s WHEN YOU WANT A THE NEW TAXI QQ main YOKOHAMA in a hurry CAFE J J HOME BAKERY Phone The Dot of. Everything. PRINCE RUPERT Try our service ALL NEW CAKS Phone Black Bp Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper vol. xni. no. us. PJUNCK IlLTBUT, II. C, SAl'l.'II DAY. MAY 13, ltB2 Vttterdar'i Circulation tMI Strut !, 394. PRICE FIVK CKNT8 Great Ore Strike Is Made At Stewart FIVE VESSELS OF CANADIAN NAVY ARE TO GO INTO DISCARD Discovery Made At Exchange BLUE SUNDAY General Agreement With SIXTH AVENUE TURNED DOWN Russians Is Impossible; BRIDGE OVER Group, Near Premier, May Be France Done With Issue CREEK CLOSED Victoria Ratepayer Vole Best Ever in Portland Canal Overwhelmingly Lord's Day Observance. Against UF.NOA, May I it. A- ii result of Ihe hireling of Hie econo mic conference sub-eoiiiiuillee mi llussian uffuir.s loiiay, Hie sit- 'Board of Works (lives Instruc-ualiou became, mi critical thai it seemed doubtful whether the tlons that Vehicular Trafflo VICTORIA, May 13. The Hcilish and I- rciicfi positions rould be reconciled whatever. A fieri Will Have to Detour, STEWART, May 13 While doing assessment work last ratepayers ef this c.'ty at adjournment, the Hrilish. delegation announced thut a serious week on the Exchange Group, a property just north or the Premier FRANK BARRIEAU ' the plcbijc t) held yesterday though friendly discussion bad occurred. CITY ENGINEER FINDS mine, Albert Peterson made a discovery of solid ore, high LOSES CANADIAN rejected tho proposed enforcement While the Russian reply has practically disrupted the program IT IN BAD CONDITION In gold and silver values, which may prove to be the most startling WELTER TITLE of the Lord's Day of tin; conference and it appears that a general agreement Alliance Act b.- vote of with Hie Miisisiaus at Ihe present meeting is impossible. rnm- On t-eromineiidalion or Ihe city stake In this district for years. The big find was made when MON TH FAL, May 13. 3853 to 509. The vcte was mission may be formed lo inves engineer, the Hoard of Work Peterson was putting In an open cut on a large mineralized zone Hermoiidsey Hill Wells, or taken on the question as to ligate such questions as credits, committee i( the elly council which is some 80 to 85 feet wide striking northwest and southeast London, Kngland, won the whether cr not the police SAD MISSION debts and treatment of foreign Inst night decided to close the with a slight dip to the northeast. 'iiiiaOi.in welterweight li-llc commission's oollcv for the und private projerty in Russia Sixth Avenue Hay Creek' bridge rigid observance of the Sabbath with Hie hope that something to Vehicular J i-affic tin' an in- The new lead has actually been traced along the surface liy defeating Frank IS EXECUTED ' should be carried out. constructive may be accomplished. derinite period and official notification ' some 7()() reel bill il it Juunvn to harricati mi point in a ' The Anti-Blue Sunday League, The dominant task is lo reconcile lo this efreel was ordered much trn round bout Tie re lasl nionbnrD Dire i-M-.d twum. n... .. In view of the tremendous communism and private lo be placed in Ihe press III.MIKIIr.U Klrr, kt.ici. Peters.,.. p..t m i -r, red night . victory, now proposes to Special Constable at Stewart Investigates properly rights. today. The order affects veliic--ular Ions hihJ is in solid ore all the Death and Buries ' s'ltat for a repeal or modification An immediate general agreement traffic only such us automobile AGAIN BELFAST.way. Willie (In- ruck on I lie of the Lord's Day James Holden's Body. . with Itussia appears improbable and teams which will-now I surface docs nut look - - - very pro-! Act. owing to the great vari have to make Hie detour iiiising id. assays.,, ,, obi allied i from tin; uuiuimu NkVhkAl uiuriLiii MAI I A report has jus been re-ieicd ance between the Russian -system, by Mcllridc Street, McClyrnont UVltUi'l ! I III; UUI !Mi,W t.'Al"VJ- by A. 12, Aliuly. provincial Park and Klevenlh or communism and the system Avenue to Firing In City Trains Robbed liolially high values in gold ami REPAIR JOBS AT ji'iliee1 chief. from Provincial prevailing clsewheiv but -the ma reach the east end of the city. Barracks Are Seized and silver. Native silver has been Olistaldc (!. .lacksou. Cyril of jority or the statesmen here at Pedestrians may still use the Fired dug on I from crevices in Hie LOCAL SHIPYARD Slewarl. wlnf Avas recently sent bridge. the conference still hope that roek wild a pocket knife. So far STUDENTS PASS ! up in to Hie '"upper Naas lliver some means of reeouslrucliii The order comes as a result 1)1X1-AST, May 13. -Firing was neither einl of (lie ha IcouiiltV cut Several small repair jobs are' by I lie Provincial au-;lliiMilfes llussia and bringing it back to,0'a" "''l,'',,tuin recently made rriienril in the Marrowbone section liMielie I he wall so il isbard loj being executed al Ihe Canadian! to invcsllgutc the death the ramily or nations may" be dewl1' :il' Knsjineef K. J. Whittaker lust nielli compelling the ay how li igh I In.' value may National Shipyard al Hays Cove.! AT UNIVERSITY jaiid ltury llui tb,(dy of .lames ' . I with a view to having rrnairs m;eiMion of elret cur hcrviee. an. I he ore anneal i n Jo be a The work tutu, tinder u':tv i 1 1 L(.M':M-....Ky Pav 'niveumwrv-rmtalnlug lr ffffiftfirnrhylmll Ur JttilJT7 nils it-t,a i rs lo H Caiiaiiiiin rnueti dead' body wi.lh lha( i.r ,,VH M .. n T Kreiieh "triielure he round il in worse 0'u we:-e stolen from a railway best ores found in- Hie Premier, Kish nnd (Htlii Storage r.o.'s scow .Wcldon R. McAfee, of"George-Is In- dog was discovered fn u delegate' will 'in (ie.w.i condition than was generally extent lucomothe crew and a Irani was Hie rock on (lie surface belli painting of (wo more and re- town, B.A. Raymond A. I some miles from Tide Lake, 'T J" peeled, the majority of the caps li' bi tip and rubbed on the Done-'a quail, porphyry pairs to a trauby barge rrom Fisher, B.Sc. early in April. other take pari questions in llie limn delibera Hussuin ions on and bent s being rot leu and the gal border. j "John the Finn" Again. Aliyov. Tliere are also n few (.instable .lacksou, accompan. be ie whole bridge In a bad stale. The Dritlsb iiuvul radiu station i The Kxchaiigc Oroup coiisisis ifi-limg liiial-- in for repairs. Pailial results or the examinations ied by John Herndgen. a pros, as are properly fine (he con-fejenee. The ipieslion now will be It ul liiinbeg, Dojicgul. wan destroy- of four claims silualed belweenj at (tie rniversity of D. C. pci'lor? Jefl Slewarl on April I!,', at the Foreign was stated Office this morning that whether a new bridge altogether vil by fire. It was held ly mu- uie unnan anu imisii mines,norm COLORS OF POSTAGE for this year hove been rcceiu-il nd were,' storm bound for Iwo i to be built, or whether exten they would have io xinerrs wlioevlcled Mnlish coast of Ihe Premier and lying in the in lliej it). days at Ihe. Spider cabins. They nothing more sive repairs will oe undertaken. do with guards some days ugo. They left valley oT Casrade Creek, a tcib-of STAMPS ARE CHANGED The following local pupils are reached Tide liake on April 25 Itussiau afrairs. As lar The council is lo inspect Hie la.I night after firms Hie build- , ulary Ihe Salmon lliver. Tin) mentioned: and Ihe following day the two as Itussiau iii-oblehis are con structure and Hie Hoard of -works ilia owners are Jonu llaaini. neiter Weldi.n Hubert McAfee, of men reconnoitred the glacier rr cerned the conference is consid will iikely, at a later dato ; known as ".lolm Hie Kinn," who One Cent Will Be Straw Colored; (ieorgctown, Dachelor of. Arts degree a passage. On Hie morning 'id be,ered by Hie French government to after further consideration, . made the lucky strike al the Sil- Two . Cent, Green Other witli first class honor in April 2'J they followed down (lie over. bring in a report. POTLACHERS TO xeraibf some I wir Vears ago, Albert Changes. Kconomics. south bank of the river, where l'eleron and William Noble, Itayiuomi Anderson I'Mslier, of an old maii-lrail in the snow' BRITISH MANDATE all of Slewarl. : OIT.UVA. May A number Prince lluperl, ll.'ichelor of in lining rrom (he river back into SERVE TERMS I'lu rock on Hie surface at' or changes in the color or Canadian Science in Agriculture; graduate the .bush was uolii'iid. .This IN PALESTINE NOT Hie ifxeliange irouj Is of such postage slump are being in second class. trail was followed ami after:. going IN QUEBEC a barren nature nun uie groonu made In ctinfoiiii witli Ihe new Cedric J, Duncan, parsed first some 20U yards (hey came CONSIDERED NOW' of been walked over by a little "V" shaped Jtim i" Appeal by Thirteen Indians lias prospector international regulalious. A year Arts.in second class. upon Alert Bay Rejected by for years without being straw colored one.cent stamp is Frank It. Darnsley, now of Van a Ihicket of balsam and cotton- Waves Come Over Wharves i F.NKVA, May 1 3.- The French nolcd. Although wood tree. 'I'liis nbonl spol was particularly the old Supreme Court being issued M replace couver, passed nrsi year Arts in slaked in Ihe early days, lillle green one-cent slump which has second class. seventeen miles north of Tide Today and Ousting Rats ami Italian objections to II io From Nests. imiuediale consideration of the ANCOl VKI1, May IJ. I'lie or no wofK was none unu cwo been in use many years; ami as "' Marjorie A. Huberts, of Prince Lake. tMiprcme Court lias refused the llaahli and his "yssociates, who, .Hie various post offices exhaust lluperL 'passsd first.year Arts. A pack-saddle, unowshocs, QUEBEC, May 13 Quebec proposition to approve the Dril-' ish mandate for Palestine application f,,r 'u suspension of have held the ground since IHM, their supply of green stamps Allan D. MeNichoIl, uT Prince and traps were hanging against Is experienclnn the were t)ie sentence 'passed upon thirteen did not give il any senoiisVal- they will be replaced with Ihe lluperl. passed firsl year Alls. Ihe outside of Hie lent and Ihe highest tide or the year today made The certain mailer today.will bo postponed Indians from Alert Hay con-vii lenlion until this year, having new issue. 'I'lie red twn-ecill Margaret K. Lindsay, of Prince flap was tied. Upon going inside and In some places In until Hie next meeting of the-councillor coillelited Uieinselves in Hie pas) sjamp is being replaced with Constable Jack son ui flic the lower town the leij of potlacldng. The rcn-leiae Itupert. passed first year Arts waves the League of Nations. or Iwo iiionllis yu all, with with merely doing Ihe necessary a green slump and should a witli supplemental granted in body or Iloldjtw' Ijing upon a are rolllnn over the wharves but one exception, will expire on asessiuen work. H was not six cent slump ever be issued il Physics 1. rough bed verd by UJjUikels. and chasln? before them May 'Mi. The case of Jack Hunt, until Allierl Peterson went up will take I lie red color hitherto Ihe dead ij,xty 0(,p lltlle: dog swarms of rats that are being who wus sentenced lo six months, Hits year ami gave the grounu distinguishing Hie Iwo-cenl SCHOOLERS lay ourleU' ift,ioiv the bed by forced out or their BOBBY MICHAELS IS man net ore that TOO MANY I Ik- side fit lli,Willi. scrutiny conies again in Iwo wveks for closer stamp. The five-cent stamp nests. The sea water has rtiiidi'rutioii,up il was realized Hial they had is of a violet shade while Hid FOR SIBERIA LEAD Tle bifajv tra eiolhed in iiu-dershirl.. flooded some of the dock WINNER OVER BURNS toil nromises now to become leu-cent lamp Is blue. ii'shirt, iiiaeklnaw sheds. of Ihe biggest mines in tin? pant. oiiH otk and no under, one TO INVESTIGATION New Yorkor Won on Points from MASONS WILL NOT district. KENTUCKY DERBY drawer. Mr. imj Mrs. (I. A. I-ruser, or B. C. Lightweight Champ at Everything Orderly. Victoria, arrived ju the city on Vancouver Last Night. ADMIT KU KLUX CUT IN RATES - BEING RUN TODAY Authorities Arms for Believe Chinese Are Armies Carrying1 A rock about the size of a the Prince lluperl Ibis morning, KLAN TO MEMBERSHIP man's head, lay against Ihe en route to Stewart. Mr. Fras-er Vancouver, May 13. -Hobby English and Welsh Railways I.OL'ISVII.I.K. May 13. Ideal HKATTLK, May 4. Federal soles of the feel. There were no is eoulemplating opening up Michaels, of New York, was g'iN'-i Tako Steps to Stimulate marks of violence on the body a drug s(nrc there in the near en lao decision over Charlie weal her conditions prevail for authorities have been investiga SAN l ilANCISCO, May 13- A Industry. and the body reposed as though future. (Itoilghhouse) ijurns, Hie light Uie running of the Kentucky ting the report thai severnl lei tm- directing that member, of asleep. The face of the corpse weight champion of British Columbia, Derby I inlay when eleven of Ihe schooner have are about lo "ic Ku Klux Klan be denied ud-tnlftaiico LONDON. Mify 13. -The Kng-ish or was not discolored. 'I'lie cooking Jle,,who gtiess-llniales oh the in a leu round bout hern faslesl three colls in the said for Kamchatka and the Si-beriau into the Masonic order and Welsh railways announce year utensil were all clean and there Job may lose money. lasl night. cut in rales la an country will face Hie barrier at coast carrying urms and wan orderej senl lo all niem-lers a big were no dirty cups or plates. of the Aider in California, effort lo stimulate industry. 5 o'cluck for a J57,U0( purse. ammunition destined ultimately I'nouiih food was discovered in Constable Jackson took away and Hie Hawaiian Islands today for delivery to -Hie urmy or (icu-erul the tent lo lal a heallhy man from the lent was a rifle which NOTHING DOING by Dr. Samuel K. llurke, of Los Chang Tso I.in waging wur Tor llircc or four days. The lie handed lo Hie provincial police Angeles, grand master of H'O Cruiser Aurora, Destroyers in China, and possibly ollicl' healer was in good condition. of Slewarl on his return. Calirorniu Jurisijicllon of the armies. Upon examination or the body The constable staled in his VANCOUVER DOCK order who is visiting here. And Patrician And of the dog tlio constable de-elded report that in hi opinion tho Patriot COLLINS SAYS FRET .ll had starved lo death. deceased was not u woodsman und COLONEL WARDEfToF No pupers or letters of any description did not know how to look after But Victoria Contract Will Be Two Subs Are To Be Laid Up STATE WILL PROTECT were round amongst himself in Hie bush. He also Continued Says Dr. King. 102ND BATALLION Hie dead man's personal effecls knew very little about trapping PROTESTANT LIBERTY and there was nothing which for the (raps were not oiled. A VANCOUVKH, May 13. In a IS VISITING CITY jTTAV May 111. Five ship of Hie Canadian Navy are would Idenliry the body. The trapper Intending to, trap for a message lo the Hoard of Trade, iVtne government U i announced In Uie House Dl'lIMN ,May 13. lleceiving constable had vacked a shovel whole season In a place would Hon. Dr. J. It. King, minister of Colonel J. to be laid up a lirolestuul delegiitlou whlcli from Tide Lake and with Ibis huvo pul up a cabin especially publie works, intimate lliut the W. Warden urrived in Uie "r CTI.?cr.iiser Aurora and Ihe destroyers patriot and l'alrician asked him ir (lie Irish wished Hie inside Ihe lent lie dug b gruvo where the right sfed timber government, -afler un invesllgu-llmi mis city on Hie Prince, Hnpeil are to be discarded in the Interests of Pi'oteslauls to leave Hie country, across (be lent parallel with (he Is so plentiful and handy. In the of the dry dock situation on t-olonel morning. liming tho War V submarines. ii i.t. mi I'll i 1 1 r.tmsl for. ih Irmiiiiitr uf ceoij-U Michael Collin yesterday rrbnl and back. 1'lacing the opinion of (he constable tho ij-ccused the roust, will not continue the Dt-'nd Warden coiiinianded the coast protection. Men will bo (ruined fur two assured the delegation , that the body in Ihe gravoJie rilled it In contracted a severe chill, (iuloildy lu Ihe proposed Vancouver Ilattallon, (;auadian Kxie.-dillunury , force weeks lor each yeur for u penod of Hiree years. Tbe coin- Tree Stale would protect tliem and placed a cross at Mm head and Mils aggravated by internal dry dock but xytll continue Kolces. He ulll bo in ih. Inscribed "J. trouble, lowered his vitality Ihe work on Hie dock ul Hie force will be U8J besides the reserve force oi and ensure civil nnd religious on which was so city and district for about u plete penimneul liberty. llolden." The only that he succumbed to Mie eold. Ksiuliualt. nioulli, officers.