D WHEN YOU;VANT A THE NEW TAXI i 99 Wail YOKOHAMA in a nurry CAFE Phone HOME BAKERY PRINCE RUPERT ALL NEW CARS Phone - - - - 636 - ; Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Vol XIII N'" I'lllNCE HIPFHT. Jl. C, THURSDAY. MAY 23, 11)22. YiiUrtfar't Circulation 1675 6trl ! 844; PRICE FIVE CENTS , Budget is Brought in by Mr. Fielding CITIZENS FITTINGLY CELEBRATE ANNIVERSAY OF GOOD QUEEN Finance Minister Announces VANCOUVER c WINS Elks' Victoria Day Celebration FIRST LACROSSE Is Crowned With Great Success: ON CONFERENCE ; Reduction Customs And t in YIGTOItlA. May '.'v. Yaiici.uver defeuleij Vie- Splendid Day's Program of Fun Puts Issue Squarely Before loria in Hie first tame House of Commons In Ad- of the'Maim Cup Lacrosse Some F.iijiire J celebrated in royal yesterday by Increases in Taxation dress Today. series yesterday lay, was a 'tuunier by a Ihe men, women und children oT I'rincc ltuert, anil Klkdorn score of 5 .to I. It was reifriier supreme. It was a day of enjoyment which will long be l.OMi.O.N'. May; lo. -Uoyd Hie opening' of Ihe game renierbered by all. While; Ihe weather mini was not over indulgent 25. Some reductions In duties (leore Was -jf reeled with loud season and a ;;real crowd OTTAWA, May customs wilh the sunshine, and passing showers were the order of dicers today when he addressed look advauluve of Ihe and some sweeping increases In taxation featured the budget (he, Commons rejfurdinjr the holiday to nltcnd. Ihe day, Ihe morning broke fine and clear and, bill for a heavy HARRY brought down In the House of Commons on Tuesday afternoon GREB WINS (enoa ci'iirerence. The' premier shower of ruin during Ihe afternoon, which necessitated the call by Hon. W. S. Fielding, minister of finance. The need for econ- OVER GENE TUNNEY said Mini, ufler revlewiiiL-the oti- ing off of the senior baseball game between Hie Sons of Canada and the Klks, the day was iinnuirred. omy and self-denial was stressed by the minister who summar- XfAV YOIIK. May 22. jeels of tin' conference and stut. The Acropolis Hill ground and Ized the financial situation for the current year estimating Hurry (ireir. nfl Pifls-liurK. in;: Hie simiile fuels, hi' would Hie exhibition building- w.re alive leave it lo the nieiiihers lo- jude FLYERS revenue at $332,629,000 and expenditure at $466,983,359 In- wyii champlgiiship Hie lly'ld ir'avy-weiylil of rainy ror iiiemseives wiieiiier or GLOBE with a record throng of holiday DELIVERY OF eluding an estimated reduction of $40,000,000 In revenue on ac- not il had iteen n success. Al-Ihoujfli iiitihi'is irom cany morning un-i oil America count of income tax, the total revenue being based on existing receiving a Tuesday Judge's deci niylil peace had tteen established REACH PARIS til menl midnight went .off and wilh Hie Hie arrange-1 usual NARCOTIC VIA TTT- taxation. ! oin over 4 John 'ruiincjv-if in Europe il was ij'tiile clear and restilarjjy success for which Budget In Brief. New in fifteen Hint an nlinosjiliere of liostilily FREIGHT RATES ' York, in certain uarlers slill remained, the Klks have earned uu enviable 'J'w mid 41 half lu five pel' lull 1 1 ils. Major W. T. Blake, In H-9, Make repulution. Kverybody hud POLICE ROUTE N-ent reduction farm lie said. As for Hussia it on implements First Leg of Round the been thought of . ill Hie nler-(aiumenf und was hopeless for her lo extricate mining, lumbering : line. Ourlriir the showers IN CANADA MAY and licrsetr rroin Hie iiif. while she World Flight plumbing Hcdur-lion machinery. " Ihe exhibition building where T. W. Ellis Finds Is Not a Paying luriff in Hie lliili.sli preferential PACIFIC MILLS MAY without was sipialid assistance.with miscp;There and were r.HOYDON, May 2o. Major V, the cariival was in progress wiis Proposition Six Months DROP AS WELL on eerlain textiles and on two alternatives o deal with T. Illake and his companions look a very popular rendezvous mid at i boots, shoes, cocou, window BUILDBIG DAM AT limes.il One of the the Itussiaii "situation; First, off today and readied Paris sufe-ly was a dirficul! matter I.. thitiKs lliul won't : shades, 'Maris and ruffs, lleduc. the first leu of their i?el around for tin throng of rel you very far is huviiiix inail Toree mittlil he used ibul dial on proposed 1 1 ion in the United Stales tariff CpST OF $500,000 Kalhered. addressed of happy j.eople the cart City police monircai opinion of kneel on had already failed and hud not 'iO.OOU mile riiphl uroimij on u few llrjiijt. llepeul of Hie ed lleilou. 'I he the world. Some experts el i Opening Parade. containing dope. Tn Percent Cut Ordered In been siifresl a I u ill Marking of (ioods Act making United States. lir Pacific Mills, l.t.j., or.w,ui was lo leave Hussia lo. Hiut Hie ll-U. Iheir maehiiie, is Those' of Ihe cili.ens who A letter was received yesterday . . .. marking ltcriuissable gvlnTne.tl.al 'the?on PrMiiCKulU. U rrpurfe.1 4a,I? lu Jfier ral'r-1uUJiow"ie'u'sfey'cuWUU. Mairror IlKi-yentiiriv yer. (li.r.tO.eii r4jivj t.ne Vtil.3i addressed to T. WV Fills, Cio. To-7ice' ViMli" 7.Wwjr .v tendtin; Ihe construelloii or a ill- j j.;ur,. nsured against' Hie very pietures.iue uiid lirff lliiw Cliief V'h kVrs.iosTiuarkeiJ4 at i iii. vi,, sniy ro. v Mir railway iifricials of both the C increase or fifty percent in veivioii dum ut Occuii Fnlls,.ul "jriMks that policy would involve? parade fr Hie opening of the Vancouvpr. Upon examining the the sales; tax. , TEN SAILORS DIE 1' It. ntuJ 41. T. It. June -guarded rosl of 4oW,W. The project is j. Uussn-Oeiniau usrcemeiit ceeb'raHiii'. Promptly al jl envelope, suspicious wei-e urous- One taxation hank then cuiuinrtils, Hie probable i'f-fi'rl circulation percent in. addition lo oil Hie in. to.he undertaken, Jljis staled, "'was an example uf the peril such WHEN GERMAN WAR o'clock (hi- ..i..ys of Ihe I'rinee 'd, and when Jlllis culled to pick of Hie cul in United Htules 1 order to prKeut u recurrence ofu (.,,u,.s,. would mean. II il pe IT .Vaval . Ilriude, Il(y up ln was arrested. Upon fur-Ihe fi'i-ili! come as. low wnler IroiiVli's vylileh caused SHIPS Seoul s. The Cubs and Uirl.ll'cr examination (lie envelope iii l!. mi Canadian tines, five COLLIDE percent laxalimijui perm, for (Hides, including' fin found lo contain two small il llie.)lunl to close down sev a turnout iwas will be is generully ugreed, unlicensed' ins'iira'tirr iuiiis" on I lie CIGARETTES itr beudeij the packet of prepared opium. Fllis liul I uiiiiilian roads will luiM' in eral weeks early this spring. yoiin-'slers, by follow i lie lead f Hi"' Ainerlenn companies. new dam will raise Ihe water tn IICIII.IN, May 1'5, The (iermaii (ireenville ' prize band, paraded was conseiueuUy charged in the iiili'i'iialiiuiul Two rent lax on checks for I lie reservoir another fifteen reel battleship Hanover and the torpe from outside the Klks' Home on police court lliis morning, before. lines regards us every fifty dollars and fraction COST MORE do boat S-1H collided lust nub I Matfislnile ' i u Trie u: iail. and will provide enough power to Third Avenue and inarched in MrClyinnnl, with having I hereof. in manoeuvres neur Sassnilz and und naval drugs in regular itiiilwiiy heads liai. railed a keep Hie liir plant runniii for mililury style possession. The uc- Increase Irlfgrum lax lo on months. ten sailors were killed. lo the Acropolis Hill grounds to eused made a slrontr plea for le-- a inecliiig in New Y"H. Hit' cen- '' fie cents. Sort Drinks Also Affected by rire the first shol of the cele- Jniency but the nitixislrali; thought " Mm- fight, ami il i- - tobacco lax thai lli-isioii in so brulion by participating in llie.a si months ut (he Okuila ' Taxcxs Announced In slay tended Dial general wage cut diejipe'r brands of cigarettes. THREE NEW LITTLE CHAIRMAN HEWITT Budget children's sports. prison Farm would be iu the best ". w II have In lie ItiaiJi' I" nffsi'l and lobawn rcdurd igurs. are The course was in excellent of society generally, li,. nil In rates. Thereby all-I'Mii" hrands SINN FEINERS HAVE jiuleresls hill expensive are in wage war Willi I lit' railroad MONTREAL, May 25. The Hazelton Pastor Honored by B.C. shape and Ihe first race was .. creased. MADE APPEARANCE Imperial Tobacco Co. Methodist Conference started n t::il by Police CliieT lali'W In- ulrd. says union may preripil gallon tax Fifteen cent per on STATES READY that the price of cigarettes Viekers, Ihe city rather or the ale. le'er 41111I porter. I en rent will in of VANCOl VKIt, May i5.- llev. 11. Victoria Day children's sports. go up consequence BELFAST DISORDERS gallon lax on soft drinks. Mrs. De Valera Has Twins and per . Tht various events and winners taxation announced J. Hewitt, of Hazelton, elect new as -was Five percent uddilinual lax on Mrs. Burgoss Is Mother of TO CO-OPERATE by Hon. W. S. Fielding, Canadian ed chairman for Jlazelton district were as follows: LAST NIGHT RESULT automobiles up lo a .cost of Daughter. that Minister of Finance, In Ut the closing session of Ihe llrit-ish Children's Races, I200 ami ten percent heyoud FOUR BEING KILLED value. l.lUHI.IN. May -T. Mrs. his budget speech on Tuesday. Columbia Methodist Confer laltle lots' race, girls--Mickey Willing to Negotiate With Canada Five percent tax on confec- I'.amoiin de ulera kuvc blrlli lo ence on Wednesday. Casey, Annie Sturgeon, Huby on St. Lawrence Canal Project It is also rumored that the (ireen. twifis ami Ihe wife of Charles HILI AST, May 25. Mai I ionery. -The 4. five cent soft drink will disappear ' Lit He tots' race, byys -Traver uf casualties itl u Hcries of disorder.-: Slight reduction in laxalion lluress, foriner minister uf de BASEBALL WASHINGTON, May 25. The under the new tax imposed. Hill, Frnie sjaliliiibunie, Hurold in de Vulera's cahinel. pave on small lioxes oi iiiiiirni's. fence Stale which swept llt'lfust during: Fisher. .Department announced to lln' mghl is placed al four dead Increase of Ilriiish prererence birth tu a daughter on empire Tuesday's Scores. Cirj's race, J years--lluby day thul il had communicated to Ullil wounded. on eliyar. Uay. Hie Catitidiiiu (iovernineut advice' Tlif ('.a nuif Library in Hit) lleiliK'lion ill lax mi trasoline ANYOX MAN DIES SI. AMERICAN Louis. II: New LEAGUE.York. il. (Irri'ii.Krikevsky, Jeun Hilcliie, Filevn of its willingness o begin negotiations heart or I lie Falls lluad district for risliiiitf Is vessels sfallon from lo oiorenl Iwo und CRICKET SCORES IN HOTEL ROOM Cle eland, D: lloslou, .'I, Hoys' race, 0-7 yeurs I'j-I t iu connection with the.'St. half a was Mi afire mid a mob attacked a i Manila Del roil, (j; Philadelphia, 5. Fisher, lion Arney,' Dick-Strach- Lawrence CuuaJ project to permit (In- rirrmcn und nln Hie m-lii'f under general lurirf. roe.liulf Ml.NDON, Muy County Chicago. -J: Washing-Ion, ;i. an. .oeeun going vessels to reach the who tried to protest I lie firc- nol exceeding one and one week: Moans Only Prelude to Sudden NATIONAL LEAGUE, Oirls' 8-D Kleuuor (real Lakes. No answer hud yet of till duly lo the cricket results for nice, years IIK'll. inches, free Death of Peter Allison Gibson been received from the Cunudiau llrooklyn, (': Chicago, 2. Tile, Fvclyu I'eurce, vFli.ubclli risliiny: iiidiislry oT all kinds. J Jssex bent Surrey. Two men wlio were, sliot. this Philadelphia, v; Pillsburu. 10, CaMi. Government. nf five cent to Kept beiil Leicestershire. 5 Iteduction per morning uru ia u erilieul e.ou. under holh tar-irrs. Vuiwicksliire beat Cloucester- peter Allison (jibson, formerly New York, 5; Cincinnati, d. Hoys' race, 8-S year -Alex clolhinis diliuit, oiled Oiled hals reduced two and sliire. of Anyox, died suddenly in bis SI. Louis. 0; Hoslon, 8. McDonald, lleggio,Coltlsoii, jerry FISHERIES ESTIMATES room ul the Inverinuy Lodge, COAST LEAKUE, Orme. 'I'uniK III K Otlssrnger tram is a hair percent cent under under prererenllul fjeneral shire:buncasliire beal Worcester Vancouver, Saturday night, Sucranirnlo-Seallle, travelling. lliil's race, 10-li yeurs. Julia PASSED IN COMMONS "'l"'i'li'd on lane. and fivr per Yorkshire, heal Northampton liuests of the hotel lieurd -moans Salt Luke, i'; Portland, i'J. Wallers, .Marjorie Meusc, Vernn luriff. from (libson's room und hurriedly Los San Francisco, 0: Angeles, HriH'hu. shire.' OTTAWA, May 15. J'ructi- summoned medical aid, but before luck Iloys' race, iu-H years Nol.tiufchum beal Derbyshire. cally without discussion, the STEWART MAN GETS Ihe arrival of u doctor, the Vernon, (1; Oakland, 7. (jiiwthorne, Jlronson Hut. (CJar- Hampshire beat OluumrKUU. House of Commons on tuesday man wus deud. According to the INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. ,;" Sussex lieal Somerset. ence Thomj.sou. voted i.l'JU.OOO for the inuinleii-unce Mapl SIX MONTHS TERM police, death wus caused by a ruptured llodiesler, l-l: Jlurfulo, U-C. dills' race 12-13 yeurs Lois of fisheries and tl 1,810 for artery. Syracuse. l: Toronto, 5. Me Hue, I,aura Frizzcll, Chrissie steamboat inspection. Henry ('.onier was seulcnced CHINESE RUM Little is yet known regarding Jersey Clly. 0; Baltimore, 5. Mcl.eod. justices or the J'eaco Cum-eron (iibsou, other Hum' be registered Newark, :i: Heading. L Hoys'' ruce 12-13 yeurs I,eo Syrup heroic und l.ude al Blcwarl on al Ihe hotel on April U, und gave WESTERN INTERNATIONAL McKiiinon, Hronsoii Hunt, Kddiu TEN PER CENT CUT months int. his address ut Anyox. About two Vancouver, H; F.dmonlou, 8. W'alters. Tuesday, lust to six RUNNERS HELD IN FREIGHT RATES for violation or Rciv weeks ugo lie is suid to have lo'ld Tucoina, 5; Calmiry, t. I'.iig und spoon ruce, boys und prlsoninenl l.iiuor uu employee of Ihe hotel he hud girls Nellu :iiirk, Jack llildilch, and 1 In (iovernincnt (1 ,,r I" Injured himseir by fulling in uu Yestordav's Scores. Don Muckeiizie. Ordered by Interstate Commerce Coiner is al present U. S. Authorities Claim . Four Art. ut INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Douglas Commission Effective July 1 exciivqtiun Victory Square, und Jloy Scouts' handicap medical care. i.....,ii,.I under Orientals Were Smuggling Sug ar Millnii (lon.ules. of NYilliums & Chinese and Liquor, wus Inking treulment. " Syracuse, 1-2: Toronto, 5-0. Frizell, W. Utappertou, W. fur H"' de-' From letters round among his Newark, 8; Heading, '4. Hainilt'on. WASHINGTON. Muy 20. A re Munson, appeared I'hIihu"' of effects il was discovered thul ho Jersey City, Hallimore, :i. Wolf Cubs' hundii'up -ilusler duction in freight rules through NEW ARRIVAL rei.ee. and I.. W. the crown. SKAI'JJj;, May ;'5. Four hud u sister, Isobel, living at 3 JH1 Hitchester, tlj llurrulo, I. Hill, Victor Thomas, Chris. out the Fulled Stutes averaging for Itiillsli Fullon Columbia Chinese were Just Received from Eastern l'alniore & Lincoln Avenue; Detroit, Miclii-yiin. COAST LEAGUE. Ileauniont. ubout ten per cent lias tieen ordered iirreseU Hallaril yesterday neur Canada, pilire Syrup of this uiui On Hie order of Coroner 'J'. Sucraiuenlo, 3; Seattle, 0. Hill Ouides' liundirup-Mvelyn by Hie lulcrslule Commerce .ure bclnsr held for deportation. year's run POLICE COMMANDER The police cluini Ihey were W. Jeffs, tin! body wus (removed Sau Francisco, 0; Los Angeles, Dulby, Marjoriu palmer, Peggy Commission to go into effect on hoollcirjjcrs Chinese to (lie city morgue, where a post 7. tlilh'll. July 1. siminwliiitf Uuulily Kuijraiilccd, a l IS ASSASSINATED illlo llie Diiiled Slates us well us mortem examination was mudu, Salt Lake City, I; porllund. 7. tarried Indies' race Mrs. W. lowest Verimn, I; Oakland, 8. n.iCoruish, Mrs. Fred Clark, Mrs. COUNTESS CALLED HOME. price in years. whiskey from lliitlsh Uolumhiu, Muy '-'5. AV(I frid "V"'. T. F. Strang, inunager of Isun-nysldo WESTERN INTERNATIONAL Sturgeon WOHCKSTFIl. Muy 25.--Coun- E. EMAD OAIIIO, coiiiiuumW of Hie liiit-Ish Five curlouds of halibut is In Cannery, returned yesterday Tucoina, 0-3; Calgary. 17-3. Nuvy League Hoys' less Nurkievli'z. who bus been ussistunt iu l'JI'l was ussussln- purl (Oduy but ihe sale will liul on the i'riuco George from Vancouver. .-JL FUmoiitoii, 3- Hulpli W'arrior, Alvin Hrooliu, J. louring Ihe lulled Slutos, has police l''' . US''! '"!.'OI a 'hh uu :iu . ti'jp viiutli. Continued on Two" ': ailed Ireland.