Was Honored) Lgk Here} IN DEBATE | . : j Farewell Party Held Last Evening | |Ald. Casey Asks City Council to} Mes. Dybhava | CANINE IS By Women’s Organizations of “Nuisance” or “Pet” is Question| Open Up Communication as qrlonday and Tuesday Lutheran Church | You never had such a Which Agitates City Council Soon as Possible Seatere abe i “And 9 pay ' hibits S at 7:40 & 9:4) In honor of Mrs. Tom Dybhavn, chance to buy goed foot- ADMISSION — 15¢ & Sty L. J. Marren, proprietor of the} Expressing the opinion that the} |who is moving to Vancouver, the} ; as , prices as , j ; A at Aid we Sunshine Mission wear at as low pees oe Auditorium, was in attendance at | roadway along the east side of Hays | HERE’S A HOW! Isociety of St. Paul's Lutheran|}] YW @r@ giving you today | jast night’s meeting of the city|Creek could be opened out a con-| JOIN THE : iChureh held « icint farewell party | If y apie os -ouncil to lay a complaint in regard|siderable distance further towards | ‘ THE Puy P, Hast even . se Dean ot eee from. us 3 oe t log which had become a nui-|its ultimate destination at the new|@ Py last evening at the home of Rev.) outfit the whole family for ; . echt. Ts imum | 66 , dna dire. 04 Bosse. The evening! nhs RO ee eae sance around his premises by|fishermen’s floats with a minimum) e . ee ee ee nding into the hall when bas-jof expense, Ald. G. B. Casey again) i was enjoyably spent in singing and | . for one net a f / years ¢ eTr- : | speeches j lr ao ee er ketball games were in progress, urged at last night’s meeting of the; e : 7 son ; : vee +h wine “A burrowing into the basement andj|city council that the work be pro-| The izin < sralgi | During the proceedings, Mrs.j Dur J , agonizing aches from neuralgia can be Nat ae “thas | SHOP AT THE RIGHT PLACE therwise conducting himself as no|ceeded with as soon as possible.| é presented with aj} i quieted in the same way you would end a jbeautiful tray by the president,!| AND YOU GET THE RIGHT |)gentlemanly canine should do. Mr.| Ald. Casey thought that the coun-| rheumatism will find the same wonderful mung Lowe, Stuart Irvig : comfort in these tablets. They aren't just Would Let Workless * | Slippers and |: me» { for headaches or colds! Read the proven . R bb Marren, however, thought it advis-!However, there would be some ex-| | directions covering a doven other uses Hunt Deer Without | ABDOETD bl, o spvear Detere the comet pendiare ivcived i the eating the level crossing and it w of ridding himself of | dock fence could be removed at any} She was a flirt, only foolin , & He was a treat ‘em rough Ry, meo. From the sensation) stage play of a 1000 Laughs A Paramount Picture . . one tated that » 1 a. a ; , to! headache. Take some Aspirin. Take enough | Mrs. Pedersen. Mrs. Dybhavn res-| PRICE Marren stated that he had already j cil should give temporary ett 7 ” ; : : , ae i ied riately i taken the matter up with the city/the floats as soon a8 possibie pro-| to heime com relief. a |ponded appropriately y} ae eed : i anes eee ee |. Delicious refreshments were siett B Sh solicitor who had suggested that he/ viding no very heavy work was in- me can’t hurt anybody. Men and women with ved } oots, oes lay an information against the) volved With Claudette Colbert, Bic ' ! | owner of the dog or devise some} Mayor Orme stated that the dry, ' : : if such it was. Mr. time to make way for the road.| neuritis, sciatica; lumbago; muscular pains. Pp + F Li || For mem, Women and ¢ hildren Junior Clavring, owner of the be neceeenry to purchase some lum-] Cold, damp days which penetrate to the aying or Licence oS we am. Shee ne, also in attendan at the ber. The mayor assured Al. Casey] 1S RIiRCT Elsewhere. Come and See— eeting. then rose to the defence of | that the boar f works would pre-| U. S. ELE( TION Ay very bones have lost their terror for those RR nag Fp ee ae ei Pla A Oh AP Se: ge RETURNS b Aspirin! All . On motion of Ald. Casey, secon- h ; dog which he said was no nui-j|sent a report on the matter as soon| . 5 whoc vy rin! 2 : ‘ i z z ane = hist yennir ‘ lay yecih]} > 9 carry Aspirin! All druggists ded by Ald. Macdonald, the city ut Rate S oe but a genuine pet. Mr. Clav-'as possible Rete aet prem ot . council last night passed a resolu-; pointed out that he had given —— (oa om oe PITTS § ay a3 sie eal ad Mr. Marren permission to shoot the : MA TODD in . tion requesting the provincial game Store Sees ee ees Ss ON | §. J, Jabour was the speaker at “PHE OLD BULL” ' jauthorities to permit unemployed vitna il ne , 108 if he could catch him. The; ... regular weekly luncheon of Novelty—“Holl . : ead Henin t ird Avenue—Prince Rupert g was now being kept ona chain./,-~ . : , w— SOMy wood ( TRADE-MARK REG. IN CANADA persons to hunt deer without having : : = .

: The request is along the lines of Water Phone and ae shank was in the chair and there “BLONDIE OF THE FOLLIES” one which has been made by the} ; . it ae Ee lwas a good attendance of mem- i WEDNESDAY REVIVAL ? = National Unemployed Workers’ As-| “CHECK & DOUBLE CHECK % LT : | Garbage Account ea ae ee on: - _— Yes, There isa Differ- | Waton Charges ' Remitted to Fair Boare. of tthe matter! Cold On Chest bers and guests ence! And You Should ng the surface of Third Av- Hear— For Halls Set Owing to the deficit which the ©" pes cl a : of G. P. Tin- Dry, Hacking Cough Fair = ead the 1039 By. | ker so th he crete sidewalk | Fair Board has had the 1932 Ex shcnentl dette sinhte sinaitine Mra. Frank B. Logan, Queen’s Ave, London hibition, the cit; inci! last night **~ Ont., writes:—‘ Every winter it i sf Recommendation Adopted By City|adopted a recommendation fron sent be stoog over on account of to catch a bed cold. I have it Gh aay hed, ons \ e ores ree i the- utilities committee that remit- “Clement weather. Ald. MecCut- it then continues down and settles in my chest i Basis ltance be matié to the © board of nm speaking te the report T always get a dry, hacking cough from which : a sphiale Maibic ond gartnes i. ist i ' wer everal Norway I cannot get any relief ustil I get my bottle of : 4 A reecommendation from the fin-/|... ¢, POG gg PE. 9g EE r sidewalks in the same condi- Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup out of the medi . ance committee that ail public ee a wr ida nd the making of alteration Pine oo ’ " aoe * a uc being made to the Fair Board with- _ _ ; repens Pri beste: j n halls. whith are rented out forjn.: nreindice eacl ght involve con- Syrup ne , ; we ey ot ol “a dances and such entertainments}: == ' 0 xpenaiture my Torento, Ont. —"- i —_ ang s } : riaini nus.} a aeeilit com c ’ : : houl » 9 ~ ‘ i ter ; hould pay $2 per month in water) 5 Boyd Young, wh 14 = 2 “ 1932-1933 rates according:to the Water Bylaw;,. - , ; was Sdopted: by the citYi George P. McColl, arrived ouncil at its.meeting last evening Ald. Collast explained that the : e rted by eleven r de- : from Sivipson an! will be h ® ® e or, ts tar Your a recommendation was being presen- 4 day a ; * F , : : velopments wir radio ' r so in Ar jon ¥ » : ted ‘in view of complaints of inequit-/, . * eee ‘ - for years to come See bilify which had ‘ , A] Ousiness Madters before pr edin a ily 3 a been lace. Aili 7 ¢ - The Montrose 10-Tube then t ? : _ to Vanco re plans to lo- hem now at— hall thé cl yuver where halls i city were now on , " chy were now OM 4M cate. Mrs. Young went th » equal basis,.public ones paying $2 the Cardena to Van per month and private, $1 t5.. Wan. Auda. wher on the Cardena this : : col ee ee en | cat te ee ge kes ars mn ta ben To Subscribers to the Daily News or / ee fe ee ee pe, WD CRE oes. OS ar Cc spending the past month or so in/ ; customer per set the city and ‘district om organiza-/ : : . S ‘ . khan wee To Rée pe oa on, een noe os Any Wishing to Become Subscribers 4 Phone—3 We Deliver per set yesterday's train or Edmonton . See will proveed to Lis home New Glassware Al] our advertisers have been offering special bargains to the cust: ers. Here is our contribution. Any person sending in a full year subscrip ~ ‘ . . . . : . . r . . . i In regard to the placing of stree’ had been reack.ed that the light at tion now will get the rest of the year 1932 free. This applies either to new +h light m Ninth Avenue West re- were placed aseqitably as possible a . subscriptions or renewals. ‘y garding which Ald. Casey had com-/A light, however, hac been out for erate rices plained at the meeting two weeks some time and, since this had been! ago, Ald. S. D. Maconala, chair-/| put on again, the lighting appear- KIDD REPORT SHOWS Vv aan Of Uae Simidied cemnaiibiin eae le6. to be quite antietecters THE DAILY NEWS Delivered in tne ciry one year ei ported to the city council last a cree UP MANY ERRORS | You should see some of from January 1, $5.00 he night that an inspection had been So long as you are ready to die} i our little odd handy Rest of this year to January 1, 1933 i! made by the committee of the’ for humanity, the life of yourcoun-; Recently a young man happened | pieces. They make ac- : point in question and the opinion|try will be immortal.—Mazzini 1g y of the > and| : “NEWS j j " ms | ee ee eb dn > alpen dy nedereirl ceptable small gifts. THE DAILY NEWS Delivered by mail out of town :, -~ re, Dee See See eony one year from Jan r 1, $3.00 ‘ in it. He soon discovered an er- , i pry Sees FREE ¢ | ror, as the print, being very fine, | Some in the new topaz Rest of this year to January l, 1933 ih : | soon blurred and he was unable color at from 75c to $1.50. ns oe ee eee look very snappy. ‘id it was time to have his ; 7 is a verv ; ractiv ic , imi ; ; anes Doki dy ft : ; ee : This is a very attractive offer and is made for a limited period to ind >ye after, so ging the sat Raith / ; 2 . pps o . famous eopy he called on G. F subscribers to pay a year in advance during the difficult financial period Davey, Registered Optometrist, in @ Some Water Sets Payment may be made by check, money order or currency. The sooner |! , charge of the Optical Dept. of 7 > at $8.50 are also sent the more you get for the money. in Wa good. r Max Heilbroner, Jeweler. A thor-! ough examination soon revealed a bad case of astigmatism and the proper glasses demonstrated that he could read in comfort \. OHN PULGER: JEWELLERS THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B.C. ii PREMIUM GIFT CATALOGUE 4 A de ARAN ce Nese NR is | Hiss. TOILER” 4 “TILLIE THE Knocking the Boss For : Coal —By Westover. | SUST SAW THE |] S033 Amour PUT TINGS BILL BOLE ON CLR FOOTBALL “Te.*4 “SMARTYy! HF 6AID HE'D “Te me VY OQaen " \, Hotel Arrivals ’ : Central uf J. D. McAskill, city. ‘2 7 Hotel Central Ltd. Covenient to business district, homelike, beautiful harbor ee HERE, WALLY. [\ oKay WHEN t GIVE ont & SIGNAL "& SNAP “THE BALL F Us f : & Pica MURRAY HILL - Q- TB B448_ views. } ay Rates reasonable. Spacious |) sample rooms. 4 FIRST CLASS CAFE | Open at All Hours Special monthly rate for Rooms and Meals Hotel Central Ltd. First Avenue & Seventh Street ors @Qtgee