WHEN YOU WANT A TAXI 99 i mp Ira R. Fish CRABS, SHRIMPS,Market in a hurry Fresh Soles,Salmon.Halibut and Phone Fresh Horn Mad Sausaga PRINCE RUPERT Dally. n ALL NEW CARS Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 671. J II V ' 8 I'illVCi: III I'KIIT ILL . HATt HIMV DKGEMHKIl 2 1022 T..ur.f. ciM.i.tii, mso. trt !. 41. PRICK FIVE CENTS COUNTER REVOLUTION BREAKS OUT GREECE MANSON AGAIN PRESSES FOR MEASURE MAKING LIQUOR IMPORTING ILLEGAL Provincial Government CARGOES FROM GOES OVER TO TWO BIG BOATS Logging Operations at Alice Must Have Full Control ORIENT TO BE LIBERAL SIDE WILL OPERATE Jrm Will be in Full Swing by Spring Employing Fifty Men BROUGHT HERE Farmer Member Will Cast TILL JANUARY to Make Act Successful Hl ment,Lot He With Announce Govern HK?ri;il lo Ilaily New- . M.UIK .VMM. Ii. 2. J. E. Trellu'way. of Ihe Trellitrwar C. O. M. M. Vessels Will Accept Prince Rupert Will Lay Up Here, Lumber Oi., wiiirli lia lurgr mill al AMiotsfunJ and uNo liuIJ Freight for Thlt Port ! OTTAWA, Dec. 2 V.. J. Capt. Nicholson Say J " xlrimiye liniilo along Ihr roa't. arrivril here Ihi week willi several v ( tulllV liii .'. Iii I li- . ((i-l.iluif )i--lerduy. lion. A. . i Ilammcll, Progretlv mem-br linre. loggiiifr iilie and a umall rrew of men lo V1 -.llol'liey gt'lirml. urged the Htiiig of a resolution C. r.netelo4l.-. of III.- Cau- of the Canadian Hcute of I 1m -t o 1 n C II. .k-liiioii. 1 1 win-it.T.I. prejiure 'I,, l.'dt-ra' gmerttntMt to ret.i.e to aftjswfte btrt ll.i ' tfciii Mi-rHiani Marine rttt al 1 Common for Mutkoka, ha Mltrr f Uw r.a-,iniu for logging niernlioii wliii-li the rompuny i utioiil lo olurt on il ill the head of Alire Arm. ii.nl I III li.'lil I 1 1 1 I t I li,n.. .hh ..ii,. a tetter whir!1 officially announced hi Intention fflil Mrvinr. ni-iil tfrr lhi holdings M ..nioli I.,;,i.,I it4t Uir people of the sMn,iitir hnn -. 1.1 .,i iii,. I u svnl of Tnul1! of becoming a Liberal iiiot-ithiir on lo I'rtiwi ftinrt Mr. TrelhewB) Mate it t lianlly likely that ooeriition will he in full liefore early ring. The heavy snowfall that tnrim lift Of' e'iion fnn VMeiiivr. II- w - wing iniwrniii1 ' "irtrul hyL In . arry it mil .oree.folly. Ih' muM asating at the neit of Parliament. rHiiinrl ly J. . Kiwa. Iikv ii-iiiillv i-oine here in the winter will handicap operation and. niii-l ! i'"il mi the lin.nl- ii lln- government. II lllIl.hlK- liM.I In-.Mi Iculinl Ut HI UUd belief I . ill lo ! -eoTe Willi pri..tti- k- In.tii i.-i-inliiig then :irn4- in Hi.- orwM In ar-i-"l that r-re Trader In all par-tie rlianl of I to- liio-. him I A. il. henii), there i a large anioiint ."! m'li- In? proiil. mill iiHimi -u..h.-.j jmiiii ipi.iiiu oi any favi. lol Uti porl. J. would b better abl lo knl. In imixhIi- rrrdart'. uf prelinmiary work to he .lone. INCREASE FOR II INIl.ur. iiNtiNKnir of In" I rrve their conaUtuencle on Thin will run I I in the huiidin? I'i Hiim-i - ldtitaiN .mfrMtofl mhII HkiI if i-aiop and Itooming tiromul. iih-.- ln ..H't a4oweo.j the Ooiernment ld of the ' II.-) ft. Ill : al Hli tllH ,. NO OFFICES TO i h1 i nit dial h- ill.I nol know Miej Lous. fvry i-tui wHjk h oul- lo I lir roii-li-iielioll of a pile tre.lle 1 rr ii ol tin- ill- - MAINTENANCE IlilffM llll-l been elm. lt- ii. fai-mlM'-r iMiiioJmn Win-: With the going ever of Mr. hrei im Kir lu ImihSm f.r Hh arro. Hie title flat and the tap-piii ,1.1 ri of Him iihwIIi. Jit Mie of the limit with a logging Mi-i W- ;II.M- HI lllffl tlittll'e ammell, the House of Common ut molttli I'lil be Wa lint BE ABOLISHED w.llll.1 ui.-ii i Wi lli - fn .lay will contist of 117 Liberal, trfl lrarl ta- rry h;iUi and railway. A veow willi donkey engine, .1 I I' .Hint lopi'ii OF WAY MEN Mill il.l 52 Conservative and HHi rrrayJtl wu wITnriMir liul if rail ami the lieee.sary, S a mail wiiii'Mil nspral 65 Progrelv, the number il - ad all fillr, 44w hhU low i a ii inat-liinery i e,Veeteil to etMlaii-Half ' IT h It Ii .Ii Ike Mayor Speak on Reorganltatlon of Liberal equalling the will ini ihi. arrie within Hirer week. i Im. Reached Between QPemnt TERREBONE WAS Ihr I'rwirr llu-H, itet ,.. . com oined trngUi of the Hlntiorr Wie Afler ..ialin onre 1 i-llta I II ,lp.tr nicgmmfngiuoni 1,0 be Progressiva and Conservative iwiiiasn t-il, 1 ki UJ In- nul on ati der way. there will he a steady! ployee and Railways Foe 2c . 1 . .lilt. I ii lnHr- Mad with the Speaker having ik ln-rv for uaih-linir aiH uer payroll of front 10 to So ihimi. Tlie an Hour Mora Pay .'..t.M... SWEPT BY FIRE the deciding vol. liaiHiMj; xanty in tlr yrr aixl!whediilr rail for the lojrliiitK of( - . . . M ...11 Ufa I. .1 ! .MOt T.i Hrar M. an ihtpreiin ikal v-HilJ rHiam lo-f HII Mar4i. ' leu million feet durinn the eom- MOMItKAl.. Ikt- 2. An Mill H II,.' ..,.h- ha- been prevalent .iurr 1 tt- an ! Dttfaaiti Nirliol-iMi ulw talij las .t-aiMHi. Mr. Trctheway tales kiireenient lia iH-en reached lo. hiii 1 . i.'(,i- tin-Hi nwliiieeMtenl rrr H.aili' yesirr-,aliuif Cntir Business Section and Many FARRIS SPEAKS IN imbI ri Mil rav wrtn rv-hil thai In i-ointtany ha three veer.' tween nfaiutenaiire of way lead- 1 m-iii lo tarry m lHavt Ike eouiitil was U run- ""'"QuVown"" ,n I CONTEMPT OF BOWSER fntiii x-Ark flval Hiaur mt Uie work iu mht. Hie togs will U i-r and Hits railway t ompaniei iiuhipi" iiriuiriiia Mo ,i4rr rartHHUw)aaliui lor Um-.v-i on 11 mi u ra made into. Uavi. rafU and towed vivjnix tie.iifc-n an jmreasii of t," wlww t iw MMtMi wT Unit cIf IiWM" wortHrrf i (i-i-an rails. ient an hour elfeeie tin Vn- .i Mii'i ! I In- Iht. Inm tlo-tr (wil i-awitMsi. DAMAGE IS ESTIMATED I In Referring to Antl-Orlenlnl ilamnni lo yiie tlto bUrr er 1 i.ember I. The iiirrrase; I, still ,..-. Ik. ..m.. i ali4 tlaor lliwliralvr Ubxl I lv AT $500,000 DOLLARS! Le?lslallon In Province itiee. n(. I j-Aim will to to subjeet lo the ratification of th Ma m.m.iIi-4 la - Ntil Uii luwriilMc llial lh- I of B. C. Mewani on Hie lti.Mn liMia1il PATS BEATEN Itailway Assoeia'lon. Forty thou, - Illkkf .iint. iiii.ii . m ltoii itlniiliml mil nwaM IIm-I 'I KMMKMONK. ijuckee. lire. J Iuih "Will i-ntiirii lo iiMiv.-r on blid loaiiilenaiire of way rmploy-i al bill J' 1,ni.. kail .lUoJilHot of law wlfsvea rmmn-swl Irae4 u-ally all Ike .lore of Mi' Vft: ! Mil . I--, i. I ireHw-- ;Minday niylil. He MahrJ I itat fte e are afferled by the agree-lirnl.' i,. nMMlt . 11.. ' Ii. Hum! liali T H- laleii Ikal il wa town. Uu- riiy kail, ii" I iiffii i . in.- ili-.ill"-aie-e f widi-ili letilal 4el iHlemiml cuiikiy sw.i 'li a BY ViaORIA ... .i-l..aliHl in iii. o.-n 1' (In- fiml leii owarl a Men.J pniMiii il liank anil -i-nl - Iim-koliif l. iri-.l.iii..ii. Uow. J. V. ik"H. Kar- no ia)i rl nt Ihm btiiiM ItaJ The dipiite with shopmen still . in iletniyiJ wken i ,1. M4te w Mk -.jileHa of Mr. detaoi.-il linn in I In- mmiUi. I .f ti. ,1-ral llir-ii-ii- ri-uryaiotation were remain to be settled but it may ke iiih- wnirr. II l IHleml .li-4H.lii.il. fire doing lUnm. lo ia r - no- ..ia-nr w foxu Cougars Won Over Eastern : now b- disposed of within u week. ill fit i-ouule U MMfW of Ike nffl-, Ike rlL-Hl of jMi.lMHi nwept lMlJia 'an wli" fiB.I n-atde II BIG HAUL OF in urilrr lo effrt-l a axiiu in I u.iii.-. nerlion ol lln plae. !.!"'-"" -".mi-hi " v e LIGHTNING Hockey Visitors by Score jike iiiniiiiuj of la- uroartau-iil" nlil. I k-ltkoln- koya" eidleae oru. Ilw .ii.vii. of 7 to 3 CHARGES ARE l ul il ri. ky no nieann iili-nV rnd i bun k were natad kwt fir! OPIUM MADE,In l. ji- tkeae it(uirtNenl wills -li.ul rht.,.f apparatu. arriyi frwo BUILUINU IN B.U LAST NIGHT VICTORIA, Dec. 2. The lo-ad-. NeiUeer 4M III ttla. .ANNnrvsH um ran m er uo- Victoria Cougars found the NOT PERSONAL im.al iiH-an Ikal Ike officer Uwa. IS GREATER THAN DID DAMAGE Toronto St. Patricks, world's Victoria Chinaman Reluming Vurn imtiee would neraaaartly About four kuisdw'd ieople are champion professional hockey From Orient Had 125,000 Iraw Hie nly euspto. They woulil knittrtr.il but nolle are reported, OTHER PROVINCES players, tired afler their Member for Rosstand Qualifies Worth In Fats Bottom 'urufcalily l- fcmea olfer oi reur. dead. Tin- iniulatioii of Terre- Transformer Burned Out on journey from the East and I His Allegations Regarding of Trunk ranu-l ami tsonaVinea duly. bwllr I ulioill i.lMMI. ToltoMti. Iier. 3. Mel.eanV Eleventh Avenue, and Houses whipped them 7 to 3 last J P. O. E. Tin- inatur inUn aleU in. ki in- report .Imiw Ikal Uriti.li Columbia Had Flashes night In the second of the ! J 1 1 X II,. i, llituiii 'jtru Hiat lie liail eeH. in tin OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL butldina for Nwxenalter total Toronto team' eihlbltlon VICTllIlfA. Iee. . V. K. t t ihi.i MIB aau lo tie i iisi-ii' of hi m-eiil lrl sou Hi. led 7 1.IHMI hi alne. TiU figure j l)v re-eel ils firM games In Western Canada. ' fj-lnia. ne-jiilM-r for Itossland, ,n .:, into in WHiall nala wbat titer olare were 4otnr sM itprnsenls iiMiii- I baa sisiy per ulr of winler kit iMtsld. WiImhi Cameron scored all three said h Hn legislature yvsienkiy - i v -MtKi i4nr- wkal it i-t Ikem lo atlininiali'r I.m.Mhi.V. ).,. Ite.ulta of rUt tif all Ike l.uildiag west of a rnskJenls awike w this goals for Toronto. Victoria jUtitJ tie hud mt idea of qucstion-iiilf ii.ioii ler euakutn oMsram.tkeir lni-me ami lk-e oliii-va-v fiHilkall game in tba tHU tike Ureal lskes. ' iiworniuz tfie gruuia) wus euvarad got three penalty shot and the iiersoiial hojior of integ. i'iiniim a trunk balon. immi ha.l Unt iai il ! Ike ree. Country : jwiHt u Wttite SKautte of hail ver converted two while the Toronto i rity . f she promier iu rounectkiil i ' liiiMiei wwiifr on omNii-nilation- imw ''" te. ENGLISH LEAGUE .Mr. an J Mr, (ttnldn. k-fl ai WN Utoit in iHali With On-te player scored from Wi 41.e rlatrges laid by "him re-int.di..s '' i ioMie4 liioM l'ivBikMii rr M- ooiit il fur it runs iT Division I. train k4 niyiil tnr Wwslwr. wumiiHi of Uie .lay a turned iiti the one awarded them. The -the 1'aeifk fireat Hasl-ern I . knl fi4n -tike Oriei4 tli,n Hu mt nyliuui :i. Arsenal (Hst. WTiere tlo-y w"Hl raakle issr- ub and made walking vwy game was a fast and fever Hallway. What he cltarged Mit-rru-lil l . I. A.ltMi Villa t. ish on and there was considerable ! IIm- ( i link ImmI a fa1i' matieidly. trotne. was kV of. business eiretirod). hi w4ia.'k wo found 19'.' Illat'kiiuiii It. . Manchester I. 0. In wikliUon to 44ie riit lauil.I tripping. "there were be tlirtss sittings West llromwirli A. , Ikdtuti I. . . .i......i.u.l.... u...l. .r..Lu.. ..I' f n-fiBwrt .in i-uu ready for DAWSON PAPERS 1 rn-ni iiiunuri i lap 141. w daily nex4 week and he wonted WojS i iioew Kwiut. Mukilesboro I. Ituriilay 1. FRED DEAL WILL . ItgttliiHig visMe.l.....die eity d.urWyl. MEMBERS OF DAIL in know if any vrovision bad i'it i. Stoke I. - i .1 ill.- tinii'K wrrili'il i:ai.lin -jllr ii live im-hk-s mi Higiu. ii ;teen made fisr n nvvotis'atkin. 1 A-HkM1 VaM-orkt n--. ARE :heisea Iludderariatd S. HAVE NEW TRIAL wa iiatre ioleivl iImhi evperieiK- WARNED TO WATCH Mr. Ksling liullevfd I'rtfuiier Ii.iiii ia 4i -Un- DriiiH Siiutli i iaiKi J, Uyartttti I. eM lore or wittn' 4mte ami OH-er o resign if Uie aIlegaUonx ' i.aikaiiiun law an orii irl - l.m-rnooi (, NewoaU W. t- V ANClll VK.lt. I Mi. .. i-ao.ed vsiMiMltlemWe daiiMora. Hie FOR KIDNAPPERS were -proved. til of drug MiiMnalin. Undecided a to i.itti-nliaiii l'. Notts K. I. Appimutiou f t- a Milaletl irrrube t foece was fell oll Ui-ward Altorny-Oenerl IMi-.Ion N. i:. 5. Uldhaiu A. I. nae in laoi -if rl leal. Seitl Cove. On Hletith ! Ui--. i.n mi u- II j producing Document Re- II. tke navro Wlio W under ItiMHtN. I t.i .'. All metu-b.r ROBB NEGOTIATING Division naosKswoar I3nl. 'Avnue. a I wis " - gardlng Local Liquor ilettM. for tke of lit. Ikail Kreann Itave Harusley I. Hull l ily u. -hiM- tiurnetl 4ul ami in seeral Sntas WITH AUSTRALIA Charge ejiunler of tAtlitlable II. Ih-.-ii war.teil l lake Hiial pre. lUai'apool I, Crystal l'alaoe . lkiiti lsleeu 4 In- light soekttf 41. MrlWi.ll.. VJ. an M-.r, l eautions for (hHr safety darinir MEN FIRED BY Itury &. tUaiiton o. I. on tske walls wore is.rie.i. .ew VUrtoltlA. !. SpeaJti"-' Ctwwulry Kiilltaiu not ptayeal. 1st le. .. fitskmlaial ioi0liiv to uw4. in l.e ei.irital Uie wvek-eud in oiKisenneiKNj of MKLIIOt flXK. Au.. Ihft'. . I.. Ute remiluKiii awng for i" ilie Appeal 'tHt wMI i.-vtMktii u reHsri Iku4 plot im been un-roej-il Xegotiations hate begun between C- 2. wmi fires niiglit Derby U. 8outliaiMtdHi ikpa.'l-iiM4il. odiM-lMi of ika-U4iait leipsril- lo le-.ir he new Ui kkloap ihvui, says, a representative of the Common, HARBOR BOARD,: Iawd t. I. Vulerliaiiutou W- " liax. oui-ivd in H.e eity fiad U Hie Imwwimi lupj- "a"'. tinal. dewiatii'li I.. Hie Daily Mail from wealth Oo eminent and lion. J. A. Mm aeyfcl l4KMleY I'm S. Vetlasday I. ihm Iwi-ii ha- Hie fuel that all iuhwmI ii Mni Dublin Itobb, Canadian Minister of Trad tha MaiMiheslar II. 3. Ilolberhaiii Uu- wii'.v. were aioiiud'Hl. e Itsgivlodwr eyay and Commerce, looking to the Shipping llruilfonl IX o. Circle and Press of eirell Hevvre ika-u- .NotU County u, Vancouver Protesting Dl kt) were I'ortsulw htofkiHirl nut playi-d. IDAHO MAN BUYS TWO adoption of u reelprocity agreement missal of Nine Em-ploy Jo) wkuuld pixiduiv Mieni West Hum U. I. Mouth Shield U. British Flag Hoisted in Corfu between Australia and Canada whatltar Division III. (Southern) MILLION SHARES OF . Mr. Itobb arrived a few Way ta- ini. II wouhl ite a H"-- l.uton Town I. Ilrutol City I. ago. i.,t UTICA KASLOl Protesting Recent Executions; MINE, AN Ail I'.lk Ihv. i ,.i.l atwt. lie liud I'orUinoulli Millwall 0. Hoard has daamliaml .-, ' .1 . II. ren. HoUlhud l-'.eler City not la)ed 'ELEVEN LOST LIVES ""if Mirpkiyvtta, waking u i v, . . ., (,. hAiaj,. e- Triahof Prince Andrew Starts ,-;i).. lee. 2. -Tins sale o i ... ii ,,,f iuim- diauiWauhi ilurMig t. U,,. ,,,,m-i- so Wai he SCOTTISH LEAGUE t..j.M.,(Mm shares of stock in tin IN MICHIGAN WRECK m I'ha l aK ' Division I, I t.. a rumr mine at Ve a share to oi nam i.i.v.. uu ..iiihiniunny . i...u.i...... a n.... t JIO.MK. He. . V. A serious tireek l oonier teyuliitiouar) oul-Lutiak 'Jajor Armutad. of Hullure, Idaho, -Uy Ii ii Itafr etiUies o'"" t. g sanelrtwiH, his gsxtss nostssiaif- Number In Steamer Maplehurel 'lim bviig iteraiw and Mug ' - " " has or. urred in 1'alra und Missoloiiglo on tlit) tluir or was eon. Iiideij at Kaslu to-Jay. wnderiiw a piMiiie Disaster Raised .Includes oieta uad . .. ..... Ui It I HiiA..-.iiu.. I. ii,.Imiii lu Wu.li.rii.... ..... lp....i... iiiol no. I ln l.hiiul of- IVirftl Where the ' - .1 aiihi .ra --.- " ..- - elikMiy mi.sji wvk'H' son "i ' Captain ni i,, vr, uis.kw- ...Hi'' pr.Miiaaii.ii wv.ul.l do Ch-le S. HI. Mlrcl 1. llrllDh flag is rejrled to huvu been raised as u result or indignation Tii- I1 II wteamer l'ri'r " iimg otntli- uii'l lli pl' !i -it J.oo ...... h, d... .Hind,., 0. .Ullh U..V.-, i ' ovar the rt4MMil tireek exeiutiou aa a measugo from IWuIi i.m uii-iM'd fiMiu the aSHiUl CAlA Mhl. Miehigan. Ik. 3. -'t iiNiie54t4g ugaiii.l Ui' 1111 ,.,. , .,, . ,.wi v.'i. ralknk I. Molli.-rwell Min ns today. at to . '. Uiiit n.glil will, u getteial he tlealh list in the wret-k of the 'I'MTd's Htlli'.n WllK'll ll I' i... I I" Mi''!liuii..lt"M I. Mori.hi I 1 ATIIPXS. Ihjiv 2. -The Iriul of Prmt-a Audruw. luiilhse o: . ii,-. in.- M-ssel t.-ft again at 'a uad an .learner MaplaliUrt on ,. w,,i i '.immi. ia suii'l "I a ; vVi,,M, ,kw ..I- a1."i id i 'I.'ai I -i. I'm'ti.'k Tl.i-ili'-- 0. h'onn. i King l .'iiataiiliui' . hurged w.tli l ' "ig d.obetd orde. - . . in ....lay for the soulli The lake Mishlgait yesterday has been l t-lltfieiit rooigaiiHialrJii. unluM' asisi-iaioiis mi iii-lHaitaara I. AirdWaw I. , iiom tha (lreai gwittral slafr tlius t'ouinoutiug Iu the dialer I'raiUMsss Mary m Uua hern on t a Wed lo jen iloludiu lliu I . , j I ii.. -I L.iii ii-l. , K.r.Mra - lo Ui t-ck I i I" Asia ilirui-. oi::u.i I this ufU-iiiooii. I .- i !. .("..liief .: : i III. f i