pAfiv. ponn TTifi riAn.v Uv.lrv . V BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMatiut VOO ARC ALWWS LOAriM' you AG NOT the huh: I HAVE tOU MUM ttrLi MOW DO Vol T-i i Turs ONUY OMC I'M TO LtVTEN MAHRIBO A, i 1 WOftKN' rRCPA. THE I MAOOUlEO. TO HY VIFC- rcucPnoNc, r a - Vim IHL - ' oh: Dear Mi wire QPCKA) J I J V 1 my wipe aVio WOrVT AN-sVER ( ..- -v . OH! I'M A. VERY I HAVE QUARREltri h n -b.' i i the.real.brealheable tablet. maka' UNHAPPY MAN tjf YALuro Ann the throatj chet, and lunjl cbtcU Ld WXJo Talked to hpr J reaming, wnen a naity com or a T coughing bout foretell the revival of your old bronchial trouble, the belt thing to do ! to:-taka Pe-s at once to ttrengthcn and t:v"u v nwiH FMTECT .suar 12sbi. I' CJVr vjtri i IS the cheit. When a Pep tablet I taken from it preierving diver IM? ar tut i rcamsc Srnvor Inc L V wrapper and allowed to ditolve jn the mouth, it give off powerful had said. He suggested that it medicinal and germicidal fume CAPTAIN AND might be well o let the Skipper that immediately circulate with go lo a small rami' for Hie sooner the brcfcth through all the air he wen I the sooner- he would Daily News Classified Ads. TIMBER tUC k.SMT, MRS. ROBERSON paiiaget, and Vtroy"any germ be back. When he did e.ome. as IMHlrrs will ti- t- i -1 that have pot into'' Vs "'-. they fell sure he would, they 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Vrum thn BOc IN.IrV'l I ..rr-lrr, crni'T . alllioped he would bring Mrs. Ifl- ilft.Ills fur Hi ml mn Ihr M l"!h..( ,la i ARE HONORED Itobrrson bark with him so thai ;ier mhiiii t-mi inr l ak I n. . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. I VM ItH.IIIIS iMMIil trrl Your she liiighl continue to show Ilia! lUA,k (Ml ialHfi rf Kill t ).... ,1 ' splendid interest which she had QUEEN'S DOLLS HOOD Salesman, man or woinaii, SI.ADI". K TI A I AS uru.liiHle itiaun luf NMIm Quests of Evening at Old Timers always taken in civic and pat l enuvas town with household tuner. At Denny Allen ikmi- Vtrtarta Ihs lllalrlrl r um I . noitrii ana a throat..a At a. the.a am Dance Presented" with Travel, riotic work. article. Apply Jlox I tally L JHiny's slope, Ilnrd Aventie. W, 1;. time the tore,inflamed membrane lino Bag. TOY COLLECTION News (If fire. r I'liniH' Illtic l.m If aaiNcaL act. it toothed, healed, and protected', Oi:.Ni;ilAI. 8ervani BOATS FOR HIRE OettAcate af maiin,u. wanleil. phlegm i released from the broil-chialt, . Skipper Ilobersnn, wjio is leaving i In the Letter Box Mrs. Dawson, 333 Fifth Avenue Apply Sotir.f. for Vaneouver tomorrow' and Exhibit In ftriMIVR IIIU'V I n.,n. v.. breathing ii made eaiy, Mrs. llobrrsonvho reiiiains London Attracts Much ll. . (f ; . ,' I Mjrtlle . I vwral Halm. ait... and that dittreninp..cough and here lttentlon at Museum. Mlhong I nin nit nklng yu U anmna iin....n ..1 r, t i few niiiiilln hefine uoinz south. KITSUMGALLUM BRANCH FOR SALS r i.i. 1 Jt... .. hwrl niamel; Inraisfl r,,,. i ct.. a 4vu, 1 iim uiinnna yo !.layl. throat torenes. duappear. ots-mile wt a half n n xre pivena vontlnruI idciff !. a sefVIDA al resie. By thi. directs treatment Pep JaFt rtfjlit Most the .1I Trrrare II. C. LONDON. Jan. 1H. ;! Cau-adiau FOH SAM? Tug or fihtM4l. Phone prre. lake Mln inn . Mra rk.rsr. ; Illnek. 400. I rse Mlarr'. Cartineals i 41 . Press keep trouble, off the limerx vhri know -Captain and Kdilor Daily Xews: ;.iUe'n Victoria's 4fixl:.6rl, 33 X. A . rngme, slttf itaya frwi lh date Iwr, , ' -In dolls, collerleil Ur her when tVe touts r nsenfiiw fr a recent issue of the News tr.ono.(t. Mi! RoberKon well, and a few nr nor.. tuanriveniMe. Uir the sir.u : "f the later arrivals, contained a report of the meet ?irliid not so very long lie. Tug 37x10x1 -3? HJ1'. X. A S. a r.Miart, Oram I or ats. la ,a very lHn 3aartitt llrMt Lad nixelet. e1 rnrlher lake tsMI'-s "n! fwe she larye and representative parly in ing of the Prince Hupert Hoard was called to rule over engine. S.0O(Ml. uaaawr -U' 17. anuat 1 all, gathered at the !l. Andrew's of Trad at which 11 was pro Ilrilain form an inlereting pari Cruiser I Sxli J5 H.l en- latano.ettaaie a oai ihe Wmi inti ot Imfrewemetil.Iw the laetianrr of .! ..en - hall at a complimentary dance posed, lo send a delegation to of the cxhtlifliwi of ruyifl toys Bine, l,260.nn. Take anuat ihsi KnMlr. mum r.tiiM nisi tth 1av of aiwewiif iff, and durinjr the eveniup a pre. )Hav."i to press forward the rtf-quiremenls in London Museum. The dolls Thirty fowl.general purpose boat, of ftelnrfca. a. ... nafaalina Malwaw. la OTicr. and lungi, and the wont weather are small, with plain faces, 5 II. a, alr riM paaTwi id a to naaa-i uf the P. Vale, senlatii'n was made lo tlie pruesls wesern wir-lion dynamo, storape in iimnwnf aewTir. aamu r.rf nail ami In Oueen CtrtrVsM- i.i4iii li can be faced without fear of evil T (tie evenins ' hy itev. Canon of CeutrJl, ll. C painted exactly ulike, and made eiecttie llghi. iRtn.nn laeinileuaa)' .awimni ai a nl hSTSU SoT.TT T uiainri ,.' , 1 Amu e half mile -, and iwu . r.onaeauenrra. It it the B.feat ntn Hix on behalf of those present. The cowMruclion of braneti of wood. Distinction is given lo ig fi7' fl. 50 II. p. Fatrhatikii aatf lols- mi lnn lae astrrtln M .aiei It. C W, tfiem by ITielr dresses, varied aiftMH hay ihe ttomby laawM Me r' . The dance lines, as feeders for the C.N.11. according serni-diesel engine. Power started early and '""T '"e- Ihaas-e ao rkaW tsefc, ibeate. Take a4e itwl Jnkn W.i. to arreit a cold, and prevent it was most enjoyable and vhorlly were x,ro"ed the Copper to ttie character rppre-sented windlass. Auxiliaries. " ehain.r. tkeaare as naaina wentk. aaal Utt e..n I ,e-a r -s-i. reaching the lunf' or itarting tiefore midnight supper - wfts lUver 1'faHotris Lake. Stuart rourh ladies, opera singers, Loggers Slifto stern wheel I??nteneenmi. siUintnr am u, arr.cmm ,a aasir rrm,u awrtanH permtuMiai tu btt.k..r"inleii m- 1.' ai Lake and to the irouiidhog ro.ii danevrs. and historical per scow, 10 II.P. steam boiler and bronchitis and cheifweakne.--. served from a lahle set in the .enr.r r.moH esti ii. ArriiraM. mmirtvm at a t-i piuf l ah middle nf Hie dance hall. !elic area, but so far as I have learn sonages. Theje are about lOftf winch with house JOxlfl. Mav . . , . oaaaas-il. ai ihair mil anna aM n.r- a..- dolls in Oueen Victoria's "etooer . tatt. iailea e.l at m Mmreiifie .if ar inus salads and other delicacies ed, no branch was advocated for polled be ueI as r-amp and donkey. ! Ilr ltmUr ManO stde .if r.t made this a particularly pleasing your nearest valley, ttie Kitsum- ion, and half of lliem were IT50. MITICE. ' thi'Hw tsTti rhaia. Pieirr t ' r-batftfc. Ilaesew mtia se efeaim tlwt part or the propnuiiT alluhi. dressed by Ihe Queen herself 3 II.P. FainbankV 7. type stationary lai Oaiwa CjL.rWsi -'- -mi !NN ptitn to tmtmt ttf mtiwiwi mm- The when she was lirince- Victoria. n-tuKimt max Met r afcawaa. 1.. aaat iaaa ( aerva, more leva The Presentation. KitsunigaMum Valley. engint. Wlln pnnii two imate t ttie Wei .,1 irii) 1 After supper the liiesentatirm slrelchln?. jiorthwnrd frnnv- Terrace The oHiers,wYretlie Voi k of tier htindfiHl f Miunds pressure laUM. a c. MJI'Mf STT sm it- was made o (JajtK and Mrs. lloh- fn Hie aa ffer h'n rtjsy jtoveriiejis. 7 ' ;& . kleat "rtot-x a. tati er.i'tji, 1u racJu a IraWiliiiiK lia?, grade and. is probably 1h- !1 jyo'.sr.g Vriijresi Vh t..i iu Piie Iinver and 10 II.P. donkey ureai nail.w bnAari. lalaaid lu lunlt re NOTICE route ror-a railrad- -MM'tWrp. ..iiHt!ll iw did Is.,, and de- engine, 2 loo Hi, hammer. vt ne allifratnr hide and the .TV! ,-S0.oti. aVntaMl rived v Umtt t coal and tsHtyawiui la Quern OarMla lalanda Land plat- Other ot hraver sUiu 'Canon Itix Norlherji Interior. great pleasure from jday- - iMm&rtar at a pwi aiaattM arxnaj ajr.eMirami imnwi nt serna, a. r 1'he land fertile ing with them. Iler.pain-taking fcalf nN aeajia aad oee Salf mite ret f rm,,'JttB-aie on im Weal i:oai . "said "valley are Uasened hull; in a short address , it was -HxSUopper pmi-dilHm ae a mii i una est a amaii fiy tan ajw Mrrtur I"aaaaiai. o. v. to and -ioI- subjerl fn V fuinner industry, ai wefl as good taste, good, 1 85.00? IikI atrte r ranne pa.a. theare f enaht ' neeessary keep smilins' in nartii. invnes aa rtallaie ilwrira, so! Take ramie thai John VV-lev fptle of the fact Nhal they were frosts. Anlhraeile coal oul- may be seen in the delieLle 7 H.P. Jua,ranlee murltii nntrtne. rhalrw eoiifti. iaeae s ebaiaa et to paNat; Altiert snail t.ork t Vs-,r.-nf losing .their friends. When the rroppings mdirale an extensive needlc-work of 'ihe embroidery aro.oo. ere,enrmiMineenMini.tuoee ,ar hesa. .and ronialntfir 4 ; orcaiMtHm rmlaksi f trf-mer.prnar-eri im.T.rt ihe 1.. - on the most of ' the costumes. JHX -ribel tand fnr n and i coal nvea. Mineral prosteets Other boats and -engines. on4Kl. and ropoie news was iriveii out I If af Skipper ' ALKKBT ii:rTT Lock. taaaHeanu I """iieaaa at a Isiel planwd ai ; and Mrs. ft)berson wiere leaving yield free gold and native silver The materials are romparnliw-ly M. M. KTKI'ltr'S. i.AV. Coanotl.Trent. '"" ThanVr I.rei . ;a. e simple and inexjtensive, bdf she Palled OetjeW . lati. iwirth a ritauta. ttorai a t ' it while the most deirahle of came as a preal shock. for rent to lodges or similar had been the first Itride They fluids, petroleum percolates evident ly made liie innst of them Foil SALIi linger Sewlnir Mach SOTiru dtaia )in ,,f rtsenajie-eni' t and rmtlalnlar im aere. nere oe 1. organization. ine 450.00. lylison lit brideproom in the city and the through in sufficient iuantilies hy minute decoration arid finish. Shop, InCuierii riaarlotte laiamfa Uar DtMitet. I wiair rnssr.Lt a A noticeable feature of the Third Avenu. 1 1 nefwdina Matnii nr keiu. 11. :.. atwi, A LI KMT OTT Lock ) : a lo justify the opinion that it last bride and (,rroom were also ilMie utl taa 1 nt MiervstiVi t. W ',lnetl i OFFICE SPACE present there will shortly add its wealth lo Victoria dolls is the number of FOR RENT stand, B.C. Paleat oetnber T tar I that, nijrht (Alex. 38 by 24, Take emir aal A una I irnlui ,.r I.-,-.-.1 healed, suitable for oumr and Mrs. Ynuiijc and he I hat of the district, lady dolls carrying babies. One RtttwrL B. urrufaiUiw lf. inteist .MTIX professional man, for rent. Is there a valley in Central II stately lady in an elaborate UXDPtA new iiinnageuieut. St. l analy Pie enniuu 1. r.atn Mas ' hoped the union would turn out rollasSnt diaiiawmi k.nd rr tmi i t 1 Qaeaai Chirtntt lalinda Latit Agents for as wej. J tie Canon said Jie .offering more potential wealth court dress of white satin has Louis Itoom. Mrs. P. Valpy, liajrwavurnt raanit-nrlai -a i alaaied aee,.raia rNanraet of saewia. a atssil nne half mile iMrik awl ibn and aiiiMIe tax thai V a-i f Jl Norwegian American Line did not know anyone who had or a lietier place to continence in her arms rwo infants like manageress. Haiee (3.50 pir , """" irsn ine wurenne or a lalaam, a. C. Swedish American Line place in a branch line to lap the almost twins. . week and up, AIo furnished m.i -Hi ,w nmii i.iana one iif - a a Hfe heller than the L'5V"--,L,.WHVJ,0,,, " ' Ifeeave) Tale aeiMc taal John neater 5-"I Scandinavian American KUests of the evening. 'J'he unknown resources of .Northern Oueen Mary's Collection. housekeeping rimina. ebalua. thenre ,,Uti an rHaHia. and snwrt aenti Lnra. of ri-nv inenee saal an rnain n. ih.itiI i,f rum oreafaimn 4n4ier. iniend . ai i ' Line. Skipjer knew llo'-iMiast bel.ter H. C? Queen Mary's dult's house is FOH HUNT Thrwe-nxHii bonne iiieneefis-ni. and riiui,1Mi r.aa aerva. r rnUsaioa Ut pnt-eei its fi." . J-rtKIt NASH. another feature of the loan nines or leaa ,art-it d lamta for el and p- v than anyone else as a result of exhibition ss tjsnSAV. u Oliver Typewriters near Pioneer Laundry. Third AnptMant. ratMiM-artaa al a tt rlanieJ at wide experience and Mrs. Skin- It. C. land Surveyor. of I loyal ioyn at Ihe alo . S CnaawlL Atent. Innrlb a chain. ihnr ai moihlne liouae, Avenue; n'M'tli-lnler Cary Safes A, ivfl. nirarr nr TUMer IJrMitf i, I'..-' per had shown herself perfectly Museum. II wus a present from I'raser Street. Aiply Ortindview 1 I 1m.nee anHlh ma r t K a. t FIRE INSURANCE adaptable lo the conditions which FIRST ELECTION AT her molJier, the. Duchess 1(f Hotel. 17 I XOTICK.1 : -- rnaln ecmlalnlttV ftto iilnt aerea,nf i-fVinietirone-i.;,nnre tar !. she had found. She had done Tecrf . The 'miniature furniture , In Quern Oiarfntie lalarKta Laod Dlairiel. jimt wrai.iV cossru. art Iterornin lllalrlrl nf Skietu It i: .liiiriT irnrf t,.'i- ' -arrtt her duly nobly as n pioneer of SMITHERS WILL BE and fillings gifts, or pur. OHOL'XD for renl. Any. part of iZIZZJi u f mi Mureaujr j a. w. osiuell, A" Dybhavn & Hanson I be pioneers, she was ready lo chases made in the course of land opposite Savoy Hotel. mm-- iwim'w ai wminrr i. . srrr, ir K HiioukIi the muskeg or climb HELD FEBRUARY several years were personally Phone F. Hart. v tf uvwi prlnee Iniperl.hi imu i.lur C..perfawaaun neeutaiiun I AWrrtmii.itnt, NOTICE. Third Avenue arranged by her Majesty when tae rnikrn daarrlbed lamU the mountains. .She could even FlUlNT noal anil lnOneen r.harlutl lalanrla Land f ' bedroom to rent. Steam ir-iniwuin: uomajienekMi at a rswt nianieil Prince Rupert, B. C l.nnie bears. She entered into she was a girl. The houe is h,a7 anrt l...ft nf Sker,. a. r-i VICTORIA, Jan. 17. The first healed. Nwrfolk llooms. Phone Ikilf nVlW-a I im SPiaa. ' " c-"'x H betweep tlire and jTmTr fee high, 'lie spirit of the community in a ' election at Smilhrrs which was Hlack .120. If remarkable way. She look a reeTenlly incorporated under Ihe and about three feet in width. a ctVTm1l7lT SZ 'o? Take Isntlee tl.. HenHltoi. Ward share in the jjood things aid last The front opens like two doors HAIR0RE8SINQ. tlanjlre a A r-iwlfaa treat ID mini l.r nan iilage Act has been post jioned Vlrtnrla. H :.. Intend to ai'I'l) year look a bunch of- girls to on hinges, disclosing the interior Under New Management liili; " ' mrm:,H"rr.mMtm lo penanee! it" f-llrmiAr d. Box 448 Phone Green G10 hukelse to be fed lo the mosquitoes until February l. of Ihe ground Xtoor and two IinX UAnilLH KIIOP AND IIAT1IS nennni: v tarwla inr at far a rmei mat rdanled and hrtrnlenni cm Hm ah for several weeks. -Her upper floors. -On one side of Ihe 228 Sixth Street Pstert Oep,we n, 1011 Ate rams I'aaa, aMmt on mile anion I' Advertise in (ho Dally News. mile m-eavt of Ihe AAV ennirr if home was u rlelighi fu one wiled hall is the kitchen, and 011 Ihe fl. M. KILDAY Phone Illue 7H NOTICE. I lernae So. aaaot. ilirnee mli o for its hospitality and comfort oilier is tlie dininjr room. Upstairs throre eatl Itt rhaln. theiye i rtialna, Ihenee rliama I" eal ao c In and the sarilen was a wonderful CATARRH are the drawing room and BOARD. .nenonmia Oueen niaiern Charlutte or lalaiMla Aaeena.Laud n. Illalrlcl r... aMiTl I rnmmenrenient.i".T Slid i.rntamilif -l'; ' ae.nale ihm Wm r.... r u,,.. 0" "T iui place. . the music room, and on the top tahud. i. c. i r.PTIMfa Waftn and THE new dining room h the " .When the war came Cap!. floor bedroom find nursery. Take iHHirr trial John ChrlatlanaMia. nf liOBritT VAho, Aiiii'l of the Stomach J. w, umiii il. ! Inlander Is now Hoard ' open. im iiaiprri, e. t... rn'ritnanirn nunernian, )loheron had left for overseas, l-.aeh room in Queen Mury's ilitend In .nihiIv fnr iM,nnlaltt(i b. ,m..n. l Paled tletntier T. Ii land did his duly in the finest FOR EIGHT YEARS doll . house is provided with its by 137.Iho week or month. Phone If liie fietrnleem:lullnwlnat CnnniK-rmlntr rlaasTllaMl lamia al a for mm anal plauied and NOTICE. i manner. The. first bride and appropriate furrilliire tables, pi,..,!, mT ,m,i mn. m-Tu aim inree aiMi -. nne hair mile rai fr.un ihe aii,.n.n.. ....I In Oueen Charlotte la and Land 'fd'ooiii bad both gone overseas Tlw rainw of thl trmihle l the fer- chairs, catiinel s, '"Tnl u res of LOST a Miiall hay on tne Moeeahv laland aide of I lieenedmr ptainei of skema. h, the liniesl md' dainties) kind: i.aiHifl, i-ana, UKMirr nnroi mu rnallia IImumw. -nuair mr ri i.iai "i land takep part in naval work and nidiillon of food In lomnch wlilcli al an rnama. Ilirnee amifh an rliataa lalafMl. n. C. s uli was the case vtU I lie last. trMntry a rai that la very frequently On Ihe centre tabln'.fii ihe drawing LOST filter Foxhead Itrooeh kenee ai an ehaltia ir, tsnl of ctsii-tiswrenieiil. 1 belrhAd 'ip. la alio ruaibllnr of roulaliima nan aerea. iin.r, or Take nttl.a that Albert sentl L'' Titers 1 ', The KkTpper was now b-avitiK room are diminutive copies Keepsake. Finder please return Jnlin tveiey Oeniiell. nr Vlituria. r ul they 'all hoped to see him the bowela and' a dlacharra at gaa there-rri, or Hie ItTJ.Ir nnd Ihe History of l.o Daily News Office. ift J01IS CllliiaTIRhOS, Apptieint. wetHHilInn hmker,nlriid In l'" lie I ill full.' ' I lit re la conatant mMMng, and tlie j w Mmiieii. As nt is-rtiilaalisi In nrnaliert I buck before loitsr. All lliosel meal are frequently vomited. There la ai Knglnii'l. Vj'he Hllle kilrhen has flaled Oi-t.iier B, Hal arnhed landa for eual aisl s iU MUSIC, I niimirneiiia al a pnat plained ah 1 present wished both Captain and burnlnr pain In the eiomacb, the arpetltej a range, fopkipg uleiisils, and. NOTICE. hair mile aninn and atsml msvliai' - '"' L. O. LARSEN Mis. lloberson long life and even 11 nrkle, llifc tongue coaled, the bream a dresser with breakfast and d holier eaat Mnreapv renin Hie Imreliiie nil a aniall' ' 1 '" hadr ronatlpatltitf la renerally preaenl and JMANO SCHOOL. ,ln Oueen riiaMotla lalanda Land IllalrU', Hie laland aids nf an belter success in the future than ware. In itb" nursery are lieeniiiiiiir Pwirirt (if Skeena, H. C... ani llienra an (iialna in-tb. llienre f" "' MetWl. the aulterer lns'iniiea weak, iiervoiia, de- Lespheilly All grades aliiiau- on ttiu viai r.naai of lorely a eat - Ihenc an rtialna amilh, Iheiv PAINTER in the past, lie pjesenled .them preaited and exeeedtnirly Iitlseralile. miniature toys. taken mid special alteirtioti rhalna eaa in Milnt nr i iiiiiiiii-iireiiii nt with the travelling baps in which The blairie ulea tlh a alurtlali liver, aa Boy' Horses. Take nollea that Reginald llerlierl rnnialnlnr atn aerea. rnnre ne leaa. lo beginners. Terms Wrlalil, (irjflriiirla, II, C. ocropallon pro. At JifHT scoTT lock- and they could pack " up t licit It hold hack tlie bile which la ao neeejiaary As the favorite 'pliiythlnif of moderate. innter. Inlemla in afiply for H-rnilalnn to Jons WLMEV rossriL". Arff"" to promote the movement of Ihe howela, pnier I lie rnllnwliir ileaerliwrt lanrta fnr J. W, Cuimell, Ar'"1 li"iube. They were tied with and when the IHIe a-eta into the blood,. Utile girls .ha always' bceujhe HIAS. P. IIALAMNO. eal and iieirnremn' Ominieiielnt al a rnt Haled oeiolier A. !! while ribbons in significance of hadly dlaorderad condition of the atomach, doll, so for boys. vjio know they Hand lllock, , corner sixth and almut r'"ini nne"ii mile nr aiiiirriiiin koulh and mi mi"i.ailiN'mile I'aaa weal aiei ur yiTICE. the recipients being the first liver and bowel will aurcly follow. are boys i,ie oldcsl and most Fullort. CI3 ttie S.W. rnriler nf 'flintier MreneM Kit J'hPiicJlluc t esAOP, llieiire norlli an rhaliia, llienre in I'1"'; bride and Keep your liver active and you will ei . Oueen CharMl lalanda Land in tin wpilld STORK'S groom city. be Ihe popular. neeni lo loy mi iii.iiiH. iiiniii'v aiiiiiii pit mam. iiiniii'M nenirniria inairirl air rkrena, n ' "L. alwaya enjoy od health. eal rtialna In point nr rnininriieeiiirul. alluale ilia Weft of NnrnM mi i.naal Captain Itobrrson on behalf of wooden 'horse. A loy which Mra. Airnea Gallant, heaerve Mlnea, N. (I., geous footmen standing behind. ami rimmiHinir nan aerite. nmre nr leae. Muiid, H. C. 1 his wife and himself thanked (he wrltea: "I had been I rreal aufferer for King Oenrt-'e Vf. played .with Finest of till, however, are the nKfiis.M.n mtitii ut wnioiiT. Aplillranl. Tak nnlli's that Arrhlhald Harps' .f' friends for the kind Tcniem-bratiee. elrht yeara, from catarrh of the itomach. Jusl added to the exhibits fit the six praneiiitf horses attached to J. W. Cnnnell. Aaent. kerlmle. or Vaiii'oiiver, Ii,- C, orrul I trfci asveral ao'ralled raiarrh retnedlea Paled T ll. enmiieer. Intenda In fur l'''l""" apply Museum lis has the horse for Ihe couch. This nuni toy pwlonjted lo 'deacrlheil without relief until a frleod advlaed me priwpeei Ilie rnllow inr Judge Young. . wnliiil and most t luip'isiiig, NOTICE. Inr ifaf and iietrnlenin: r.otiiiiirlirlnir i' to try Ulliiarn'a Laia-Llver PDU, which hot only lo (leorge V. as a child, inn'"' jinal planted at ilie a.W. nr Fred Stork's Hardware Judge Young said a few words ;l 'did. and four vlala roimilelrly relieved feature. It is n striking model bill whik also liie plaything ai tola TAkK tinllea)NOTICt:nr I ha iu I wrier niiuilh pill.riAliil.l.u..n.lira linn nf l ll'f'liaa Mir HA0-. IImwcw cornel annll SO ' '"' explaining that an an old-Inner ,m. Thai waa all year a ao, and I have of a Hoyal coacJi, The ciiarh bis broljier, Ilie' puke, of Clarence. Llinlled. ulll aiHily lo Ihe Mfrllrar i,i rhalna,llienra tteal thence 0 eaal rhalna,ao rlinlna Ihenra In imliU puh" ! Bbcond Avenue he could tio! lei the pppbr! unity i'11 no ',,ura of w m '"b'" mail in Hoyal livery lMtoutcd 011 tolnt Alark ConiPtnlea. Vlrtnrla. It. r. r rmniiieiireinent, anil ciHilailiinr ft ''" BlACK Tlce, Se vut at all dealere. or mailed hale the namr nf the enmpany rhanaed u. mora or le. PHONE 114 pass Willinut exnrcKklmr ....u,.,.. 1 a hnnjnicrcfnlh ..of rcniiel mid I'linre HUiet foe A Hide On. ltd. 'juireet on reeelpt of price by -the T. Wit-and ooi.iini.ooMS i.rviTFn. ARCHIBALD HARCEI Mrt",,,. endOMllHf What Canon 111 X burn Ce., Limited, Toronto, Ont. gold, and Iher are I wo (for- Subscribe for the Dally New, I)rr Wllilama, Manann A Onnaalea, J. W, Cnnnell, ' Bolirunfa, Paled October T, 11 1.