vkat two TJTB'iwrnr irrws rWnr.iar. iWn.1 The Daily News . ISO EASY TO BE The Man in the Moon f MINCE nUPRRT - MUTISM COLUMBIA SAYSi- r Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince WELL AND STRONG SMOKE l:i riuperl Dully New. Limited, Third Avfnne. A M'XV diiilisslry ha speune; mi over rvls-tii in PeeHee tlunerl. II. F. PUl.t.EN, Managing Editor. Thi- ciiy lm ftw into Itie hu. Take "Fruil-a-tives" The ine ..f iee4r Mil y SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Wonderful Medicine Willi Mr UtiM li is ruaraHlee In 'S I JruN City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month . $!.Oi wild.land a w f oM wsilh- GDEN By mall to all pari or the Hritih Rnpire and the. United State WV.i !.. Sr., MowraenL In advance, per year B.uo "I aaffenxl 1.-rrilt from Gmrif To all other countries, in advance per year $7.50 iu mttd Ih I,,r "May year. it'll Mir ftv certainly up a e ITrlt pain after uiiaf aad hot r U iklle atli even HMCMietTI s TELEPHONE t rosatsat healaeli ! wa uaahla iiHrrnl nan y'i inlet Ifee t4e t K to aleep at nrfht I im rrttiaf ao ranie. rfi.Mv im all n of CUT PLUG transient Display Advertising $1.40 per Inch per Insertiof ttin that 1 wa friliteej. mrf. rtyilMr aenuenl llt ren In- Transient Advertising on Front Pa, 12,80 per inch At U.L, a frUtd W m ' Hlidh4B nr- f tHMItl MN.I l"te 2fc fine TruM-trm and hi a short time the af rmlire. Local Readers, per Insertion. . .-..,., per Classified Advertising, per Insertion.4.; x .8c per won' 0ontlpatimw hanttl, Ifelt o Legal Notices, each insertion I Re per agate line flora paia, hrlarlie or 1)tpefU, VK wee ;eiie4t Hrty nt ht Contract Rates on Application. ad tow I am rirwnans, tlrouf these day and e fmng Will All adtertiing should be in The Daily News Ofllee on day preceding Ddwrll."Madam ARTllt'K HKAUCIWU. nee Imii l.i lhe- rl. publication. All advertising received subject to approval OOo a ho . 6 for t2 '0, trial it S5e. A f'rit.VNKn k lfe ey ml Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. al At Jalrrt i 'it Mlpaid by hw ah ltr im the eomoe of Fruit lives LumiisJ. OtU. Htrnl Avewie anl SiUO DAILY KDtTlON jtr&Satf iiritay. Ier. 19??. a waiHriit fur a 1ceH er. He had "HURRICANE'S GAL" iniHkMi Hie iraels nt an aieJo Three Elements Hi (lie eoveriav 'f K4I far MreH In Healing. RUGGED SEA PICTURE mr 4enek. In scientific healing there are three element. These are lh tin A SI.OflA.V i nM earner)-rra1 a distinguishable in thought but inseiarnlile in fnrlA Man cauno liomlliy I'tiillip. who Mill Jf mv fnay M WMre iev. . . . , 80f I- - I! 'l - - t - t 9 - 1 ' reiitlen ff her remarkaM 3, or- j i m n jiiio Mn ncraiic ne i living uuiiy. Sme tmt foe.. to aM work in Man Woman -Mar. 3 First (here i Ihe physical elomrnt. II i inyoilie In get rtafe." a naive Hirt Nalte)el we. away from Ihe practical fact Hint in Ihe passage from illne In Hllrnrlioii. ha an unusual and Sl'KM 'laart UN- sife health there ml be change in Ihe body brought about by physical harti'iilarly fitlinB hart m "Hur ttSlii n e Mil Toil -ae a 3 and chemical reaction. The qiieliui i, what cause lbee rieane' I tall Hie pieliire whteh:-,,, reacTam? Fnm our knowledge of the structure of Ihe human tseoAl Hl a ilil at la v eu Imtme 1'keatre ami wilt be re . Wheaj Ihe taMit gn body tl 1 only reasonable In infer that one contributory eane i pealed tonurtil. fie i eai a an Where aH we be, mut be certain material factors, uch a, pure afr. gm h1 fiNMl, onemeflinaal aaaid of Ihe sea. NMHhcatl Ih. atl X proper exercie, suitable medicine, Ihe elimination of suppressed xvho. iatterilinn tk MHirirlinii Of T. C. !. poion, Ihe right elling of broken lmne. He. The physical selimiaer rroMi ker rather, lake. A Real Old Country Treat rmooMnd of it and with Ihe .1 element in bodily healing H o manifest that it would be foil) name in ai haiM and rHeatles. to ignore it. ne which ehaeaeefiert her Ten Years Ago father. ' In Pi'nea Ruprl Piychical Element E ilte iirmlaetHHi i filled with Or That Of The Mind. thrill. Im,. they are not of II- pon ha, ,.,. Next Ihere i the py-hi element. Wbelher Ihe patient ro- hi rid. "dime arvel" variety. There!ai.iManlml liv lh.- i.r..v.iu .1.1 Will KY TU AT flDU or not from hi illne his I loKie ami MlaaiMlity iMhimti ' :. iniLAifija iiini tiu y,ft ilrpenl more tireil-iip . upon f ranpRi in iiMik iniii in n iiurt p-')chiral energy than upon any medicinal Milifoiu laken into U-aeh. ami the .(-clarwMr effeel of ,,,,,--,, ,n , V1.,, SAMPLER COME HERE Canadian National Railways hi jlern from without, though Ihe toiler may materially a wlttrh fMow in rapid oeee.io .rHH.. iiIM-.rt. iMr.h, .. m1 nature. In Ihe radiant energy of his soul Iir Ihr eeret of eaile the spertalor to imf. ijr Board of Trad Will ak Fae Ha hi vitality. Tlioiiaud of indinuUble fact nfrtirrim in llio iir Hurricane Hal" is a blsr. rtjfr- Prince Calabllshmant In PHnca Rupert of eierj' hurnaii being prove that the mind h a NwerfuL elfectl1' fliry. and a three Mi.le., , m wl kmmmi" 1.. t .4. 1 I ' Rupert. Upon llie iKMly, whether it lie to eaue uliie, or to mimole -r.M..-1 ,rH"n. .p-.,...,. iieeiw aiKt Miner arrhe In IliaJ heaun. i ne MiggeMion ol health, when firmly rootnl in the nb- nf m tlse lriHee Mary. I fTeorire Niekerson briMialit ii DRYDOCK colirioiis miml of the (talieiit, goe on nerrelly working day and 1 lane have item umi in making tlie matter of an ore saniilr for Might upon hi wholr nenoii ylem, afferling hi brralliing ami it. The .hararter lare lrnna A Niimtier of beaenii bate beJ ii prov lace at I In- ii-iihk of AND hi heart, hi and bl MimmI. his oeeretiun and men and wonken and tliejr are digelion hi li rttered HaeI hi aary waerlli n,fi f Trade la.t aialil He ur. nrrr we iiiiuoiiinriiiy nave a cfinirtbiiiory menial rau.e IMirtrayct hy an exceptionally ca e aa ari of MvlsotisNi. stated that an aireriniiin of. iding.in bringing jtbout. tbt reipiired phyJryl nd fieniical re uilte ral. blSo.onn had lieen atamlinu o i SHIPYARD aclion In Ihe ImmIj. I The eiiw ha leen vixen formal the rcleral ImmiI, for ome'tlnie' TEA PRICES DUE lliermission in it il iii Hoe for the iurns. He urpesei ' Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Tan Floating Dry x Spiritual Lastly The Element. ', FOR AN ADVANCE across hliawallliau msmh. (hat the Feileral Htemlier urg Cnglneara, Machlnlats. Ballermakara. BlaekamttM. H ta ealaMished acre. . H K. Woodmorkara, KU. lilly Ihere i Ihe spiritual elcmeil. The mind i one Ihing. I lie rH-iii(flti.n fur ivcmier raniliell addcl that s.Hitln-rn in. : mahara. Founder, ine spinv ol me tnimi i another. Whelher Ihe alinil i believing Tea Croo Waa a Failura and "" ' 'o ami me mean lerior eilie avre tryiaa aei Electric and Acetylene Welding. ni ibfii M fill, rheerul or depressed, hopeful or deiiendeiil, de-end World Supply la Soma 70,- lemjieralnre it devree. h. Ihe plant there and IIuhikM Mr. chiefly iioii Ihe spirit of hi mind; and Ihe of hi Inaliesl lnieraliii-e was ol and ' spiril 000 000 Pounds Below .Ntckelsnn'a sMWeslioH a ul' Our plant la equipped lo handle all kind, af mind can be marvellously renewed by being brought into loueh Normal Ihi lowest ilcyrees. one. A molton I" Mils fffr-l n,l with Ibe Spirit of fiod, who i ihe supreme sourre of life, vitality doird. Marine and Commercial Work and health. LOMMIX. Iee. I -Tea prices UCADT DAI DITATCfl will Im advanced durinx the com- llLtllll 1 fllil llfllLil Siiisx i unra. fnau fiiMIe irr PHONES 43 AND 3SS Mutt Recognize " i ing winter, aceorilimc In I-a no. inn watl riiMlea Three Elameots. H.rtet in Iindnn, I tie reason a-inned and Was Short of Breath A to the patient himself, he needs to recognize these three beJnK Ihe failoee of itie elenvMit in order that both hi spirit aud hi mind may heorlily lea aroii. " cMipcrale with hi mm) in (he restoration of hi health. Tliia l :o.noojmo oin.l !. 'u7. s ZLJl . .Iz w ' As lo Ihe called in In assist . i i ii - - . ...iii "" c prarlilioner the patient, he need Km n.iriiiai. aim in rin-ri win w . lk umt furra i,f ltrt inxibi aUn In recognize these three element. While there are many shown tiy increase of In nil four Mtir li4 tuy b uiuvtrs nt htMt exception, speaking generally, Ihe- physician who know much lo ten cent a miuii in all lea " " iik Urir on nil ( about Ihe IkmI) know little about the mind; Ihe psychologist who 11,. I'hin. m" lrllaiIH. Wk I nrr Know much atiout ihe mind know little altonl Ihe spiril: and wiin-n i iariy uiiM.ri,i in 4 tn ft tlaM uvt Ihm b 4 BENTS the religionist who knuw much almut Ihe spirit knows little I inled Stale, i said to have uf. to Mm alaiotl tu Mp. I lira u fiwi about the mind. Where, Ihe swrialiLi most ignorant there lie fcre.1 Ihe iikisI. aoi) and alarm. i lo le most We i Tn all .lull fffrr apt dogmatic. must leware of a oue-siled view if we would du justice In all the fact of human experience. NANAIMO RESOLUTION I Milburn'i ' ' - i F. II. DuVKIlNKT, Archbi.hop of Caledonia. IT I ll r.n ccmtta iatai DftADn neart ana nerve mis SPECIALS What Would Life Be JUH IU liUVni. VmU lll r1 rron.pl ami tliM rfllf. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Mrs. atlr Blskii. Ik lUmltwnia Kit. Without Nawpper? liaraillna. - ul Ont.. rllr 3 pWa.ara Atka Government to Reduce Tax What would life be without a newspaper? Have jou ever la reraiaviMliBf MiltMira'a Hsrt arsl i Ihoiigbt how ou would mis your daily paper if it should happen Burden, Capeclally Parona( .r phi. in all rm troublMl at I to suspend? II be u struggling, weak of Property Ta bad Imwn. may specimen art pre-.ervative, L I Mffrl fnan r'll0" af In bri Flannel and Dresses but il fill a niche in your home affairs I hat cannot be IimI .unrliw 14 truth; my barl aoulil Homespun replared hy the largest daily. When ou pick up the paper and A letter front the Nanaiinn P lai.. an4 la Um ihi. at tints. jead where Hill June ha rome in off Ihe grade and Tom Smilh Hoant of Trail w.-is reinl als tin. " ! P rl aiy brralk. at t ha erected a new garage, have you slopped In reflect over the leeetiiiK of ilia lirinu 11," 'I...ori fuilli.rita "P Mia ir 1...a iimii.... mj.11 nvari i.n Rafl. Priced at $12.00 and $15.25. Mutt be Cleared to make room for New Stock. work required In compile just these two items? A rexirler may imarii ui iranv last main asking Mrunr. but .ion u.lur yaur tnwi rill. WE WILL SELL THE8E BEAUTIFULLY EMBROIDERED DRESSES, IN ALL THE have In walk several block In get the fact concerning Hill, aud Hie siitMrt of Ihe Incal meuilter I Mi ik a dirrerenl prra POPULAR COLORS, 8IZES 34 TO 42, AT THE CUT PRICE OF .then as far in Ihe oilier direction to meet Tom. Tl,.Its il ......i i... in a resolution issc.l l.v llicm li "Ire n.. u al all dalr or rnaiM aa timet aiia-l k.i j.aa m.mlm fk. Uil I written up, placed in lpe and printed. have the personal projH-rty tat Lurn . r."ria t-IJ. r..7 Do )ou know that the average man cannot give you three removed h lieink unfair and un $8.50 I 4 hew item in an interview? Think how many men must be een just and alo aiiiHirtina Ihe kov-erniuenl in compile a column or personals, To be sure il i all in the in any move In relrenc'i dav'a work and of uu concern lo Ihe man who i.llv scan it and and reduce the exienditure of YOUR Friday and Saturday Only. - inssr ine paper asine. it people were Pelter informed alioiil ,"" iroTmri. nun, mai uie kov-, making up a newspaper, Ihey would appreciate it more. It repre- ir""-nl adopt a policy in reduce f Wfjl sftil hour of work uud u val nutlav of monev. There i not'he present heavy laz lainlen. 1 v La tjiill.piiitie lhat reipiire the initial outlay In produce an small re- Ieilutie'N'" ,"tt,'r eoniiiiitlee waa referred.for a U re.the Kifl Why of nut Mirk'order Diamond?now that special Your 6 Serge and Tricotine Dresses Hut wilhoiit our home paper we would be groping in the ,M,rl choice is now particularly dftrk. The happemuK u block siwny would be beoii. our ken.w Kmm. and the values- shown in Slxet 38 to 42, at tha Cut Price of We would be on a par wilh aborigiuie mid more lielple than a TFRRAf F WFATHFR our Year Hook are incomparable. Nevy fiillnea nalive and hi talking drum'. Seward tlaleway. f $17.50 Elavan Inchaa or Rain and Two Prompt and careful m.-yl aer Inches of Snow Fall In vlc if you have nnt received MNTISTRY; X-Ray Service November it.our In:1.1 Year llioik. send for Friday and Saturday Only. The only reliable and scientific method of knowing llni The THESE DRESSE8 ARE WONDERFUL VALUE. r.illnwuu weather fiarurea exact I'onditiuii or the teeth ami surrounding for the month of Noveuiher in bony alructure. Terrace have lecn furnislie by We Cordially Invite Yon to Intpect Our Stock. X. Hierwond, Hih lamilnloii inee. DR. BAYNE Orolott Maiiiiiuiu there:lniiierature, 31, BENT'S LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR STORE Office Hour. 0-fl. Toes., TIium., Sat. Kvenlnga 7-0. Miiuiiuiiii ieniiruture, 36, Denial Nurse Alwuy Attendance. in Mean leuiieralure, 3H Haary Blrka A Sons Ltd., Third Avenu.a Sn of Montce Room Blk. Opp. 4, 5, 6, Helgerton Phone 100. Itainratl, I l.ivo jnclie. VANCOUVIR, B.0. . hni.wUII, 2 Inehea. s