PAGE EIGHT H - .J-' '- ARE YOU AWARE THAT. DANCE GIVEN BY G. H. Arnold, Notary Public GREENVILLE BAND FIRE INSURANCE It carefully written by us In reliable 'VUf liri'pnv illc Oii-ln'lin, tin-d"r i TOOETHEn WITH ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE. "SALADS companies. We are permanently engaged In the business and llir iiinn.iKi'iiit'i'l uf JiiIimkiiii uffrrr.l n Thf po.!p of I'rimt Hiiffrl ore no linn records accurately kept that when policy ei-plres llu, itnf n iliini'c la-1 niulil in our are so your troiirtlinarv u.Krtuiiilv lo bliare in tits? enjoj mriil and tlrvplon-infill I Ik- IM I.tixr Mall. I'hf floor wax you will be notified In sufficient time to keep your pro riimfoffRMv ftriaxl wild rlnnf ti or n bceuly pot thai will rqual if not !tir-i isti tliinar in perty protected. We solicit your business. r linndri'tl riniili vtlm cfrjotwl ,i North America. H. O. HELQERSON, LTD. iitait liaHant Um until ? a.m. Two )tar of loe ohamalion mikI IhI of Ihc MlualltMi on Nnturnl Lcnf Green Ten Rentals. Insurance. Loans. Th Ctrwnvfllc folk- nli i Uln- Ihf RrtMiiril a well M lhrwi?h my &trn aaKitHH aU rtm-nrrUoH And sold in sealed packets in or Ihn rrelgilFj well the ronvmrotl aa many mt aa mw od litany tlnitnrn from tin- lUttl form the and oIImt ioint and proviHl ! . buini iHffti of PriHir HuiHprt of H grt-at HMlliihfa. name an fnmnn. 50 150 fret hr mw DlacKTeas of ,5,aladaM l.ervlioii- or Hi- rlwirel lot. s or (IimmI IioI. Hio nivlil cm rrind, in the surniMt court or British 'h in tiiMiti form and anapity lrn wild jjud are wow U-iHg of frrwl ul the extremflj low ami Tafltt ...... Ym. ...Ill ... t COLUMBIA. ami such . or I8M.IM), $150.00. ami $100.00, on - - - " will 1 1 1 CoiienttIve IN PROIATC. jRv iiiiMir wan thoronpiiijr rn prre It. In Itw Walter of tkr AitmuilMraMon Ktt &rhm iiuilHy of rt.K or ! to the Prince 'Snappy3 and i".-d. tllif r iliini-i-4 will f..ll a will treliMl any In th Matter at thr FMatr at Karl J Ohio it Friday and satimlay. Hmcrt iwrticjpaHl. The height of my amblthwi it to nuke thl TtkC Mw.tart,MtTICK peaei thai i taw tth dajr af tirojeel RlrJjHtf4y xifc to the pcoHe or Prince Hiirt ami Ul 3 MiriKl, t.. l-mfcal .r Ike lad Will iwt Irirl (hat the in no way ie iianirreu in mi Printing Tr.iitwnt r karl t"tum Maaat!. dwimi KITIMAAT EASILY tiwy formerly r palersbiirr, Alwit. tntlM of their imeiUneriL WESTHOLME THEATRE l Ail.Mf MlnrHMn of rrMr Hnfwet. a.C. Al l f-EHXO. katlnt rlaMi aaaliKl the WON AT FOOTBALL Appreciation. Id eMale ape required la file the Mm I much the many exreron of stiHirl and Tonight nnd Tomorrow adds to your business prestige. mith ihr underalrm-ft wlthta iMrty er appreeiaie ery rr-mi Ihe rlu- barer tad III tra.i owHat gwln-ill of the people of prince Ilnpert in the maWliif of llaln- nxUKt l th MM ratal trr rrqlr M Defeated Kltkatla In First Game Ilk' to U rtlfnl farth-mith Ikw Lako a bBimer report ami 4a)grtMinu. hiw It It the keynote of success pay of Native Series This Morning In all modern business. DTI"P at rrtar Knprt. rr-UiH of by a Score of 6 to 0 Actual Support. Washburn You take no chances when bfr.trtth ItS!r.,iiHnM, IMa IM day nf Vyu T.. fnrll .Ireuirlheii llo Itniject. etenl of the forfllHrSt Bryant you trust your Printing orders mw HoM.ADOLF Prrnrr RIIVMIEIM.Nut M a r In Ihr first or ihr RRlrrr foot aud far nlgliled Ijine men ir the e-tty hde already made re-j to ami will erect Mutable Mimm?r collage thcrccon! us. ball iranr for Mi Ksblbitmit enaltoHb irioa IN Ct RTiriCSTt OF IWPROVCWITNT. We have the finest printing nmSV.'' "IFSMII.'- -IHny III -E rhallfntr (rttpht xiRuirtcani ni .itur TliU. ootled Willi the reerviKfi nwuc oy mem-, equipment north of Vancouver, iHniiTTr.IBi'i 111 r,. t." annate iiviim.m s ttrr championariip mt rtlwri fjieni of the MinneaHli Athletic Club, of Minneapolis, augur well and can handle anything I.I4TKI" T. kilted nn l.nutv lli H i: . KltliitR tin vr Kltkatlt for ift future ucce. "The Road Tikr ftotira that I. Cha I London" In the printing line to your Irw Minrr. Ca-tiri'ate ?" a71 II.. In lhi inorHinK by a K'rr of 6 I Additional Support. to Irixt slity '1i rt.u lit tatr heraaf. tn ide tie. entire satisfaction. apph a. the Mlainit Reoperr f.,r iriilVat 'I'll' paPAi wan vry unr-iid.l It i for olhena of the cttuen of Prince Huiert to t.r In ir.wn.'ttl.CrtwD "leant for of thr tha aariwMC abuva af.laa-n iiSlaMi-ln awl the yw'lor batj U aH eMeriwhellter they wih to lake a ham I In ami help a project mrn Ami ruriarr ttta. nnttrr that arlMaa.Unr rl it Jbictia,.: mm eomMm.m,, ,4f cttr and ditncl to the direct perMinal Holice or An English Production Rose, Cowan SLatla niMlcr ti i tJ. mtii he rtawiaml be-f.' thr i.uanr- "f .urn lertinrale af ulion play. Ih at fMffli.rir cr.Min ,.f laluc men of Mlimcatwlis. SL Paul ami inter LlmltrH lBipr"iarai Dated Un frd day of Aml. ATI test Illlif ( l H in K iUaaaMt'ftfrnp.iiat tH.inU: a wwied that will etentually drww hundred of. Comedy, "Put and Take" News Gnzctte Prince Rupert, B.C. I., i. St-tV far. Th' troal rorrr- Mere v additional tuttrUU eariy to tin district, who wimiM oUienie go. Admission 1Bo and 35c Phone 234. CERTIFICATE OF IMFROVCMINT. Starr. I; Ilollon. 3; C. Harr. I; elewliere. IR'il rl : V,. t." Ri1 MIKE So. HolnnMM, I. Returns Guaranteed. J." "a.vji:iE Fraruna" tad qAJIFttLB" Miami i'Win. minal la MfFCS at. "I'h tenm lined un a fd)w: h11v .iiaraiilee Ifi wHtlftif to rtn Prince ltiiert ..TT: ,IVMH wmi'tl. FEES MS-TRI' T 1 'IihI rro l.miiw lakHMl. A KihmlMt- MMi; .McSbawr aibl ltirrlur of tola, bbIiI further ulree. U renireha.e the lt lata 4ire that I. IM. Rocara. Tra WiUoti: Mornaoa. SiniUi atMl fi.rnclnal erf.t or inroveiiiciit nhoiitd he di- UNION STEAMbllll' COMPANY OF B.C I 'IMlTtf iS I I I Nux r. i rritriratr v aa?aiiR, mtrixl aim iay There Will Be A Coal Shortage claya frnan lb (tat brm. tn affdy In tbr Aino: Shavt. Ilelton. Slarr. .-ti.rii ,.ii. hU'invealmpt.1 at the end of three er. I in SAILINOl This Winter yinina RrrrtVr tor Ifm Tnr iuirp a rrtlthttr at nblalniair t tm-pmirawm. KolniMon and iicay. ..t.. i,.i.. -is ih !.a rptiutrnl fur a aiiitimrr eatiini'er Vancouter. Or-an -i- und hati-ii ! I i rrown And riirtlarr r.raal takr r tnr n.4lra abnta rlauav I bat anlna. Kittafla-liii : Wilaon ami . ihe flrt ..x twrehaers of loll. If ereied within a .ear from Toe Vancouter. Ai rl H,.) and I'ort llantr t-Port Be wise! linrtrr rrlMa S. BHPt br ruaunrarrd h rnfi.aji: HH..r. linrtwn anj the dle of purelwe. For Anyoa, Alne Arm. Sin)aoM ant for lha luaarr M tmrti r.mttrrtr of Inifir.trmrnf l. kon: llronn. I". r.Hfton. sot- There i .tiffirient aeeurMy ahme in the value of my holding mldnlsbt futi'1 tbl- irl (! .if Aumt lf! .! Int.- Pop Naae Rltep Canntrlat. Krldav a Order Your AI.EX B'...m ..- i. ..I ul Itonal Haintiow referenre:Lake lo innre yowr rdeetHiH, ltil herewith are ad- Otlhuiin Stale IUhV. J' Hrni. thier. Coal Now BASKET MinneaHIU. Minn. Minneni-dio THEO COLLART, LTD. - PUBLIC NO r ART Worth Co. State Bank. Tlmher t.. .VorlhwtMid. lown. Mlimc"oll. Mi'- We are now Agente for the New York Life Insuraace Cec Don't get left First National IUhW. 4ortliMHi; Idwa. The most liberal and strongest oompan on the eeeUsanL SPECIALS AnnouncemenL Assets, (),.32,1 St. 0. Let ue show you hew to so jut TO EUROPE We have arran?d fur delis with r mountain from Ml. Iltiller money. The rhritenni(C i-Mik. try of 3,00(J Ions of ITALIAN PRUNES .r..t.r ilMlu-alittir. aervire, will be aniiinuirrd. . .later. . Thin event ii Phone Blue 69. Westholme Theatre Block. P.O. M. Nanaimo-Wellington mi mmm: kswi Per Basket . 0o ! ((M- the .urrMe or perpetuating uie meniory oi- mc urn .n.v i TABLE PEACHES Prtnre llinx-rt tHiatneo men who have lMHtftht lol and aevernl Coal , QUta(C-CM(RBOUR0-SOUTH-meT0J. Per Basket 60c MinneaMili Athletie Unh member. A tlial l arniw wn nnnira HAMBURO ioiiiled toward the niiMJiitain lieanny; his B ART LETT PEARS u( the variyM .wrtie Ott, a Oct. 11 Cmpraaa af Fraaca bealcd at the aH-x of Mt. Ilutler. will be permanently Phone 116 or 664. Per Basket 5o name Our frmrtt lirrrlne bait is eotwedr l I C Oct,17 BAIT Ma?.14 E-araaa af Brlula from Ml. Butler, in estimation. erllpes the at Ps- .tt I The arenen' my In tn- the fineat prwurbte any Albert & McCaffery I. QUCBEC-CHCRaOURa-SOUTH-IKFTON. CRABAPPLES Per Basket 35c .ener of the widely Mlerti-ed (ilnrier Park from Ihe divide j Pnrt and It Is "Kishy" Prlre. 30 per bin ' .! Empraaa af Scatland whirh the writer ha seen: henee the iniHirtanre of thi evenl: irP The1 hesi ay of inanrtntT a od gus ' LIMITED 1 HOTHOUSE TOMATOES h well an a moM valuable aaset lo the Heorl Pn'jrrL - to hate pleHljr of our hard froi" MORTRtAL-SOUTHAMPTOia-aPITWtRP Per Basket 50c and Security, II par ton. Saa.S7 Oct. 2S Nat. 22 Mlanadaaa MS.LA d A. GRAPES Strength r...sf.s- Our ell-eiinpp iiaif I-' in of the leading ean a.ippij OaCIIWat. S Mai It a A.vM .aled with me tn this enterprise ure wnif 90c Per Basket buiiieMt and club men of MinnrajMIi. Minn., all of whom vuu,wHiIiiiiiiii,i ithiim. irorerie an) t The Popular ItestauranL BLACK PRINCE GRAPES and hardware, MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL have made reenatoiM for lots of HaiuboW IaVe. Sa.22 0et.CO Nat. IT ......... MaaUalm Per Basket S1.00 The Boston Grill OaL 27 Na.24 ..f.' Maatclara TIKAY GRAPES rfc 1 NEW ENGLAND FISK Company . Oct. e Nai. S Mantraaa Per Basket $1.25 Kstehlken, Alaeka ran Oct. 12 Na. 10 VlcUriaa II. A. Cammaek, aiam? John P Hnjdrr, Third Avenue. CONCORD GRAPES N.NV. DUIrJbulor. Delicious Dainties which MONTREAL TO OLASOOW Per Basket .... 90o Kinib.ll Piano Co. (pitlil .23 Oct. 21 Nat. IS Matagaita Mill tickle the palate of the Oct. 7 Nat. 4 Tuniaiaa moat Private particular lioies for diner.Ladies. Aaalt FORSTER.ta Aaala Oaaaral ataavokara.Afant. 0 SUtlaa,t. 4. Rupert Table Supply Co. Lewi F. BoUer, Klmrr Mrrnlt, I PRINCE RUPERT EXHIBITION & FAIR Open Day and Night. Vaacaatar. Talapnaaa Sarmaaa 220 Phones 211 A 212. Ownrr Hvtelnor Owner Miuneapnli SEPTEMBER 16 Baking Co. 12 to All White Help. CANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAY Bok Manufacturing' 1 Traffl A CMC 9S Serly. and IHret tor M.A. Club. mext- Minneapolis Minneapolis,Athletic Minn.Club, During the Wm. H. Mrtjrtncy. Vire-Presidenl. Fred L- (iruy. liiMiranre tki. All niembern of the MiuueuMis Athletic Club and varloua Golf Clubs, and all round BporUmeu. Exhibition DENTISTRY Mniiifapi.i,AI-- V. Minn.J. (JilWernon. J.A. Paenger lrpl.. CN.' Hallway. Be(.i.led information will be gluUly lurniMif il by Irllrr or in per-on Central Hotel, and Fair Week Prince Rupert. W stmll from tune tn time eihibit 11 3116 Colfax Ave., Third Ave. and Keiilh ht tie .alel 8i. m I'1 11 "'" Exhibition Visitors 11 3 Ul I al to.Wear (iaroieuU ever e id I'iiiii . ilur"1 1 the Kxhlbltloll we ure off. i in. tln in al u I.ik " 1 will find my office fully equipped to Willtaio Miltrr. v DOG SHOW IS IIphI Inli'li hi nhitw, i Kennel handle all dental requirements in its Mult Uup . WillUui Miller. Reasonable various branches, IrrriPi. Airdalr, I, lie. rr INTERESTING N ilkiiipiui; t. .Mm. NV. V.. Wll. i including a Modern liauia. j ti'ltr. uuy breed, I, P. It. Price Eihlbltlon Shows That There Are Jfiiiiiii; 2, llalph JoretMi. X-Ray Service Many Pine Specimens of Ivitxliali bull dot., I, N. Canines In City. Iliililliaiili: ., Mias II. Cuillilllif- M00 liuin, LADIES' COATS from $15.00 to The I).-, HIkjw al Hip piIiiIiU Uidlie iLnis, I, C. Tliiiiopaun. LADIES' SUITS from $25.00 lo $57.50 tion i- mi inlrrealiii. Uppurl- Toy pitixllM, I, Javk tUltlpbrll. LADIES' DRESSES from $16 00 to $0.00 inriit ant) wtlruCfl a 8ikh ual Hunt putidloc l. II. f. C-ioi- LADIES' SKIRTS from $600 1 $irM .f ulii'iiimii yealerdv. 'I'lirre are bi'll: t, Culm, (iuiiiiiiliiit. nli. tii .Ti eulripa whirh iucludo Bwat iup under aiv uioiillia. I. MEN'S SHOES from to $1-60 Dr.. A. H. BAYNE .iiin- v.'ry fiiit uuiiiiaU raiiuiiiy (feo. WiUinaiiu; Leo MiKiii- MEN'S UNDERWEAR $2.60 to $10.00 a 8mU fi l..y MHHlle to out lily tt. ll'HI. Itt-t ouril. The u-lillilU are aliowii Best d.iK In allow, (II. W. BOYI' SUITS from 0-'6 l ,60 giMxl B4hatilae In the uar-i-i Uuinerou Hup' , Nnrniaii Wilaon. Rooms 4, 5 and 6, Helgerson Block, Sixth Street i list have Ihnii lunvl.lvtj fur St. Bernard, Norman Wilson. (Bliss run from 20 to 35.1 Hi. in. wi a turprlae to Cubun hound, I, Mrs. Office Hours, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., or by Appoinlmtnl Dtnlal Nurtt in Atttndunce utany thai (here were inuny NV. K. Wllliaiiis. fin.' .j,.-. iiuen of iIiik flivali hi Boalou bull, I, Mr. lUuiiiiiuid. Ltd. III., rily Pitt bull terrier, I, J. Jabour Bros., Tin' r.illuwin. It the Hal of A. Ten; 3, Fred Mln.ini. in I... winiipra: ' " '1 i r. anion)fi uuiri'd. I Advertlso la the D-tlly Newt,