Monday,1 June i 9, 1922. THfi DAILY V$yVB rr '1 I' How Much Local and Personal DONALD'S MAC mmmmmm ftgnc Cream Launoh "Oh Baby." Blue 648, II. C. Undertakers. phone (I. tf in Milk? Haynerv, Undertakers. Phone Few people know how. rich 351. tf Pacific MJIk actually Is. The label on the can says it contain Cash for Victory Honds. Thus. ida rest t es not less than 7.8 per cent McClymonl. If of butler rat, but thai is only Kale continues on all ready lo the 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i n i 1 1 1. 9 lly actual test there arc 13 wear. Wallaces. tii Genuine Black Morocco pounds of cream in every 100 Three dozen for $1, pounds or Pacific Milk. It is eggs LOOSE LEAF MEMO BOOKS (his Infill "cream content" that guaranteed, City Market. tf. Vest Pocket Size, A $3.05 given Pacific Milk Its unusual 5& x 2J, complete Mrs. J. Leon, of Inverness, richness and smoulhivss (if Pocket Size, GJ x complete 4.S0 flavor. readied the city lu , night. Open End Size, li x G, complete 4.10 Pacific Milk Co. I. J trunks ami fi. Moore arrived 10 f' 18C Solid Cowhide Price Books Limited from Terrace Saturday r- evening. Open Side Size, GJ x 3, complete. $7.10 Abbotafoprf Factorial at and 828 DftAKS STREET Mrs. 1.. W. I erg in will not receive Ladnar. B. C. on Tuesday nor again until 20 35c LI mi lad VANCOUVER, October. l;t . Sale prices, un Ladies' tfuils. SHOOT AT RANGE Suits,Wallaces.Coats, Dresses and Waists.iii (Also Packed in Tins of 50j Why Pay More ? HELD YESTERDAY ' - L r C. 11. Sawle, editor or the Omineca Herald, arrived in the Frank l'hiscalor, of Terrace. Northern B. C. Regiment Mem-bors city on Saturday night's train. pased through Ihe ciiy last Were Out Yesterday night his way to Seattle. i Service Conditions. Fresh Mystory Trips. Every week-evening I 7 o'clock. "Narbethong." C. 11. Urine sailed last niglil ! Members of the Northern II. C for Ocean Falls. He will return Columbia Fare $1.00. Phone U lack 400. tf llegiment had a shoot at I he Mn-Nichull on Wednesday with the llotnry Creek range yeslerday. DKNNV A LI.MX CO.'S JL'XH tt i ul Masonic eseursiouists. i Th( rifles, used were short j FLAT SALK. With every purchase Rupert Kuficlds returned rrom service a chance on our 820.00 Tea Sel. Jl. S. Wallaiie, Hie local nier-chaul in France and the shooting was Records y t tr who is now residing in done under actual service coo-dilions Vancouver, arrived in Ihe city willi . open sights, no (i. It. Jesse)), of Anyos, arrived this morning on a business trip, special sjghling appliances being in the ciiy last nighf and is FISHJranA used. The target for I he 200 registered at the Holel Prince Mr, ainl Mrs. C. C. eslen- i 25c. 50c. yard dis.liince was a 0 inch bulls, llupert. i haver, who were here lor a j eye mid for the Sl)0 and 0(10. a week on a business trip, relurned Iwenly inch disc. These are not ' south last night lo -their home i Any 10 inch Record Any 12 inch Record the standard targets which are Fight were men, sent miners to Stewart and carpenters, by in Astoria. now available from the I? inch and 21 iucli respectively. the local employment bureau on Thesi! latter will likely be local retail stores. up Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Shipmau, or I'.d-iniiulnn, and ready by next Sunday. were pics.-eiigers rrom ORMES LIMITED Tlie scores yesterday were as boat to train Just night. Mr. Stewart arrivals in Ihe ciiy on 3rd Ave. and Gth St. P.0. Box 1G80 follows: 200 50(1 (Hid Ihe incluil.'d'lrirec II. llupert Campbell,last A.evening I). Shipmau station .master 1s assistant nt Kilmonlon C. X.and H. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Phones 82, 200 and 134 W. J. (ireer.... 2K 2K 25 K7 Chambers and A. Leukine Smith. is on e lioliday trip. PRINCE RUPERT l. Creen 20 21 2(107 THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO REXALL STORES II. While 20 27 1 1 00 Will' (ieorge Fiji Watson Tlafire depart nielli had a call II.W. Cameron 20 22 10 01 communicate wilh cousin, Crace al 2 o'cl ick on Sunday morning A. M. Davies ..21 23 111 -;;) O. Parker, 1 25 Suulh Hunting lo Uii- residence of Mis. Millie .1. McUrcgor . 2S 15 2201 ton Avenue, Muslim, Mass. If lli'iulu, 718 l-'raser Slfeel.vwliere M. l.aiiib 25 t 5K u curtain had become aflame W. Davies.,. lb 2.H V S" Nul l lilimiiul passengers'- board and ,hud -filled Ihu jdace with F 99 W. II. Dwiy" 12 ill it il ing Ihe steamer. Princess, Alice smoke; The fire was checked "Supreme (i. P. Tinker.. 14 v lo;i'.t today at this port included L. A. before any damage was done. R W. It. Allen .. 12 13 1130 ' GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY - MeKinnon, for Skagway, and I I'osslble score ill each easi Walter (wen. inspector of pro- E llcliion, for Juneau. Brand Fresh Roasted Sj S. PRINCE GEORGE AND PRINCE RUPERT will null Thursday was 35. vincal police, relurned this morii- o'clock Midnight for Swanson Bay, , S and Sunday ut II! ', -V. A chimney fire at Ihe esi iuur on (he Chclohsiu rrom a d- Ocean Falls, Powoll Rlvor, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, I. Hell relurned In Hie eily en deuce of O. Slromlalit, I 15 .Ninth iiarliiieiilal visit r len days to H COFFEE lor Anyox Wednesday, ii p.m. For Stowart, Saturday, p.m. on Saturday night rrom Hazel Avenue Fast, called out the fire points iluwii the coast iucliiilin Si S. PRINCE JOHN lor all points Northern and Southern ton. department at P:30 yeslerday Namu, Ocean Falls and Del In A Blond of Coffee that has no superior. Queon Charlotte Islands, May Ulli and 27tli, Juno Kith and morning. There was no damage. Cooliii Inspector Owen will visit Dan .labour relurned Ihe THE RIGHT BODY on Purl FssiiiKlo'u and Stewart lie- R 21 Hi, July Hlh and 2ind, August &lu and lUth, Sept. 2nd, 10th Princess Alice Inday rrom a bus fore reluming to Vancouver al THE RIGHT FLAVOR and JUtli. C. II. 1 1. Turner, of Vieluria, Train Sorvlce iness. I rip lo Vancouver. wliu is in charge of mining op the end of the week. Later he O THE RIGHT TANG eration on tlie Indian at will be going into the Atliu.dis roup A PERFECT QUALITY. G.45 Passenger Dally Except Sunday, p.m. Mr. and Mrs. li. Whitehead trict. Stewart for the local l or Sniilhcrs, Prince Ueorge, Fdmoiilou, and Winnipeg, are leaving on louigni s. train company, a A quality that produces such a delicious aroma making direct connections for all points in Eastern (Janadu for l.akelse Lake where (hey will reached Ihe ciiy last evening. Krskiue, "Coolgardie" Smith, S that only the taste or "SUPREME" can satisfy It. and L oiled Slates. spend a holiday. F. K. Ilaney, of Wrangell, ami miner, prospector, rigluer and T Sold only In 1 lb. airtight cartons. ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hums and glob.; Iroller, one ot the best Agency for all Ocean Steamship Linos William Kipp. charged with in family, of Chicagorf Island, were known rigurcs in mining circles E City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave. Phono 260. toMcatlou. railed to put In an mining lie Alaska arrivals in Ihe or Canada, was a northbound D Stewart & Mobley Ltd appearance at the police rour city by the l'rincess Louise on passenger on the steamer Priii- litis morning add his. $5(1 bail Saturday afternoon. ess Alice which passed through Prince Rupert, B.C. was estreated. the eily today enroule North, lie I he marriage of K. S. Hay, of is on his way lo the Mayo mining CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Arthur A. Ley, resenl alive rep Kigby Island, and Mis Margaret field which he asserts is uf Hi,. Hudson Motor Cumiiaiiy. llorne, of 70S Fs(uiinalt lluad. oiiiR lu produce more in a year B.C. Coast Services of Detroit, who bis been here Vicloria, has been luistponed for (ban the Klondyke ever iliil. GbT BACK ON THE FARM visiting with his. sister Alts, it a month. Mr. l)uy went south 160 Acros 2 mile from Morlcetown. Frame house and lleauuiout, left last week fur his two barns. Forty Acres Nleadowland, balance Poplar and a few days ago but was taken ill Sailings from PrinceRupert huiuu. on arrival al Vicloria and is new Spfruce. 60 Acres fenced. Snap for either cash or terms. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway Advertise in tlie naily News. in hospital I here. Enquire THOS. McCLYMONT JUNE 12, 19, 2G. JULY 3, 7, 14, 17, 24 and 28. IN THE 8UPREME COURT OF BRITISH For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattlo COLUMBIA IN PROBATCI Arthur Maiison, who rortoerly mm UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF LIMITED 19. 22 and 2D. allended the B.C., JUNE 17. 24. JULY 1, 8, 12, III tliu Mullcr of tliv A(linlnl-llulliii Act local high School SAILINGS S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, IIIIU III llll' MlUll'l' ur inu c&iaie ui and who visited here u few weeks Monday and Tuesday 1-i-aiirol. Iiinifuu lie miis.y. For Ocean Falls and Swanson East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alort Bay, Camp-boll TAKE MirUK llmt ull llw Mil dill' Ul ago on tils, way from Montreal at 2.30 p.m. at our Sales Room, Vancouver, lluy, Tuesday S p.m. River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. iinir.Hit uliove III.eslale Li'llen wire ut mauled Adiiilulstralluii Joint lo Vancouver, passed his secouil 823 Third Ave. W. or New Mattresses. For Vancouver, Alert Hay and 1'ort Hardy, Saturday p.m. For Anyox, Alice Arm, Port Simpson und Wales Agency for all Steamship Lines. lumen.mi-miii cu. urriaai AuiiiiiiiMramr. mure ear medicine examinations at Springs, Kilcheu Cabinet. midnight. Island, Sunduy Al.l. I'IlIOUAS IlilVIIIK Ht'l'llll MIX IIKUII'.SI Mcd'ill University and took hon Tables, Chest oT Drawers, lull information from tlit I'slaii' uii' ri'iiiiiivil In Bend tin; paiuu For Naas River Canneries, Friday a.m. and other Furniture. ors in general physiology, his W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, tu tin under-tnied wiilrtu ililriy duy fl'lHII llll' tl lt Ill'lt-Uf. tology and embryology and 'or GEORGE LEEK, Auctioneer Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C Al.l. I'l.nso.xs uwiiir limine to mo in Id et.lle illi1 liereliy li'Miili rd In m J the ganic chemistry. -iiiim' in I lin uiid.'nltiii'd fiii'lliultli. iATi:n ui On' i:ny uf I'rliiee IiuiiitI In tin- I'rovlme i if Krillsli Culiiiiiliiii llila F. W. Mulliollaiul. of the local LADYSMITH- Itilli day ur Juim' U'i.'. PA A I NOTARY JOIIA 11. JliI'MI'I.I.KX. forestry uffice, is acting as ror- No THEO COLL ART, LTD. - PUBLIC ITiin c Hu'ii, U.C. st- nupervisur al Jlazellon until BetterRepair IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH permanent appuiiilmenl is COLUMBIA IN PROBATEl LU AL Five Roomed House and Bath For Sale on Ninth Ave. K. made lo Till Ibo vacancy caused WELLINGTON III llir M.illi-l' of On' Ai't Work than ny tlie Ours $2,000 -8500 eas.Ii. lialance tine, two and three years. mill In tin. Ma III'l' ur I In- holme uf recent resignation of Harry I.. Warren, IU'wani'il. James lurnbull. Mr. Mulliolland TAki: Nona; iimi iiii Hip sili itiiy uf BULK on Dock $12.75 per ton j in-. in'.".', i.i'i ui ut AiiiiiiiiiMiaiiuii in is. at present in (be interior Rentals Real Estate General Insuranoe Uii. aliiiu1 rululo Wfi-d Rriiiilf.u In Julm II. where he, lias been having This is why particular BULK Delivered $14.26 per ton a busy Mc-.Miilli'ii. orrii'lal Adiuliilstralui'. I'nncu Phone Blue 69 Westholme Theatre Blook P. O. Box 66 lllll'ITl. time lately coping with t(ie outbreaks care is uiKeu wan every SACKED on Dock , $13.76 per ton Al.l. I'l'.llso.NS linvliiir ai'i'uiinlii mniinl to Job secure perfect results. Uii' ".llll- u ii' re(iilri'd In ni'iid IM alii" of forests fires. SACKED Delivered $16.00 per ton In Uii' iiiidi'r lKii'd wHIiiii llilrty day J'lenly of experience to tell fruin Al.l,Uii'I'KIISOAS dm lu'crur.uwlnr IIHillliH lu lllll F. .C. Oibbuns is us bow lo do things, i'lehty The Ladysmlth-Welllngton Coal has been mined continuously valil "lnlii mi' hiTi'iiy ii'iiuiri'd ut pay expected back or facilities tu do things for the past fifty years. This splendid coal Is unequalled 1 ii- sunn' in li"' iiidi'iniiriii'd rurntu nil. rrom a trip suulh. which look DENTISTRY! n.ll.i at iiiii i.iiy ur rriuri iuin'i'i with. for all purposes Steaming, Household, and Furnaces. lu Uii' l'rilui'i' uf liillUli Culiimbla Dili hiin as far as Portland next Sat Itriug mcudahlu liilli day ur J tun' A.n. ivvf unlay. Ho will be us your accompanied JOHN II, MC'MI'U.KN. articles. Pl'llirl Unfinrl II I' here by (,. it. Drayton, Modern X-RAY Service manager of the Union Insurance general John Prince Rupert Coal Co. Bulger, Co,, or Canlon and brother or Fxolusivo Agents for Ladysmilli-Wellinglou uuJ Vellowheud DR. BAYNE HEMORRHOIDS Sir Harry Drayton, runner mln. I Mo Jeweller Coals. isler or rinance, and C. It. Fl- ni 1 l'liune in your orders uny hour, day Rooms 4, 6, 6, Helgorson Block Pnon 109 I'llei or 1 lemur r hold..Chaae'a No lertuu, nianasier or the same. GIFTS THAT LAST 1 X none X O ut' night, tl'co will ulwuys be suinoune Olllce Hours: Mornings, 0-12; Afternoons, 1:30-5:30; Olntmont uiglcal operation will relieve at l)r,onco and company fur II. C. Mr. Dray I on ut the dusk to receive them, Evenings, 7-C afford.i..n..u laatlnk'VM,.i,iur.n.benefit. (0o ltilte.a box;& Co..all und Mr. Fllerlou will spend u Peter Black, Agent. Main Office, Central Hotel. I Limited, Toronto. Sample box frc few days in the city.