KEWfl Thursday, May j 19, PAGE MX THR DAILY NADEN HARBOR WHALE COMMITTEE IN CHARGE ONEY INVESTED IN VICTORY BONDS can be made to earn STATION OPENING UP OF BIG CELEBRATION WESTHOLME THEATRE M larger Interest by selling the bonds and Investing In first And the mortgages are The ICIk officials responsible Tonight, Tnur8rJay mortgage on Improved City property. Qray amJ Qpanl on Way North for the successful arrangement Just as safe, although not so readily convertable Into sash. Money and White Following Soon of the celebration yesterday were Invested In mortgages Is, generally speaking, fixed for the term of as follows: Thus. H. Ince Special Production in 7 Ree3 the loans which run from 6 months to E years. Hence the larger The whaling lender Gray, Cap-litiu 2'n1 Executive Committee ,IIen Self rate of Interest. Drop In and talk It over. llillinglou, sailed from Victoria chairman j Jlerl l.lassey, Colonel .Saturday night fur S. I'". MeMordie and J. I'. MOTHER 0' Lntlysuiilh where, she will pick up .Magirire. H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD. a cargo of coal for Nadcn llarlior, ShoePolislies Dance Committee Cot. S. J. (iraham Island, where is located MeMordie. (chairman : and K. A. one of the big stations nf the Dotiohoe. Consolidated Whaling Lo. which linleilainincnl ami refreshment COiMEDY, "ONE DOLLAR DOWN" LtE. CIIAM.OTTE LA.D DIVISION. is resuming .operations this sea- !''' short notice. cointnillee J. I'. Maguire. chairman Prices, lCc and 555c. Takr liotlro tlut W. O. MrMurrls. of soil. Ill her WIIKU Oil .MOIlliay i-rusprcts tor inu stiiiiiiii-i iuu ; T. II. Hooper, .1. C. Hraily. aiu-uuvrr. II.I . miner. Intends to apply Lc .Mar- Tomorrow Night, Saturday Matinee coitlitiuetl Ihe first of the good," Cajil. and (iiaitt, moiiiiiig to tlm Minister of Land fur a llcrnro to Art. tlassou. Archdeacon Hit. W. Night-Charles :primped for null. ieimlum and natural whalers, left for Natleit anil at the tumid. "We are a Itille late in in W. Knight. C.eorgc Itichmoiid, Chaplin "Pay Day". Hartt 15c gas over and under the folluwlny described and 35 lamK silua'.r un Kkldviralr lnlt, Graham end of this week the White also starting, but we always had the Andy Akerbvrg. Island. II.i .: t.uiiinieiieliir at a planum intention of this :at iiip iiuriurast cotiwr or M-riion ss sails from Victoria to join furces resuming year. football Coiitiiiillcc Jack Tiinnslilp 3; llM-nif 0 chains; theme with Ihe Orant. II was just a mailer of time. Al Jinlge, ichairmali : J. W. Mel u- mhuii dv mains; lliencc easi ku iiianis tlicncc iHirth 80 rlialns to point of coin l'hese vessels arc being com first We hud decided to wail for lyre ami .1. Day Hell. Shoes iwiiceiiirni.Located Marrli St. 1SJ. missioned al once," said Cupt. another mouth, but latterly the Ilaseball Committee Arl Kas w. o. Mr.MoltlilS. Locator. lii'orge Le Mariuaul, manager of situation had become such that Cash and son, ichairmau , J. W, Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. Phone 686 OUKj CIIAIILOTTE LA.ND DIVISION. the Consolidated Whaling Com- last, week we decided to lose no Harvey Frascr. '"J'hc rest of more lime, and since (hen luie Victoria. iiiny. ul Conimillee .tiick Keefe. Takr noller tlut W. 0. Mi-.MurrK or Sports Untie worn, will ho fully win VaiHutivrr. II.I:., miner. Intends to atpl.v the fleel may he sent to sea later, been Hti a very great rush gulling chairman'. I.en Dewhurst. Chits. Dr. E. S. TAIT to I lie Minister of l.amls for a licence, to your coiilldfticn Unit you will ll-m-i-eei rr cm I, petnilemn and natural as conditions warrant. Aerord- our boats to sea." WnNli. and I'oliee. Chief W. uccept the next pair without iras lawM,over lluatr nun tinner on Skldcrale inn riuiowinir Inlet.nerriiM'Ci Graham ng lo our present plans, we will Vickies. Dental Surgeon isiann. ii.i..: i.miiineneinir at a aiosi malum also have only two of our stations I'n- further inl.roduclioii or rcc-oiiiint'iiilulion, ai iiip niirmwcsi corner or rrciitin so SALE OF COOKING ON Finance Committee -Critic old friends Tuwiishlp S; t Hence cast 80 chains; llienrc in operation, .NtuJeit llarlior and wtn. chairman ; t... u. ttowe auu Office Hours, 9. a.m. to 9 p.m. as until fill chains; thence west 80 chains; lloso Harbor, the TUESDAY AFTERNOON KyuuitoL on iiienee iinrin 80 chains to point or com K. .(.Ireeu. Sunday by Appointment whose. dciuiidahilily und tiieiiceinent. soulliern end of the Queen Charlottes, Costumes- 1'. Ilulierue. Located March si, gj. worth are fully proven. V. Ij.ialur. be opened up later in ),. Mc.MnllISIS, may Queen Mary Chapter I.O.D.E. Had Hand Cotninflleo- Ilalph Le OLKEN CIIAIILOTTE LAND DIVISION. the season, if it is needed. This Successful Little Affair In I'ine. lation, and the idle whalers, an; Kleclriciati- Oco. Waddcll. Take miller tlut W G. Mr.Mnrris. nf Red Cross Hut tani-uuvi-r. II.C.. miner. Intends to apply in sliape lo get gninjj again at. lii IIh .Minister nf l.ilnls for a licence In pmsiwct iur coal, petmleuin and natural Im "CJ" cy iTSa" "SSr !S?' SSr" Tl" "V? w KIRKPATRICK LAND CT. The Ouen Mary Chapter, FIFTEEN BOILS m- over anil under the following described Hands, situate on Skldcraie Inlet. Graham Notlca of InUntlon to Apply to LtiH Land. perial Order Daughters of the The Store of Satisfaction at Island.the It.!',:northeast unniiieneliiic corner at of a post Section planled ST. Ina-In Iiinirli't I'rmrc ttt import Oml IjiihI liaiiirp IIMlrlrt.S. anil liRinril ailuali' Kinpire, held a successful sale of ON NECK " Tonnsiup jj I hence west 80 chains; thence In vlrlnlly nf I'nrl Kssiiifrton. II. I".. Iiiiiik' cooking in the Ited Cross mum so chains; iinnce east do mains lake notice that w. Julius Joliiisiin ami WALLACE CO. LTD H. S. I hence nortli 80 chains to point ol com Wallrr Mem I nf Port EMllittnll. II. C. hul Tuesday afternoon. A number AT ONE TIME liienreinent. ocrii,itlun llsliirrini-n, Inti-nil lo apply for Located .March SI, 1 9S. of dainties were offered for pniiHsliill Hi leaxr Hie rullnulnir (IomtIIiciI V. fl. MeMiiWII, t.iwalur. lands: CblimiriiriiiK al a planlril al sab- and there were also some QUEEN CIIAIILOTTE LA.ND DIVISIO.N. noulheam enrrer or l.nt Iianae 5. Cciail raffles, Ihe donors and winners Anyonr who ba mUer'd from ,bolU can j l DOLLAR DAY SALE Beautiful nislrlet. llH ii'i' nnrtlnM-l I rlwni to sjiiiliatlili with poor old Job. tlii'ii'-e i,nlli r, i-Uiliis alunt water marK, Take nollre Ilia I V. 0. MrMurrls. or Inw waier mark, tliem-,- wi sl 3 rlniii to being as follows: Tliere nil no .Burdock Blood miters in Vanwuver. II.n miner. Intends to apply huh waiiT murk, ttieini- .' rliain atom Doilies, . iloiialeil by Mrs. tln.e ilayJ. m Job had to suffer In silence. In the .Minister of Lands for a licence to HUH water mark u pxilnt of i-nirimfiiremeni riiomas Nowadays no ono need endure the misery Summer prospect for coal, petrulemn and natural Mc.Meekin, won by Mrs. unit containing 3 arre. ni,irr or ies. Iras over and under the follow inir described or bolH. Jl lii s Jl,l.-.1,., 1. Anderson. FRIDAY & SATURDAY lands, siluale on Sknlejrale Inlet, Oraham WALTEIt ME Ml, Boils 'are simply erldenres of the bad Island. II.i:.: Couinienrlnir at a post planled donated Chicken, by (ieorge Applicants. blood within coming to the surface and al soul hea it corner of section 81, Town- snip x; tiiencc norm so ennuis; nieiicc Dated February !8. IS. Sutherland, won by (ieorge Suth Jut when you t rid of one, another May 26th and 27th Knit Suits west 80 chains; 1 hence south 80 chain-; seems ready to take Its place and prolong erland. thence east go chains In olnt of com-IlieucelnenL EVERY ITEM A GENUINE REDUCTION NEW SHIPMENT Doily, donated by .Mrs. Olof your misery. Located .March SI, toss. All the poulticing; and lanclnf you may WONDERFUL VALUES. GUARANTEED GOODS, W. r.. MrMiiimiS. Locator, Hansen, Miss I'earl V. won by do will not more coming'. slop, SAVE MONEY BY STOCKING UP AT THESE PRICES. OHKEN CIIAIlioTTE LAJiD DIVISION. Wall. What you have to do Is take just to hand Canton l'lunncl B yds. for J1.M Take notlrc that W. .11. MeMorris. nf Mrs. J. (... Steeu was in charge. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTtRS Vancouver. It.':., inini-r. Intends In apply and the blood will be cleanied of all Its Curtain ttarims 5 yds. for $1.00 In the .Minister of Muds for a licence to prusiwt for coal, etroleuin and natural Impurities, and then every boll will dls Striped Fliiuiii'U'tti'x 5 yds. for 51.00 as over and under the following described FIRST RIFLE SHOOT appear. Cliiiinlirayn, nil color.-s' E yds. for $1.00 lands, situate on Skldeitatc Inlet, urahai "DEMERS" Island, It.i .. i:oiiuiiicinir at a pt plann- JUST ARRIVED Mr. Roy McSwalo, High ,8aoK. t iiIiIi'iicIhmI Cotton, in iui'lii'M ...T 5 yds. for $1.00 p. i:. U writes:-!, was troubled with at the routhwest corner of Section 35. AT RANGE YESTERDAY Township 8: thenea north 80 chain-.; "K" ltrogues for Men and tmiis fur some time, 'and bail as many as I'l ints 4 yds. for $1.00 (lichee east 80 chain: llienco south 80 llfteen on my neck at onre. .After taking HIiciHinK, li liiflii'." 1 ' ? yds. for $1.00 Phone 27 P. O. Box 327 chains; thence west 80 clmlns to Hiliit of Women. No Hotter Shoe commencement. 4 Some twenty-five members of one bottle or Burdock Blood 'bitters they Holler Tmvnls. 214 ynrds ' ' ' each $1.00 Located .March 91, IS. Made. comnieiiced lo get better, and alter J bad W. 11. MeMOIililS, I.iK-alor. Ihe Nortli I I.e. llegiment. togeth taken two bottles I was relieved jr them Ill-own or Wliiti! Tu'rklfdi TowtdK, . . . per pair $1.00 SPECIALS UNTIL THURSDAY. er willi, six members of the Itoyal and felt much better. I think 8. B. D. Js (iinpliatiiH '. . . . .3!? yds. for $1,00 Canadian Mounted I'oliee, went a grand blood medicine, and can recom W liiti' 'I'alilo Datuusk , - per yd. $1.00 Mi s oer to the rifle range at Salt mend It highly." 'indov Kliuilcs each $1.00 mm Ladic3' French Heel Brown Lakes yesterday ami had ' their for the past IS yerB..B, B.,ha keen C.ii.sliioiiM, frilli'd' . each $1.00 Ladies' uianuractureii only by l he T. Mlluum co Kid Oxfords, only 1 pairs first shoot of the season. The Uinllril. Toronto. Ont. Cltini'hi: (it-UNM .Mil In, 214 x .... each $1.00 Painters and Decorators lo go ul $4.95 practice was undertaken for the HtunitK'd (Jooils, u isfU'ftiou each $1.00 PAPERHANGING Men's All Solid Leather, medium purpo.e"ot trying mil the new OLLL.N Take noli UlAIII.OTTi:that V.LA ti,.Ml'MrMorris.IllVlalOX.of Woiiicn'is Knit VfntH 3 for $1.00 KALS0MINING weight dress shoes. short I.i'i'-Kiifii'ld rifles. The Vaninuver. H!i: iiilwr. Intends to aply K Coiiiliiinitiiins per garment $1.00 li, Hh .Milliliter nf l.anilri fur a lleenre In I'ro-war Prices All sizes at . . $7.45 parly left al II o'clock in the ,nHTt ror roai,1 petniii-uin aim natural Cot-Hijl r;i vera . 2 for $i.w Lingerie ga over and.uiuler' tin' following uVirrllH'fl W in k neatly and (illicitly i?ce Window. morning aboard (Sen. Uryntil s IaiuU, lluatr wt Skhlrgatf Inlrt, liralishi Wliilrwt'iif. A.sMoi-tincut, inuliiiliuif )ntM!i. Kuv--dhi- launch llnrla and relumed al 0 lllll, II.C: Ciyiiini'iirlng at a lit planled iitt:.. vitliifs to 1.0U. per garment $1.0C (lOMU. at iiic Miiiuifmi mriier or srrnon 30, p.m. Among tin- parly were It. rownliil 2: Iheliii' wt K0 tlialm: tlii-ni'e Silk Itool lloso, ti'ft. !..')( for $1.00 318 Fifth Street Phone 477 Family Shoe Store nurl li HO rlmtiiM; llieure cal NO rlialns; for $1.0C CREPE IN SILKS, SATINS, C;iluiii-ri! I losi.-, I.M5 Cameron, (i. A. Ilrvant. Major J. tin-lire noiilh SO chains to pijliit of com- ri-K. DE CHINES, ETC. Phone 357. Third Ave. II. Mc.Mnllin. Inspector A. C. Ae- iiieiueifiiit.l.lK'3led AUrrii, st. Cotton Uosi!, while. Iiiown, Idack 3 pairs for $1.00 linl of the Itoyal Canadian V. n. Mi'Mnlilil-, liwan.r. Cliililtiiu'H Cotton lloi, wliiti', tint 4 pairs for $1.00 All iiimlu in our own workshop.;, Moimled I'oliee and Jlerl (in.-er. OI IJIi.N l;IUfll.OTTK I.A.MI IIIVHIO.V While Cnnlilimi-e Ilne ., 2 pairs for $100 For your neit laki- iwlli-i' that W. II. Mi'Morrls. of llal.y llilihon. IK yiti-tl ImiIIii 2 bolts for $1.00 Let Ds Advise You I lie silniMcr II.C of miner.Lands Intends for a licence to apply to Hiljlioiv,. ifjr. .' yard .' ..' 4 yds. for $100 Shoe Job STEWART irop-et rr rual, Ninilruiii and natural Mei-enrisi'd Croeliel Cotton 9 balls for$1.00 Repair At Exceptionally Low Prices. k.h over and under the following de'rrlbed with a lifetime's experience Limit, situate on Mkldi'gate Inlet. Urahm Toi-elioii and Val.;ii 12 yds. for $1.00 llinil. Ii.i'.: r:uiiiiiii'iirng al a 1it planleil in all brandies of the Mrs. Dale of llvder reltiruei! to al tin; iiorlhweil ciirnvr of hretitHi la, Oltildlen'H MiihlvK, Wmli Skilln. ele.. ery nieeial. each $100 try Htiildiug Traduj. her Tivtnlil I: tliciire east go rlialin; ihrnre pair $1.00 himie mi Sunday last from a mi Hi flj ilialni; iiHiiir weal DU ihaln; l.ailiiis' I.i.ile Jlo)'M per J.C EMERTON J. Bent's Brickwork, visit in Stewat't. ineiirc ik,nil u ruanu to point or com l'liiin anil (!iidiiroy Velvelceits per yard $100 mence mrnt. Champion Shoe Repair 8hop l.iMillcnl Jfaren g, I8JS. Collar ami Xrckwear lo J2.50 Tor each $1.00 Kmad Block, Third Avenue Lingerie Shop Stonework, The contract for yard" of V. O. Mi-Molim, l.iiralnr. Theso and Numorous Other Bargains on Sale rock ror the bigfill thai is In be UI'KliX irlHltl.tiTU. M.Mi IHVISln.N. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Take liollri! that W. II. MrMitrrtM. of "Repairs while you wait" Third Avo. Concrete, etc. made in connection wi!h the new Vanmuver, II.i;.. miner, lutemli to apply SEE WINDOWS. CORNER OF 3RD & FULTON. to Ihe .Minister of l.amH for a llcedi-n to I'lans ami Specifiealious Hear lliver wagon bridge was lei proH--t for rual, ,etnileuin and natural free to all our clients. last week to Klvsll'om .V Co. K over and under the follow In ilescrllwil lamK illume on Skldegalc Inlet, lirali.nn I I: ii,l. II.C: fUiiiiiiiriii'liig at a poll plained William Watts & Co. Mrs. Marvin and son, I'eler. at Township the niilhvpt 4: llicnee corner cast 80 of rhaini:Dertlon theme 10. arrived in tMewnrf Ial Sunday norlli 80 elulin; llieuce west 80 chains: Walk Downstairs tnencn mum go cnaius to point or com- Week-end Builders and Contractors Specials! lo join Mr. .Marvin, who is one of liienceiuen I. l'.O, llox 823. Phone 482. the obi timers nf1 district to Locatca Marrn si, vfi. Hie and Save Money W. (i, MeMonill', liK-alor. ONice: KU? 3rd Avo. return in recent mouths. They Men's Heavy Wool Work JI.C. l iesh Kggs, a5c, 3 doz, Jobbing Work of all Kinds. will lake their OI'I.K.M CIIAItl.OTTK I.AMl tilVISION. SHOE Socks, culm- light grey, on pcrmaiiciil Take tuillre that W. O, McMorrls. nf for 95c. esideiiee here. Vancouver, H.C., miner, Intends to apply leg. j()c value. In the Minister of Lands for a licence to Sutfls l'reiiiiuin Hams, Hi., Special, 3 for 1.00. prospect for rual, putrolcuin and natural ras over ana unuer xne rouowiug uciiriiieu 49c. From the Farm I.. S. Whlllaker. manager 1,'iiuls. situate on skldegale Inlet, Uraliam Taking V-t Ham Hliank Mud, Men's Work Shirts, in fine (he local branch of the Hank Inland, II.C: Coiiimenclng at a pot plained Contlnuos Until Saturday, May 27. to the Table at the northwest corner of Section 30. lb. 47c. Drill, Cotton and Duck, Motreal at Slewart.'has relumed Townlilp I; thence east 80 chains; Ihcucn Taking i Ham Unit I'.nd, sizes Vt to HVi, rcg. from his annual vacation. He south 80 chains; tlienre west 80 chains: those win Iiav llieuce norm go chains to point of com Why mil shall' the oiiorluiutii with lb. 53c. value SI.75. mencement. BulkleyVailey was as far Mast as Saskatchewan. Loaned March St. 103!. lendy lukiin iuIvuiiIuku of (liese e.xliitoidiiiary low i Bwjft's l'rcmiuiii Hacuu, lb. Special, 95c. W. fl. McMiilllUS. locator. Taking 45c. Half Slab, lb. 47c. Men's Black Denim Pant BEEF were Mr. married and -Mrs,In II. Victoria,Scovil, who on Chance! PORK Still There Is A in Hired, .per lb. 50c. Calls, a good heavy MUTTON April L'7, returned to Stewart Salmon ipialily, siji's 31 to it, lb. (VuniMiiiml Lard in bulk, lasl Sunday. . .20o 5 lb. fur 95c. rcg. value $ 1.75. VEAL Wtt lire Mtill offering 15 per nenl ilifrotiut ' FRESH KILLED POULTRY le Monte l'ork & Jk-aits, 2 Special, 95c. Skeena River Farm Produce Mr. innl Mrs. McCalile arrived HiinuiiiK Slioes, Miut'K 1 0 j to 5. for 15c. Striped Flannelette, in an VANDERHOOF CREAMERY from Vancouver InsL Sunday and Trollers ! 15 pin- cent iJi.sfount on nil I.ndie.s' anil Men - hniini'1-HIioom. Jli'o Hfand Jelly I'owders, 2 extra good ipialily. BUTTER will lake up jllnur periiicnant for 15c. Special, 5 yds, for S1.00. resilience III Hlewai'l. W'lieu fi.sli me scuico in Lmli' ,ifi cunt tlisfouut on nil Shoes in our KukIo Hrainl Milk, per tin NORTHERN INTERIOR . Hii iiik uinl 1'ull, llic iiiir 20c. We have just received a Dejiartuiiriil. Dan .1. Alacilotiiild, who has .Itobiuhooil J'lour (damaged), large shipment of Boys' CO-OPERATIVE Inverness been employed iusl a sampler al Camp 3 Palr .1!) lb. sucks for 95c. Shirts, all sizes. I'ur advertising With every pair of Men's Shoes, wo give elthen Phone 81 (be Utrfinicr .Mine all winter has at Dundas Island So" fireat VVesi Tea, lied Label, purposes we will put arrived in' of Cotton Sox at 35c per pair, or 2 Pairs of Hoavy Working lown. tliu i on Job to handle your per b. 50c. Ihesi! on sale this week-end at 50c per pair, or one Pair of Silk Sox at 51.00 por pair, .JI.C. Milk, 3 fur V for only. 35c; .1. nui'otnilaul the of TO ALL Wilson, J' koIiJ Iiioiuq, ImisM Special, 85c. $1.00. ocal rlbi Hank of COUNTER TABLES. branch (if and tlfriiiitit nilver: II,C. Sugar in bulk, 1 i lb. for Ladies' Fine Black Cashmere TRAPPERS! Moulieitl al SleWiirlijIefl mi the ioons, tlnss, ssvivtiii,Cutty-lunik, 3(i J'uira or Jlooln to no at S3.75. 21 Pairs lo a ' 4,9 ' $1.00.FRESH MEAT DEPT. Hose, all wool, seamless, I'rince Ituiierl hts.1 Sunday for liiioH, IiooKh, coiiui imlnl. HO Pairs lo go al $1.50. treble spliced. Kinos 8'a Vaiicotivei- and .Vew Weslininsler, .mil Kveiytniiuj for Trolloris What shall we have for CHOOSE YOURS 1 to 0. Ileg. t.50. where lie will -spend the holidays. nt lowest jirici's, Sunday? Lot us answer Hie Lets all get together. Special, 95c. White Salmon for Halibut iiueslion with one of our faken Have inside information Mrs. Marliillias eharge fino Hiiluln lloasts at 28c lb. thai will benefit lis. of ihe Stewart ,hosnilal. We Sell Boats.Groceries. Jabour Bros., ltd. Table Co. Universal Trading Co. WRITE US AT ONCE .Iloiifnt Weights. Rupert Supply Phone 376 10209 101st St., Edmonton, Mrs. It. Keith . of Hyiler llonoHl Sleusuiei, mid Phone 645. Corner 3rd Ave. and 7th St. returiieij Sunday from spending Phones 211-212 Alta. on Honest liinploytes. Hi- winter in Vancouver