Prlnca It up art TsTlptiWS HI On the other hand there are many who kii nlmut their work Mr. T. r.. Ilirnie and her family i lla'MMMira rn. as Ihe f4-Umiuy and eveiyh rtty el-e. rkniik Mr quietly. They shun the bright glare of publicity and yet they ill returned yesterday on the Prinee hMer nlitfHS: , liuff ha- In head In lr.-. tinobtrusive work for the community that i seldom seen. Such flniiert from tha si.iilti "lion. Idiilee( . walera. men are of great value. They are found everywhere but those Kit I :ltHini. .ii are llic -nine. who look on the surface of things know hardly they exit. " uf Friends, II -HIVII It Iih.ii Men and women live communal live. It is the natural thing! Husband and Wife in Win. fil.l'.- liaff. to do and yet each life is an entity that is different from nil i s. others. To firt make sure that the entity we represent is nil LOCAL ANGLERS HAD UPREME" BRAND Nearly Dead with iMpiiim has nnsst Irsrthrally right and then to aid in forming a communal spirit and in mould aid dial Kat la Fjii and West GOOD WEEK'S FISHING ir.g the communal movements that so they may serve the pur ttri. i ami never Ike twain and jaie of the whole community let is the work for every man CHOLERA hall he unravelled." AT UPPER KHTADA LAKE woman. ilawa uceMively demua-slraiitiiiii FRbSH Tin little Saturday sermon is for the people who do not After FKKSH go Tbe rhir )'iuioms of rbokrs ir th aUive. with care. a im.-t ucci-fiil Wi ck Coffee KOASTliD to church. We tieed it. ROASTED I fl-tiinu at Klita la I. alt. M!MMr, aixl iNirtints orrvt elilr amiuire f..r u bsyiw whether a nrly MnMHiinMMiOy or slirrsairly, tm r this Mi.i r imff i ihe original of local angle i enn-i-iiiin of UMitlly lllrn sihI vrrjr tx.lrol, sn4 tk ful I.. W. Palinote. i;harlie in oalt'inal narent of Little lialaaiio. uitlrr )relrd rrmn Ida sluaisrb b s UIImm j1rw tmj s Dtlj blllrr Itaimy Imff whit liea in lUmiir M. 1.. CaHMjibell, Ansjel Aloria. Why Fresh Rocisted? Conversion of . trip. Knlaay Hauler. - I Miry I'aimoic lfa ' Victory Bonds il. itaxe I J, The World Wl) il a ! lasHrr u l T Hinr 1 J"J?J Oa Mm Nnl yinpluuT sn-etrloc. fr. l.iimled. exnry day And if not. ami l.oui Paiinure nuar U. Sm4S mm bS. ll .I I IIM "1 I lir. I Mf UtA "THE SERVICES of this Rank are offered free of rslr't enrtri or WiM strlrrr how mm.-. ' hoiiic ..-i. iiJay aflerniHiu. The) aixl .. 4a ? m.ilH 1 ,,,1-i.mie K tltuuM I snd Irauble ,..l ukrn. UK cW(ir4 W hi thr htHrkBf Ma Ss wl aae.ii' A "I ell l( r i.i-l .n.l .if h, ppar.-ill ly M'r. fluff charge to those who wish to arrange the conversion I tot II xum wrkMU. ratlin . ariMl bM-r ana a.' h. .- iu-v r iter nsSMMv Mr. Ium Simih. CainptelllAD, S B, (aalwioe with a wronK id-a and i'.. i I it., an.I aniy.-U. n.rr the rut rr aiM at iiing th M-h w ih of Victory Bonds maturing on December 1, whim: - W fur brm uMnr l)r. i Mill liatebiaa it. It la no Ireci. AImiiiI -Oo finii l-itiil in. rart Mrai umm MM rUI-- i ' aw 1922, to the new five or ten year bonds. Application rfcalrfs.lomlvr i Fiirsrl My butUl it Wild sad strawberry I rN pmiy for ne You rannul diattal et)U-k-eiM Weif I.i .. w It I Ii .in. tin fi-Uili'( VLIJL it.A. 1 kMl Lull . ..- u .1 '" out i.f addled t.. In i,. -i ah. i Ih -.iiul awn r.. iiaauul. duly m Met ta.Ne 'i"" should be made but lirirty tb It aotil sttrud t Km Wlta Um as early as possible, not later I vruau.1 "I W t hri f ax Mur UKdirlsA sntl uttbks la It, am K-callig a meeting- .,f V .1 - than September 30th. ! fMMMl trest rfliff, sml sr rcoju-uiHwfc Imi...rt.-. Natisn Sons of Hriiiii .1, l- i tan New Cruuntl, KoaataU and I'm eked at tha Warahousao' The Manager of any of our Branches will be glad to If yetrt' m rrrst'sno"all our inendl.''iMndi brbtnd "Dr. Coluuihia. with a sleur vo-w I STEWART & MOBLEY, LTD. lrt)npaMiix a staunch reoluii..M furnish full particulars fimti'" ibercfur yon r aol lr1-utrntmt upon request Willi Swum btw ud UDtntS ealliiMt Ih.- attenlton uf M r liuff Coff.a Imporlara and Huastara PHINC'E HUr THE riiwlr wlwii you 11 It. Ui the Hiiiity slHlulie c.r On. VrU-r. I Sr. bolllo: put up only by Ttw iroini-e. w1m-( proclaim ROYAL BANK OF CANADA T Mllbttrn Ca., Limned, Toronto. Out "Kvery .laatiase female w jW7taVl man ha an arefae uf nine IX SUITCASES ehildren S of lhein , and .y, conceded bt JI'lJJ ur fruten harrlng bait la the i.i ,,f ramaindei liiiu BAIT ... ...... ... 1.1. .1 anr I'Silfl" ' ... .....iii.....iiiirii yi vim ... TRUNKS girl. No other will doiH y taw Port ami 11 la "Many." I'rioa. 130 per ion. . .. u "Tin- THEQ COLLART, LTD. - - ?t?RT,AY CLUB BAGS , " i.iMTftKr lullareil Jajinee Willi Hiildn-n h"Ht' W as much sawing with as t! ICE Ihe...a hast way. of liisurinK. . .a a l.,..nii gua"W 1IA. " 1 iiiaajaa iiianiw ir jiis siaii-ii irus that tin-re F little effort 1 i sat ii s ajt ui -a ia lesvs tlin no room as W are now Agsnta for ths Nsw York Ufa Insuranca Company. t Iir toil. ' ... at all ai tonne far llie Itahy, or Ths most liberal and strongest oompany on the eontlnsnt. Large Stock on hand. twin-. ... fl..lf:i "iir Well.eiiuililisd slora ran uii,y Bin'" ii.l nliim In Uitik. Ahviu. "SIMONDSM Assets, 9B2,C32,13t.B0. tst vs show you how to aaa your Prices very low. ly I..-ii.-ui i, i. ainMiiualaneen, WUII11& niriiin' rlollnuv itrol'i-rias yfV and tiardwara. money. J. F. MAGUIRE 'he ihii.i f)tv.i B, to ttif ean-nny tlaONDS CANADA SAW CO. UMITtO Phons Blue 99. Wsslholmo Thsatrs Blaok. P.O. Bos f. ..ii it. niamwa'a pick s-i.a. tx.R.ibI Si m4 Aaa A..MmIi.U.Qm. NEW ENGLAND FISH CompM Nst tU Frlnr uprt HoUl k VtKMW,k.C I.Jk,KB. at.ias ars most unniov- KaUhlksn, Alaska "' , '