I I. 10. ? THE DAILY NEWS. PAOl FIT! foARD OF WORKS GAVE IWARDS FOR SUPPLYING sport chP; GUSTAVO WON OF VARIOUS MATERIALS League leader, and lall-r,rri,n i OVER OLSEN IniPrt lonlshl whm Ibr , fl rm tiic supply of il.anada nii.i thr Hon. of Kngland' wale iriflrr nnl lMigage in n HI iiarl Shield nihiroiLatl 1 Nlohfe Match Wat Splen- D ili nail wrrr Iflf Ihi. ArrnfriHI Hill around dld Eshlbltlon of Lively . .niiarl awarded Ml jlonight I f , Canurka win1 W rattling NILLB ANK in.. ling of the rlvlr ..-7 win vr ,.ear lend nf u. ik taat nlghl. iw.i yam wr lit :al,.. in!EACH MAN GOT PALL mlri f irt7..1n fn MM I-or .wiH.iifi(f whllr a virtory r IN HANDICAP AFFAIR Hardware fr ,lhr OI.I Country WosiM M, t i,.i'iwnr W;a atrpl. thr Canadian and Sc..I al ,ih! Forrlim dt. oiionrii In iclvr. iiN Mmr: Wiirk" anrl Ihr KmrlUhmon and In lo n lor-tKilil afirr tt rtilnu-lr ;'0; How A Mr. irofio nl Ihr hotlom. of firl rla irriljr wrr. C3PtoaWB . ; Kairn Hardware, Una, Ail. (Inlavis niMillrwriilil The lnifi tonmrrtiw niln will rhatnftton wrrllrr of Houlli l m. Irhlenl rum. l- lh lat of lhi Hlimrl miirltl Amrrira. Il nishl ilrfratrd i. i , In ttr u'd in run. r unill nftfr Ihr kl.ibnn. Jark Hm, I'arlflr Ooal hravy. Willi Ihr Canadian Filj Tb ni vaini- will k In (. wriahi. in a hnmliran rnalrh. I St-.ragr Co.' 0iply. Iniljf i:uii final u-lwi)'H i hi- :! Tbr rtbibiiion wn nil Dial rouM f Hi- Priiirr Hujiert ill- Ami id.. X..H. .,f Knvlaml at havr iirrn ilr(rr. from a .rrln- r ino.7 wan nr. h Irmlc ami I.iiIh.i OiHira-lon ior aiamipoim ami will, no ii'iirr bid wrrr: Smith tt.r Miimlm will, tho p.hi. loiibl. firmly rlablih wrrn(r ..llfl.M: Hiiirl AMiihi riiii.n,ia fnllirwiiiK Iw-ln a a favoml mrl in I'rlnrr j .w..rk. II7I. Krrii-iiih..r i ami I? with lliifKrl. Kvrry mir of ihr fan (..f Smith A Mat. lit final oh or f it, Kair Day. who flllnl ihr Kinprr In nrar , . 4r f..r .100 fret or Iltlf arr fmir iimrr Hume yM raparily wrrr fully nlifir, thai . ilfV pip"". al lo be lo h playMl in iii HliiAri HhiM Ihry iNht firrn jjlvrn Ibrlr t'l.l -.lil Slofate, H (rowjelMion. itair for whir will iiiniiry- worth wilh n rlran ami 1 ulril immediate dr. In- annMinri4 lalrr. Imily roV(rlr, malrli U' toad. The oilier i winner wa. wiihoiil a lliprt Marine i ....n- ll roiwr AHVliT i.r "limlil, Ihr Hiuilar favorilr' for hr.-,. month iMhr-:n:ibree IWan Fall kaehlrr will I In ba brrii in llir rily fur week dellv- 1J Ih Ual wilh th I'rlmr Hu-I I, F mcr Ilttwri Sop. wr in ihr Klnbn inn All. UVUJWO i- h ;n ImmHmiII rrir Tlir IH-iiw jrWmrjrr iifea lia U-m kii4onM) lEASING ENDING TO jam! alo Similrr Iravin .nly ropftrr inakrr ..r Hie pa.r TALMADGE PHOTOPLAY Htawr. ArrNntrmriil Mn n-w MWlr way in hrln nilwr onr i.f thrr Iwn In llir i-iljr. Kilhrr r VMi 'lia m-i-,. in blMllll flM- ItiMMl l-iilllMtllliil! t,. tiit but Un It m lltr lnrU Ul(i ir..i,r, tlir..uwti fife il'Hmilalil Hole uf llt arir a rr ailrarinr , t. nipllon." Norma aporfluc fiaior Kir Nation I H-.i I r- lhal I l fee Till Jarkoii. who wa knM-k-) sdUi al lite Vf. lol ay Ifarr Will after t., HI a.-marto made iminnir anil fir Mnnit uf! w Koolai niiirf, flffMiiHt In Ibr ihint tmH, nt a W innit iiv- Jack Otrn rlirilnlnl fifln-n ruiiiul bnil all l 'wr makrs firt.-nr !w York "ti Ini-Mlay niglil. erral niul na r.lalili-li. 4 mural. II purr urrrr4 in tki bat IM ftri ril hiiiKvir in favnr a a rmii lilrndnl ,jr a te. ,kllirkiHjl of hi hi CIGARETTE rarrir. uwn rlmu alhlrtr. Al.. nn arroiim QUALITY .'.tif'Jrlrr .iiii..ali..ii. morU riiiilaiiiina a Irmn of to of ihr fart thai hr wa omr .'5 ciie lo refurfti jknorkftiit iiwluilina iam l.any. irnuml or ao lighlrr Ihau hi1 i JvJifliMn whe, I I.aler iliialrlir rrri'ivnl jfanl. oiponrnl hi wmr wa HimUr 'Miit ike priisJtt!?imnliitK Ihr lialtlr inilual-lhal frtMii ihr tiratplii iiriiiR laml IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY of CANADA. LIMITED. (be ilaml ttr n. Jarkn wit la4 inw by a Imiiiii. I'rrha, ularn rira l ! win- Tin- ibartl winaiiiK rif hi li Hm bid wniilii wa not a mitrh ail. nl Slanall.il rr. ftry Will hnweil pFiatiytnu VMitlavr mi nun a wa arnrral, lull al the ersi- itrrnih IhroiiMboiil in iitinrhlng ly rMMeM. Ortainly. of ihr tlir.e wlulr ilu-ia" ilitl tmi wa rontinually plyins hi hravy r Ilrr Kiuin.l.riiHiPn a ninser myi). ami wa mrir all ll 7two, (iuUo wa Ihr filr anl arr in lo auffer ao murh with 1 painful Joe luilil. Uulavo, by n tnr Our f roicn herring bait is conceded by flabermen til HI l Wife illironab. itit apility Rul film mil of wtue lliem. Olarn allrl litem nnlhr aamr mean, wm ablr to DVi 1 to be the flneat procurable at any Pacifie Coait .ftfr'.iiiiiJtag tr Il-aal that a largrr man might him many linir but-il wa ml ; holil ili hrlplr a g-rraL tlral Port and It la "Fishy." Price, 130 per ton. her hit.tn. MUSICAL PART OF amvr foun.1 iliffiewlt to rxlri- tbrooidi Ihrm Htl ibr won Ihr, of ihr limr ami ul rrral vrry inn The beat way of Insuring a good quality trip la bilo ralr himarlf from,- itulao wa firal fall of Ihr rvening when, near fall. Aft.-r 1 5 mimiir. to have plenty of our hard froien lee. Price, larh V!' i -i.inliljil lilnv loth l ENTERTAINMENT WAS aUo. i.In Ihr. i iiltik of.I.,rtimlilion i.. aflrr t" minuir wrr.ling, bo HUrn. hrl.) half on hi i.l ami It per ton. riowrrtl liualavo wilh a rnnkj half on hi bark wilh ne of Out ,J,r "well.equipped atore can supply Ashing fear, I Ibr rlmiaT fife 4,' a lv YERY MUCH ENJOYED !. of lllarn. WhMr, llinuigh Ibr amj arirr ami inglr wrUI litckjlhrar, lpnl the mai for Ihr fishermen's clothing, groceries and proviaions .flu thai i itlf. I .llffrrwr ifl Wrtglil, iiula following a nrar J motile Hol.J jawinl of thrrr. roiirrdius victory and hardware. AUJial itrainK. I Ttir tiMiria-1- !' - "I' I"" r.o.lfownil it iliffhHlll lo riirrt belwrrn ()lrn a Irg. U hi lighlrr an.J more youthful CA&IlT QUCfSCD. Nkhw yar in. tti ii . a I imtl of 1 mitur of hi bola lain llir rr. Handicap Conceded ofpwrtit. NEW ENGLAND FISH Company Ilhr rigram at iln Iholmr quirril Ihrrr rroml. OIru" Tha Prellmlnarlaa r ' Oh Ihr main rveni brmg rail. i I Ketchikan. Alaska Branca 4 yu g"in lo Ihr 'Ibralrr niglil in niirri Mm j arliofi wa not a quirk ami lir . . ill iirellinlnnrie between unlry fr ftMir wNh Ihr Chaulauiiua wrrr givrn fouo.1 (I riKfinm lo rl' a Ial-a e,. lu.tavo ,lrrw Ur..kn lo , u fc , Ku, lh farl thai IIIIM M at lrl vry ft rrrriiimn. Two of tag aihanlagr orr llir nlhrr . ,aiMM.Vj w a lhHy fH,,. you MB Hialr a Ihr UlrM miik ami ulaynl Ihr'niaii who raergoiir iUlrniing i5 ,K,un.l ovrr 1,1,,, and wa yUHglrr go.ng lo it My w.ifr jirrfrr llir (wiin ami Mir thtnl gasr oMtr'aml ability in Uml Ihr many trail, .ml of IIm. I(gl, hravy- tlamt Krr. rirvlkant iihIUIhih of binlamig. I Um- hol.la hr rrreitnl ilnrlng Ihr wrighi limit, frlwrrn lfi.1 and , mlj E. H. SHOCKLEY llir nlrtiaiifnii'iil wa lrrlly lualrh wa n feature. In farl. it 173 pound. Hi own weight . . ... , th wa. Ift5 ami .'i Planing Mills: Cow Bay. Wharf: Nait Imperial Oil Dock. dvrrlllnr tnran firl rla-- ami wa- mtirh rn-iwix atmnl a balllr of lite in.. "'"wrrr no rllnrhr. nrilhrr my neighborhood of til ao hr ak- Phone i M3. r-ipUniioiu ilvrrtlln inyr.l by 'III' illlliirlirr 'iilarn. ii wa plain no likr ainr afraid lo oprn into Ihr M rd for a hamlirap. OUrn almw. i l: v. V.rw. FIR DIMENSION, FINISHING. LUMBER, PLANKINQ AND r, rral g.d imrl.man.hlp in, ,,, .,..',,. ii TIMBERS, SHINGLES, LATH, DOORS AND WINDOWS. agrrrlnjr to thriiw 41ulav I wire Agent for: II a draw, ftpiro Ourvirh and in nn hour and a half. II, wa Robertson & Haoketta Saw Mills, Ltd. Xirk Chrnoaki wrrr Ihr arrond. apparent, however, that Olarn hr-lw.rea J. Fyfe gniilh'a Hardwood. Thr arrond preliminary Another iPRICE Suggestion did not figurr he wa gAlnx lo hil.lir Oagg and flalph Lamalco, 3 ply Cottonwood Panelling. hr thrown at all. Garland Company, Roofing Paint. Smith proved InlrrralinK rnough The! ir'liimiarie bring' ami Ihr prrfomianee uf Ihr latter Biscuits, Buns and Rolls I'oucluilrd. Ihr mulrli twuii. aiirpriaed many, tlraxg wa meiire.i wilh Olier Ilranr rr. Itrrhap a litllr Ihr fatrr of ihr frni and Mat llrilbrBnrc. tiiiw-krrirr. two but hi mrlhixi if launch, Whit Sift l ttkUspooat of mttiart J ing into hi opponrnt briefly THEQ COLLART, LTD. NOTARY - - BISCUIT! word sue tuir iik lour, salt sal btin Snappy Wrestling ami I Urn rroorhing down and PUBLIC rests. So tender they fairly powitti J4 bxten rub t tkoctcniitt to watrr ia snd Ssktlyi dJ OIrn gol the firat lili but roverina up hi head a light a We are now AgenU for the New York Life Inauranoe Company. melt in the mouth, and of Ualjf. Roll eul ) inch ikkk on (iillavo ahowr.) hi lighlnr a clam did not givr a great dral The moat liberal and strongest company on the continent. su;h glorious flaror that aouftJ kotrJi krutk tth bmIkJ ami agility !o ailvanlagr and of opportunity to hi opponent. Asaeta, $952,(32,1 3S.S0. Let ua ahow you how to eave your ,hf ,rCet',e ' nevcr '. kuiur, pruill witk tuf u,ciaa alipprd out of Ihr hradlock. In lb third and fourth round . . mcney. fied rhese are the kind of moa eJ rsiwnt. Roll tt for itlly Karl, man thru gol a t hold Ihr hoy liiUrd it prrMy hard biscuitv anyone can make loll; cut into lii inch fttn which hrld Ihrm to Hie mat for j bill it wa hard for Smith to Phone Blue A. Westholme Theatre Block. P.O. Boa SS. with llr. Price's Cream pttco wiik cut Jci up on tU arvernl mimiir lirforr Imlh find an opening iiioiign wiin a Usking 'Powder and these grtiKj a; iphall with t Kttlt were hniki'ii. Thi was follow. liettrr f(illow--np ami a faater PRICES aa4 ciaataioa. Hilt ia unusual.recipes: tufii r by iutavo" hradlQek which lend in hr might have brrn ablr moJtiait etra to JO ) nuouitt; almoal hail Olarn al hi mrrry lo aroompliah somrlhlng.'Ja. BASEBALL HOMVI flow au t nun, (All M fntAjunmint$ for and muej him in rxlrnd him-arlf Mr Alrenan, rrfrrre, eallrd a Our Stock of natttUlt trt Itul.) CREAM for nil ir wa worth to draw the popular and only dr-rUion. rlrar. (lualavo ronllnurd vrry Ilowant Frixirll and American League v .UISCUITS Huston 0, Philadelphia S. Enamelware rluaivr and ronvrrtrd Oliri,' (ieorge Mantrll wrrr thr S ta Saair PARKKH HOUSE NOLLS Washington t, Xrw York 5. Uf n Dr nk' hradlork into onr for hliiiarlf lo arroiul. 4 cweaauar be followed by a tor hold whifh Qood Znterialnmenl SL LouU 11. Cleveland 3. la now Complete. w rry rny lo ! rrn Olarn Clilcago 5, Drtroit 1. U k a.I t Imuw U.rrka'i The tlirrr rvrnl made a o-ood -x . Prices RlghL MaU did not rvliah at all. It ttaklu Ivantaf waa rvrninx't rnlertainmrnl and a National League Sift totfhf (our, bsViai po tt4aBUk 1 1 4 laktoiuuM aafhi elor wrralling Ihroughoiit with credit lo Ihr managemrnl nf thr New York 3, Itrooklyn I. in ami lt, tii ikortiun( snj nrilhrr man bavin- Utile ad. and Jtol STORK'S Hardware MaJ (mi CrJ of Trta.JotUoal promoter, Jark Judge Philadelphia to, toton 31. rk w, fiy Kskilyt J4 roller kiuil Inm (rapa. Pur. kUoM aJ Sift lour, tail kilint pomitt vanlagr until Olarn. aflrr 37 Harnr. Fprcially did Ihr i'ilt.burs; 3. Ciueinnatti 0. , Limited llx9.tnl tuft iluuthi mlnule., llulavo down U lrMgtk, Ki lk AJJ nalttd tborttnuif ptnnr,! wrralling down strong with Chicago Ml cut on touitj bor J to stout naTrjriii tugcilxr. wilh hr. and aclaaor and go i, St. Louis 5. Phone Black 114. a oiaWulf Nek ia ikicUos OumlU ilk poifottly. to oulk anJ tJJ tUmly to Jiy in-grtJicBit Ihr local fan and II is unil'-r-dIihhI tingle wrlt lurk following; elo siliiilaatfwtukU)! with kit-cutt itiffinf until tnwotk. auoihrr apMaranoo nf Coast League eul KaatJ luurr J botril tmi upon what looknl vrry much lika Seattle Los cuiiti. iSti to bet ta IS lightly un (luatiivo wilh a man nrarrr his , Angeles 2... So o mics. rull out ( inrh tkuk. Cut with a trangle hold. Olarn workrd own weigh! I bring planned, Portland t. San Franciaro 3. ktruit cutirt. Cmt ttik ciicl hard and did lint dlaplay Ihr Surh would no doubt be popular Oakland S. Sail Lake 1. "Art" Clothes of lnift tij of tick ont ilk CINNAMON MUNt Itultif lU tai'U trctien same lasting power u fralurrd and atniiild draw a full houe If Vernon 1, Sarramrnto 9, MADE IN CANADA Ctaicr.tnd WJ Ursr P ell et lh fiulavo'a work. it ran br arrangrd. Iit liighl'a jt'imi N The hammer and International League mrn ajiarred wmiuh u,,pffaa1, small. Itict on inch tptrt in affair wa a financial surro. NEW FALL AND WINTER iUiJ long aflrr Ihr ten minute real Jrrsry City 5-11, Syracuse 1.7. UMMWi.au ItiiwJ pan. Allu te l( Jark Olarn return noulli on SAMPLES. " a ..lMl.t ininutts "" bin whrn thry finally trot ilow-n Ihr Prince I ieorge tonight but Newark 3.3, Rochester 1-3. Mapa(M tack iik bwImJ luitrr mil I tit lo thr mat again It wa elrar Ad. (lulavo l rrmaliiiiig in Hie Haltlmor 3.3. Toronto S.0. Splendid Valuea and Styles. IW?" (a luoJittt uo ,$lo 10 nuuuiti. thai iutavn wa a frrali o ha l Heading 2.0. Buffalo 3.0. IlUa MkUm rily. It is poMlbl may ever and ha had Ihr brat of Ihr the principal in a Fair Werk STEVE KING Sd l Notre Damo lsl,W!nnipr,Cu. aitvantaffe grlting a trood drul event. When you buy advertising you FREE Cook Boot-"TabUanJKitch0n"U9 nf real wiillr. holding; OIrn uti. buy CIRCULATION, and tee thai Third Avenue dtr him, altogether the latter Advertise lu the Dally Newt. you get it. . tf