WHEN YOU WANT A THE NEW TAXI main YOKOHAMA in Phone a hurry 99 CAFE HOME BAKERY PRINCE RUPERT ALL NEW CARS Phone - - - - 636 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL. XIII. NO. i i. Hi,"'linn PIUNCE Ilt'I'EItT. U. C. MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1022. lurdtr' Circulation 1,60. Strttt tltt SSI. PRICE FIVE CENTS Cork City Favors Anglo-Irish Treaty SUN YAT SEN'S ARMIES OF SOUTH CHINA DEFEATED BY NORTH Irish Newspapers Assume the WOULD HAVE FRANCE JOINS Armies of South China CLOSE SEASON; CONFERENCE Republic Are Defeated Election Will Favor Anglo Sun Yat Sen is Fugitive Captain Hvatum of Halibut Boat' Delnqatos Will 81 June 26 and Irish Treaty; Cork 4 to 1 Scandla Diocussos Situation. Retire IT Discussed.Political Questions I'EKIX, June It). The armies of Sun Yat Sen, president of (he South China Hepiihlie, huvc been completely dqfeuled and I'he halibut boat Scnndia, (he president himself is u fugitive, while the Canton government Capt. O. O. II v n t u in iu commend, P.UUS. June ID.. France will has been annexed to the northern republic by the victorious northern I)L'Ul.IX, Jinn III. Counting of llic villi's in last Friday's GOVERNOR GENERAL'S sailed today for llo -sea fisheries. lake part, in the conference fi ali forces. says Hie SeuiUe News in a recent The Hague with Itussia, f deej Sun Vat Sen has Leen of the southern election began this morning ami up lu noon lodaj hud pruceeded is! president republic fon without incident. Newspapers here Ircul Hie election results ITINERARY FOR TRIP ssue. This vrill make the fourth gales beginning June 20, il more (ban a ye'ur and the, movement threatened to overwhelm all thus fur received as conclusive evidence Mint the voters .support trip of the season for the officially announced hI the for-1 Ciiinu. He was provisional president of Cbinu following the big IN NORTHERN B.C. eign office this morning. If Hie Anglo-Irish treuly. Scnndia. po i evolution prior to the election ,of Yuan Shai Kui. On the first trip of the season titical queslions are introduced. The Irish Times prints a dcluileil report of the proportional however, the French delegales representation vole in Cork eily, arguing dial it shows dial labor I Huron llyng of Vimy. Governor the catch weighed 50,001) will promptly withdraw. MAY CONTINUE General pounds of halibut for three MANY SHRINERS of and Camilla, Lady voted ten to one in favor of the treaty and (hat (he polling was weeks fishing. The and I captain llyng. who left Ollawa lns week, four lo one in its favor. on their Western tour, will ar-' crew lost money on this trip. OIL TANKER AND rive in Prince Rupert on the' The second catch amounted to BREW OWN BEER VISITED CITY 7.'.0(H pounds, which netted flic MARU BOAT WERE TAX MACHINERY SHIPS ARMS Princess Louise on July 28 on i their way to the Yukon. Peaching crew ? 127.00 each. On rues- Skngway on .Inly .'ID pro. day they look 03,000 pounds of IN COLLISION So Docidos Ottawa House of Com- Membors of Salaam Temple. FOR SAWMILLS TO IRELAND vision is made for 17 days being halibut caught from Porllock w mons When Considering Newark, New Jersey, Were spent between here and the Yukon hanks, to Prince lluperl and received SAN FRANCISCO, June ll. Budget In Town on Alice Today returning again on August seven cents anil three In a dense fog off Coos Hay, It' the to Victoria. Travelling cents, the crew sharing 1 00.00 Oregon, this morning, Hie oil Also Two and a Half per cent! TRENTON, N. J., June 19. on way OTTAWA. June ID. The item With all available passenger via the Canadian .National each. Irnker Frank (i. Drum and the in the budget resolutions prohibi accommodation filled, the Caim- Higher Duty on .Some Farm , Colonel M. H. Thompson, vice-president and active Railways a slop will he made The Scnndia curries a crew of Japanese schooner Ypres Alaru ting Hie brewing of beer by pr iidian Pacific tourist steamer I'rin-by Implements. I head of the Auto-Ordnance al Jasper Park arriving at Ed-monlou fourteen risberinen, . a cook, one collided. The damage is reporl-led vuie citizens was struck out cess Alice, Captain Oriiiislon, Was on Seplmbcr 1 1. engineer and tb( captain. The as not serious. the House or Commons on the rc-Mn port this morning from It to of New York OTTAWA, .In lie lit. The Co.,Indicted has been cost of operating the Scamlia, quest of the Minister of Fiimnce,l I o'clock en route to Skugway on House nT r.iiiiiuiitns on Salunliiy by a federal grand said Captain llvnlum, while in Wbo said that the department of.lier first voyage of the SOLDIER VERY ILL ENGLAND BEATS ITALY season. here of the jury on charge is fill lo the discussed (lie budget amend port yesterday, inland revenue fell there had I he Alice had 237 passengers ments and carried I In- ilein! conspiracy to ship arms to minimum, and even al thai il is FIRST DAVIS CUP GAME heeii abiisis of the privilege but nearly 150 of whom were nieni- which empowers I lie Government Ireland in violation of the General Sir L. W. Morrison Had hard, work lo make ,a profit on feared Hie proposed cure Would bribers of the Salaam. TPmdeJcw-vorsiviuaitUlHiaM neutrality laws. Paralytic, 8trokej IsJWell . Jlhceusyin's Yy;rJfl(;flV -mnnirA.MPTONV "Thompson Is JrYnc ymi? ported .goods Un .show .hc.conn- a son-in-lavr Known Oil Price High.. . their wives and lamiiies. nicy icy of .If (he Government of Colonel George Harvey, While land wop from Italy in Hie first oriyin, .halibut, the price for nave Jieen attending the convention the United States ambassador match or (tie LARGE QUANTITY OF Davis Cup tennis June m desires. There wan rousid-erahle OTTAWA. (!. -General seven and eight cents is low, at San' Francisco and are -lnil o on this aim-nd-ini'iil. to Groat Britain. Sir L. W. .Morrison, commander said Hie captain, lliev would be series between I lie two countries HALIBUT SOLD TODAY making the round trip to Alaska The clans,, originally of the Canadian artillery in aide to operate al a small profit played , here today. F. Oordou before returning lo their homes mad.1 marking compulsory in all NEEDLEWORK DISPLAYS France, one of Canada's best if provisions and supplies, es- Lowe, of Kn-laml, defeated Count iu the east. The parly, which will eases. Known soldiers, is lying critically peeially oil could be boiight at di Itobeceo in three straight sels Two Hundred and Seventy-six be here again on Saturday on the An Hem providing two and a BY DOMESTIC SCIENCE ' ill. suffering from a paralytic reasonable mice. The oil 0 lo I, (i lo .1 ami 0 to I. Thousand Pounds Was Marketed southbound passage, forms one half per cenl liiKher duty on iroke susiaiued when lie ran lo alone lo operate the Scamlia at Fish Exchange of the largest, single groups of cultivators and similar farm implements CLASSES OF SCHOOLS eaten an elevator In Hie. Woods' costs $1,1 nil to $1,300 a trip. CIGARETTE SAID TO Today, Shriuers which will visit here in also curried. The Progressives building. ami ll'ere is no question that it the course of the next week or so. nioved a reduction of The girl.- of the High School is a poorer quality distillate than HAVE STARTED FIRE Two hundred and seventy-six two and a half per cent duty on and the Senior rooms of the pub FIJI RAINFALL was used ill 1914. inousanu pounds or haimul was plows when that clause came lie schools gave nil exhibition Before the war, said Captain WOMEN LOST LIVES marketed at the Fish Kxchange NEW EMPRESS up for discussion. No derision of needlework ill the Kins Ed Ilvatiiin. the Scamlia could makn this morning, several ol the larger was reached on it Hal unlay. ward lliuh School on Saturday Total for First Three Months of a trij. for from 700 to 1,000. MINNEAPOLIS, June U. A schooners, being in with An ilein taxing sawmill machinery afternoon and evening. The dis Year- About Equal to Whole now il is impossible lo operate) smoldering cigarette is believed catches. C.P.R. LINER Year In Prince '.'5 per cent was allowed plays showed Mm! Hie work, as Rupert. under 2,100. in fact I lie last few to have been the origin of fires The arrivals and sales were as to stand. planned by .Miss Marcellus, had trips cost from $2,000 to $3,000 which destroyed the Larayette follows: been effectively carried out by A newspaper received from a (rip. Dance Hall on Saturday night, Senator, 30,000 pounds sold lo Leaves the Clyde for Sorvlce Be-Vancouver .Miss Stevens and a high stand Fiji Islands stales that the sea-is Fish Scarce. killing two women and causing the Itoyal Fish Co. at 8.8c and tween and Far East BRITISH VESSEL ard of originality and usefulness son a very wet Tlie one, even for As far as (lie fishing is con damage amounting to $250,000 3c. Ihaf counlry. following is had been obtained. Owing to cerned, said Captain llvalum. if Helgcland. 70,000 pounds, sold LONDON, June 10 The new the closing of the regular quarters the rainfall.for the first three is no use denying the fact that WIIISKAWAY BEAT to the Canadian Fish and Cold CP.It. liner, Empress of Austra, months of the PRESUMED LOST year: Storage Co. at 8.3c and of I he .classes in Hie Hoolh it is gelling scarce. We used to 3c. lia, formerly the German liner Memorial School, the work bad January be aide to gel halibut within a FAST COLT MORVICH President, 20,000 pounds, sold Tirpilz, sailed from the Clyde to February 10.12 radius of 300 miles, now good lo Hie Hoolh Fisheries Canadian Vancouver been carried out in the regular on Sunday. She goes Blue Sky, Portsmouth for Invor-gordon, class rooms but good results March' ... 20.52 sized halibut boats have lo go lo IN CARLTON STAKES Co., al I lie and 4e. into service between British Col Bollovcd Wrockod With were evident in spile of his see Porllock Hank, .700 miles from Nornen. 15,000 pounds, sold lo umbia and the far east. Total ., 70,711 here. ' the Hoolh Fisheries Canadian All Hands Lost. ions handicap. I) will . be noticed thai Hie NEW VOHK, June Alor-vieh, Co. at 0.5c and 4c. J lie work in Hie first and sec There has been quite a dis rainfall for three mouths is hailed as America's unbeatable OLDEST PIONEER Johanna. 18,000 sold June 10. The Admiralty ond years of the High School to the rainfall for cussion laleiy, sum the captain, 'three-year-old beaten pounds, LONDON, about equal was to the Hoyal Fish Co., at 10. io announce that the lllue consisted of dresses, clonks, an the whole year in Prince Hupert. egardiug the closed season on ill the' Carlton slakes race here mid Sc. OF PROVINCE DIES halibut from I he 20th or November blouses ml middies made nus, ii which left Portsmouth on Saturday by Whiskaway 'by eight Sky. W. T., 15,000 pounds, sold to to Hie middle of February. June I? for Inveigordoii, Scot-land, by machine. Tin- Fntraiicc lengths. This is the first lime George Richardson Came Out. BASEBALL Tin1 Captain said he believed the Allin Fisheries ut 10.2c and is presumed lo InOosI wjlh classes exhibited embroidered tin1 horse was beaten in his. racing 4c. Round the Horn on First that would be Hie underwear and Hie Junior Fourth proper course all hands. Wreckage of the Itliie career. He carried 123 N. and S., 3000 pounds, sold lo Vessel With Soltlors lo if the industry is to stitches which had pursue embroidery Games. Sunday while carried ashore. The pounds Whiskaway Sky has been washed the Allin Fisheries at l).2u and vessel carried Hirer officers and been laugh! were shown on pillowslips, tie kept going, as the. above IIIK. The Mi i nl horse whs Siioirl Is the ic. VICTOIHA, June 19. Georgo mentioned dale spawning towels, dresser scurfs COAST LEAGUE. carrying III pounds. eleven ciilisled'uien. The Senior season for halibut. Fanny F., 0,500 pounds, sold llichardsou, one of the last real and cushion covers. Oakland, 7-II; Salt Lake, 14- to the Ail i it Fisheries al 10c and pioneers of Victoria is dead aged hail made and Close Goose Island, Third class caps HOWE BROTHERS HAD GOLF TOURNAMENT AT 4e. 1)0 years. He came here on Ilia aprons in preparation for the in Seallle, 5-0; Los Angeles. 0-17. Captain llvalum said llial he M. M.Christopher. 8000 pounds ship Norman Morrison which struction In cooking. Vernon, I u-6; Sacramento, 0-1. believ I hat (loose Island es SANDWICH STARTED DIP IN HARBOR AT and Guilford, 10,000 pounds, sold brought out Hie first party of settlers The exhibit ion was open from Portland, 0-1; Wan Francisco, grounds, on.the southern part or lu the Sinclair Fisheries at 10.3c from the Obi Country making l O'CLOCK SUNDAY I. ( in the afternoon and 7 In II. llelcla ."Strait, should be closed SANDWICH. June it. The and ic. the voyage by way or Capo ;i0 in Hie evening. Ice cream INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. tor al least five years for any qualifying play iu the British Lilian M., 5,000 pouuus, sold Horn in 1H50. Four daughtere and cake was served by Hie Toronto, 0; Heading, 1. kind of rishiug. The halibut at Open Golf Championship tourna and Sain and dick Howe bad a lo Hie Sinclair Fisheries at 10c one sou survive. girls to Hie many visitors. Ilocbesler, 0; Jersey City. 3. this place, are so small that catcli ment opened Hns morning with and ic. in the harbor yesterday plunge Syracuse, I; Newark, a. from there averages two-thirds rine weather conditions. afternoon when the in Imperieuse, 13,000 pounds, The newspaper with the, cir cunoo RUNNING RECORD, ltuffulu, 2; Baltimore, 0. chickens, and the oilier third do culation is ihu real which they were going across the sold to the Pacific Fisheries at advertising NATIONAL LEAGUE. not weigh on an average more QUEST ARRIVED medium. 10c and 4c harbor upset. Jtolh being good Now Spood Shown for Running Pittsburg, 2; Urooklyn, 0. than from fifteen to twenty swimmers, they had no difficulty St. Louis, 4; New York, 2. mid they CAPETOWN REPORTS Hose Spil, 12,000 pounds, sold Raco In England Saturday. pounds, are gelling to the Pacific Fisheries at 10.4c in keeping afloat until picked up AMERICAN LEAGUE. smaller each year. He believes by one of the small boats of the ALL ON BOARD WELL and 4c. A LONDON. June III. A new Washington, I ; Chicugo, 0. Ihat by closing this place for Jlrothers, 15,000 pounds., arrived l'rinee llupert Boat House. The llrilish running record or 100 Jtoslon, 1; Detroit, 8. a lew years inai il would help loo late for today's sule Incident occurred about I o'clock. yards in 0 3-5 seconds was New York, 2; Cleveland, Si. to build up the grounds again, CAI'LTOWN. June lt The and will wait until tomorrow. established by W. U. Applegate Philadelphia, .'); St. Louis, 5. and give the halibul a chance Shaklelon Aiitarlic ship, the The Canadian Fish and Cold Members of Tsinipscan FINED TEN DOLLARS or Dundee at the Hibernian Football lu rehabilitate. Quest, arrived here with all on Storage Co.' trawler arrived lasl and Tyeo Lodges A.F'v.M. SAILS FOR STATES. and other resident Masons Saturday. board well. Club sports on evening with u calch of ground FOR FIRE NEGLIGENCE WOMEN AT UNIVERSITY nr requested tu obtain fish for the company. NOVA SCOTIA FIRE COWLS, Isle or Wright, June AUTO COLLISION tickets roc!ho Ball and Banquet WILLIAMS LAKE, Julie l0. -In HALIFAX. June 10. Mr. and IU. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Kenny, VIFNNA, Juno IU. Of the FIRES IN BELFAST from the Suoretary of the police court here Frank Mrs. 1'acc and three children slurlcd back fur the United 11,873 students enrolled in Vienna MILWAUKEE, Juno 10. Two their respective Lodges, not White of Forest Oroya was convicted were burned lo death al West Sc-cuin Stales in the small schooner University for the past term, women- auu two men are dead, BELFAST, June 10. Eight in lutcr lliau this evening. of wilful negligence in rarmslcad on Saturday. yuplil Hiablese which brought 20 per cent were women. Of these and two meii probably fatally in. cendiary fires during tbo nighi 11. W. BI11CII, contravention of the Forest Act tbeni across llio Atlantic lasl l.iuy took tno philosophy coursoJured iu un auto nccident when killed forty horses and destroyed Secretury to Committees. uad fined leu dollars and costs. Advertise iu the Dally News. year. 300 law and Oil medicine. I two cars collided. forty vans and much properly.