f p.snn six i . T1IR DAILY XF.WS " . - - I "... - QUEEN CHARLOTTES ial ' J. ii. ifwr. .IUU.it, paid h vii lo .Meyer l.ak rpturnlna? Li I n.prJhrp HiiMrl u I uaiitpr itiiipp Allien, is WRKiLEiS of Five Yenis lili-frt Kmip, Rxhlbli.m nar from miarsp Hip m N.irlh' Hip To Holders . of ujippn OlinrloMc lalaiul. i ihe 1'finer HiiiktI Fair - 5i cent Canada's Mi . Ley, foriuprly of Ihr VhU per ..f NnnpiHivcr Island, has i tTfi aiiiiiii.Hi Hraeher of .Mat. Pit IHM. v , . . ' a Victory Bonds Kontrartor Arthur niAerl.mi ItvrtiipiPied the work of'fTFarTnir and Maturing 1st December, 1922. Hi.- Imjc jainli. m Hi YatiHin Issued in 1917 lllver. whirl) will allow the nl- inon t areinl in Hip lr lakp. in Hip interior of the lfaml. - PROPOSALS CONVERSION t in .Work, a nuiHN nl thp 1 Satisfies the sweet tooth,and crab raniiery, at Nadett IfnrtMH-. ft hinder Hip tiietvtlon nt Mr. MINISTER OF FINANCE offrn to holder Haiders of the maturing bonds wh9 wHaS to avail aids appetite and digestion. THE themselves of this convcrsfe. ptivicsj ai Stiiun, manairar. H l t- tho bornli who drtire to continue their u.r their bonds AS EARLY AS K SS1M.K. 1L r rrtd that IMrt pniploypp will NOT Cleanses mouth and teeth. invrttment In Dominion of Canada tecutitie Ue 1 mr.iae.l doriou I hp wiolee LATER THAN SEPTKMHER JOtls. Is) a biamh of . .... prlvftge of eachanginf the maturlnf bonda foe aew any Chartered Bank in Canada and ftersve k . viMil(e A great boon to smokers, bona bearta S) per cent interest, payable half yearly, aaj offtcial receipt for the bortvurrrtdeTd, itainmi relieving .hot, dry mouth. It ematpd Ma!! inlet "of either of the followini cUtea: - aa tae undertaking new issue. to deliver the aVt?- id mf hutA kI million of lf-iittre. oer Combines pleasure and almon. during the run of pink. fa) Five year bonds, dated lit .November,lata Holders of maturinj fully refttlncl bonda, interest benefit. 1927. tomatuie lit wovemrjer. iv. .payable by cheque from Ot.awa will fa e x.eir f ,(b) Ten year bond, dated lit November, December 1 interest cheque as itsat I In dm ( Don't miss the joy of the . 1922. to mature lit novemcier, ivJi. coupon bonds' will detach and rtt jii. iWr'at tai anaiuird a non riliiip ih- unum aiiHajirii c; coupon before surrtndrr.ru the boai It writ kr 4viVn new MIPS the candy-coated fi'hina Mill pan White the maturinf bondi will carry intcreit to lit purposes. peppermint tid bit! thre- iland run hp will hat December, 1922, the newbomia will commence to earn The surrendered bonds will be forwaild l.y banks full '' interest from 1st November. 1922, OIVINO A BONUS to the Minister of Finance at Ottawa. iVf '! U Chew it after every meal. OF A' FULL MONTH'S INTEREST TO THOSE be eacharujed for bonds of the rtew HtSar, u, Mly A Columbia Mnpr IhmI. heln THEMSELVES OK THE CONVERSION rtlstcrcd. or coupon rczUtrrtsi or osiaf m t lunn limnl lo Hitrklev May. hr lb AVAILING carryinc interest payable 1st May adid IsTN-svifru. i iauierli Kdenliaw.' smile away 13 PRIVILEGE. of each year of the duration of the loan, th first our -n hi Iterate Strati, la wv and! payment accruing and Myabt 1st May, IMS I'" Is This offer is made to holders of the maturlnc bonds i MI adrift. np Ni)ptiltaw TJl of the aew issue will be sent to dkr bantu tor earri.'d lA.ftOO Pink lp Wal and is not open to other investors. The bonds to be delivery Immediately after the receipt ai trie saw riireO I-land -miiiprv. it h1 tiHIr issued under this proposal will be substantially of the bonds. i ItP r.'-ult wf on- matil' fifhni same character as those which are maturinf. eacept nfmj ai in "il'ir MapIi IrM. that the exemption from taxation docs not apply ta the converted under this proposal WW be paid usT in cash on - - new issue. tba ls December, 1922 II. MrntPrli""! a wrrklt ft If boaLill lp piiHantl. t. run he!iMynMDy klpv lavi-ai, 'IS Mi W. S, FIELDING, I'riupp itnbRiii4b' m'-pVii 5 " Minister 8? Ptciiwe. ,V ttilMrijtff iopiiyiilarrtii i .Dated at Ottawa, Ith Au(rust.92J,. fiavp IheVmKTffre I.. Mt-ef m Inlet aihl DelkaJla Hay drtflttd in onler admit largpr ! .i lire WAkrrway of i r aha in Elliail ) 1 v" rrrr KPRINCE GEORGE IWx.ily ami Hip ial! r at M.i. III r)ll..li' II..11 atl la.M.l in m Ki..rl littM. Tl. m.ladl..ut i .). - .-ill 01 AMhllVtMl.' iftanTiid f.V piHl jAUJiiMlMal Luirn will tUuJl. ff Pir.i4iilii, In tl.rf imHuIiW. whilP men. i. pee.lile.1 wtlhjp!. for Ue puriMi.p of aerMH-'. h.MMi is allrarluiir a iirPal deal Tlterily roupci) is ronn.lrinp. itf.. v,.i.hUfl an.) lajuliT Ki'fcMnr ovr Mnr litiiMlrM1inMlwma: .thit Vrrtf nairlirfr allesMiMi ifaoni ip piitr-1 Hip m'I"al "aifp ly flM.rt Vr.' iMni th'p Hiiinipr'l.pf4. wli.. lt)oiaiMl I'iHk alMin .luriuz ibp kimI. and olaver. o..irninK j ani will ..il j.r...rlie.. I l. liairv:inp-ior or iiiiinjpali-.;?f ai wV ,. ;lif ir,ftuf iw. ;td i-ai, JiMtKlinii w.pr-tiiMlt.. Vf M4eU liJpt. ri ..'t Jkiaim'H MrUl a4l ti'Wnia iipr, irrriiiiiiiiriiiiiiiji mill iiir iu 1 jipanl. on MaHl Inlet. IIip tilie U. "war 'Maid IIupc in a lure Plopajervt yf, tlP cilj 1 . , , 4, .-, . . iiiP liual rWialrf'wvtii- twVJ'Ir tt'A. Llwiuah, ntanaafPH i.f Phu Hbh- . .. iK-ourapl in iIip hinlipr IpvH Si.lnpy V. Brown, rhipf ron Uuudrpil lln.uaa.l fih, to hejl JiiHn tJiiti"W- lalaad lie-' , T ami lliat thp lie lyinjr opfllon lu.tmr lion pnirinppr for IIip f.ana, Ixial. durinz ih. .M.SrllOri9lDurpVil;M.' IU4rtTHinii. aies-v. YANDERHOOF IIip pat of r.porK street tp IipLI ,iian Vstinglion.P l.t.l, willi ritptspp ami of fie, ai Ma.aetl l.y llvjoorHirnlion. i l.pa.lquartpr at Hamilton, iiim s . HatficU Vl'rakfc a. yauiuc aa. . 1 H S 'it In itpr. Mr. 1. 7. Iip wiwiun, of Ski.Uule. apl Pp-v f.M-r.l fir. oPPHrre.1 in Tlon. H. siillprlan, nun Hon. Y. II. Sutherland, Pr- Wil.on. of thi put. uwny, on Hip ?Its inslaHL. at Iter hp Ouprn ibartotlf) llajil dor- ii-r of i.nhli.' work. Mai in. vinriaj iirinintpr of inittlie iirkw hoiilA. The deppiaPil wa ill '" ux 1 lie dry .am. ATlhMiith tbe halt Kptp last woei. staled that wa a vi.ilor Iipi Ut pp.; pronperi.il advprtMiiix mn many year, am) a a real eptanl bow' I Hp HTPValeiM-p of Ihe .rinpil fpattfM of the roniltip up hy way or yuennei. Hi tfiiit.r .-..nltnuon. .tdvPHlalnv favorilp in Hip native villa rr tti.4tallv dry WPftlfepr. For. Itiart l.akp terreni elipmp minilpr stale.! that if rontru- i 1 where her ipr anal rpahpp el Warden William alien.!! to SMal he 11 dWitl,! 11 mh M.l a few lion work on Hip I'apilic iirai Columbia reoKlo. II eall for ailanpp. and Iplail were yH lo Ip armwae.1. I'a.tprn Kailuav immIimiimnI IiVI I"1 PROaaTK. I.mn rral fire, bpforp.lhey Tne sninieler lalPl Ihal Hip thn aovprnnt-'nt twpnt-f lv la lit Hitter of the Adminltiritlo fl. A lamp jniinlier of gaoiie i.iirm-ti danpmu diniPMin. BtSPh aValrwst MNld IHaMll of Purl mflpa.itf firadp will likely le ulil-ued la lb W1 Mtti.r r lb tmu or Ciri launrhe. owhpi by llva Maplt St. JarHP WW on Hip ile.arl- for IIip hiiilding of a iud la i iuniben:n ooutni).Ururr ivrHwi,III Hunur ibie'Ui'.r Mrfe Indian, h-fl Mw.eit on Hip miIi Ho- eliii.lr.-n of the AwliPNH nspsw pronntHi foe nrti year. lii'tvspcn Iiptp and Qenel. Yuwir. irmrxlay. lb ttk flay or AwtuM, inl. for I'rmee Miifirt. Wilb iiilday S-Ii.m4, of Port (Hmh- I'rilul the MUlhdi at 1. H. MrWullln. Hie aep'r on Hip pampr nu iMid Huekler Hay. wppp trat iinH..tiHp i hPrnsr ai J.fi Camiiflell Tla been ap-IMi.ivfl nthtut tUdiM Adtului.lrilor.bf IIm id 1.Uxl H. 3lrMlhn.re4ir l l I'riiirp ll-rt thp ilan.I. will w realil lo a p4p of psPSrra laefcerf lr Ihe arprhiif Hr.l A Laundry Service by tfiP eiil lrvip roinv. Rrf Contra, of Alettnler J4uima trwl we rere"le. At I be Itupprt hipfHsr Hip uiiiioer . vaealion. f Trade lo Hip vi41 herp on mU47in to filVthP iltlnn of f Andrew aroaa; ind bMrln Mr. I'e 'Wplern lloip" SeuaeanlM-r ..r Ihe Moo W ". FUR.4I or l.uuBrl lt Ibe -.tllfcKrr ltuM-ri Pair. wa l. f' I real Within Every Woman's Meant filpjFy ovrrappf for-Oiirilo iliii- IT IS Ohl(.ht0 thai the detih of the - lu ponpv Hip utenleker lo IIhi lloanl of .f Trade eseiirtMtn. llan. Miim IWnrf. :rw IhHirtl)r thall trii'tTpending the nmking of a he ha' round tuliert. they were TIip iMtrly H- PtHl Ihree liioir prwuiiiMl ! rntra 11m tin Atler .enlintr IIip miiiiiih' pn Snrlc wa offer. In this It It her for Family day April. All 1!. at rrn Mile erfaiitPd fv Mr. J. MIXl ami in Hip iltairlet and vill bp shown you (..Tiiianent aiiuinlH'il. pumii. (irakan Kland. KnllMi (loIla. - varr(ioji . i.n. th J'jaieH, . Mi-ftila washday? Isn't IT I r I'HTIIr.H OHIUHIII thai Itic M Martin rMurawf i.M; t tie Mi In-ii ti rlpraymaii. I! MiHtl of IHtPre.1 be Ihe .eal What U most disagreeable on J. II. MeMullin aniilv for admml.tra of boUeri nnv - tha mussiness of wash the tteam It water; Ml J. M Jastcer. of NVv Hem r the all r.iat and derlare KlMim the trip of I he PANie! 1. liilleit. lha ahlldren atii.M txiard wlftPh ba smitil (ut a tinint r. and Mi Mary rtale ii. pnbtlthlnt a r.v of Uil order I'rinpp Jorin. I hi' iuiriisitfta)anplr ' iMHilSPr of iiioi..r ear for the. and tubs, tho lifting and hauling? William, of i In rity. hae bp la a arw(aM-r xibliiul ant rirrutailna 4 opra.ioo. And U'a o! that wo relieve you-at a cost truly in rriitif ftniirf. n.r ft m tineUiA ut pepted m-IioiI tparlnnif iiiln.iH laonlh at ekly Inirrtala. r. iMinn I'nnletiirilali'- len- Male Maiilww, wbo wa nn- - . moderate. In IHl dilrle). the farmer a Lj.Si. Ivp nlleralion and repair-. i.iihr Irpalaient, nl Maeti for n Mr. and Mr. J. M. John.Ion We take your family bundle, wash It tweetl wiin. alleVe, in IimVp I wen in. haw relume.1 fraw a vlil to dean in aoothlnly aoft water and billowy, gllsteo flirlPil m mii of lite wtialiMft Paal eilie-. ' Willie HW.IV Mr lag tuds; and rinse It many timea In more watar .learner. relMMeal lo duly, last Julnislon nndei weiil an wra- spar kingly pure. .vepk. liaMlia rSMMMTPPPil Mffk. Imsh. Next we daintily Iron the flat pleeea; the things wnlly to asHrlfi ilikp hi like bath towels we dry aoftly and Huffily Uey lion on the .Inariier. Mi-. Joarpltiiu Macltonald, of need no Ironing; and other plecea that require it e .Xaa Weti4iiuler, ti..w learh we lurch and make ready for you to Iron in your MACDONALLTS luiiitia In ) on (iraliani W(r ai ltp erbako PhiMd. own home. land. Itev I'Wer Kplly evm- In a word, we do all the toilsome, mussy work lueled erire al Sk.alp and Tlp Mape diirirt will havr of washday, and leave for you only the milder, 'laeii. He alto favoml Hip ns fair llii year. H hniny teen pleasanter task of Ironing the lighter pieces. IndiMu- wtiii apral oiui, i deeiilPii to runppt it ou aeoiiil, It's a truly economical service within the means oiireii. In'l. on the rpaprvp of the runllnipfd dry mII whleh of every woman we're turo youll like It u ha miiiMaiPil .. sHmabUruhlr Densely, At an eiilerlalHMM!)!, Ild in nifain.i me M,..M.iniy 01 havina to tsU Telephone, well welcome an opportunity llhe r.,wn Han, K MMsaajt. ou tf(U.l ediibiU. you more about iu BRIER Hip UIIi in.lanl. Hip followinir ladiP and ffviillernen look i.iri: GOOD CITIZENS. Alfred Adams, llejiry llensh.'iw, . Canadian Steam Laundry I Mr. Jiavt.1 I'iirjiell. Ansanda I Hell. Pjne.l Promt, Datld June, LI8TCNI Sixth Avenue W. Phone 8 David Hell, WilllAin Malllipwa, IMr. Plorpihtp Datblaon. TI10 Qsnulne Lackla, Shoes Bslng i I hall was deetiratpil Willi flowrfM Qlvsn Away Fraal land flan, wlille luhle were ar- lraiiae.1 for Ihe nue.l. Ilev. Wp arp amiiK way frrp en- E. H. SHOCKLEY . m amwVaMk..BMBSBjBaaaaaaaajaw- anmnVT BnawannnnW aa Wf I'elrr Kelly added Ui Ihf pln. tlilie l.iikle Hliop Thp only Oil uru of Hie pteii)ii;r, by inglnti eMHidiiinn wp ak i that you Planing Mlllai Cow Bay. Wharf: Nait Imperial savpral olo. Mine to our boolh ill lha main Phonal 383. bil I Id inn of Hip P.xhibiliou and PIB 0IMKN8I0N, riNISHINQ LUMBr.n, PLANKINO Henry White vtsllrd IIip Wp1 seeure your tax. Ihen it in nji TIS1HM, SHINQLKS, LATH, DOORS AND WVHD0-Agent Coaal f liruham lalattd, um le- In you to ypi buy and find lln- for: turned willi tparfll aamplpa of ieroti yHli thp 'dtinlieal riiiin- Itoberlion A. Ilaokalla Haw Mill, Ltd. Packages lar. oil iinil aliiile, (ralherel Jllitier lo your, lleinembrr Ihe J. J. Fx fa Bntllli a Hardwood. ' Hid ti' mliliurhiKid of Alan 'iiinl,I.P4skiP (Ui. Ud. (.unlit. Thi' "I.oinatco" 3 ply Dollonwood Panelling, 32 wheri' Hi 11. 1;. iiiiii' iuK 1 in name, ur i'"iiiv winner will flarland Company, Hoofing- Paint. intend I 'Oiniiu'iii'a i.pn ui i .in ,.'i,jh'oi in i iinm ioW' issnt If