9 Attn TWO THIS ITAILT NEWS TliMMdny, May 5.,, m?! The Daily News SUFFERED YEARS STORK VISITS PMNCB RUPRRT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Kvery Afternoon,; except Sunday, Ihe Prince LOCAL TRAIN Hiiperl Itaily News, Limited, Third Avenue. WITHJCZEfi MA DO H. P. PUI.I.KN, Managing Editor. "Fruit-a-tives" Cleared Two-Day- Charles Old Llndstrom,Son of Mr.Remo,and Mrs. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Her Skin ' ' Has Odd Distinction Cily Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month. fl.OO By mnil to all port of Ihe British Empire, Mid fhc United States, Poixtk St. I'uwtr, T.Q. The stork has, dnuhlless, ere in advanre, per year ..$0.00 "I suffered for three year with this time been Jmown lo visit To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 IrrrMr Ectrma. I consulted ieteral trains and finals hut lo the two. TELEPHONE 98 doctors aul they did not do mo any ilny old sou of Mr. and ' Mrs. BRIER 'ransient Display Advertising $l.t0 per inch per insertion pood.' Chariest l.iudstroiu, of lleiuo, belong ""Yransient Advertising on Front Page $2.80 per Inch Then, I used one box of "Sooth the distinction of being (lie Local Headers, per insertion 25c per lin 5raXi aii ud t n o Ik)t es o f"Krui t-u-t i tV fiivt child to he horn on a pas uvliny lmn.lsaro now r lt'iUTlieljin train the western division, Classified Advertising, Y"T insertion .2c word senger on per is gone and them litis titvn no return .National l.egai notices, each insertion 15c agate line of the Canailian per I think it is marvt'lliMU t-caun nr. and llailway hetween INIinnnlnn other mediciu dial uic any good All advertising should lie in The Daily Xews Office on day pre until I used ".Sootlm-S.il" an.I Prince niiperl. This yolinp (feiu ceding puiilicalion. All advertising received siilijecl lo approval Truil-UrU'tes", 'ikr wenArtful mnllrim :tlenian, on Tuesday afternoon, first saw the lipid of day In the Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. mad from finil". Madam I'KTEH LAM A Hit P.. compartment 'of Carlisle sleeping chr as the west hound ' passenger Mf 1.7"""Ate,ur . . .m 5 m-mt 50o a box, 6 for f2X0. trial iiic,S.'c DAILY EDITION Thursday. May 35. 1 922. At dealers or seat postpaid L train.'was makhur its way nlontf alb. Fruit a lius Limited, OtUtvu the hanks ofSkeena lliver. There ELKS' VICTORIA DAY CELEBRATION Cray's, half hacks; Kililay. Hoy. were no physicians or " nurses. TIN IS CROWNED WITH Tinker. I.ainh and Itutlcrs, for. almard the train, hut Ihe child GREAT SUCCESS; SPLENDID wards. SUITCASES ,wn.s soci'essfully ushered into the 85f DAY'S PROGRAM I). MrCiillneh handled the ?ann iworld, Mrs. C. M. Iltishy. of Mon-jtreal, Packages 15 OR FUN. well ns referee. TRUNKS who was a passenger on The l.i.v-vns won hy Ihe Canadians jlhe Iraiii coining here to join, her (Continued from. I'age l. mid Irish who elected In CLUB BAGS 'hushand, lakinK charpe and lieinp 32. kick flown arade and jritt away gieii ecry assistance and court j:iipnnki. In a jtni'id start. Within .two Large Stock on hand. esy tiy i lie train crew in ineir "ItrownieV race Cliri-iMP Mr- liiiliillivs nf jday being cniiimen. novel experience. At Tyee a me-sajre l.end, Mary Meue, Kvelyn Viek.. wed .Mitrfts f"'t lo within dangerous Prices vey low. was sent to llr. W. T. Ker-?in, rr. distance of Sliiekdale and J. F. MAGUIRE of this city and, on arrival i First, second and Ihlrd prizes; IhmI hint with a swift hall. There of the Main al 7:l"i, lie and his TIMBER SALE X 3971. "Supreme" were awarded in each race. !vas nothing really lo choose ln- Next the Prince Rupert Hotel nurse were on ' hand and Mrs. Brand M 'Ihe officials in -Ihe children's i wr.,.n Ih- leains which were Lindslroiu and hahy were taken 'rninri roreier not uwr man wniri in races were Police Chief V. Vick-' plepdiilly niateheil and I li frame I.. n. ll..J..ilol ;., ! .1.,,' " "J 'r.. ""! ",r Iuk nf l.irmcn X 371. nr Alitor rs, official starter. .lacK Kecfe, luirnuirhnuf vvjis a oihI exhibition Iween the Sons, of Canada and l.arpe's ambulance car. Mother r.ni-k. r.. H. S. to rut JS M.ll.M. fffi uf Andy AKertiurg, Herl (.lassey antjr W.lbiill. Allhoiivh in the the I'.lks would undoiihlcdly havej.and child, a fine bouncing bahy Sprnr.Two (9t ji"r ill lie lk.pl for re-riMiral FRESH FRESH I., Howhursl, riuililllllee; I!. A. ! ..ennd half. the F.nglMi and proved to lie the til hit of Ihe accord of iliictiT. COFFEE hoy, arp doing splendidly Knriliep larllrulars of Hie Ctilf ForM-ler, ROASTED ROASTED iiononoe, announcer. Scotch, with the grade fn their ports propram hut unfortunate-y ing lo report received from Ihe MrioHn. 'ir On lllrlr lurxlr. Intermediate Baseball. favor, tried valiantly to eijual a heay rainstorm, which institution today. By I he lime the Intermediate the M-ore up, Ihey fimnd it impossible started soon after four o'clock, Officers of the train, v1in are baehall game' between the S. and Ihe jrainn ended with forced the record crowd of spec viejng with each other for the "Saprtme" Brand ColTce loses its virtue and chat-pi O. C.,s and Oil's eoimiienreil a Die Canadians ami Irishmen vie. tators and Ihe players in lake honor of podfalhership, sngpest is Frtsh Roasted very rapidly after it is roasted. larjre crowd had assemhled ami. Iocs iy u .score of -(l. cover in Ihe middle of Ihe fourth that Carlisle would he the appropriate TIMBER SALE X378T. We are roasting and packing for hnl for an odd lishl shower, the A. Clapjierlon and Mavey Wiggins innings. The rain rnnlinued name for Mr. I.indstrom, Sealed lemlers will t received hy the Good current requirements only, realizing with such persistency that the Mliiliicr cf l.amN. at Victoria, not later Tastes as as game was played in fine weather, were linesmen. Jr.. when (he parents get around Irian noon on ihe iti day of June, 1WJ. that, essentially, Coffee ll was a splendidly 'contested Scouts' Exhibitions. pame was eventually called off, for Ihe pill-rliate nf Llrcnee X3JV7, to cut it Smells must lo the business nf christening. t.SOii.OOu feet of Spruce. Cedar. Hemlock match, fill's .bavin? the eilge on The exhihilliuj hy I lie Hoy the score at the hrealaiii sjand-inp and Hal-am, xltualed on an area on the be fresh roasted to be perfectly their opponents to the tune of Scouts and Cfilis at 2::i0 p.m. H-.T in favor of the Klks. fieo. Kat Oiat Ann Land of rilntrlri.'.Urayney Inlet, Hang , sattsiactory. 9-8 score. I). Unldnsoii as pilch- drought forlh Jimeh apidause. Hill, as catcher, and V. Menzies, Two (S sears win he allowed for re Sold in only 1 pound Airtight Cartons. moval nf lllllliec. and Don Orahaiit as pitcher, formed the Jmltcry Ten Years J .er as" catcher iThe manner in which the Scouts ) Ago niriner pariiriuar or tn oiler Fore, composed Ihe battery for Ihe performed their Swedish drill for the S.O.C.'s and Fred Hale, In Pr'nce Rupert j ler.ITinre Vlrnria,hnpert,B.:B.C."or PHirlrt roreiier.in Sons of Canada, while W. Moid. evolutions, and sipnallinp trill, Pitcher, and Ceo, Shaw, catcher -" ' STEWART & MOBLEY, LTD, Ihe NOTICE IS IIFIIEnV OIVkN Dial tm Mnn. and "Med" Davidson for I'.lks. pomery per. under Scoutmaster Tenp, waf day. Hie, loin itay of imm, iuti, at tu formed like honors for nil's. highly ronimemlahle and re fleet e' P. l.apor was halls and strikes Those who were out early i hn-k In the foreniMin, al ihe rrairt-hime. Coffee Importers and Roasters PRINCE RUPERT. al I'rlnre MiiM rl. II C I shall li,l,1 T.. A. Donohue umpired the panic preat credit on I heir drill direc umpire and S. .1, F.vans, liases. eiioiibh yesterday morning were a Omrl of lievlslon for the piinMe of favored hy witnessing martial revUinr the vr,it.r' ll.i ,r in. .t...b.. wind F. V. Delcourt was hae ad- lor. The amhulanCe section ,of In the Building. ceremonial a F.arl nsineil Hertoral rilMrirt. and t.f hear Inn luslr, - , Jlhe - Hoyr Scouts -liiKlyr' Spoilt In Ihe. eveniup the sun shone performed hy aim iit-irrmiiunir any anq ail fiTljeriliilH, in ' t fJrey's rifles which the retention of any name or name ' ' Foot Ball Game. . i JniaclertAlex Itiv, jrave h fine and hrilliantly. ami all roads led lo pave the ne the rerlter .f voter ror the mio ill.on : Tlie fvllall frame, Kueland husinesslike display of first aid the exhihilion buildinp where, I cessary lie celebration loucli of militarism lo irlel.nateil IM oth ilay of May. I0f. at Canadian National Railways and Scotland vs. Ireland and work and were much admired hy from. 7 :.'i0 to 0 p.m.. Ihe carnival of F.mpiro Day I'rlm-e Hnpert, H,r.. Canada, created a preat deal of Ihe audience. full In Prince Ituperl, and was most i. II. MeJII'f.Lrt, wis in swiiif,'. Kverylhin i At... . . neMirar of VoteM for Hie inleresl and a dumper crowd was The Wolf Cults, under Scout was at hand' from thev famou cnceiive. ; At ii a.m, ihe com , crlnre hnperr IJeeUiral IH.I " on hand soon after l-o'chwli fo master W. fiihh, pavf a splendid hnl Idnp" to Ihe nipper hahies pany marched ou-l of the drill Ol.TK.N CIIUll.OTTF. tAD OIVISION. i Prince Rupert ' witness Ihe well contested slrnjr exhihllion of Jiu-jitsu wresllin and the raffle for a sack of flour hall and, formed-, in "company Take noiipo that w n n-,. -- file, in which Ireland and Canada which was hiphly instructive and I lie huihlirip was soon packed lo line" on lh. smooth surface of yanniuver, H.C, miner. Intend lo apply... lo .MinKler of l and r..r m MYDOCK Second nosed out victors hy 1-0 score amusinp. The Utile fellown cer. capacity wid the pallery did yeo Avenue, specially sprinkled , ,r ni, iiHtrnieiun aim nutural by tiicfirn department. Here m v over and timier the follow Ilia- Iheif ilesrrlheil over opponents." lainly went Inlojlhe display with man service for Hie accommnda "Min on raiiieiraie inlel, lirahaiu The learns lined up as follows: iiiiicii vipor. ami provcu inem lion of Ihe record crowd present fCU-de-joie was fired, three lland.5 H...: r.oninienrliiir at a ih.-i M.-uiimi AND rounds of ammunition lieing on Seriion 11 al the interwtlon or lite shnl Ireland and Canada Martin, selves a creflll to their tutor. Al K .o'ejock Ihe fJirl Cuides norm line of 1 1 anil the wel line of Lot poal; If. Menzies and Hoh Merrec, The Scouts and Cuhs repealeil under Hie leadership of Mrs. II into the air, followed by the thenee 1. lowtmp innllll Kl); ihenrn lluin! wet Ihenee du on.t rh.-tliK;tin SHIPYARD full hacks; W. Anderson. V. royal salute and three cheers eh.iin. Ilience to' (their displays inside the exhihi- I.. Itohers.oii pave a very prace of north i'halti lo point oriunen'-emeiit. .Menzies and Davis, half hacks.; tiou hiildin afterwards for the ftil demonstration of tltv sipnal for lie'- Kiig. i.orateu Manh.ai. lOJiv D. rtfthinsnn, .1. Kirhy, Marks. lienefi) of the crowd who were tnp. I here praeefulness "and Afterwards Ihe company w. rs. MfMiihius. i.oraior. Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Warren ami .1, Fanpihar, forwards. imuiensely enjoyin;? the fun of exactness in executing Ihe marched around ifhe parade QIEI-.V CIIAIILOTTR UD ntV(iiJX Eriginetrs, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern and round then executed the Ihe fair and met with :i preal reception. drill movement was hiphly Take noflre that w n u.un.,i, makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. F.npland and Scotland Stock-dale, appreciated hy all present. march past" most, effectively. Wneouver, B.t: miner. Intends in apply poal; Ross and .lack, full Senior Baseball. I lie Itand concert hy the Ihe soldierly nppearnnre of Ihe lo proeet Ihe Minister for roal.of -etroleiim Land ror a and llrenre natural ti. Electric and Acetylene Welding. hacks, Mans'ell, Kelsey and The senior haselmy pame he- (reenvillc nalivo hand was all regiment being remarked upon va land,over elliiate and nnder on Skiileiatn ihe followlnir im.i demiahed i-.ninn, hal could ho desired in Ihe hy all. Later I lie comnanv betook I'land. MX.: I'U.iiimencliir aL a nasi mimed mils. Is to handle all kinds of 1 corner of s.tcilou Our plant equipped leal lue, and Ihcjr operatic selec Ihemselve.s o Ihe ranges across 'i1 'l!",1 i"?Ue.V tS. iim- iiiiriMir. wnere a sncceKsflll !onili 8ii rhain; ttienre rift HO 'chain; (Ions were lieailtifiilly repdered Marine and Commercial Work match was. k)k,i nff With Ihe nieneernenl.wienre irirtii bu riKiifi lo: iiolnt of -corn, Serpentine Dance. ivilian riflemen. Lix-aled .Marrh SI, S2. PHONES 43 AND 385 Soon after !1 o'clock Ihe floor W. . MeMOimiS, Ixieatnr. was cleared and Ihe flreenvilte wr.F.x rinni.oTTi' i.An ruvisioni. and relieved the OPENING OF YACHT was by Klks Take noilee thai "w." fj. MeMnrrK of orchestra, under the Icadershli Janeonver. H.c. miner, intend to apply SEASON YESTERDAY lo Ihe Mlniner of Land for a lleenre to r i.. iiainpno, lo the merrv prosperi for roal. itrol.-iiin and natural nine of a one step the floor look land,ira over nliuate and under mi fkideate the roilnwint Inlel,deerlhert Oraliam SEED POTATOES on a very animated and hrillianl Yesterday was Ihe opening day Island. H.C,: Coinnii-iirliid al a siii planted at the Miiithea! corner of Sen Inn t3 of the ippearance, hemp soon covered summer season for the Township Ks ihenee north an rhalnii heutr. with penllenien and their fair I'rinee Hnpert Yacht. ("Hub and wet HO rhain: thenee lAuth t,uin,i. Ihenre eat HO rhain to rlnl .or roin-' partner paily edecked in col nhhoiise wit gaily bedecked meneeinent. Chemical Fertilizers ore.l caps, fhe majority carrying with flags in Imnor of Victoria Located Marrh W. 0.71,Me.MDIttU 10JJ. j, Loralor. alt kinds the I'nlon .lack. Dancinp continued l'ay. The club wharf was alie of until early morning when illy with members who spent the B & K CHICK FOOD the playlnp of the National Anlh. day in painting and overhauling B & K DEVELOPING FOOD em luoiiBhi a wonderful day's their water pets. Unite, a number Well-known enjoyment lo a successful close. gelling their engine running Insist on B & K goods goods that have been analysed Glove Manufacturer Kmplre Day, 1 022 will he lonp of thohc who were fortunate in by experts and proved the best. Tells of His Remarkable Experience, With Dr. leiiiemliered hy yoiinp and old as monthly left flic moorings for TO We retail everything for Poultry and Stock the prcaleftt Kmpire Day I'rinci local field nf exploration. EUROPE Chase's Nerve Food Unpen has ever celebrated and It. I., flenson, with the. poiniet THE BRACKMAMER MILLING CO., LTD. HERBERT STREET the victors' laurels will crown lia II got his engines going fine MAKE RESEBVATIONS NOW! js MR. only by using this restorative the local F.Iks organization abil arly in Ihe day and Intended to ProoMonl o,l 350 treatment that I have ities. QUIBIC-CHtBSOUKQ-aOUTHAMCTON P.O. Box 745 Prince Rupert, B.C. Rhone General Manager of the been run Up as far .an Ihe ennnerv. able to attend to MAMsuna my Craig-Cowan Co., Ltd., Glove large and growing business, The lea room operated hy Ihe Having backed out of (lie hay Urn June 13 July M Aug. S. .Cmpraia of Franca Manufacturers, 154 Pearl and for this reason I feel that Ladies of I tin Hoyal Purple in fleering wheel felt, n hit groggy Jun Z7:Jul ZB Aug.22 Cmpraia of Scotland bt., Toronto, writes; the least I can do is to recommend the hiiildinp was very popular. Willi the stern of the boat it was MONTREALS0UTHMPT0n1-aNTWCII piinp Our frozen herring bqlt is conceded by flshermen the use of Dr. Chase's From curly mornlnp till late at and upon docr acmiainlancn Juni 7Mulr e Aug. 2 Mlnnado.a to i,u the jincHl procurnhle at any I'aciflo Coait "About ten years ago, at Nerve Food to others niehl theif cosy and prettily dec liscovrrod tliut Ihe rudder wa Scandinavian Is who Port and it "Fishy." J'riee, $30 per ton. the of 1 had Jn21IJulv IB Aug.16 age 37, a stroke, orated M,Ult suffer from corner was visited by conspicuous by if h absence. Ilnw- nervous derangements. liP, The heat way of insuring good quallly jjrip as a result of which I have larpe crowds, Ihe afternoon MONTREAL TO LIVCSP0OL lea eer, ali a well Hint ends well, and have Ice Price. to plenty of our hard frozen been partially Jun. 2:Jun. 30 July 2S paralyzed ever proved particularly popular and with little monlcalnr since. "In fact, it has afforded me n paddling effort Ihe Jun. 16 Julr 14Aug.11 $4 per ton. a great deal of pleasure to nie dirricully was to pel a table. faulty boat Wa brought back lo Monlroaa Oi 0ur wfil'-equlpped store, can supply flshliiK Kear, fife '.'For two years I lay In the recommend the use of Dr. Tea and coffee whs poured by il" jlnll wafelv. Jun 3 Jul,MONTRCAL 1July28 TO OLASOOW WUlIllS if flfiheriuon's clolhlntr, groceries n'lid. prVJ',na house in a helpless condition Chase's Nerve Food to my Mrs. II. (. Itoberson, Mrs. T. M. , m.t....Mcalltn and hardware. in spite of all that six doctors friends, and to observe the Spencer and Mrs. Ilemniinp during from an Oulbrenk nf fire. Kite vuntiruiy id Aug.w Tunlalan could do to restore me. way in which they haye been Ihe afternoon, hief .McOomtld l.uei order Junt24Julr22 Aug. 18 Coralcan NEW ENGLAND FISH Company I also resorted to massage benefited by its use. As n The i:iks' committee, he. city lhal no smoking was In he al. QUCSIO TO LIVIHeoOL and electrical treatments, result of the large number of police, and Ihe fire department owed In Ihe biiildinir. Police JuntO July 1S Aug.16.empr... at i,ii. Ketchikan, Alaska Branch but without very much apparent cases I have observed, as well are u he conpraliilaled upon the hief Vickers had a policeman "' " smpra.a of India benefit. as my own remarkable p. manner in which he larpe orowd on duly fit the building last night MONTREAL TO NAPLES. aCNOA UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED "About I perience, I feel that I can was handled yesterday and for o Hee I hot this order was strict A.l...l seven years ago speak with some authority." the way in which Ihe safety of ly adhered MONTREALSOUTHAMPTONILAaaour SAILINGS in. began to Dr. Chase's Fer H use Vancouver, Ocean Falls and Kwnnson Uny. Tuoday, p.m. ov cenn t loi. an Ihe ji u bile was cared for. In view Ihe nf wif Scotlan dealers, or a receipt taken Itv the Nerve Food, and have used it For Alert mid Vancouver, Port . Uny Hardy, Sfiturday p.in, Edmsnson, Datei t Co., Ltd . of the mmoiinl of paper used in lk flt Ihe AcnmolU Hill Appl to Ag.nt. onorywhara, at Intervals ever since. It, Toronto. Ihe vr J. J. For Anyox, Alien Arm, Port Simpson nud Wales iHlnnil, PnnIa' decoration scheme nod Ihe KrounrU no dexhihilion hiilhiirur 'T""T"71 - "on, 'daniier. that havo reiulleil llr araaOaaaa onidoisht. iiinotinterl may in over ijtL'finO, Canadian Paclflt Railway TraffU Agant. For Naas nivsr Canneries, Friday a.m. i 0