rxat rovn THIS DAILY NEWS Tuesday. J . ft. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus CLOSING OCT WELU-WHAT CO SALE VDU WT TO AOVCE. rH TeUMiClnf fsF r-- are closing ont the pair Royal of Shoe shoes Store,must and be sold.every All with our White leather Canvas or robber Shoe. i f wCh?t A alt.From oJes.Mirj in$1.00 litph in the or per 1m lot,pair.heel, rani Any pair at the famonr "RtunL Ctioes .or men. Values t. I5.00. for $3.75 Ren's Goodyear Welt Shoes in ila-k or brown ealf. Men's Solid From Leather 55.55. Working J S Children's Shoes,Shoes$4.75.and Slip-pers W ,'4151 I from $1.25. Royai ShoeStore " 1 - , - v wnm mrnfr Third Ave. MASONIC PARTY CATARRH RXJlfJl 1 III ,1 I 1 i.T , .. y BLADDER Daily News Classified Ads. furnished ).Mt-4 DUE TOMORROW mo.lern. Omr 1 ..v TaciCanmte ari i Si 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. MaAdntlltemMl Taksktv for Lm than SO plyfU.i 13.1. p.. v X, Be Prepared! AT 10 O'CLOCK OOilD Oean IJd- fr ra ; WANTED BUSINESS CHANCES. meet. I'isUern.eji a Ut--1 iZ Fire Risk is always NEW GRADING cmr SOUCITOR wa.vtwj Men and wtmien to M vCHINF. hop ailnated on Cow Pioneer Riwm. ic? j A,.r r The 41 P. R. lnwr Pr - learn the FiH HHNT Tw.. Barber Trade by Ihe Hay f.r flrni ,.r Sale. n.i with you ilharfcall. i'jHiui V. J TO PREPARE FOR i only nveihod in the world that JM feel miUt buildinc. A alo lar-e fr.n, We Write Tire Insurance !'Boyee. i tht? here :-n.srrm" PLAN ADOPTED SCHOOL INQUIRY TOlt ave J liate and mosey -plen-lid ItartM'r fr tMat. store. Apply tmsrirmj; at l" nVWt city and fit for 'ln2 the of Every Kind ,yoi a position minler.v man handy fllMKi: rMmt with the JM r avare Mas.ni Let worth while. Wo guarantee a I repairs ckiI.I buitd up a Thiril Avenue. us quote you frn Xxocmr. Vrlria ' 1 ,.f !w -!....! i.tard. ,riaain, Meady employineHt at gai aire I.u.kws here. Will sell vW Hotel. Streets In Northwest riWr jM- Portion of ritT rivil lasl nictit ARd rn fwi in ma re. V rite now for beaati al a biw pric" mtili lernis to Agents for 'the fiflT-fir-'l aw it cwm Section S t Be Graded at fat Htuslrated FOUR eatalos-ue. Metier suit purchaser. Apply Northern room nd-rent. Norwegian American Line -atin -f Ike Araad Ijo!?"' nf Cost of $3S,00Gu jt ?J- i jir-J I., lit- n- lUrber Ctdlere, 3W6 Main St, Kvrbanse. 113 Apply Sn SuvedtsJi American Line Ma5e f BrtJils 0naa. Vaneouvrer. H. C Scandinavian Americas Th' Teei lefl Vawwnr al 1 1 TV ritv enanril Ul nvskt iiatias a jkiWk- inutr tula WANTED TO RENT VUKT for Rent in ', A;:ri. Una. 'IAefc fcit nrcia: vvll all ar--.u4lk 404 a rf-wl ..f the Mard I tu- !lisiiral (Kwt affair VVANTEI An eprienred f-lady ments. M. V S .-. If Oliver Typewriters niled. A 4e iO f Wort; rwri snfdiete Ikat iUi Ik- imshi tw ai- fr IjMtie-.' ready to wear. WANTED TO HKNT 2 or 3 Fur Cary Safes W sna4 !ki enis fwi 7 Fawrtll Wet fcet KfWid and hiaan' dared Oae lhal ran th alleralioas nished Housekeeping; lloofits: BOARD. FIRE IXSURAMCE j.. ..- al f-a FalU ere Arsnr Ptore aad Mas have yml referawe. clean. no-lrn and reasonable. -Full particulars to Hit isa' BOARD Inlander. 83 & farlber iilr trvtm ISial S4rel. Kifl .WMie 1. j va. tales after a teller froM timt4 m-ase paid l Ihe nrlri Daily New Office Avenue. Phone I ' mvll a C H .itrw. da-inrt tnnr Pvarr and VrRnde Ibe SrtMMd Rand witll tbi e4 parly. Andy Heat's l.inavrie Djbhavn & Hanson d-l.o;y ;n-aBd ssa4. kn ;lrNr: Araeer Mac fi F.mrih in bad read. Sleia. Third Aveaiie. 1 1 LOST SUMMER RESORTS. Third Aveaoe -ih Saadaj- nirlU l Ftflfc Ave and Thinwuir RFJ.IABI.K asrenJ wanted for Ru. ihe nrnfaKls iJI ! pirkMd,, (rm Karlh lo Klflli Ae. LOST Bnncb of leys, bdmeeB Hll.l. FARM. T. , Prise Rupert, B. C pert IilrieC The Savereiirn - :swe J-c jTadJ and rfac4 writ) Pis( Offk-e and eveDth Avenue dalWn for sin Ten Years Ago Life Assurance Oomaany. Head j i uwmu' rmii lArai rraae9 ror al a total eJ iii Ka-i. Frnder please leave Terms modcr.r of flee. Winnlpey. Mas. Wrile k-r iot.esper ib Have t-aw of sVK,Mi. The graded slreet In Pr"net Rupert at Daily New. Office. - buls if desired, Chas. A. Pyne. Prince George, neser l she ftraad -flj al kae C fenf idewalk fear, and Fr it manager fer Northern British FOR SALE il-liajder 1 lake ymrt tm i' oae ide. and Jke esitire stv.rk! ' june 20, 1912. nual .ennairai.o f Ike Omd u, aadr loraJ im- I'atmrr' CoJambia. THE QUEEN'S HOTEL ! l. V arti,i- ..n U- FOR SALE I rrsnmed bouse, two Massett. TroIIers afl-r iira mil! "WW j.wt.L Kadwr alW ef th'lhalf f jia.n .--rth.aderi. WAXTKIl In real foreished fhe tots and all in jrarden, 11700. Ofen July I. r- f Soved fcy AM. Perry jfc- 1. the ril e.Minril rnnened hnas or small fam-i-h-d half cash r slS60 al) cash. SMtiismcn and ' t , The iraad fer fih M-ilnHj de4 fcy AM. Xelvd l,,,,- lhal .spij, snMe. Apply 3? j,: 7 roomed boose with additional Fishlnp. Shooting . 1 ieria stile(jxIh eily esmeeer iJrH. hi asade In have Ihe amaey- by Iaily News Office. 1(5 5 room apartment, on cement Pici, We give you laws, which were rerealh iassrd WAXTFJ Hy couaie furai-bcl piles, bath, et&, excellent con Rooms from $1. Meslt from 50c -tiai4T. Till al- lair( a fan He -awl ad tke 1 J. nl by urw njUTm- at a fd"-seile, runai in rivale tntexe. Apfdy dition and sood location M, Private Skiltt. Service auller f fiaiariag mn.re breed aaAshed. i- td i vfvei Hbe tinmA I lite fusaare wwaitl. 4 Bits 3J Iaily Nem s Office. 1 13 OuO on easy payments. J. C. S. DUNN. Propnrtor. t room bouse, lot in jrarden, AN year lrllir orders re-nev ' Va-ntr BaH al law AudaWiaun The lifelscse at the zradva? The RXebitaa hashall rlub filRL wanted for cenera! hose- chicken house, etc near Kin? TAXI Ue ecH-e.l alien!ion. (ia lite nrmi: vnrm fcy Tjw aadf vill iw year aad Ihe rl ha uriUea la Prisvre Hiifert wrk. Apply l?0 Fiflh Avenue Iimarti School, 17P0. ferms. We ataseV only tie esi TiSBStxn llre- mill w- S.I6 aer fmnl foot akias far a series of mantes lu West. Phone Orren J9I. If It 3. M-yk 30, section I. milh Phone C3 i Thursday's ProcedinBs. abalfjar. la naid f.r in 3A (CaU Orors r. 'f --riliiir 4oi if yen he played here an Jaly I and 91 ft. frortare on Bitrsr ssirit liaiest I Tbe mad lvodze loi'iiiawwira- aaamai iatalaeat. The ide. there ia July I. The offer mill FOUND Place and three rtvmvj house Five-senf er l x r .-Mnvfcicr m il? Alan " mr4ar aHi4. mtfl have a lifettave of Z have (.: 6e turned 4mn sinee FOUND Key rinsr tlonjjiiip lo tlftOO eash. Prompt Day and N - " ' (HI o, a ad e win pet Bahrain; and will r.ttiini BBfeti-ear, mill vn-t S.ea and wall Stand: Boston Crtll, Third '"" Priace Rupri has oaI a suitable a mason. , Apply Daily News lds. 31 and 3i. Block 3. ?c. il tor you. 1 Friday. 'Hi Taaraiar niski he paid fr ia five year. ball parfc. The ffer 4 H a?el 1 4 to Office. View lots Allin on Avenue. CLOTHES CLEAhCO i iii he ihe Mawtnir haaaael ia Aid. Odlart iailed thai hd fr l- uaranle exenes a A perfect hnmesite. f750. half Oar Motto 1h- Audil-nuBa where Tyee asd n Fourth Awaae eai of I Kin !hr' wilh wa June 30 r.ts irip pames v d cash. One lot and by -" itea r h 1 r uiTJt Lv pmsios. on Beach Place pressed TTBijvrn btd?e arill arara air Street boald pivn and I ha- been aerefded. A July Square Deal Always for 35, Ils a beatify. fit and prssint: t ln-l If the i-i(T. aI- aad il vs irruirA- Tikr wuurr Uat W. G. MraorrM. Vutnmwr. B.C. mmr. mtrtKln 10 i4t 69. block t?. section ?. 7a, S uits railed for & j At midaisht a Friday nirhl afer soene dieui'. in have . it Uub aianacias director P ,b t Lao lr a kra-ar M terms or S730 Phone MS M. M. ra!. Inverness Camp (the I'riw- Ckartntle iil ivei ea?iaeer hrin? in an f 11..- aiaftN Kiver llear Mminp rat oe moa onoer i nr nanni irMTwa Stephens. TsSlw fr Ihe oulh on lb' rHmmiima3r fttr (he .f a IC rltinHl ye.erday frHJ uiads. Uiu sklOfrvi his l. Qbaia LINO, The Dundas. IsUnd. B.C.: Canfnmnr at a post ptaav4 .flrase. The tBer mill ania,f ptaak roadway to eHinert Sl-m-ar!. H- say?. '.If fulure of at u-s annaras- rrf r .sn-jm ia. FOR SAI.lullaby s crib. Ijimi; ORIENTAL GOODS rcmhJp t: U-a- meet ciMU; Utrator rail at iteeaa FaH al aoaa naasaniir Sttwi with the Mind Ibe pi.r'!aiil disfrtri frofn aaaia rtin; Umire a4 rht; fold i ii? table, .lrtl; bed Salurday when two hoars mill he Use ea-l of it. The eily -n-lail'iwed a Biinmc staii'1Min! i assured. ln-ir norta rtuim lo pant of no- spi-insr and maltre..; Morris Japanese Klmonas i?T, f-r ihe ex-urioait l'jpiRwr rep.led lhal sradinp LM-vea aarra ti. iiri. chair; Perfect ion oil s..ve Bamboo Fwrniture. '' .in-peci Ibe nlaal f I ti Paeifle!, smaU aof he aa rvimal OF W. C. VfWuKIIK, LoratT. mith iar?e oven; atl in first Basket. Children .4JSK.. Mills. The ve.e i doe hari m-ai0re tor there was a sra.l THREE BOATLOADS ettXS CHVRLOTTE LAD WVlsJO.1. rlas eoadilion; diea. ilu Toys. H in vaneouver aa aiaay ai :,,( n j.r rent. SEIZED LAST TtLr bblfcr- Uiat W. G. MrMsrrl. or Sivtb Avenue Iisi. LOWEST PR! : LIQUOR "aan-iir. KX amrw-r. nu-bd u anr-lT Shamrock 1 nwii. C l Mlrjtner tit Land titr a Breor la F. K. AKASE fHrt rut mat, -r4i-am aa4 natural FOR .-SALE 15 fool varnished T WEEK AT KETCHIKAN P. O. Box t EXPECT TO FIND OIL n gt ano unatr ti t4iomiar tMruir-ci clinker built romlMsat Maltlirw AWander Haleti. nf latvd. sltaaif a SIkVtii- ItOrU Oraham with w Third Avemui itresn Fall, ha?- tcen apiii1ed Itlanit. BX.: Coaaw-nr at a st plaausl lair of ars ai1 row locks, all BACON ';t jul ii- nf lite eaee. aeeArdins IN KISPIOX VALLEY Men In Jail and Booze In Bank at ToaCfp Um- norttitcst I: Ihnirr eumrr-fl IS cT HiaJ-;:S4-t-u tt-iMM i. in first class order. Un Ire WATCH AND CLOCK REPlW. Prohibition Officers Active . l H .U ihj-i, K.woi.V .U 1 111.. at seen Oovernmenl niale in Ibe II. Wharf. HAM '.. annJii-eiiint ia aortb 10 ciiauia w poist -r ctar-n-onwi-Bt. 4iartt.- ibis w-et. Editor of Omlneca Herald Says In Northern Town LM-ated Man-k tt. tf. Apply F. T. Saunders. Marine Expert watch, - 1 BUTTER W. O. M-iMflW. Locator. Station. if ehnmomeler m Wtattar Is Being Taken Up JW Five T H. KETCHIKAN. Wateh and JeweHcr EGGS COULDN'T DO Br Outside Interests. men. pHi-r Newman. Mile Hal-ir.n. OITEM CHARLOTTE l.kD tmsiitX. DININtJ nvoni suite, fumed tssk special:y Nel-um Take iKKinr thu V O. Mi-MbrntL nr con-istin? of dininv rrsivm LARD t PfU-r Hsn. Alfred V-ttrMiKT-. B.C. mtrr. antends aa aKMr Mail order prompttr ci HOUSEWORK C H. awl". pr4prtetr nt the and CJiaries Prall m-ere ar. to tta VuuMtr T Land rr a ttrrora Ut chairs, labte and Imrfrl. .on GEO. CIBB atiaeira Herald, wh wa ia Ihe rcll and Ibree Ixtats were seii-.! pmsrci icr nriai. (nmK-ulB aitd natural sale at. fie salesriMms of Opp. Post Office P '"' r 1 Th Empire Standard HEART WAS SO BAD eily yesterday SU oalhasiasl ie hv )r hibil km officers lasl lamlt..Isitna.sttatie r.: ixmtDi-Bi-niir un SkKVntr at a lutrt.lust Orthim HaBM-v Oeirye l.eek, Auctioneer. 83 Prince Rurc-' ver Ihe ait !- -! ia Ihe i'--k. 'I li lhre hoal were load it. tue Mitittiratt iwr or fnttm 14. Tliird Avenue. i; Ts-vmmp : tbMK- m-t a a chains: itk-m P.BURNS CO., LTD. vaaey- e mw in --j-i an.i m-f-re inanne by me ne CYCLE REPAIRS. juriv m t r Kipiw win a ia roams: ttwwre -a4 riua: FOR SAI.lv Ftirttil of four hi ntUc m kuk arvrr Uttir vi . J. I.jnrh, Iloavtaioa s"4"jrisl. Juin. foiii .f whom are mw in Ihe uw-we aouUi m riuu to ta-mi aT eiaaa- roomed rt4 tutwwr-tit. flat. Col tlini ih tm k. ti t iriM fcwMiiirt, ,1 ihrHrii itf nHrr jnl'ffdtrl jail atniilin? trial under U-raieU Marcs ft. If Cycles of all make rr W 5 Ni WuKRJ. IjM-aUiT. Will sell for S30o. Or would and hahy carriae-- - 1 Vtur udMuW wmm to I Mtr. rent to suitable tenant. Phone tinmmi Ho? raw airy, made ajxewman dtselar?:e.i al his Cycle Accessories, tia1ih u4 Uftjf iifw4 uf -( ud was . Blue 273. No. I Clapp llilibliu?. When in Terrace .vur4. km tium ra a vuauaa I rvtuzh refwl wfaleti was Terr'nreliniinarv lrial due to lai k f BUILDING COMMISSION 115. d. CAWTHORJt' r -lr-tt Bt iMlUir vtaa er le sad Sr fawtrahte in Ihe rAonlry frai the evidence. Ttir ln1iHr is al present Has removed lo rear stop at nit sbr tlAi t fw ilnwrk Dir MIM. rw- il prrtdueers' joint of view. tir"d in Hie safely deposit IS RECOMMENDED BY FOR SALE Three bttrner oil Rupert Musi. 5t fc i r murk. skr. tair. ew-tmr. lMr. is tt ar vr urn Uj Mr. Sa1e s.my rretaeeai vatolf .f Ihe jiner." and Merchant- CIVIC BOARD OF WORRS stove; large lve; extension Third Avenue ln Sx(Br nKe aad six- y irn-luMf fossil are fouiad Ifafftuyh-nil the Hank. etuicli: chairs, table, linoleum Tourist Hotel HYDE TRANSrER ao4 wwn hit Ik4 flastiMv filel valW and lhal i ne f fl- rup. in goo.1 condition cheap. '"" ''"l H"'"hra" lM "ibesl oil ifi.lwati.-ns. The f..rm- In compliance miib the re- Phone Red 581. P. O. Box !a. Pbone SS0 Best Rooms and Drniuj Room jatioa indicates ltu esisienw f' NURSES Iquirenienls ,,f tbe Building By 1.. all vuwa W ivan u vr-alc Bicbsq and Eipren Servioe tu Je Sorth law, Ibe FOR SAI.IIr- Sixty eerds hemlock result of city council last nicliI am tw- reri arc auisuvMiif aad 'il and as a rei-edt - and Kbomi from (1 00 up pkiraliaas aad axvetneiiis eas:-ern received a reMri from the Hoard and cedar; cut fine, $1.10 per IJealv from S up aiuiuairs and aautbern fwaple ar iK-m. ADVISE 'of Wori reeMtnmendin? theap. cord or 15 f.Ji. W. Sims. jap Coal and Wood.I"'' F. DUBORD, Prop. HSJurr aa nmrvt rvLts Arenta Rnpert nd Inlei, Porcler Island. If rnleresled ia the field. A I.- .poinlmeni of a commission t Zam-Bsk. because ttay kave prevad Globe Airless Tubas. aas stmnt-a vb mv-wt crrawL jWialn SeooSisl is eteeled tl. s lia.t it decs vbat li claim d for It. supervise, the obervin? nf Ihe FOR SALE One fifteen find and Second Avcn ic Mr. Ixtaw-1 iwas-. lranrnw'. Jt. s.'smhhoit to male a furlli-T sur-"- Mln E. U Doxey. iraiSuala Bans, bylaw troth as rvanU present one sixteen foot cellar mmlioat;; I a txsAO. a a vraa fcc examiflalfofl. i t i:o MleMcan Ave, Cbleafs. buildings and ne- oaes m-fiich BEAUTY CULTURE PARLOR. also bell tenl. Phone Blue' s lan tit i-aHr Tara I ato -rttr; - sl,-14. ,.v there mill 1..- t-ar: "I bat a a patient who may be built. The report, mulch eaview a u-li ub vlia! sr rrru ixiKt. ata-bui fared tarrlbly vrlth pUa- Zaua-Bsk 3 II7- M-ssrt aid cr IKM. liak Omx-tse 'muff land available for email i It the only remedy that Se aer is. an ottlcoive of the rereal viil Phone Slack 25. an-. Ih'ddinrs llicre Oii year. Parti "-lobars here of i lie pnn hvial fire mar. FOH SALli Two rows; fresh Hairdressinr. Khaniri : P Storage & Transfer My ln-an aa so L as nicai I cwiia f tl,r iovrnsilea mliieli have (mn-ii aaed Zant-Bok myeett stial and the nuhteueat retrls milkers, W. Sinia, Jap InUtJnainr. Marcel Wavmir M also for era " aauotnur 18. d,it f ase mifl he marketed for the saaie sJUseBt. Ue freeiett or the fire chief aud the huild. Poreher Island. If inr. Faces and Scalp Trr ;ana fit m. wra muta But oa tur Iiuuso- . .... ..Kai sad baraa. and have inspertar, Company male nr te-II-r; rretaniinoud Wrathsll's, I trH iv Ourasca. tial eoBfidaace ia It. Above r4 no FOR SALE piano. American Phone 777. . rrMtt. A rriRM a4riw4 tur V trr your ".ndrlin in Nem- Hazett4.ii. Ttie hatijtes in preei baildrnsr an.1 Third Ave. Furniture Crating Speciality S. I ih4 Mt ktaaca au aa atnjiVrtely diffietlltj In IS ast ba ii--n closer observanee ia future f! make. Phone Red 3l(. (7 ri. I u-4 ii-r an- tu- mur jbal practically all, the land san 7am Buk !tte requirement, f Ihe bylaws. ELITE Cafe for tale, furnished FURNITURE CRATING Express Delivery rr tK-art tnmUt nv-rr Is.- i ... iUjnfitftd n f ftly 1. Is -t It wa tablet far a rH. complete. Pbone 173. hy expertenred men. ls j frv. . bat , aa ,w-r. nuiva if F. BROCHU. Proprietor. 'Arwl rin 1 prtca ny Tlx- T ate- hr!d nut Of Ue amsilins de H II HFMMIV .S t4ira Co., Liaui4. Terouta, OhL vclupmentS. I Advertise in Ibe Daily Newt. Advertise In the Daily Newt. Late Huds n t I'.T