J I'. THE NEW TAXI For Wail YOKOHAMA Phone CAFE HOME BAKERY PtliSrvice nnd PRINCE RUPERT The Beat of Everything. UetkCnrin the'Clty Try our service Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone Black SO VOI XIII, NO, 51. PHINCi; nUPF.HT, If. U., MONDAY, MARCH 0, 1022. Saturday'! Circulation 1717. Strut 4tt. PRICK FIVE CENTS Vision il! A itiT jf-1 nrrtn iI-wt Anon l c m ti uiiiCii i r-viiiiy ujuo uy ctm a wr ta Arrirov attcmtiam nr daditamcmt tuic ereeiniu r 11 liiyi i r b u i la1 r uiii i la mil- im ii.i .iiv.i.iii wim I AlMAkJXJMJi A Vf VfWUl A 1 1 A A AJ1 1 llvl l VfA A 1 j&JLIJLUaA AAlAAJJL 1 A A AAALS UMJUUKXflJ FIRST PICTURE OF POPE PIUS IN PAPAL ROBES. Opening Wednesday NIGHT AERIAL. Enlarge lee Production , 8ERVICE TO PARI8 by Thirty Tons a Day at FROM ENGLAND of Parliament Being: LONDON, March 0, A Local Cold Storage Plant regular air eipress service for carrying goods from The Manadian l'i-h ('old lias had Loudon to Paris will start ,atid .Storage management early next month. II will coiilirmaliou of the plans foniiulaled locally to enlarge llrt pro-luetioii provide for all parcels d'i- of (he ice-making plant by thirty tons a day in order to fly Alan N. l.fiiisxIiilT, t'.anailian l'rn I'nrliuiiipnlury Iliiri-.iiu spalched after business -iiipply Ihe ever-increasing demand ut this port. OTTAWA, Miiirh 15.- The legislative irogruin of the guHTii- hours in l.nglish provln- t The present capacity of the plant is 70 tons a dny and by the cial towns being delivered iiuvii lor i lie iirst issioii in uie l ouneentii rariiameiit, winch ninJdle of June, when the new plant is complete, this will have in Paris Hie next mnrning. - .... V'...l...l..., M. u C... II. :.... ,.C .. U I III. The air n:i ignliimn ex- eaclied fully 100 tons, or over HO,000 tons of ice a year. ln formal oiieniiiK uil delivery of the Hoeccli from the Throne, press planes will be eipiip. The cost tif the addition-Jo (he plant will he approximately HI lilt: liilluMin ",,. "Hi im-i ii iiiiiiit riuiMuci m lull HJ I'iiuilli.'l ped witli navigation lights il'fl.OlMi, and (his is in addition lo (he power. Already (he power for nighl Hying, which will 1,11 III.IJ ll'l ..fllll llij.. tlllil 1. mi riru 11, wit n -j ill 11,11111 ill ilanl Is siirrieieni lo handle I lie ii'i'lil. Ill view of the short lime that the coveriimenl has linen be regularly done in cou- creased ice freezing proposed. ii nil Ice before the uiieiiinc; of the M'vsion. it is not ein-i'leil that neclion with the service. The fish storage capacity of LLOYD GEORGE he local cold storage plant Is his Di-uerum will In- very heavy, ioiiu i liere are lioiim o he O.OQU.UOO pounds above the many tliinifs crop up aflei Hie rsl Hour. This is in addition STILL UNDECIDED opening which will require IcfMx-Iulie o the packinghouse, sharp HKK I.Nr. NAM JAMAICA MAY i iiieasiiri'M "to deal with freezers and corridors and also them. Of Hie ii"'v leuislation. In addition to Ihe storage .house World Will Know Very Soon If Iprnliiihly that of mnl inlert'Hl to for ice which accommodates. 2,- SEAT He Intends to Resign Present UNIONIST BAR CHINESE (he Kcii'M-al puhlie will b- Hie nuo tons of ice in addition to the Position. taxation prupos.'iU. ice freezers. Consideration of lln hqilet The Cold Storage plant is the LONDON, March C Within 24 pi'opiisul.s and any enuli'mplaliMl Proposal Providing Illiteracy largest in the world devoted to Nominated by Unionists to ehanui's in lax.-ilimi has harilly Test and $1000 Tax Introduced fish only and Hie largest on this hours or at Hie ino. H hours, Contest It. licyiin ns "!. The bi;d-fl is nut In Leqlslature I'oasl of any. kind. It is. a great the world will definitely kniiu-. iisiiiilly hroiiht doMi for s'tiue boon to fishermen jn that it. in- whelher Lloyd .(icuruc has de- LONDON, March 0. It Is KINGSTON; Jamaica, Mar. steady supply or ice and surrs n weeks iifler opi'iiiiir mid I here ,f r,Ktl us ,L.U() r ('he iiiiiitMii rim pi :i imimii ni'v ini 6. V proj)ocal has been Uu jiau-late iMm?.oUrislivhea.STiT has liet'ii a'' mhllllud" of'-ullier ' Ihiiis to In- ileu 1 1 with heOiri' Hie submitted to' the legislature rail IransportuHon is interfered n,,, onv ,m,i,SHn(ial conviclion l:ll II III' !ll llllll'llll lll'.ll II Ml IT which would prohibit Chinese, llmu inini.sler, Hon. W. .S. Mill or when there J a KTcalor.,,,,.,.,, ff0, nge 0f I It r-j t r-' in, J''i I ill or any other aliens who 111 "IIIIMIM i or risn man can ue iaKcn . ..111.... t. I II... Fiehlinur. and his eolh'auues were supply ifimtradiclory rumors in the aide to consider taxation ehisnvi's. might be considered undesirable, care of by Hie shippers. crisis which Is engrossing observers from landing In II is 1 1 ,I ri 1 1 1 i 1 1 i:i I I. Iuiiier. Unit over Saturday and Sunday. iinl crisis miiM. I ho vlei'lmw Jamaica unless they passed there will ! any' iillempl at n MUCH HALIBUT WAS Friends, of llio Premier assert I'haiizc ilnlr views radically. t:3t that were o a proving they tho Hrst phototrapK to reach the United States showlnc Th1f U that he Is exceedingly tired and (. tit.nit.. titi......i it... wiioiesaie revision or inc in, in in net Illiterate and paid a the'ne'wly elected Pontiff wearing.his Papal rob. !rl I... 1 i....I...I the presejil .session. There are $1000 head tax. The feeling SOLD AT EXCHANGE will gladly quil (he responsibility I l III II II, llSf "-'" many rcusum Ut this, iueltidiiiK of his office. If ho holds on it the fuel that Hie oM-rnment is here Is very strong against Refuses TODAY LOW PRICES will be because of recognition Chinese Immlpratlon. Republican still eomparatiey mv in liar Army of Ihe fact that chaos, is likely to Tollow liis retirement in the ness and would probably reipilre l'wo hundred 'and fifteen pounds some lime for careful study be. CHINESE STRIKE to Obey New Government of h.'ilibul sold at low prices at present peculiar circumstances. fore making important alterations. Hie Fish Exchange this morning. HAVE FAILED The preceding giiMMiimenl Seizes City of Limerick A 1 1 arrivals juarketcd here, none MORE SNIPING iippoiutOd it larjIT commission, AT HONG KQNG going on south. which loured the country taking I'he arrivals and sales were as Ono In Montreal This Morning evidi'iiee and preparing for a DLHLIN. March 0. The Irish Heimhlicaii nrinv eominnu- follows: BELFAST CITY and Two In New York wholesale larilf revisimr, but Contradictory Rumors Are 5 Sent (cereij nil Hie principal hotels in Limerick, upholding Mm Taloosh, i'll.OlHJ pounds, sold to Announced. whether or not Hie pivscnl m- Out From British Paclfjo the Allin Fisheries at "Je and lo. proi hiinulion of Hie Irish lejnililic in (he teeth of Hie provisional ernnienl wiiiih) waul to base its Port- 1000 pounds, and f Speculator, governiiienl's orders lo Ihe contrary. The gas works at Tilmernry Bomb Thrown In Grosvenor ehaiiKcs the evidence ffnlhered r:v Yoitlv. Mr. C. -Tho lift on Malamute. iMi.uiiil pounds, sold to - . - . . t i .i have, been seized aiid the red ttut hoisted. An employee who had Street Injured Child Many or stocH lirofcernge nouses wuicn by that rommissimi, if that nVi- MANILA. March 0. Miirlial the llnolli Fisheries Canadian Co, luue rnlh'ij in this city now di'ii'-e is available, is problemul i. law has been declared at Hong been .dismissed was placed in charge of I lie works and the ill V.'Ji- and ic. Wounded Yesterday. truehes llfly today when involuntary eal. Some of the private J.ihcrul ICniig and the irorl is elosl-d os munager deposed. Norland, Hi,00(1 pounds, and bankruptcy pelillon tti'ii-tiled members oT the'House, in conversation, llio result of 'a strike .of Chinese Convention, 'JOOO pounds, sold to HHLFAST. Mar. 6. Two persons in (lie federal ohiI against take (he stand that as most seamen, according to official advices llu Pacific Fisheries at tl.l'c were killed and 21 wounded secured in reaching Hie Hrillsh Consul BOXER BROKE REGINA MAN in disorders in this city over 1 ling & W'n ami Mullins A Co. of that evidence was and Ic. and Saturday Sunday. MONTH I'AL, Mar. C -Tim brokerage iiliswcr hi Hie leading Ueslions here. Happy, I.'1,00(1 pounds, and house of Dunn & Co. assigned by Conservative ministers, II Vluilliel' ilemi.-ilell SI1VS one Kidsvold. 10,1100 pounds; soh lo This afternoon bombs wcro I Iris morning. The firm is could hardly be .used as Hie iiiuii had been killed and cinht BACK DIVING AGENT HERE the Canadian Fisheries at 8c thrown in Grosvenor Street which child. wounded in fight with .strik injured a a small ono ami had no seal on basis of a Liberal revision. The a and Ic. tin! stock exchange. (!i ernmenl has. however. a ers and police yesterday. (ilacicr, Onoft pounds, and Sniping was resumed this morning. A youth named Kidd great ileal of material mi which In eoiilradiclion of the report, Edward Chara Died at Hospital R. F. McNauphton Will Arrive Theliua, 1 1,000 pounds, Mild to delivering good. for drygoods to base certain revisions. In addition unofficial that advices the Jloiig to Kong the strike press Following Stunt at Tomorrow Night to Succeed the lloyal Fish Co. at 8.8c und ic. store in the Falls lloud a district other from report to sources Sabattus Lake. Q. F. Johnston as C. N. Eureka, 1000 pounds; Margaret was called outside by three men which information as. to how the is settled. 7000 II. and 5000 R. Agent. T., pounds; II., and shot and seriously wounded. present turiff is affecting iiihii-ufaelurer, pounds- and Hippo, 0000 pounds, LEWISTON, Maine, March CHAMPIONSHIP there middleman is the mass an.of material consumer, TRADES AND LABOR 6. Edward Chara, light n. V. McNiiughtou, Cuuudian sold to (he lloyal Fish Co. al 8o AGED DOCTOR DIES heavyweight boxer of New National travelling and Ic. it-a icred up by the Hoard COUNCIL WILL STOP passenger Hilda,' 10,000 pounds; Frum, York,, died at the hospital ugenl at Itegina, has been appointed West Will, Play East on March of Commerce which would be of ' LABOR here last night from Injuries to succeed (i. F. Johnston 7000 pounds; Myra, 7000 pounds; Lleut.-Col. Henry Turner Passes 15 or 16 for Stanley Cup. value in such u eireiimstauee. ORIENTAL Vivian, 8000 pounds; Vesta, 1000 will be used received when he attempted as district passenger agent Away at Victoria 94 Years Old. Whether or not this There rlpoidul meeting of a somersault from the rcof for the company hero and will pounds; Signal, 11,000 pounds; was a MONTItlJAL. March 0. The is as yet unknown. I lie Trades and Labor l.ouneil of the camp at Sabattus arrive from Hie Fast by tomorrow June, l'.'.OOO pounds; Wabash, VIGTOHIA, March 0. Lieut. lilayoff for the I hampionshln of Some changes in the tariff are held .yesterday afternoon to con Lake on Saturday. He night's train lo take up his !i00 pounds; Hose Spit, 0000 Col. Henry Turner is dead hero lli hocuey league between M xpeefed, however, probably af. sider a specific case in point in landed In such a manner as new diil ics. Mr. McNauglilon has pounds, and llergcrt, 5000 pounds, aged 04. He had lived in Vic Patrick's of Toronto and Utluwa feeling many of the (leins which Hie city where Oriental labor was dislocate several vertebrae. never been in Prince llupert bo-fore. sold to the Canadian Fish und toria for -'2 years and prior to will odoii tills week, llio first appear in the uvcruge family It reported , ('old Storage Co, at 8c and 4c. Hint 48 years in Ontario. Ho heln employed. was same being played on Saturday, budget. Premier King has an j .carpenters had Mr. Johnston, who has been came from Cork and wus surgeon that, as yet only J'aroli II,-ut Toronto. I lio sec nounced himself In favor of a but it was decided CARLOAD POTATOES promoted tu bo general passenger lo the Princo of Wales ond will take rduro ut Ottawa on revision oT luxation been' afreeled, DRUNK FINE BEING downward oilier trades would join agent for Australia and .New Dragoons in Ontario long ago. Ihul all BROUGHT FROM TELKWA March 13, (ho tola! number of articles of rood and clothing mi Thursday Zealand, leaves on in coping wilh the siluathui. The REDUCED HERE IN goals to count. which come wilhiii the category council will' avail itself of any BY ALEX. PRUDHOMME night and will sail for Sydney CHINESE APPEAR 'I'h'"! winners play fur llio Stan or necessities or lire and also meuns within ils power o prevent by Ihe (deanicr Niagara leaving LINE WITH SOUTH i'y wcslcrn win n. ininh'iiiculs und iiislru. cup against the i. continuation ut the employment' Vancouver on Murch 17. IN POLICE COURT in the basic u Alex. Priidlioiiiine of Telkwa iH'rs, Hid first fame to ho played incuts or production on March 15 or 10. indusiries. . . di ngnvunun-,T....1 I....... ..h....l.tll.'P of Orientals, arrived in llio city last evening Mrs, Shariiiuu xvas fined lis 1 0 rii.inif umi luinberinif but .it Is Premier Mackeimo Mug anu with a car load of potatoes DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE under the city bylaw this, morning Sang Mgo Him, Muh Sing and I li nil frli I likelv that not lief obis I'red Stork, M.P. are to be eoin- grown tm his fnriu there. He is by .Magistrate MeOlyinoiit for Lou Cliue, charged under Hio DAUGHTER OF MAYOR out the GETS A PLACE ON THE with, pointing niunieuled nnoilier session will the govern of how today arranging for their sale Intoxication, Opium Act, uppeared la the po AWAY i i... ,.l,l.. In make (he ex- euse as one evample hem and will bring in another CO. COUNCIL The reduced fine was mudo in lice court (his morning and were TISDALL PASSES III'.' " LONDON IJ'1 llll-'lll change."' in such a pro Oriental1 lubor was encroaching consignment later. line with similar fines being remanded until tomorrow. Two tensive iiounceinent. on white labor. 'Iliey Will Do Mr". Prudhoniiuo says the winter made la Vancouver where drunks are charged with having opium VAKCOL'VKJt, March 0. Tim asked to consider tho question has, been u good one in the LONDON, Mar. 0. The Duke or are being fined $10 under Ihe in possession and the other two "l"ulh occurred hero at the week 0. Hurry generally. interior. The cuttle have all Devonshire ha.T been elected to a Vagrancy Act. The Ooveriurient with being f;reiuou(ers. Tho l'"d of Mury. mwnul ilauuhlcr of DKrtlOlT, Mar. of tbo Uottie There vas n good ulleiidaneo wintered, well und (are in good place on the County Council of Liuuor Act has been ehallenge.d arrrsls were mudo In a raid of favor and Mrs. Tisdall. aaed IH 1.ii.m.u...1' ! ii.ivniiister I . . . , at llio nieellrij,' representulivo o( condition; It has been soft for Derbyshire with a majority or 500 in Uut eily and cases are now the lloyul Canadian Mounted Slip HUffui'Cil from nnciiiiu und j.iiiiiiii-i i.. i ,.r Mini- real, hus iieen 11(0 various trades. tho hist few days and they consider over a local builder named pending before the Court of Appeal. Police on ixtli Avcuuo past on 1...1 i n nti-ircd W III liu Inn-Umi eurly coinplaiut.douih was the result lug embezled the huh. of $10.00(1. Advertise Jn the Dally News. the winter practically over Marsdeu. Saturday night