THE NEW TAXI For We YOKOHAMA Phone "i. CAFE HOME BAKERY Best Service and PRINCE RUPERT Ths Best of Everything. Bet Cars In the City Try our service Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone Black SO VOL. XII!. NO, 07. PlltNCF Hll'KIlT, II. 0. Ttj'fcsDAY. MAIlCll 21, 1938. YMUrdtr't Circulation 1B48 Strut 8lM 622 PRICE FIVE CENTS ' Tj . Pacific Price Cutting Likely to Cease APPEALS MADE BY MAYOR AND ALDERMEN TO VOTE FOR BYLAW PRINCESS MARY'S GORGEOUS WEDDING IN WESTMINSTER. editorial Rate War Hotter FLATRATEFOR PUBLIC LIBRARY. WATER VACANT Yesterday but. It Tomorrow the ratepayers of llie LOTS PLANNED eily are bring asked lo vole Tutor against a proposal lo establish a jiuhlle lihriiry In the city. Already Likely be Settled (lie coiimiillec has 2,000 3oard of Works Brings In Recommendation books ilonateil by I Im- citizens to Cover Operating grails. Whal is nei'ileil now is SAX KIIANCISCO, March t'l. The murine freight rule va. Deficit of Some $5,000. the machinery to administer the which stalled several day ogo waxed holler yesterday with new The Hoard of Works has recommended Hbrnry. The cost will be small rediidiuns, each bidding against 'the other. Whether to vouncil and llie benefit 16 the city large. company the. eily We urge every property owner this will end in Ihc formation of another Pacific pad or i-oji-liniic that-a bylaw be. prepared for the in the eily to turn out and vole in is being decided - today by Uie operators of llie trans. levy of 2 a- year on all vacant . in the. city fating eit on favor of this bylaw, II is sup- Pacific steamers, who are here lo allend a loiifereiire .wilb waler mains and service mains ,r.'. inleVcstcd ported by all who : l llit,.(1 Shipping Hoard represcnlaliv es. with- the exception or those lots Hie betterment of the commnni!V.I fL Tile eily has been slow ill lakiilg on the Shawalluiis pipe lino between n i nriirn AC IAPAI Donald Street and Sbawat-lans up the mailer but now that, the rAlHtK UT LUIAL nRMOeKTRATIftN Pasage. The mlater institution is started is the lime " ' ' wus LADY HAS PASSED r discussed by the council in committee Volt and to carry on. yourself take your friends to Hie polls with AT BELLA COOLA CALCUTTA CI 1 1 vcek,last and,night,in tbo was meantime,tabled for v. you. terred to the city solicitor for ad Dr. W. Relnhard Is Dead Inter vice 011 the legal aspect of il. Little Disorder, However, Followed LLOYD GEORGE ment to Take.Place at Sentence of Mahatma The most of Hie discussion Vernon. Ghandi. ' came up in regard to Ihc exemption of the lots between Shawal- WILLRESUME Or. W. Ileinliurt), or Uella Coohi. '.CALCUTTA, March 21.-There lans Passage and Donald Street. father or Mrs. W. S. Fulton, tr this wa a ilciuoiislralioit bfre on Aid. Silversldes. Aid. McLeod and eily bus passed away. Or. llein-hard Saturday 'following- the sHilenci Aid. Kelly were or llie opinoin Hint Will Ask for a Vote or Confidence was well Known-in- (he-north of Mahall-ia (ihaildi, the. 'non-CP-npciTtiouisl such an exemption .Hhould not be llie leader,, lo made. Aid. Montgomery said that on April 3, on His nod was formerly oil (Ju'cjen mx years I'.lmilotle Ixtimds: . . Imprisonment wilhoiii lbi'm 'la the entire matter should be fully . ,-jt Return,to Commons v.r. . ii..Jrij.j.i;..v ...L'i.MV''f.: ciiHiJered'ftH,alreudy the (ujfu. til lion nit vacant high lllglll uv llie ii'iiinn: iur neiiu properly was LONDON. March ilomui'i'livil ion. was orderly. without this extra ?2 per lot being t'ieorge will rcstiinr niijii U remains to Vernon .vJicm in- II is unuounced that llie rail put on. House ,, the of Cumin A. lennent will be made. way workers are going' back txi Aid. Kerr explained thai (here .'I, uml will immediately ask for a work jit many places iii, sallsv. bad been a deficit of some 3,-000 vole Urn Ooverniiicurs policy on fnclory numbers. In' many places, In the operation of the waterworks in r cgurd Confcr-ciire,In tlm Austin Genoa Fcuno-mic Chamberlain, ATTEMPT WAS MADE the strike also continues. department last year amj at lire ruiMMP il was with a view lo lakihg care (iiivt'i'iiiui'iil leader in m uiLuuiiiwu nnumn r. l rrnn of this that the flat rate was being Mir hi Ili)ile Hie of House Commons lliis arieiiiiMin.announced MINISTER TO FRANCE U WtK KAI ! proposed. With the adoption inlend-ril The wedding cfrrmony in Westminster Abbey, Just as the bride and bridegroom were kneeling on the of this system 'the waterworks Hi? said llii" (loveriiinenl iltar steps, while the Archbishop,of Canterbury read the serviees. would Tor itself. In pul lint motion clearly, I'AIIIS, March 21. An attempt TO RAILROAD department pay Aid. thought that iiicstion lo assassinate Montgomery raising llie at was made loday lo llie confi-deiice Chen I. Ho1 Chiue.oe ininisler to former maintaining' that some reductions the system of special levy lo cover whether il possesses u MAYOR'S FINAL PLEA TO in rules should be made such a deficit was best. Aid. fired at of 1 1 House1. France, Four shots were Utilities Committee Recommends and that the utilities should be Collar! was of the opinion that a him by a Chinese youth but none That C. N. R. Be Given Flat operated on the basis of munici-lighl flat rale of ?2 might not seem so although Hie Chinese VOTE FOR RAILWAY BYLAW look effecl who accompanying Rate of 4c and 1c. and power at. cost, 'litis wns hard as further Increasing an al engineer, was not being done now but the surplus high mill rate as would be. ready the minislcrj win wounded in the A report from Ihe utilities com head, The assailant was arrested. mittee recommending that a new ot the light department was .lust a final work of admonition regarding O. T. I'. Tax necessary ji special levy were IN IRELAND contract Tor llie .supptyiiiK of light going lo the. "relief of general revenue. Hylaw upon which you will vule on Wednesday. AH figures fur made. and power hiynlerril into between nished over signature arc absolutely, correct,- notwithstanding; you my PRINCE OF WALES Aid, Perry said he concurred in the eily and the Canadian National ATTEMPT TO CHECK Ihe principle that llie consumers derogatory reports tu Ihc conlrary. Little Needed to Start Actual Itijilways was presented at the Civil War Between North ARRIVES CEYLON council Hireling last nlglil and of light and pow(er should vet. .Hie The JVaihvay will pay us annually approximately .80,OUO.OO CRIME WAVE IN NEW and South. 2l.Vi"he. was laid over for ;i week. Under lieuerit ol all prorils iii this manner. in taxes as follows: Oil Hailwuy lands iihuie a lump sum ut COI.OMltO, March Aid. Collar) pointed out iliat Hrilish battle cruiser llenowu Hie scheme now proposed Ihe railway $ 15,000.110 general luxes; $5,000.00 Local Improvement taxes; YORK IS LAUNCHED general had paid for some revenue LONDON, March 21- The dangerous fonipany will receive its Leaseholds to and Hail-way with tlm l'rinee or Wales aboard of the extensions so was entitled .which lust ye.urunioiiiiled f8,000,00; on in Ireland is in bulk rrom llie eily and situation power NF.W YORK, March- 21, -A arrived here today. lo share in the profiles. Development lauds they will pay over $21,000.00 taxes. emphasized in Hie morning papers, will build its own connecting Heel of 72 motor cars, each carrying discussion brought This later amount is The was computed! several of which lake the lines and put in' all ilsown equip half a dozen policemen, back lo llie mat tor in band and the basis but "bucking the tiger" will neciLed'tu HSH ARRIVALS on exactly same as the, sure- view that little more is ment for this line. In view of Hie was launched by Hie police de-partment there. the report wus tabled for u week. siiiallest ratepayer. As you are ly Jneuu ruination. In prooT or start actual civil war consequent saving' in overhead yesterday In a turther Sniping llelweeii the entrenched Thirty five Thousand Pounds expenses and I he increased eon-siimpliou aware, a certain percentage nf Hioj Ibis statement l'orl Arthur and efrort to check Hie crime wave. forces on either side of the Ulster Halibut Marketed at Exchange that will lie needed by laxes colleeled irom individual! Pembroke, (int., two of the most 'I he fleet will be in service night boundary has been going This Morning. the company,, II Is recommended ratepayers must IT necessity be prosperous cities J- years ago, and day. out again lo furnish.' streets, are today still suffering, rrom the paid and on for s e vera I days yesler- that u contract be made for Ihe ilnv machine unns reported to Thirty live thousand pounds of flat le to l(i rale. FOR SALMON liglil, water, telephone, and other effecls or foolish legislation, and threeIandits made marketed from seven necessaries lollte which antagonizing- Hie railway. have becii. brought Into action. halibut was In speaking lo the report Aid. occupant,, boats at Ihe Fish Exchange I his reduces the revenue from suck Several real estato men are lerry said that the present consumption clean sweep chicago Aid. McLeod initiircd at Iasl Hnorning. The weather is re or the railway company property Jo that extent; whereas,jworking hard to defeat this bylaw Six Hours tn hn A dried If the night' council jneellng as lo ported lo lie improving on the was DO kilowatts (but with (lie Hie $ (r,ooi).oo from the Hallvvuy is ueiieving mui snouiu it oe ue- pawnshop yesterday what action the Ulilille.s Com. banks and some good catches stuliou, new dock '.and possibly Licenses Exceed a Certain absolutely cleat' and freo from a lealed and llio railway curry its niiltee was taking towards Hie may be coining in the course of, '25 kilowatts would Maximum. "hbiw-baek" of uny kind. It is appeal lo it higher court, a substantial CHICAGO, March 21. Three Miliiolion of Hie two platoon sys. a few days. Ot late all boats be needed. The company, up to customary, and Hie municipal law reduction in the assessment bandits yesterday held up Marcus March 21.vAc-cordiiig leoi Iii the rire hall. Members arriving have had exceptionally Ihe present, had been paying 10c YICTOltlA, permits a tiiuiiiripalily to ipiole a will be mude, and thus enable Niernan In his iiawwshon here and lo nu aniHitiiicemeiil roimnillec re-poiled light eulelies. lump sum for luxation to any railway them to appeal from next with bil and virtually or llie Utililie and 7c Tor ils light power made by Hod. V. .1. Sloan, the escaped every thai conllieting reports on The rolloiving were loduy's arrivals while others had been gelling' il close season for soekeye salmon company (hut Hot lo i privule year's assessment. Why are they of jewelry in it. Tbo value plac. mude by the and sales; individual in lieu of development so anxious for 11 big reducliuii in is between. the mailer hud been on Hie 5.3 and l.2e scale Tor light In District 2, the section of the ed on the goods stolen Fli-.. Cbier ami the Hoard of llevcille, 0,00 pounds; Teddy and le ami le Tor power. The province contiguous to Prince work conteinplaed, and by wiiich assessment1 llecause it is hard 25,000 and ?30,000. Fiiiierwriters and these were be J., 11,000 pounds, and Imperi-euse, company was eiillllcu to these is 'follows: the city naturally benefits.". ' to get property listed uLa price proposed 0.000 pounds, old lo the ' llupcrt., as The Itailwuy is right less than the4assessed value. Hut ing invesligaleil. The rates. Tliu company would do all Nuns Uiver Close season of company U. S. AMBASSADOR il in llie eilv salary scule had Canudian Fish and Cold Storage its own installation and the oily 48 hours with the provision that now spending upwards of $800,-000.00 how about the welfare or the city MiuhHTsI. 17.7c. and 7c. whole? t. matters not whether IIKULIN, Dr. Olio also bearing on Ihe iueslion. Co., al in Ihe construction of u us u it back eight tnuisiormers would get if the gill-net licenses exceed Pair of Jacks, 1,000' pounds, annual new salmon dock and railway depot, you pay 30 mills on u 11000.00 Ludwig Wicdfeldt lias been appointed uiul there would be u large 3 Ml an ndditioiiul six hours shall Neoll sold to Hie. Canudian Fish and have from assessment, or 51) mills . oil a German ambassador to A loiter wrilliMl by .1. 0. saving in overhead. In view oT be added. The weekly close seu. and we assurance owner of some coal leases in Ihe Cold Sloruge Co. ut 18 li and 0, (his il was recommended lo give son last year was 12 hours. the ininisler of railways at Ol-lawu, 000.00 assessment you pay Hie the United Slates. (iroundliog country on beliulf of Star, 2,000 pounds.; llringgold, the company the Hal -le and Ic tSkeena Uiver The close sea. that more will be spent as same taxes in each cuse;. but by Ihe 11.(3. Skeena Coul Company, 5,000 pounds, aim oivei me, rule tor all ils consumption delivered son In be Iti hours ami if, there improvements are required. lowering the you endanger J, Craig, Canadian National Sinclair sail Lid., lo I). W. Morrissey was 500 pounds, sold lo the wholesale. 1100 gill-net licences issued Technically speaking, we are in the (ho eily's credit und Itailwuvs buildlwr inspector, are read lust illit ut Ihe meeting of I'isheries ul II VjO. and 5c. General Reduction Dlsoussed. six hours will be added, the bush, and ir we ate gojng lo borrowing power which will very ed foe llio south last night curotite (he council of the board or trade Aid, Montgomery Tell that the gel out, il must he ''through the materially hamper ruturc deve)-op lo bis headquarters In Winnipeg'. Tli teller or the tiller-Trade Mr. Craig bus been muking un inspection Scoll e rrom Hie Company; nl work. Mr. assistance Hailwuy 1140 yeslerduy arternoon. cllUeus should also get some FLU AT USK. Hie Organization of H""J" sugnrsl-J would be After mature consideration' the. of the station building urged Hie, ilevelojiinent uf bcncHl in reduction of rules. He USE, .March SI. Almost- everybody therefore, you port and the desirability ot see-tiring ing the development unu enioiH. had been wailing with interest Tor around I'sk has suffered well advised not'lo follow it,policy majority of. the city council believe here. good coal Tor bunkering ageiuent of Imperial Irade was a report rrom the utilities committee, this winter from influenza or la that would undoubtedly prove (in. this bylaw to be the proper rather than the lignite coal or again luid on Ihe luble tor lust u oil this muller. grippe' bul litem huvc been no tagonislic to the source rrom solution of.the problem, und we versa, so VOTU 1'OH TUB HY-liAW. or week by the city council must look tor help. We trust will give llie bylaw your Alusku or the lurerior grades lime A general discussion of the ulil-ily wry serious cuses. The epidemic which we you bituminous coal, nlulil. This Is Hie fourth dealt then took place between Aid. is now showing signs of will accomplish more by friendly whole-hearted support. Your interests II. 11., that this Idler hus umi .Moulijviuei-y and. AJd. J' ; iy. the uuieli M utiii. co-operation, and get soihewhure, arc our interests, and vice Mayor. AihertUe iu tluj Dully News. Willi,