TnE DAILV WETVV3 "-'"' 'tsri"T PAOR nn rrw.fei mm? p frofn lhtnem-tiflwt. mil. drt r.lnr.fiy with a , ,.a,l .if Waterfront Whiff iiiniBliy.lunilirr fr lr Mi- liny l.iimlmr Doing, of the When the Time Comes Mosquito Fleet Which I. the Chief Source Thr iun fltinixhrwa rf thr ot ""ce Rupert's Prosperity Bssmoothastionrst. iliiiruay niorninx wild n itfv load of roal fnr ihr Kurort Ma. to Slow Up U Jft 11 rank, m- WBi.irri.iii i. till It!Hi 1.i t k . Mm I I . ritir I'riNlucti 'Ltd. nt Titrka ittvtm cup,Arc in r tnlf I fit t't trlnird i me .vainietii . n Mat, ,,.,. , ,lf . .,.,.. .,...,.. Inln Much rmall trewt trtwrd. How Money Will You Have Saved ? "" It lakra a ral ritinrrr to fir, 'i"" fnrt. of m.nk krr an- a pump on a Jmi., ami that l UnLV vh-r,-f... Mlr-ady I,, a) the ne.,1 of Hani. Only 4 Men out of every - why tp. F..Mi.rrt t.uiy rj- hii... ok. .,. gm ,:.,, ,,. NABOB . l'''l. Jllt , .tllie lMMrl,1t BIT". Cflbin IW ATH on l1iiir!i.lar fifm-im and .1 l.t Ihr lOO are Independent ill imk fltlnjr. Sonironr wlm nr1r, a at G5. hrillt nn.l age TEA provision arc Weather il.-rk pump I.rrlly Ima.tly 4fffij, I. rhcerv. ami Die being parked inland for some 30 An .anJif veil Jont drink halibut tk,. hook; "it fn llil district the' arl an.l tor a prrfrnjr (rm-l The Debbie Maturity Endowment ..irf pump from if P..UKI mortal , mM,r- ,lr.,re I'll -ititM a far a I oil Policy fu rnisliet a guaranteed income l TIM Nl. lifrly illB ill tlap'a alcriirr, riiir- a,. X,, thSAmh(jK ftuhfy. m.,.(J mil'-. It Is reported that there for this period in life combining j'n " lowt,,H,ird an.l at' (m itf all ktntU nf nili.l Tiii'iilly a new our had In fr m-mr a ir. ",,n '" aixmi the mntind .MeNtelmll Creek. Pitt fUwJ. it In rpffi-riini n,r nain economically in one contract, both ,'llri ' f Ihr rmft In thill mi. M. I j,,! .i. .M...II.I. ,......a I i.- vFiir- if raiiliol Protection and Saving. ' m. If ix tnrnllonrii hut unlraa Ihr ymi .h.mi.j w ,li;thl. f(( B,arln w)1(. It is the ideal contract for the ".- he and saw- .t,',f i, eUimerl Dunda. Maud nainr in patnlril n ihr bottom i .ml., lrii i. f,,h aud.thr ,,,r rr m,lk of thr hull llnrr wa nohin ).. young man, the professional and "7 a in.hi ann lo law luarknf il.r .. ...ii. .,IHn,.. IIIK in till lifH on thr how. TJir the business man I l"''i.l ""..H. I.-it ftttr IUr brawn '""'I l Ihrf appear ti Ik- ilif. of boat thr I" rrt ii full-thr mr ob.rrvnlioii and imlra ' Make certain of your Independence ami an ,.r rrifnt 'trtr In I... of this a tiainr by securing details policy iiniiK riKlil. aikt ain't afraid i -aim.-. apirHar in gmhl Ixild I TEA ar if I f.i -,. It,.- naff ..f a I.l II try wind. . Tiw prrlly (kmhi Ibrrr will br I' Should I , ii.vhl. vhi II rvap thr harr.t f! Tl.r f,, AwH arriUI from oinrthftm d.ifiiif whrn i.n.l.ahly ENOW. ' ' nnollirr imiliri wHI br nrr.lisl "' "-'Hh wniIp m. Any. ,m TlHirnlay iiiornlnir R. E. HAftftAI - ii. for ,,, ,, ,wll. m,th a. (oi ,ff 1,41 fr l"hr Ailiiural li(rr "Krrii.iff El Jujrrrr for XortlirTfi ll, c won I.l (,t nlfrly. t II ni vrr m l Yin, rn!'hr Mrinr IIimH IIiaIM.mi.. iTi'ife iiuperi. liar y.iur . ly fr, .j' j n.lrrr, j.yr(rr. The Nan in (he Moon ,,.. (H rHuriir,) .tb all If. ran- a4 w..,. i.m;iy wtih ttv ifuinairrr Ihr Thr powrr I'.K.T. wa tin Ihr Skrrna with an SAYSt- lrT w "turd fi,.,,,! 1 ruft Mtinaiiir ami Mr. Milum rmpty hw MaiM I'll l,kr wlirir .ait mutt, boant. on lur.iay moritlni for flh ,, offal for Ihr Ituiirrt Mariflr inm iakr ari'.itirr -- . 1.. know -why mi in up ln4nH. Thr . It. T. ii the Kill ll,-ii aivr (I.. 1 , in:,, A tare.- Mi.lrr rMill ., i I.. .M-uiiii ,u rin flairthip of I lie Krtrhutn fl.-rt. . i MlM In fr Ihr wrrl ,., . . atBrr1 MvH rbjrhl mllW in. ' !. bui-kina lr mt ..I.l Ip iiI .,., Iaat from IkMrr, KNtfraN!. It t reus Life .'. n.itl Willi K... ik. '" Ihr Narbrlhons. t'.ai.l. lliMiniro rii. -iiinr.sKt that lit rhHIfHh, af K. I mntan, was irrr to iorrhrr a r irial atralnat Itir alJt 4. many llai.l nn V.lnr.lay f,r a load ihr w. ij 1 1,, 11, Ailiiural ,l uiit .if CAinl iwtHtirr. fur I ,..-. .r-Mar. ff frllht. Ju.t what Ihr frritrhl iNSURANCE SMHkHY t mli.-ra ha "" ' .i. .i-,i.. ,u i. (i .riinK ' l walk MrM Hmr. w, Ihr rerrt rrvirr dor not Ih ..111(11,1 ..f ihr flirt Una I1 ,-rk ltrta)-.-l.' thry knnw. f'io i btir jiil at Ihr Hcjs Omoc - TbaoHTo, Cakajsa. iV.t r ih. amoual iif dial iak thr fur flv lllrr- inuiiiriit fixlnir a frw iiadxltr la-i . i k somr lii nlm lb l l- luxw liirrl, iait. Xrw- ol Ihr lMiili,iilhr mwrr. Ill Wkhoul oUftlioo kiajly forwrl m your UokUt "iom Dy Yt My U Old." I, .ycaraaf t -i. Ix -i iialilmt in thr I.l ' wa tt( Ihr Skrvna 1111 rhirf mvinrrr av llir rprfirkrt age, aad woU tk to accanHiUl $ tewjj iJcfjnce. Ilk- .i . 1, malkrlfd thl. . W rii,ri1av wllk a KiHf Mf trtl. lur IrH.tri rvrvrr f thr inlrrnal frrritanilrr will Narna. AMrM. It. Iiitflif.t i.ri,.- hrina in 7 iiv IW" mrn T Mir rtli HiMlrd llt rolntr with thr rtlrrnal Iri. B.XU J lit .I'wmia'i e ew all.I rt, Hii.l Hie 1 ii-.i. Hi,- 1 ! "t br'l!irty li.r. analr wf Ibr woinbartliui lirni. IhI 1 hi raii-li lia - r.m. Tt,r Mimrriw air itrHrfirally km outfit and that Ihr only lit.ii.-. ih .-arioatj. f..r ti,.- Can- at thr nut of ftirr rrnawftV .. i III III J UmiiiI h thill to i i to luni up FUton's ' klliiW atiai li..nal 1.. I.. .al. aM alroa!r rwvrral of alalogur. pavr wv, aiwl onl.-r a and Cap. wa lMking fnrwani to t-rn 1.. 11I. lakliiL- 'h tli.-ni havr rl.w.1 .l.iw. tuu ert oramie after dinner j 1 1 fiMuilr lirw iHir. .,w you kn.iw what Kn.-iall) .In rimy i,- r. fc ll-y riiiiirfirMiUf tr tgiil Ullllr i Ihr mallar withjltr rnxinr. rlHiard hi alatial craft on thr lii. I. .11 .ra4$ ami f ruiny an influi af In.Han tu Ilia i-ext trip. BAPCO N'i unr ..f Ihr HMirr lat Itir ,.u.-r MM H In Hi.- Ur .,.M who havr ahrfl Itir ulrrrl Our of Ihr Ihdiau lraurr Imagine hi dinut iixn going qaaik f.n fir first cla K aniioafrtl lie low thr other morning dU- an, an arimm-r in y lyaMila from Port In Ihr Ia'i ilinpon ft, In IHr jttl . . . . 1.11 nut rtaaa. ..r I. : 1 t i river that .U-I w'.- in win """'" "r .iriom..ur l-r i,ill l.t fir rk HI low in ome irfiguidrit Mr- i Marine Paints )T vM it Im t-iutr -ny if H prukw. Ihr laU(a,w Kay dnrtnir-fh' "rrk. Thr on hail lieen aboard before tun th 1 Ur jtria Jim lr.-niaafT f Ihr Ailin jrMwral and lnriir annrrir rfult wa lhat TI" rtinK lidr and had purloined the twt r lrli. iKirirn rfitrriofi. wn avn tr-rn on a!"' tMH ntnninff. and are Vuy look a fanry lo thr interior of range f the bunrb, the remain- hl 1.I.1 y ih Mtrbikai. rrfurnrd bi rwtiMf tmtnit. Buintwr the boat. A quail, h-r being srattt-rrd all oter the and Varnishes .i Kir tirt 'irk tnrmr MMt in Katitr.lay lal. Tlir a. 'f iiM kata anr tW lirtnirins lily of proviio and wrarintr floor and Ibr engine. Xow fruit ; 9ht t .i.triirt Vm if ram. 11 , un.lrr.ln.Kl, i lh rtaiw uf apltarrl brrantr ubiurrunt but is not a giHMt thing to gite ar. en T-.-iMir at r. liav, I Jim rMurn a ar wa; not rrioy damairril. Thr vine or to eat on an empty t..n The superior quality of Bapco Marine Paints, If I anmkrr arn. ol Mml hi i-ar ih-Ma .ilal"' in Mm IHHtl ne Irrrn rrn rrafl wm limr, up on Ihr boarh. ich. and bavintr rollWleil the re Varnishes and Enamel could hardly be better ex rt want mi-'flir-i likr! i-tlnal arrf-ii .I1..11I.I Ukr In Mo- rlHy f Ibr walfroiil and thr walrr punird nut main Cap. took 'em home. A fruit Ukmi th.-'orlr I.. .limb dstrlns Ik aud this llmo it -tilad ireparel by thr hand of pressed than in the many letters received from leading hr.Mial, . tn nhii iM t buH4iiM bfnl .but boar. Thr SI. Kioi i un.lprttoinir re. l.i toting wife wa the eiuel shipowners. Some of these letters are now published X l Hig l r ilaitX'lJrot W --Murh You'll hot r U ring- up I. Tlianr l-air in Cow Hay. tfhjch Ijip. greally enjoyed in the in a booklet entitled "The Evidence." Ask for a l Jjr..tilarMjr rii au1 allfarllnn i Sirrrd and mt wtrr( h art ii lbi . pritary of hi own miIi.I liome ' i rmi t ma - lia, in nauiM-al rirrb ...- i.illy limr. Ur t abK)ily rrrtnln The tln.e.pit tlap. Ilenen.Hkbe sirxt lime Jim buy orange copy also a descriptive color card. ann.oiinrnrn aiwuiK Aoii-rn an fi-ln-i nu n ai;" h1 aw ihrrr l.lark brar made tort durinir (be wvrk with to eat aboard they will be erure PRINCE RUPERT AGENTS a rhauar in Ihr thr 4. tn f thr Anu-ri. an Hrn- "f at Iiirr l.M-eti, and the amr I l.u'io Miund of mil bal.but I) lockeil in a coud'inalinn af- air Mixl fb of K.rfi-nialiriiar hi ilu- dUrotrrnl our r ml rrHirt a mni trip. and only he will know the figure. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO., LTD. 111 M....).. .iMt ihr 1' it th' bk f llaroij lan.l. REPUTATION am it'll", n- '.. out tw ut wliwh i Uuats Oftiili' Ibr A .Irrrlirl launeh was een in The Improver. Captain Ifcrugla risk or o ttul 11 iMnk.-d at a:hl Mra Mnt. Thrfr wa the harbor on Thursday morninii lylrn.lisw, railed in from Maetl copy ol . tuiailiai, lion ami Ini.itril i M nrrtl to bifl ihr illand to tthieb providiNl a n-n on lhurday morning ami after l 1 a thr ihr ujii I-mo.-.- Hui..-,t. Ihr ibu tar. it iiml. r JummI, a -itou for youthful anil a.lvrn. ,'ifling a.load of peppy engine ga "THE, r . 1 . . ..... ui.r H ia a rrrortt of I.M..hhi ..( tin- fl.'.-l a.,-..i.-;" a inai itrny lumiitof meat luroii pjrtli. Several rvwlmaU from lhelrinre flupert Koalhoue EVIDENCE Ttir SaliMia I'M ;.on-taurlr wit an llir i-iMi.aiK.. ..n" 'f'- "Hirtiy ff. nowovrr. put ihiI ilurititr the roure of bit for home. mnl for It an m- ABo-riraii .aitor ...ihk atfiai-d !rrirr rrfralnrd from lakinv a I he iioiriilnu to make a firl band a .1 i.-.nit ..I Ihr flaghii and ..n.-- attain bad oh an or of il,r woo,I 'nreelinn but etnlrnlly Ihr rr.ift The i:. I.ipetl. Captain Peter Ihr uuhhi'. for ui..rr harmony i rrl.irr4. I WHnd.-rrr- a br i very 'l!h to vta in mirh isbape tiihldt'tta not en. with tft.000 pound made a far, ih. liialn t any liuni nnliual, in worth xnlvasinir. The Aiuritr. .if afe landing during the week. 1 -.1 and m-.-r arv,na Siait. ..f II iiiuiii fall a-r fa't br'l tt a rlflr alonx Anym, jiave oer. bill klamUrd. In i.-i'ii I'tiii.-iii .iioua.l tin- wal.-i ti .nit 'hi linif. MMin returned. No one eemet (. The question of the selection of liahilil 1..1- l.inli A miiiiiIi. . ..t I , know lo whom the wrerk nrijrin-ntty t Ira hi,- .11 ,,.....,. .- .. t... m : Thf Kranor Mat t mi lln brlonaeil but it i IIioiikIi lhat n wedding gift .for Flossie came for it third hearing aboard i'p . .. Vmi .an rrbin fu-IH 'f ..l"rali..n in Ihr Ward Elrt-inr way un.rtioina it i an obi Indian rratt. The hull the flaguip during the week. Thr riAl'V I- lt.t l.ui r fur In.. l! 1- ant III n-nerl t.-rluul i in unreiairable hape nnd i of ilmiral of the fleet was in the ,ll (III Will I iourr niinu rnirine and window. rhair while amongst those . I In- 111 1 11 1: : III.' (MiW.'i ti"at Val- arnv II i understood it will lie pres ent were the vice-admiral, chief iimM a a target for the uh neineer, Jack Toner. Ktb Hanna ibaer of the secret erl'e. ..civil lord., rhiei gunner and the gunner mate. In opening DENTISTRY! Hie Fiher. tiip. I)uty Milter, Ihe proceeding the Admiral said mine in with 17,000 pound, ot in par: "We ure here tit discus prire halibut ilurinn Die week, (ip itiiMirlant Modern X-RAY Service 1 very subject, in fart I if aivinp tit craft the uiioo over 'Minht D. say a important sul-ject. MACDDNALDS with the paint bliuh wliile l,r That . the iiuoMion of Flo. rerline rare fully DR. BAYNE p on the Aker-bery-Thoinpiioii Flirt wi-d.linc gift. have flip. ev-ral iiitelliueul and wonderful Rooms 4, ft, , Halotrton Block Phona 10t suggestion nn the agenda tnt-lud-nig unlet Hours: Mornings, .I2: Afternoons, t:30-5:30; The following boat marketeO safely pin, hair net, tooth Eveninn. 7.9. rih durintr the week: Tuli.uu.-, brush, hair oil. throat oil. Say I'air of Jacks Innied ll Aiurm. It'll, pas over the juice, this Jo Jtakrr, II. -A H.. Iaiy, twitiir. speechifying make nry throat abah, Mar, t.ape Silencer. ore. Here Ihe pioreeiling wer--interrupted UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C.. LIMITED BRIER Teddy J.. Frain, Hiteapit. Mar- while the Admiral and SAILINGS HM-i'lli-. Leuore, Uinvletider, I-:. the boy had one. For Vancouver, Octan Falls and Swanson Kay, Tuesday fi p.m. l.lpe!L Agnea It.. V. T- Wel. Continuing, he said: "I don't For Vancouver, Alert Kay and Port. Hardy. Saturday p.m. ford, Ihilphin, f.aou. Haimy. know as if there are any items I For Anyoi, Alter Arm, Port Simpson and Walts Island, Sunday Itoljance. KayoKit, Oroth, Anna J., midnight. bate mentioned that wtmbl get t I ten r m rut. tsherman. Huth. Ih-fence, Foe Naaa Rlvae CanaarUs. Krldav I ride nil licl up but I approve nl sjn, Fitur, Hurtnlonre. iioinr easy In Ihe nuttier a the toting lady nfight change he. Did you hear about the then mind about tin ere Sandy fluh Our Stock of liiiiit the Cayneoit? Of course. tuy und wv might get stuck with "Art" Clothes . .... m mw .. -""vgayi.-v w Taw aaaaai.vaw ar yiui know that the Caygenn I oine tisele artirle on out Enamelware Mi Sfco6z;rasr tw aTi kippered by Cap. Jim MurrUon. hand, tu say nothing of Ihe col TIN II appfars that on the lut 1 ri it in. .'iy. Jack, afler you nilli Ihe In Is 'now Complstt. NEW FALL, AND WINTER Cap. hit the high iola a a. brleant and dn't mention water." rMots RlghL SAMPLES. m-Ming a good price was concern litre the hi-ld prtHwrtiiigs weie up Spltndld Valuta and Stylts. 854 I . In fuel be felt o fhi!, ihut while the Admiral and the rest of he went up town and aHer careful the gang indulged. STORlTS'Hardware Packages 15 STEVE KING nelectlon, pun-haited a wtiolo Continuing, he said "What UmltsMl hair of oraiuea. 'Htfaa dainties in my mind t this I don't want Third Avanu 3L Fhont Black 114. wrs scurely tucked awsy bclowi vContinusd on Pago Six,