IMUE TWO " thh rtsxnt itkwb Tuesday, July il, U ' " -1-U-8T The Daily News SAVED FROM AN SECTION FIVE pniyccr: nuprsivr - nniTisit Columbia Pubilined ,Kvery Aflernnnn, except Sunday, the Prince OPERATION GRADING PLAN PLAYER Hupert llaijy New, Limited, Third Avenue.-H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. "Frult-a-tites" Completely ISJODIFIED NAVY CUT SUBSCRIPTION RATE: Relieved Me City Delivery, by mail nr carrier, per month tt.O S9M fsios St., Vasrortte, B.C. City Council Decide to QratJe fly mail to all parts of the Hritish Kmpire and the United Stales, ''t'auffrred with H the mptomt to 14 Foot Width and Put In CIGARETTES In advnnre, per year . .$(1.00 of Female trouble,with tknmt Cmii 4 Q- Sidewalks. To all idher countries, in advance, per year $1.50 Mliwi J cwiwMst Mean! I bad pain low doB la the Istrk nnlee As a result of last week's TELEPHONE 6S of the boJy. A doctor aJtbeJ mete meeting of tin- city council in hue an operation. committee, ihe plan for the grad "8nient Display Advertising $1.0 per Inrh per tnsertlot I atari ed taking"rmlt-a tlTM-and ing and surfacing nf certain i Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.S0 per tnrl thia medicine, has fmpirirl? rcfteved1 pari of Fourth and Fifth Ave 1 Uanteatler, per insertion 2fe per lim a rf all my misery a J aufTerluf nne and hunriiHlr Wreet and; Classified Advertising, per insertion . . 8c per wor a fir and heaUrle an J Agnew Place, in Section Five; Legal Notices, each insertion IRc per agate lln. the terrible Conilipation, anil that and Ihe pulling Is mt si.t.-wlk aared me la the fruit medicine, IImn he- eonshlTahly modifnM. Ccntrnct Hates on Application. " "Frult-a-tite I A report from Ihe eniiiniiH . AH advertising should !e in The Daily News Office on day pre Madam M.J fiOHSK. iwas recHw-d by Ihe emitH-il ta-i , ceiling publication. All advertising received subject to approval QOe t box, 6 for $? 30, trial site?oc. night and accepted. Ihe rify -n-irinier Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. At dealers or aent postpaid hy heiitfr ir-mlnieleil to nib-1 I ruiV tlie I.-mitnt. Onasra, inn estimate and pUo on tbr DAILY EDITION new nis. i Tuesday. July II. lost. The original r-r( for he; SUITCASES grading and surfacing of ilio Keeping In Touch j st reels affecletl In a widlh of( With The Ministers. TRUNKS feet has w-H reeinde ami The visit of the minister of the Crown at Victoria and the CLUB BAGS Hie wull h of It Mlltsliluled. Ill-Utead agent-general in Loudon lo thi district is of derided benefit to of.ft ftMii ilcwnlks i here ; le t fMt A ltwh The! ones. Hie place in that they will have firM hand impressions of it and jwill Large Stock on hand. mailing of Fourth Avenue l.nsl i; iniortanre. They were given a good opportunity of lHkiug Pricet very low. nf liilllsinuir Slrei-t, wms also lll- .ver the city and it? industries and of gelling the fulle! ui forma 'Xiili'd in the rlicnis and Hirl lion . They wrr alo kept informed on the need of a road to Ihe J. F. MAGU1RE f Fiflh Awinii- Wesl of Agnew interior hnd the desirability of starting that mad immediately. Next the Prince Xupert Hotel Place is lo be eul and graded i- rivne rock fur ihe Hie fill, Whilf the nfinister of poldic works is impressed with Ihe need of init of Agnew Plai-.r. 10 work beginning here soon, he aUo sees the necessities in (he a!y in pacha farming districts. a;jd naturally Mr. Harrow, as minister of agriculture, -X ( HEAD OF TOM IEE and m tin y vi ,v j;w i imjo .rx.r-si has an eye lo the development of the industry tit which Ten Years Ago he is particularly interested. ! COMPANY RETURNS In Pi'nc Rupert With the aim of the Government to place Ihe farming industry I a REAL cigarette on a soitud hais we are in full accord. We agree that the Thinks Prtnc RuDrl Should Jul( 11. 1912. . n i r us. t i ! trunk roads of Ihe interior should he better than they r at present he cily rouncil last niuhl w wiivui wun vrifni any Have Goods Corns Htr. and that many new roads are needed. Too much attention tnTrrtV-it grnntof IO0 to lite fund cannot he given the farming districts. Still there Is a dutv to lor i lie recepiion or Premier Mr. Prince HupcrL We have been flailed off for a lng time nnd,jul HHJe. next week. The iiiosnuitn Thai there li.itd e a big, trade between China and Canada I as we thought wrwere wearing down the opposition of (he mill' ft&U"laaily decorated, i nieel of Prince is Ihei by inster of public works to going ahead with the work, another min-' Jlieji'rinc-os May and J. S. tiray way Hupert ister is appointed in that department and we hate to in over the aIL,5'' L. Darker are to ar- opinion of a local Chinese flier-j chant. Hun Jan 1 1 hel of the wo. work again. However, as was glinted out at the dinner Saturday lrarjtv for Ihe rescnce of a bain I. Twn le Ci.. Seenl Avenue, j night, there urn two live and insistent representatives of Ihe north wtio ha jul returned from at Victoria and with (heir aid we may hope to have that road F'.-'r. MeXeCI, a reprecnatlve extended visit to Ihe Orient. commenced this coming winter. WWUK I'rince Hupert Hydro, I'rince lliiert Supi.ty v?i-per ffrte say China ie nru.luinir gnMl, hal we want is the first section of the road built TherH jfrl. a.ldresse.1 the c4ty foot. are already surveys of it. The construction is simple and there council last night asking for a and noil she iimiiwjmr needs (he lotmiiaoy Innrber wth iie Aid. Perry slated t It..t a t--port E. H. SHOCKLEY if seldom tnuw on the ground there in winter. To build to Oal-Joway 40.year franchise for tiie supply covering the whil- fman rough and Wharf: Neil.lmperlaijDILPock. manufactured, that i Cow Ilapld would he a comparatively easy matter and would of light ami power In the eily. A eing situation of the utilities Planing Mlllsi Bay. prixluretl here. A Urge business Phone! 343. let Prince Hupert people VnoW that the fiovernment Is in earnest nwllfi was p;tsed asking Mr. (itlwOK Ihe recent joinl eoti-ferencc should le worked and much . In this matter ormad 4-mtrurliii. McXHn to (iiliniil Jiis . proposi. up nf onHl4 lev. wKlld lie FIR DIMENSION, FINISHING LUMBER, PLANKING AND -4 t - ' , . A. . a. - Hon rtr Wfflmg. ! of it should b shlped by way presented at Itevl I rolay c.iin-mitlee TIMBERS, SHINGLES, LATH, DOORS AND WINDOWS. Six Thousand of this xirt. liHling. Melli..l nf Agent for! .. People Mr. Hun, or as he is Iieiier Iloherlaon A Hackells Paw Mills, Lb. " . Without Any Road. The future of Prince Rupert hereL financing telephone etlension kliown Torn viilcd Was there is linked up with Ihe prosperity1 and repair In Ihe pipe line will J. Fyfe Smith- Hardwood. W ever a city of sit thousand population, the ter Japanesie (miIiiU, Shanghai. of Hie orient. Thai was the burden Hong then b determined iiln. Ihe Tjimslr.) 3 ply (ktt-iivvoM Panelling minus oi a iraiisconliuenlnj railway and a cily with everv nro Kong. Canton and other of an a'ddrex given before may eily engineer's esllmale fur Ho-' rsartand Company. Iloornif Paml. 1 pect of a great commercial future without a single foot of road centre. ' . 1 2. !ay business the Canadian Club taller work Is ! today by lir. 1 leading out of it over which an automobile or even a wagon can g sod in Canlon. The eily is be. tltinmr Kang Jen, Chinese eon. oe uriven. i nere never was, mi far as we have heard. There ing improved, streets widened sul at Vanetmver. The speaker LOGICAL QUESTION. nave lieen smaller town, places with little future prospect of arnl many l-tnglish sinking pen. ald thai this port had the ad. Millionaire, speaking to a body development Tha"t too was in the days when motor trnnsporta pie are developing industries of fion miles of students All alii vantage being near, my success, lion was not much in vogue. Today people are all buying cars. there. He thinks, Ihe present GET BACK ON THE FARM er Ihe Orient Ihan other tremendous financial on my prestige We are spending a lot of money on the city streets to keep up with any I toll Meal trouble will noi eon. 160 Acres ' mile from Morlcetown. Pram heusve and Ihe' Pacific Coast and it should I owe In one thing alone-pluek. me irenu oi tne limes and what we are asking is that the Pro Unite long. The factions will two bams. Forty Acres Meadowland, balance Poplar and Ih- able lo ronie!e. He udviseil pluek, plunk. j iu-iai ton together. Spruce. 80 Acres fenced. Snap foe either cash oe terms. rrumeui jarK us up ami make a beginning tins year gel Ihe establishment of Canadian Student HmI how are we lot on the road to the interior. W hile in China, Tom Lee ship. Enquire THOS. McCLYMONT consular service and hanks in find Ihe rig hi people lo plurk- ed 3t load of Chinese China. Judge Young presided. ear eggK hinuba (Cat. ."enlinel. i i Not Asking Anything lo the t nltrd Slates. These ' In Way Of Favors. fine fresh were eggs of the pest We are not asking a favor from theOnvernmenl when we duality. There were 700 easrs PUBLIC NOTICE. ask for a road. Much of the income of the province comes from The Man in the Moon to the ear load and 30 dozen r I'T Our frozen herring bait Is eonce.led by nsnennen the timber lands of the north country. We are sending money SAYSe- eggs to Ihe rase which gives Complaints have been received Oek 1 o be Uie finest procurable at any PsciOe Cosit - south and not getting back as much as we send. While we realize I about a quarter nf a million egrs that ferson visiting the Mella-katla Port- and It is "Fishy" Price, 130 per ton. thero U' a funded debt to pay and expenses of government to lo the rar load or eight million Indian village, m the absence IC The beat way of Insuring a good quality trip I - yet also realize IMIIXCF III PF.IIT is full of in all. The Chinese lo have plenty uf our hard froieu Ice. Price, that egg carry on, we there is a tendency to spend are of the natives at the canneries, I money in Ihe south rather than in the north jul as is done in sinners judging by the of alxi beginning lo grow fro 1 1 for have broken fences, entered It pee ton. California. lieoplo who spent their Sundays canning. Pineapple and other garden, mrro-d away Outfit n,,r ll-ulPPed store can supply Bshlng gsr0 , Some lime ago there was a movement on fool to bate norlh-s on I lie w ater. fruits will be shipped this year flower plants, fruit, etc. fiahernirn'a cluUnng, groceries and pruvlaloni ern Hritish Columbia formed into a separate province. This would and Ihe business seem likely lo Warning is hereby given that and bardwaio. , possibly l.e for the benefit of the north, but if we get fair treat- ITS a great and glnrius feel have great opportunities. prosecutions will follow any men i from Ntrlona there is no reason for any change. Hather ing to be a sinner once in a whito. Tom left here in January further depredation nf his NEW ENGLAND FISH Company than to have n separate government formed, we ask the ministers 111?I and has been combining nature and the full rigor of Ketchikan, Alaska Branch . 4 to look, favorably on our needs here and make it no-si hie for MA.MTOHA people are filling Ihuslnes and pleasure. He came the law will be applied in such .v. north and south lo work together in harmony. Xo one recognizes in me time between seeding and (here direct from Hong Kong. case. , better than do we, the immense work the minister of public uarvesi y atlrmiing election CI'Altl.l C. PKIItlY. Persistent advertising I absolutely works has to do and Ihe difficulties lm has to overcome, but we meetings. TELEPHONE AND LIGHT Indian Agent. necessary to success. claim that we have now waited long enough. 11 has come to a I'rinre Hupert. II. C. July 5. 1115 time when there will have to be a show down. Prince Hupert is method WHY ean'l of making somebody motor invent fuel a EXTENSIONS PASSED tf suataaL roaai r,SOT. EDSON COAL becoming impatient at the delay and is wondering how long this from ccMTiricATK or itteaovmiNTs. agitation will have to be kept up before action is taken. As we muskeg. Then we could all Utilities Advertise in the Daily News. get rich by Ihe lightning route. Report of Committee NOTIOI. COMPANY mentioned before, we are not asking for much. What we very Involving Eitra Expenditure raixrr nt:rrT ijwm mstmct. -sttvta Corner SL 2nd 7th noanr. aa. s- and "savrn Ave. and want is to have the road started and built as far as (lallowny Of $4300 Is i-mtmict oust MSUfc . lloniiK tHACTIO.S" Mineral Otlt. tll-aia Ills easy t find out what Adopted Ttka isillre lb I 1. II. T Muwkt4ii, sf lo iim Matt Kltr lafltloa Hapids. When Mluinf at we get there then talk about we can the next section. liilxsl to horsepower a motor will by Council. Sasnirh, B.C., rsuriMr, lo si i'ly lustier liotrici. develop 11m Minister ul Uwli fur a lu-enr Whr luriiad Oa Kliiaull Klttr 1 when idanird in a moturboat bul lo prosper! re nl Ml snd nalaral TAkK NOTICE Ibat Uwit W rttmur. The of Hie t wo tus fulluikiiir tWnl-l isislt: rrea Mivri Ortirirtlt f. 4t t. at Best Coal llere is nrt way of reckoning Ihe reports superintendent l:illillielM-tli( tl (awl pUulrU Im) ttrnl for A Y. Miner, rrea Mlira Car of utilities and Ihe ulil. irili..t enrner u lot tit. Um-dt iifieala So c. power developed in cranking Ihe 4 ttttt an4 l. W, Ctimmn, (K-flll la rtuius; llienea rs.t rlialus; The Price of Tea, moior when it. refuses In start. tlie committee recoiiiiiicuding i lle-iH Uslus to S4M.IU imjIbI(ft ut rUtHu.ntfufueureuirtil.ttiiim wu.t Cm ID t Wislt,ra Miner's titiy Stra orurlrai frtM tHs Na. data b.r:. la.J, construction and reconstruction t-risiiir swMii siq srres. In apply la Itw Minim Marnrder fur ai at 'I'll K most objectionable per- of the light and telephone systems ijK-ttril Atrtt flrd.0. Ittt.t. MO10TOX. pea Certirirtie(if tbuinini uf luiproteioenlt,a tru Oranl fur ttw of pur to! due son in the world to auto which will amount lo an W. SV.NSOM. Aieat. iIm claims. I to under-production and an, And rurlher ttka nollra Ihtl anion, i Lowest Prices expenditure of fi30n the iindtr terlKHl dmiiI be pnmened ba driver is lhn traffic over largely increase consumption cop. raiicE at rraT i.m mstmct. ftrt tlw Istntnca uf tiirh trullriM of1 ordinary cost of uiainteuanre for tiisThicT or coast hAviic i. lulro.iu.iiU has risen to the highest level in the Ttka iMiiia I lit I . u. t. Munraiun. itt bATltl lint llth rttf of Mtr. Ah. t Iff.I adopted the TDK mos objectionable person year were by sttsirh. a.c, rtiM-nr, intend ta t-riy i HWIS I years. To maintain "SALADA" cily council last night. The Ilia MUUtiar of LaiHtt tur a lireara W. CATMOSt. Order Now! Phone 58 in Ihe world lo an editor Is I ho cost la prmpari rr rust nil anil natural Quality in our popular Brown man or woman who wastes his Involved is mainly made up of tit utrr I ha at fullovlnt a uisl d'serite-4 pltnoxl at Ituns-LMMiieiM-iua ike MINIRAL roam r.ACT, Label Blend we have been forced time. a list of l.-nders for materials ntiroiwett rnmer f VH ttl: Owwa suuia t rliauis; llirnec ! $t rhtiui; to advance the price to 65c whlrh were accepted. The. aur-plua Ih.nrs nnrih as rtitint; tbetw-a vtit per account of the light department rbtint to uulnt ul tuuineuvrweDt. CM-risiar n otTo b . ... pound. However, prices of PRINCE RUPERT TIDES last year, which has been UiraleS 4 arres.flrit. ttt So,-aifvs s" Mineral uf.ut itin,.iM -tuuait..-. in- Ih. Nothing Provokes a Mao More 0. r,,MO5ICT0?t, air Mioint Itnriiion of ti.r MtiritV made uvailahle. and is about 1 1 ?,. nlMHIH. V. Aial. JiTAVd .1"" " aivtr I than to come homst from Blue, Red and Gold Labels UNCHANGED Tuesday. July II. 000, will coyer Ihe -work nf Ihe ssasmaaB I i..F,i..r. in., iwit w ratmora are raixrr. m rraT i.aio msthict. I rrea M intr a CaniOr.I .41. Vi work and find his meals not High f:!o a.m., 21.5 feel. department. i-isthict or coast svsot: a. 'wr i-s."iwiq, rrea Minar a 15:17 10.H feel. The lender Ttka nniira I hi I I, U. t. Maurktm; tl nrirtle Sa man: a r Minir rri ready. lly trading with us accepted p.m., were as sttuirh, S t, rttirtiar, Intaiul ton.. r..n..i. si...... . . - lu ttrly lo , - V. f., HiQ Tl W you not only save monry on l.ow tf:o a.m., 5.1 feel. folbrws: liw Miaoier U ltiili tor a neanra lu riMarl far rual ui tsj atlsral but get your purchases, you 51:11 p.m.. 6.3 feet. Wire eable Parkin A Ward, ta utr iImi fulU.sliu d. HUM f,-'i.! laauiiuau lui t s iml Uantr4 Itt them delivered in ample Lei Wednesday, July J, and HUSO hundred "SALADA11 per torikiketl earner nf M !; Iltanr II Ish 3 too a.m., Jo.5 feel. feet. rt ruauitj thenr snife rtumt: to prepare your meals. l- Si p.m., IS A feet. Messenger aaMe-Parklu A .lh0ea u.iii.1 i, imiui( tl) Qf i-htmt;rfMlllfietirailirai.ttwara Durtli Cotlt. Li!.4 .to9,,r mi.' I'hun ua Trlal'Order Low 0:M S. feel. Ward, pfltlna tlas.1 t arret. iiZ.. r CriUMaSTf Hie Meat Market a.m., .AO per hundred pound. Lutai'4 April tint, Ittt. !l,nVraVJU,n,;y.n, M People's 5t:& p.oi., fl.5 fret. Creoaoltd lire CundulU- n. r MONcroa. Aim urn ftlh Utr f A 1 Vf laMlu. Atal. I wia w ratgohi. 1