If."?. TllF. IiAII.V XKWS " PAHrt TIIHF.E I BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus" - ; M i vc cot to err ) I i S-A l vAwMT a oathim' ! 1 ( mOx to MAvc aL I II ( by couuW - "shc i L . ,'k!3Jf diZZSQ tUT nt CHAT WITm -j WJiV?T V . - --j&ri tOIT- TH,T, ALL CLAt-T: r-p- TriAT MC MeMO! 3 Vjt? "-3 l T0 .Ta THt SHOE of SOLID Comfort. SOLID Leather. . SOLID Workmanship SOLID VALUE. ' "Invictus" til' i vim-- 'li saute fcaiijfa. ' i..r Family Shoe Stores':all. and dlrH yd Fred Hale, SCHOOLS MAKE FINE Tlw but mom: DISPLAY AT FALL FAIR Phone 357. Anyoi.AH I K P OmiI iuii-mI f i' 1 1 1 Inf. One Daily News Classified Ads. Modern Hr.wn aa e i The 4-imi w.irk 'Xliilul tin yenr 3 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdTortlaomant Takan for Laaa than OOo ANYOX WINNERS M.TBII. Jb I s l iarlirularly roifinrrliiiivr Laundry int-elirH. i t and rover vrry iifiam- of ar. I tiiii- work tauirhl in Ihi- (tutilk WANTED FOR SALE FIRST BASEBALL IS wh.M.I. TIm- cihihll thin year Writ injr S. Margaret Sievrrl. Service ir ailjinlai'd by in kr- ' WANTFIi- -Competent white woman .Splendid Lot with natural haae. I rrBU.o, B) I 0 many by Junior Third. far Hip tMl fthiMt 4tt it kind or girl lo a. l.l with iiienl. Third Avenhe and Firat Itru.li Cork It-. Jrawiuv Mitauko DafaaUd Prince Rupert In Open fy . rvrr n In IM iatih. Mukai; tiuunewurk: Smalt family, Slrpel. IJ.ttOO. Fjijj, U-rina. We offer the followln; Stierina.it, rf .... Kvrlyn Uip. ing Cihlbltlon 0.ame YeaUr-dav r. la 4iMtM tit tftf publk ainl Freehand drawing from good wagpn. Apply Hos 35. ll 3. Hloek 3fl. pct'f with 3 range Of aervice to lh pub. bf Score of S la 3. hiah rhHi4 ffhiMt htr i object Iwlly Ncwn Offipp. If roomed houae. 91 feel frontage, lie: ti. II. Culli-on; Chan. Meiiowan. A Ipaan't PHnca RuptrL 13 rrllenl work fit mm -awftilo of SI. Fre-elund drawiiijr of flower V.NTF.t Smart hoy to learn llitrgar plke. 900. Economy Laundry Service V .nappy -bll Lot (5M and Illfk 12,' 60. .ec S. Damp Wash; Soft Finish, AeaoVwy. K olio All R WT,l' i. win? (I. Mrilnwaii. trade and look afler a hop. H good biaftaj of bsM Mt Mew i.o thp, pair Rough Dry, Dry Cleaning, ih- ! -i (' of lb K 1.1 In i ikii 'riiliBr, t 4 ' Paliiled r'nenlinnal di-.lgn , Apply Howe a Shet Mptal LJ0. J(, n ,i sqiiny-jjari,,,. P;n Praaslng and Dyeing, Rug Mi .. ..ieroay irirriKm and"'"1"- I Prlta Awarda. MiUuko Mukal; Tumi KatauyaniaJ Work. Second Avenue. 211 gine. and Carpet Cleaning, and m . . Prlnc Rupert by Hlfcnf4, . l b fthtr awrd fr a fnl. I'ainleil KPiiinelriral dUn WANTKIk- Furniahed Iiou.p for Launch Triton. 25.10 Sterling. tha Regular Laundry Service. n ! Ji 1'rirn , Rupert eV"'L rf . luwa: Kayaro Kiinyu; Marparrt McKay,i winter. Phone lllack 509. if 1000, or Launch Eclio.lC-511 . lara-ely .lur iu inferior(Awteraoa, a . a I Ibilii: frwMi kimlrTirar. Painted di-.lgn of flower or Huffalo, Aulo.Marine, 00. We can surely aerve you. ikma aioj failurr I. rt.. Mriuiaa. Ill .. t t ion hi. JMvh- Ara4m. foliairp Uha. Mrdowan: Krif SITUATIONS WANTED Ilouaea and lot on eay terma. When may we '-all? iN'UBlaa, ff .. I t hrroivina plan nfeiblt IMntiwall. I tiiW l Mir pilirbe. u Logging machinery, boat, en. Ra"Hl, tl IHrnth SlwwtDI SHiiMtl. I'alnlrd dpign of in.ee I Jran r-COTs.MAN is open for poi j..- "f I hex- i 1 1(ii t ma, Ike S 2inea, ele. Canadian Steam Laundry (kmlurp; Jean lion with any firm of Flh i- a-. aawe.-r, an eicellent "!.. W t 0 t :riir rfa xihihll Oouturp. M. M. STEPHENS. If !Borden Strrfl -InmiI. I'rtnlPil panel Harry Vlker. Mprrhant or Oilj Storage Phone S. k' , ii-it-tiia unc a ad on of iRdertas, t Phone 222. If. l. .nf be.i t-ihtbittoii that I "-ay. ....... t I I t BmiM ftrlincr ! rtbU-tl Urillna Kayaro Knnru: Kdap plant in or around Prince 'Ilooth Srhflol. Mom n. ftupert. Thoroughly extieri. FOR SAI.K Una buaineaa. with i,, i - culled vlf in the city I There wa no aror ' It I I ft f firal rrttaVr arli tlrawtaiir Sanloe Third. enced in the fih trade at one 22 paaaenger Hu: one 1 1 the fifth innW when- Slrufk MH bf ARytnc ilrbr. ?. Albrrl lUtlrn. Ilru.li drawing l.abelln Fux: Abprdecn, Scotland. Hull, Kng- paaaengpr Hua; mip gaa at action American Express 1 i.M HIild i bo riMi i.rt-fft: W-. ! au .bri -wa radtp Inkl'lrainir' Joe rVotl. land and At preaent general ; onp oil atation: 3.;5rt.no ftiWMWW'.ifa hf WhrrtrlP. I- I - iJf HRrt rlllawi: Frreband draalnR from olijrrt foreman a the largeat fold I Alao one I? paaaenger Cadil. Money Orders and local fan .rr-1 S4rtrk oM bf KatU, 13: Hara:z. .tvm tatHra.- ,.,M I'mtrla Stewart: KalU Sutb. atoragp and' smoke hnuae in lac aighl.aeping car. tl.noo.. -ala wfountlalid. Ilaa full : 00: one Cadillac Hu and My milidewl thai vtrtwry vu oaJ1- pamiti awwM'inwH rland. Issued on a.-j ib. u- .jrJ m ti !rorr by inning: il. -'"ra nuddrrham; J. Ixtri Freehand draain; from flow. knewhdgi of eo.tin .yatetii Tranafer Car, rapacity up lo rr Janir .Mcllrpvy. and l alao an authority on all I 3 ton. 1,500.no. One Traffic Norway, Sweden & I! . .en.-, of .rror. and h jj 4 i ." ' rli--WVn:1.l Painted rouentional deipn--l kitnla Of aalhSl fiall. Willing I .2 Ion dump. truck. 9t.500.OA. Denmark at Lowest . Katie Sntherlatvl; Jaa; Mrllrevy. to accept fir pwaj. Heply lot All with gtHid rublier and al nina up na I he Current Rates N' I ibf " i the iilr Pa i ill uif of fkr , l?a rainiei seonirinrai iieaitrn Fillet." lastly New Office. Wady for the mad. tieneral AHlefaoM. n Hlatt Ye: I jiti retire Oapalirk. . TrauHirtat(on (Va. Prince FOR RENT as ja wi'i f.Mir run. Ibe ?H0TEL ARRIYALS 5 WritiM-rJtiiy (TWrna! lieitlah I'alnleil .If.tan t flower or Kutert. II. a 211 Agents foe f lu i t-.nac iinrhaiael r' (Ikiil. fnllasp lle.ter Itlapk; Hlnp Yee.!'"' HUNT. Slpam heated fur.! NePveegtan American Line FOIt SALK. Sailing Yacht fn PHnea Rupart. j Saeond Raadar, I'alnteil eivn of tfiaert Heif-Inald niahed room, with or without Swedish American Line '-lit ba-ail .ailayed good with condition, a mainsail li -x.n aa.laJbv. Wra WrX H Jv y" ffndalli li; Hru.b drawima Willie' Hank llayne: Jan. Mellrey. board. Home Cooking. Norfolk and jik almost new, and with Scandinavian American 'f.w waPdlkud Jr,. M K. 4 II. Hallaiilraa. Palhltatir of flowTr or fruit Itoomn. Phone Hiark 324)) Line, (Mcblr Fvinruile engine in ginnl con.' tl Trrre. Mr, OilMij Flori-tvee I taalhorne; Oliver Typewriters Ilhmlai , rreeiiand drawiray fratM oh. iJ.a -, lo ba.e. for either BOARD. dition. The whole thins fo-1200. .i- 1 1. itii .a iaf HI I d lr. A. llUrk ierl Marji-rie Hilehie; Helen Perj'. Pullen. Daily News. Cary Safss S.4r i i i- ball. .V Maicaie. rily Walki-r. AVrlllnt Noiutua Mra.tit': llOAltD Inlander. 830 cecond FIRE INSURANCE , eflaier Cantral. Kreehand drawlNC of flower.' Mi'tnlee linipliu. .Avenue. Phone 137. tl FOH SAI.K Typewritpr '. 3 PlUh.d Wall, A Kmarf P-n reward iRoy Mara: .Marjori-llklre. Junior Fourth. LOST FnderwiHMl, jo.in. carriage. . & Hanson Dybhavn ).dy"1h; Ixeal aurber Mr and Mr. Wick heuniaan i Hind ireoinHrMial i)kii Iir'u.h drawing Alipp Siencr; Ilrri-utly overhauled. I'ohhI! afaiq 4n Meikw frii and il - ?. Jiiinltr Soriano, Ilea. I.elln. LOST Small an.I lame lev at condition. Ilorie .V Small. C. ,.. Third Avenue n in fault thai Ibe loral did Norman llnidliui.f lift tin Hamlin of fruit Alr Mr. iTerhand drawinj and .liaJinj tached to chain, probably down! ,J,ra Hiiilding. Phone 3hT. Prince Rupert, B. 0. . ' Itlrf Tor lie l.1 111 .frike- moriima for Ma n Inlrl aliiMf lloiialil ' of nitje-rt-i- IMwanl Melan; town. Finder plrae return to! tr' ' 70. tfi oreiln aim. the of., he ill oeiil a hurt 1 1 n ir ai , I'aiiiiniM of flowrr I, Mar. Murdoch MrKetuie. llally Newa office. FOft SAI.K -Ktialish baby buggy. '.., .! r...ra .iw ik. ib 4a.'Ranr llabinalnai a rrab raut-r. Land Sin-il. Marvaret SirveH Freehand drawins and 'liadinz jMrft-ra in Me r.o..efl in Ke J. iill.ll . i PaiiuV.I aMel erge Heili of t)p inmlelaIWaair lt: LOST Sept. It at KxhlWIion. Wauled. Child'a Oo-cart. wera eurre-..il Phone Hlue 0. 2 lit Hoy a Orey H.-iikI Made Sweater liilMl ri inBitiinn ..r lilpti .Marlin.on. ..i.U fie of the I.m-.I boat Mi. la HYDE lafiHr i,,,. t, to..k afl'M Mo- M.i.-'i'j liiiaiiniativi' ..-.ne. in eolor I'neliand drawing from nature Coat. Finder plea..- return lo ORIENTAL Q00DS i. f . . ..I, .Kit at iiv lair. .mum m .-""" t-i.-.-n. painteil or ahaded Alice Kniiyn; Maily NVwa Office. (ii'orge Hard. LOST- Swan fountain tei with Japanese Itainboo Furniture,Kimonas, Ornaments,Crockery, TRANSFER I'ainteil giiHnetrlcal denign gold hand and clip. Finder Haskets. Children's rtompers. tfie l.etl.; Kay Knnyu. plraae leae at Fair office. EXPRESS AND BAGQAQE. Painiiil consi-iillonal de.Jaa Toys. Klc. Day and Night Phone 580. Vo.ln KaUuyama; Murdoch Mc-Ki-iita. FOR SALE I.OWKST PRICKS y Another PRICE Suggestion FOft S.M.K. Dal ton Adding Machine, F, K. AKASE Scroll deaigrt , with nrinlins. P. O. Hot 81 Tel. Red Best Coal wide carriage; Toledo painli'd - lj'i Mcfta'p; Harold Third Avenue rkl French Pancakes and Other Goodies laid.on. Computing Fuller' Scale,Orrery.new. Ap-ply tf WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. Painleil deaign iif inert Kay y Wood Wood F.niiyu: Murdoch McKcnxie. FOHSALK-Fjigli.l Kjperl watch, clock and httn aiftrJ aitk kaliac powJn baby carri. Stove Lengths, Split. FRENCH PANCAKES 1'aniled dealgn uf flower in chronometer maker. aJ4 nuc imiii, mil well. Spritd age, perfrct condilimi. ttZ. leaaaW vtry thinly on ttrJ ahatlow citt t.li-ii Martin.on; Kalhleru Mor- Phone lied -'36. ((. Watch and Jewellery Repairs a 139 2nd Ave. West. pu. and kil ia alow ovca from rion. specialty. o la jo minutn. Cut iata j-inck Primed iwnel (Uiirfiicr FOH SAUV-Old newapaper. 55e Mall order promptly executed. Phone C80. qurfiwhiUtillr and be for Thotnpaoii: Arthur Cade. for large bundle. Dally Nrw GEO. QIBB iaaupxaulk DIX' rcmovtnc fiom paa. Scale drawlnif wtlh wale office. tf Opp. post Office (. O. Box 711 li m m,m PEANUT BUTTER BREAD Victor lleynon; Jean Oricp. Prince Rupert. If t cup BjmM Writing- Agnea (Iralton; Hen. Sti-en. Let Ds Advise You TAXI Dr. Prkti'a Freeliaud drawing from 4 Imwmm lilt- imlle. na S$t loittlwc 6our. kiVinc poJr PRICES tukiua fwan Entranc. ture -Kileen Pat more; l.eona Phone SS3 with a lifetime's exp"erT-eitefl . ..1 ..1...... 11.. I........ ..... milk I tmaiona aatt f.... - " If cuairMcar ltru.h drawing: Henry Jack. Parker. , (Call Oeorgo Ross) in all brnnche of the I OfvaUlk on: Kathleen yau. I'alnltsl geometrical dealgn Five passenger louring Car ' HuiidiiiR Trade . X.viin erf nnreoimn to prrf i ia u pMaat uttOT ar l MP t' l.eona Prompt Day and Night Service. Frtidiand drawiiiK and .hading Parker, Held .Mcl.'piinan. Bitf iUU Brickwork, lamping r ry CREAM grouea pauMita kia. Ileal tmallfinnf panahicb of ohjeel- Noniian Kinor: Painted conventional deaign-KIIpcii Stand: Boston Grill Third Avenue Sift lour, bikini powjtr, talt aaJ kba irfiwJ. fauna lanif. Hamilton. Patmore; V. Taylor. tJightly Powder uii tottthtr. AJJ milk to paa CLOTHES CLEANED Stonework, juMtu&cicnl Ixttcr m rertf ft. Bawni aut butttr. blend acll and tii to Fritdmnd drawing and aluding Painted design of flower- Cook OTtr hot tit. Turn ni dry iniraditnta; beat tnoroufkry. if type niodrl. vIl'rl liuncati; Irene Durham; Held' McLennan. and pressed by latest 6TF.M Concrete, etc. Wreva otk mi. Jpt4 itk fiia Bak in (rtawd loaf pan ia alow Albert Wood. Olhac Awarda. pressing process. Plans and Specifications inJ roll StnlU at ilk prtwmt pvm Jctt 4 tut"ta up-"'" 45 to0minu(ei. Tkiliilxit Freehand drawing from nature t'n ion Hank of 'Canada ailver 8 uita called for and delivered. free to all our clients. whcaadaycld. llmalcadclKiout .Norman Klnurj Virginia Kiel. cup awarded to achool winning Phone 649 (fill measurement! fir U aanJwickri cut iata thin alicct Painted geometrical dealgn large! number of first prliea LING. The Tallop William Watts & Co. derlied and filled with cither crura cbeee Made f Crm of Tartar, mattrtaU rt Intl.) r. (irarc Gfat. Won liy lloolh Memorial School. . fr-MM Para, bale anaad or lettuce and tuayoonaiia. AUCTION SALES. Builder and Contractor ; a rea. Painted conventional d.'.lgn i'J fir.ta. Other achool llor. FUDOK SQUARES aryU U atiaaflk. Kalaa iba SALLY LUNN Hora Thomp.on; Irene Morriaon. den Slreel, 20; Seal Cove H; SI. P.O. Box 823. Phone 4S2. duk paWatll. Conducted in your home. Bale) Office 1017 3rd Ave, Scroll t. IkfcUm..!thuixm im lewvanaur deaign with printing, Jflhaeplfa, IWHMI iumm tlkn(d-Po.,ryoe' painlfd Norman Kiualor; Horia Threp piclurpM for class rooms every Thursday at 3 p.m. iu our Jobbing Work of all Kinds. f Chi lkam(1 m.1 wmiiiwt cWmUw tnapauMMlt Sliockley. awarded to la.e winning the '"Llou.r K??ds '" IIM.IUJ tabkuiwa auw Painted dealgn Of InaCCt greatest number of- prliea , V-wnMaa lskCla HUelnftr 1,'cuprauk Henry Jackaon; I.ucy iVHricn. Junior Fourth rln. Hunlh , S23 Third Ave., WE HAVE I ra euu MADE IN CANADA I t.bwi-e ahuetaaina Painted deolgu nf flower Memorial: i. Knlrance class. Phonesi Black 15; Red 117. I timnrriifi Dr rif' Ammunition Sift toftther lour,bakiaf pewjtr, I.ucy O'Hrien; Murgle Itatrhford. lUtolli Memorial; 3. Secon.l BEAUTY CULTURE PARLOR H fa" Ih(IMall the4 mA M all and euirj aJd Bulk, well, Prlutcd panel Norman Klna-lor: Render clank, Si-al Cove. Phone Hlark ftii. bealca .( and nulled ahuctcauit: Henry Jackaon, MRS. STEPHENS and Shot Shells Milt thomniatj, til ' a4 well. Bala ia iteaacd ahallow Scalo druwlngJack Siina, Jaa Toa ar not am above Wrathalln Store. la Alt 3laa and apfrtsMiia. Cat.kara unUitta aiilartUi Jd cba-olitt about kI paa ia laodcrat aea IJ Hamillou. ITCZEMA lag whan Third Avenue. k.ck h( bta mtluJ. i-tuUt ka Ir. aiiautea. Writing Jtjlia Caldermie; Rai akuk k IHiL Ilairdrpasing, MiampiMiing, Hennaing, aj liuU, tii lour WlnnlP Hurjr- I. eaakl lur laaaua sad Sam IrrHa. STORK'Sfardware lio.a. It rrltaiea at awa aa4 aradia. Marcel Waving; Violet anJKitch.n" 149 Notr.Damo Ea.LWinnlp.,.Can. Hljh School. an ailr k.aJa Uia ,ala. kaear4 bs fe. Ray Vatn and c4ilp TrealmeiiL SnJ for FREE Cook Bok-"Tabb ft&aa'a IMuhuMat tra if mi huUm ill. Llmltwtl Freehaud draw lin and ahad-Itig eawe and 4 ya.atuuu Kir kwuaa. sua. a , Mailicurillir fftleie made lo of oliject -Jack Hulherland: Wl Uaaltwi.i ail rfaaJar lueMM w t4aaaia.M. it.Ul a IW ordr. Phone Black 114.