mi PAOE EDi- TH DAILY SRWB Tuesday. June ?o. 19;, J. J. Wheeler, of the Land CITY TO RESERVE HEALTH MESSAGE Settlement Hoard, arrived on G. H. Arnold, Notary Public SHAWATLANS LAKE last nixht's train front Trlkwa. WESTHOLME THEATRE AS WATER SUPPLY Mr. and Mrs. V. O. Meiinie, of FIRE INSURANCE TO THE WORLD llatelton, were anion? the arriv Tonight, Tuesday als on last night's train from is carefully wrllen by us In reliable companies. We are permanently Applirafion In the controller of the interior. A FntsT National Sevkn Keel engaged In the business and our records are accurately wnlrr rights of llie province is to Take' "Fruit-a-lives" And - Special kept so that when your policy expires you will be notified bo -Made by Hie city for a reserve In sufficient tlrrus to keep your property protected. We solicit on Shavvatlan Lake for domestic Make Yourself Well Miss Gwendolyn Young, of "Love Never Pacific arrived in llie city on las! business. water in order to your purposes- provide 'Tniit-atiTCs'',th"marvellous at r-d. night's train and Is registered at H. O. LTD. llie of HELGERSON, against possibility a cine made from fruit jvictt Ait-I tonics, the Hotel I'rince Itupcrt. Rentals. breakdown of the Woodworlh Insurance. is the roost ln-neliciil molicln.il ;rnt supply. A report from the cily that his be?n to mankind. erer tlren The fire department had a call clerk recoinmendilip that this be Dies" Just as oranges, apples, figs and at 1 o'clock today to Chief done was adopted by the council primes are nature's own medicine, so Vieker.-.' residence I'irsl Ave on All Dial you hear about last night. .Mr. Woods also re "Fruit-a-tiTrV' made from these nue where a broom had caught ported I halt on his recent visit friiit Juices but concenlrated and fire from the stove. There was 2 Reel Mack Bennett Comedy, "He Reasonable" TIMBER SALE X4064. in Victoria, be had been successful intensified- -is the rreatesl Stomach and between ?.'5 ami ."0 damage. he Hartt in bavin? the provincial Admission, 35c and lfic guv- Liter the Medicine, greatest Kidney Sraled trndrrs mil be rrcelrcil by Hie floor and wall in the kitchen Ml n I.-1 i-r of Lauds, at Victoria. nut lalrr eriiiiii'iil vwtive an account of and Bladder Medicine the greatest Blood lliin ihiuii on iih- sum day or July, IV. having be.cn scorched. for ilwr punliac or Llrense X tool, v fur fees due for several Purifier thr greatest remedy fr Head 'mi sju.uuu aii. ice i or yprurc. uraar aim years past ou the city's reserve, aches, Constipation, Indigestion, Serious-ness llpinli.rk, iitualril on I lie klJdalla lllvrr, Leonard W'aide, the contractor Kaiirn t, Coal Iltrlrt. mi Shawalhiiis Lake for power and Bad Complexion in the nwU Shoes ! Two tti vrars uill be allunril fur re. on llie Slew art ibek addition, is Iiuotal or limber. purposes vvhieh had not.been used To be wsll, take "Kruit a tirps" I uriiier iaitlriiiars or I lie Cliier Forrs- mil for which there seemed to be in the city today on his way 50c 6 trial sie We. trr. Vlrtfirla. Hi:. IIP lllalrlrl l.pptpp n box, for$2.50, south, lie I I'rlii'-e lnerl. B.C. no necessity. A vole of thanks At dealers or sent postpaid by reports that the work Lumber & Lath llii-ir Rood looks, perfect fit, TIMBER SALE X 4123 wits passed by the council to Mr Kruit-a Ure Umitcd, Ottawa. is complete. The propeels in Ion? Indurance, is fully verified Womls for his successful efforts Stewart he says, are belter than by tlto genuine satisfaction Sealed lender will be received by llie alt where else this year. Many 1n having this account written niilrlrt lorenler. rrlnee lluoerl. iu,l Ijier you receive when you man mum on lira xvm any or JUIie. ltii.,rr to Itoolh Fisheries (Uinadian l'.'. of fie mine are being di'veopcd and tut the lilirrll tit I Irene V 1191 M.ar."11 at I Lie and Shiplap-Boards -le. and there is tliem. everybody hopeful. wear Lot St7. Laboiirliere Uml. C.ll. 3. to rul Tlic prirc is low for shoes SJu M.U.M. reel or Balsam. Hemlock aiul FISH ARRIVALS.. Hippo, li'.OOU pounds, sold to i;nlar. of (bis li i-li quality. One (I year III be allowed for r. Pacific- Fisheries at 1 1.lie and le. A parly of 50 persons cum.. Dimension Initial or timber. Tiidie, X.OUO pounds, sold to lurttier partli-ular or l ie t:liler l',.rc- Thp following" boats' sold halibut .prising members of the muni $12 50 pair ter. Victoria, or the UMricl Korester. Pacific Fisheries at 1 0.0c llltl . . i., Iri'lrif. li 'hl :a 1 1 1 IcIimiIiiiiii, TboroiiRbly Air Dried and Siori-d Under (-over per I'rnwe lnifwrt. p.c. at the Fish Kulianyc tins Ic. --a morning. departments enjoyed a picnic I" Vivian. 1000 pounds, sold l shuvvntlnrift Lake on Siindav. l ite llrothers. IS.niin pounds, to Kiln Dried Atlin Fisheries at lU.tfc and Flooring, Ceiling, Siding llix'lli Fisheries Canadian Co. at lc.rip was under the auspices of St. Hloi, IOU0 pounds, sold to it... Klcelrieal Workers' I'nioii KIRKPATRICK I Ir and le. TIMBER SALE X39S3 Daisy. -.',500 pounds. o Caua- Allin Fisheries, at 10.7c and Ic. j.,,,,1 n... "nil n.iliv" wa l,:.ri.M..,l and Finish Satisfaction (irnitU sold Soon pounds of red j.u.juckers The Store of ,akl. out and Seated tender Uill lie Ifrpllfil lit' llie iliull Htlif f'.nl.l Sliir-nt?, MlnlMrr or Laml at Victoria not later . . , allium to Canadian Fish and l,ack n"aiu SPRUCE LATH tlun imxii on the tilth oav or Julv, ISif. H' io-c aim n . t'dd Storase Co. at I0.7e. i ror the purt-liasr or l.lcenee X 3i3. In Ulinilre 1(150(1 tioimiN. sold cut 3.UIMI.WBM reel iif Cedar. Snnire. Hal- K-377 sold t'.'dOO notinds ltd uAHv woollen coat lost on Manufactured In Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prices paw and llemlncli, Uuatrd 141 the East I salmon to Sinclair Fisheries at! Sunday June IK, between Mc- .tin. imr u,r, ciiT-i?ur iij, naugr 4, BIG REDUCTION ON llWill lH'tllcl. llc. llriih' and Hays Creek on rhree (.11 years will be allowed Tor FIFTEEN BOILS removal or llmtier. Kii-'hlh Avenue. Finder please PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER SPRING Further particular or the i:hlrf Foti'S-ter. CO. Victoria. ll.c. or Plslrlrl Foreler. ON NECK JAPANESE BOY plume Hlue 132. I'rince luipcrt, H.r. MINERAL ACT. Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 3(1 SALE OF TIMBER. DIED FORM F. YESTERDAY AT ONE TIME CERTiriCATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Suits, TEXDKUS Tor llie uni'liase or the In-itiI NOTICE. or 1. II. I.eClaire In I'rovinclal ' "SII.VEIt IIOIIKK .No. y and "SILVEn Tlmlrr License im. .11008 to 3IV7D. I'ada Sakamoto, : I:iiiiiiiisi IIOItliE IIIVCTIO.N" Mineral Llalni". situ- laith Inclusive, and aln T!ililcr Lot 1 1173 Anyone who has culTered from bolls can . . umfvu V. I ..I ii... i ii.. 1...1 !""'''""' to 1078,' both lirluxlte. Uluale l.yall and Uraham Island. Hrlilfh Columbia,on will aympalhlie -wllh poor old Job. uoj, uicu ill tiiu iivneiut iiospiiiii uarer intrici. Just Arrive J! of Fletchers .n.l..e.l.,.- -ri........., r Ii,. nere inraieo: nn kiiiiuii iiiver. Shipment Famous lie received uy the underiinied up lo the There was no Burdock Blood Bitters In V,-AI1ta1 till'. I IIIOfH UUIIl 111(1. T.VkK .NOTICE that Lewis VV. I'aliimre. Dresses I:,in nay or July. id;. The iiiarhe! or ....... h.... . ,nk k.h . i. . '....i omiimu,hiuiiv lie hail been Free Miner' i:ertiricaie .No, UMIC, is anv lender not neceMarlly accented. y-., Kor ruriher particulars apply lo Uie ,oadaji no one need endure the misery ailmiltdl to the hospital several nrirate No. tuess c. and D. VV. Cameron, unuersignea. ,or bolls. Free .Miner's Lerilflrate o. soSSJ U. In- Roll Bacon ft Receiver. c. nwi in Crir. A V.'cL.uJ B"" rc imM "'dences of the bad ii.ij a up.ii. tends, slity days rrom the date hereof, Ayrshire apply ti Hot Mlnlnr llccorder ror a .blood within" coming- to the surface and ,to o Paciric Huiicllnjr. Vancouver. B.C. of for the i:ertlflrate linprovcments, pur- I lucl uhen vnll fful pM nf tn innth.p IL.nnil5 DOUBLES. or obtaining a Crown Grant of the p.ne Coats 0LEEX CIIAni.nTTE LA.N D DIVISION. !,.. abote claim. Peameal Back Bacon lo UM 115 ana ,'ue'"s re"y place Prulonf Take IHjtlce that V. U. McMorrls. r,t ,.J And ruriher take notice that action, Vancouver, B.C., miner. Intend to apply your misery. Hl)(!ll.MI'TM... .ftnii. ll.- -Tim timler seclluii 85. must be commenced be- 10 the Minister or iJinds Tor B licence Ini All the rwinltlclnr mil linclnr von mv , . . .. the of -1 1 ,. , rore Issuance of such Ltrtlflcile pmpert ,UT. W1''r. "". """I rtr. will not .ton .nor. eomln imiii-ii mil i, niii vti.ui iiiu improvemenl'. Boneless Hams, Side Bacon Call In and look over our ni over ann unoer me ronowini- aescrioea, " " " " ,!"4 ImuU. situate on Sklricirate Inlet. Graham What you have to do Is take dotibles in the Uavis C.ui. ten- '"' 3lt?AXJ'?tZbJiii beautiful selection of Sports Mand. B.C.: Conimenrlna at a nost nlanted I burdock RLOon airrrni lix t)In v with the llaliait li-.iin 11.1 TCllldl S II VMS anil IIACONS have lltal ill n Goods. ;wn:h.nnov'cecow.:,r ,sh5Mn11 mo wm.be cleans or . us llrilain thus has won three out' m Yotm CT vvliii'h Old Country people have been deprived ... I.i,-counlry. outh 80 rlialnt; thence east ("0 chains; , Impurities, and then every boll will dls- f five an.L tl: cmtificate of improvmipITS. uience norm so cnams to point or com- appear, events enler.s ; BENT'S lllllt Located UIIH'lll.MarcU SI. I9J2. Mr. rioy McSwaln, lllirb Bsnk seeoinl rotitiii in tjie liavis Cup ..'isiLVEit iionm." and "siLVEn iioiide Phone Us A Trial Order. vv. ii. McMnnm, Loeat'ir. p. E. I writes: "I was troubled with ' "'"I" iih. .. N". S" Mineral Claims, situate In the fsaas We. deliver lo any part of the city. iffioit. Iiiver Mlnlnr DIHsloii of Gassier District. bolls ror some llino, and had as many as Where Jin located: kltiauit Itlver, 3rd Ave. OI'KEM Take notice ai.vnLOTTE thai W LAAU f l,.M,prl DIVISION. .r nrteen on my neck at once. After taking; I TAkE NOTICE that Lewis V. Palnwre, PEOPLE'S MEAT MARKET Vancouver, B.C., iiiinrr. Intend to a'pply!",e bottle or Burdock Blood Bitters they YUKON LEGISLATURE. Eree Miner's Crrliflcate fo. 14 c. as arent ror A. list ed sou, tree Miners ter- in inr aiiniMer ill l.anoi lor a licence in'eolnmenceil In rpl tieltep anil ariep I hail proMerl fur rntl, petroleum and natural .. Ilflrale o. 4o7 C, A. F. Miner, free Phone Blue 719. ran over and under the rnll.minjr described ukn tao "nines j was relieved nf tnem O I I AW A, .1 it lie I'll. llie Vtj.-Miners tertiricate .no. IUSS8 c. and p, w, Mud, flume on Sklderate Inlet. Graham md fell much better. I think B. B. B. Is I u"," . c-- i'liiici n i.riiii,.ir ..w. kOII leuislallll-e nrorotied after lutlSJ C Intends, slitv davs from the dale Island. B.L.: Gomiiiciiciu at a k. planted a grand blood medicine, and can rccorn-nl the noutheast ronier or Section ii, ., a three weeks' session. . nrreor,, to appiy to ine .Mininr iiecoruer iTownnlilp i: Iheiice north 80 rlialnsj thence " en" luny- lor a i.erniiraie or impnivrmenis. ror EDSON COAL n'M no cn.iins: llicinn sniitii chains; ror me past 9 years a. a. a. nas ocen the purpose or obtaining- a Crown tirint of thence iiii'iirrineiii.eat 0 chains to point or com- manufactured only by The T. Mllburn Co., BIRTH. I jtlie And above further rblius.take notice that action. Follow the Crowd! . ,. ,... Located March SI. IS9S. . Limited. Toronto. Ont llifi.l p hl..n ft,, nnmn.anA ,1 vv. n. Mcmiihiiis. Ii.mti.r. j f're the Issuince of such CerUficate of COMPANY OLE EN GIIAHLOTTE LAND DIVISION. I Here was born ou .inm- ik, nnproveiiH-iits, yl EE.N LIIVM.OTTK LAM) IUVISIO.N. Take notice that VV. (I. Mc.Morna. or DATtD this SCIh ilay of May, A.D. 19SS. Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. to .Mr. and Mrs. .1. p. Monn, of Take luitlce thai W ft MrMr,ppla i.r Vancouver, H i:., miner. Intends lo apply i evvis vv. patmotie. V'aniiiuver. B.:, miner. Inlend.i to apply bi the Minister or Land ror a licence lo the Pioneer l.aumlry. a son. I ..in v , ...,.., . tlo llie Minuter or Mnd ror a licence to I'roepecl ror coal, petroleum and natural - - i .', r.t... ..ii.iiii.,.i i r. L..S.1I, I'll i;iii,i, Fuller's General Store prospect ror coal, petroleum and natural ; over ami unoer ine lonowinr aeiicriiiea Take notice thai VV, 0. McMorrls. of :: to :: . Vanmiiiver B.C.. miner. Intend, ran over aim under tne rollowliii-deKcrllH-il i l'",o. nnuaie on raiueKaie iniei, uranam i in antdv Best Coal lamK. Kitnale i,n Kklriea-ale lntl npalinoi I blUnd. K.C.: Gomiiieiiclnir at a ihipI nlanted 1 li- lilllltlllipr inspeelor n-- to the Minlstrr nf lands for a licence lo Island. B.H.: Commeneiua- at a ikirI plained tun northeast eorner or riecllon Si, liorleil In tin- (ouikii l.-i,l ni"lil I'filTl ror coal. pcir.,i'uni arid natural HAYS COVE at Houtheast corner r Section 34, Town- iTownship S; Ihenco we.t 80 chains; thence Ms over and under the rullowlnr desrrlbed AVENUE rhip S; thence north 80 chains; thence "outh K0 chains; thence east 80 chains; Dial huihlillp; periilil lliul been Isnds, sltuale on e'kldrrate inlel. Urahsin We !' -HARDWARE, moved and Iremeudoii- Ii- Island. B.C.: Commcncinr si I post planted are now iliumc u west 80 chains: thence south 80 chain: Ihence uorth 80 chains to point of com issued dili'liljf llie month of ,May,n section ll at the intersection of the mence east BU CliaiUS W potlll Ol colli- n,emcm. DRUGS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, SHOES AND at mencemeiil. Located March SI, IDSS. lolalliiipr Sil.OUd ill Value. The V"r,-r'...'.'"r..! VlVl' .'!!" ".L"x Located Alarcli SI. t. W. (i. McMOIIUIS. Locator. STATIONERY Reduced to a Minimum, f'ily s fees, from lbee had been thence south so chains; thence east 8 VV. U, Mr.MlllllllS. Locator. 4 Oiade (iroeerie, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables of the lltglii VLEEN r.UUil.OTTE LAND DIVISION. a ...iiin, liirinr; siri 111 gu llfliJ9 U :iH.;iri. Tliree iiliimbin Lowest Prices Take notice that VV. O. McMorrls, of l- !.- y rut Minfitrf inciii. Fuller's Bulk Tea, 2 lbs. for 95c. Vancouver, B.C., miner, Intends lo Ipply isueil in the same period Located March SI. 18. lo the Minister or l-and ror a licence to VV. O. MeMOIIHH, Locator. Fresh Ground Coffeo, 3 lbs. for $1.00. prosK'Ct ror coal, petroleum and natural brought 0.-'5 in fees. Arriving Iras over and under the rollowlni' described I.U EE.N CIIVItLOTTE LA.ND DIVISION, Car Delivery to All I'arls of Cily. Order Now! Phone 58 Ijlids. situate on Sklderate. Inlet, Graham lake iiollre that VV. O. McMorrls. of Island, B.C.: CommenrlnK at a jiost planted Vancouver, B.C., miner. Intrnds lo apply Phone 45 Phone 45 Wednesday ! al the northwest corner or Section A, STEWART to llie Minister of Land, for a licence lo Towunhlp S; thence east 80 chain; thence proHiecl for roal, petroleum' and natural sou 111 80 chains; thence west 80 chains; ra, over and under the follow Inr described thence north 8') chains to point of commencement. lauds, sltuale on Mklderate Inlet, Uraham The followiiif Stewart eliililrni Island. B.C.: Cominenclnv at a post plained Located March SI, Itm. at llie soulhnest corner of Section 3.V. VV. O. MrMHIIHIS. Locator. will try (lif Knlranee exainina- ITownshlp S; Ihence north 80 chains; Dr. Geo. L Barton Preserving OI'L'KN rilAIILOTTf: LAND DIVISION, n..i, Itesl week: Slavely Mel I or, chains;inciire rmi thence an nest cnailis;80 chains uience lo HOUIII point of u Phone C86 Take notice that W. U. McMorrls, or loan Mellor, liaphue W'orkuiaii, commencement. Helgtrson Block, Prince Rupert. Vancouver, B.C., miner, Intends lo apply located Mi nil SI, I OS. In the Minister or Land lor a licence to Hoy Workman, Ida Watson, lean VV. O. MeMQlilllS, Locator. (Palmer) Strawberries. prosper! ror coal, petroleum and natural Ward and Kiiipcsley Mel.einl. Has over and under the rollowlnr described Dr. E. S. TAIT lands, situate on Sklderate Inlet, Graham Malde Mellor and tla Vouiipr will Chiropractor Island, B.C.: ('oinmenolnir st a iost plained at the southwest corner of Section l. write the preliminary course liifs'li Township t; thence east 80 chains; thence .sclionl lest. .III mm i-i.ri.i I i I I LBI I II Dental Surgeon north 8o chains; thence west 80 chains; Federal Block , (hence south 80 chains to point of commencement. per crate Office Hours, 9. a.m. to 9 p.m. Located March SI, tt?S. Mr. .1. W. Tibbils ha arrived Phone 660. VV. O. Mevonnis. Locator. from Vancouver lo join her husband TO EUROPE Sunday by Appointment OL'EU'N CIIAIII.OTTE LAND DIVISION. at the Premier Mine. $3.35 Take notice thai VV. G. McMorrls. or Vancouver. H.C., miner. Intends Ui opply - MUE RESERVATIONS NOW! lo the Minister or Lands ror a licence to lienrye 'I'uliii, who is attending pros(iert ror coal, petroleum and natural Iras over and under the following described rollejre at l.arey, Wasliiiiyloii, This Is our first preserving lands, situate on Sklderate Inlet. Graham arrived from llie south on Sunday QUEBCO-CHCRBOURa-SOUTHAMPTON-HAMauna n a inn Our frozen herring bait is conceded by fishermen Choice Cuts Island. B.C.: Commenrlnr at a pout planted shipment and possibly at the northwest rorner of Section 18. In spend the holidays with JulyltlAug. S (sp. B Cmprsss of Francs I to ita l0 flnest procurable at any I'aciflo r'oasl Township t thence east 80 thence our best. We would advise south 80 chains;; uience west chains;80 chains; his parent:, Mr. ami Mis. V. II. July 28 Aug. 22 lip. 18 Empress of Ctollana I'orU-and it is "Fishy." I'rico, 130 per ton. uf th o best meals await you you to order immediately. ihence north 80 chains to point of commencement. I oil a. MONTREAL-SOUTH AMPTONpANTWEItP ItPF , nfi t",Bl' wuy ot i,uurir,rf a K00'' Jua"l' lrlp. bore. I'lionc your order to Located March St, iSS. . - . July 5 Aug. 2 Aug, 30 Mlnnadoaa to have plenty or our hard frozen ice. l'W We do not expect lower w o. McMoiiniS, Locator. Jul1 Aug.16p, 13 Mallla It I ii o 710 with the ussurancu C F. Duke ha relurneii to 84 per ton. that you will receive just prices. .Stewart from the Cedar Creek (sp, 6 , . Scotlan Onffif ,,r well-equipped store can supply fishinK W vvhal yoh want O.N TIME. country He found the leases) iii MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL WUirilS nsliormen's clothing, groceries and provUion jun 30.July 2 2S Aug. Montcalm The People's Meat Market Rupert Table Supply Co. Hint dielriet held lu u Kieat ev. July 14,Aug. 1i;isp. s Msntros and haidwure. Millinery ! lent by speculator lim exclud. ,Juir 2i;Aug. is tap. is Victorian 417 Fifth Ave. E. NEW ENGLAND FISH Company I Phones 211-212. intr the real pioxpeetors. ar Montreal to olasoow Iiaslufert ure not an green a they July iJuiy 29 Au. 26 Mstagama KetchKan, Alaska Hronch J look he uy. and ban returned Jii'9.l2;tsp. 8 Tunisian to the Portland Canal dUlricl. ii,!''":u,-1M,p-18 c!','"n The Best Restuarant PACIFIC CARTAGE 25 per cent The I'remier Cold Mining (lo, -p QUEBE0 TO LIVERPOOL. wbvkiaii You want Kouietliiiig delicious July S , Emprssa of India SPECIALS Until Thursday; U date the uml seasonable these lo.-Htart ill uif early July It Aug.1B.Ssp.12,Emprsss of Britain ft tit I mi itt 1 1 s si nf t. II 1 1 1 i In I lit uiuiuer days. Wu are out to Limited ' v" " " " M0NTREAL-80UTHAMPT0N-0LA800W 5,9 Satisfy tlio most fastidious. reduction l)iiniiloWA al the iiiiuu for the Jutf 3 ieotian Odd Lot Men'H Shoes: all welled nolen. Any pair at Call in. Phone 93 married employee-:,. I OUrBIo.CMiR.0uB..n..V--,- Odd f.ot Ladies' Shoes. Any iair at 3'95 ua' 1 Emprsss of India Call and See Thorn. Furniture, Piano and Con! ruction of Iho llyder doek .., ... Boston Grill ' "INVICTUS" SHOES STILL GOING STRONG. The Safe Moving "DEMERS" ilrivi'i'in to eoniiiienee.uml iioili't'liil uliorlly,linvinu-the pili'jui,i al cassrta 1 General Cartage Apply to Agsntt sssrywhsra, or t, J, FAMILY SHOE STORE Third Ave. f ready arrived' from Ketchikan. FOrster. o.nsrsi AgtM, o.p.r. station. Open Day and Night. VUcU Sand and Gravel Phone 27 P, O. Box 327 Work will be I'Utshed lo COIll. Vaneousar, Taltphono Ssymour 2630 (The Store of Pleasant Service.) i Pie. ion. i uTr.r,;,o.,r,tWAV