T..Md.r, J""afy 24' 1022 THE DAILY NBW8 PAGE THRE Local and Personal Ask Yourself! l or a Taxi, phone 07. George Leek, Auctioneer. If St. Charles Milk Was First! Willi inl"" will Iny Idler make on Hit- recchrrt Will it U. C. Undertakers. i'liona!. tf ,u .rauh- or otherwise Your friend may overlook hud -y, Launch "Oh Baby." Blue 648 St. CliarleS tilk lias nlwdys been tlie highest grade evaporated i , ! ill 1 1 f selection of p I ul mj hut remember Hint other jiiilk, wterilized. before the established nidge '"U " "'lli ly Hit' slnlioncryMis liy the language Hayncrs, Undertakers, l'honc properly Long government 351. . ir its present milk standard St. Charles established' ita l Ki,t liriise only Ihiuhosl. own, and that the highest. Cul Mowers, Uulb. Cily Mar- . uin. slock ml assortment Mini will appeal (o tin (iiunf ket. tr St. Charles Jlilk "with the cream left in" Js not ordinary; r, ui-ii' inn) al a price easily williin I In1 ri-ncli or all. Tnilk. It is full of fine, rich, nourishing butter fat cream, Fresl, llerxlug. i'. a. rinii richer than milk as it comes from the cow, for Borden's remove Market. most of the natural moisture. 1 50c to $3.50 per box Cash for Victory IJouds. Tims. When you use St. Charles for cooking or on your table you may AliClyiiiont. If be the best. That's buy St. sure you arc using why more people Wo solicit your Inspection. Jliixkrllinlt Tonighl, F.lhihiliou Charles than any other. Hall al 7. Thive giime. II Then there is no waste. It will last indefinitely before being -tty Market for Meals. Oualily opened, and with proper care for -days afterwards. fiii('Mi, y,tw iigiii. i". v. Your grocer is a Borden Milkman. Let him send your first Moerwh. tf supply today. We are sure you will never use any other milk. Annual Mrtolio' . mic oil ii ral ...ci:iii,iii tonight ill Cily llali i ft ! in. Also Makers of B.C. Brand Milk ii I llni -.jM'inu nliM'k ot Linoleums 'nil .-.n ,ri. ha arrived, liarric' Furniture ll'ui.,' If :f The Borden Company, Liimited RUPERT BRAND V . Montreal StCHARLfS . . . . "Pachena" for Slews rtr January 2C,- 8 a.m. A. Svanson, Prince Rupert Boathouse. A 2'i Kippers and Bloaters ii. . .i-iuiiiii icii yrinjjiy i.tr Telkwn on a business Iriji, Id' will ! bark oil Thursday een- ilHf. for Sale at Charlie l.cCIrcj,' the Huir- ALL RETAIL STORES dressr. MarrH weaving uml ST. CHARLES BRAND ?alp trenlinciit. St. IClmo Hole!, The Most Tasty Breakfast Food KiHini C. I'Iioik- Orrcn 510. tf. Evaporated Milk Obtainable Mr. W. Adam, formerly of lhi ily, hat been elected ii WITH THE CBBAM LEFT IN guide ill Princes Alexandra Smoked Daily by Lodge. Daughters tf Knglami. ni Victoria. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. In the list of contributor- r PRINCE RUPERT elothiiig for ItH.Han llelief should lutve been iWrhnliNl Mis ((.iffnlll PillclHlt. r, ,end of noose- BURGLAR DISCOVERED I. Ilriliiisn. JalMtur it!. and CONTROL OF I veil, alli'rted tlie Mm- Canadian Sleam Laundry. jmeni. tlien headed liy Secretory SLEEPING IN BATHTUB i A Certain Man illalliner, was lakiiiK a coursi- I lie Dolllllli Ml government icvaiijinjr Alaska -which would ANDS0AP:in ' This Town Ulit liotixf Itytder Newinalon benefit reat financial inlresis Stocktaking Comes in 2 Months. Captain Dillon, i still In Victoria Inn tiurt the territory, proved M-:V YOllK, Jan. ai. - 'Cana. where ulie t iniiIToiiii ovrhaul DISCUSSION ilisaslrous in js politieal results dian Press Ailolpli tiistercr, Needs Watching! and repair. The auxiliary ten for the Tafl adminislraliou. alias William llauck, who is held Until that time we will oiTcr dcr. lirni. (Utiilnin OrniNlon. ) . II js noyncSliluaiiat today -rvlary on a rharjre of bein? implicated lie may be your father, your al pn'wiil at tli"- Mnriitr lpol Development of; Timber and ,N)'alliiee is a conservationist in a string of burglaries, explain brother, or your son. Whosoever Specials in Several Lines lHk. IXuliy Maiiil. In flu fiure Other Resources of Importance whose views are much ed to the police, when they located ho may be. wo' wlll of Iht r.tuliiif il'iirk in iiorlliern of I'ineliol. while low-price to' Canada. like thosv Secretary Iii m after lonj; search, that he was "watch" him for a very wulrr-. Fall' is unfrieiidly to such a hard man, to llnd because his this week at our watch WASIII.VMTOX. Jan. ;i. i Ity views. of residence was a bathtub. sale. CHOCOLATES place pvk I ALASKA INDIANS Canudian I'rex.s . .A firsl.rla! How the controversy is settled1 He s"'iil the prrater tart of the Sec sonic prices in ihc window. conlroverxy lift devi'lopvij in (he and what policies an- pursued; Ask for any other davliine in branches of the public OPPOSE TRAP FISHING llnrdinx caltiiiel ' rowing ul nf willi respect to Alaska limber! library, and at nipht crawled stm-reptiliously kind of watch. efforls of ln Interior Depart and 'oilier resources is ' of oli- infill, ln-adi'd by Secretary k'all. mous importance to i.aiiaua. into the basement ot John Bulger, Ivory STATIONERY WASIII.MiTON. Jail. St.- The an olJ aariinem nouse in jviiii to get rout iid f I lie (fox eriiinenl i iciillural Ileiiarlinenl orfirinis hIoioii supply in Alaska wulfi Street and went to roost in an old of Alnska. tiMik itliead to vigorous develop The Jeweller will lx iMiiiiplclely wiHi out bath. When arrested he was Sivi-elaiy of Arietillur' Wal- ment of .Masks, combined with These will be sold at cost to clear. williin a few vcnivi if Iran fiH- lane, who Uis rnnlrol of tin oiiscrYalinii ami to making carrying his entire household ef- hik I- iimI proluitited. Williaill r.-cts hath towel, which was forest service, beaded ly 'i d. W Alaska before Ions? one r I lie a I'aul. an Alaska riinriiiuii of around his waist, and II. tltveley, Ik rMiliii the ef- slates of Hie t'nion. strapped ormesHited liidinn dreenl, (old (lit' lloow forl of the Interior Deprluiciil cake of soap. He hail been in the Mei-i'liniil Marl in' and I'UherieM habit of balliinff where he slept The plnn of Secretary Fall i l FISH ARRIVALS 'oiliuiitlet'. lie .oaid unlive rili-"i'iiii-ii haw eii?rkJ! provM-' for a development ThelPioncer Druggists The RexallJStore in iMilli"-ar.lTii Alaska hoard wliieh would Im FOOTBALL RESULTS ELECTRICITY IN SWEDEN had oiiiii'ritied a fund to titd Thousand Pounds a lixvul eirniinii.ion iniiicr iin-ec, Seventy-five him l.ooil inli In explain the tiou of Hie Seem-iary of Interior Marketed Here and 70,003 High Power Line Passes Through -ilualioii In lilKrei. Goes on to Seattle. S a.m. The hoanl eioiiiuiioit would or Centre of Country and Is in DTtiHY ISI.AXD - Itainin fresh virtually he the Alukiu ?oern-niiMit Seventy-five thousand pounds southeast wind: barometer, '.'0.- Ooeratlon. FULLER'S SPECIALS and, wlin i Is of special Cakes Iced Order. ur halibut was bought by local 0t; temperature, 32:.sea routrli; to iuli'reiil, it would control all r fish concerns at th Fcbanue 8 p.m. spoke 'slisinier Victoria, STOCKHOLM. Jan. 23, The the natural rcoiu-ftr or Ala.kn llrookfield llulti'i'. 45c. this iiiornins and 7n,nno poumls. Hclohikan for Seattle, 85 miles rirsl section of a high-power Etc. Corn, bip ln'v 3 for 50c. iueluiljnic lluitier, coftl, gold mid not setting sr liish enough irfir. suutJi of Ketchikaa southbound; eleclrie line which is designed lo, Individual Mince Pies, Pumpkin Pies, oilier resollrvt's. Tw.. in I iliti. 12'ic. lea ml for Sttaltle. There were 8 p.m. spoke steamer Harold pass llirouh the centre of In and Wedding Cakes Secretary Wallace uwl the Specialists Birthday Sliced Vartie. per tin. 25c. six boats; posiist. on ine umirti Dollar, InilO miles from Victoria, Sweden from iior'h Jo .tou'.li ins OUR PASTRY IS UNEXCELLED Pure Oliw .Oil, will., $5.50. Forestry Sr ice )ir filiUu the and .the average-, price was inbound. just been completed and is now "The Home of Domestic Bread" No. i. JapJUec, 3 lbs. for 25c. pt-"poilinti liMitli and iritil. They around IIP; '. ' HULL IIAIIHOII Overcast, light in iperatiop. Kmpri'Mx Cocoa, Si Hi. 25c. hnve ilevelftped preal plans for The followiiiK: were Hie arrivals southeast wind; barometer, 30.. The seel ion connects (he high-power of Hie fiinlier (n Alaska THE LACASSE BAKERY 'I'nilH puper, 5c. tie Anna J.. lO.Oiiu pounds: Daly, Ii; temperature. "38; sea smooth electric slulion at Troll-haetlau whirli eoiiihine use with plan H. O. Fresh Ik. 50c. ami liuioina, t,,- Falls, in central Sweden, 18.000 North. pounds, 10 spuko. steamer 413 p.in. Phone 190 717 Third Avenue P. O. Box conrratiou and "tlicy n-saril (Inlario Clieece, per lb. 25c. IMHI pounds, sold to Hie, 1'acifio weslcrn 205 miles from Seal He to the city of Vaesteruos, one of ll(e' Fall plan : mie fnxored liy New Califiiruia' tirupe fruit, those parlous and interests who Fisheries at 1 1.1c -and 5c. ul 8 p.m. norlhlHiund. Sweden's most important manufacturing m il 5c. Defence, f.MHiil pounds, and DI IVD Til UK P()IXT-T-CJoudy renters. It cost more D A T Our frozen herring bull Is conceded liy fishermen (lur reKiilar(50c Tea, 2 lbs. for regard want la lo'ciiiseralon,exploit Alaska without 1 ape CltNir, IS.000 pounds, sob) light southeast, wind; barometer. than t0,noo,0(i0 kroner :(about i Coast 95c. to the Canadian IsU and Cold 30.1 0; temperature, 35; sea (;,,500,000!. . at I'aclflc procurable any Wallace U (o ho I ho finest Already, Secretary Kuipreyji Cofree. Ix., 55c. Storage Co. at lie and 5c. smooth. "rhp targe waleVffalls tof mirth I'ort and l'rlce. 130 ton. workijiK for e.liililisliiueut of it Is per "Fishy." Ainu'Ui'it llacou. Specilil. 37'iC Tho Alaska offered 8c and lo Noon. and central Sweden will be util The of insuring n good quality trip is pulp ami mills in Alaska lpP best way iKtper 3 lbs. I I'reoh (irouiul Cofree, (lie for the catch ised for her 70,HOO pound was DIUIIV Isr.AM!-Halliiug..S. I lo provide power hard fruxen ice. Price, timber Hie t0 j(UV0 pC,iy 0f our to use tin' on enormous j for $1.00. not satisfied and cleared tor Seattle. gale; barometer. 2l.0t; temperature. central power line when completed. i per ton. finest iv.-fiVHs. He has This is. inleiiUed In -enable' Onffifc Wur w-Mulpprcr sure can supply llshlng gear, data to sliow Dial this limber can 31: sea heavy; noon. Ven The M. M. Christopher, 8,000 ture la i southbound. Sweden not only Co run its und provisions lie handled In Turnisli a ns,cr,nt.n', clothing, groceries so us ANNOUNCEMENTS pounds, iii'iived at noon and has HULL HAHHOU Cloudy, fresh trains with electric power :hul J hardware, third of Hie .paper supply or Hie nut yi'l sold. southeast wind; baromeler 30,08; also lo electrify tlie big Indus, United Stales as n petnjanent NEW ENGLAND FISH Company Mir) (iuides Chapter, l.O.b.K proposilimi. This .involves, or temperature, to; sea moderate; trial plants of tlie country. Alaska Branch AiiihihI Childien's- I'linry Dress course, such uiclliods of liuiid-liiiK DESERT SEWING FOR 77:40 a.m., spoke Yoanii .Maru, It is expected In (hat .way to Ketchikan, decrease.if not cnllrely lo greatly Hall, Friday. January 27. I hi limher as to' prevent in-dism-iiniuiitc bound for Seattle, no position slasliiiiir down of MOVIES IN SOUTH Viven. eliminate Hie use of coal. I.O.I).H. Midwinter Curnlvnl, trees ami n permit growth of D1LD THKi: I'OLVl'. Ilainiufj; Jan. 2t. fresh siulheast wind; baroiueler, ALASKA HOMESTEADINQ. I'vbruary 3. younif H'.ees aluiiK with tlie use WASIUNOTO.V. DENTISTRY of llioo which arc mature. Ciilifoi-nr.i women are deserting 30.11; toihpcvature, 30; sea iiioil-cralv. KiiIkIiIs of Ooluinbii Animal Not New Question. sewiuir niuchines for Hie movies, ? WASHINGTON, Jan. -2t. The '"Hi neglect your lecth. One ilccayeil or missing looth Dunce. I'eliruury II is mil unlikely Hie controversy it would uppcar from fnfilres announced Senate"passed the House bill1 providing homesteaders for entry by NOTICE. the tleusus-liureau, .. over control "f Alaska will uy , lowers your iinity. Us not ' ' u....l..i... .illlleiil nffiile Since 1010, ii is slateil, Hie nuin-.1 Anyone having accounts uu mineral lands in Alaska. The PUTS 1 Klilng.hlwd. for thJ adiuiiiistruiinn. It is c;r her or- ilrivssmakers ami seam-lresses against ;th Travellers' Club l.lui measure provides for u rtserva DR. BAYNE ini TiiS, r or iim.I'rouiHl.mo tain Dial it will unless u way tir California has dropped will kindly uresenl them inuued. Hon In Hid title of the land, how. "oom, P"0" 109 , MwV iursletl opr. It found. Hi settle it, Wlimil len from U l II to I0.07i. During lately to .lames N. Killas. Prince ever, so Ihat if at iinv llino ufler 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Block sllou required. oil the ritr ,1s inadecal( or gus rf. rh...'i Olntniont will rllt you t onc iiii, the naUinjfer.l'inchol' lie same period lie number llupert, U.F.. '"Hue Hours: MoihIiiks, U-15: Aflernnnns, 1:30-0:30; lid tOura lltlUllg neueni. Yi , all years natural of "uclresses and show women Dated, January- -'J. 10-!. is found,' lh Oovcrnnier; Ua cimcenuns tfler ur Ktlniaiin, l'iei i Co.. umiwd. conl royersy ' KvenliiRS. 7 0. lunmlo. Sample Itoi tree It you ineuUoo Uile AlaMa, in which; ll'il'.ITU..i r II "111 . . I. nt i. . .l im , t .IAMF3 V Kl I S u.-n i'- rnviiM I'hjflil fK"sut esolcte Do elsicr If Vr ixwuge. resources in in nni-rT"