1 I PAGE TWO THE DAILY NFJVS Fr'day Fobntnrr I ft !.ii5.t-.;HK The Daily News HON. WM. SLOAN iniCB nui'intT nitiTisn columiiia - PoMMiCil Kvrry Afternoon, except .Sunday, liy Tie News 'TALKS MINING BARGAI NS I'rinlinp 4rn! INiMi'jiinp Company, Third Avenue. -It. T. ITLLEXC Managing Kdilnr. Refers to Splendid Showing by This District In His An-Viual Cil.v Delivery. Iy mail SUBSCRIPTION or carrier, per month RATES: Sl.00 Survey. for Thursday, Friday, Saturday Ity m.iilio all &rl of (lie HiitKli Kmpire and the United SUtfft, GRAN BY AND PREMIER. in ndvanro, . i.Oft per year In Ins annual of Ihe survey To all other counlrir.. in ndvnttre; per vear. .'. . . .37.50 llriiish Columbia Miuin indus TELEPHONE 98 PbbHWB!KxSV'- .p5l try, Itie oiinislw of in:lie. Hull Transient Transient Advertising Display Advcrticiitg mi Front Pa.xe'.$1.10. per inch 2.S0 per insertion per Inch; TN nothing this painful iootbet malady and William"Tlier Sloan are pyeral ay in outland-inv part: LADIES' WEAR MEN'S WEAR 1val Headers, per insertion bealslikehrrbal Zm HuV, fealiirei iA connection with (Ilaiilled Advertising, per.insertion . .2e per word- II tpstttlf relieve lk dull-gDir ihe I'.l.'I hiIor of the indus Men's Clearance of Ladies Suits, Serges, Suits, Special from l.oga Notices, each in-erl.ion irc per agate line pala ud i:itene irril-alio try. One U the rccortl of the Contract Kales on Appliealion. ledoce ieluu in' fa- Sullivan Mine4 at Kimberley Tricotines, some fur trimmed, nt the $12.85 All advertising should he in The Daily Xews Office on day preceding eammatiua and stops ttcblrelic whieliU slrikimtly reflected In special price, publication. All advertising rereived hbjeel Id Approval. ; Read the following proof I tfie, ..Inlistlcs r-elnti tv the output Member of Audit-Bureau of Circulations. j "Eijbt rr I wa victim In blind of lead and tipc; another the $20.00 to $50.00 Men's Overcoats, rpecial from Ittk'Od Sties." -Mr txr. S4. denlid peri.ritian-e of the Hid DAILY EDITION 'to Friday, February In. If?-. ! Simr St..Tori "1 bad triett atimut' ilen RreHf .Vlhe iit.t the Anyot $20.00 in the nt orttmati unit-meat ev-fjlhiej jr Smeller, which i shown in Ihe before I got 7am Hat Thi SALE OF WHITE WEAK tuper-balio apeedily telived tb terrible volume .if the ropwr prhiielloii: Charges Against Officials , itctiir.jf. and caused the protneuon IO anil a I bird in the development Corset Covers 50c to 80c Men's Working Boots, specials $. 75, Can Not Be Published. cotnpttely di-apyear IT3 tufa not Thc fl.nl News r;.-tn nol piiblih liarpe against olfJeiaN. troubled me Tor u anomli Bow. in Hie Salmon Itiver Valley, PoH ' Nightdresses $1.25 to $2.50 $4.00, $4.75, $5.75. and $6.60 and silver land Canal, nf gtW These should he sent to Ihe proper quarler for inve-ligalion and Mt. E. Poiall. S3. Sott Street. St. a Petticoats $1.00 to $2.50 The of firl not (o a nevpjipf r. V i-an give spae to Ihe dieii!iiion of ptihlie Thomas, Oat . rii "1 aw glad to producer Iniptirl.ince. coJoroe th rrmaj klU" pIa sotnhinj contribution of this properly lo Drawers 65c to $1.00 qiiestioMs'fiTifwIicji it romes (u discussing Ihe personnel of Ihe andkealicitialit5rs,ef Zam-BaV Hei Ihe irertoti fiietaN produervl by Flaunellette Working Shirts, special Miliee foccA'or if any oilier' puhlie irvaiils j( is heyond (he for months a rontuot sojirrer item nmih t'.dunibia for the' first $1.50 and $1.65 provlnrr t)f,.(iwsp.iper discission. When a rharge i-t hrought Meedin Wei. I Cemed no pertnsrwiH relief ootll I tot am Hoi Alt oth- lime gives an indication of whal tilllcially before Jhe rniirt mmmisioner!' or any olher adntiuis-tialive . . . . suserers shook! try iuior.oetioi I may tie exjiectctl rrom mineral Silk Petticoats, special . . ,$4.5Q hiidri.in..lJ)e oily it then heroines puhlir properly. riln balm ' lis am llui aKo for liotiiiiizt items; openeti up in mis Cotton Working Shirts, special $1.00 A rftrlrespoiidehlvriles in reganl to Ihe dnfg husiness in thi. ; iWnm, cbaps. coW-sore. ecreina, northern inin comparatively new city and.tftViFf'-fxreplioit In Ihe statement that Ihe ne of 'dop'" Ct!. t9r. aralds, nreoctrn. ulcers; poiaoaed wounds, and all ore and 1117' section. is on :thU liecjiije. He als lalks nhoiit blind pigs and says Ihej isJOTse 60c boi, S for II.tS. "Heoorls o f An otitlmiiie Eleven Fancy Bags and Purses, Flannel Working Shirts, heavyweight eily is fntffiftlheni. ehararler are jtiven of the Xorth Special at $1.50 to $6.50 $3.75 Th.e !etfe?iFr tJaptain' Freeman on lh olher hand give this western Mineral Survey District. paper a; hrzCfjind we ilo not mind IhaL In answer to his Irttei yanvEuk jwhirh comprise the Minin? Div. we woiifiFsay llLilwe do not wish to preaeh morality hul all we, imoii or iteiia iwiin, Mteeua. want in a decenl ftty. If liptain Freeman i. as wisfa we think KJueen Chariot le, .Naas Illver. him, he knows Ihe horrible eilecls of Ihe use of dnig, whelher it l'ortl:iiul Canal, Slikine, I.laid. he opium, rociuiie. morphine, henin or any oT the olher dcroc-' jand Atlin. The first three are Universal Trading Company irns that drag men down. Had he frepiehted a police court, as joii the l.a! hn'd the latter tie newspaer men of leu have lo d, he would.'kiiow something of ji.ehind what s known as the Ihe harieful elferls of these drugs, lie would realize? thai it is SUITCASES Alaska lrip." Ineludeif in Ihe Corner Third Avenue and Sixth Street heller revolver should he put lo a )oy"s head and his hraihs larea are properties- of Salmon Mown out than Ihal he should he taught lo ne drugs. Women j TRUNKS Itiver. Hear Iliver. Alice Arm and Phone 376 Under New Management P.O. Box 1712' ne drugs a great deal, and they will commit almost any crime toi Anyox. satisfy Ihe craving for them. The police know nhout this. Ill CLUB BAGS Tonnage Increase. I requires no high sense of morality to feel horror at Ihe whole, "II i esliinaled thai the increase business. It does not need a preacher lo draw attention hi it. j Large Stock on hand. in tonnage, mined will The thing is'self-evidenl. The Daily News is not looking for evil! Prices very low. amount to about tons. after a trio 1o Hiilifornia ' in the lives of its Neighbors. We are living in a frontier town i The old iiulpul. cvelu1ve of ouud enlimcnl, it i noticeable and wc do not make any prHeniohS but we are probably just a J. F. MAGUIRE filacer, which will just ahonl that opposition- to the r.oir pow good as those who live in the more cultured centres. Hut berause Next the Princ Rupert Hotel equal last year, will lnw an in-rrease er pact ba!r been aliffemns up. a'ThrFnitrTiniTirei.reil"! we are broad-minded and not Iwo easily offended by the foibles of or approximately 30,(100 Senat'ir Johnson inainlniiia thai our neighbors is no reason why we should stand 'dly by and eej o or about CO per cent, creal-er what aeuliuie'rir. In, ilo st it our .children ruined by the drug habit. Ketchikan is having al than last year. This is due to a-Jveri-e L IhV flrtir ptiwer treaty j GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY clean up and Hie "cilie to the south are bestirring themselves. I(!M AraM WAQ ttie jrold production of the Pre baed largely on Ihe feeling thai' .8. 3. PRIMCC RUPCRT will eall 11 p.m. Wedns4ar fi i time that we took -lock of our position, a"nd it ill becomes a lTJxliluUil II l0 mier Oold Mining Cuupany. The Jaitati ha IjlmiI maneuvered Ihej Anyn. Midnight Thursday for Swansdn Hay. Ocean t . man who take an interest in the community, as (ipuin treeman i silver yield for this year will be I'tiiletl iateii' a to Far Kalern Powell Hiver, Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle. cofesses to do, In try to belittle an ellort to preycnl the ruining of NOT jahoiit 1,500,000 i - or about malter. Senator IWtrah and) OPPOSED ' 8. 8. PRIIVCe JOHN- For all point oil Nortlien, & the young people by a nefarious Iraflic. llt.l.onii iz. greater than last. Johnson of the llepualicaq fid" I Southern Queen Ciiarlot Iland January 30, Ftbmary 11 This is ilue eitlirely to the ul ire leading the opposition. They, and 27. Fof .Slewarl. Fsbruar'y 2 and 18. Mine. The Premier. Old Country Suffers .i i put of the are en-oieratiu2 with a jrrup tf to E.W rw. . - i I Up Yesterdey No Opposition Premier' oulpjil.of liver will lie ! Train Service. , ,.,., .,w... w.-j, - r, . .. " I the pro-U'tlM;ii liitiiiwral. Candidate Wis In Slphl In Passenrer MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SAYIIRDAY l 11 11 1 1 ere. is wnai ine euuor or ine Mcioria iiany runes in a over I.((U.'i.nixi Qi. alone. lite II i generally auuied that . m. Fr Kmltber. Frmcc Htvr Kduiontnf and V recenl iss'ue said of the dnig traflic and the remedy he would Omlneca Constituency.; copjier proiluelion will exeeeil the dj)armauienl atreemenl. or! er. innkins dlreci connection lor all point I : ' onply: that of lat.)ear by nearly raUier the agreement to limilj Oinsda and United Htale. "Perusal of Ihe Old Country newspapers from time lo lime SMITIinitS. Feb. 3. Prornin-enfIon,rvalives OOli.tMMi lb.. an increase of uhout naval armameni will v through) Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. provides-all the proof that is necessary lo judical e that this cortli- have been here 33 per cenU and due altogether Ihe Senate without eerioiu op-j City Tlcaet Office, 528 Third Avenue Phone IM ncnt is ny no means aione in its perpiexuy over an increasing ftir a few days in an efforl fn to the liranby tmiany at Anyox. position. Hul thai di- not in- illicit drug trallic. What has developed into a regular Moje" ?ei a candidate to tppoe Mori. .Xolwithstandlntr Hie deflation dieale the otileolile ii-t to the orgy seem lo have taken hold of the,Angl-.Saxon jeople dumig Alex. M. Maniutn. but so far they nf the price of melals. the total Four Power Treaty and lo ltir Ihe last rew years lo an extent that would have been considered have nnthink' to report. Tliey value of Ihe three metaU pr.t-ducer experled In-aly roverinu t.'lnna impossible two decades ago. And the tragic part of the business seem to be determined Ihal Mau- in this district (pold, sil is furnished by the obvious diilirulty in dealing with it. The Mll ,muf te riptMVaed a Ihe ver and copper) will be greater -Mi CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ordinary thiefor in of all his whole structure of the opposi. than lal year. In fact, taline i burglar spile cunning is a child in swaddling clothes compared with the drug addict. OflJcia! regulations tion for the nexf few elections quant ilies. not values. Into con. Ten Years Ago B.C. Coast-Services have been lightened from time- to lime and every conceivable depends upon the showYn? I hey sideralion. I his year's will lie in Prince Rupert . .i make in (iniineca. ilhe ftrealesl erer made in this method of direction has been pressed into--ervice without Hie personal prestige of tiedilrici Sailings from Prince Rupert much effecL There remains little else but the "cat" and long February 10, 1812. terni of imprisonment for the professional drug peddler. Fines Allnrhey yeneral discouraze op. i lie i taiiy .i-ws reproduce n Foe Ketchikan, Wrsngelt, Juneau and Skagway roHlon candidates ami Mr. Man-! have no terror and are promptly paid out of the huge profit!) Ihal SENATE MAY ttielure of Kaien Inland which are piled tip." ' ous supfHirlern are confident) January 2, 18, 30; February"U, 27. x was recently taken by I'. I.orun-en In Ibe ptrint nf advisfny him lo Sunday Observance gn o Ottawa and lerfve llir by-i from Ihir rUiiliuit of .Mount For Vancouver, Victoria sad Seattle-January MoFe. Il in ibe firnl pielurti of Matter of Business. election in the hand of Inn REJECT TREATY 7, 21 February 4, 18. il kind that ha ever heed taken. The police commissioner? did well at their meeting last night supporter. He ban trope Utere . tnjresent the interference of Dr. Ifiiestis in the matter of Sabbath serve liix constituency ' and 1 City Knpineer Davl In Agency for all Steamship Lines. observance in this eily. He is paid in go around Ihe country and I he general opinion 'expressed Disarmament Proposal Likely lo Ihe council thai the work reports of lay. . Full Information from stir up the eople to what he considers a heller observance of here iii that bin confidence in . Pass but Tour Power Pact inn the pipe lim between Wood-worth W. C. ORCHARD, Oeneral Agent Sunday. That j ,n right. Me can preach all he Ijkes, but when Ibe pepe here -will not be betrayed. In Danger. f.nke and Aempolis lint 8. 0. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, ha take in Any opposition candidate AjfiVjiit .presuming to dictate lo Ihe commissioners! WAKJIIXfiTOX, Feb. 9. Mly xhould be pre.oird nn with all what action (hey shall take, it is bound to he resented. would make auch a poor Canadian Prenaj speculation ii'fd. Thi nirin,. hot liikt People ttt Prince Rupert not law-breaking showing that it would do the are a people. Thev eoniimie to h active here a relurued from a vi.til to .Vaii-foiiver' are wonderfully amenable lo law and tinier hul, we take il, they parly much more harm than lo whether the V. H. Kcnale wlif and Victoria and Keallle do nol want restrict inns laid on them. There is no one suffering jtood lo contest Hie constituency. ratify the tn-alie and ayree. in cpimeriion with eily butines: UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED. from lheway in which Sunday is spent here. No group of mentx wtiich will be mibmltted tAILIKOt employees are beiug hurt or their health undermined. Very few DRUG -BUSINESS IS lo jt following the .conference on J. II. I'llMniry nan Ihe fiurnt' Far Vatican., 'allina tl ini Sat r-n Call.. 1aeda I M people work.,a mi they do not have ft Part StntaaM, aa Hrr, An)i( M Miff Arm. -.io4 utl'-tl to unless they wish. At any armaments. of honor at a dance at I'orl Ks-i rattlnr at tu-aanir and u UarUn 141 ilmr Js. I' ltd i v ruie mr tocai people tinnerstautl the bwaj condition aiul will MOSTLY HARD WORK Alttiousti the Henale Hepub-liean ni nylon l:tl iiikM te(alltnr anJ Ai'HI al f fuxnrrtill Xuiurui and Mill Hj aatllaa. tail 1 , resent any tiiierlereucc by the secretary of Ihe Lord' Dav Alliance leader have repeateiUy S21 Satan Statin SCK SA ft tiff, et Crl. SwaarL C or anylMMjy else. The dilllrnlly with reformers i that "they give C. H. Orme Tells of Change predicted. Ihal ucb Irealie and loo much attention lo. non-cssenlials and too lillle hi the things Which Has Tkfcen Plaoe In agreement would be.ratlfied, the which really rount. There ate plenty of abuses to right which His Profession In Few aiiuaiion in Met i one of un M. T. LEE would really benefit lh er.fnm!s!,, and the-efforts of Ifr. !i;jet:. Years certainly. Thft Tour Power woiikj tie peuer expended m dealing with thoe than in triiiitr lo Treaty, which In one sene "The profedon of ehrmi! intended lo replace Ihe Anslo. Ladies' & Gentlemen'i DENTISTRY and dm??!!. ba rhaiiKed wonderfully Japanrae alliance, cannot be anid TAILOR since the day when I to be certain if ratification and Don't neglect your leeih. One decayed or mlsnlntt 1Id find entered It a an apprentice," Ihe treaty which i npecled lo Fit Guaranteed lower your vitality. Miid C. II. Orme, at Ihe Itotnry ewer,the Chinese may meet un-taunii.iii One Dollar a Week Club luncheon jejderijay afternoon. tinlefot it in fairly a-iafwtory Third Avenue, opaoslte P. O. DR. BAYNE '"In thriNe days Ihe drua-alKt to China. Vnt nome Phone Red 188 .made jeverylhitifc' be old. wee'kn there Ijas bcn a rovimf Rooms 4, 8, 8, Helgerson BJIook phone 10' By regularly deducting one dollar a week frbm Today Ihe good are 'put up by current of Ulk that Japaneoe Office llonri: Mnrnlnsa -tz; Afternoons, I :30-5 30; your earnings and depositing it regularly in a Sav-inn pharmaceullfal houitf and diplomacy was winning out with Kveninrs. 7.9. Bank Account, you will soon accumulate a are much better. fUill it It a ret-rt to the Jr'ar l!at. Much aubstantial balance without missing the money day and nipht. and every day of will depend on whether this can TORK'S deposited. In five years, with interest at 3 compounded the week businenn, tie nemoimirated when Ihe con semi-annually, you will have $280.26. Mr. Ornic said thai three veara ference i over and it work t s SELL In ten years your balance will be $605.54. ago he relumed to the old town 'rounded gp, If Ihe Penal in TOVES. THEO COLLART, LTD. - NOTAR pUI1LIC tot down cant and vlnited -the shop ditlinelly nf (he impreion that where he learned the buniness the JajraneM hare secured a victory UNION BANK OF CANADA and there ait everywhere ele and weakened the V. 8. in TWO FJNE LOTS on 5th Avenue W. the bodies and vUla had sne Ihe Pacific and Ihe Far Kl. it Fred Stork's Hardware $1300.00 on easy term and in their place wan merrban. will so hard with Ibe treaties. Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderidc, Manager rllde. II wai a treat rhaboe. Sentiment Changes. BecoMD Atenvi Rental Real KeUte General Insurance "The drus bu'ln1 1i molly Binee( (! return nf Kenafir PHONE Bt ACK 114 Phone Blue 89 Weetholme Theatre Block P. 0. " ard wdrk," declared Mr.sOrm. Hiram Johnon 16 Washington,