facts rum , i,THM daily niwo TI.urH.lMy. X(wy m ,p? BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM For Sale 1 I rOOND THtS RCTAO(?AHT rW&IE-HE't tOME COUNT ah: MRS.JWlfifi I want to take w ic I i the count oe cuke ia here and me A.tV HC CERTMNLV NTtELF-TOO KNOW IT TAKEj KNOwr , t coin; to take vou got to lunch HtaAHP)-0 A PLA,CE, TO EAT WHICH I SO At-r TOUR tlEV A sTRaHCER TO trtiOW PEOPLE O0O FOOD - HC rOOK, Practically new modern HAVE OKvOVEftEOTHE FOOD lt THElB. Own TOWN me, io mtsTT r-ioof?s",.; n WONDERFUL. WOULD LIKE TO vi Hi IP"". V fTtOPPOtE. ILL T i o residence in xccllent resl-deniial I V ' il;ssi one or them meal3 section, plendid harbor1 TA A LOT OF DlWC jLj t KNOW THIS view. Antral healing. , '' ... . HCKMtjORHOOO Offered nt less than. cost. ALL RlHT? Agents far Norwegian American Lin A Swedish American Line Scandinavian American Line. Oliver Typewriter Cary Safes FIRE INSURANCE llftwnf Via. Dybhavn & Hanson Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B. C. s- A flukey winner in a club "r AQENTS WANTED. If I dislriel regalia would indeed be I Sport Chat t a lucky individual if he were ,"n..!,,M,nlTrrnrp TERRACE ri K aide Henley.o repeal in I lie Canadian Daily News Classified Ads. machines lo lumber Portable ranil,M,,vl, ll; winning Monday night's churches, school, Y.Mj:..'' FRUIT LANDS game i he Son of Canada have 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Lea than SOe lodges and hoines. iUy ,j established lhcmcrs ;il the dealer's DEMONSTRATION price. Make '' Ten acre lot, 2,,4 miles from head nf Ihe Senior Football League fpim mn. WANTED FOR SALE deinouslralioiis an. Town. 5 acres cleared including 1 ami are holding the position ink,, orders I here of hearing strawberry plants that many thought Ihev would ON in half .y Ihe wiNidsmen A A I r.D Men and women tn I OH SALKt roomed house, two r.inema Co. Lid.VATrite ALuMin EMPIRE DAYiF :i:i5 ved. liy iho enunt of the rin Crjii apple Irnes set out this spring, nnl have (he privilege of havin learn the Ilarber Trade by the lots and nil in garden, $l7nn, Wesl, Montreal. (lie live, dial the initial 14 acre clover. Framed cabin 12 apain I his. year. Far from show, wen only method in the world that half cash or l.'.00 nII cash. x IC. feet. Land all level, partly in? 'and depreciation inform from 30 years old and were plainly will ave you lime and money 7 roomed house with addilional LOST. Annual Event of 1. O. D. E. Was discernablp on the injldn of the fenced and on main''wagon road. last year, as il had been Ihnusrhl and fit you for a position' 5 room npnrlment, oh cenienl Price $1,550, small amount on I hey jnitrbl. Ihe Son Avilli a re- Keenly Enjoye'd by Hundreds iree. I Ins occurrence went lo worth whlln. Wo guarantee piles, halh, clc, excellent condition A HOLD WATCH on I ri.lnv n show thai could noldo ning one "any eilher. on llnnlon terms. 'jiiveuaiil and somew'hal new of Children. Jdcady employment at pood and good location $.1,- sirH iianu without the harm reuiain-inp or Ihe Acropolis Hill FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET line-up ror Mils eaon appear In wape. Wrllo now for bcanli 000 on easy payments. Hivr(,a. Four room house, 1 mile from be jroiiiy jiisl as si run? now The W'csl holme Theatre was in after yars and that if we ful illustrated calalnpun. Moler 1 room lujuse, Jol in garden, lion prouhds; N'mne en;-i;nH( town, all furnished. Can be iiacj as Ihey ever did. All Jeaim are crowded to- the doors on I'-in.'s' didwi-onp the mark vviuld be. Ilarber College, 30C Main St., chicken house, efe., near King .on inidc cover ''CiTiin fimilh" left Willi us. The Aivhdeaeoii unlit October 1st. A fine opportunity pwl I in;; up :oitd siieeer allbou;.'li day aflej-niMiii vvilh a, sea of A'ancouver, 11. C. I'Mwaril School, $1700, lerms. Finder relnrn lo New- Ofn,. said 1 bat on i:nipire Day the chiL Ileward. for anyone Wishing lo, Ihe billies, so far, have made smilinp, liaouy rhildii-n. w"ho 8 room bouse. 2 lots in garden, i j dren should-make it a day lo KKLIAIII.F. asent wanted for Tin. fpend Ihe summer at Terrace. a disappniiilin? sliowiny and were entertained liy the Municipal" fenced, chicken cloe In BOARD. say: I love my country. I hondr perl District. Tim -bouse, Sovereign For full particulars, address have n.il eome up lo Ihe standard Chapter, Imperial Order with nnlh, ?35no. I!asy lerni. mj Kin?, and Ihe first thin? I Life Assurance Company. Head ItOAHD Inlander, 8.10 that il was. Ihoujrhl Ihey would Daupblers of the F.mpiro, a) Lois .It nnd".15, lllock .1, See. KENNEY BROS. & CO. show. their aniiual Kmpire Day demonstration. niusi no nnu rne ncsi unns I can office, Winnipeg, Man. Write 2, View lols on Allin Avenue Avenue. Phone SCI?. do is lo fcrrp my life clean that Cha. A. Pyne.,. Prince (leorpe, The league standing to dale: Suitable lalks, soups, A perfect homesile, f7r0. half Terrace, B. C. milsical I may prow up worthy citizen. njanaper for Northern Hritlsh PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER selecliotis, ami movie W. I.. !'ls. cash. One lot on Iteadt Plao M. Karl. Phone Mack .hps. .iarvn .Mcl.eoii sans Columbia. .12 IS-in.s of Canada 2 0 I films of both an educational and for "Dear I.itlle Hoy of Mine.'' which a beauty. Lois OK and Sons of' F.uplaiid .... I I 2 humorous character were enjoy THAVKI.LKIl wauled; calling up 00, block 12, section ?. S7H.I ST. ELMO HOTEL was prenlly appreciated by Ihe (irollo 1 I" ed to the "fullest extent by smie on (ii-ocery and Drug Trade lo lenns or $70 cash. M. M EDSON COAL Callies :.'.....j...x'tt 2 800 kiddies. .Mrs. S. P. .Me. youngsters who demandeil all en handle good selling side line Stephens. Rooms lo let from $.1 per Week up. core. Hunning hot nnd mid wnlcr to Aloi'die,, repenl of the .Municipal Ilule ltrillania" was by for established, firm. F. C f .AI, . . . ... all COMPANY Of all Ihe outdoor sporls in Chapter was in Ihe chair, and snnp Ornnlham A Co, Ltd., Vancouver; i 'i rvvi.iv l ; n.n. vale marine rooms, the children with iwhieh Ihe athletes ,,( Canada acciuupauyinp heiv in (be platform much spirit. It. C. - li.T engine. Inlei type, new, com. Halh. Steam Heated, MnaVn Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th SL slandinp. jhave made names ,nr Iheniselves. were Archdeacon ii, A. Hix, everyone .plete oulfit. Price $380.00, I Phone Green 510 it i unriueslioned. dial the one Dr. V. T. Kerpiu, Mrs. i:. V. Principal Brady. WANTF.D Oreen siil-ucn for ex 0 h'.p. Aulotnalic, rebuilt wilh TAXI particular sport thai has carried I.inp, ineiubers o Ihe school rrinciwu .1. i;. unoiy nunie a port; 200 cord los. Address complete oulfit, including Co Phone G93 8e si Coal jibe fanio of Canada, r nny,jn- board. Principal .1. C. Itrady, very appealin? ijilk to (be kid W. Darnell, 111- rroadway lumbia Peerless 22x2i propel (Call Oeorge Hn dividual Canadian Ihe farihesl, and officers and s.tnndjf'd bear dies and sjioke of Mie pival in North. Seallle, NVaslu if ler-and 0 feel 1 -i inch Tob Fiv. Touring Car is that of rowiny, In .Ihe pal ers, of Ihe various I.O.D.E. chap- spiral inn which had Jie.cn accord T In bronze shafl. Price .Idn.OO passenger Day and Night ScrviM I at Cnnailian oarsmen ' '. have iield lers. , ed to. the ureseni generation by SITUATIONS WANTED I, 10.12 h. p. Hulfnlorehllilt: Prompt Stand: Third Ayenut premier jsffions in (be .vyorld's Mrs. K. V. I.inp addressed the ine nennsni ami exaniile set liy V!iUl new" I 1-4 ineii . Tobill Boston Grill, rowin? championships, both pro children in a brief, but very excellent younp Jac'k-uiijWall, a sailor boy UOMAA wanls work daily from , ,brone, shaft; 22x21 Peerless CLOTHES CLEANED Lowest !) to t. P. j:tn?- O. pox" Prices Apply fessional and amateur and il talk m'L'inir nimii . Iliom of onl I y ai?.s of ape, who pipeiier. JTIce fiS50.no Illl- now remains In be, seen whether ....Hio vilnl...... -imniilfiiif..Y.,, . ...sit vmi.nl,i,. , 1 ii. M ilurinp IIiM-Jiallle of. . .Iiilland. AUCTION SALES pejjl Marine iTonworks and and pressed by lalesl STE.IM or not there can be deve noed jup and pood eiltzeiiMnn, ciliup aboaril ruie.fiif the ISrilt-b. cruis-e,r,s, Supply fio.. Agents for Ynle pressing process. Order Now! Phone 58 from anion? Ihe : five thousand is her ideal Hie late beloved llionph mortally wounded. AFirilO.V SAI.K -Walnut dresser and Alias Imperial engines. If Suits called for and delivered. amaleur oarsmen. of Canada Oueen Victoria. dieI ai'his posl of duly still and c hiffinncre-r oak china Phone 649 some wnrlhy representatives The children slandinp sanp .carryinp the inessnpe of duly cabinets and buffrls. Library I 'lll SAI.lv Float, tOxliO fivl; II LINO, The Tailor who will rein;i(. Canada,in Ihe I'iie Men of Harlech," arenni- jupwurd and onward lo us all. tallies; Washinp machine, h.p. ilyoe Fairhanks-Morse ORIENTAL GOODS USE. very from ranks m (he rowing panied by the full W'eslholme or. The inspiration .of this ynunp lad kitchen ware, etc. Seayiew De. stationary engine; 1 inch een world. The Canadian Assoeia- chestra who very penerously do- had been the means of eslablish- parlinenl Stores. Friday, al irirupal pump, s Ii. p. Imilcr. .Japanese Kimonas, Crockery, I hamrock nlio of Amaleur Oarsmen, con- naled their services to the en- jinp special wards in hospitals in ,':ao p.m. C. V. Fvill, aucl Ion. Apply P. O. Ilox m. 12.1 Itamboo Fu'rnilnre, OrnanienP, Irnllin? body of amaleur rnwin? lertajnmenl. ilCnpland being dedicated to him eer. FOH SAI.lv Sixty cord. hemlock liakels, Children's noinncrv i in Canada, has mapped out an Archdeacon Rlx. for the benefit of sailors and and cedar; cul fine. $'.."0 pec Toys, F.lc. BACON ambitious profrram for Ihe cumins Archdeacon Hix pave an ex- jsobliers. alms houses for Ihe in AUCTION SAI.K loiunrrow at cord or ." f.o.h, W. Sim., jp Lf)Wi:ST PlilClvS. year and in view of (be rellenl few minutes' chat. lie firm and cnllepes for boys. .lack 2:.tn p.m. sharp of new mal-Iresses, inlel, Porcher Inland. If F. K. AKASE IX. HAM many optimistic reports reach-ins cited (he instance of (lie findins Cornwall, the speaker said, was springs. rurniliire, P. 0. Hox (il Tel. Red 81 the officers of the association, of a tree with the initials ".!. I.." just an ordinary boy at school elc. Also used furniture, elc. FOH SALIv Fumed oak Irook Third Avenue, BUTTER hi?h lmpes are are held il rouphly embedded on the outside mid il was from the ordinary al 823 Third Avenue, (linirge case; small fumed oak table EGGS for a most successful season. bark, which when cut down and boys and piiis that our heroes Leek, Auclioueer. and carpel; 2 Itesner Aparl SHOE REPAIRS inents. Phone 107. 120 - '' t ; Umbrella Repairs LARD Comparisons r rowins stars and heroines (if today nlwavs FOH SAI.lv - Tweiily.six foo Clplhea clenned and prcssfo. tt of other days willi the leailini Howltoiiizedlfeast sprang. 1 1 . urged Ihe children rnNed deck cajiin cruiser; C SuUfi callerl fur and dihvfrea. IS lishls. of present limes am very present to live .up to that ideal. h.p.; f'SrtO.oo. Phone illue Phfinn Illue 2l1 The Empire Standard. seldom satisfactory, but in the A very pretty -situl beautifully .12!). ,f LEM JOHN P.BURNS CO., LTD. opinion of a number of velerans executed little tableau bv Ihe 844 Third Avenus Ihe amateur today compares very FREE! Makes Huskies hiblreii of the Seal (Jove -school FOH SAI.I1 Two cows; fresh favorably with hi counterpart nlilled "Our I-'lag" was u Ii milkers. W. Sims., .lap Inlet,' WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. of the past. Apainsl O'Connor, Mail Coupon for Famous njoyed by all. The children lak. Porcher Island. If anil llyaii and others of Hie lasf icii 3-Day Trial Treatment of lug part were Miss Alargorin KxMrl walcli, chw-k thin, nilion we have today, or . yesterday. Watch the Quick ltesults. out nervous Itlnnce, Miss 'ioe perry, .Miss FOH SALI- "Narbeibong" 000. cliroJlnniele maker. PAGiFIG CARTAGE nnie I need Ihe money. , K. Freeman, Walcli and Jewellery nppair.' Scholcs, Dibble, Hutler Itodie, .Miss C. Pendergasl, and llelyea, of SI. .Inlin, Ihe pres-ill tun-down men Master Fric Christ ison, Master tf pecially. exfriii. Limited champion, and a lot of pood Max Sieverl, Master piuno Vac. FOH HALH Piano in excellent Mall orders promptly material in the inakiup. I.on Errryone has beard of the Beeming"miracle" her, and Master (ieorpe Alkln. condilinn. Phone Illue I 8. GEO. GIBB Phone Seholes performed by yeast. And now Science Onn. Post Office (P. O, H' " 93 was Ihe only Canadian to 'Mil. tt announces the diicovtry of a procraa win Die Diamond Sculls a I Ihe hk'h ennbles yeast to build weight.Increase Entertaining Numbers KLITK Cafo for sale, furnished Prjncft Hupcrt1 Furniture, Piano arid Kuslioh Henley and he had energy and clear the skin often in jmt lull S, K. Campbell gae a fine ocal s couifilcle, Phone 173. If REPAIR SHOP tht vmil timtl This is known as the Safe Moving establish a record for the course process rendering of "Ilule llrilaunia," of ironiintion. It Is embodied only in FOR RENT ANYTHIN'l in order In dn Seholes II HP AMIS TO so, wa-also I UONIZFD now" which General Cartage VKAST,which mUlions are was eagerly encored, 'Mr. Coal Snnd'and Gravel successful in winuius the taking with splendid results. ICaiuiibell sanp the chorus auain. TO HKXT furnished for months ANY TIM F-ANVWIIHHK, Cauadiaii and Foiled. Stales Make This Test Free! in which Ihe children joined wilh of.luly and championship, as were also If thin or run-down or If troubled with much uiislo. August, five r milled ROKKJAR BROS. Dibble and Butler. Ilalyea; the pimples, blackheads or boils, mail coupon moilcrii lioiie. Clone in, 820 Third Avenue wwi for Famous Three-Day Trial Treatment of The (ireenville native band Apply Ilox 25 Daily News Office. Night Pbones - J. U; Steen, 371 winner of Hie Canadian chain. IUON1.KD YEAST. Take tbese remarkable rendered I wo iniiicli selection- 1 2,", Phone lied .r.7H W. UngwilL ltlue 270 Iibnisliip a SI. Catherines, last tablets two with each weal. Then I'hese items were splendid and REPAIRS. Day Phone S watch the results! CYCLE year: completely upset Ihe dope the children were highly FOH HHN'T a v- furnished .house Pimples, etc., begin to disappear usually Ircd When he the blue STEENSLONGWILL raptured rib. almost immediately. Note the sudden Increase ialive. keeping suites. Apply io cu. r nir tnnkes rr ln bou event, lie has a style that in energy. And as for putting new, Perhaps the best pail of Hie Sixth Avenue Hast. Phone Illue and baby carriage re-tirca Sheet Metal Work is all lils own and he drove bis firm flesh on your bones many thin folks nlerlainmenl lo the 217. If'i Accessories. yoiiups,lers Cycle Ixtat lo Ihe title report gaining i to 9 pounds on tht very Jlrtt by main Agent for McCiary Fumcota jiiickagt oJrvuizid Ytattt was llie showing of he movie J. QAWTHORN sll'eilplh. The reason for these amatlcg results is films entitled "A Hide on a Hun. HOOD Clean lleds from 11.50 per Has removed In rear of IW Heating Engineer that the process of Ironisatlon helps to Immediately away Train' and us an e.xlra, week. Fishermen s Rest. Late lluperl Music Ptr The Canadian chaiiiiinnsli,ip convert the vital yeast elements Ihe regular comic Pioneer llooms. IC7 3rd Ave.,K. Into health and film "Huddv." Third Avenue lib Street end Fruser Street events Ibis will be held al strength, thus enabling you year derive Al the conclusion to from wonderful die . yeast ALL of the of .n. Prince Hupert - - B. C. SI. Catherines, as ilu;il, (lie benefits It holds for you. lerlajnmenl Mrs. S. p. McMordie. IHlUSI. for rent- Second Avenue HYDE TRANSFER dales for I he Canadian Henley Mail Coupon Now on behalf of Die Daughters of Ihe and .Ninth Street Wesl. Phone heiup Friday ami Saturday, duly You.Imply-will not tvliete wliat a wonderful Improvement Fmriire, thanked ihe Utile 1(8, If Phone S80 IHONIZtU VKAST tan brine In your inanaaeiiieni 2H and 2'J. The SI. Calberines appearance and srneral tiealtb until you try It. V Btggage and Expr r llie esilioiuie l H. PATTINSON refill la is Tot Ii lolutHyr,. Mail cmipnn at oace. Note: lie.ilc,, f,,r FOUH room niodeni apartment lo nnd one of (he bipsesl and Kull.lied packaa-rioriHUMZEIlYKASTMldatall their kindness in giving the loan besi on Hie continent and is in dealer, on our ru.rantr of satiifactory mult. the theatre rent. Apply Smith .v. Malb'tl. Coal and Wood. "Calm 10 Pound." irom nmi pacsaee or money In.taatiy reraaded. of for the afternoon. If. Jitrlrt realily meelinp of Agents Hupert nnd Electrical and a champions, "I L takrn on If I 11 parkairri nt (lie Weslbolme ircheslit for not only from Canada; hul also IKOMZlfli VKASr. yet liava raliml 0 Free Trial Coupon I'LAT Globe Airless Tube. Mechanical Engineer lIU."rHef. L. W, V. their excellent musical accom. for llenl lu Itesner Apartment)). 11 from Ihe United Stales. To coin, "Gain 8 Pound."' Harold F. Ritchie & Co, Ltd. it IKlllillieuls and Ihe (ireenville ' M. M. HlCihens. If Seoonil Avenue1 Dynamos, Motor pele in these events il is necessary "Alrt on Ikc of IKOMZKI)VEAST 10McCulSl..T.,.nl. DEJT. ,flJ band for their EXPRESS Magneto lo establish the I liaoa rainnl a hi. anJ my akin In . I'leaee .end me Uie rainout THREE DAT pi ions uooorl. FOH HKNT Two rurnished be-l. AGQAGE and ripbl to do t liaid."-Mr. A.O. B. fKEKTHIALThKATMESTof lriled Teaet. Tint singing of the Nalionnl Repaired and Rewound so by wiuiiinp a club or district "Cain. 10 Pound." Nn'- Antlieni brought to rooms, phono Illue 280. If by pAflClt Batteries Repair "I have rained It Iha. In II day..'' a close all WAKEFIELD'S FAST. Storage championxhip iiud thus, usually, Mrs. J. K, U. Addre.. I loo oon an aflernoon wliich will ed and Recharged Ihe oarsmen compel injr in Hie "Gain. 7 Pound." Clly Pro. bo remembered , BOATS FOR HIRE. DELIVERY Phone SOO P.O.Box 164 blue ribbon event ul St. Calher-luea "To uir wkIi,1'aurprlie I liar gained T Ilia.IB Oaly On Trial Pack... to a Family ivpf( (f Prompt Service. two -Mm VI.U.W. Ibc rising general Ion for all LAUNCH "NarbeHiong" Wh sell Phone 07. arc (ho best In their claase Rprf ntatli HAWOt o T WITCMH gp,! Ltd., TfOgl Univ. Service. Phone Black -too, tf Blands fill's Gl8r Pt'"e