ruf.clny. March it, 1025 nirni vr v- WW . . , ., ""' PARK Flvm I I , . . . . UNIVERSITY TAKING ACTION AND PEOPLE BOOTH SCHOOL President Kllnck or University of Fire Walls Will be Tom Down at B.C. Tells or Work of That Once and Lower Walls Institution. to be Dried Out. Veting on a report from P. Thn xliiry or Hi,, work' nf Hip OrHhame. station conliHclor. on t'llivornily nf llrillsh Colunihin. the condition of the lloolh nf IN dilTiriillie anil its nini nu .Memorial School .whieli set out lll Jiy i'rosidenl Klinek nt !.. Hie eiiuse real o'fTronhle Hiere public, meeting last ;ii(r, In Mho and recommended "ff'iirneess for i.mpross theatre mirier Dm .aus Hie remedying of- it, a definile pices if I In- i:i, -ju-nvnl moil poure of action in regard In the illlorosHllg. Till' Afionkof lilil fir the elWls to hinko Hip matter was deejdeilji upon at a Your jsorvn Hip whole people nf imfvir.ity Urltlsh joint meeting nf Hie School Daughter ninlumhia. In addition In giving was Hoard held and yesterday Ihe city cotincil afternoon which In I PLAYER Si i-mir.-r-t in arm anil science. :in. the council cliamber. your daughter at that Most mothers now know plfod clonoo mul agriculture Hip Ihe report prespnlpil by Mr. IS critical age, approach-i university did work nf non-university about Dr. Chase's Nerve Urnliiinie follows: ine womanhood, when rood and the promptness grade such 'as viii'aliiiliiil was as II NAVY CUT pi Is ArtPr an inspection of the . nothing so.important to with which it enriches the training fur wounded soldiers, Month Memorial Sclinnl it js our her as mother's care and blood and builds the toucher' viiriimiT school ami up opinion lhal the sehonl has mother's advh'ce"? nervous system of the growing nurse. In public health ainl CIGARETTES never been dried till I. the Walls -. It is during this time that girl. illllrsilig. Then Hide Wil's Hip being prai'lically )u a green I university Pxli'ii'inri v orb, Hip her whole" future health and It is mother's 'snfl., stale as when const rucled. duty to 'professors happiness may be at stake. see going mil lit untlyfiip: "This has bad some structural that a reasonable amount of points nf Hip iit-ovinee aiii( do-ilivpritijr With most girls this im rest and sleep is obtained, lectures, ilelrripraling etWl bill special gp . ' pi portant development takes that the food is wholesome j I'rosiilent K'linck told nf Hip i f I'lforls sliniild iie made lo dry out ' place at a time when school and nutritious, and that the rii'iillfp.x under which I hey Inbor-:'l IIip building when such defcels WM 10 for 18 fipPfT Szipcri 2ualify fl is will be appureiiT. ami work most exacting and treatment is used regularly in carrying mi I lie wnrk In may be the nervous system is conse and persistently so as to lariny Imt-t and lent ainl under. remedied. quently under a most severe keep up an abundant supply lying Hie loeliuv was a plea Tor ''U'e would' reconitucnd Ihat strain. of pure, rich, nourishing illif support' nr Hip emmniiuily Hip. fire 'will I Im rebuilt, also blood. thai the Hashing and metal cor-tiiee An enormous ouantitv of jwilh a view In liepr housing nf rich, red blood is necessary Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 50 Jlho in-Li I ill ion. Hp .Hi I.I I hit I Hip should be reconslriicled, to meet the demands of the cents a box. All dealers, or jsludonls rmripl ained more than "Further il iuul necessary B lo strait with lath plaster ll3PI& system, and, this failing, Edmanson, Bates & Co., j I In fai'iiily ,,f Hip pro.enl ron-;lilinns. Hie walls when drieif out where" there is the development of Ltd., Toronto. The portrait There were tin jdaylng I hey ire defpctive. ! anaemia, chlorosis or some and signature of A. V. rfielis a iil nn opportunities for I he whole I rouble in nut a form of nervous trouble. Chase, M.D., are on ithysleal fill t it i-. Mii'l or their uch St. Vitus' dance. every shell is Ilial Hie building has mil as box of the genuine. money hail lieen put into equip, lieen dried mil." nioiil ami salaries sn far. Tlioy Action Decided On hail a loyal ami enlliusl.isl ie After some discussion of the shift nmt a rapidly growing student report. Hie following resolution ) SERVICE FROM hody which Vuuhl he Hie Sport Chat was moved bv Aid. I'erry, sec nucleus for a fine institution. I onded by lir. V. T.' Kergin, and Hlnh Standard passed uiLanimnusly by the. meet PRINCE RUPERT TIip sneaker tnld of Hip high I'rinre Ituperl huxiny fans ing: landard demanded of Hip students, i'f ory inli'ipsled in the Can- "That, in view of the report higher than til the uni-vorsilios i ii weliprwpitflit rhnliipioiishiii' 1 by I', W. (il'iihame, it be decided of the Hast. In enrollment c't'"ns Stewart and Port Cle ImmiI al Vimrnuver last r, i- 'o tear down Ihe fire walls entirely in science and arts they y eveililix l.elwpcn fl-alik liar- ovoamsnip and cover the lnp wilh second in Hie Dominion came nf an, of Vaiifouver, and lleinio oervice ana naies. cement or oilier waterproof material: Canada, exeeeiliiijr IJie immhernf PS,.I ...., ..r : :..i. I reinforce the cornices with i , ". niiiiu . ... . ,l..i ,.!(!. ri.,nnnV. fn;..n. PI- former was frive,, the deris-l' "'T"".. ' . .V." . ... ' ' n n r.r -V ". '"I ." cetiienl or waterproof so thai nni miglil he due to the fact that the i .n .,, tor, , minds. The inpol inn 1 L ..L.. ?! it ... . -e e .0 L inncp watpr may leak in: when building had never been properly "iit IJie full l ine mid iiPillior " i" '""'!" .."" ; :" . good' weather enmes nnerate Hie dried oul as indicated, by Air. ' -? ,over . ...n,-!, iii,..4i. n.e chair, two leller.s wern rwl " furnaces at the school day and ItarrlMti TtuA : iJHIa, tin., heiiet- in rcKurillo the steamhip service VPr' ra!i,, mimher nf ilighl n as to dry nut the walls; firaham's No report. eharpe.i, rfsinp from 370 inTOir, Danger of Collapse fromtu.lenls L.r and Hip. L. ralPs 11 i-. ,.r ,1... j....... one then have a competent Incaf I -V'f'V:. "Mir .,h0 Stewart Citirns'.Vssoeialinnl ' "'II this year nr includin ctical tnarl "pxanilnp'' Ihe wall?pra Aid. Montgomery said he had GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY ',, "'7 " u":M,i 1' tUw shnrl HlP always doubled the stability of CntirsP. . .U .l,r rrnn, I, s. Lm,,,. ' thoroughly lo defeats in will .sail It for ocap PRINCE RUPERT Wednesday S. S. p.m. r",,:: r"Z:.?:"r :i. ,iij"'"i wni,, t.e h..sp . .-o., the school, but up to Hie present, . I' "l ,1 ( lliclu; wall unlit summer to lake Anyor. Thursday al 12 p.m.for Swan.son Hay, Ocean I'lillsi ';, I'l'lie pjirnllnienl showed that there had been po expert report i of j'on rteinenls 'lite l-.l . some definite action In water Victoria nnd Scallle. . en hips nn a as elTecl that it I'nwell ftlver, Vancouver, the lo;tlie was really iVllrv wh.Vr "s"l' """-".-r.l of stuilents the Irfle, .lolmnv .-nrlnsed letter, which had proofing Hie walls; until n per unsafe. It seemed that nothing S. S. PRINCE ALBERT 1'or all points Northern and i,. ,l,.n. ... , lieen sent to Hon. T. I). I'attiillo ca,,k' rr"' poiills outside n .maiient repairs made the are islands. .March jiKand Tor" " " .tv'"' "i : . ... . Vttnpniivpp. . llfferenl point could'he done until the bujlding Soiilhcrn Queen Charlotte eatllp mill ! rm .xififk urirl llui trtineivil city engineer 'building in ' recenlly. or was' Stewart, .March ttl and .10, ' being reproiehled. The uniersily dried nut nml I here was tin .sentiment of llne leltprs was eru make speclnrs inspection of the Train Service. danger or collapse in. ihe near was serving tin' province Ilnlnp hoitlrc nrc heinsr held ilui'sed and Hip writer will be informed whole. as school every few days so Ihat il future. The School Hoard wns Passenger MONDAY, WbONESDAY.and SATURDAY at 11:15 'Rulnrjy irv Jhe Cminlry I'.lwg ut lhal the Hoard of Tj-ade. 11 was Hip aim nf tho univer safely may he assured. just as anxiois as Hie council its i. m. For Sinilhors, Prince Ueiirg4, F.ilmopioir ud Winji.; I'n'ncIT (!enr;ru .wliere a reffiila-hon will cn-nperaln with thenTln eveyy There were present at Ihe the mallei' and had ji peg. making direct connectiort' jor all points ii( Kasiern-Canada sity ,lit extend the wnrk hut they expressed ring has ,iein installed'. A way possible. meeting .Mayor Hochesler, Aid. and I'niled States. - willingness to ln in felt II belter to everything rvferpp pnvernfti oarh hnut and In r'Knrd In the Stewart resnluJ was carry nn (iollarl. Aid. I'erry. Aid. Monl- il Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. along certain lines well than (o power to work in harmony: Ivvn juilgps, irpresenliiir earh lionet was felt ihat the Hoard tt extend Ihemsehes nT I ho ex giinTory, Dr. W. T. Kergin, chair wilh, Ihe. council, There, might City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue Phone 260 P"vspnpor in Hi", town are used. Trade should have fiilther in-! man of the school hoard, .1. (3. of JJi" faculties lie'ieiil 'danger, in a year's lime formation before taking action. pense -i-'xisHng .McLennan, liily Solicitor T. H. Ihe hmils lufl Kj-iday nijrht al They hoped to lulil home ii'cnno-mies, but'; .in the -in.'aniline, the huild- I'p'ince f!eor Wfre as fnllnws: There was also some objections to Hooper and W, 11. Vance, sec. music and advanced ing!' should'' bi allowed to, dry onl. irk nitrliss fs,r , llarnld Tafl : Ihe wording of the resolution. The relnry of the school board. -shoul'il science lo the curriculum in Ihe and .llien what ihe(iioi Ji. Canadian wane cnry llaili'x sc Hill Hraliaiii; letter was aivnrdinjMy handed over fit I ure. Instructions have been giveli lakeri in', nial.'iiig repairs vyotilil it Knishl vs. Youns Oal. Aniel to Ihe railway trnnsporlntiori Homo of In .1, W. Poller, architect, to lie -ascertained, Tlie enginect Culture B.C. Coast Servicer ills vs. lint) ...Maeil'Uiaiil, lien committee wild a view to seeurinu' Pres. Kliuck gave some intimate have thn wnrk ordered In the re. would practically lie 'pti) ,oii' his nuhes vs. Charles, Ilmisliialiii'K; the data nuiuired and Ibey will information in regard In nniver- solution carried oul. own resiionsibiltiy in; 'tfie -iTinlleC Harry Anderson vs. Hubert I'nr- report back lo the council of Hip Adopted by. Council. ami shoilld 1 imiiicdiatcly ' give sill life nml shnwed the efforts Sailings from Prince Rupert Hoard of Trade al its next . meeting. o keep the standards high and i'he report of the Jnlnl enm- notice if lheili appeared Id .he Hip 'institution useful In Ihe mlllee was adopted by the enuu- any danger. . ' . .. '' For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway. . " - Thc spennd .nf Hip. big frames The resolution ammip other whole province, They hoped I'1 cil in regular sessinn later in the Mayor- Itocheslor slnic'd that, IVIapch 10, 20, 31; April 10, 21i v V ' lehvpen the Xnronln SI. I'at-'irk's Hiiny asked thai the Prince make it a home of culture, not, evening. Willi II was' received h tho examining -contractor had. For. Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle . '?4 and tho A'ancnuver Mil-innalre.s fienrpe and Prince lluperl make reclusive, ,spf-centrreil hut cpnrl from the city engineer on said he had known -of ca'ses-.-drr u March 4, 15, 25; April 5, 14, 2S.; .. fur I lie Stanley fiup, calls al both inynx and Slewart radiating centre. It w as not the cnndlllon nf the school and imilar iialin'e wliero Hl nlhr-. Hi S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale,. Swanson -BaV, mhlenialio nf the, world's linckey every trip (fixinp thein a twice a to be u place whore I ruth was letter from the secretary nf tnr in ii building 'li$d titken .Us East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, NamuAlert.BayyvCamp-bell luiniplnnslilp, will take "place al week service during' tho summer. kept for Ihe use of those who the school hoard hoth of which final- set nionlh.s after biiibu River and Vancouver, every Saturday'at p.m. ' I'ornnlp lonipht. The Vancou-r It asked for a further reiluelinn might enme inlo rlose cnnlacl, tre filed for future reference. ing hiid been ureCted. II would Agency for. all Steamshfp Line's. .' ' . ; leani, which all nf II. C. of thn passenifpr rate and a reduction but a place where, dtsenvpries 'I'he report of Ihe engineer ex oiVn be' asccrtaineilv'If .Ihiii'yaA Full information fronV ; pressed the opinion .lhal snme of Mipportirijr, is hnjiiiig-ln make on the freight rale. lire made and distributed inside Hie classrooms lofJ. Ihe Pj- Iiere.' W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, ; were unfit for nidi a decisive win in this cnu-that find nut. They wanted In make ati'd harmful Aid. i'c.rry iiuiuircr ns In. -Jhe Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avonue, Prince Rupert: B. C. occupation lo there will he nn dotilil Advertise in the OnMy News. it an efficient servant nf the were okt'-'ofi llio iinmediafe .worfk'4)')r. " ' . '' .. ; iJr .' f tli o outenmn refrardless of people. Whilf 'it was rifficull lo llw health of Hie children, that I In! s'cli'oirl Anfl .the irta vor rciillcd the attempt made al waterproofing hat Iho 'third'.rniiio may brlnjf. 'difficult mai.tiu' .pnnisLUi tjic esii;niaiiiji. pel money il was mnre i-lh. On '"tho plli'pr hand, the SORES SPREAD to get Hie right men for the could not be satisfactory nnd tl'tnfi rViHjgh,; dVi'w by '.tlie .school Unit other would have to nrnnlns liellrjii.Hiat. I hey have means limui) lor ii V loiioiwr; wniiiii work. IIKN I IS I Y AH Over he used for remedying Ihe trouble, re '.,;j ip Klriiuer Innni and lhal Hiey Dr. Cirniit presided nod al Hie imply cover iU" al expense,! idly great posy Ml he able Jp Ji-nnie and pas, close HianWed I ho speaker for his lhal Ihe nlleriiallng and Dott't leetli. ie one iinitjiil thai Vancnu-r FACES AND BODIES. intensely inlercsllng lecture. dry vet ST. PATRICK'S DANCE neplcct your- One .decayed or- mjssih'ttipfh comllllnn of the walls and the lowers vitality. ' now has lis a result nf the your also the platform There was on aclioji of frpsl was bound lo TkI fame last' Friday niffhl. Mr, Howard .lloulelle, Wis) itrniu. M. finnzales, Fred llnberge and AT USK ON FRIDAY of the have nn elfecl on the slahlljly of 'vernl local fan were ntwriev- Bisk.. wrliM:- "1 wish lo tll you DR. BAYNE all nf the lii'iifiu we liuve rpcnlvcil by ualnir jour Halp I.el'inc, ojlleer... trie miiiiiing, that lie School NIGHT BIG SUCCESS I Hint VancnuvPf (inuld not have Hi" iiiPdlrlno, Burdock lilood llltten. r.ius Hoard should Immediately gel' ck. Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Block Phone 109 ainlaincd nil Friday nislil My rlilldrrn ilirlml to breik nut dft Hep goal IpiuI which she had tlii'lr Ucci wllh snull wliiln plmplM wmcn , . --H port advice on the condition of Mnreli 21. There Office Hours: Mornings, 9-12: Afternoons, 1:30-5:30; Ihe school with a view lo making USK, wa a !irgr xnrh day, I'u would F.ventngs, 7-9, t 110111118: the end nf the second period, kept II In r.niil uuilir llio irali and they woilll coin Ten Years Ago i re pa I I's and thai, in Ihe mean lively Ht. I'alrick's lay dunce lild matches aivJiPlns playpd nrr, Hid ficI) llin Ilia lore would be lime, it should be closed until hern on Friday evening under the i'' Tnrnnln arena and Hooper lanrrr; "nine w lifJ twfiny in Pr'nce Rupert 1 fitted for occupation. - auspices of,Ihe l.'sk School Hoard, mcainn, Toronto, is referee for live lent plere, and would tprcad all ovr Ihe being to raise funds Aid. -Mel.eon, who had tint at purpose la deipulr and NOTARY in series, their tiiHllea, I wu nearly THEO LTD. enl io the vlllare for I bottle of (food Charles Halsey Vt'lurued yes-lerdaf tended the joint meeting, had towards the purchase of a new COLLART, - - PUBLIC blond inedlrliie. The druirgls! sent me a aflernuon by the steamer some Iheories of his own lo ad school site. The dance wns en NUT BETWEEN MISKE bottle of Uurdoik Ulood Hitler", which I Falcon from an eleiJioneering nice in regard lo the matter. joyed by all and was successful FOR SALE One Lot on Gth Avenue E., near iKjiiiiiiHiri'd a"lvlii U'fiii it oiu'e. trip to the HoIIh f inula district.' He said thiiT Ihe mortar through. for $i)5 was raised which will help In obniit ten day I iw in Improve-ini'iil McBrlde St., $600.00, terms to be arranged AND MADDEN IS OFF considerably in enveriiig the ami hey rrew ileadlly better each nut the building, in his opinion, pur day. and In one uhmuU Hw lore bad all Pat .Sent I and Jon Jtayley will wa.s useless Hild Ihat lh Veneer chase price of Hie lot. The pies Rentals Real Estate General Insurance iliHoppi'ired." ineet at Ihe Wcsthulme Theatre should be stripped and nn exnj of every variety proved a feature ST. Phone Westholme PAHI., March 21. The and I.V1II dlfie ire ciused Blun 69 Theatre Block P. O, Box 66 All bliKid and in a hnut for tho lightweight minalinn made of what was in- of the re fresh in en Is and must imposed ton round bout between by bud blood, and to ret lr keep fly hnd mu.t remove every inct or championship nf Hie Northwest, hie the walls. The plastering have proved a deleclable (rent for .MUkp,. : of, SI. Inu1, II pure you "t'Hey the Impure and morbid waiter from the Nelson Ilumt will be referee. Inside In. building was also not Ihe nniitorouK bachelors and Maddcilf of New York, Rlil liftttvyvvcltthlH, set for April aymm by , M'" rleimliif Uiedlclne up lo standard and even nl the young men present Judging from UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED. as been called off. wirli BURDOCK BtOOD BITTIIH The rjonservallved held a cam. back of the radiators, xvhero one (he way Hiey bid for and hit into saiLinas llt !' bt""n cu ""r" palyn smoker In the Fmprcss woiild expect ft In lie dry ami in them. For Vancouv.r, ralllnir al Snanion bay. Orrau 1'ilU, tueidty, I ua. a ri'iiii'dy For F-ort Slmpaon, Kaan llvrr, Anyox n,l AlltD suudly. wldulrtil. 4rni, To rxpe.e.1-. n i ndvprll"-to ror the r forty-live yean, and iu Tlienlro last night. II. A. While; gouil condition, il wiih soft and i:alliiif al orvuuiK and t.n Harbor uu uilinn Jan. St. l ed. I a. ti. Nairn I a. single without ail rnual for all dlneasei and dls- was cbairmuit uml tl) spenkecd could h c 'vrirkcd 'back and forth Tlio intelligent. hrewd alien- til, iJallinir, al Suiiinrvlll. kuim-i-n aiW Mill Bay wlllnn t'eb. 1, IW. MtrrU .fi, foOlUli'jnA 5. It and r 1 1 8. e In pay a? onleri of !h blond. worn: Aid. ImuglaH, Slayftr Ncw-i and Inlo the, prick. 1 thin 'which i given to Selling 63 Sacono:j Atnu JACK BAHNSLET, Aont Prlnea Rufrt. B. a grow fat from the nffenl 1h l. Munilfaetured only by .-unuui" one meal, Co.. Llmltod, Toronto. Onl. Inn and O. II. Nel.on. J The mayor misgeiiU'd thul thls should include advertising.