Wednesday, January 18. 10? TUB DAILY NEWS PAGE TIMEE ,ocal and Personal Kodaks Sweeten the Stomach I STUDY THESE PRICES l'or u Taxi, phone 67. If George Leek,r Auctioneer. If Down Again RESOLUTIONS JJ. C. UnccrlaVcrs.' I'hone 41. tf of the famous DACK TO PRE-WAR PRICES Launch "Oh Baby." Blue E48. Tin' inliiiiiiliitii is llial Kodaks OF FARMERS Hayiiuis, Undertakers. I'll one tuiM' now reached the. bottom. No Nanaimo-Wellington foi. If liirllp'r rciliictloilx likely Ik come Fees of Medical Men Under Fire tin vcnr ul least. I-'reh lleurlllK. I'. It.- at Calgary Convention. Market,. If VaY lrl I'rire Now Vest Pocket Anas Lens 7.7 ......., 1U.:'2 $13.25 CAI.OAHY, Jan. In. Ily Oan Cah for Victory ltind. Tim. ailinn rcii. .Mure Mian 2imi No. 1A Auto-R.R. Lens... '.'S.'KI 15.00 ri'i.liil(iM have been submitted McClyriionl. ' - tf No. 3A Aulo-R.R. Lens... ........ .11..'.I 22.60 for consideration of I lie Hulled .1. A. Swion arrived jclcr Farmer' convention , which (let yolii Kodak now ami hate iIh Use fill' I In1 full year. day afleriuiit from Anyox. opened here yesterday and enn- On Dock Delivered DCVELOPINQ, pniNTINQ AND ENLAROINQ Mi mill! Friday. They rover a. (iriiy,,jf iiiiiiiyiic Cannery. a ureal vnriely of subJrHs, in. MINE SCREENED, re.'irlu-d tin- city on l.i-l inwhl $12.00 $13.50 Iinljiijf economic, political, legal (rain. ' - , in bulk and cihicaliniial. Hie subject of - C MINE SCREENED, co.opcravc Cily Market: f'l McsiIn. Oualily $12.50 $14.75 market in? of lli products of tin in sacks cxeellent, pHct'fi HkIiI. I'. W. f.Hin will occupy an important Mnersch. If LUMP, Double Hand place in (hi deliberations of Hie $1-3.25 $14.75 delegates. leoluliits have been v Screened, in bulk. tS.W.V.A,.(iciienil mci-liii? will miidiiii li'il railing for tin cw ie heliKNViilnesday. January lx LUMP, Double Hnnd a r-tpralivi' wheat jol, $13.75 $16.00 l H , 1 1 o Screened, in sack v. mil- (ln-f k the rc-eslali i i -liuii'iil f Hi Canadian Wheal The Niyal Order of Moo.e arc Milivciy atisficd. aHcr having le.-U'd every oilier coal in Mi'aril, Oilier resolutions urxe wilt hold a inti-liiii in Hie Melro-ole the niiiikek. that .Naiiainio-WelliuBlon al Hie above prices is by i lir provincial anient lo RUPERT BRAND kuvci Hall Ihl evening. the I ii-.I and certainly Ihc cicaiH'l mal ulfered lu the public pass l'ilaliMl favorable Iff llie . . . . i)i..iiifiMMil of cw-operalinn in toihiy. It, bar- the Inkling ipialities and the healing power, and Annual Meeting N. H. C A. A lie M-llinit ii f various i'miiiiihmHi gics- the gri iitot Milisfarlioti wth Hie least trouble. I.. O'air) .M-ialion. Cily Hall. ii . while one resolution hsks the Kippers and Bloaters I . 1 . A. Central Of rice lo or-a:iiMif h p.m.. lViediy. January. ; I. x We are the only coal dealers In town who have the equipment to a Central selling system SI. Andrvv Society Wlusl guarantee 100 pounds of coal In every sack, Irrespective of the iiiini'f Hon wllli en-njralie dairy inlcrprises. The cslahlish Orive and ll'siice. 'I' weight of the sack, wet or dry. The sacks do not enter Into our veiling at H o'clock. Ailmiinn for Sale at iio'iil of Dominion jrmcriiinenl 30c. I i weights, the coal only being weighed. Is this worth your uwiieil pHckii)? houses i unied v. L consideration? ALL RETAIL STORES in a iV'nlulioii from tin- SI fit- ".Man, Woinan. Marriage.',' Icr local. WVftlmlme Trlday and Saturdav. Think this coal ipieslktn over. Watch your iii'uiilhfy;-bills. Our Amend N. B. A. The Most Tasty Breakfast Food Aimm? resolution dealing Xo children under xixtecu ad-mil l oal nulla! all olhers'. Living costs artvhigh enouglr. us led, Obtainable wild political lil'-l loti m one " ,ive ynii a dollar by phoning your cual order now lo from Culler lx-al demanding ,1. M. Mnrrion, tin Alice Arm llial tin- llrilih Xorlh America Iraii'fer man, arrived from tlo Ai l shall lie so amended, a I" & Ltd. Smoked Daily by provide for 'lite abolition of Mie north aflernoon.nn llie Venture Albert McCaffery, Canadian Fish & Colil Storage Co., Ltd. that i-iiiii'.llie The I I.N.same A. Act lcal sliituhl proposes W Mr. and Mr, Henry Wulf. ar-aflernoil Phones 116 and 564 uliieiideil In provide llial (he i'i-ih"ii PRINCE RUPERT rived yesterday from ,.f cneriior.K'ninil "hall Alice Arm ami will ,.pHd .a, few ii..I In- an appointive uffiee. day In llie cily A r"lildernjilf number of reo IniH-iu deal wilh llie necessity Xo children under llie n;rc oT WIRELESS REPORT f-ti- railway extension in vuriou ivliH'ii ndmltied fo "Man. Woman. tli i i ii-1 ., while education alio 8 a.m. !9 Marriase"- at Wesiholme. t v-tz i r nniiSL r: TUi:i: I'UIXr Th I)i:AI) receive much altenliigi. ' --tllcar: Stocktaking Comes in 2 Months. St !i!.-t- lhlriel Ao.iociatioii ha I'riday and SaMirday.. calm; barometer, 30..'G: Inii-peralurc. HiiA oiilniiilii'd rt-oliilioii reemiu Qharlic I.cClerci. llo llair-IrciseK i'J: sea smooth; fu p. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY iiM-ii.lnitf inirtaHl pliaitpi in ' m.. in Prince John northbound. Marrvl wsivfnt' and S. S. PRINCE RUPERT will sail 11 p;m. Wednesday for irniiii Ill'l.l. HAIlltOH Clear, calm: : urrirulilHi of lb hiuI Tntil ;hat time we will oiTer Mralp irenlmeul. SI. Htiuo Hole! 30.11;' Auyox. Midnight Thursday fur Swanson Day, Ocean Falls, inuh M'linol. wbile n nnnilMT of baromelej-. lempi.raluce. IIimhii C. I'hone Orern 310. If. I'nwell lliver, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. rMluliii Hie 2; smooth; I a.m. spoke on rfajnc Ullij'fl . sea in Several Lines Specials lia' fii'i'ii nreivil fnon the I'rinre lluperl abe'am llella lit lla S. S. PRINCE .JOHN For all points oti .Northern and ll. vv lliver Ii. V A. Conliliieni-y Hie lire (i''arinieni made .a norlhbound. Southern Queen Charlotte Islands; January 2 and 16. le. run lo llov Hooth MeiiHirial --'.c lall'in. ' IHlillY ISI'VXH Clear, calm; Stewart, January 5 and 19. CHOCOLATES School yilerd.iy nfternoon for a Hi'MihiltoiM tiavi- Itivil iilnnll- barometer. :t(i.i5: icinpccature, Train Service. French fin- drill and lhcN bnildiiu waf 'i hv a iniinlfiT of liM'aN' ile- cleared 'ti; sea smooth! l'assn 'cr MONDAY, WEDNESDAY ami SATURDAY at 11:15 quickly of children. A maii.hni: llie r'eill of lliee Shi-p-ii.ii.I. Noon i. in For- Sni llii rs. i'rince Oeor;c, l'.diuont'u and Winn muile was lo -from lh hoe niakinu direm for all in lias who ran in uiipoiilhoi (n DI'.AI) THKK I'OIXT Clear; ics. connection points tern wiiatili when the rim wa made. Canada and I'mtcd Shiles. Ivory tin- I K.A. i nniliilale (nSlrlh ' calm; barometer. .Hi.50: lemjier- STATIONERY Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. iia in llie rerem rHleral elee alurr. 31; seai smooth. Mr, iieor II. While left City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue Phone 260 I lull. Ill'l.l. IIAIIIIOll Clear, calm: nit tin m ni in? train for ! - Tin- iri ioi-ial govern nieiil i barometer, 30.1.': Jeuipcrailure, Tlu-so will be :old at cost to clear. tiryeil lo inlroiluet le-.'inlatioo o iHka. Alberta, aecoiiipauyin? the it; sou smooth; 10 a.m. spkr reiHHin of her father M. Or. linivide llial a liioinlier of the who died here enl ore in Milbauk Sound soulli- Mainlay. vcny, on I'-Kixlature mdeeleij lo a io.ilioii Inlerineut hound. . CANADIAN PACIFIC will' lake iilnce in RAILWAY ORMES LIMITED in (he eiipinvl thai! mil he re. I'onoka where Ihc" deceiHiMl rc- HHillV fSI.A.N'11- Clear, culm: iiiiri'ij lo reiurn lo lil-emllMi- idedfur many yer. barometer, 30.IS; tcajperaliin'. B.C. Coast Services eney for re-election. 30; sea smiK-'ili; spnkr J i-1 1-.i- The.Pioncfr Druggists The RcxalljStore lluperl due at' 2.: 15 p.m. Doctor's Fee. The Veneralde Archdeacon w. II is iir iiHtei in a reolulin II. iktlli'nii mL Kincilllli, is EIRTH, i Sailings from PrinceRupert ( Mmini Vernon IimmiI lhal -fill crllicully HI Sieronliny in A daughter -bum lo Mr. a iniiiiiniiiii doclnr'-t fee of ivporli which touched Hie city was For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway unl Mrs. .1. C. Caviyan a I Hie -hall le fixed ill rciii"Cl Jn nil by Hie Vculuri. ysl'nlay afler. Summit Apartments Uiis, iniira- January 2, 1G, 30; February 13, 27. niali'i-nily eaei anil that a inaxi-miiii noon. Kev. W, . 1 (lollii.011 ami - I Cakes Iced Order. -hall he aurcinl upon, In I. M. CoIUmhi, fif till city, are iny. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattls- to a ii's.ilui inn Kiibiiiilled hy this till al Hie bedside of their llav yon read Albeit X Ml- January 7, 21; February 4, 18. - local the feeii eharxeil' by the father. Caff-ry' ad Etc. Calvary Medical Aimocinliou 4ip Agency for all Steamship Lines. Individual Mince Pies, Pumpkin Pies, iiioleil a 3"i iiiilea'se. ami Specialists in Birthday and Wedding Cakes llie KiJiiioiiIoii AiMMalinn t: FULLER'S SPECIALS Cut Flowers, llulbs. City Mar-tf Full iiiformatiun from OUR, PASTRY IS UNEXCELLED iti mileage. Vri1u oilier kct. W. ,C. ORCHARD, General Agent "The Home of Domestio Bread" clianve-' in Icislallnii affectiuu ll. C. Fresh 50c. J Corner of 4th Stred and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, O. llie meilieal profejiniou arc re- I tularin Cheese, per lb 25-i ANNOUNCEMENTS THE LACASSE BAKERY ijiichMi. iiixerioii auk that all Xew California irape Fruit. medical charge ilia 1 1 h rcfnil-. each 5c. lini (niidi'S Chapter. I.O.O.I-. Phone 1S0 717 Third Avenun P. O. Box 413 aii.j Dy jiip siivcrsuncti!. . "oeal Our regular lillr l ea. 2 lbs. for Aimual Children'- Fancy llrss UNION STEAMSHIP CO OF B.C., LIMITED. f llie I'niled l-'ariil Women of 95c. Hall, Friday. January Salllnrs mm Prloco Rupert: lli rla ak lhal llie medical IlllllenV Cake. Ili'uular oOc now For Vtncoumr, victoria, ralliuit al Swinson Bay, orrao Falla, Tuesday, I pjo. For Port Slmpaon, Naaa Rliar, Antoi and Allca Arm, Sunday, midnight. n-harye in maternity cafci he 40c. Caakig at Ocaanle and Naaa Harbor od tailing Oct. tS. tier, 6, 0OC. j fixed al I,V ISc Hollies Chili Sauce, now Calllna 4. Somarirllla,Jtn. I. Kumaon, Mill Bay on lllllDO Oct. II, 10, NOT. II, THEQ COLLART, LTD. - - TLTcY j ColiipuNory mediral Ireatmeul 25c. A Certain Man 97. Dee. II. is. S23 S.eond Annul JACK BARNSLCr, Agant Prlnea Rupart. B. 0, iof defeclixe school children in SweejCoru. Tins 15c. FOII SAI.I Six-room house Willi Imili, SlUdO. half cash; 'demanded by Tairaores local, I!. I'.iitpiess Coffi4, Is., 55c. Nnilli Avenue and Mcllrido Street. y. w. a. While iipllia Snap: III Tnr 85oj t Lake 'J'heliiia local the urute. Rentals Real Estate General Insurance I eilalilihment of a 'democratic, ally owueil and conlrolleil civdil mEUt COAL! COAL! COAL! Phone Blue 69 Westholme Theatre Block P. O. Box 69 !yeni," while many renolulionn deal with Hie siilij t-cl s of hank. soever he may he, we will. imk and credit. Hns for $1.45. "wntcli" for a very low price this week at our watch 17 J r"' 1 aO II. I'. Weuruioulli "ii a trip too late to classify i I Hclsoii L oal Lompanv ;to Alice Arm and Anyov in con- DENTISTRY ! ?ee some pnees in the win-, " nccllnii with- his dulie!. n avenl i I dow. Ask Tor any olhei j rftOneOO of the Soldiers' Civil lte-e.tah- IOST ladv s Wrisl Walclr in i'lials k ki,ul of wuU'''- v '" 11 l'silion to give IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, by the tooth lleward Finder missliiK Don't ncglccl your leclli. On decayed or listitiii'til Hoard re- turn lo' Hailv News Ofrice. IS T U D,,!,. tn ur earload, of our famous EDSON COAL, which Is known lowers your vitality. Vou are Hut sJOIlIl DUl?6x be the best value of any coal on the market. oi iterlmetUr LOST -Cold Cuff lleward BEST COAL AT LOWEST PRICES rCZEMA Ing wUen '"' J8" DR. BAYNE (litu'i you uo Hint-Dr. Finder please return lo Daily ORDER NOWPHONE 58 nooms 4, 5, 0, Helgerson Block Phone 103 lucut (or Ertrma and tiain irriia- Pce Feed Co. 1 , Uuua. It rrllevra at once and gradii- wa'- 7oT 0fficer " Rupert (Illlco Hours: Muriilnu. 0-1 2 : Aflcnmniu, 1:30-3:30; ally braia tn akin. Miuipio u it. .ha,,,-,,, (.' (Iliitinent Irr tl ytm uirnUun Uil t:- Second Avenue and SeventH Street lAcnlnRs. 7 i. and aeud w.aiamp lirjmii(t. a si.e. Apply Dally .Yew, orrice. Kxr iillilealrra or kdwaoum. H.lri & Co., Ltuilt d. lot" '