e bP a 4 f fh ot 3 » oi" “ rad \ . ¥ = ee a ee THE DAILY NEWS Eczema On Hands For Five Years peste tnes : Mrs. Andrew Volk, Burdette, Alta., writes: —‘‘I was very much a ee bothered, for five years, with ' “ eczema on my mane is and wrists. 4 | '@) 8) 3) I tried all kinds of ointments and a salves, but they did not help me ‘ A friend told me about Burdock Doce Blood Bitters, and after I had . é : taken two bottles I found I had hMe oe Paes received complete relief from thy tobe: trouble.’’ For sale at all drug and general stores; mant factured for the past 53 years, only by The T. Milburn Co., Tad., Toronto, Ont THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Publishea Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limitéd, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES 5.06 , City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance ...... For lesser periods. paid in advanc@, per week “ 1 By mail to of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year 3.00 By mail to all other comntries, Per YOAT o .cecceseeeceeseecmceserereesscseneee 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per Insertion, per WOT... ceeeecececseceisseeenee OY Contract rates on application. Advertising and Cireulation Telephone ....................... 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations - THE PACT RATIFIED The Anglo-Canadian trade pact was ratified last week by both the British and Canadian Parliaments and is now law. It was the final consummation of the arrangements made at the Imperial Economic Conference and is an ex- periment that will be watched with great interest. Cana- dians generally will try to help make it successful, we feel sure. Should it prove beneficial, as everyone hopes it will it will be adopted as a principle in this country, in spite oi the opposition that has been shown to it during its pas- all parts DAILY EDITION Monday, Nov. 7, 193 sage through each of the Parliaments. It may have weak- nesses, as it doubtless has, but, if it is beneficial, Canadians will be for it. Whatever else it may do, it should make our neighbors look on us‘with greater respect than in, the past and consider well before putting in force any hostile mea sures, CANADIAN PORTS One measure that should please Prince Rupert people is the provision that grain cannot take advantage of th« six cents a bushel rebate if it is shipped into foreign ele vators and then reshipped to Britain. That should tend te increase shipments through Canadian ports and especially through British Columbia. While Prince Rupert is at present in the shade in regard to grain shipments, the port will not always remain that way. The sun will shine again in the north ‘and wheat will be taken in quantities through the elevator at this port. The six cent advantage should hasten the day when this a ns. Possibly it may help us this season. _ CANZONERI American Football [S WINNER Lightweight C nah phon Had No Dif- | ficulty Defending His Crown | Michigan 7, Indiana 0 Missouri 14, Oklahoma 6 Columbia 7, Maine 6 Georgia Tech 20, Tulane 7 Notre Dame 24, Kansas 6 Louisiana State 6, Carolina 0 New York University 13, Georgia Against Billy Petrolle NEW YORK. Nov. 7:—Tony Can- |7 zoneri successfully defended his! Princeton 48, Lehigh 0. world’s lightweight crown Friday Army 46, Hafward 0 night when he _ easily decisioned Pittsburg 19, Pennsylvania 12 Billy Petrolle in 15 rounds at Madi- Northwestern 6, Ohio State 20 Washington Idaho 0 University of Southern California California 7 University of Garden State College 12 FOOTBALL son Square \27 Washington 18 November 12—Hieh vs. Booth Stanford 13 October 29—-High vs. Borden University of Oregon 12, Oregon November 19-—-Borden vs. High State College 6 COMPANY OF CANADA. LTAMITED TRAIL—BRITISH COLUMBIA Mpa eae AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE ELEPH ANT SULPHATE OF AMMONIA laced eons dee TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE oducers & Reftir TADANAC LEAD-ZINC Brand CADMIUM-BISMUTH PLPOTROLVTIC Back Northern B. C. Payrolls Keep the Home Boys Working—Insist on Bulkley Valley Coal For those who wish to economize try a portion of Bulkley Valley vlack with your furnace coal THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING | | A A SPORT NEWS — BAGSHAW IN _ FINE SHAPE Local Welter in Pink Preparatory to| Bout This Week With | Nina Gurvich Billy Bagshaw, who will take “él Nina Gurvich in the headline event jof Bill Stone's boxing card at the Empress Arena this Wednesday vieht. showed his wares in public work-out last night and looked very good to the fans assembled. One thing sure is that Nina is going to have a real fight on his hands on this occasion. The time for Gurvich’s publi work-out has been changed from; '30 to 7 o’clock this evening. Basketball Scorers Senior League Johnson (CNR) 51 Ratchford (G) 40 Snger (K) 36 ). Gurvich (G) 34) Cross (K) 32 jmith (CNR) 30 irvine (K) 28 Kelsey (CNR) 24 Stiles (CNR) 21 Mitchell (K) 19; Morrison (G) 15 | rierce (G) , 12} urrie (G) q! Wingham (G) ; 6\' Patmore (CNR) 4) ». Stalker (G) 4 Tobey (K) 3 Nakamoto (G) 3 Morrison (CNR) 2 3. Stalker (CNR) 2 Menzie (G) 2) Ladies’ League Irvine (Com) 23 Morris ‘Am) 16 -|Lowe (Card) 14 Boddie (Am) 12 Ritehie (Am) 12:4 McLeod (Com) 10 Gurvich (Am) 8 Gilchrist (Card) 6) Harvey (Am) 6 Tite (Com) 5 Stone (Card) 4) Tohnson (Com) a Dickens (Com) 2| Smith (Com) 1} Intermediate League Morrison (‘T) 38 Nakamoto (T) 37) Wingham (W) 33 | Comadina (W) 26 Porbes (W) 20 Pierce (M) 20 ~. Dingwell (M) 18 Hunt (M) 17 Ross (M) 16 Santurbane (T) 13 Moxley (T) 43 Gillis (W) 10 McNulty (M) 9 Steffansrud (W) 5 Smith (T) 5) Hanson (T) 3 Hickey (W) 2 Windle (M) 2 F. Dingwell (M) 1 Junior League Santurbane (M) 34 Obata (J) 19 G. Williscroft (R) 14, Viereck (BS) 12 Nelson (BS) 11 Davies (BS) 11; Gillis (BS) 9} Allen (M) 6) Kishimoto (J) 6% McMeekin (R) 6 Patmore (M) 6 Christison (M) 5 Morgan ‘M) 3 Greer (R) 3 Miller (BS) 2} Palmer (M) 2) Bremner (R) 2 McRae (M) 2} |Ivarson (M) 3} /Kanaya (J) 2) Nakamoto (J) 2 Arney (M) ol 1 Explanation Senior—-CNR, Canadian National Recreation Association; G, Grotto; A K, Kaiens. Ladies’—Com, ‘Comets; Am, Amna-! zons; Card, Cardinals. w, war-| riors; M, Merchants. Junior—M. Meteors; J, Japanese; R, Rovers; BS, =. Scouts. BASKETBALL November 8—Panthers vs. C. n.| |R. A.; Amazons vs. Cardinals; Tuxis | Intermediate—T, Tuxis; vs. Warriors; Scouts vs. Meteors. November 11—Grotto vs. C. N. R. |A.; Comets vs. Amazons; Tuxis vs. Merchants; Japanese ys, Rovers. | (Empress) s ia Empress poe old Storage in ” Billiard Match As a result of the playing of four out of five matches in Friday night’s Junior League billiard fix- ture between Empress and Cold Storage, the former were leading 751 to 698. The four individual scores were as follows: Nick Chenoski (Empress), John May (Cold Storage), 183. Earl Batt, 200; Benny Windle, Doug Frizell, 200; Primo 173. . M. Eckert, .151; A. Zadaroski, 200 Postponed game of Owen Fisher vs. Bi Stone ‘Cold Storage) is being played today. Billiard Averages 200: 138 Vaccher, Te. Ay. Nick Chenoski (E) 2 400 §©200 Earl Batt (BE) 2 400 86200 F. Aldridge (LC) 1 200 «200 W. E. Hutson (LC) .1 200 200 W. Stone (OS) 1 200 6200 A. Zadaroski (OS) .2 400 8200 P. Pritchard (LC) 1 200 200 Owen Fisher (E) 1 200 200 J. Sutherland (J) 1 200 «200 8. Jurmain (J) 1 200 200 D. Frizzell (E) 2 358 179 M. Eckert (E) 1 348 174 |J. May (Cs) , 33 P. Vaccher (OS) 2 313 157 iF. Kenny (LC) 1 153 §=153 J. Bulger (J) 1 151 151 iChris Perry (J) 1 150 150 B. Windle (CS) 1 138 138 |W. E. Funnell (J) 1 128 «+128 W. Stuart (CS) 1 000 = 000 Explanation—E, Empress: Lc, Jewelers). Monday, November 7 1932 OGDEN’S CUT PLUG Light up a pipeful of Ogden's . you'll find it a cooler, richer, sweeter and more fragrant smoke . . it makes your pipe taste better, your Plug.. Cut smoke more satisfying. If you “roll your own", use Ogden’s fine cut and Chantecler cigarette papers BOOTH WON IN SOCCER Borden Street Schoo! on Short End | of Two to Nil Score Borcen and Booth met on Satur- day afternoon to play their regular |for Booth and the Borden defence * game in the Junior Football League, Booth winning two to nil. Borden won the toss and, with the advantage of wind and rain, soon attacked the Booth goal. In spite of repeated efforts from the ‘Borden forwards. who were greatly assisted by Veitch at centre-half the Borden team could not score Eby brought the play near the Bor- den goal and McMeekin centred well but Unwin stopped the attack Unfortunately, the Borden defence left McLeod free Borden goal-keeper with a fine shot. Nice play by O'Neill, Irvine and Houston brought another at- ,tack on the Booth goal but Nelson Les Canadiens; CS, Cold Storage: J, | and Ritchie were strong and Borden could not get through. The half- and he beat the; time whistle blew with Booth lead ing by one goal During the first part of the se- cond half, Borden tried hard to equalize and Husoy had to save from Houston and Irvine. Booth jnow became the attacker and Gul- lick and Veitch defended well. A I'n 1ice run by McDonald ended in a | strong shot which Postuk cleverly ‘saved, Eby was placing the bal! well lhad to work hard. In a scrimmace iin front of the Booth goal, Irvi beat the Booth goalie with a fine ‘shot but the referee disallowed the igoal, one of the Borden forwards i being offside. Shortly after this \McMeekin scored for Booth and the igame ended with Booth winning a ‘hard fought and well contested game by two goals to nil | Borden—Postuk; Jones, Unwin: B. O'Neill, Veitch, Gulick: Monkley Murray, Houston. S. Currie. Irvine Booth—-Husoy; Nelson B. Rit- ichie; J. Ritchie, Eby, McGreish Grimble, McLeod, McDonald, Cam- eron. McMeekin Referee—J. Campbell Linesmen W. Williscroft, D Clark ‘EMPRESS WON IN BILLIARDS Fixture With Jewelers Completed at Week-End With Aggregate Score of 955 to 829 S. Jurmain, Jewelers, defeated M Eckert, Empress, by a score of 20 the end of the week and last match from la Junior League billiard fix the Empress winning on tl a result, by 197 at the fifth weck’s ture aggregate, as 955 to 829 a score ol The league standing to date is follows ; G TP. Ay Empress 1 955 9 Les Canadiens 1 S63 = BF Jewelers 1 $20 «8 Cold Storage 1 701 7 BILLIARDS November 8—Les Jewellers Canadiens v Ottawa THE ANSWER Canadians Must Give The new Dominion of Canada bonds now being offered to the public constitute more than an investment opportunity. They represent also an opportunity to strengthen Canada’s high credit. The citizens of other countries have recently given similar offerings im- mediate response. Last Thursday, for example, the British public within a few hours subscribed to approximately $1,000,000,000 of new British bonds yielding the investor less than 34%. The new Dominion of Canada bonds provide a long term yield of 4}%. , They are backed by the resources of the Dominion. No better investment fer your savings can be found. The world is watching and it is a matter of national importance that Canadian investors give a prompt and resolute response, Canadians can thus show again that they are fully able to meet their country’s financial needs. They can thus demonstrate again their confidence and faith in Canada. They can thus strengthen the high credit Canada has gained throughout the world, Buy these Bonds today As an investment—as a national duty—as an answer to the the hour—send your order now. Any recognize in Canada of any chartered bank, will give you complete application forms. DomINION OF CANADA Twenty-year 4°, bonds, 1932. Price: 93.45 and interest—vield: 1.50% to maturity The world is watching Canada. Department of Finance challenge of d bond dealer, or any branch information and Canadian