PAGE BIX THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, March 5, B?, DRUG HABIT THE HORRORS OF or man's ajl problem!people cannot.Sixty afford per cent to TIMES must be very hard in Vancouver. A client of have the right ileninl care that there he is hard and must Ihcy need ror their children. Wo WESTHOLME THEATRE says very up so IS A MENACE must understand that a healthy sacrifice a fine Double Corner which he owns here INDIGESTION tooth causes no inrection, and Tonight. Tueiday that every child has a riht to in Prince Rupert on Sixth Ave., at Cotton Street, in Matter to 4e Investigated at Vlo health. This is not charily, it is tor a by Police Commissioners Relieved fay "Fruit-a-tives" a right." Section Six. It is on the sewer and lies fine tor the Fruit Medicine building. Make us an ofer. It must be sold. H. G. menace MCTOIUA,of Hie tlrusr March liabbil The Hie Inligettlin., Weak Dijestinn or WAGES CUT IN BRITAIN Anita HELGERSON, LTD., Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance. young-will men lie and considered women of by Victoria lhe the'tial most digestion sonou of or footl,pp-sent-Oay is one or HIGH INCOME TAX PAID Cily Police Commission at its omipluinU U'ouuse il is reponiblo Seven Million Workers Affected next mecliiig when, representa for many jpriou Iroiiblrs. by Reduction In Earning Stewart Those uho ui'lA safer InJiftHion, tions on the subject from I be W. Power. almost iniariaklr ironhlrd artlA are I. I', arc laid before I he. Com PRINCE RUPERT TIDES missioners. Rheumatism, I'olpitotion of the Heart, LONDON. March 21. -Wiiee Extra Special ! The coiitelitions- of Hie- W. C, Sleeplessness end excessive Xerroatness. of 'the llritisli workmun were Tuesday, March SI. .i. "rrtiit-A thei" will always relieve eul more than tG.OOO.OOO week T. U. are Set forth In a resolution a in an 8 reel special High 7:52 a.m., I7:.l foot. Indigestion because these tablets in Ift-I n- II.,. llrilUI. Il.vir.l prepared by thu llockland Park il I :l p.m.. 15.0 Ted. strenjlbea the atomaeh mux-les, or Trade. Tlu- reiluelion affi-el- ' Union llranch or lhe orsaniza LIBBY'S Low - 1:2 J a.m., 10.1 feel. Hon and forwarded lo Premier increase the flow or llio dipp.tiR d more than 7000,000 workers 11:08 7.1 feel. juices and eorrretl nnntii(ion,which p.m., Oliver some lime This and was almost eitial lo the Wednesday, March 22 aso. usually accompanies Imlifrcalion. increases in tvhich had resolution points to (he "ne pay peen "Sowing WHITE High S):I2 u.m., IC.8 fe-l. SOc a box, B ror $2.."i0, trial site 25c. in ItHO and 1020. cessity of .-ranler making In a strict At dealers or sent postpaid 22:21 p.m., 10.5 reel. by vesligaliou into lhe danger of The severity of lhe llrilish in- Fruit-ii-tirrs l.iml'' I, Ot: Low 2:1G 10.2 reel. a.m., ome lax inay be Judged by the and young men women from ir:lG p.m.. 0.9 feel. lhe drug in Victoria." fact lluil installments now pay ASPARAGUS menace LAND ACT. nd askes thai "penalties for EETH CONSERVATION able, iueludiiiK tin; Mipcr-lax. the Wind" amount to 1,000,000 sterling. Nolle of InUntlon Is applr to Laasa Land drnjr traffickers and users be TOPIC OF Mammoth size, In (,'uorn Uurlollc IMand. Land WMrlrt, made much more severe, and that LECTURE Ihis burden is borne by less iir.-Mi-iiiiiK I'l.tnr, til rrnicf- nuprri, sua I '.iliialA In fmnl ttf nlojilr In I... ft. . Irons measures be4' (aleti at once than 2.300,000 persons. The Uiu Tall Tins, I.SUITSrR IMSIM1. Dr. now levied in income laxe is Take notice f tanacliaii Fish A Cold Slur lo fteht (he Irarrie, and further Thompson Tells Klwanlans of Regular 50c value are inipany Limited r Prince Isupert. H. lliut the Proviiieial i.roriiment Risk of Infection Through illiinsl twice as much ji Ih Christie Two Reel Comedy, I... IMtMlpalloll iiiii-ueaicr. intend in apply Idle nalional revenue in 1011 100 Tins at for prmil-lon to lea the milowiiir dc.' to asked lo provide . a home of the Mouth. crlhd land., Commcm-lnr at a pot planted detention for lhe unhappy vic The number or tmemployi "Seven hiip rwi in a souinetriv nireriion rroin Bald Pates" the iiorthnpfirrly post nf Indian Ite.erve tims of this lurrible habit," uouliiuied to increase duriiiK Hi' No. 16, thence 150 reel iiM.rp it less hi a VICTOIWA, Mareli I H. "Vj asl iiioitlh. . A statement issued 3 for $1.00. .ouiliweiierly direction tu low waicr mark, .Premier Oliver sent llns reso are out lo sep that child tliPiipp uo fppl elerly alimr low water lution iiloiisr lo the cily on lhe has every by tin- Amcriciiu Chamber or Admission, 15c and 35c mark. tliPiii-f! too reel tinrtlicrly to hlsti an eijunl risrhl to health, (Commerce in London shows the walrr mark, thence Sno'fecl ealerly along round that lh druW ipieslioii that 'leelli infection Joiifrer inm waier mars 10 poim or commence, no severe declines in llrilish Irade We American Currency; fur the consideration of buy as one mint ami roiilaininz Inn; acre, or Ip-. exists, and this a the expense of T.AXAIiM.N 1TH (s CIU.U STDIUOt ' (he eily police and, if legislation last jears. It gives Itritish im-pni'ls Rate the lik Today, country, education," Dr. CUMFAAY I.TU..'Applicant. in 1021 ns only 71..'I needed, for the Dominion per By Duncan kPiinrilr, Afcnt. were Harry S. Thomson, 2 per cent. li.-ilcd February IB. IVii overnmenl. The Police Cmti- or Hie Deutal llesearch superintendent Department cent or their volume in 1013, LAND will while exports were only 19.8 per ACT. misIoners laki. the question Notlca of InUntlon to Apply to Laata Land. or lhe Fnviersily of u cent or those in 1913 in ithicc nuicri i.anu iH.inci, neeorii. under advisement, Toronto, I old lhe Kiwanis Oluli Rupert Table Supply Co. Inir liinrlrt or Cnt llanirc 5. anil situate In lhe last Hire,, months of s III Hrlnlly of fort n. t:. assembled at lhe Dominion Hotel. 1021, however, steady incrensi Brand Fresh Roasted a lukc iiotiro that we, Jnliii Johnson and EDMONTON COLLECTS Dr. Thomson delivered Phones 211-212 or Waller Miml. of Port Es.lnrlnn. B. C... one is poled in exports or coal and llfticriiicn. Inteml In apply for lhe most rnreemi appeals ninde permission to lease me ronowinjr iiescriuecl maun f.'ietui nl goods FINES FOR ILLEGAL laroL: Coiiunenclnir at a post planted al to the elub ror .-oiue time past, southeast corner of Lot 8, Iiaiifre a. Coast and was rewarded wilh prolonged M;l.CK llllHIT I.A.Ml IHSTIIIIT I'lS Ustrlct, thence northeast 4 chain In low MANUFACTURE LIQUOR tiui:t or i:ost. hv.mik t. v water mark, llicncp south 3 chains along nonlause. sncakimr on the Coffee low water mark. IIipiicp west 3 chain to I'...... -..e il... ii i ii ...ii. I Taki- notlri' that I. I'. M. MunckliHi. 'Demers' hlirh water mark, thrnrp 6 chain alotir .,.- ..-.-, Tnraie. II. nirnyur. Int.-u.l to atih liljrh water mark lo point or commencement KKMO.X TUN, March 21. Ik-venue III his address lhe Speaker dealt 'r"r "'' '" pn-i-prn f"' rmi, lx-ln.lfutn a nil containing- 3 acre.", more or less, Ji'Mi's joni.N, : lo the crown was taken in with lhe era iH extraction in den- lanit.: l.'uiiiiiK'nrliir al a mt iilantnl lb WALTEIt MEMI, to tit,, extent t.r .1,300 plus the lislry, when lhe wa "extract rialn ..until of tlu- Mtiitliwi'i-t i-urni-r uT p Latest Styles Applicants. cry Lot I H3 , llii-ncp luiitn tin main, lliiMin The value of coffee as a beverage lies Dated February 58, 19SJ. I cosls oT lhe court as a result every liing," and wilh ils cal 80 rliaiiL., llii'iim siiuili 80 rhaliK primarily In Its strength and flavor. tliesrp vi"I xi i-lialn- tu iM.lut t niio- SUITS, or fonvicliiuis registered hy subesquenl uiovemenl "conservation" incnrriiM iit. anil romaliilnr Ulii acn- nmn- Green coffee will keep Indefinitely, but Magistrate .Mcl.eod in lhe court when leelli added in i.r le. r. M. .MoXt:kTO.N were tialfd January 9IM. XMii such Is not the case after it has been sitliiiKs or the ltoyat Canadian every way and rorm. These culls R roasted. Roasting brings out the flavor COATS, SHOE Mounted Moliee barracks. Five had now given way lo what was and aroma. Coffeo becomes stale because lhe closer lo Hie science SYNOPSIS OF cases were tried under provisions nl dt-n-listry, . of loss of these aromatic principles. or the Inland revenue act. and that as preventive DRESSES We are roasting and packing for current Jack (ireniowicli convicted in 'which teeth inrection wa dentistry, LANDACT AMENDMENTS SPECIALS reqt Irements only, realizing that essentially the charge oT iiiauuraelurins would be in tin-unborn on t-liininaled E coffee must be fresh roastetf to MILLINERY WORK SHOES liquor and was fined-?0OO. Mike childiby care oT the PROVE perfectly satisfactory. Sturdy work ..ftm, uaraii- llobowski was rined .L00 on a mother" and falher, clire or lhe Minimum il.. ol rirat--i! ainl SUPREME BRAND Is FRESH ROASTED Lowest Prices teed solid leather. charge uf having a wash "stiil-ahle child through its early and laler r-rtnerd to V an acr: aconJ lai-. to TASTES AS AS IT SWELLS XI.'M an air and GOOD ror the inanuraciure r liquor. years, aiid this al lhe general Special 54.50, $5.50, $6 rr-(ii.ilvn now confined to ur-eyeA Sold only In 1 airtight cartons. -lb. OUR MONEY BACK Mali Clioiiir wits TiHed expense or the slate. land only. M CHRISTIE'S HAND MADE rcord will he (Tamed covering jmy Price 60c. DRAWING IJeavy wulerprour I'lirmne oU(J on the cliar'i- or illegal On behalr or the Dental lie-search, land Ftjltable fbi arrk-ultural tmrpw land is Mill riiiinfnv,'. double -soles, stitched. possession or a still, ami on two and Mitr denial proression 'and rartnerontp which Is non.tlmher pra-cmpllona abolished, Reduced similar orrence K. Ilurslicak was In every town in Canada lhe but pan lea of not more than fo-ir ma STEWART & M0BLEY, hi to $8 Lut week's winner: arrange for adjacent pre-emption.-with LOGGERS' BOOTS fined. ? 1 30. speaker had traveled from Toronto Joint resident-, but each making Roasteri Coffee and Mr. Suul, No. 1 lo the Cuasl, and would necenxary Improvainema on rei"pertle Importers Our mukc own fMiaranleed: claitna. SORTA WATCH DOQ. return, lecturing in every place. I're-emptorn inunt oci'WI.v clm loi PRINCE RUPEKT Phone 27 P. O. Box 327 none better, Deduced this five yearn and make Improvementa to week only, $15. It was not a selfish motive, or value of $10 per acre. Including clearing "Marie is so modest she puis one securing material for the and cultivation of at Kaat a re. We solicit your shoe repair-Ins before receiving Crown Urant. her pel do;,' out oT the room while dental profession, but a great Where pre-emptor In i;uiMtKii not (no waiting). Expert lem than I years and ha made nro workmanship at she is chanjriiitf tier frown!" r service wilh a vision, the elimination Itortlountc Impiovementa. h inay. be From the Farm "The idea!" ol the major cause ot cau.e of btermedlaie lll-healih. nr'Jtthei certificate cauxe,ol nn o-rranted to the Table McARTHUR "Wellit's a Pekingese." proline human disease, he Dialed. pro,emerit and tranafer hlb claim. Washington D.G.i Times. Extent of Disease. Itccordo without permanent rea. deuce mwy t tanned, provided uppli Lath Third Avenue Hart Block Every mouth contained 01 rnt make improvementa to etlent of Lumber & fSRo per unnuin and rd'ord1. ame CMi, BulkleyValley HOT DAWQ. leelli roots, said Dr. Thomson of yewf. l'aipire lo make Improvement! jusl Hint possible sources or rTond Kama will operate a.i to. many feitiire. Title cannot b obtained In BEEF Hay ;niiiiiriii-' Utile chow of inrection, a danger that was ear thuli 5 yearx. and Improvemeiiip and of JIU.D0 Including & acta acre. PORK . . USE . . dosr" - What a nice lilll doggie. just 01 times greater than lhe. cleared and per cultivated, and residence Shiplap-Boards MUTTON Does she bite? risk ol infection to an appeiidix. of ai ent )cnr are required. 1'rc-empior holding Crown lirant VEAL Jlay No, indeed! ('Singer "The greatest asset of a 'nation may reord another pre.emptlon. if he Dimension FRESH KILLED POULTRY Shamrock naps.. 'Topics of the Day' is the lieallh or ils children," farm,lequlrcK'without land In actual conjunction nccuiiatlon,with,ino.til Skeena River Farm Produce Films. staled (lie speaker. The greater Ytdcri rtalhtory Improvementa made ThuroiiKhly Air Dried anil Stored Under Cover und rmldenee maintained on Crown VANDERHOOF CREAMERY iiumlier of diseases caused by ajnmti-d land. BACON inrection have their origin in the ITpaurveyed ai-eaa. nnt eiceedirii 20 BUTTER ucica. may be leaned aa houiQulte, Siding oral cavity. It lias now become title lo he obtained after fulfilling real Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, HAM d-ntlal and Improvement NORTHERN INTERIOR TERRACE a iueslion in dentistry between for irraiilnf and IndoMiiat nroHeH BUTTER the risk or inrection und the areas exceeding 110 acre may ba and Finish CO-OPERATIVE i.-NM-ft by one perann or coinuny. danger of loss of masticating Mill, fattory or IndUHtrliil lten on Phone SI EGGS FRUIT LANDS surface. In some respects, the may llmbet lie (and purchaaed:not exceeding conditions 40 Include acres SPRUCE LATH LARD pendulum of public opinion has payment Natural of hay atumpng.meadows Iraccexxllile swung loo far and everything is iy existing rondfc may ha puirhastd Manufactured In Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Pric,s blamed the leelli. ' conditional upon construction of 'a road We have u select list or II and "It has on been shown thai but rouu.lo them.not ItebBte eaceedlng of onelialf half of of purcliaaa cost ot EDSON COAL The Empire') Standard. (en.acre (ruels of improved and price. Is mad. CO. 22 per cent of all adults attend PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER RE EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. iiniinpruved fruit lands close lo P. BURNS CO., LTD. a dentist, and ol lliese 75 per The .cope of this Act la enlarged o 361 COMPANY town. cent allend only when in pain. Include all persons Joining and nerv-ins; Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. It is lime to (ret your land now Vj; have figures lo show Hint lime with wll hln His which Majesty the heirs forces.or ilevHees Tha for this season's operations. something like 00 3-1 per cent, of a deceased pre-emptor nny apply for title under the Act I eitended Write us for free booklet on of children attending school have from for one year from the death t,r Terrace and surrounding district. abnormal conditions in (heir Much year after person,the as conclusion formerly,of until the great one I'lllXCI-:TI1ICT IIITi:ilT Or' COAST,I.A.Mi lili-TlllCT IIA.M1E 5 LdS Best Coal M. T. LEE mouth wilh (in average ol eight trocatlve.iur. This privilege Is also made re Tuli notice thai 'I, kalhlwn Monrklon. The Store of Satisfaction KENNEY BROS. & CO. caviticsi apiece. In the cily ot No fees relating to pre-emptions are Victoria, II. (.., iiiiirrli'd wniimu, Intend to due or payable by soldiers on pre. apply ror a menu' to proHpiirl for coal, Ladies' & Gentlemen's Real Estate A Insurance Brokers Hridgeport, Connecticut, it has enipllona recorded after June SI, fun. IH'iroleiim ami mi I urn I mi- mi I lit follow JUST ARRIVED beftn shown lhal giving every Tcs are remitted for five yenrs. inr dxM'rllii'd l.iiwl: nuiiii-i i.-l utt- at a pout at Provision for return of moneys accrued, plumed 15 chain. miiiiIi of I lie xontlmcl TAILOR child the right o health thai a due and been paid since Ausrual eorncr or l ot I0;IT. tlienri' iini tli U i-luln. 4, liH. on account of payments, ,'ees tlicnre went 80 Ihiilna, tlieiirii soulli an Lowest Prices saving has been effected In. many t.r taxes on soldiers' pre-emptions. liiuliiit, lliinen caat Itu chill n. tu point of Tailored Fit Guaranteed ways. There, the children of the lntereirt on arreementa to purchase coilimeiiiTiiii'iit. ami coiiliilnlnir oil) ueres Hand town or city lota held by members of inoro or lea. K.Tiii.i:k. mom;ktii.n, COAL city were turned over to a dentist Xllled forces, or dependent, acquired I'. M. MollcKllill. Alll'lll. Third Avenue, opposite P, O. who was given u free hand direct or Indirect, remitted from en. iistinent to March II, ia:o. i-ni.NCE iti:pi;nr i.a.mi ihsthict -III. Order Now! Phone 58 Phone Red 13S with dental clinics in the schools. THICT OK t.OAHT. HA.MIK H, SUB.PURCHASERS OF CROWN Take notice that Ii li, F, Moiukloii. or In six years the loss by.epidemic LANDS Vlrtorla, li. r... miner, Inienil to iipply Tor a CAPS in that city hud been cut 70 per Provision mad for Issuance of license to pruntiei't tur coal, petroleum and Kxcusivc gelling agents Crown grants to sub-purcliaaera ot mi I ii nil Kin on I lie folliiuiuir ilnArrlhnil cent; the cost of re-education Crown Lands, acquiring rights from lann: i.oiiiiiieiieiiiir at a pom piuuii'ii to Night Phones . J. O: Stten, 371 FOOTHILLS AND CADOMIN had been purchasers who failed to complete cliulus soutli nf llif wiulliwe.l eoiiier or Blunt W. nearly cllmjnalrd; mental pjrehase. Involving forfeiture, on ful. I.irt 1037, tlieneo soutli 80 i lniiii". tlienri'. Unbreakable Peaks Blue Razors Longwtll, 270 COALS discuses, had been greulljr reduced; flllment of condition of purchase In. ffl so rliuins. Ilieueu north KU iliiiln. Day Phone S terest and taxea. Where aub-purc'haa. tlieneo eaat 80 elialna to point or eoiii-ineiiceiiient, Latest Styles Delivered in your bin and the Jlbunl of Health era do not claim whole of original par. lonUlnliv oin acres more or saved 10 cent, or ils annual eel, purchase price due and taxea may less. ii. r. .mo.m:ktin, CURED STEEN8L0NGWILL Screened Lump, tun S14.00 per ba distributed proportionately over p. M. Moiicklon. Aii-i'iil. expenditure. mU"1 b mad" Sheet Metal Worlce Screened Stove, ton, . 13.25 Rloht of Chlfd. byMayLrii''0PI'11; i'Iii.nci:TIIICT iini'iTtr OK t' IIAMII-:ihstiuct vis $2,50 10 $3jj QRAZINO 50c e. time YOU'LL LIKE IT "lit one mental hospital, after Orating Act. 11, for Take nolli-e Unit I, Lavender Moiuklon, Agent for McClary Furncaei ayatematlo f Tenure, II, C, inurrled uninaiii Inleiiil clinics had been established U7. development vldes for of livestock Induatry pro. lo apply for Jlffiiso lo pronpnil ror roul, grstlng districts and Consumers Goal Go. Lid. administration and rauaa pelroieiiiu aim nuliii ul irus oil the follow Inir cent or under M Barber Shop leatina Engineer per Hie patients were AnnaU gracing permits Commissioner. ilearilbed liinils: Cuiniiieiirluir at a poal discharged Issued based planted IS rliuina soutli or tint souilmsal aniHlully us compared numbers on rangdi Phones 7 and 311 priority for tstab tlieneo soulli 80 corner or Lot tU37, I'lialus, fitb Street and Fraser Street to 13 per cent previously. All llshed owners. Block-owners mar thence eu.l go riialiis, Ilieueu norlli 80 KIRKPATRICK . Sixth St. Phone Blue 78 Prince Itupert .... B, C. Lome MacLaren, Manager wo have gut is to understand form tnant. .Free,An.ocla.Uom or partlaUy for rang frss,manaaa.permits elm uiimiioiiueiiieiit.ln, tlieuee weal i-onUliilnif 80 clculn.010 tu acres point more or thfl uryblpiu, the. other toUa hSR ca,ni,r, or trav.ll.ra, up or less. LAVKiNi'Kn monckto.m, r. m. NonrKiyii, Atri'iit