. 4 a0 > a FS af ’ It’s Easy to Roll Your FREE Chantecler meow OCGDEN’S . with every package FINE CUT a. CIGARETTE TOBACCO Your pipe knows Ogden’s Cut Plug Nervous —Could Rot Sleep Tired Out All The Time Mrs. George Scribner, Nauwigewauk, N.B., writes:—‘‘I was so very nervous I could not sleep at night, and felt tired out all the time. A neighbor told me about Milburn’s Heart and Nerve Pills, and as she was using them at the time she gave me some to try. I found they were doing me so much good I procured two boxes and they proved of wonderful help to me.’? For sale at all drug and general stores; put up only by The T, Milburn Os, Lid., Boronte, Out. ¢ a NACA PEA LRP, en ES ERY ME TS Yes, There is a Differ- ence! And You Should Hear— DeForest. Crosley’s 1932-1933 Latest thing in radio sup- ported by eleven major de- velopments Your radio for years to come See them now at The Montrose 10-Tube KAIEN HARDWARE BRIDGE TABLES XMAS CAKE TINS Not more than three to each Set of three 25¢ customer $1 75 per set : 50 Special, each Icing Sets Phone—3 ra We Deliver per set On motion of Trustees Schubert! a trial order fo and Brooksbank, the board of) used in Borden Street School, Th: school trustees last night decided| company to place with C. C. Ketchum & Co special price on a trial order Telkwa coal to be; had offered the board a THE DAILY NEWS r TOGETHER Marion Davies and Robert Mont-, gomery Teamed Up For First Time in “Blondie of Follies” TH | nes a > rr | With Marion Davies and Robert | | Montgomery, two of the screen’: } loutstanding favorites, playing to | gether for the first time, “Blondie ; iof the Follies” is coming to the | | Capitol Theatre here as the mid-| week feature offering. In addition | to Miss Davies and Montgomery, the cast includes such well known players as Billié Dove, Jimmy Dur- | ante, James Gleason, Zasu Pitts land others. The story is about two New York girls who graduate from poverty in ‘the tenements to the extravagance ae luxury of Park Avenue. The, are the closest of chums and the ' bitterest of rivals, yet both seek to, jsacrifice their hearts when it comes! to the love of the same man. Included in glimpses of New York} scenes which this prouuction ple-| sents are various phases of Man- hattan “high life,” backstage of the Follies, parties aboard palatial) jyachts and Park Avenue apart-| ments and, by way of contrast, the | noise and squalor of the New York | Skipper of Mission Boat is Speaker To Young People Look Here You neyer had such a chance to buy good foot- wear at as low prices as we are giving you today A very interesting meeting of the Presbyterian Young People’s So- ciety was held in the Church Hall last evening, with a large number of members and visitors in atten- | | i|dance | | The speaker was the Rev. W. B.| Jennings of the “Northern Cross.” | He gavg a very interesting address on his work around this coast, il- lustrating his speech with humor- ous incidents from his own ee | If you buy from us you can outfit the whole family for about the same price you paid a few years ago for one per- son, SHOP AT THE RIGHT PLACE AND YOU GET THE RIGHT PRICE Boots, Shoes Slippers and Rubbers For Men, Women and Children at 25% to Than Elsewhere. See— Cut Rate Shoe Store tences. The president of the society, E. J. Smith, moved a_ hearty thanks to Mr. Jennings. | There were games and contests, is usual, followed by refreshments | WATTS’ ' Less and ero oo'% Come Pantry Specials For Thursday & Saturday | tenement districts. Third Avenue—Prince Rupert ‘# ‘its an 3WANSDOWN CAKE The weekly revival feature to-| City Scrip Accepted { Rae ve IWN CAB 29¢ jnight brings back “Check andj PLOUH, per PKB — asV ad Daquble Check,” featuring Amos and| Andy, the ‘popular radio enter- tainers, Cathedral to Hold _ Sunday School in | Westview School The board of school trustees last jnight granted a request of Very |Rev. James B. Gibson, | dean of St Andrew's Anglican Cathedral, permission to hold Sunday School | each Sunday mofning between the| hours of 10:30 and 12 in Westview | School. The Cathedral will be allowed the} use of the schod! on the same terms | is were accorded last First Presbyterfan Church which is | paying $2 per month Sam Simpson of Massétt is pay- ing a brief business visit to-th city, having arrived this morning ss. Prince John from t} Queen Charlotte Islands on the BS 49c. Daily Specials This is what everybody needs for Wednesday and Thursday No. 1 15 lbs, Potatoes— 5 lbs. Cabbage— 3 Ibs. Onions— 2 Corn on Cob— No. 2 Bottle Ketchup 5 lbs. White Beans— 1 lb. Salt Pork No, 3 2 lbs. Bananas 49c 49c GUM FRESH -INEXPENSIVE - SATISFYING SAVE WRIGLEY 5c WRAPPERS—Write for PREMIUM GIFT CATALOGUE e HOTEL ARRIVALS Central J. B. Johnston, Port Edward; D. Brown and John Kjendal, city; 1 lb. Good Grapes 3 lbs. Cabbage 2 Corn on Cob No. 4 Pkg. Corn Starch 1 pkg. Carnation Wheat Flakes 3 pkgs. Sugar Crisp 49¢ Corn Flakes MUSSALLEM’S Economy Store 49c for > month to | R, | for fine Laundering 19 | ces, ....8 C ) « DE Trustee D. C. Schubert mention- . 'NALLEY’S MAYONNAISE— ed. at the meeting of the schoo : PO Cc , : ; heal Quality, per 2-02. Jar kt " f rht that the ventil eA t 121 > Dou De board last night that ventila: yapop JELLY POWDERS— 14¢ tion in one of the classrooms a’ , CREAMETTES clas 3 pkgs. TINEST CANADIAN CHEESE, per Ib Booth Memoria! Sct.oo) was rathe! 25¢ 20¢ unsatisfactory and that the should be removed to some othe: room if possible. Trustee J. J. Gil- lis also thought that better accc- modation might also be found for the music .classes being conductea HEINZ PURE FOOD DEMONSTRATION altel dL a vote of \% ie 102s 8 away Wednesday, November 5 UM Wednesday & Thursq, } TWO SHOWS—i ana 8:30 y UA, Feature Starts at 7g 9” ADMISSION — 15 q's THURSDAY MATINEE at 9.3 Feature Starts 3:00—15¢ 85 tf a ul 7 a y} A Bea LAUGHTER — TEARS — DRAMA Marion Davies, Robert Montgomery - —in— - “BLONDIE OF THE FOLLIES’ With Billie Dove, Jimmy Durante, Zasu Pitts The Thrilling Romance of a Follies Girl Comedy—“THE GOLF CHUMP” PARAMOUNT NEWS = WEDNESDAY REVIVAL at 10;30—AMOS 'N ANDY in | “CHECK & DOUBLE CHECK” Friday and Saturday—“LOVE ME TONIGHT” | | _ a bY. KLEYS TRIPLE STRENGTH Goes further — Costs less Unlike other cough and cold remedies, BUCKLEY’S can be diluted with two parts ‘ of water without lessening its amazing power, This 100% Canadian y ts @ potent penetrative mixture thdt goes right to the root of the trouble, loosens up phlegm, re- lievés the congestion’ and soothes arid heals the tender inflarhed thembranes. Arid best of all it does all this without delay. ‘That's why ‘ people say— P= Acts like a flash = 7x SINGLE SIP PROVES IT © ia oy Miss Margaret McCaffery In Our Store on Saturday Take advantage of these special | on Heinz Quality Foods TOMATO SOUP 25¢ | Oeunleae Vie 4 odie ee 27¢ 22c Cooking | 29¢c per pki i PURITY BRA ND JAM i ne MERITS 52. ’ ; . . ry | et d2C| a A , as | | ae a a Label 29C) COFFEE—Fresh Roaste u re deb - : usted & 32¢ PRUNES 3 lbs 25¢ ROWNTREE’S COCOA 99 13¢ prices CREAM OF Small tins CKLES— Sweet o KLI Sw or Sour, per jar TOMATO CATSUP Quick per 4-1b. tin Blue THESE REAL ROCK CRYSTALS, $4.50 An exciting gift for Her at Christma We have several other cuttings in Crystal Necklets. Some as low as $3.00 ge and Santa Claras r } lb. tin WHOLE GREEN BEANS per No, 2 tin some up to ia $10.00. Also lots of "o— other necklets., Apple Special ULGE 10 || Fancy Bulk McIntosh Reds } per 30-lb. box $1.30 | C | Fancy Bulk Jonathons JEWELLERS per 39-1. box $1.40 THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK Fancy Bulk Grimes Golden per 35-lb. box $1.50 Sweet P itoe 3 ibs 220 | COAL! COAL! Snscsnm so & e e| Remo Cabbage, per lb te | Our Famous Edson, Alberta and | Hothouse Tomatoes, 2 Ibs 33¢ Bulkley Valle |, teed y Coals are gua to give satisfaction. Tr: ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat ran- I a Watts’ Grocery. P. O. Box 575 317 and 319 Third Avenue 18 — Phones — 360 | 1 Prince Rupert Feed Co. ' . eR PHONE 55 PHONE 56 “THE BEST FOR LESS” Oats and Barley 58 — Phones — 558 “TILLIE THE TOILER” ame The Boss Falls For It W. C. Little, Woodcock; L. Garfin, [ We't L HAVE N 7 C.N.R.; Miss Florence Wells, city, | MORE Poemar ] \ i We eee’ en, Pie Ac ~e 7 i J ‘>. OF Fic C ISB IN THE. /- eOINg Oar. : THE SIGNALS Hotel Central Ltd. | Covenient to business district, a homelike, beautiful harbor - views. Rates reasonable. Spacious || sample rooms. i FIRST CLASS CAFE con Open at All Hours ; 1 Special monthly rate for Rooms and Meals Hotel Central Ltd. First Avenue & Seventh Street ieee OF FICE, MAC - | WANT “TO Back Northern B. C. Payrolls Keep the Home Boys Working—Insist on Bulkley Valley Coal, For those who wish to economize try a portion of Bulkley Valle slack with your furnace coal Roofing Supplies COAL TAR ROOFING BRUSHES ROOFING NAILS ROOFING CEMENT RUBBER ROOFING In rolls containing 108 square feet, complete with nails & cement Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. —) —— | Jasper Hard Coal $11.50 12.50 12 0 EGG—Per Ton ........... MOAR MINEHEAD LUMP—Per Ton .... JASPER LUMP—Per Ton Dry Cedar and Jackpine For Sale ALL COALS ARE IN A DRYSHED HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 530 If you lose anything, try a classified ad By Westover. ER VES| T nN \ HIM] (RIGHT) INTO MY GMATST [SOUNDS IT'S ALL RIGHT MAG WAS YURBT SHOWING ME THe FLYING TACKLE