noi rum .TTI DAILT HIWB BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMsna, WCUU VtVM 00 i eouMT Mri tmi- HEftE An- tOLO ME TMli tX)P JU?T THE A i ) V I IT FRv;m ont . I'm. mdO tmwv or HONIN; ANO TOt L hn .rtK TEN DOLLAR- HC kino or A hi V lSs 'T TO MAVrfJsic THE DC;" OAquN. eotuci; to take DOC. TMAX DOT HIM OUT roH rteeoec uthc mqniy. 5 cUV AN tTVUMAKCA AtK. now oo too C -Uf 't J I I 7 -iKtr n MAPPCN TO HAVE Till i av y -V - i Mire. The darning Season i nearly Tf ...ft hci and we aro fully prepared t with a wide ran in" of genuine turn 'J fSBI .A.J V ... I sole footwear, from 17.5(1 lip. Ladies f You ran "Inp the light si) fantastic" in our OXYX Shoe to .; your heart content. J fir- . IXSI'rVmoX IXV1TKI). I : Family Shoe Store tion. The man who did not dojtat board a being beyond re. P.O.. Box 1668. Phone 357 that was larklna- In sand. Tlir proarh. in my mind ir ch..o crowd, like coffee ground, wa lnilres. Ie, hv Or. her gin. are News Classified Ads. American Express Hway at the bottom. The rea-:"" a par with ihoe gentlemen Daily n young men did not succeed was and Ihcy have lie. ii in charge of A WHIRLWIND IWiiim ther refiie,l t . nar the of a Mhl co.tinH CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less then OOo Money Orders 'nrire. He nnred them flol to get!N,.. wtlWl leitk and vinjj thai the nnly.M "' !hm h. cn-i.Vr-llr Issued on AP TT AAITriTPPiinl" hi I H II Ir Ml r different heiween a ml and lhe anytMng hnt'a llaMMy t.. the FOR RENT WAMTtO FOR SALE Norway, Sweden & VI UUVViULillULi; liaUt wr ,n ;riu t4ed of an .(. V.wn KOH HUNT Hwise 730 Kmirlh XltltrilFRX ll'olyleehnie Inslt. Sjtlemlid Lot with natural base. Denmark I Co u rag of Conviction I ventured in rnltriie ihrir Aveave Knt. silling. S bed title of II. C. want eipert. menu Ihlnl Ateoue and ev. at Lowest Lactorar at Chautauqua Laslj The eaker went on to ay thai writ, one of their meanheri tM rooms, kitchen, paniry. bath. ettced men a 11 J women Hi mid Street, It.tMMi. ILasy term Current Ratet Cvanlng Humorout, Vivacious jundii" .eniliene wa one of me bad ftWAtl a mare' nei riMian, dressing room, cmsser-vaiory. icitrti pari Mnie clae in ee-meniary Two tiw lot Serliou 2. fOou and Presented Homely ,lhe holoo that kepi many laciu an I iiatl'BM'fi iiirning to ru lliHwaier healing. W. Knxlih fr foretgH. I be Nilr.' Assnts for : II nn.l -wam KriI nman f m rivai inor niKl i wa ntae or my Apaay l. ItHse, f ederal Hnild. crt public school and high 14 3. Mock .in. Her. I with 3 Nocwsalsn AmerUsa Lis Truths he courage of the r convlct,on.'Jv(. ,,'wrtflfc the anie ahu. lna. I'tvemelHl. If school MhJeel: IHfflMges; rnwmssl Ikihsc t feet front-age. Sosdlsh AmsHcsq Lis I be girl who married-a man to- y u have given lHine subject ; fltfe art Iliggar Hlaeer Seaodlnsvlsn Amsrtsts (lolling forth epigram. Ininuir-nn me, FUR HK.VT. Furfiiled Hie. subjects; shnwesM Una. reform him thinking he wa a dia writing; p. SI er II ng Marine F.n- anecdoic anil homely truth the found' . lliMMne4 Hisjf with Isalh. Apply meehanieal and architect ural gine. Ollvec TypemrlUr mninl in rough, usually itt the rale of mile minute f M Ihit at Xew Offieo. Kamuel oer a told a thai he wa mnlly rough. He, daily drawing; hwilding roil,!roe-tbm; Munch Tltnsi. zk-lfl Sterling., Cary sfs C.rntlittell the hlHt ItKXT .Hasall house, gnast marine arrhileelHre; iiem. or Ijiwneh Kcho,l-lH riRE INSURtajCC - Ieope w-tm atlentet the firt mu. I"""" '" '"iwohM M a greai atfance in learn. eleHrlcal, meehanieal. Ituffabv, Auto.Marine, too. a.ked what 1'rii.ce Rupert keatot. FMeHilHre for Sale. rhanlaiiqua meeting lat night few an.1 defrimenl to many, civil and engineering; Three rMtmej hastse and two Ihe liltleone,hiheway . . tf Fourth H 1ML for Apply Ave., ing how In get by their liooloo ami i.f playground. v r..r ,h navigation; mineralogy: geol. lot. Section t. 1100 eah. Hal. Dybhayn & Hanson inridenLilly enterlained them fr Uhrewii close Mi sine., men. id PAHT HOUStJ to renl. fnrviihe. ogy; machine shp pracllee; a nee Hie rent. Mnally ne spoke oi tue nece.,.. Thlrtf Avsnws an hour in a unique manner. All the dead hes. who. at Jap lt1e, pnreher Islaml. ftH-ge shop pracllee; sheet mss and lots ne easy terms of alive. Mr. firathwell i a eond Hilly lly being w(fh ptthl ,lflks, . Prince Rupert, 1. 0. lh4Hte Yni. Sims, tireen t9L If meiai w..rk; tin and eifer-smtihing; lagging Nsaehlnery. boats, en Sunday, but with more refine. one. were noi in ine grave. Many ht mnd hKKihre In rekle rrpousse; silver ami gines, etc men! and with a better voir. He of them were walking armin.i. lie MlWHnlllf. t mn. FLAT for lent In hener Apart, gdd stHiihing; ami craft jew. M M 'jrrKIMIRNS. eioseti wiin an eioqueni rr irrrnrr-to went. M. M. Stephen. U W not tand on the chair or Burden on City ellery work; ree ami fibre Hhowe t?I. If French stand at Verdun the fio through other grolempie an-tir. The ho pilar has become such LOST weaving; carjtenlry; eaMnet From the Farm but he iloe keep hi audience when the army there ni1 They a burden oh the etly, I person and furniture making; wm FOR SAI.F. FJeven acre of land to the Table on tiploe all the time while he hall i I pa," and meant it. ally wrmM wHcome Ike Sisters LOST, oa Sssnsdy afternoon, earvlug ami burning; china fMi Vane-Nner I'laitd. partly take,fall out of nfany of them Mr. OrathwII lecture again on hospilal inslitnle to lake control on Fourth Avenue near lay's painting; nursing; csmklog; imposed. laVal for poultry and tell them thing about them-elve. Saturday evening. hi Milijeet te. of this institution, therefore 0ve tlirrle. sitiall gray fHir-e sewing; chemistry: dietetics; bee and fcviil Will sell BulkleyValley "Oetling by Your Hoodoo inx Tlnkern and Thinker." guaranteeing a service ecund roiilttiiung post oflice keys. dressmaking; millinery; cheap. Apply Hot 31 daily i rather an incident in the oration la notte on ihe conlinenl.. They Kinder tlN4te rvlun lo the tieedtevkork; physteal culture. News Of flee. ?03 IIF and yet il crop up all woull lurn Ihe present deficit I sally NWfflir. Let us know your taliy. F41R SAI.F. Stager Sewing PORK through. Listening to Orathwvlt In the Letter Box Into a surpln and relieve rhe You nee nut be a regular machine and Mtrrroii I.OsT 1 let ween Wulfe I stand gramophone. remind one of taking sugar coat. overbirdene, ls liaver. teacher, but only the of VEAL I'hane im. apady 131 5lh and Metlakalla, I'eterbnm riw wc et pill only the pill do not make Al.ll. MliXTUOMKriY. thorough quallfiealloii ami rRCSM KILLIO POULTtT hal. FiWiW Aveatar. Fsl. phone lllack please phone yoti laugh and forget the worM MONTGOMERY REPLIES IS. evpefenee il e nldred. 718. after o'clock. .'Ot Skeena River Farm frs4si Jike OrathwrH's medicine. HOTEL ARRIVALS Apply by letter to l. tl. ItMf VANDKRHOOF CRCAMUT Born In Slum Katiior .New. BOARD. I'rtnce Rupert, II. C. 10 1 FOR SAl,F-!lllavg yirhl; om- BUTTKR In answer In yoijr editorial pbete with tails. l good condition; To lilen to Samuel O rath well NORTHERN INTERIOR a tontc. He told how he gnt by whirli -oiidemii me for sug Prince Rupert HOARD Inlander H30 Swcotul HKI.I WA.VrFluilemwrapher' alo Kvinru.le. Apply hi own hoodoo. lie Wa born ia gesting a leak in the lm.pilL Charles A. Smith, urn ha m Is. Avenue. Phone 137. tl htamlnaimn fr H. U. civil I'ltlleo, 1allr News office. If CO-OPERATIVE (his remark was made on Ihe in. land; C K. Snell. R. V. Kenllh-Rankin. Sen ice: An examinalhiti fir a olum, brought up in a slum formation received that lat year .. I'. Marshall. K. O. oita: Mr. (I. s. Moore, vaneoii. junior and senior stenograph, FOR SAI.K- Half share in boat Phone SI here he lived with the ret of the il coi Jhe eity taxpayer almost llarrop, Cbong CIhhi, Mr. anl var; W. S. Cheney ami W. (1 er will be held on Saturday with SO h-. engine now work, family in one room thalnl them three mill Jo finance that in. Mrs. Ciillespie, M. AlbeH. J. I.. Chenejr. peiersburg, Alaska; R Deloler 7. 1 911 in Vancouver, ing o logging contract. Apply three dollar month. He edu. a sjftution and at Ihe end of Ihe Hefferman aftl Uin ritiD, Van Lourte. I'k; ii. Nirkeron. Victoria. New Wel minster l. O. Hot V. t.My ?0I rated himxelf. graduated from the year it was helplessly involve, couver; J. v . IloJoril, iMrns m i Mors; It. Ttioma. C.X.R. and ueh other tioinls a TERRACE MOTORS 1 FOR SAI.F. baby -ar. eland Stanford University, and, Thi year Ihey wih Ihe elly lo luke; r. and Mr. II. (Uay I las- there may be five or more l.wlay he i here telling us to get rtege. I'erfert Terrace, B.C. subcrle over 1 9,000. A few sell. TuvaloAsa Alahatua: I)r. candidate. Candidate mul and EDITORIAL POSITION Phone Rel 3V4. 03' buy help ourselves. ay year ago Ihe hospital was able II. NV. Tape. !' RoWes; Fre.1 le lirillsh suhjecls. resblenl that the bet way to get pat your to get along equally a well with Mos, A. M. Wilson, FX. Jorgen- FOR NEWSPAPERMAN of Canada for at least one FOR SAI.K. Old new oaier Sc IiimmIoo i to help yourself. Everyone TAXI a donation from the eity under on. A. K. I Jirsefl Hllj i. I. year, of Ihe frill age nf seventeen for large bundle. Hatty Xew has a chance in life and will 15.000. A an Alderman I have Illrk. Seattle; 'IliimMs Cide ami years, and not more office. If find it if he does not devote his a right to eipre my view on C. A. Mailing. Victoria: Mi F. 0. H. Nelson Leaving Soon Pee than thirty-five years of age lime to kilucking. There i something such question. Sirion ami Mies X. Ma lone. lie. Victoria to Take Appointment Applications to write will be ORIENTAL O00DS Service spiritually wong with tht Apparently I have hurt you by iroil; Harvey Shaffer. Kent; F.niil With Colonist received up to nM.n. Wednes. Japanese Kimonas, Crockery, leron who does that. When my remark rr such, I have M. I'rell, iHverae; . Ilell. day. September J7, IP. Ap Rarnboo Furniture, ornaments Uliingx go wrong, tie says, do not no regrel. Your suggestion thai I'rinee iSeorge. Eiprsss and Baggtl O. H. Xrlson, formerly edito plication forms and full par- liaskels. riilldren's Rompers. blame it to fate. A man is a factor ' Transfer. under certain condition I Central t Ihe lottrnal heri and more re. licHlar may be nblaine.1 from Toys. re. in his failures a well a hj Should resign. I am sorry hut I K. Xugenl, Anyox; A. K. Hun eiitly in Ihe employ of Ihe Can the undersigned or fr4.n1 any I.OWHKI' I'RICFM. One Frice U All mccee. He gets out of lif tannot take that order, because ton ami II. Sunde. cily; . Mr iiilian Xaltotial liailvrys, i eat government Agent. W. II F. K. AKASC IaI us make you" rfjrai- what he puis into iL Kvery person Ihe result of Ihe vole on the Roberts. Wee Jamie t'.rurk. Maelnnes. Civil Service Own. .ng iHruy lor vulwrta where he I'. O. Hot Tel. Red "S lions it should pull for the community school by-law prove that you lyn liuing, lie mice Hell, Fay Fp- lo take eilitorLiI position with missionrr. Victoria. It. 0. Third Avenue , Hslsl. or ee pafk up and pull out "If Mr. Flilor, a a moulder of pub. (erson. Joeph Marks, R. M. he Cofoaisi. Mrsi. Xetson ami Lakelse HoUSprlset you ran t pull for a pure don I lie opinion, rannot be laken ser MiHire, Arthur l. Carpnler. Mr. wilt VAX'IF.I T trade Iwo lots; WATCH ANO CLOCK REPAIRS. lamily Mr. Xe ruol on it." i his motlo. iously. ami Mr. Ilurnell Ford and daughter. arrompany l.l II, block I, sect i..11 M and on lo the rspHal where will Mr. Orathwetl urged (he youn Compare With School Harry p. Xrwewwifee, Our-don Ihey lot 12, block Id, section 1 for F.tpert watch, clock and men who wvre doing nothing in Your reference to 1 1. IS. flew. H. Smilli, Haiel II. Slrayer If future resttfe. pleasure launch thai will go, chronometer maker. Let Us Advise You Mr. Xcleoti wa formerly rily their spare time to get an edura art and associates on the hospi and S. W. iratliwll. I'hnulau- Apply Imi f.0 lutly News Of. Watch and JewHteiy Repairs -ditor of the VmImLi daily T'me flee. If specially with a hfeuuui itefore comma lw I'rinee Riiert Mail orders promptly eieeuled ence in al brarv h--i " te u nn able newspaperman and iiOOMn Walilrd Udy leaeher CEO, CISC Ili.oJiog T ade will doubtlen loake giHHl in his requires one or two furnished Opp. I'ftsl Offiri) ! O. Hot 71) Brickwork, work al Victoria. wilh healer; or small I'riin-e Rupert f 5m vsons Mrs. Xetson and family will bo suite or collage. Apply by Stonework, BEAUTY CULTURE PARLOR. missed here, where the voting teller In Hot IM, daily News folks have grown up and are et Office. 02 Phone Black SM. Concrete, etc. eera'inglv popular. Many will re n Ilalrdresslng, Shampooing, Hen. Plans and P ;rel lo hear of their leaving Ihe STKXtwRAI'HF.H wanle.1. wilh T- naing, Marcel Waving, Mancur. free to all our i" rily. knowledge of bM.kkeepiiig. ing, Face and Scalp Treatment. Reply by teller, staling etperi. & Co. The Above Wralhaire, William Walls grade of Imperial Polarlne Motor Oils erne and salary le.piired lo I'. EXHIBITION DOG SHOW Third Ave. recommended for your car O. Hot nut, I'riuce Rupert. H. Builders and Contractors (1) Saves friction and wear COMMITTEE HAS WORK C. 201 TAXI P.O. Hot SK3 3rd PheeJ-A Phone S93 Offlcf 1017 (2) Increases power , WELL IN HAND; ENTRIES ROOM and Hoard Wanted l.ady (Call lieorge Rns Jobbing Work of all KM (3) Lower Gasoline costs teacher wishes healed riMtni, Five-passenger Touring Ctr (4) Reduces depreciation i The dog ,hnn committee of th with whole or partial board. Prompt day and Night Service. Apply Hoi 10 dally New Office. Standi Boston Prill Third Avenue TERRACE (5) Gives most lubrication per dollar 11 MAPt IN CANADA j Inhibition Association had S02 meeting iat nUht to make fur TOWINQ AND FREIQHTINQ Consult the Imperial Chart-the guide to 1L ,ther arrangeiiMnts for the slsginw KTORFKKHI'KR In interior coun FRUIT LANDS proper lubrication. of the show this fall, rjevcral en try requires housekeeper. OimnI Tug "Hanaeo," Cow Bay Ines luve already been made ar.i home and wages. Apply Hot SAI.VAOIC WORK IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED new- building has been erected 16 daily News tiffise. tf Ihperleneed divers and diving five Airee flood Soil I l . l ween the poultry house and tho Outfits. kana ime i""' MtnuUclurtr J Markitr$ WAXTFIl Small Reglsler. 1 an at ImptrUI FoUrin Afaler BRANNEN'S I? " Oil and Matkttttt In CsjmJs MohilaiU merry-Ko-roimd to arcoiiunodat Frame rabtn CatgayU State price. Apply Hot 17. Die iiiiimal lo be shown. 11m Phone Hlue 711 B,d dflj .I......I ..l.l MOttll ' rommiti.e .'oh.IsIh of (leorge dully New Office. tf P.O. Hot OU'J l'rinea Rupert. H O. 9O0 cash. t B Wilkinson. II. F. Olussey and Nor OOOI f.ady Sewer wauled for CLOTHES CLEANED 10 Acres Oaod Levil man HoIiiiisoq. tailor shop. Apply Carl son. I i liilirs irom tOf Third Avenue. tfti and pressed by latest ST 1 1AM ....1 tlnlmnrntril Jack Hagwill. of Aliym, sailed pressing process. KXI'DIUKXCFJI waitress wauled, 8 ults called tor 1 u south on lh l'riues for and delivered. SCft Alice esierday afternoon sn flood wage, flood Halt Cafe. Phone 84S KENNEY BROS. Ntr to fin. ago on a vaeallon WANTF.d Woman for Hotel t-INQ, The Taller Rl EiUte IntOrsftM trip. work. Apply UpUI Central. 203 Bubscrlbe for the Dally Nw TERRACE 0.