- -'.t..i- wttMiiM, n.-.',........ PAfJX TWO TTTl nATTTT HWff - . : - The Daily News ASSESSMENT IS imiii!i,iiiiiiiiiiiiiui!'iii niniiV 1 " II llll illlllllllllllllM pm.NCB nupRUT - nnmsii Columbia : PACKAGES ( Pnbllihed Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince CRITICIZED IN j Hnpert Daily New, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLRN, Managing Kdilor. PRIVATE REPORT SUBSCRIPTION nATtSt City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month Aid. Montgomery Alltgtt Orott Rscommsnds by mail to all part of the Hrilish Umpire, aiid the United-ritate. Intqualltltt and Reduction of Eiptndlturtt in advance, per yen frt.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 V report fr.nn Aid. Montgomery ' iting with assesmenl matters TELEPHONE 08 was rereivei ny ine roy nmnni transient Display Advertiing per Inch per insertion lat night an.) laid on the table Transient Advertising on Front I'Me. t$2.0 per Inch until ncli time a the ascmenl LonI Header, per insertion, Sftc.per line next question for year con- up. Classified Advertising, insertion 2c word per per The report of the alderman Legal Notices, each insertion 15c agate line per elates! that he had evolved a sys Contract Hate on Application.. tem of man with notation of All advertising should he in The Daily News ohlce on day preceding assessed value whereby coin. publication. All advertising received uhject to approval. imrfn etlhLbe easily made Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. The use of these map Aid. mom - 1 romery reconrmeinieii ior me ue 1 DAILY EDITIOH Wednesday. Sept. 6. 19::?. the court Inequalltitt.r rcvilon Honor To Men Who r.harsre of ineqiiahie - ii;!iljhli ! 8Urt New Industries. inenl were laid in the reiiort. il The men who ore progressive, and who start new industries tein stated that the ou'-ide pro HI HI! llll iiibliIIH,illllIIIIliu(IHlllllllDllMI lllHIIttllllllt , are the one who are of benefit lo a community. Sometime ,irrtie were heinc aesed I' - . . they make good and Mimetimes they fail but at any rate they try. the disadvantage of the coe m I roperly. Takirot till I .is a bai rinii APPIVAK AND li.Miud. at I i.Mr and 'i T ; nnlc it I Were it not for the men and wnmen who try and who are willing il was staled lhat ne aluat.on riJfl tUiUTlLO ftilU Mwy. :i.on imhiimI. hi It V and; lit take a chance, there would be an end. lo all development to had lHe deerca.ed oOO in-r eenl C if CC ClWf C MANnAY . Sr. to the CatMtillan Fih and E. H.-3H0CKLEY Today we are able announce (he commencement of a new wnuui uiiivu industry here, that of fishing for dog fih lo be used in the reduction since then while there had al. I ..Id Storsure r... Planing Mlllst Com Bay. Wharf: Nsit Impsrltl Oil Oxl, leen nerea.es HI I on per rem. .. . .. Anna J.. ?' pount. at t5 f1,i,.in t Is- Iran-.-- 3M. a. Phonal work at Turk Inlet for the manufacture of fertilizer. . . t-t. I rt. . . I home lots were, laying. I-" lion nt the Fi.h Ficlmnge on and 1 Ar. I.. Mini Flliere. ininerio me ministry na nccn carried on miring me summer tslVr fn DIMENSION, FINISHINO LUMBER, PLAN KINO IkiD niily. If the new industry is successful the plant will operate enl nyire lax wlitta were Monday and TW-.lny: K.Mhak. ooo noiiiM. at I TIMBERS. 8HINQLES, LATH, DOORS AND WINDOW! i nvinir Vt iwr eenl le. see I ion :imI ',.'tr. l I'arilic Fiherie. Salt continuously a long as the supply of offal fih i forthcoming. Monday' Agtnt feet Mr. Hiishby is lo be congratulated on hi efforts. What we have : had heen pi veil the lanresl re HrinroAld. la.onn ivmismI. i l'4tM- Siirer. I i.OOO nfMilxl. h..herton A llaekett Raw Mill. Ltd, 4 unctions in five year, the lilsh It and 7 Cane Clear. M.noo at ! . anrt ,.ar; Heoth. V.isfHt ? been needing here for some lime has been men who would do J Fjfe Hmilti llardwoo!, est vnlned propertv in. that sec-lkn a It &. ....I 7. . forward. immiiwU. at t vr and ?.&: I hit. thing instead of grumbling because time were dull. If Mr. .amat)o' .1 fly Cottonwood l'aiiUln Hiishby can conduct the new business enterprise successfully he Mng the corner of Fifth l.ooo iMWfid. at tl.&e an 7r, io im I t.Ami MHind at I t and Oarland I Miinv Hoofm? Paiiil Meeet ansl Thint Aventie on which the Otsadkin Fih and lW SUsr- 7.5e. to I he Hoval Fiah :. will set an example to other to launch out iiilo other line of (ill's Ciirar St ire lxtd. Ineipial 'a, endeavor. sae ily wa hete aliened, the alder traiiif. I l,noa iNtyns. at t t.W- Herring Enough To men opinina Ihal'the hnth Street ami 7e; AIIL II.AOA pmiissH. at Ten Years Ago end 'Ihinl Avenue corner a II ?t and TSL In Ike fta)al' Flah 8upply The World. vananir one. inr In Hi'nrt. Kupsrl William Duff, chairman of the fisheries rnmmlinn, in an lore 'rin,"U,t " Woae 86 eferml to vaioniions in e-iHm -l lltltfnonlBlotl, Prince Rapetl h.imm pomwl. al interview at Nanaimo slated that there wn enough herring o't . .Hpianw,.. 5. one rrtrtiwilar lot hem valueo: this coast lo supply the world and he hoped the commission llM. AMn FUkwr I.. K. MtFarlane. the iouiikImI would, he able to make recommendation that would be iff aisJ at "voji, winie mn one 4aeed uires-nv ies. unitary inaperlor, aiol Ki brute, Dr. E. S. TAIT t ttie street here-s wa at I l.tc Mia Hua-he. ,.f it,r in etahihiug the Senator. SO.OOO pounds, foritserry auce fishing industry on a permanent Itasi e0. He was satisfied that the I tooth FHbarie local staff l imm on this coast. ami 7c. lo the tinsyuai arn Dental roll n crowded with oeh Ine-lpn.i,,,,. Surgeon the snsilli the nni.iiii thi on During the session of the commission here, it wa staled that herring of first quality could he secured lie re by the use of iilialttie. il wa also reeoiM. Vriilrt. nmitvl. at 1 1 3c iiinruina. They were -, uy Ofict Uoott, 9. .m. fo 9',p.m. mended that a competent aesMi either drift nets or seine. With the use of seine much of the inake the tVit an.I 7e, to the Allin Flatteries. niarrietl m Van.-ottsrer and will) SmnJay l.e apiminte! to by Appatmtl Tuttdty't Sties , 'tke ll'i ill. ll r,-Meiiee al I heir calch had to be used for manufacture of fertiliser but with drift imsessiitent. Pair of Jack. 13.00 pound. new home oil Sixth Avenue Kaxt.' net only fish suitable for curing were caught. The fih were to the Aid taken during the summer month and were then far superior to lyhhan Speakiflic aM be would report.like to al II.Vc and 7 &r: Ultian M., 3.. j any taken during the winter run. know Who Aid. Monlaoeaery nnn poind, at II.ie ami 7.&e. io Sir Oeorge In.uglily w the The development of the herring and rod fihjng industry the I tooth llsherte fin. .iH'skrr of Ihr I'trnlsa al the hcnjijuie of ttie development In be expected in the near future would select the a a asesor'..milie'ronetent man KmMein; S.ooo MMnls, at n.ae :ndi 141.1. MiM..ei UstiUNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OP B.C., LIMITED The main thing forlhoe contemplating such a move I to make The uilalf finance er eomniilleo al and 7.5e: Joe Itaker. 3.OOO lumnd. ntehl. lie alctsck a n.rfe f SAILINGS in of wa at It.Hc and 7.3.-: Uuilford. ?.ooo -lunty !mMi'taiim ami .r.-diriel Foe Vancouver, iieean Fall and nin llay. Tuedy I thorough investigation regard to method curing, supply of tr tne advioe ways redy reeiv IHiiinds, at It.ft. and r.res. Miai Prim . Nui.rrt . nr.-..i fih. Foe Vanoouvse, Alert Hay and Port Hardy. Saturday ja fish, and marketing. o many enterprise are commenced hy f other meniler of the council tent. I0.0IHI iM.nnds. at tl.Kr and iia IndiMi't would fnriii.li men For Aniroi. A lira Arm. Pott Himusun and Wale- people who do not secure proper information before commencing and their asslanee would ! .ac: llelianee. tl.OOO fwntiid al for III. ioi..-iial aiuiv nn.I navy midnight. and who thus discredit the business and the possibilities, in the areally appreciate,! ue II.He ami T.5c; Soiiiiom. ir,.ooo li ,i V "unit pr.''..'il. Foe Naaa Rlsae Oannaelat. Friday a.m. o.ent protdem. Wrong Tack For No Strings on Atssssoc City To Take. Aid. Montgomery said that he It ha been suggested that the should ask city or remission tad no definite person in view- nt of automobile taxe because there are no government highway this time, hut lie wits ure that leading out of the city. To do tjii would be a step in the wrong there were men in town capable direction. One of the chief argument we have had in favor of of the task. The most tmiiitaiil getting the work started ha been that our auto taxes were being requirement wa that th spent elsewhere. The lieller plan would be to secure the sloiuld be no slniius on the aes commencement of wojrk on the construction of a road leading Mir. If the present system wa out of the city. ronnnued he did not look hriuhtly It i understood that the government plan call for the fcr the future. Outside properly To Holders of Five Year commencement of the work next year. Thi year it wa found would have lo cave in w1h the necessary lo spend all the appropriation in the farming dMrirts burden oMaxatipn a soine inside where it would bring the greatest return, lion. T. D. Pallullo property wa evn .loins alread; has bad the matter up already and it i understood will make 'I he ie of t tie city did not ;ar. 5i Canada's recommendation (o'the provincial cabinet in regard to work rani pir.ent expenditure and lli per cent during the coming season. Thi would be much better than ak-iqff (ily should gel down to br for remission of the taxes. lark am! live a a city of rt.noo M,Hilalion should instead of a CHEMICAL SOCIETY so far inland a lo be deprived of a city; with 30.000. The prei,l Victory Bonds ,ea food in ipianlitie. situation uf n Is isc Is asemen IN SESSION TODAY Ktlp Industry and a millatre rale up to I he limit J. W. Turrenljn. whose activ wa not alisfartory or Hoper IS Issued in 1917 and Maturing 1st December, 1922. ities resulted in the esiahlish- on . ptscustss Elimination of Knock-r n., i-i., industry on Hie Aid. Collar! agreed with Aid. lag In Englnss; Klp at a (Pacific roast. introduced the sea-Msdleln Montgomery that late were l$o jweed kelp in it new role to the hiir'i and eipendit'ire Iimi great. CONVERSION Chejnis, "17ie new form." be lie would favor I he utakliig of Ihei PROPOSALS iHTltJItUHnil. Pa.. Sept. fl. said, "admits of cheap preparation asenienl by llieiillwr of the Peaweed kelp, automobile engines, and preservation, and is city hall staff who should tit i HE MINISTER OF FINANCE offers to holder Holder of the maturing bondt who with to avail ahd Just plain milk were the wide. aily atailahle fur the afflicted familiar with Hie situation and in of these bonds who desire to continue their themselves of this conversion privilege should take people of all countries." 0 heller imisiIIod to .iki'over the their bonds AS EARLY AS !OSSIBLE, BUT NOT I different subjects discussed at IS investment in Dominion of Canada securities the i lliiuseie uncertainly as to dutie than any outsider. LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 30th. to a Branch of the opening day of lha American the youth or age of the contents 2 privilege of exchanging the maturing bonds foi new any Chartered Bank in Canada and receive in exchange Chemical Society contention now' Of the ImiIIIc found Willi the bonds bcafing Sj per cent Interest, payable half yearly, an official receipt for the bonds surrendered, containing beinir hold here. iiewspaer on the (torch each CAR SLIPPED BACK 11 of either of the following classes: - an undertaking to deliver th; corresponding bonds of On the platform Wore tin del-r porniiitt i I lie reason for the OYER CLIFF INTO the new issue. fates, where usually yudiony (a) Five bonds, dated 1st November, year prominent part of milk in today Holders of maturing fully registered bonds, Interest i-rcheKtra perform, a motor en-Bine 1922, to mature 1st November, 1927. meetlnir. ''.Methylene blue," NIAGARA CATARACT i their afflicted with ."knocking' a dye. payable by cheque from Ottawa, will receive is cleverer and more sure than (b) Ten year bondt, dated 1st November, December 1 interest cheque as usual. Holders ol played (lie chief overture of Die I day, while chemist listened, a the nose in electing I lie age of Hl'FFALO. Sepl 5. - An auto 1922, to mature 1st November, 1932. coupon bonds will detach and retain the last unmatured milk," said Minnie F. Dresslur. coupon before surrendering the bond itself for conversion at the bead of the cliff intently a lover do to parked opera who demonstrate! the action of While the maturing bonds will carry Interest to lit purposes. "llariuen,'' lo the effect of the Introduction Just below Niagara Fall slipped i of a chemical compound, the iye in discoloring obi milk backward and rolled over thel December, 1922, the new bonds will commence to eam The surrendered bonds will be forwarded by banks imenled by Ttioma Midir-ley, and remaining perfectly clear in cliff $0(1 feel into (he uraeslroiil it interest from 1st November. 1922, GIVING A BONUS to the MinUter of Finance at Ottawa, where they will Jr., and T. A. Itoyd, of I lay-ton, new Seven other dyes nyiy be at the foot of the cataract. Mr. OF A FULL MONTH'S INTEREST TO THOSE be cschanged for bonds of the new issue, in fully on the "kiiiK-klnx" discord. Uri with epial succcm, the Agatha Miller, who was sealed In I AVAILING THEMSELVES OF THE CONVERSION registered, or coupon registered or couou bearer form scientist say. carrying interest payable 1st aid 1st November May "CheiuieaW whose artiou I Ihe ear. wa dashed to piece. 1 PRIVILEGE. io of each year of the duration of the loan, the first interest similar those known 'ratal. 9; pven.lf a the AMERICAN EXCHANGE This offer is made to holders of the maturing bonds payment accruing and payable 1st May, 1923 BoigW sts(' prent only in Han 1 of the new issue will be sent to the bank for most uiuTute ipjuuiilie," said Mr I you and is not open to other investors. The bonds to be NF.W YOHK. Kept. 5. A ium. delivrry immediately after the receipt of the surrrndrrtd lluyd, "ran eliminate to u great 1 shined your reason for l lie favorable silua 1 issued under this proposal will b substantially of the bonds. degree the kquckliiK which I rig shoes today? i K.ii of (Uiiadian axchanga t same character at those which arc maturing, escept The bonds of the maturing issue which are not must Injurious to engines." Th 1 -uggested hy Ihe Herald isuii that the cscmption from tasation docs not apply to the converted under this proposal will be paid off in cash on liasoline symplioiiy plated on ry-, iiirniing on Hie ftrl that the new issue. th 1st December, 1922. lliiurrs so in rue m i-oiiirii. I'uiiadian dollar I now virtually a tion. ai par in the Xew York marlel, Saaueed kelp, wliirh contain Hie Herald says: W. S. FIELDING, imliii and other elements com. f I'Iim mod prominent pause 1 Minister of Finance. loon in sea water and blivd to for in i ism In the. Canadian ex Dated at Ottawa, 8th August, 1923. be bensficial in preventjiiK goitre, iung i the amount of money wa eipUlued to be 4 necrsary sent ovc the border by Amrrl- part of the diet of (hose who v tn b-iiirggers."