t PAT3B I it da s,,, TOtm THE DAILY NEWS v iJL.lK-J.II 11 Jm.l.'1'lUiJJI tt I M 11111 1.114 f -II 1,-JILI II l.illll I if! I ! I , I II nil I Jl allium II 1 I I !. 1 BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMqnui Keen Your Feet Dry afafea.MTlf ft. I Tl j THl-b Ho Kfieti ii PSl TATj Trie Tr,,,., rr,T OF 1 1 fl I 1 L 4' -J 1 " pih Wat Feet Lead to Much Sickness. CHILDREN'S RUBBERS ALL 8I7.F.S. Now on Salis at Lowest Possible Price. , " '' " ''"' 1 fa" " "1" I R yT" ' j W Shoe Store Family , ... , . . I i " The Store of Shoe Satisfaction. ' j 1 rnona jo, r.u. Hoi ites. Movies and Movie People Daily News Classified Ads. SILVERSIDES TERRACE COUPLE a CENTS PEK WOHO IN ADVANCE. No Ad vartlaa.rrva.nt Takort or La tliisn MOc Second BROS.Street Devoted to the doings and sayings of those who . WERE MARRIED entertain the public. We I.., WANTED I FOR SALE ON SATURDAY v .was .. nmy, y'kuxw. YVAM KI' Mm and ..nu n t.. Hlt SI4I.F.. Pbvtiure boat, tt ; Whs Hie author. Will in Mt FoxJ T"e iwggic n" Annul I Ii-arn llartwrina Paid 'ne feel eUiHed with in ... .. Miir. Mlaa Emma Gladys Toombs Be. ,1.. mi i iiiui-f-i.1 , mm I.- iiiii mi ii i.if i it i iRMfll.. II llll.Ullii .Ol.ltll.- Ituu-" " . I . l ......... . . . .. ' Attires -- i i ir.rn n u hiui a mm. H.P. peertea ena-ine. Oolnir !.. tuiii'li in il. 1 1 -) ever, liter went ashore I tier : r " " " ' comes. Bride of Joseph Lee WEEK AT THEATRES a Myern ha fir ratatoffui. Mttler lUrl. at a liar-pain. I li' lo.iiliiiB role. ;fnllnwii niieliiiK wiili John Al- Thomasson Tueilay ite, laitnHi New Knelmi y"ii Hi 'III!-. Vnruiisfi. 1 1 J One I rolling or Invstnar boaL Framed and Unframtd. lenmb 31 feet, beam fe TKHIUOE, Nov. 7. A very Hiehard Ilartheiiie in : SNAPPY, ROBUST win MfHMtn'owned mill lii In IbM own e. fihin. j.ri:VANTFI. - Hook keeper. Willi I H.P. enaine: all to flrt class!in; twelly wedding liMk place at Ihej t "'rhe Seventh I My." lumber oMre experienre. On roM.tiluMi rie -46MJM. t Prices 75 Presbyterian church on Saturday. Mark Pen net t Otnietly. ! COMEDY-A WINNER 1 am -venin nay mere eame a :. N. H. railway. Mle ex-penence I Hie three man halibut !. C upwards Vnvemlier I a f 1 i m wKnn Ul.' Beit Tnrptn in "Hwine ! 1-eYidiiliofftiiHjr impuNe that and alarr expevteil. with F.mma fllAdy Toombs became Mad .Move." ! rtianaeil I he whole lrenl of litem Ilox tl. I tally New offlf. H nmi ana fully euioptte ( Foi Production Retains Spirit live imf miy on ine niaraei. U m.or A N.'Hi Hie briile f Jneh I-e Tlioma. Weln.lav ami Thnn-d.iT . That Animated Mark Twain's Ihi i lift? dmmatic situation WOMAN want work by iUy. A frnat bHa)HMr b4rI : aMMf H(Hii. Wftllnee Reid in Tteeit nn, Ttie wn eeremony per-fftrnieil Free.- j Story Ihal Porter lltuerin llrowne ha Pbiiwe lllaek W. ?t "sipiaH viiewiaai misin.) llev. V. J. by ParHi. ( bull! up in "itie Sex I 11 1 h ay." od UWiey nmkepsjor riant Window Glass and Clailni i The rhtlirh hail leen beautifully Mermaid OHiiedy "Ijoty FOR RENT Mark Twain man. .Mawl Mnfce au' wa in arnet the Firl nliial all rai-lion for ro, ate Specialty, Hie ilrenrale.1 by Hie lailie of Friday Smok"and Saturday 'when he wrote "A Onnliinl which he prejaffreil the lory ami III H KNT. noinei Hat with offer. X. M. Mrlnn. r...w ImhisIk enntrreffatlon of aulumn with leave.ailer anil "A CmtAeettout Ynn1.ee . .Yankee in Kin? Arthur (loiirl." wtiicti will be repealei) at HVe bath. In g4 enmliliiifi. m, ! liar- SM Phone 22. P.O. Ooi 120 The brfilal arly entered In In Kh ArlliHr' Onrt" jlie wantnl to ow the folly of We.lholuie TlieAlre tofiiirhl. Tb meitiate fmeWHi. tuw. Pvt. , VI Ml HK.YI. Plal in Hesner : wor.liit of kins, title. e. picture nrt Inn .I rWenlh Hie ftlruliift of I.nlii-iiKriu'5 weU from Marl. Twi' ge .eenm larr. Ave. Appljr taVtt flW(rta . jlablibe religion ami "all 1 HB adventure of llicbard Har. M. T. Ie. Mhoni. Hud M. If ilintr marrh played by Mr. Oro. eW rated alnry. For Salt. It II. IN.. 1. He.-. . I toi foolery of knitlithon.1. Hi w(im t thelnie., made ucb an in. Keith. Fox New naiettr. FUJI IIKXT- Sleam healed fur. fl.M. American Express mn. i) nniiri on imi lanlanenH enonwry. iteee with It The. bride woriva pretty em-l.r.i.Wd nild It 13 and II. Rtnrk .1.'. - ham, 'Tfiinam! and on a-littering preileeeir. "Tid'able lavW." ranm. with or willn dre of Ytiile inulln board. Home 1. m.t. riMtkinar. Vor-bdk Orders Money tyranny. Moi f ike film. 11 picture wa I.la ant a ol tMMiH)(il- arranfred 17 and IK. Block iS. Tie Fox production retain the d off the Maine iool in local. room. Phue Mlafk art). ve. -She narrfeil a bouquet of fWliem a, ;5im. The return of Hmwnie to take lile ami Irallinz rkhl pirfl that animate Markiitie never before loucbed by the Ftllt ItKM . - He.w healed fnr. M. M. Stephen tf Issued on Nel)i up In pod Willi the etUiolnie Twain' novel KniHiett Ftynn and liimtioii picture camera aud it Ha nianed houe. Mi Toonil wa brideaJ rrhelra ha ,Ieen haiM niir. keeping Mill. Norway, Sweden Sc. Mr.Cunville Iwve it FI)H SALH. m,r adde.1 Kveninc advantage to unusual uii. near niatd Apply Mr. Ho. and wnre drem of Kawftre a pretty darj. frrei.i. dellpht by inovte lrwi.T li ua(py, robut citoiedy that i scenic beauty. uuaini rural Hotel. Phone biack Mt. U ly new, rte in. Sfi no Denmark at Lowest Tlie further aiifcuin4iMtr of t U -ehelra Ijoiiia to win the approval nf the charm and the sweep of the a. Write Hait t. I salty New; Current Rates (in Mini wa iiiportei by with two artit more puhlie. Ii wa dini-ied iiy Henry Kmir. ration of ike tnadtu nfltaa, tfj Andy l.onjr. Cha. TnMnbi pave j p aftenl from the vntilh will hrinir the lrcoue the picture iHMre Who alo direcleil Tor able NalMtnal Line tvilk Ii.iiauar4.r. hi jer away. nricanitation up to it old time hotienl, dowurisht lAUbler ami FOR S.U.H Hd new.1.liners fir Agents for A 1-eejilton wa held in the Jiaxnl in IvIniiNilon, who arrived in Inei Norwajlan American Lias standard a the lel nrehetlra beroue il earriea Tw4in'e Hie. I . for I rue bundle. iKiUy New, Hmrrh i i n mediately ofUr the i lly in company wilb the party. I fflee. Swedish American Line jiorjli of YanC'Kiver and tonpi me.iaiie if of dnnMierncy, II i a , refitji)ny and wry dalnjy re. "RENT FREE" IS ITie visitor were blah la their Scandinavian Amertsaa eoiiiK)re with other of il any flne'idclure. I makee siiwere a frelinii'Hln were nervetl. ma ie nf ike leolw ..f L. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY J Line. We on the nala. land Klralhlfiirwanl .1 the play for The bride and trnnun left HAPPY PICTURE W.nrt Ham h wlnch ahounil. r-"- laughter of the plain, everyday 'HOW WnULU YH LIKF T Oliver Typewriters hortly after fur their new home in eeeiin miii and HHen raU Ilen Turpin i rolling lii ort of man and woman. And OWN" a nice IHtle awra bu.t. Cary Safes in the l.nki'lx Valley. lie. 'Itiia ranch i one of the 'iuinly nye or Prinre Hnpert that wa Mark Twaiu aim. la Ihese day of lilxli rent fine! friuii aarricullural na rlearins Iron lion n FIRC INSURANCE a 11 inovinjr plelure fan at the Vet. 'Hie tory i preentcd in pec. anl .rTtfileert landlord. 'Iteut staudpoini in Ibe Xu per ntmHIi Vuu ran do H HOTEL ARRIVALS holme tonishl in "Hftine Made larular falii,iHi. William Fox Free." a new Paramount pieliire province ae. M. Yea. )war finance, are -firienl; cordiuw lo I he itplnion of the Dybhavn & Hanson Movie." I rebllill Oailielol .111.1 then de. starring aitaee llei. which will visiltint. o matter hw kiw. we Prince Rupert 4 iroyed it. The hackKround are be shown at the Weslholtne ail aait yatw. Write lpx. T. Third Avenue W. leveret t. Ilailetnn: C. K. The number of people who really beautiful. Ii i coihimk to Theatre We.lnes.lay ami Thursday land acT. Imlxy and let u explain how Prince Rupert, B. C Hulrhinoon, V. J. Murlimer. It. iJmk Wally Held for their hero the Weaitmlnn- Friday and Sal. ughls, iart an audienee off SktEX L.OP nUTMCT- pTKlCT Of you ran qualify for many va-aocies C. V. Itl. C. It. Iliitchinfoii. R. iti writinx iimerirk for the New urday. willi a hai-py thouahi ami sc-1 Till Ka WW lkl CHAMHOTTl. Ibe ktsrsrt m. n this fast growing m-duslry. viiiiwlitiim lelifie to the fact re.I in keeping llefn lauKhinv'Mr sixl rcki (jit LU. -uf .v.ia lixinlon: J. Smith. Orean Kalli; HsrlMC, orrfllua CMtam. uVtmilt u We hae a eoAjd of C. (i. I(Man. Yaueoiiver; It. S. that he in olill ope of the moil DRAMA AND HUMOR lo Ike final fad out. 4r f nrriMuiiNi M lrM Ike Mb real 4mMxtin. riaiit row fur There is a lively plol ami plen Mi( Wfibed Una. mt ti a iMjialdAon, Port K fin?!on; P. jMpular iriKiae ihi the iler turn who want lo get mio the HYDE FIT 1 "THF HAY" ' bai of whirh Tk TSm! om. ViSriLJ, iJv, ftwn here. Hi picture "Ilenl -FVPNTH . bl irahani, TtVKfi; s- Herman. IILLi tllLi JLiTLltlll Urtl I unniIIv lake rvtae ' r"" t slr mark. Insaea veil IHOHy fiekj I hls Is ..t r Ilawtrt: iM. MeOmley. Free" the mkl week at the 1 on lli'm raHM ilwr a ner atki Uieo real opftunily. Ask for ' 1-1...f nf I..... V L ......In 1. uaik 04mtm . k i . ..t.. .fe - fc new Sinitberia MnemlUartL I.ak-I. WethoIrne. i m hoei . . .. ..... rircular: How I KriliM R h.l rv. & M....u 1 ..'.. .. r ls aluac ksrh ur mam Is can Make Hood TRANSFER f.lyil that the diabilily that ha pre. ...v.... - y k - nouses. Wallace ieii plays lite ii. (uiioaaur il irm luor ae lass. e; Mr. 1ljrer", Skaitway; in the Autu Ituainewa." Ilenn. Principal for Second Time i.wavav nsHtio evisivn artist who shuffle ii. II. SkinnejyVjufii". Alaka; vented the lar from makinjr )ounir fur i.ii. I IP bill Aulo A Fjiineerinu EXPRESS AND BACOAOC Since "Tol'able David" Palterr film recently will only lie lern- himself rather than study law in ruled Upt. ttu I Ml, F. A. Yukon. I3H Kchools. (iranviile rt . I and NiM Phnne o83 Central HoUl pomry ami that hi feature will Derause they liaven'l beu to hi father 1 dice. To set lhe LAND ACT. Vaneouver. II. f.. ay II. J. Parker. Vancouver; J. continue to chum fcieadily. divine service ever since they better of the rent problem, he jutaa LAID (TIUT- MITKICT Of Johnon. J. Jiilinxm. O. Thoma. were old enough to leave mother'.-' move up on Ibe ronr. anil later Ttk Naiwa VI thai I IIIRI'ITIL js. fae laaisra llsb BOARD. Best Coal "..N.H.: i'. Iltirnidi. White Ilire. "A tVannecticul Yankee in knee, a doien sojilii-lo-aled New establishes himsedf ii a bouse, tar al rirklar Cay. Ltd.. f .Jade the iisnsir. 111 1 aa Una 14 lateMit I ItOAnik of Jei. ft. Valhaw i.TJ. Kin? Arthur's Court." the week. Yorker .111 a yaehl am-hored olT owners which ara awny. ai4 foe UMiiliiiia In kiu I K. tMtm. Inlander. 8J0 Kcwnd 'end the Weslliolme. i mere lie lin.l. a myslertoU note r learrtljea Uaats - roawrar It I Atenuc. Phone 137 If Wood Wood picture at 1 iiiainl Maine sea coast town laaiel baii f raska arui Ik Misa Carl a Jinon returneil;aid to lie Hie funniest thinx faiieib lo rec.jiwzr the lueaniitif about a win. WHICH Ulieover. n.-h.rt, carnar ef to! tit. or.l : IMri cd ill 1 hi end of Ibe alorv ami I trJ" ?. . uvsrk: TAXI Stove Lengths. SpHL on the Irani last iiinbl to Cassiar yei produced. Il is a novel mix-after of Hie churrh bell. Half uf Ibeni iikau-a x arnaiavi with 1 n a r ar nHafaaT am' speiulin a few week visit. Iiiie ..f aneieiil history and iiiisiook it for a fire alarm and aa l- 1 In- icirl. timt h- air tMtk; ibw Mrtiiai a Hm t htrh Phone 633 WesL 139 2nd Ave. injt in the '-ity. ni ukm .-.iineily. Mark Twain tiey .'.'I'tainly did hate fire. It m the antinie. al. a roof VJXUrS&JtX water rrT.Z. (Gall (ienrge Itixsi 1 'v; " ',uVvaVir,?T'r.Mr, rnMxo Five.paasenger Tour In it ir I Phone BSO. in- lia- been defrauded ' "Y 1 To .t,ttt4 ,tlh- '-Li i Prompt Day and Nijjbl Service by lii r mis.-iiip.ilou alepmolher. Stand: Boston Of III Third Avenue I j l..-i- hIhv the role of I lie. liirt and II.Mirv Harrows, fieri rude CLOTHES CLEANED Let Us Advise You Miuii I.Mlian l.eixlilon. Clarence i lei.Inn i:iaira Mrlowell and The Only IBS land prsed by latest KTF.AM with a lifelimna ft" MACDQNALDS Lucieii Liltlefield are exi'i'llenl ill pressing profess. ein-e in all branches, :-' i their tortrayal. 1 Suit called for and delivered llnildiiia: Trade Milk 1 Phona 649 Brickwork, 'WEEK-END HUNTING LINQ, The Tailor fromhome ! Stonework, AUCTION SALES. PARTY AT WOODCOCK Tliere is ori ..n. F. up.irjili'd i Conducted In vniie linma fl.i.. Concrete, etc A Several Local Nlmroda Visited MUK parked u. ! n.-li lUdum- every Thursday at 3 pjn. In our Pinna and Hpcr ft af " bia. inuiirr wuni anyone rooms. Kum inmn ...i. free In till our r Kellt'S. BRIER Popular Ranch up the Line Iiiny tell you. the only nrtlk OEOROE LEF.K, Grouse Plentiful Auctioneer, William Walts & Co. vaporalintt plant in opera, iz3 Third Ave., j The Womtrock Hanrh, owned lion are the Pacific Milk Fac. Phonesi Black 615; Red 167. Builder and Contractors lone at lidner and Wy II. .. lirowu. wa Ibe rweue Al.lmt. 411. BEAUTY U . Jlo SS Phone ford. .Knrh can of pacific Milk CULTURE PARLOR f another rujuyable abiNit-injr very 'iffwe: 1017 3rd Av since pnr'y oer Hie holiday week, k, 13 we iutpruved tbe prune Phona lllack fin Jobbing Work of all Kinds. vV 1 end lite invited jiiiewl iiwliid-ed , per rwnl. pure cream. MRS. STEPHENS When yui use Pacific v.m ,i Pr -vuM-LlI Police Chief MJnty. above Wiathall - si. I'. II. Hooper, Ceil. Tile, Cm. only keep money gt hiune but Third Avenue. .re. WE HAVE Fri?iel, W. II. I'ulkui, Jt fcidt. y ui are netiinjf ndded value, in Halrdreuslntr. jJarvi MIhm. ami W. J. .cn. ill her word., a better product ialtif. Marcel Shaiupo.unH.Wavinu, lien Ammunition 'AzxZJzTWi Ml 72 ID. The grwuse were plant)ful und than yon ran get anywtiere else Hay Faca and Scalp Trealinei.i v. .,i I he Iris wa thnroUKhly rniuyed for the price. Manleurliiy. Rwittb. Shells ll4v ,,, and Shot by H The parly jefi on the train Pacific Milk Co. order. on riatoi'day Migjit and returned i All Si aJ Caribr io i.iwo lat night. Limited CHIMNEY SWEEPING Packages 15 80 flu IJie return jfp a pllflln. Head Office, Vancouver, 0, C, Phone lilu STORK'STardware gfUl.ll ! (lie MUlllrfe. Willi tbeiri Factories at Ladner and Ab- OLD ,,,,4 a.k fli. ttkiiK of uiik)-r. wat lakeu at bottford, B. C. NICK Limited 1'aMf.. i.v a . I., lit? iumi. Chliiinrya Awrpl. uf Work a.rf Buarfite,..k,,,,,,, Phona Black 114.