I PAGE FODR THK DAILY NEWS Thrny. January (j. I5J BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu$ -VMT rich there I bEE THA.T 0 One OOLlak, roi 1 Hi oh: Mcoe "WMA.T im -i nj i -.virs in THERE VWMTII.I.OE 3 IIS A,MINUTE jO Ut. WMJ A. TICKET WON'T I WILL. tOO LCI THE SeCPi n eKIT jTliN.! I rvwr . .W .t 'J I BACH IN A XOU COY exCrCE1 rn in CAE MAVC TEN 1 I )1 i lis i-v a i a r ml.') I T 1 I I I J Shi Ta"SJ X va ny x v i i . S HvE JUVT TE1 r i j li i - in i i i n -3T e"Y Ve.yi e W fW 1TX nit 1 I a. - I II i TiCKtrti L.e"y l liVi'A ' 3 X k nllf flT.Vi tv- I IV Sal 1 I I I I T T I .... ' r'- i J $rincc George 18 otel 0 TORONTO In Centra of Shopping ' nd Business District WJ.kJI I AsW xt.1 250 ROOMS IOiSf3 ' 100 ttl Privata Bathe LM-W- BUHUPEAM PLAN....... WklW m HtlMMktr 4t.ri.. A.. f S1-WWWIOOCTROttH0cnHOOtw! 4 ll e Imt i. fiiwi KnKI lie j VICTORY lfCk MCDfUAWT ENTERTAINED FRIENDS il. Shockley (Wanderers, by a COAL score of Jfnil to M. Ihe laller SAYS PRICES HIGH AT CARDS AND DANCE thus T Ihe receiViuu sensou. his first ilefeall Daily News Classified Ads. IN SOUTHERN CITY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 'Die sliindrug of Ihe clubs lo Fop Furnaces, Fireplaces dale is- as' follows: 2 CENTS PER WOKD IN ADVANCE. No AdvwtlHmanl Takn for tUn SO and Stoves fiuaranteed to be free from People Talk Politics and Are l.itsl men in v Mr ami Mrs. PI. Pis. Av. Trail ....!; HUH I 11..) rock and clinkers. Pleased with Appointment (ieorge I.eck enterlailieil at mi WANTED FOR SALS Almost Bootless and smokeless. of Dr. King. eujiiviilile whist parly and dance Wanderers ...... H!)II I IVJ . in their residenre in West view, SI. 'I'ndrew's .... 'C,1 I)HU WAXTFD- Competent woman or Foil KAI.P, Tug or fUlil.oaf, WHAfS IN A NAME? Jllks .;... 7.1.',7 lotto girl for general housework. tllxlJ.etrl. .1? X. A H. Small moisture content. Marlin O'llHIJy, vlu arrived the occasion lieins Ihe fwenly-sea'oml unuine. ...... . .. Ill llllfc $13.00 ton delivered In limne yelrrilay, ha lu-en look anniversary f llieir wed-tling S. (. K. .. '.15 Apply Mrs. iiavignn. J Summit r,0fH).ni. " tA. o" lll'JIH II! ,! . sacks; per inr in(" ItusiiK' eonditionM in ilay. Tlie pric for whist iS. W. V. ., UNI Apartments. , ; Tug--37int--n II.p. X. X n. are unusually .unl.fi,'it , ,tu $12.00 ton delivered llif "iilh. lie xaysjliat in ijc went to .1. Howe who had Ihe Four games of the tournament engine, s-.'.nmi.mi care o me unen enlrii '. ,( , In per 1 fapi:iiii:.vi:i:d nte ma k for between In Ofeat War Veterans r laundering. bulk. of all llielr allegedly rlienp .ale highest wore. Later Mr. Howe, OruUer -tSxil-jr, .l'4 en. and' Sons 'ttf Knglaud scheduled wishes sewing a! home. Apply Ileiiur iueniber of ihe the men's . rloihin cslalilisli on hAhalf of the gues(s aeni-ided, Rlne, l,i.-,u.(Mi. 3m,. ntenl here are sell in? rheaper jiresenliNl Mr. and Mr. for las! night have hern played !? liishlh Avenue Went. il 'I hiriy loot general purioe boat, n;"iiiri - ol"Iini. ..1 -"i t ,rfi I han I hey are In Vancouver, I.eek with a iMMUliflll picp. nf l.Uld Die Vefs are in Ihe lead by LADY liook wanted for small 5 II.P. Yale, dynamo, storage " 1 iinin i in our li n)-a n, PACIFIC CARTAGE llti-inon-t ii 04m .Ihhre and ev china and an appropriate' nd-dress. 738 lo t57. counlry hotel. Apply lint .1. eleeirlc5 llghl. I8iin.no, eien aiivir or the Me,,n h. eryone weiMiM rheerful and . i. l-'ullowing- h card jday-injr. The four scores were as follows Daily News Office. J lug r,? fl- tJo II. P. Knirhank -.in.1.11. i.j .i iiuiiisirini a. ju. ,r,, looking for Jeiler limes in Ihe danclntr was Indulged in. ; senii-iiee engine. power -iiKourgn. rn.. we ni.il.- n.i. Limited sprln?. Those present were: Mr. and II. F. Weariiinulh (Sons nf HAIRDRESSINO. windlass. Auxiliaries. claim wllh Ihn full kmm:.,i.., Phone 93 "Yes, everybody is lalkinx iwtl- Mrs. II. II. Ilcmmings, Mr. and Kngland), 2n; W. Parr (Vets), Under New .Management Loggers JJxiW) slem wheel Ilia! we are up to ila!- m .-t ilies," said Mr. O lleiHy. "I found Mrs. YV. nilchrisi, Mr. ami Mrs. 1.18. m: uAHitiui shop and datiik scow, tit II.I'.,.team boller.iind P"rt,r,,,nl' Im-mr... Tk Ihul Ihe appointment of lion. l-'red Wcrmig, Mr. and Mrs. .loe A. Siherslde.s, l?7; S. I.. War 228 Hixlh Street winch wllh house Jnm. May(' ""r "nP " 1 ''f Ir. Kinar as mlnisler of public Howe, Mr. and Mrs. A. .Iverson, rior, Son. O. . K I I.DAY Phone Ulu 78 J- iietl n eanip and donkey, n",, '' I'M !ab.., , : ., works in Ihe Ottawa JTovernmenl .Ir. and Mrs. Frank Mnrri. Mr. O. p.'Tinker. I ill; W. (in.d-rick, U7J.0, ' Ihe world for lh purju - , is very popular as everyone and Mrs. I). ,MrCiill"cli. Mr. ami Sou: Itoberg,. fKt:;., il; v. C. Oliver I II.P. Fnlnbanks . lypslallon-j"-l''n,,n,, "rrU. and Ih, "t, nopole Hall looks upon Dr. Kiiifr as a frood Mrs. Morgan, .Mrs. K. Large, Mrs. iSeorgv Hill. I'Jil; Dr. West, (KO), II. Davidson fK. and (. arv enirlrii. Willi nor.,., in-..Mnal ,-oeiallon ha . t.i safe man who will hrin credit Clarke. Miss !. l-ek ami Miss inn. IHylhe il'.), 10; L. Asl.rJ-iKC;. iiumlriii imiiiimU presurj elatIsi therein then dti.ir 9i D. iSraham SOCi nod II. itienl of Chemical F.ns nil', on Ihe provinee. Morgan. genifii uji. ;:,n.oo . 'iii- for rent to lodges or similar "How aboul Hie provincial WHIST LEAGUE Mnrdonahl iSOC, 8; it. Hill .(:. Pile Dnxer and tti II.P. donkey Fruni ihi source i:il" .n a . organizations. d; II. A. r.harlli.n iovenmenl?" Mr. O'lleilly was SEATTLE PLAYING SOCi, r; W. engine. Sinn Id. hammer, fl. issiieit to u regularly, suit.. ! asked? ISray SOO); all J. II. Mileliell 230.00 reiili of numerous ri, .f. . OFFICE SPACE Sons of Canada Defeated Knights "There is no need In worry- BRILLIANT GAME IS ixjie,nmemi wtin upJ v H by 2t, healed, suitable for over the ' Provincial Otoenu of Pythias by 7 to 2 Score Miaw (I. . and It. smilh Ci. 2; .....hih.... .....i ...-...,. methods, and adxismg ii- w professional man, for rent. nienl." lie,: replied. There will VICTOR AT HOCKEY Lat Evening. D. J. Farrell 'KC;. I. 7 II.P. I,rfOamnlew f..r.,. 7,4.1,1,.marine engine. very ies known ineiii..,i f- Agents for lint be an appeal lolhe' people 1350.00. Inun.lering without inius-v 'U The Sons of Canada were suc Junior League O. Illylhe, (D Norwegian American Line of the for several fabric province Oilier years boats and engines. SKATTLK. Jan. 26.- Playing n cessful over Ihe Knights of D), 111; J. Kelly .rr... 12: M. Swedish American Line yel, if my siiinp up of .the situation M. M. STKPIIK.VS. F.erinienU and le.ta hrillianl game witli.dogged deter Pythias in lha Only Whlsj Lea- Iludenich ,'TTi, .15; W. Ijiuibie Scandinavian American is rorrVel. In the inlerior cotitinually carried on. aiaiji Line. there .will, be no difficulty in mination, Seattle defeated Vancouver friu game played last evening. DD). 31; W. Cavalier tKK). 22: FOIt SAI.K 3J-fl. Irotler. tl-fl. 15-tieaiu, wild Ihe con.rrxalmn .f reluming a minister and fillin? by a score of four lo Ihree the score being 7 lo 2. The D. I riiell iKK.. IU; IJ. Clapp '. h.p. Yixiau engine. iiialerial uppermost In it n.isn jOHver Typewriters ..-Cary the vacancies. ' in a Parilio Hockey League game game of SI. Andrexv's vs. Knights i'ITj, 17; W. Kergin i'lTi, Irt; Una I fully equipped and in of the cienllt, and im fnrmtk Safes "How do you account for the here last night. of Columbus and Sous of Kng A. Mitchell KK). 13; II. .itke in. beam, li-h.p. Vivian engine, or rleansiitg nueni i a- i . I' : land vs. Klk were jwia! Mined on (KF,,. 8; T. Fraser iDD). 7; high prices of elothin? in Van cash. -Apply. T. Scott, "Cu-hag." for ue unless If cOnfonn-: .w . FIRE INSURANCE f oilier socUI'uctivilie K. Maclean iKKj, 4: F. Kergin coiner?" Mr. O'Reilly was ask LEAGUE HOCKEY aecounl lUm Ilay. iy in their standard. which iTl'i J. Martin ('IT; IUncoh.cn xverc on.- ed. "The hih rents are chiefly Don't you think a nam. mtf The standing; . nf Ihe men's (DDi, and (S. Hill (DO . 2; J. HHLMONT dooming Ifotitr for Stores., felch sonielhing after ail" responsible. an en mean & Hanson Dybhavn National League. teams lo dale follows: Mc.Vully (KK, I. sale or leae. Apply Orand-iew ormous price ami it is impossible . Also,. donT you thinii r Hamilton. ?: Ottawa, t. Hotel. P. W I. PI. 23 Third Avenue to remain in business unless heller qualifieil lo lake rr- Montreal, 1: Toronto, 3. Valhalla Ill K H BILLIARD 2 STANDINGS Prince Rupert, B. C. large profits' are made. That i liiXll) Kuglish Huggy for sale. your lannderitig Hun h. -e U Western Canada League. UK. of P 0 .1 6 why Prinee llupert people can L Phone I Hack 280. 23 hi not haxe the Itenefif . w l-ilgary. 3: Sakafoon. I. K. of . .....it. I'll! Following is Ihe list nf in et belter values, here than they "expert adxlcef W ak y n can in Vancouver or any of Ihe Pacific Coast League. O.Jiirellows dividual average so far this FOR RENT ronsbler this when ynu are !' Seattle. J: Vancouver. 3. SI. Andrew's v V season in Ihe Trail iJlub Cup Oijr cities." TO HF.X T- well ftiriii.Jie.I lo send out your neit i 'i S. of V.. ..!.... III billiard competition: -Mrge EDSON COAL and well hc.il 1 11I roonl. Suitable laundry. S. of K II Oauie Tidal Aver. ' SCOTS TAKE DROP IN for llirtu geillleineij. Apply x phone call will p' 1 " Klks ill Harbour (T) .... 7 I IIMI 20ft The Man in Ihe Moon I Mrs. Suieeton. i.nrtton lie, serxice al your ilipo.i. COMPANY BILLIARD STANDING lllylhn H". 7 I ton ?uu iiimanl. i'ii..e UNADIAN KTI'.AI IM Slt Jti3. If Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. SAYS:- PilNbury l!) .... 0 1 200 2IJ0 lnm.lirar. i..l llrv f.-,'-T As Result or Bad Defeat This Spprt Chat Slmkespenre (T .1 f.mi 200 I NDKIl new management. SI. Phone 8. . A MO.MS Ihe things that won't Week by Wanderers, St. Andrew's Howe (V; 2 too 200 Imi Itoonia. Mrs. p. Valpy, get anywhere worrying: Have Been Forcsd W. italaano ('.,.: 2110 20(1 manageress. Italic , 3S vr you isf Best Coal about the election petition. Down Considerably. I'lie p.nple of Alice Arm boast McFVny fF.).. ,!3(18 JU5 week and up. Ajsn furnUhed of having the finest skating rink D. Ilnwu iT tar.H 101 lloiekeeping roojns. in Northern lirilish ' Columbia. Scott W '. i7. 101 ris" Defeated in this week's Trail aeeiicTMM row aaxws WHAT is worrying ltd of at a Club billiard tournament II is a commodious structure Shiwkley rWi tin.i 104 TO ItKNT Furnished home-keeping unoch ssAiiaia act ttii. us is thai we did not buy a mil by. the. suite. tin Wh and is Keif (K) Apply palrnufe.1 well. Hockey 77ff 10.1 Wanderers to tlte tune of 1 1 in lion dollars worth of victory games willi Auyox are being Sleiliens (Vl MID 102 . Avenue F.nt . or Phone llue tUirk tm Ihe (Vn rar Lowest Prices lo 087, the St. Andrew's billiard- ! '4-3 rrt.iw bonds before Ihe price went .minr OOlrl'l i Ihe up. isls have dropped considerably played on il every Sunday and Davie IU. 1 .... 57 r, "102 217. if. mn.1111., u.riit, ..1 ' ike IHi' L Ihe children also have regular .1. llrown BA) 70t .101 tail m.i.1 I '.IO lll . ' TKAM work is oidemlid in Ihe league standing, their av HKDIlOOM lo rent. Hot and cold e.l al Wllllsnif jl. CfumsT a es game. The place, was built by Waugli (T 018 100 imur$r. t,n.k.. Imxl rti Order Now! Phone 58 tiling but it is. hard to gel up eu.i erage having now gone down lo wuler, Uain heal. Norfolk Vannsir. XrrisSk i U& II" ' , in organization .f ihe Inwrm- Judge (T 7 1:1111' (88 MsK-r nf OraaiHn, iVpsiimral '1 'r Ihusfasin working together near that of the I'.lks. The final It.sun. Phone I Hack 320. If 8. 1 over lr. to the debt. bailie in' lite tournament was folk last winter! and several iui- Nelson (W: 7 1 2'J'.i' JW Victoria, tt, 1 n pay war played last evening when II. ,viiirini-uis wrin nunc u u Hill K; 7 I2nr, J8 TO Liri'- ,tar(liienl un.l b.Misea .llraisdi Mlant I.WTO"S.4J am,iAUIiusJ'rr'm" -'it"'1; Ilavie (SI. Andrew's, defeated It. liefore lids Season olienc.l, Mcllmiiyle K) .... t VAX'' TKt - F. W. Hart. . if Irin IWXrtt- iImi ate, ne' M Box 445 Phone Grssn S10 WJIKN you hear thai sobbing f froqi Ihe parliMH' I'liere w.-s. ijiiile. a Iclil when (he Kinghorn (A) .. "J I 2IS3 noise anil (iiTnl .someone must MUSIC. . ' .... . . 1... k t. .h winter started 1iit hls has le-en lioiierge (fl .... H.l e giving vent to llieir grief, PIMPLES -...I . .... .,.. . , rante uikmi permit nsil;iie n-.llll-i-.l l.y I III" siiii- si-.iii Miicdoiiald (SA..7 I27J 182 PIANO SCHOOL. pr.U4il l.r law. dun"! II is 'probably" only B 5Ult worry. tickets and in the firrntr il Allen 'S. 7 n ju-ar 1200 181 LerheUky .McIIiihI. All grade fiepalr VIbI'K ' 'I ' l saxophone in Ihe hands nf a ON FACE is hoped to have n clear sheet. Hemrfiings (W).. T, JO. I8 - Jnken nod sjieclnl allentioir-' Ih-f4ilineal fl UIMH Vlrlof" professional player. Jaimarv lt. - - t Auyos Ihe tenuis court al Ihe Vi lalnsMo (',)..:, MHO 180 lo beginners. Terms r, r -"te""" rr- DIDN'T LIKE TO GO OUT mine is tied f.,r an open air McMordie (W) 7 1251 170 f moderate. imtWSL ACT. Til Kill" Is one thing llial has ciuk. It is kepk swept by means Itolierlsoil ISA;.. 7 I t XV CIIAS. P. HAL.Ml NO. OaellStaU l aisrfa- been bothering me a good deal nf lale and that is trying to discover Thou njlf llutn plnijilrj thai brr-ik or aillooialM' machinery from (lie Hooper JW) r35 178 Hand I(lock, corner Sixth and XlnbelU !in. I Mineral Cla lm. 'I"'. nut on Urn race ml oiher ftnt at vhn mine which Mows il(,e snow off. Sllden (T) ..r..t. I) JOlU 177 i Hilton, pji.uie nine fil.l If iim skreua Mlmna imiio o rtf i Why anybody 'should be so is il ndirlM: Kiraled tm I";' "ig inhij are r.ii.ij iiiiiiraiionfl um iiw, 9 3 (IJ) .... r:n .177 " Wakeficbl, fmm I land, isv mil and a half foolish as to read Ibis column. blurf I l of orr u,t require purl- S(.nr .vnctlrxxK to dale MISCELLANEOUS. Andrews .. 872 17V 'aTi'.i.r. thai I, Mr.. nW.HjSj KOMI? Th"re I nly fine y lo t rid of ' I'lemenison yi.i, i.ii, Ooodrick -AO ) .. 1200 173 SLADF. 1 rrs jniirrs .niwiriiF ..... jieople are "pinched by lliis ..liiHiiloiM klo I rou W. nJ that If VV. O. Anderson (SOC.i, 72; A. Donohoe (Ji .. 517 172 HTFA'FNS. graduale piano amy dan msn Hie Atf lfef',,5'Jffd Ihe bull" and others by Diner. Al lo Ihe Mlninc Hee..lr nr a Cr'"ZZjLt poverty. Denny Allen Com. I;y rlUnr ttm IiIikkJ ll.r.urU rlnnilor .. KaSsou .'It; 1'.. M. l)lle King (KAwU.... llljft 171 In.prnvenK-nls. fr Uui isirrss f' hlrh ran Lent Is) don by that old re pnny's lore, Third Avenue. a ron Oranl of IM abo f1 'SO(J), 33; I'.. ,Jii.illi iV.,, ,1rt; WearinoiilTi (S) 11110 170 lHal 'V And rarilH-r lake Dntlee don" Uabl F al first lil.ssj mullein Plione you succeed, C. Dlckinseii (iaand L. V; Lane W.D. Smith (HJi) 2 310 170 lllue i.lfl. tf uadrr Serilnn 31, mn-l e "4ISIS-"" BURDOCK BLOOD SITTCSS -Impronrmeiil. again. rore ins uruanre ,.r aurii i.n.. cry, cry, cry L. O. LARSEN id wbr-n Uie bUwd II purined IlK plinp. H(K:., 22; J. Shakespeare nml May (0 fi 003 ir,G FISIIKHMKN! IIKMFMIIKIII! Our Mmtr. ll IT is wonderful what Ir Hill vtnlib and you villi bv rb-ar, Jl. Menxie. iSOin, IC; H. Frizzell Oreen (l a 093 I do machine and Idackmiiilh shop fiataBt ipi ins nJT " - PAINTER alacrity Iwaltliy roinplrtloii. (SOC, 10; W. Illylhe and K. Warrior "( ' LANO A0T. 1151 HH Jh Wi. open. do new and f-e. Colonel peck ami the returning Win Mary E. rtanagan, n. n. Vo. S. officer showed in agreeing to an Rl'llt, Out., wrllra: "I aunrd for Mackiulosti (Fr, and II. Kluarl Dr. West (O) .... 7 I I 43 pair work in all linen, Satisfaction Mailu In tikretia ml lainilM Land InMri.la Aaalf l, K-I lae''"'"ilaia lflf'" 'annulment of the federal elec. abuul lo year wllh pimplea aixl bloltliea siici, n; it. iMScnii imh.i anu Tinker (Hi 0 078 l53 guaranteed. .Vogue. A rtei of fnwv l-i, B. f , u,Zm lirriklnr cm isi injr fare. TU dorlor tald W. It. Martin (';)i ' Fleming (O) , 2 315 158 Parent li .Vcw'Masset. kbuu InlM. srrond WM froM liouIn this constituency. ral UV. .ut TORK'S ii raiiKru ojr uaa uiuoo. vj iar m . A Silv"erides j(S) ,7 1071 153 Take imilra met .iar iians -. f,j t to bad llial I didn't Ilk to so oul Inlerniediale. 'l.etigiie-AV. Mil-arwHir ' BOATS FOR HIRE M-euisiiluii loafer, intends '.,'ii.a' S NOW II perfectly clear Hut crowd or people. One day f a! ,, (, 111.11... (u T. Hilversiden fo ,103 152 ariiiiiiHi In Hie rmm iiisl SELL uminr 10 and ihe nj'" i''''..1''' ;' Mllllsell 0 HIMI l Afl.nmiriDe ai a p""V i friend, adrlaed m IU (S)-.. KH.'I 117 COMINO r...-" Progressives arc just like all Hie poww-ljiunch ",Nnr-belliong" lit KAarfMl l.ial.l fnfO l .hn. rl 1 bolile of Burdork Ul.ssl pittrri and '; IvMackllitonli (C),-.?; Parr oij I IU 138 rail aide of klmta Intel, IbelU-e J ,( TOVES. oilier politicians. They are Iry II. I Juil look Ihrre boiilra, and literal H. Asliiri iK0j.,l3; II. Frlxrell i: rain iioj asking you niilli. Itienre rbalna eal. IJ" tai asking for Ihe abolition of Ihe waa not a bloltb or plniple of any .kind. i('t) j- j,- Hinllhl (SOC) , 38; Y .Morgan 2 271 117 fur a Job, I rim offering ynu ronialnine iii arres more le- n,,r.i( Canadian' Senate. Kl. m'MiK VI . Ilirim. BBrl l.ltl WII4I Morrison '(MKJ) 35; S. Harell- Thompsiii (O) I 1115 105 a service at reduced prices. tixixu iixnoi n -Hxvjnitn. v I had ued and I ald, 'BurdiKk Blood VU-tera La Cusse (O) .... I UK lot - Phone Itlack too. luie liM,mh M in'l , . Jones W. Davies (K) rliaed Ihrra'." iH5, "5,-K. F.asson (Ii) I 09 00 Fred Stork's Hardware Wli. are making wonderful D, a. n. baa been on h market for 23; V. U. LaCiit"e KC, 20; T. BOARD. TAkr NoTirr NOTicr.mat arirr pi'ii'T'ir!, progrrss, according in Mr. Ibe rl ii yrarc, ao you are not eiperl. Ilulvernn f0(;), J5; T. Moloney Oiv the preference when you THK dining I IhU........nollre u ...for......etie am im.nlli lh hrty'v u it Second Avbnus Meiglien, 'J'he railways wjll not iuenilti, wut, wime new and imtrfcd (K(J) all(, II, M,C)H1 (OJ, II; buy In, Ihe merchant who iidtcr Inlnmler new Is room at I ha lolnl Hlork Comeanles. Vleiena, ,) yi PHONE BLACK 114 lon m n re limn fifty nillion dol. now open, Hoard litif Ike iian.e llw eniopepr Put up V. D. Sn.itli .), A Aslori (KC). Uses in the daily newapapers and by the week or tnontli, Phono l-rlnr. Joirsrl lW A lU.C'.'.iAn' Iar this '7ar. ' Umua. Toroalo, I3;.W Illylhe 4KC), 12; W. F. buy advertised good). 137. , tf fft Wllliarti,OOl.nHlooMS Manaon a I S,'",Xi,oil V.sle. II