w.,4n(ldr September 0, iflgj. THH DAILY KIWI f Alii ft Hfl REMINGTON Local and Personal PLAYER 11. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. If JliHi .p lluiior n-turnrd on Ihe NAVY CUT PORTABLE ' " ' ne l'liiy from Ocean t J, is. . This is the only portable typewriter Another Bio Dance. DeLuie CI6ARETTES Hall tomorrow night. Bob New made that has a standard keyboard. ell's orchestra. It is built throughout of Remington . . . materials, I'.ariifi and I'riiiie arrtvlag by Hemington workmen, Mn. viffk. I'rtr and qualtty in n Kemington factory. WIRELESS REPORT iiii. City Marker if In speed, lightness of touch, strength, and in U.li IS) iv.-n-.i-l. OUH FAMOUS 8TOVB COAL the surpassing quality of its work it is a true Remington. Il.-hl i,t .-! vsinil; I.,ii omelcr. is. If anything, better thr For personal use the REMINGTON PORTABLE .". :, ', . al in t. 5.); Ma war. Consumers Coal Co Ltd Mi; H p.m. pokc team. Miono Tt tf is ideal. i riiifr... left Mlcwarl fr Any-ox t:.'li a.in.; H p.m. woke Mi. XX". CI. Murray and family Only $75.00 Cash I.'hiikt Admiral Rodman 635 turned IM iitoi iiing aflar liav mile from Seattle southbound: i iiK Mitral a lmMiiu a liolluay al Also sold on easy payment. 0:15 ii.in. out steamer t;helohin Vancouver. I -ill Mi..iiml; a p.m. ink- nlcam. .i Norwood H pvni. positron 100 Mr. 1'my iiarr arrhad fram mile. ...uth of Ketchikan bound Vancouwr JWflay on Ihe I'rtaec for Ki'iilllr; p.m. poke imira-r anrotUr to liurm Lake &jijcuJi(jm.Ma -ii-iiiiifi- Curacoa 8 p.m. 5H lo Jola aar n( nd who in pro mil.-, (in in Heal Me northbound. rlnrial eoHilaUle at that iwhil HI AH TMKK POINT llaiuintr. - 1 1 m im. .under, H'.Sfl: temper-iMi'.v Mnm lUniHlmi mlurnril on t'i. a MMnolli. t m l'rlit ttiMte lltl mornm? Noon. from a fratn Irlji to Vtetoria lil'.HN 11.AMU -- Overran!. ami VaaroQrar. Mr. Cofidon re. .ilm. barometer, 2V.6S; temper porta thai tlme are looklHj ilii'i- rtll; ' lllooth. much Mttr In VaHeouver now. I. 1.1 Tree Point - Pain ii ". calm; barometer, 2V.6I iVmtem ltt m l.tm jrallon oil HERRING i. ni..-i ai nrr. 52; ca miMNitli. lank f-.r the -Until department in I.I. II A MM tit Cloudy, were openail by Ihe elly ctHineil .....i 1 1.m.i vtiml: barometer. 2V.- U nih( hhJ referred lo Hie emn i. ini. r.iliiri., Ail; sea rough til(lit If nmilotller for repiirl The b!4 wefe: Howe's Sheet BAIT HOTEL ARRIVALS MeUI XVorU, t3; Alias lloiler '1 Prince Rupert ..rk. 4192.36. fhetastt of JO' 2& i 20 - 15i I' Fi-licr. mie-uner: Nor land i. ii'..'ii I .Ii iiiiih Knulacn A letter fraM A. II. MrlKier- I Sua!Tin SO- QOi $30.00 Ton llill' .II (I II.HI. V.IJH l.lrtll. Jo n ankina for the ue r eity '? IOO-tl.75 per hanna Wmllier. Handi l.ockki pipe with which In drain loin on u.l Mi- X. Aii'iil..ii. Port Wal Kiahih AvesMM C on whirli Finest on the Coast ter Ala-ka; H XV. Km-. eallle he pnpwe tuil.JiRi a I lion renidenee refrrreil Hie ,y P. Hrni-ii. i lly. Cehtral rily cnunrH Uil nfcrht to the . . Obtainable from H i.HMmaa. HaXai latoa; . H Hoard of XX'urke for reiMrt. 4 Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Hew i in and in. Purl M. Mimmiu.iuil...n:lar.-ina:.1. ian K. Mien iraHl, the, Hrw librarian Hayners, Undertakers. Phone m rlp.s-le In arrir ofl BIur 361. tf PRINCE RUPERT iuu.lin. rily. lay uesi. A. the' kHilldinp SPECIAL! SPECIAL! eupartl l the pwlk work de Cut tiowi t-s and I'Uiil. VI i 4nd Mr- Kdv.ard l.iirtl part went will iaat aw vacated for larti.-.t ateortineiil 111 town, lire- I X .inr url. SIhI r 1.IIIHIIIIB .ime week. Utr ltreiNiratory haul .V Kaoii. If Bargains in Iikiii .if lirailli'. Ii.uil- of lh JMII work lit consM-cjliiii tUt the r. - firm ! ).ii. uullillina aaniaalinn Af khf Tilrary will Full stock of 3-ply Cotton-' i uiiiiiiimIihih. i ilk from th lie earned oil in a temporary wood Veneer Is now being carried Toilet SOAP iilli .in lit.' Pnncr lir.irpi Ihia I.H-aliou Albert A by McCaffery, Ltd., III..II.IUM Ml ami Mi. I.rl i - Phone 11S or S4. tf, ,r.- Hi.- ..ii. nl. ..f Harr P. Lip A reurl from llie liward f I GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY ..-it f tlf m.i In iMii.in i f the ItH-al branch Trade aeauiit allaae frwMi II. X". X. A. regular general , 50c, 25c and 15c Soaps from the rily in um ot MM for meet in w ill be held in Hie Cr-penler' 1. 1. PRINCE GEORGE AND PRINCE RUPERT wilt ) Tburs- to clear at the enlerlainmer u( he Mo-iroal Hall oil T!iurday, Sep-Irmber onif FUTKUy at I- Midnight fT !non Bay, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Ikmrd of Trade iilor 7 at 8 p.m. Importaiil Ocean rail. Powell Rler, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. a when they arrhe llie eity ihi IIUJtHM. tiPJ 2 for 25c. II Stewart, Saturday, 8 XAednoday r p.rn. Anyot pm ' lull l.t- in ii 1 1 ii if in a September M wait referred lat t. I. PRINCE JOHN .r ail iU Northern and Southern i....in.-.i r t. ' ..ii.i Am-iiu. niyht hy llie cM)iveil U the Mr. It. K. Me4iiN,nie. of Alice Queen Charlotte Islands, May I3lh an J Z'lh, June loth and 1.. . -I- ! !li .111.1 Si'kl-lltll fmam-e roniuiille willi (wwer Ami, it rHumiit; north Itelay ! fil i i . u.i'd a lo art. after bjlii her, ORMES LIMITED 'In 4 if Hlli and I August Mb and iVtb, Sept. Sad, 16th i ,i aeaomitamed !l.."tb. r....iniiili Ii .ii.f I'lli'f rf..'ll- mother. Mr. iKmatdfoo. und i-1 Train Service I ,VJ.'. l.i..llllll'llt il.iii' A tiu-uUr teeter frwii K. lr Ut Sea tile. The laller were 3rd Ave. and 6th St. P.O. Box 16S0 Mn. 2 1 a WriahL Neaaairer f the MuaU lilhiy -fwr eeyeral mouth al; Passenger Dally Eicept Sunday, 8.45 p.m. ripal fubliehiuv Ot Mtmlrej Alice Ann. Phones 82, 200 and 134 l -r Humbert, Prim e Oeorgo. bdmotilon, and XVinnipejr, iealinK with the tlireatenetl eoal I THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO REXALL STORES rating dir.. I .niircii.ua for all points in llailern Canada SUITCASES lioriuge antl reciiHtteidiH2 far Mr., aud MN lla.lileuli. Mr. e J I n;(cd Mates. TRUNKS the i'il)'i ue a Wli ewal uihJ Mia McKay and Mi. Mul- ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME wTni h wotrid ! lll.Sl per Iwi hall are hiiikhz Hie Anyox peo Agancy for all Ocean Steamship Lines CLUB BAGS lauded al Montreal kui reeehed ple iioina north on Ihe Prince City Ticket Offlca, 528 Third Ave. Phona 260. by Hie city roUIMH taut ulptit tieorye today. They har been Canadian National Railways and filed for future refervwee. livlldayitt? in Vancouver and Large Stock on hand. other point tutli. Prices very low. .Mayor llovlieater ba reeeurO fi .in Y. Xakaiio. the -Juiwiue.e The tvg boat tiioer Heyer was Prince Rupert CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY J. F. MAGUIRE 1. .--I-. nul, a copy f a neeial in Hurt ye.lerday with two carload Next the rrinr Rupert Hotel i'iIhioii of Hie Jimn Advertiser of mild, cured hcrriiijc from B.C. Coast Services pulilolied oil Ihe uataanioM of Ihe I'ort Waller. Alaska, for Iran-nhipmenl DRYDOCK I'rii" f alen to the "r'lwwery lat. The tuu Lloyd Kuiiitioiii. II n a beautifully with barge Heiliuxhaiu 111 ow4 AND Sailings from PrinccRupert priKtuced pottiieulteMi ami a r mill in iu Krl ItMlay with the usual Have Your eargo uf aliiHMi for Hie Ka-t. ( the printing (rude aud Per Ketchikan, Wrangtll, Junaau and Skagway SHIPYARD 4. SepL 4, 15, 23; Oct. 2, 13 and 23. jiiuritalieUa tulr. Tiie Juan A new iirrauvement of the Adveitier in ililMiel in lokyo For and Seattle Old Victoria Vancouvar, Jewellery .HiiM.I exhibit iu Hie gallery at by an Kuilili firm of Sept. 9, 20, 29; Oct. 6, 17 and 27. ere. jmbli.li. Hie exhibiliou buHdiuv will tin Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton FloaUng Dry Dock S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Bultdale, Swanson Bay, Remodeled year viva a much belter opportunity Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern East Bella Bella. Ocean Falla, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell A report fnuK Ili fire chief to display Hie exhibiln. makers. Founders, Woodworkers. Eta. River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Your "LI (""limned wide reeomnteitdliijjr-' Ihe piirehae of Ibe.e will be arietJ and it in Electric and Acetylene Welding. Agency for all Steamship Llnea. li.uiit ur.liliiii; rinit euit be 11. w olkJ lire fUf ,o. I fire aid will be mueli finer than Full iiir..Miijtin from niuile i nt ii ii liandnoMie uew. truck wan ireeutei b the ulil. an)thin how 11 al Ibe fall fair. Our plant is equipped to handle all kiuds of W. O. ORCHARD, General Agent, etyle liffin rinc at sataU H leu riHiiHiKlee to the eooneil Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. ep'UM. lat iiikIiI. The reMiHiieiHl;i. A number uf entries have been Marine and Commercial Work Your oM.4l diaUMMttl eu-Kflveuieni Hon wan adopted and (lie wheHa rtHei ed by Hie manager of Ihe ruin can be ntate wilj be wni In Xiliieouver In be fair for the )ihoiour.iphii' de- PHONES 43 AND 3SS oyer into a beautiful fall filled, 'llie chief hIm) reportnl liarltueiit and it t eiected thai ureed ruif with a net 1 1 114 that certain hotels aTiid aarU Ihii year IhU departiueui will B.&K. Pastry Flour that will how (lie iliunronj nieiii houe in tlio' eily hud be one of Hie inol iiileretuiii to greater advantatfe. cuiiiplieil with Hie reualioiiii in in Hie building. It will be lo- Your old earring, lueat-pin, llie UutallMlloii of flreoai'. cu 11 1 d on Hie ground floor. Back to Pre- This is ftuaer rinae, etr.. can Ql be remotlelleil inUi the lateat A rejxH-l fnmi Hie ely solle-ilor Paul Aivamfl ban jul return lyl of jewellery ami the low elating thai it wa beyond ed from Ihe eoulli with a beau War Prices in O1IO6S iot of the work will urpri lite Juriiliction of the ouiicil to tiful (.election of exchmive Your and Our you. prevent tlrieiilaU fnuir workiiiii French hand made Indie' beaded XVe 1I0 all kind H fine re- in clu mi receiMtl 'una ttA pure and handbags, whirli are Insurance Guarantee pair work 011 WHlrhe. jewel-iery. by live ootiueil lal nlglil. The rarely to be obtained. Thee EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED. article tie seen al hi rei. Closing Out Sale Is and afford 1'I'" k, ele. report wae called for following may My an eye-opener, you cannot CONSULT US TODAY. a ren.Hutiou Im-Iihi prenenled es-'luiliiia denee at t20 Fifth Avenue XVei. to pass up the bargains I am now offering. I'lioiie tii 11 .'VI ilrieiitaU troiu elub under They are going fat aud you'll need to Lurry tu make u John Bulger, the ail)'a new bylaw. The selection while the iie are ouuiplele. of Quality Goods oily nolieilur al-.- repnrlnl tlmt vu .hould You til Ueet In "II A K" Th JtwalUr the prtniucial n er11111enl tad fCZEMAitl get Umvm tUm !. no power to umii 'ilia Hie council M. McArthur, The Shoe Man THAT LAST lo paaa ui Ii eUUtiou. uuua. rllfr. l w. ll (T4 GIFTS THE LTD. aaai n, k.ii, o. ,.1.. ksipi. b..i tic. MILLING CO., BRACKMAN-KER ItftM't (MuUm.I lr U )w kimUimi lhl Hart Black, Third Avenue. lrluae Hui. tihibillou Sep. fmpmt uj w4 Su.tiuip lur iwU. aw. a Il0' o 748. Prince Rupert B.C. Phone 360. linilii'i' I : to 10. if' MV Kil-