Ny ih Ty “rm ‘AVE on electric light bille—save on costly replacememts—by choosing named lamps. You can always depend on EDISON MAzpa Lamps to gime-you the greatest-value in light for current eonsumed, Get a carton today. MADE IN CANADA DISON @ MAZDA LAMPS NADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. LIMITED 1-92 acKenzie s Furniture Extra = 1 Suite—Consis three piece er in Mohair hion $160.00 h parchment shade, regular price § 12.50 Table—Reg pri $ 3.50 Extra Special wa GESS.88 Third Avenue Phone 775 | __ LOCAL NEWS NOTES Hyde Ty shed ansfer—-All voals are in See adv. for prices. $1.00 er ton lower than any other com- vany in town. ti attacks ~ es Miss Rudee of Bandspit is pay- ng a brief visit to the city, hav- ! er n the Prince John = morning from the Queen Char- otte Island oe . All returned nursing . sisters inenther of women’s auxiliaries und oreturned men are n the Ca on Remembrance invited to 1adian Day Provincial Con je F. Brunton of Anyox, who has been on a brief trip to Vancouver on escort duty, is a passenger aboard the Prince marade wit Legion 261 Vicks VAPORUS 26 a Marr’s Messenger Service. Phone tf Erickson whist Lief drive {dance in Metropole Hail, Thursday | Nov. W, at 8.30. \Charlatte City is } 271 Mrs. Geo. Carraicnael paying a visit to the city, having arrivea on the Prince John this morning fiom the Islands. George S. Docherty, ‘he -local dry deck ior ice winter, ceturned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning after a visit} in Vancouver. Rupert today returning to the ad Charles Valley, weil known smelter town. : Queen Charlotte City fishorman, : ——me irrived in the city on the Prince} i fair-sized list of passeng-| “The Unknown Soldier Speaks.” John ‘this morning from the is-| ers on board, C.NR. steamer Prince} % ands, being here.io attend the an-/ Rupert, Capt. H. E. Nedden arrived | For day and night Taxi ser- ,nual meeting this week of the Nor -| n port at 9:30 this morning from! yice Wis cia 32. tr {thern Brvtish Columbia Fisher-| Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean men’s Association i Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock kag Monthly meeting of Canadian arn afternoon for Anyox and Stewart |Legion in the Clubreoms, Wednes-| Trustee Gillis brought up at last! whence she will return here to- \day, N November 9. night’s meeting of the school| morrow evening southbound board the necessity of repairs be-| Brick-lined Beaters trom $14.50 { “xceptionally good value. Gordon's Hardware, McBride St. Phone 311 | Announcements | t Place your order now for Okana- Rebekah Concert November 9, gan Apples for Old Country Christ- mas delivery. Extra fancy Christ- imas pack. Price four dollars de-} livered. Watts’.Grocery—Phone 55. | Oddfellow’s Hall Boxing, Empre Are day, Nov. 9, Bagshaw na, Wedne Gurviec.i. Eagles’ Dance, November 11 mission, Gents. 50 Aa- | Ladies 25c | On Remembranee Day, November Varden’s Concert ind registration wickets will be November 23. eee open from 8 am. to 10 aa. The} Oddfellow’s Dance November 19 *Public lobby will be open from) aie 8a.m. w6pm ) — rslnas in the Old Country Give the Old Folks the best possible Christmas present by going to see them . this year. Enjoy the thrili of doing your . Christmas shopping in London, Glasgow ©/} or Paris. Low ocean rates still in force. f Ocean Rates One Way Return Cabin from $104. $192. Tourist from 7 187. Third 119%. Nearly a century of sea- iannilines is back of the famous Cunard-Anchor-Donaldson service, accommodation and comfort. Weekly sailings throughout the Fall LAST SAILINGS FROM MONTREAL Ne AURANIA Plymouth, Havre, London N 8 ATHENIA Blast, Liverpool, Glasgow : ~2%@ ANTONIA Gl'gow, Belfast, Liverpoo! Nov. 26 AUSONIA Plymouth, Havre, London FIRST SAILINGS FROM HALIFAX ANI Piymouth, Havre, London Des: } #teTrria n fast, ‘ iverpool, Glasgow S i #From Saint Joha on Dec. 9 CUNARD ANCHOR-DONALDSON a UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 5, ( ARDEN pare ning. rl papa ‘ \ EVE RY TU ESDAY, 1:30 P.M 1 Waypoints, ar Va * VENTURE EVERY RHURSDAY MIDNIGHT, t va ouver Sunday ni N Port Simpson, Alice Arm, Anyox, Stewart an ; Sunday, 8 pm EXCURSION RATE, ROUND RUPERT TO VANCOUVER, $82 5 Nov. 10 40 Feb 28, limit Mareh 31, 1933 regarding al] sailings and ¢ AGENCY: Becond A venue River points PCL WINTER TRIP, PRINCE 0 ‘ return RINGS ets at 1 RUPERT Phone S48 ing made to the ways at the outside of Booth Mem-| orial School, football field there and toe railings! of King Edward These matters were referred to the building commit tion. concrete stair-| to the stand of the| High School tee for considera- 260, a 1 the Post Ottice general delvery | Worthwhile eae |SEEDLESS RAISINS on Pure Foods Australian and | of Queen: briel! on@& of the| mates who is standing by the ss Prince George, which is tied un at CARNATION is whole milk. Only the natural water-content is re- moved. Nothing is added. Its purity is insured by the strictest cleanliness in the care and in milking of the cows. Evaporated to double ‘richness, thermetically sealed cans continue the protec- tion until it reaches you. Domestic Science experts say Carnation makes foods richer, tastier, finer- textured. Use Carnation for creaming coffee, fruits and cereals. Baby specialists endorse it for baby feeding. And remember—it cuts cream bills in two! Write for jree Cook Bookand Baby Book Carnation Co., Limited, 134 Abbott Street, Vancoaver, BL. Carnation tom Milk Contented Cows” MILK FROM CANADIAN COWS, PACKED IN CANADA IN: CANADIAN-MADE CANS AND CASES SSE ae Claealiaad dats FOR SALE | FOR SALE — Phone Red HOME BAKERY Brick lined heater | TRY a loaf of bread from the new 735. 262; Home Bakery. No better food. — -— ! Moose Legion Band Concert No- ceeniy , ; | Sold at Mussallem's Econom conte 2 Beatrice N. Hickey wishes to an-| Fresh and Plump 25¢ FOR SALE—Restaurant, going con-| gine a i nounce that #he has taken over the | 2 lbs. cern. Cheap. Apply Zenith Cafe. ae Anglican Church Bazaar. Novem-|Beauty Parlor business formerly} WHOLE PEEL—Lemon or 17¢€ NERO _ 264) “FOUND ber 22 operated by Mrs. Harlan and ie | Orange, per lb FOR SALE— Fully sinhients four. | . lequipped with the tatest new); Citron pac -_—— Elks’ Bridge and Whist Novem-| ste cnet Waitin’ Stal rl 25¢, room house, Borden Street, snap poUND— Ladies’ Kid Glove, ‘Tth e |Steam Oil Permanent Waving Ma per lb. dot: isi ash. Phone Blue 425 26) oer 23 chine. She is making a special of-, URRANTS—Recleaned 15¢| fice | Street near Post Office. Daily Ss —— ‘fer of a free electrical facial with} per Ib | OR SALE—Mink, Quebec. Labta-| _ News Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 24 ! . al , . 7 = each reasonable purchase 6f Cos- SUGAR BCA lated dor, young or adult. $20 per pair.'! ranean vey e Su 7ranulate _ ob : } Moose Hard Time Dance Nov. 25,| M&S. Phone 30% = Limit 20 Ibs. per Ib SSeS erat eee DANCING —aeee E e FOR SALE—Double corner 6th Av-!,. ae re a mestted “Church ‘hassar Dee,’! COMATOES—Royal City meee didel bo Mente aan eee DANCING taught by Miss l- — No. 2 tins, per tin | 14,000 feet lumber $200 cask. Ap-| “#20F Tite. Phone 20 ul Moose bridge and whist Dec. 2. | {CORN—Quaker, No. 2 tins Fic ply 513 Sixth Ave. East. 263 iets | 2 tins | = . HAIRDRESSER Moose Legion New Year's Eve! Saturday BROOMS—Heavy 5-String 47c FOR RENT i anc | “Perfection” Brand, each —_— --—- nema ee Dy ; November DRIED PEACHES— Choice @&qq| HEATED furnished room. Phone sa) AONSias aegregg — tee eeoeeneneee Quality, 2 lbs 782 : 261 Se Ls 3.20 Rea . i HD J ICOTS—Choice ete Ss it tanta bccn : ' Toes 12th or ae ote ae 99¢\ con RENT—-Modern flat, Rane + REMEMBRANC E DAY +) Q tality « Bloc k. Apply Max Heilbrone r t i D: AIRLES + HOLIDAY +) SALT-—Canadian, Plain o as s heaLatadtt |. saieeaaaeie ee peeenors ei aaa ana . _ + a ’ Cee . 9¢ er ROOM sturulshed modern > All'saell mores 4a renein a pean nee Se ee # closed on Friday, November 11, . PICNIC HAMS 420! < Green 698, ee eee ae # Armistice Da} + | d per Ib IFO haiiwig ” . e si R RENT—4-room house, close in + DOUG. FRIZZELL, # ast ay DRY SALT CODFISH—Direct from! phone Green 402 or cal] 329 Fitth Milk and Cream + Secretary, # . Nova Scotia ave Ment : tt @ Retail Merchante’. Assin +| of this 2 Ibs 35C Penersnti teenies SHIPMENTS + (260) + KRAFT CHEESI ty © for Rent. Third Avenue,,., ; ' + * per \-lb. pkg 15¢ joining Wrathall’s, low renta) Guaranteed Bulkley Valley Prod +¢4#+¢4¢¢444 44 © @ ¢ STONED WHEAT THINS 27¢ aes ymont et ahve t VALENTIN DAIRY réa 2 pke FOR RENT—Unfurnished six-room Phone 657 KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN house, 239. Fourth Ave. West —— per lge. pkg? ; 19¢ Phone Green 89 275 — ee For FRESH LOCAL MILK ane ‘Radi ; . | Opportunity Family Meat) ~-. Market All New Models New Power Steak oo 35C | New Beauty 45¢ 50c pres 20c ‘harps oa 30c 25¢c oin Steak s : b New Low Prices Lamb Chops, 2 lbs 1 tin Peas Loin Veal Chops Amazing Values Northern B. C. Power Co. Ltd. )| Liver, 1 1b Bacon, % Ib Tomato Sausage 2 lbs Pork Chops, 2 lbs 3 lbs, Apples Shoulder of Pork, 4 lbs 8 lbs. Apples Leg of Pork, 4 lbs. 3 Ibs. Apples Leg of Veal Permanent Wave SPECIAL from $3.50 up 7 ° _ CANADIAN PACIFIC ‘in Falls and Way Per - . i mW t-- PRINCESS NORAH~-Nov. 20, Dec. 4 , ™ ROUNH rrp eee EXCURSIONS TO VANE OUVER ithets on sitle Nevember 10 to February 38 1938 Por inton Final return Jimit March Sist, 195 \ iu or write ‘ L. COA PES General Agent Prince Rupert, BC, For November Only per lb Prime Rib ‘Rolled Roast— Call for free booklet on «hy- per Ib we giene. What every woman 957 — Phone — 957 ponedsinen. Mi Lady Beauty Shape / Phone 655 = = Se ee Se -P. & G, SOAP- POWDER, 4 tins | uti BULK SOAP CHIPS per lb 10c CLARK’S PORK & BEANS 8c No, 2 tins, per tin | | | || 10 bars 35C COOKED SPAGHETTI ~ Catelli’s, No. 1 tins, 2 tins 15c LAZENBY'S READY MEALS—1-lhb Tins Pot Hot per tin 16¢ Irish Stew per tin 16¢ TEA-—-Broken Pekoe per Ib 26c BIG FOUR COFFEE NS 14¢ 25¢c icked Clark's Vacuum P CORNED BEEF ner 1-lb. tin GOLDDUST SCOURING | CLARK'S TOMATO SOUP 2 tins 15c }CALIFORNIA GRAPEFRUIT 25¢ 5 for VANCOUVER tins, Strawby Blackcurrant per tin Raspby, Apricot, 44c Thrift Cash & Carry 201 Third Ave | Phone 179 “CARRY AND SAVE” Mall Orders Have Our Prompt Attention | DIRECT SALESMAN WANTED } ISLAND JAM—4-lb | ; | PAINTING | Phone Black 623 CAMERON'S Transfer—-Wood, Coal, | moving, chairs for rent tf} P RINTI NG PIANO TUNING | aie oe ef ee - Rose, Cowan & Latta | PIANOS Tuned $3.00, Walker’s M) | sic Store. ti | Phone 234 HELP WANTED + eter ne ape Phone Ret! 608 or 953 “MART young girl good at figures y ’ yr for cashier and to helo in store. DOMINION DAIRY Box 155 Daily News upwards of 25 mushrooms for us 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 EARN we rrowing Fall and “Winter, in cellars “AU PIONEER utbuildings. ‘Begin now ise. trated booklet * free, Establishec. List your goods with us—Prince 25 years. Canadian Mushroom Ruperw’s leading Auctioneer. Co., Dept. CA Toronto 10 G. M. HUNT Ave. Phone Red 637 AG ENTS W ANTED ard The AUCTIONEER Packing — Crating — Wrapping and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES—Phone Black 126 To sell a well established exclu sive line of Ladies’ Knitted Suits and Sweaters. Applicant must bc able to prove previous success in| direct selling. Unlimited possibil-! ities for the man who is looking for promotion. CALGARY KNIT- TING COMPANY, LTD., CALGARY, Alberta PAINTERS For Christmas Baking Rawleigh’s Best Quality Ex- and —Paperhanging tracts, Spices, Baking Powder Moller, ‘Phone Rea 802 TRAN SFERS SAS ; ' : ; ‘ i acim : : : , ! $1 t oh sie ‘ , ni ¢ J v ga pe aanid } » vont be, rr a oles hg ee ae ‘e Fy: acy a ws es » . ‘| ' ng ¢ ony aA ide ; iM ucas + . ee . * . ie sy, imeare My “ ae y gt % vou