January 20, 1022. Thursday, THE DAILY NEWS PA(1E JACK MILLER LIQUOR Local and Personal CASE IS Ask Yourself ! Proved That, Liquor In Question 1 or a TjkI, phouii 07. W Had necessary Requirements MIUBANKJf In Way of Seals, One Having George Leek, Auctioneer. tf Covered 12 Bottles. W'lnil linpreHnlon will ! Irller lilalc on Hie receiver Will II Ji. C. Undertakers. IMione 41. If .lack The raoe ngaiiml Miller. ravorable or ollierwisef Your friend may ovci-loolTiid l ctiawil willi having lfiior wilh. la ic In your m.-lwllmi or liilioiiei, hut remember Unit others Launch "Oh Baby.". - Blue 548. mil K'al in bin pooeslmi. wii iJhmiMscd in the jtolire court thl mU judge " much ly Hi" dallniicry, aw by Hi" language Hayners, Undertakers, l'hone niortilng by KlfpeinliMry Magi-hale ,iU US''- 'l I"1"s. .. to """ "lily H"! lCl. 351. lf .I. II. McMullin. it wax r n: ; proven thal llie liiiio'r had the Cul Flowers, Dull.. City Mar Cbunllt Wh mrry in slock mi aorlnienl Unit will appeul to tin- iiiimI kcl. if nrrexnary reiiuln-iiienls In Ihe lo way or seals, I lie i'&ie having llirul !ulc iiIkI ill l price MiiIy wilhin the rcauli of nil. been en led IrV llif pneriuneiil I'reh Hem-fug. i'. It. Fish vendor al Victoria. The liquor 50c to $3.50 box Market, (f win"Oil otijereij Sunday,reiornni.lliiniiury I. Miller per Cah for Victory Hondi. Tho wrt lnppeil on Hie si reel iy McLlyinoiit. tr ConslaljTe (IWgaii or Hie City po We solicit your Inspection. 4 lice and found in povxepMioii of.a l.itv Market fi'r Minis. Ouullly Imllle of lewar' wliiky inlaei xrelli'iil, prices right. F. W but willioiil any overnineiii .Mocrch. a r if se.'il on It and wn iiinnefllalely arrecteil bv Hie constable ami We il" expert 1iii. rfimirfiitr lakeu lo the 'pollrc lalion, where while vim w-uit al MrArlhilr' he wax lei ili f on SI 00 hail. Shoe Store. 22 The eafejTatne up before Maii- iHlrale M ivM ill I i n on Tuesday. We, only li.'i 1 1 t prime nicer laimary 'J, Mr. Oouzalcs defend beef. Kalifai-lioii guaranteed. ing. -!- Market. If Mr. Miller explained to Ihe eoorl dial I lilt boitle xei.ed wa Our .plillK ock nf l.illoliMIIII ijig of a ea?! inioorjj.il from Al-lierla iiiul rarpei ha arrived. Harries and upon whieh 'he had I u in i;ii re l(tuie. - ,ir RUPERT BRAND paid llie'goVejrilihienl duly of til',; . . . . and lo' and had rVcelwij from J. Moi-n arrlVfl lal night from (Jonlrol Ihe l.iqii'tr Hoard, a tel Ketchikan and i rcgiolei-fd M ler arktiowieding tatiie' together Kippers and Bloaters Hie Hotel Prince lluperr. '" willi a feal ' flicker to, be al- lached o I lie cae in Which (he We lev hcadiuarler fur l.ojr. bolllei arrived. Mr. r.onzale ;rer Pools inad to your men pleaded that no law had l'ei i ur. MeArtiniV Shoo Store. ! broken Hie a liquor wa legally for Salt at held by Mr. Miller. i.. .i, .ioiinon lia laki-n otil a Atler several ror adjournment ALL RETAIL STORES billldili permit for a IUI re Ihe pnrpoe or llinjt into eoin-inuiitcaf idence, on Shlli Aveum Ha-I. ion with Hie Control The Most Tasty Breakfast Food Hoard wilh regard Liquor to llo Jul received large ti if ni.if lain of 1 1 1 1 1 liquor. MaUlrale . Obtainable f l;-'le Shoe lied Slieli) for McMullin IliU iii'Minn iliMni.- boy' and youth. McArthur ed Ihe rae and Ihe hoi lie ot Shoe SI ore. liquor way returned to Mr. Miller. Smoked Daily by COLONEL PECK TO 'I'll Knlchliif Colu'inhii will Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. ogaiu I'alriek'n liav hay cliarirf Omeert of on I lie March SI TIMBER BUSINESS PRESIDE AT DINNER Lumber Lath & PRINCE RUPERT I? !hi year. DROPPED TWELVE AND Former member of the (Gill Charlie l.eClerei. the Hair ilanadian Seoltisli met on Friday A HALF PER CENT. uihl to (Iicus arrailgemeiil tor ilrewr. Marrel wnviiiK anl Shiplap-Boards and al Iri-nliiiciil. St. I'lliKi HoteS Hie annual dinner always a IUmiiii 0. I'lioiie (iriH-ii 010. If Acrordin? (o relurils compiled function attended by core or men by I lie Core-it Hraneh and iueil who scrvol wilh the unit in Dimension Stocktaking Comes in 2 Months. 'lln- fiiMrral or the lati K, I'. l.y Hie Hon. T. I). Pallullo, Mill France, say the "Province ot. recent I'arcoii will lake phlee totnomiw itler of Land. Hie limber in dale. ' Thoroughly Air Dried and Stored Under Cover aflernooif al ' ;:.(( .frilm Hie lu'lrj' ha haXi)i jelive year in Air, energetic- toiiiniilee wa 'hapi'l of I he II. i:n.lfakT. pile of (he. dnivvjiaekx of fill I in-, fjecled lo go ah'eail with Ihe'ar-ranemcul Until that time we will ofler price and a qpiel home market and II will report pro-gre Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding lle.ene Friday nighl for Hie During Ihe year t.THO.ooo.non to another meeling on Specials in Several Lines Soiim and Mailghlerx of llnjitainl teel board measure, or all xrade Thurday. January 20. lousla and Finish hli Drive and Mance in llu K wn scaled and reported o f In Johnston wa in the chair, and all I. Hall al ri:3ii. AJiniion snr Forcf llranehi comoareil wilh lhoe present exp-e.ed Ihe Imp. SPRUCE LATH CHOCOLATES s.oHU'uo.oon dujrioK DJ. Ihal 0l. 'Cy" Peck, V.t:.. I.s.ti.. French ll ha mmi ne,rlainrd by (In "Thl,i.fl tlivp ir nly I2'4 vvould ! able to preide a I Ho Manufactured in Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prices tiH-al Mlirr thai Anii MiAfk.-lt per cenl," haiii. Mr. Pallullo. "II ;alheriUK Hits year, a lo- wa about Hit iiiiiti eiiinVi-r from IHaliy niilfl bo iviiienijieird. liow'er. ill Ollawu last year. Nlaud. ha uont' lo Sii-wnrl. 'I'lir 'hal I'.i.'o wa a record year wilh I lie artlial dale of lire ilinuec PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. Ivory STATIONERY proviitfial pidii'r were invest i-Katiuit Hie i in 1 ll I t-y exertius every et- will lie given out later, and all thr malli'i' iiir- the nil forl al increaeil product ion. 10th men arc aked lo waleh Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 361 of III!" Wfek. "The pr'viou hiirli Ji-iir wh for if. sold clear. e I'.HH when Ihe -eale wa 1.701.- These will be at cost to Pill Dab', uiicral maiiaitfr "f UOO.OOO or "lighlly thafi NOTICE. the I'riMiiier Mine al Slewarl, ae-'iiipanii'U lt"S I. ORMESHlTED l'.v Mr. Dale and "The limber i 1 1 1 1 1. I ry ha been' Anyone having aci-miuK daiiplil,r. are on Hie way i?ulli luring the year one or Ihe big again! Hie Travrllec' t:iuti Mil.. on lir ali'iimer Aliyox. Mr. Dalr factor in our industrial life and will kindly present lln-in iiumoil-iutely The Pioneer Druggists The RexallStore will i-ml a holiilay al Sail likr in pruvidhiK work ami markets. o .lame X. Kijl.is. Pi im-i- GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY ('ily -Im'Toi') I'l'liiriiing, nlid will Hoilthlcrahle crcilil. i due to llupcrl, II.C. Uikely he away u mould or I wo. lhoe who, In plti' or Uur, ad Ilaled. January :,.t, 111.'., S. S. PRINCE RUPERT will sail 11 p.m. Wednesday ror Ax.ip.lanl Manager Siiillh iri in vere roiMlllnti". Kepi (heir los it JAMFS X. KII.I.AS Anyox Midnight Thursday for Swatisun Hay, Oueau Falls, rliariff (lining hin alceiift' ing cani and mill opened ! Powell diver. Vancouver, Viftoria and Sealllo. and achieved tor" Ihe I'rovi'ice S. S. PRINCE JOHN lor all point on .Northern and Cakes Iced to Order. NOTICE. uci a record." ANNOUNCEMENTS Southern (Jueeu Charlotte Islands January 30, February 13 and 27. For Slewarl. February 2 and 16. To uieinlierM Hlki' l.tulye. An . CARD OF THANKS. Oirl (iuides Chapter. !.0,J.F. Train Service. Annual Children's lire. Individual Mince Pies, Pumpkin Pies, Etc. nual election or orrirer louiglil. Mr. Orirritli and her daugh Hall, l-'riday. January Fancy 27: Passenger MONDAY, WtDNCSDAY and SATURDAY at 11:15 Specialist In Birthday and Wedding Cakes i. in. For SinHlii.rs, Prince Oeorge, l'.dinonlou and Winn... BIRTHS. ter, Mr. Diniliar. wih lo convcy eg. making direct connection for all points i Eastern OUR PASTRY 15 UNEXCELLED their .ini-r-.r !!i;;h!;b to tli.'ir Diill'l foivi-l. (MdJige Social Canada and Fr.itetitates. "The Home of Oomestlo Bread" A daughter was born lo Mr mauy friend for Die kind ex and Dance. FHiriuiry tiui. Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. and Mr. K. Matsiigi. or Skeena pressions ol .vmpalliy received r t City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue Phone 260 THE LACASSE BAKERY Oily al the (leiieral HopI(al yesterday. ill their reeeiil bereavement. l.O.D.Ii Midwinter Carnival, February 3. Avenue P. O. Box 413 Phone 190 717 Third A daughter wilt horn HI Mr FULLER'S SPECIALS and Mrs. O. I. Smilh. or IV.'." Ktii :hts if Colutnhu Aniuiiil Figlilh Avenue Fal al Victoria Dance Fehruary ) CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY on January t. Special Creamery Huller. 40c.l J a inn uur frozen hon ing bait Is conceded by flsheriiien llltiokfield and K.C.D.. 45o. A lu be I In; Uncut procurable at any I'aciflo Coast i"reh Corree, 3 lbs. Tor S1.00 B.C. Coast Services I'ort and It ii "Fishy." 1'rice. 130 per ton. Cream of Wheats 25c. A Certain Man IPP The bent way or Insuring u good quality trip is Cliristif' Soda, tin. 65c. to huVo' plenty or our hard frozen ice. l'rlco, Maific itakiug Powder, 'v. Sailings from Prince Rupert 1 per 95c. in This Town Ontfife 0ur HMiulp-tJ store can supply Ashing gear, American Corre 65c;,i . For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway vUirilS finlieriiieu's clothing, groceries and provisions Wedding' Hreakra), 55c. Needs Watching! January 2, 16, 30; February 13, 27. ui'd hardware. llogiM'ti' Syrup, :')t ;25c. PaeiHc Milk, a few days only. He may be your father, your For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattl NEW ENGLAND FISH Company per case, $5.25. brolher. or your on. Whosoever January 7, 21; February 4, 18. Kstchlkan, Alaska Branch Hrookricld Huller, 45c. ho may be, wo will Corn. Uis tins. 3 for 50c. "watch" It i in for a very low-price Agency for all Steamship Lines. Two in I polish, 12'c this week al our wateh Full information from Slieed I'l'ai-lies, per I in. 25c. sale. W. O. ORCHARD, General Agent BEAUTY OP THE SKIff Pure Olive Oil, gal., $5.50. See'some prices as Ihu wiiu DENTISTRY Corner of 4th Street and' 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. O. la tin ntlural drain ot tint vnuian, .No. , .lap Itlce, 3 lbs , for 25c, ilow. Ask for any oilier t'U.Mi nd U Ololmrnt oltainnlla lluipl(W.hr Ui blarklimda,iih of r. F.uipces Cocoa, V lb. 25o. kind or vvalch. I'iiiiT neglect your leelli. One decayed or missing tooth Irnuilnn roimhiiiiH anil and acam radnva dlaaiNr.of Hi akin,and Toilet paper. 5c, . lowers vitality. llw akin la lafk aott,smooth and vrlr. II. C. I'rush Kggs. 50c. John Bulger, your All Wiultod,awlara,Tnronlo.or Udmanaon,Hanipl Katra frm Hi If (to.,you Ontario Cheee, er lb. 25c. UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED. iiiunuoD tli la iwr. The Jeweller Stlllnm from Prluc Hucertt Our 00c Tea, 2 lbs. for DR. BAYNE regular ror VaneoiMtr, Victoria, railing al Swiintou Hay,orein Fall. Tuemliy. S f JO. 950. For Perl tlmpaon, Naaa Rlaar, Anyai and Allot Arm. Sunday, fuldulfDI, 109 Calling at Ocaanlg and Naaa Harbor on atiliott Oct. SI, Aqv. 4, 19, Dae. "oom 4, 5, 0, Helgerson Block ?0" l-liplisst, Co free, ('., 55c. 4, II, Ju. . . "Mom !:Ui-&:30; Armour's llacon. Special, 37)o Calllno at Somardlla, Kumaon, Mill Bay on ailllnn Oct. IS, 10, Nov. II, Hours: Morning, t-l?: Ulernuous. 7. lc. II. SI, Kyt'iiiugs. 7-0. SZ3 SmoaS Aanu JACX BARNSLIY, Agent Prtac ur, . 0. Advertise in Ihe Daily News.